IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Band 9 Strategy

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you from europe i hope everybody is having a good weekend so far staying strong staying healthy and being productive welcome everyone welcome new members this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch it's a good idea to watch because the information from this class will be useful for the next one coming up in 90 minutes this class is speaking part two the cue card the long response in the ielts speaking section and of course speaking part three is connected to part two and we will be covering speaking part three in the next class in about 90 minutes where everybody can join in on the chat so uh welcome members hi janil hi carolina hi hassan um again just a reminder these classes are presented to you by that's this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat what you hear what you hear me say questions and answers so don't just repeat answers repeat questions as well it's really good practice and then for those students studying for the general ielts make sure to check us out at g that's these websites of ours they're world leaders in online ielts preparation and you can even practice your speaking there for those students who haven't uh checked these websites out yet i'll quickly show you those since these are speaking classes so just uh bear with me a moment here members this is our academic website here with the blue background uh once you are a member you can go to your my student account and then when you're in your my student account you have access to videos interactive courses original practice exams and this function here the student partner speaking the student partner speaking when you click on that you access another page and then you will find some users usually on this uh page here and then here you can connect with those users so you just click on them and then ask them to join up for speaking make sure to keep the page open if you don't see any users online like right now there's no one here just wait a few minutes and then someone will come in to the speaking if you cannot connect for some reason just wait just be patient and wait for another user there are restrictions on chat programs internationally unfortunately so you have to be patient okay all right for a general ielts website it looks like this with the green background same idea you can click that big red button to join and then you'll get a my student account and you can use the speaking practice for free okay it's absolutely free to use all right let's get into it members um so speaking part two we have an original cue card question for you today okay carolina says i've used it it's great thank you you're very welcome carolina yeah keep using it we're always working on it updating it um it's quite complex chat programs as you can imagine are very complicated pieces of software so but definitely keep checking back hassan is asking a question too hassan is asking in speaking they assess our context or ability to communicate effectively yes absolutely hassan yeah the speaking is not just a language exam which measures your vocabulary uh or your grammatical range okay so uh it's in the uh marking criteria hassan so remember students that you're marked basically in four categories and um it's quite actually quite complex the marking scheme for the reading or sorry for the speaking and for the writing um they work really hard to try to make it as fair and valid and reliable as possible so hassan for your speaking marks there are four criteria for groups and they're called number one uh fluency and coherence number two uh grammatical range and accuracy number three lexical resource number four pronunciation and the one that um pronunciation um and the one that uh really makes up most of your mark hassan is your fluency and coherence okay and if i had to say which one is the most important of all it's coherence okay coherence means how clear detailed and accurate your answers okay so this is how clear detailed and accurate your answers it's basically hassan your communication okay which of course includes context grammatical range feeds into coherence fluency feeds into coherence grammatical accuracy feeds into coherence lexical resource feeds into coherence pronunciation feeds into coherence so there's an idiom in english and i think in several other languages as well all roads lead to rome has everybody heard that before all roads lead to rome okay uh this basically means that um no matter what you do at the end of the day you're being assessed on your communication especially hassan it's a very good question because remember that in the speaking okay band six equals fluent english okay so when a student gets a band six for their speaking it basically means they can hold a conversation so they can keep talking and they don't get stuck thinking for words or thinking for grammar so they can just talk talk talk okay so if you keep that in mind hassan and then basically anything over band aid so any score over band six sorry is looking more at your communicative ability than your english okay so this is especially important for students who want those band sevens eights nines that want those fast track visas or you're applying for master's degrees doctorates and so on and it makes sense right in a master's program you can't just fluently speak english but you have to be a good communicator otherwise you will have problems so any score that's above band six they're assessing more your communication than your actual english skills does that make sense so is that sensible right um band six is what most people need for a basic immigration visa which makes sense because you don't have to be a great communicator to function in a canadian or australian society you can work on that and improve that when you're already living in the country all you have to be is just a fluent user of the english language which is a band six right okay now um oh yeah 91 thank you for joining i saw that okay carolina said 6.5 for immigration a little bit more than being fluent yeah so yeah carolina depends for some people even a 5.5 but yeah the scores are always going up when i started teaching isles believe it or not carolina i think it was five for about 10 years ago for immigration but it's going up expectations are always going up so um yeah so mahilo oya thanks for joining uh mahila make sure to send me an email so i can hook you up with your perks okay and communicate in the class so don't be shy uh be active um i'm gonna definitely try to catch your comments as well and send me an email to adrian at so i can hook you up with your uh perks for your level of membership okay all right so um we're doing speaking part two now and then speaking part three after uh thanks for the questions members uh welcome os welcome rajvir and pretty um it's okay to just throw questions at me so if you have a question that comes to mind and you're like hey wait a second i really wanted to ask this just put it in there hopefully i'll catch it if i do i'll answer it okay it does not distract me as long as it's relatively on topic okay so just throw them out there if you're thinking it there's a good chance one of your classmates is also thinking in okay so uh here we go part two cue card okay part one usually quite good for a lot of students these days they practice it a lot it's some kind of a general topic about you in many cases your favorite type of food the clothing that you usually wear where you work where you study so you go past those part one questions that's where you build a lot of confidence and fluency and then you get to your speaking part to your cue card what do you do first okay so what do you do first once you flip the card and you see this question so describe something you made for me yourself or a friend or family member so you flip this card the examiner says you have one minute to look at the questions think about your answers take notes if you wish your one minute begins now you turn over the card you see these questions what do you do strategy is so important students it's so important here that you are on mark and you're just basically doing step one step two step three step four step five and you're not just kind of stuck in this frozen confused nervous state okay yeah so jaineel says carefully read the questions and read the uh title statement twice yeah very good gineal so step one i know we have quite a few new members these days which is great so i'm going to go through these steps uh nice and systematically here okay so step one read the questions carefully a lot of students just look at the questions too fast carefully and read the topic statement twice okay one of the most common mistakes is that students speak off topic this is a really bad mistake because it not only drops your score for part two but also negatively affects part three okay so you have to make sure that you do not speak off topic and in order to do that you have to read this topic statement two times okay two times so be very careful here we go part two describe something you made yourself for a friend or family member one more time describe something you made past tense yourself you made it for a friend or family member not just some person or not a teacher okay but a friend or family member right so if you start talking about what you made for your teacher in the class like a project you're going to do bad because it's not asking about a teacher an arguably teacher unless you somehow try to explain that they're your friend will be off topic okay so be very careful all right what it was how did you make it when did you make it who you gave it to how did you and your friend or family feel about it okay so you have to make sure that you answer all of these questions all right okay cool so you read it and the reading should only take you 10 seconds okay we're we're not looking at a lot of words here so rajvir says the category is item and the tense is passed very good rajvir that's your next step thank you rajvir so step two is identify grammar and category okay so you identify the category it's going to be either an object person place event or idea it'll basically fit into one of these and then your grammar past present future or a combination okay i know that some of you have heard about this talk about the past present future uh that's not always a good idea okay so remember talking about past present and future is not always a good idea and future for any question is not necessarily a good idea like in this case okay so if you spend a significant amount of time here talking about the present and the future there's a good chance you're going to go off topic because most of this conversation or most of this monologue your little mini presentation should be dealing with the past tense this is an event that happened in the past and an object that was made in the past okay so here it would not be wise to focus a lot on present or future the examiner would kind of be inside they won't show this to you but they'd be scratching their head going why are you talking about the future when the question's asking you about how they felt about it what was the object what did you use to make it it's obviously mostly past tense here okay so um everybody clear on that past present future because i think that's a really confusing advice that a lot of students get this ppf past present future works for some questions some questions it's okay if you look at the question but for many questions it's not okay all right to have that kind of concentration is that clear okay says sure hassan's like yeah okay all right um always be a critical thinker all right so in this case we identify that it's an object okay and when we talk about an object um what do we talk about so what kind of information is generally included when communicating about an object and hassan that's why i really liked your question like are we getting um evaluated for context yeah absolutely right so if i tell you about an object that you have no idea about there's kind of a few different topics that i should discuss so that you're very clear about oh what this object really is okay so rajvir says first of all the appearance of the object yeah what does the object look like especially if you made this object okay so what it looks like uh carolina says it's function yeah so what is it used for so think about its function okay and what is it used for so if you made a necklace for your friend it's used to look pretty or look handsome right so it's function um carolina says it's significance okay and um before these ones carolina there's one that's kind of missing here after function okay so there's one that should be here yeah very good rajiv here just watch the spelling there or origin yeah where does it come from now here clearly you made it but you still have some um components some materials or ingredients uh that you're using to make it so you still we still want the origin right so the appearance the origin the function and the significance and the significance according to you so and this should be the order okay so this really should be the order that you're talking because it makes the most sense what does it look like where did it come from the object what is it used for right and why why what is the purpose so why is this object important or not important so the significance so if you think about this and you have this in your head then it's going to be much faster to create the notes and to create good communication okay all right so know these basic steps for good communication about objects people places events and ideas if you have the right kind of topics for each one of these five categories you will do much better in part two okay and for future presentations on various topics as well okay cool so that's my step two and i figured that out and i know that it's mostly past tense okay in this case so what's my step three right and i know this is a bit of review for some of our members that have been around but it's good review and um uh you're helping your fellow members who are newer to the channel as well to realize the same as what you realized before like aha that's how i can put this together quickly okay so carolina says think of two three possible choices yeah absolutely so think of two to three good possible choices for the question which are original and easy to talk about okay now here's the important part visualize think outside the box and be optimistic rather than pessimistic okay and that's an important one okay especially for an exam where you've just paid like two or three hundred dollars to set the exam and it's going to have a huge impact on your life whether or not you're going to university or immigrating to another country so you should never think like i've never made anything for anyone okay so okay this should not be coming into your mind when you get this task or sorry um part two cue card okay so never think in this way oh gosh i've never made anything for anyone i'm doomed okay that's a terrible way to approach this question uh and unfortunately i see this often with students they're like oh but never okay uh as humans so you should be like this okay okay so this is how you should be thinking about it optimistically and then visualize it you should think as humans we make things for people all the time what are they what do i make for people okay all right so be the optimist is that clear students so the ielts will never ask you a part two question that's an impossible question to answer okay they won't do that because all of the part two questions are designed for men women 20 year olds 50 year old 60 year olds so the questions are never designed so that only one of 10 people can answer it when the ielts examiners are coming up with these questions they sit down they plan them and they're thinking okay let's come up with a question where 99 people from 100 should easily be able to think of some ideas okay so if you're that person that's going i can't think of anything um you're in the wrong okay it's not the ielts examiners that are wrong you are wrong okay believe me it's the way it works all right carolina's like yeah yeah i got it good carolina thanks for the feedback i love feedback members so talk to me okay i'm watching you um all right so give me some ideas uh what are things that we make for friends and family that you could talk about here if you're visualizing okay so describe something you made yourself for a friend or family member yeah carolina cake for my mother's birthday why not of course food we often make food for friends and family so cake for my mom's b day sure yeah that's a good one carolina all right so janil says a ganesh statue uh for my neighbor friend yeah for my friend okay don't say neighbor janiel stay with friend there okay so a ganesh yeah i know ganesh statue the elephant head god uh son of um oh the big god uh gonna statue for uh friend sure yeah you can carve a statue for a friend why not or you can make it out of clay or other materials plastic whatever okay paper mache okay oh it says teaching driving for my brother um you don't make that os that's something that you taught so os you have to be careful if you if you started speaking about teaching your brother driving that would be off topic although it seems like it's correct there you're teaching something rather than making something for someone so be really careful lois that's why we read that first statement twice okay okay pity says a painting of my dad for his birthday yeah painting sure of course a drawing or a painting right painting of my dad for his b day yeah if you're artistic why not if not you can make it up okay yeah daniel shiva that's right son of shiva thank you his ganesh um okay what else so what else do we make i'll let me put one up there because this is true and i did this just the other day i have to share with you a dollhouse for my daughter and it's true i was ah i was just melting all over the place and some of you have seen that kind of picture of my daughter and she's four now and just the other day i made a dollhouse for my daughter out of boxes and other materials okay um what else what else do we make so think outside the box we make lots of different uh so pretty says a meal for my friends to celebrate the long weekend very good pretty pretty be specific so what kind of a meal okay so um chicken vindaloo i believe it's spelt like that yeah uh chicken vindaloo for my friends to celebrate um the labor day long weekend okay good yeah that's a good idea too sure all right see so now you're getting into it so you're realizing that hey there are lots of different kinds of um things that we make okay so food is one as well os picking your brother up from school is still not making something just winter says made a powerpoint presentation for my brother to help him manage his money sure okay so let me just separate these uh so we have lots of good ideas yeah we use computers to make uh certain kinds of things pictures for example as well okay so let me uh kind of do a little bit of separation here and then we'll we'll pick one of these okay okay so um here we go uh let's do these ones then uh and we have lots you only need to come up with three and obviously we've come up with a lot more i just wanted to show you that if you're keeping an open mind you're keeping being positive then you can really come up with a lot of great ideas okay and you'll eventually realize that hey wait a second i did actually uh do something so um [Music] okay now think of an object right so stay away from uh activities so hassan has renovated the living room in my family home with new decorations ha sonia if you made the decorations then maybe but renovating isn't really making an object you could get stuck in a tricky situation there hassan i i know it seems like you're making an object but you're actually renewing an object which is your home so be careful okay mahilo here yeah very good toys for my nephew and niece be specific like i said dollhouse okay so you want to be specific okay um so let's do this so cake let's be specific here um carolina tell me what kind of cake okay ganesh statue that's very nice i think that was janil because it's a statue and it's a ganesh statue okay painting of my dad dollhouse chicken vindaloo okay being specific is important and um a financial powerpoint presentation okay that's a virtual one it's a little bit trickier but it's doable uh vote so pick one of these out let's do one of these so which one okay um one two three four five or six just pick one okay so puitis has a cake just the number just the number vote on the number uh jainil really wants to go with the ganesh statue i think the ganesh statue could be tricky to talk about jainille careful with it painting of my dad all right we have quite a nice split decision here hassan says i support your dollhouse um okay uh yeah dollhouse could be quite easy to talk about um os says a painting of my dad uh for his birthday okay um you know what sure let's go with that one and then everybody can try uh something different after so let's go with painting of my dad for his birthday okay all right sure let's do it so let's do number three i saw a few votes for that looks like we've got a pretty good split anyway most of us can draw pictures right making a birthday card by the way would be another example of a common type so let's go with painting of dad for his birthday all right so that's our choice now our next step is to write down usable notes okay so first you want to think of appearance you don't need to write this in your notes but you want to think of appearance okay so what did your painting look like okay so give me some information about appearance if you're thinking painting let's do it uh let's create some usable notes what does this painting look like okay of your dad so rajvir says it's colorful i don't think you need to write that down regime so i don't think you need to write down colorful in your notes i think that's something that you can remember okay so in to more detail i just wonder instead of portrait size um give me the actual dimensions okay so give me the dimensions maybe um 80 by by 30 or 40. okay okay os says bright colors that's better so okay now um okay so danielle very good so it's a picture of my father riding a horse yeah very good so all right very good wow yeah um i don't think i would ever be able to paint a picture of my father riding a horse but sure okay gineal very good it's an oil painting right so watercolor acrylic oil okay so it's oil on canvas okay running a horse fun memory sure okay good so that's the kind of usable notes that you want to write down the size of that painting the colors that you use the actual colors what the painting depicts what it shows and then what you're using for that oil on canvas now you realize that the appearance here is already starting to answer some of the questions on the card so here's where students sometimes go yeah but adrian what about the questions on the card well when you're thinking about an object as appearance origin function importance or significance you start to answer these questions so what it was how did you make it when did you make it who you gave it to okay so these start to be covered by thinking about this okay carolina says watercolors or acrylic sure those are the common types of paints that we use watercolor oil acrylic watercolors may be a bit easier to use than oil okay good so um origin okay so what's the painting's origin all right where does it come from let's let's go a little bit quick here students so don't overthink it so let's let's uh kind of talk about this you know it's for his birthday you're gonna say that right away in the beginning gineal so you don't need to say that where is this painting coming from it's not made in a factory so where was it made think think about this visualize it critically okay i'll give you a little bit of a hint here okay so i made it in the garage or in my bedroom okay or in my backyard i painted this okay so think about the location of where you made the painting very good rajvir that's what i was looking for so 12 hours okay um or in your studio yeah very good if you're a painter puity maybe you made it in your studio okay it took you 12 hours um or your drawing room sure johnny hill okay all right uh and uh where did you get the supplies okay janiel says worked on it three hours a week for several for a couple months absolutely gineal that's the origin of the painting and where did the supplies come from okay art store down the street okay or rajveer ordered it from amazon yeah i'm sure arts are down the street amazon sells lots of art supplies yeah so those work all right uh now function okay so you've got to move quickly remember you only have one minute uh to think about all these notes and to jot some of these ideas down so you have to move quickly students um what's the function of this painting okay so we already know that it's for his 50th birthday aside from his 50th birthday uh what is the function what's the purpose okay why are you giving your father this painting aside from the fact that it's to celebrate his 50th birthday which is obvious you don't need to write that down because you're going to say that okay very good rajvir show affection and love yeah for my father absolutely yeah owis very good nice os to remind him of this day okay very nice very good carolina decorate his room okay see the level of fluency that you can build up when you go through these steps systematically is everybody getting that so if you try to think about this question of talk about an object you made for someone at significance i think it's really easy to get lost and to start talking in many different directions which becomes difficult for your listener but if you go through it in this way you end up with a very nice structured communication that will be very clear and that's how you'll get that high mark right so this is how you build that fluency so there's your function and then the significance okay um so the significance what's the importance of this painting so here you should uh or you can uh think about the questions on the card as well because they're going to be connected so how did you and your friend friend or family feel about it so think about that as well right how did your dad feel about it okay so what's the significance okay so very good rajiv says satisfaction a high level of satisfaction right [Music] um okay so how did you great yeah exactly pretty very good he cried grateful he maybe he didn't cry but he got teary-eyed okay great so you have more than enough all right now um let's count this up so just so you know okay because of course i'm giving you a lot of notes here but at the end of the day you're really only writing these down so you have one two three four okay so you have 80 by 40 bright colors riding a horse fun memory oil on canvas in the studio 12 hours got the supplies from an art store and amazon show my affection and love remind him of the positive day decorate his room he got teary-eyed he was grateful big hug okay i'm a hugger big hug okay um so uh that's all you write down the rest of all of this that i wrote up here for you that's all happening in your mind that's being prepared so you know that you're talking about an object you know that this is what you have to discuss you go through appearance origin function significance and you're on track and now it doesn't matter what the question object is you know what you're talking about okay hi bisser welcome into the class okay cool so this was our fourth step and now hopefully we still have about 10 seconds left in our one minute okay time has truly slowed down for this lesson um but we have about um 10 seconds left so now we come up with our uh first sentence right so get your first sentence ready okay give me some first sentences members so the examiner says okay your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking before that happens um yeah very good carolina so carolina says i clearly remember uh when i painted my dad for his 50th birthday okay good all right that works rajvir an object which i prepared a couple of months back is an oil painting for my father uh for his 50th birthday yeah and i like um rajvir i really like how you used the topic sentence in your answer that's always a really good idea so an object that i made for a loved one um a couple of months back is an oil painting of my father for his 50th birthday okay cool so let's uh continue from this one and let's just keep going okay let's see how fast we can put this all together so just start giving me the next sentences okay so an object that i made for a loved one a couple of months back is an oil painting of my father for his 50th birthday this painting is oil on canvas portrait orientation about 80 by 40 centimeters in size okay keep giving me more information okay mahi loya that's good but instead of saying i would love to speak about the moment just get more directly into it so say an object that i made um as a special gift uh was an oil painting for my father's 50th birthday the more direct you are the better your communication the better your band score okay keep going with me here students so give me some sentences okay start putting together the notes very good i used a lot of bright and happy colors such as red yellow blue to create a really positive composition depicting my dad riding a horse in fact i created the painting from a real moment that was captured on film back when my father was on a date with my mother this day horseback riding was a or is a very special moment in their past so i decided to paint it okay i'm just making that up just like you okay i'm letting my creativity and my visualization flow okay puiti says painting is oil on canvas 80 by 40 centimeters i made this beautiful painting in my art studio and it took me about 12 hours to achieve it i used a lot of bright colors red yellow and pink very nice pretty yeah the origin doesn't have to come right after so you can kind of intertwine and mix it in pity as you did and i think it works good okay so it took me about 12 hours from start to finish and i had made it in my garage studio at home very good all right nicely done keep feeding me sentences students so i really like what you're doing just keep feeding me more and more sentences okay oh it says the emotion came to mind from a movie that i watched two years ago with my father it is a really fond memory so take your creativity and your imagination os even one step further if it's from a movie then that's great maybe it's a special movie that you and your father both enjoy watching together like gone with the wind let's go right for the gold and speak of one of the legendary movies gone with the wind okay sure okay so let your creativity flow and you have to be calm uh in part two in order to do this okay so be calm confident and be systematic all right rajvir says not only did i purchase some materials like the canvas and brushes from a local store but are also ordered these bright colors from amazon yeah very nice use of that co-related conjunction rajvir so i would do it like this roger i both bought some art supplies from a local retailer the canvas and brushes and i got the bright oil paints through amazon okay yeah absolutely okay uh hassan says i don't really have painting skills but i tried to do this so i drew my father riding a horse when he was an adult however the picture was like my father writing a hippopotamus that's funny hassan um in this case hassan i would just pretend like you are a good artist so careful not to derail go kind of off topic or and to get yourself into an awkward situation trying to be humorous um students have asked me that hassan in the past like is it okay to be funny in the ielts speaking yes but i don't recommend it humor in a foreign language is extremely difficult okay because it's cultural as well so i highly advise you not to go down a path of humor in your speaking be very very cautious with that okay all right but thanks for the smile ha son uh visualizing my father writing hippopotamus and i'm very visual so it's quite funny okay all right um so i'm gonna move this along a little bit here this is where i would check my notes uh check the card make sure that i'm not going off topic pay attention to time so check notes and card pay attention to time and answer all questions okay when my father unwrapped this painting at his birthday party he became very emotional and teary-eyed he gave me a big hug and a kiss i hope or hoped that he would hang it somewhere in the living room or bedroom to decorate his house but to my surprise he hung it in his office okay i was very pleased um that he was grateful and happy that i could express my love through this home made project okay so there we go um let's go over this all right i think all of you did a fantastic uh job with this uh from the top everyone again remember this is a speaking class so speak and repeat okay so an object that i made for a loved one a couple of months back is an oil painting of my father for his 50th birthday this painting is oil on canvas portrait orientation about 80 by 40 centimeters in size i used a lot of bright and happy colors such as red yellow blue to create a really positive composition depicting my dad riding a horse in fact i created the painting from a real moment that was captured on film back when my father was on a date with my mother this day horseback riding is a very special moment in the past so i decided to paint it it took me about 12 hours from start to finish and i had made it in my garage studio at home i both bought some art supplies from a local retailer the canvas and brushes and i got the bright oil paint through amazon when my father unwrapped this painting at his birthday he became very emotional and teary-eyed he gave me a big hug and a kiss i hoped that he would hang it somewhere in the living room or bedroom to decorate his house but to my surprise he hung it in his office i was very pleased that he was grateful and happy that i could express my love through this homemade project all right and that would be your band nine answer okay with the right level of coherence connectedness vocabulary okay and that will work well uh students um we're gonna if that was fast don't worry we'll go over this one more time at the beginning of next class to lay the groundwork for part three speaking which is coming up in 30 minutes so in 30 minutes we'll do part 3 speaking with of course some questions related to this topic so good work everyone work on fluency work on speed as well but importantly remember structure here so communication and structure okay so hopefully i'll see all of you in 30 minutes for the continuation of this class you're very welcome hassan you're very welcome os and again in half an hour part three coming up i'm adrian signing out from budapest for now do remember to visit our websites and use our premium packages at ae help dot com for academic ielts and for general bye for now see you soon you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9
Id: eenZKrSRZsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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