IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Choosing the Best Answer

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from budapest here at the capital of hungary i hope everybody has had a good week staying productive looking forward to a good weekend staying healthy staying strong students in this class we are looking at child speaking specifically we're taking a look at part two which is the cue card it's the long answer it's uh basically where you have to look at a card think about your answer you have one minute to plan so that's what's going on can everybody see me right now because youtube seems to have a little bit of an issue uh hi janiel hi tommyc hi leah janniel can you see me can everybody see me hopefully yes okay all right bobo murad says yeah i can see him all right okay perfect that's good as long as you can see me that's all i need to know all right okay um so uh students this lesson is brought to you by for academic ielts success check us out there for general aisles visit us at g on both of our websites we have loads and loads of materials to help you improve your english your communication and get those higher band scores our academic website looks like this with the blue background you can click that big red button to join the premium package and the general version looks like this with the green background you can click that big red button to join us there if you have questions and for our new members uh please send emails to adrian i'll gladly get back to you all right let's get into this so uh today task or speaking part two tomorrow members will have a question and answer session so get your questions ready members for tomorrow and we'll do a speaking part three uh tomorrow which will be a continuation of this class of this speaking part two class okay so uh pay attention today all right and of course today's kind of theme is uh choosing a good answer so answering wisely it is a really important part of getting a high band score and speaking to have a good choice for your part to cue card okay all right um so you're in your speaking interview the speaking interview takes about 15 minutes and you finish the introductions with the examiner you finished part one that takes about five six minutes and now the examiner says okay that is the end of part one now we will continue with part two for part two here is a card with some questions on it here's some note paper here's a pencil you will have one minute to read the questions think about your answers take notes in the one minute if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak i will tell you when to start and when to stop your one minute preparation time begins now so you turn over the card and this is what you see okay uh step number one numero uno is read the card carefully okay so always really read the card carefully especially this very first sentence okay part two talk about an idea you had to make your life better your life better okay not somebody else's life not life on planet earth but your life so definitely catch that part talk about an idea you had meaning past to make your life better okay all right uh what is the idea when and where did this idea come from what do or did you need to make this idea a reality why will this make your life better and how long will this take okay so that's the card again pay close attention you have to answer all of these questions now your goal is to answer all of these questions in 90 seconds and if you have that 30 more seconds sometimes examiners are in a rush and they don't give the full two minutes but if they give you that plus 30 seconds then in those seconds you want to give details okay so that's what you want to focus on all right uh rafa's asking can we ask the examiner to change the topic no well you can ask rafa but they'll say nope that's your topic that's what you have to speak on so they will not change it for you otherwise students would just keep asking for a new topic until the examiner gives them one that the students like oh that's one i know really well i practiced a lot for it nope you have to answer what they give you okay all right so uh the very very first step so you have this one minute you read the card in about 10 seconds that's fine and um then you identify the card as an idea okay so you realize that okay this is an idea that i had right so topic life improvement controlling idea for my own life okay and this is an idea when you're talking about an idea what do you need to include okay so uh what are some basic elements some key points that you should think about including when you talk about an idea okay every time we have these part 2q cards i explained to students that aside from the questions on the card there are always some key elements that need to be included whether you're talking about a person place object event or an idea so what should you include when you talk about an idea there's carolina answering the question hi carolina so carolina says you should talk about the origin so yes or another way you can say say that carolina's the source of the idea so where it came from the question here is asking about that the significance yeah the importance of the idea so source of the idea the significance of the idea um the idea manifested in reality yeah it's manifestation in reality sure so how we see that idea in the real world definitely that's a good point to think about carolina absolutely uh time of the idea execution and results yeah so uh time uh requirements and results yeah so what's needed for the idea what are the results of the idea so as long as you keep these in mind you're going to be on the right track okay so that is one of the most important points uh to consider okay now you have this okay and then what's your next step so step three what's your next step the order bec john good question is time and source would be number one okay significance number two requirements number three number four manifestation number five results okay that would be the order all right that was a good question okay so negaman says think of two or three ideas yeah so think of two to three ideas that are original and easy to talk about okay so yeah you want to think about two or three ideas this is one of the most important steps in that one minute okay so this is a very important step the better your response the better your speaking band score so this is a really important step here okay so thinking of two or three ideas okay all right so give me some ideas so what are some ideas that you've had to make your life better okay abdul buriti says entering university so going to university all right what else uh nick heyman says going abroad to study sure marasa says joining a gym fitness center okay ah puzzle i love your answer so pusa says doing yoga regularly all right nice abid says not getting married okay beg chun says studying isles all right so taking the ielts exam uh buying a car i saw that one as well okay carolina says studying english or learning english good all right okay um so aleah says playing the piano so lots of ideas for this one that's great so you have a good flow of ideas now uh what you want to do is you want to focus in on a few and you want to make sure that your idea isn't just good but it's great remember the topic of today's lesson it's choose a wise answer okay so choosing a wise answer now um one step in choosing a wise answer is even when you think of answers that many other candidates might choose think about a more unique aspect that will give you an edge allow you to give an original answer with great detail and vocabulary i'll show you what i mean by that okay if you're like what is he talking about okay so um some of you said joining a gym okay so let's simplify that so for example you might say okay doing regular exercise so here's that and one step okay i'm going to call this the and one step so when you're looking at this card and you think oh okay doing regular exercise that's what comes to mind then take it one step further and i think it was puja who said this that says instead of saying doing regular exercise say doing [Music] fitness meditation yoga regularly okay all right so yeah i'm sure you could talk about two minutes uh so talk for two minutes about doing regular exercise and that could be interesting but if you actually talked for two minutes about doing fitness yoga and meditation yoga and how that more specifically helps you to live a better life i think that could be a lot more interesting because probably on that day a lot of students will talk about doing regular exercise so talking about doing a specific kind of exercise like yoga which is really good for the muscles the joints the body the mind a lot of interesting words come into context and you will be able to perform better than if you just talk about exercise in general does everybody get what i mean by this so when you choose your answer think about okay is my answer maybe a little bit too general is there a way that i can make it a little a little bit more unique so it's a little bit more interesting for the examiner and it allows me to give a little bit more unique information so i'm not just one of the hundred students today that set this ielts exam does that make sense okay good so i can see a lot of you are saying yeah that that makes sense so being more specific not just talking about doing regular exercise so um let me then give you a couple more here that you said because you set a few for me let me move these down and we're going to practice converting these before we choose one we're going to convert some of these into some more specific ideas okay so some of you said going to university okay what could you do to make that a little bit more specific so what could you talk about as an idea to improve your life that's not just generally saying going to university but something that's a little bit more specific something that's maybe a little bit more interesting okay so baek john says maybe saying the university's name and location or your major yeah so give it to me okay so all right getting a scholarship better economic life but what do we mean here by going to university so i would say something like okay something specific as a couple of you hinted maybe naming the type of diploma so earning a master's degree in business administration okay so if you start your two-minute response by an idea that i had after high school uh was to earn at least a master's degree in business administration you're going to be on a better track than if you say going to university do you see that so just imagine for a second that i start my response by saying a great idea that i had to improve my life after i graduated high school was to go to university okay versus i'm going to keep it relatively the same so a great idea that i had to improve my life after i graduated high school was to earn a master's degree in business administration over the course of the next five years which one do you think start is a better start to this uh to this response so you see where i'm going with this okay so if i start by saying to the examiner a great idea that i had to improve my life after i graduated high school was to go to university versus a grade that a great idea that i had to improve my life after i graduated high school was to earn a master's degree in business administration over the course of the next five years that one definitely will put you on track to a better uh response yeah absolutely you can feel that right everybody can feel it and see yeah that's way more specific that's gonna be way more interesting okay so uh let's try a couple more here okay so um going abroad to study okay change that into something a little bit more unique and interesting for me okay so going abroad to study so just like we did this going to university earning a master's degree in business administration going abroad to study change that into a more specific idea that's still easy to talk about and that's going to put you on a better track for a high band score so neetu says going to canada to major in toxicology perfect yeah so starting with that is going to be better okay okay uh tannery that's just the paraphrase you're still saying the same so you want to give more details okay more details okay all right uh going to stanford university and studying in the u.s yeah rafa much better so a great idea that i had was to study business in the us okay yeah that's much better so again more specific all right so be more specific um buying a car okay let's uh try that one okay so how can we make buying a car uh into a life improvement idea that's more than just buying a car okay try that one okay so think about a way that you can change the simple concept of buying a car into an even better idea that will help you to give a better response okay i like the game on so uh buying sure that's a that would be a great one so buying a tesla for everyday commute okay there we go see some brilliant ideas out there you just have to be uh visual carolina said the same buying a red tesla yeah so not just any car but you're buying a an electric luxury car okay so uh notice how if you say buying a car all right you could probably say a few good ideas but when you think of buying a tesla for everyday commute and driving now i think that you will be able to think of a lot more great ideas okay okay so for example when you buy a tesla you're buying a luxury car it's a status symbol it's environmentally friendly it's trendy so there's a lot of other ideas that come into mind uh when you think more specific of buying a tesla okay does that make sense so thinking of a more specific idea doesn't uh necessarily make your conversation more difficult in fact it will often make it easier because you will get more ideas sometimes it's actually very difficult to focus and have good speaking when your ideas are really general do you get that does everybody feel what i'm saying there so remember that often ironically when candidates think of very general concepts they get stuck for ideas and they tend to repeat themselves when they have more unique ideas like buying a tesla this in fact helps to be more fluent okay does that make sense so that's why it's good to think of a specific idea okay so uh we have some good ideas here now um let's uh choose one of these so we're gonna stick to these four for now okay so uh doing fitness meditation yoga earning a master's degree in business administration going to canada to major in toxicology okay or um buying a tesla for every day driving which one would you like just vote all you have to do is write the number into the chat and i'll take the most popular vote for the day and then we'll do that one okay so we have some force coming up some twos coming up looks like everybody wants a tesla i know i want a tesla all right okay uh two looks good as well so earning a master's degree in business administration sure all right four and two are very very very popular okay let's go with number four let's do buying a tesla for those of you who really want to do number two hey try that on your own after the class so don't be shy after the class go okay i got the right idea now um i'll do uh that for homework so but for class let's do number four okay so number four now it's an idea don't get lost in the ob that it's an object remember step number four is usable notes so it's still an idea okay all right um so ambekjan had a really good question he said what's the order okay so the order is source and time of the idea okay source and time reason requirements outcomes and if you have time then uh even or if it's possible then revisions okay so that's the order all right so give me some useful notes all right some useful notes so keep in mind the questions on the card okay the questions on the card says what is the idea when and where did the idea come from what do or did you need to make this idea a reality why will this idea make your life better and how long will it take and you have one to two minutes to talk about it all right so uh source of the idea where did this idea come from when did you get this idea give me some useful notes so some notes that are not in your head otherwise okay so when did you get this idea okay i would write down maybe something like okay neighbor maybe you saw your neighbor have one okay or negemon says a year ago my brother recommended it sure okay uh tv ads sure it's the hot topic of the day youtube video yeah peras says watching the launch of the tesla 3 model okay sure okay good and when was it last summer july okay good all right what's the reason let's go to the next one so you're moving along quickly here uh reason okay don't get stuck on one point for too long okay romaine good to see you in the class okay so four years ago when you saw a tesla car exhibited in the shopping mall in the center of the shopping mall sure okay let's go to the next one so uh reason why what is the reason for this idea why why do you have this idea to improve your life okay okay comfort think think think quickly okay drive assistance sure maybe i'm a bad driver okay eco-friendly i just got a new job and they have a charging station free fuel okay save money very good all right so we've got lots there okay save money save the environment eco-friendly okay what do you need so what do you need for it okay what do you need for it save money sure what else do you need for it i think some of you might know this if you've looked into getting a tesla okay don't just say money so say something like 120 000 us dollars right let's say okay but you need something else loan yeah that's a good one okay um and you need a driver's license insurance very good and you might need a reservation teslas are so popular that you actually have to reserve them in advance you can't just buy one like that you often have to make a reservation for them and then they will manufacture it and deliver it to you and there's usually a waiting list i don't know if anybody heard about that but often times for teslas depending on where you are you have to get on a waiting list to get one they're in hot demand all right so how will it make your life better okay um save time prestige in society sure all of those okay good we're doing great so far okay you need some electric fueling stations romaine that's right okay it's a lifestyle sure that's good all right let's get to the next step we're running out of time we don't have much time left in the one minute uh we still have lots of time in the class don't worry but we don't have too much time in the one minute so uh your next step step five is to have your first sentence ready step five get your first sentence ready be very direct okay use the topic statement of the cue card super important so when you think about your first sentence before the examiner says okay your one minute preparation time is up you really have to look at this and talk about an idea you had to make your life better so use this part of the card to answer the question okay so for dobbs says at the moment i remember an idea which transformed my life completely it was buying a tesla to improve my social status okay very good all right that's a good first sentence for dobbs so give me some more first sentences all right good luck meelo beck john says the idea that i had to improve my life is to purchase a tesla 3 last year in july when this car was released sherbeck john that's great uh nitu says the best idea that changed my life for the better was buying a tesla very nice great first sentence okay tanner reed says generally the idea that hit my mind to alter my quality of living for the better was purchasing a tesla very good morass this is an interesting idea that i appreciate and helped up my status is buying a tesla nice sentences students good work all of those are looking really nice so one of the best ideas that i had of late was to purchase tesla three to enhance my quality of life all right there's my first sentence there one of the best ideas that i had uh of late was to purchase a tesla three to enhance my quality of life okay good now we just get right into answering the questions so um the examiner says okay your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking and so you start speaking and students this is a speaking class and i love all the chatter that's going on in the thread but make sure to speak as well okay so repeat after me one of the best ideas that i had as of late was to purchase a tesla three to enhance my quality of life okay give me the next sentence based on our notes based on the cue cards okay so all you're doing here is think of your notes your cue card and the elements to answer questions about ideas okay and the next sentence so what's the next sentence okay i'm not going to give you as many hints as usual because i think you're doing a great job and i think you can really nail this without me giving you exactly what you should say all right so nick heymann says a year ago my brother consulted me to get a brand new tesla three the game the only issue with that approach is then it's more your brother's idea than your idea so this has to be kind of your idea okay so keep that in mind on an idea that you had to make your life better not a suggestion that you got to make your life better so lydia says it came to my mind while i was watching tv advertisements um when i was 18 in the summer to optimize my life for the better okay lydia that's on the right track so this notion started uh brewing in my mind a couple of years back when i saw a luxury tesla ad on tv sure yeah okay that's kind of good uh it started brewing that's a nice idiomatic expression the special one says i decided to buy the tesla when i was waiting for the oil at the oil station two months ago and realized that an electric car would definitely be the way to go as i was waiting for more than three hours so i started to understand uh why these cars are becoming so popular okay so at last say last this idea crystallized crystallized a year ago in july when i spent about a hundred bucks fueling up at the petrol station after waiting 30 minutes in line to get to the pump afterwards i arrived at my destination the downtown mall and there was a beautiful tesla three on exhibit all right and after this class we're all gonna run and buy teslas it's gonna be so convincing of this great idea okay um also students i'm showing you some nice language here and uh i'm using what you're telling me to visualize and to put it all together okay some really clever thinking there students so nicely done thank you for all those uh great ideas okay so here we go this notion started brewing in my mind a couple of years back when i saw a luxury tesla ad on tv at last this idea crystallized a year ago in july when i uh spent about a hundred bucks fueling up at the petrol station after waiting 30 minutes in line to get to the pump afterwards i arrived at my destination the downtown mall and there was a beautiful tesla 3 [Music] on exhibit i then decided that i would get one of these cars as soon as possible there we go yeah so we're moving along nicely okay now we have the source of the idea um now we still need a little bit more about the reason so we can start to infer the reason that we're fed up with gas powered cars but we still want to tell the examiner very clearly the reason so give me the reason students what is the reason that you want this tesla okay sheikh says i'm happy today that we're talking about tesla i'm sure some of you are probably happy if you have stocks in tesla as well okay all right so um why are you getting this car why will this make your life better so reason why will this make your life better keep focusing on the controlling idea of the question never lose that okay so don't just start talking about the tesla and how great the tesla is but remember the question is an idea that you had to make your life better okay all right tannerit says the key features of this automobile fascinated me this would help me preserve the environment and save money amanja says the tesla gives me a luxurious life and not only improves my social status but also provides me with a lot of convenience yeah so the this beautiful electric car would not only enhance my social status as it is luxurious and trendy but it would also help me save time while doing my part in preserving the environment and leaving less of a carbon footprint than driving a gas powered combustion engine okay nice sure so i'm again putting together a lot of the ideas that you're giving me and just making it into some nice seamless fluent natural english language okay so nikhil very much the same says it makes my life better by improving my social status as well as saving my money and time okay uh good now um so you're moving along you're being really fluent what should you do at this point so you're doing a good job the examiner is thinking wow this student's really nailing it they're not just talking about buying a new car but they're buying a new tesla to improve their life what should you do next parmar says just feeling like driving a tesla car right at the moment as if it's right next to me parmar it's great all right um murasa says read the card so look at the card it still amazes me i say this all the time and it still amazes me that there are so many candidates when they're taking the alex exam they look at the card only one time in their preparation and they look at their notes only one time when they're writing them down and then it's as if the notes and the card magically disappear poof and they're gone and then they're speaking to the examiner and they get stuck and they get really nervous and then they start repeating themselves and so the tesla would help me to like save like 50 bucks on gas each month and they're stuck and the examiner's like look at the card look at your notes um they didn't go poof and magically disappear okay so look at the card look at your notes that's why they're there those will help you the examiner knows you're looking at those to get some ideas so here we go okay so let's look at the card first okay look at the card first what do or did you need to make this idea reality we haven't talked about that why will this make your life better how long will this take we can definitely say more about that as well okay um so now look at your notes okay so your notes say all right i need about 120 000 u.s maybe getting a loan or some credit i definitely need my driver's license insurance and maybe i even need to make a reservation for this tesla because you have to pre-purchase them okay um and then how will this make your life better uh well you can get to your new job which has a charging station and also it even has driver's assistance because i'm kind of a bad driver and there are very tight parking spots around my house and at my work so we can add that information okay so let's talk about that so what we need to make this happen give me some information here so what do we need to make this tesla happen for us how can we how can we get this tesla going uh muhammad yeah you can drink some water for sure especially if people are really nervous and they get what's called cotton mouth okay i'm drinking water you can have water with you in the exam it's okay yeah you can have a water bottle with you so beck john says in order to purchase this car firstly i need to get a loan from the bank around 120 grand us so in order to get this car asap we say that by the way now in english asap so to get this car asap i need to apply for a loan from the bank for about 120 k u s get approved of course i need to have a valid drivers license which i have fortunately and interestingly i may also need to make a reservation or pre-purchase as uh tesla threes are so popular that it's difficult to buy one directly from a car lot okay cool right on all right um asap means as soon as possible yeah it's such a popular expression that we've turned the acronym into a word asap okay certainly i will have some insurance on the car as well okay and so you've basically answered all of the questions in about that 90 seconds that i was talking about and now is when you can elaborate okay so i think this is how i would elaborate so let's say i set all this in 90 seconds and the examiner is looking at me like okay you still got about 30 seconds to go you can elaborate so this is where i would start elaborating especially on how it would make my life better okay so when you elaborate in the remaining 30 seconds think of the main topic and controlling idea in this case it's idea to make my life better okay definitely once i have my tesla i will save at least half an hour each month not having to worry about fueling up also i will keep about 200 bucks that i would have otherwise spent on fuel and fortunately there is a free electric charging station at my uh work in addition if my dream becomes a reality my boss will see that i'm a very consider it person and have high aims and give me and gives me a promotion so i can pay for my tesla kind of a funny way to finish it but hey why not so that's my elaboration okay um all right students here we go uh let's just go through this from the top so what i want you to do is just speak and uh repeat after me okay lots of information here uh again of course you have to be fluent to get this out in the uh two minutes uh here we go one of the best ideas that i had as of late was to purchase a tesla 3 to enhance my quality of life this notion started brewing in my mind a couple of years back when i saw a luxury tesla ad on tv a last this idea crystallized about a year ago in july when i spent around 100 bucks fueling up at the petrol station after waiting 30 minutes in line to get to the pump afterwards i arrived at my destination the downtown mall and there was a beautiful tesla 3 on exhibit i then decided that i would get one of these cars as soon as possible this beautiful electric car would not only enhance my social status as it is luxurious and trendy but it would also help me save time while doing my part in preserving the environment and leaving less of a carbon footprint than driving a gas-powered combustion engine in order to get this car asap i need to apply for a loan from the bank for about a hundred and twenty grand us and get approved for that of course i need to have a valid driver's license which i have fortunately and um interestingly i may also need to make a reservation or a pre-purchase as tesla threes are popular so it's difficult to get one on the same day from a car lot certainly i will have some insurance on the car as well um and uh definitely once i have my tesla i will save at least half an hour each month not having to worry about fueling up also i will keep about uh 200 bucks in my pocket that i would have otherwise spent on fuel unfortunately there's a free free electric charging station at my work in addition if my dream comes a reality my boss will see that i'm very considerate person for the environment and i have good social status and high aims and will give me a promotion so i can pay for my expensive car okay all right um boat here yes it's complex but it's not impossible with practice and of course boater i'm showing you a band 9 example if you simplify this a little bit it's totally fine you can still get a nice high band score the key here students is thinking of not just any answer for your part two but choosing a wise answer okay so head patella tesla is an electric car that's it for today tomorrow i will be back with part three which will be a continuation for this cue card because in the alts exam the examiner says okay that's the end of your two minutes now i will ask you some more questions related to the topic of part two carolina i'm super glad that you enjoyed that but you says the last line is awesome all right you're all very very welcome thanks for hanging out with me a great topic today i hope you had as much fun as i did and hopefully i will see all of you tomorrow members uh q a session tomorrow questions and answers so if you have them get them ready for tomorrow's class and then of course for everyone speaking part three bye for now i'm adrienne signing out from budapest much love to all of you you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9
Id: zpYEVDZiK04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 28sec (3448 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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