IELTS Line Graph - ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“‰Writing Task 1 - Sample Answer from a TEACHER

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Hello, my name is Chris from IELTS Daily. Welcome to this writing video. We're looking at the academic task one and we're going to be focusing on line graphs. In this video. I'm going to be writing a sample answer on my computer and you will be able to see what I'm writing, and I'll talk about everything that is going through my head. I'll share some of my ideas so that hopefully you can improve your writing task one. this is for line graphs, and I know many of you find line graphs quite difficult, so if you're ready, I'm ready. Let's start. Hello, students and a very warm welcome. My name is Chris from IELTS daily and as I just mentioned, we are looking at its writing line graph today, Line graphs are popular in the writing task two for the academic version. So let's begin. What do I want to talk about first? Well, I want to give you my three top tips on what you should be doing in your academic writing. The first tip is that you need to organize your writing well, that means thinking about paragraphing and logical organization, especially if you want to meet a band seven. You also need to be thinking about making comparisons. But, only where relevant I see so many students who continuously make irrelevant comparisons. Finally, you need to cover all the data that you see, especially in this line graph and I will provide a sample answer a little bit later. So what do we need to do before we begin? So I want to look at a model answer and I'm going to write it with you guys so that you can see how my brain works when writing an answer. Here is our question which if we read it, says The graph gives information on the popularity of three subjects at a regional university between 1960s and 2020s. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. We can see that there are a percentage of student enrollments in medicine, science and humanities. Medicine is in red humanities is in gray and sciences in blue. On the axis the Y axis shows a percentage, and on the X axis we can see the years 1960s to 2020s. So it's fairly understandable, it is fairly easy to understand. What do we need to do before we start before we begin? Well, the most important thing is to understand the data. Understand what you are writing about. Let's look back at the line graph and to do that we need to think about the main trends. What are the main trends that you can see in this particular example? Well, I can see that, firstly, the red line, which relates to medicine actually goes up. The science line, which is in blue stays about the same, and the gray line, which relates to humanities, shows a downward trend. It goes down and those are our three trends, and we'll need to use those when we write our overview. Remember, if you need a band seven, you need to write a clear overview. What do you need to do next? Well, next, you need to organize your paragraphs. Your paragraph needs to be logical. So when I looked at this, I thought that there may be are three ways to talk about your paragraphs sorry two ways to talk about your paragraphs but split into three sections. The first option is to write organized based on category. So we have three categories which are medicine, humanities and science. The second option would be to look at, The time period so you can organize it based on time. Again, we'd write three paragraphs may be 1960 to 1980, 1980 to 2000, and 2000 to 2020 those would be my two options. Personally, I prefer option one. It's a little bit easier to write, but as long as it's clear why you are writing a paragraph, then you could argue that it's logical. So I want to write a sample answers. We should start writing now, but before we do, I should remind you that there will be some homework at the end of this video. Make sure you stay to the end if you like the video, give us alike, but the homework will be requiring you to do your own writing, and I will maybe have a look if I have time. OK, let's begin. All right, are you ready to start writing? I am, let's remember what our line graph was about. It was a graph about the popularity, or the percentage of student enrollments in medicine, science and humanities. In your writing, you're going to do it in three stages. The first age is going to relate to your introduction. Then you're gonna write your overview and then you're going to write your three body paragraphs. in this case, there were three but remember that in other writing task he might have two, you might have four or you may even have five, so we're gonna put body paragraph one body paragraph and two and body paragraphs three they're going to be our. Three subjects as we discussed before, remember, you could do about time, but I prefer to do about the subject. The introduction is going to be the paraphrasing of your title. Let's read our title again. The graph gives information on the popularity of three subjects at a regional university between 1960s and 2020s. All you need to do now is paraphrase that in different words, so I would say. The line graph OK gives information we could say provides data. On the popularity of three subjects where we could look at the title, which says the percentage of students enrolements Can you see that? So we could say on the proportion of student enrolements at a regional university. And we could say from 1960 to 2020 regional enrolemtns we could even say in three different subjects. OK in three different courses may be, at a regional university, so there is our Introduction, let's check spelling. The line graph provides data on sorry, the proportion. Let's check this. the line graph surveys data on the proportion of students enrolements, in three different courses and at a regional university from 1960s to 2020s. Change lots of information there. It's fairly and it's accurate, so I'm happy with that and we will come back later to check. It's always useful to check, so we're going to say overall, and many students asked me where do I put the overview. Personally, I prefer to put it as the second paragraph. You could do it at the end. we discussed before that our main trend. and the overview is about the main trend. What did we see before where we saw that? medicine went up, we saw that humanity's went down and science remained about the same. OK, and that's going to be the information that we use in our overview. Overall, the popularity of medicine. increased during this period, while. humanities experienced a decrease a significant. decrease in the percentage. of enrolements, OK? Science. remained relatively stable. Over the, 60-year period I remember that when you write it as an adjective, you don't write it as a plural, because this is an adjective OK. That's our. That's our. Overview done nice and easy. Let's read it again. Overall, the popularity of medicine increased during this period, while humanities experience a significant decrease in the percentage of environments, science remained relatives relatively stable over the sixty year period. So our body paragraphs we're going to split them up into three subjects. OK, and we will do the following. Medicine. Increased. In popularity. Starting at, twenty percent. In 1960 and reached a peak of Thirty five per cent in two thousand. You could say after which time, but that's a very complex sentence. Let's start with it. nice and easy. After this point. It decreased. Slightly. and finished at. Thirty percent at 2020s. Great, that's medicine done. We will come back to it to see if we can make any comparisons. Humanity's witnessed A very different trend. The enrollments Started at Forty five percent in 1960s, And Decreased. Significantly. Over the period. Falling to Around seven percent in 2020s, Becoming the least. popular course type. That's an example of a comparison, But a paragraph three. we'll talk about science. Science remained relatively stable. Starting at Thirty percent in 1960, It decreased slightly. Over the next. Forty years, but returned. to the same level. in 2020 and was equally as popular as medicine. OK, 149 words, I am looking good so far, Nice and cleer paragraphing. let's read it again, and we will check what we've done. The line graph provides data on the proportion of student enrollments in three different courses at regional university from 1960 to 2020 Overall, the popularity of medicine increased. During this period, while humanities experienced a significant decrease in the percentage of enrollments, science remained relatively stable over the sixty year period. Notice here how we don't really have any numbers or figures or details. These are the main trends. Medicine increased in popularity, starting at twenty percent in 1960, and reached a peak of thirty five percent in 2000, After this point, it decreased slightly and finished at thirty percent in 2020. And? And we've already mentioned the equal we won't do that again. Humanities witnessed a very different trend. The enrolment started at forty five percent in 1960 and decreased significantly over the period. I'm going to say I'm going to put full stop here. In the mid 1980s Now I will come back to this in a second. It. The enrollments Fell, the enrollments fell to around seven per cent in 2020, becoming the least popular course type, Science remained relatively stable, starting at thirty percent in 1960 The enrollments decreased slightly over the next forty years, but returned to the same level in 2020, and was equally popular as medicine. One hundred and fifty two words done. Ok, really nice clear paragraphs. I can see what the the point is. if you wanted to do it with time, it's a little bit more difficult, but there's no fixed way and we've covered all the data that we see in the line graph, and that should be over a band 8. As I mentioned, I want to give you some homework. This homeworks really important for you to improve. you need to download the PDF, which you will find in the description below, Download the PDF and do a sample writing in twenty minutes. Complete the task in twenty minutes and then copy and paste your answer into this comment section. Below this video, I will take a look and maybe give you an approximate score and you can compare your answers with the other students who do this as well. I think that's really useful. Thanks for watching. I really hope that you found this useful with me talking about my ideas. If you did, please make sure that you subscribe like this video and share it with any friends who are taking the IELTS academic test. I would be making some other videos for the general test If you're interested and for those people that are doing speaking test soon, make sure you watch all of my recent speaking questions videos. See you.
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Id: 8wGJrN_WwNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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