IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Band 9 Cue Card Response

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come to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from Budapest here in the heart of Europe I hope everybody has had a great weekend so far this is a Members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch and in about 90 minutes we will have an all chat class to become a member of our channel just click the join button besides the subscribe button while we wait for some of our members to jump in on this class this lesson is presented to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS please check us out there and for general outs please check us out at G IELTS help calm on both of these websites we have lots and lots of help for you to increase your band scores with six original practice tests proven strategies in over 100 hours of video lessons and if you join today you can use the coupon code our 40 y-j to get a 20% discount again that code is our four tyj I'll show you where you can use those hi Abhishek I read your ear I see you're coming into the class and for those coupon codes just go to a e help calm click this red join Now button and then you will see a use coupon code button where you can apply that coupon for the 20% discount for general IELTS the same idea green background click that big red button there to join and apply that coupon code students if you have questions about our products or the exam send me an email adrian ADR I am at AE help calm and I will gladly get back to you I'm Mahesh nice to see you in the class and if you are looking for our exam books in hardcopy you can go on Amazon and search for AE helps academic IELTS and GE help general IELTS hi Ruslan hi Bumi we'll get into the class or lesson now I see more and more members are in the chat which is great so again this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat okay so speak repeat focus to copy my intonation my pronunciation enunciation so try to copy me as well as possible sometimes when we're copying a native speaker of another language we feel awkward that's okay it's okay to feel awkward when you're copying the accent and the intonation because accents and into nations are quite different in different languages so it's okay to feel awkward all right so students members here we go you are in your speaking interview I know many students had some speaking interviews this past week and we'll have some coming up as well so you get into your speaking interview with the examiner you feel confident comfortable you express clear answers for part one remembering to give explanations and smooth examples and then the examiner says all right that is the end of part one now we will begin with part two for part two here's a card with some questions do not turn that over here's some note paper here's a pencil you will have one minute to look at the questions on the car to think about your answers you may take notes in the one-minute if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak I will tell you when to start when to stop are you ready and then you go yes I am let's begin and the examiner will say okay turn over the card your one-minute preparation time begins now you turn over your card and this is what you see what do you do so your one-minute preparation time you turn over the card this is what you see what is your first step so one minute prep time it's really important to practice this to have a good strategy to have a good sister in place so that you're confident and so that you get a good band score so one minute preparation time you turn over the card let's do this is a and what do you do so when as soon as you see the card what do you do some students panic some students freak out some students start staring at the card some students read the card what's the best step ok Ruslan says think about multiple ideas and choose the best one Ruslan don't think about answers first okay that's one of the big mistakes that many students make is they start thinking about their answer before they really focus in on the question and that's a very common mistake so I'm just going to make a note of that here it's a very common mistake for candidates to rush into thinking about answers without first paying careful attention to the card the number one mistake of band 7 and higher students is talking off topic because they did not pay close attention to the card okay sounds you know funny or interesting and I know a lot of students when they're at home and they're practicing it works ok but remember that in the exam situation usually many students get a little bit more nervous and aren't as focus so it's easier to go off-topic ok all right so don't think about answers think about the questions all right and I can see that bumi says read the topic sentence twice roshni agrees read at two times read the topic twice says Rajveer yeah it's a very very very smart maneuver so step one is read the topic statement twice be absolutely sure that you are talking about the right idea using the right tense and author voice okay or speaker voice here alright so again first second third person it really matters all right okay so let's do that here we go so talk about an idea you had to improve a relationship okay and I'm going to read this again talk about an idea you had to improve a relationship okay that's interesting does this question ask me to talk about improving a personal relationship so a relationship that I had with someone or that I have with someone or is this card asking me about improving another person's relationship maybe my best friend and his girlfriend or my mom and my dad so is it a relationship that's related directly to me or is it any relationship possibly with other people what do you think so roshni says it's possibly any relationship so it doesn't necessarily have to be my relationship with someone Abhishek agrees Rajveer says it's related to me I think the correct answer here roshni and Abhishek habit it doesn't say it's a relationship a personal relationship that would here it would say improve a personal relationship but it just says a relationship so it can be anybody okay it could be somebody that's not related to you but you help someone else improve their relationship it could be a relationship with you so this card doesn't tell you that okay so you could talk about your own personal relationship and improving that with someone or a relationship that's not directly related okay all right this is why it's important to read it twice okay because that will give you a better idea so it could be either/or here alright so you should say who it was with so it could be with someone you know or it could be with two other people that you know what was the idea when and why did you have this idea did it improve your relationship if yes how oh oh did it improve your relationship so now I read this last question and here it says your relationship so the last question gives me a little bit more information and now I have to be more careful because here I can see that it is a personal relationship so read the first statement twice carefully but I always always pay attention to the other questions because they will give you more information and here it's this very last question that shows you that it should be a personal relationship is that clear so until this point it could be any relationship and if you choose the answer quickly and you say okay I'm going to talk about how helped my friend improve his relationship with his sister or with his girlfriend and you don't pay attention to this last question you're going to go off-topic okay so the whole card is very important be very very careful all right be very very careful okay so step one read the topic statement twice be absolutely sure you're talking about the right idea again do not jump to answers before reading the whole card carefully okay all right good so I did that now what do I do next so I figured out what I need to talk about what do I do next anybody what's my next step and these are happening very very quickly so reading the card this first step you do it carefully but you shouldn't spend more than about 15 seconds to do this okay so 15 seconds roughly for that eh yeah very good Rajveer so the second one is identify the category okay so are we talking about a person a place an event an object an idea which one are we talking about here so look at the card I mean that should be pretty quick here it says talk about an idea you had to improve a relationship so ellen:oh says here we're talking about an idea very good absolutely and when we talk about ideas what do we need to include so when we talk about ideas what should we mention what are the fundamental basic ideas or what are the fundamental basic information that we need to cover that we need to express to the listener to make sense so what should we include and it's good we're not talking about a person but who we're talking about an idea Rajveer very good so reg veer says we need to include the time we need to include the reason for the idea the requirements of the idea and we need to include the purpose which is the same as the reason right so time reason requirements results yeah and if you are really stellar and doing a great job you might even include improvements okay so how you might improve the idea in the future these are the basic fundamental concepts so anytime you're confronted with a situation where you're presenting an idea spoken or written okay think about when you had the idea why you had the idea what is needed for the idea how the idea worked what were the end results and what can you improve in future situations okay so that's what you need to include all right everything and roughly in that order all right now what do we do next so this has to be very fast if you practice for the IELTS exam and you understand these strategies this should only take you three seconds okay so in a three second timeframe you eye you figure out okay this is an idea I need to say when it happened what I needed why had this idea what were the results and how I can improve it all right mud whoo this is specifically for an idea okay if you're talking about an idea you should include all of these concepts okay to get a high band score if you're talking about an object Mudd who or a person it's different alright so Allah says write notes Allah is before you write notes you have to do what Rajveer is suggesting think about two or three ideas Bhoomi very good so think of two or three possible answers don't just choose the first one because you might get yourself into trouble okay so think of two to three possible answers choose the one that is easy to talk about and not the same that most candidates are discussing okay so try to think of an idea that you know the five people before you in the exam weren't talking about and the next five people aren't going to talk about so for example in this case I probably wouldn't talk about an idea to improve the relationship between my wife and I or something like that that's very common okay so I would try to think about something a little bit more unique because probably a lot of students for this part two are going to think about an idea like going for walks with my wife or going for walks with my girlfriend so that would be a very popular idea okay so give me some ideas okay what are some ideas give me a few possible ideas that you had to improve a relationship with someone okay so here you need the idea and what it was to improve the idea all right um throwing a party for a birthday roshni maybe I'll put it down okay for who roshni so so hosting a bday party okay for okay that's we'll go with that one okay Ella says relationship between a friend Ellen to be specific and this has to be a relationship with you right so [Music] okay so here you're thinking about the person that you're improving your relationship with and what you're doing okay ruslan says dad okay improve that's a good one so with father but how okay how are you improving the relationship so think about the person think about the idea what's the idea okay Rajveer says friends give presents all right roshni says party for brother hosting BJ party for brother okay Alanna what's your idea to improve your relationship with your friends okay mud who says plan a trip to new places with friends okay all right how about this one so again students oh there we go nice that Rajveer you plucked the idea out of my mind so how about that with coworkers team-building exercises that's quite common these days anybody who works for a bigger company has probably heard about these to improve relationships with coworkers you have team-building exercises and adventures okay okay so with father maybe go hiking twice a month okay all right so again you don't need five you just need two to three but you want some good ideas okay all right so let's let's do this number one number two number three number four number five let's take votes according to having a unique easy conversation that is going to get you a high band score do you think you would choose number one bday party with your brother to improve a relationship or planning trips with best friends or going hiking twice a month with dad giving presents to friends or going on team-building exercises and adventures with coworkers what would you choose for this one and and think you know think honestly here okay I had these ideas I'm in the IELTS exam I turned over this card and these are the ones I thought about which one would you most likely choose and say okay this is the one that that's going to get me a good score that's going to get me a high bank as I can speak fluently and I have lots of ideas and lots of information and I can see that five appears to be the most popular so co-workers team-building exercises and adventures okay then let's go with that one so let's go with number five it looks like two was a pretty popular answer as well so planned trips with best friends quite possible as well okay but for now we'll go with number five all right okay so good job so far members I would honestly most likely go with number five as well so if I were sitting the exam and I had these ideas I would choose number five as the one to use for this cue card okay all right so you've chosen it now what do you do what's your next step so we have a good idea and we're moving on to D here what do I do for my next step okay and where this is happening this is still all in that one minute this C you might want to spend as much as 20 seconds on this okay you don't need a lot of time for notes but you need 15 to 20 seconds to come up with the right idea you don't need a lot of notes but you definitely need the right idea okay so you do not need a lot of notes but you must have a good idea to give yourself the best chance for a high score on the speaking because part three will be connected to this okay so for D what do I do yeah take some notes okay good and usable notes right usable notes that's right I'll be check so write down five to six useful notes okay give me some useful notes that you think you would write on your paper for improving a relationship with coworkers or improving relationships with coworkers doing team building exercises so yeah you read you fear you do need to be superfast and that's why part two is definitely the part that you want to practice the most when you're getting ready for the exam because I think a lot of you will do a good job in part one but part two is where you really have to Shyne as it will help you with part 3 right so you do have to be faster edge of your and it does take practice okay so Rajveer says country-club February okay use short form whenever possible good okay Rajveer says 15 colleagues from IT sure okay give me some more notes roshni says 26th of October 2019 good so ya have a specific date right you want numbers as well what are the team-building exercises what kind of team building exercises give me a few okay Rajveer says cricket and golf all right yeah good roshni says tug-of-war game okay okay tug-of-war for those of you don't know so when you have a rope and you're pulling and you're trying to pull the other team okay so good all right Tito says lunch all right so group meals cooking maybe sure it's possible again fast fast fast notes here students fast notes okay all right dancing good but saw so dancing sure trust exercises falling backwards okay zip line these are some common ones okay good so you have some good ideas there some sports and so on alright what were the results so what was the goal here why did you have this idea okay remember don't get just stuck on one part of the card or in one idea make sure to quickly move through all of the concepts right always keep in mind students the essential categories so time reason requirements results improvements think about all of those right okay so so trust okay that should be a one that comes to mind easily okay Rajveer says strengthen the relationship yep build allegiance right okay good what else efficiency I would say you're working with colleagues right okay responsibility those are the ones that come to mind okay good so we're moving along nicely what do I do next okay I have about five six more seconds team spirit very good Rajveer yeah throw that one in so what do I do next okay I have about five seconds left what I do and this part here should only take you about maybe 20 seconds on the notes okay 15 to 20 seconds this happens fast okay yeah that's right I'll be check so get ready with the first sentence always always students that's the second biggest problem get ready with the first opening sentence okay all right it's definitely the two most common mistakes students one the candidate does not read the card carefully they talk off topic to their one minute preparation time is up the examiner says please begin speaking and the candidate does not say anything connected to the question clearly for the first 20 seconds those are the two most common mistakes okay so these are the steps to make sure that you don't make these mistakes okay so give me your first sentence you use the notes here give me your give me your first sentence okay let's do this together I can see that the stream is a little bit stuck okay give me your first sentence using the notes so that's Allah says relationship matter a lot to live in the world because it's not possible to live without relationships there are many types of relationships between two people such as men women sellers and customers what some no no no no no I'm not asking you the card isn't asking you about this you need to be much more direct ok Rajveer says a smart idea which I had to strength strengthen my relationship with my co-workers was to go to the country club for team-building yeah I would finish that Reggio for team-building ok boom he says the idea which I had about six months ago on the 24th of October was to build allegiance with my co-workers at my company by taking them to the country club ok good booming so we're on the right track now but so please notice the big difference between what you're saying and what Rajveer and Bumi are saying Rajveer and Bumi are answering the card directly right away so their coherence score is going up up and up okay and because of that they're actually using more complex grammar as well they're putting direct information on the table ok Tito says on the 14th of October and in 2019 I organized the party at a country club it was a sunny and bright day for who Tito for my colleagues why to build team spirit right so get those ideas out there ok roshni says well I had an I had arranged a team-building exercise on the 26th of October 2019 for my colleagues very good roshni those are the band seven eight-nine first sentences ok very good ellen:oh says today I'm going to tell you about a party that I hosted to make better relationships with my co-workers at the Country Club last month Ellen a couple of slight Corrections but definitely on the right track do you see now about saw your peers how they're answering that's how you want to do it in the future ok those are the high band answers you don't want to just present a general concept and waste time okay it's just one and a half minutes two minutes so you don't have time to just generalize okay so a fantastic idea I had last October to build team spirit and improve relationships with my co-workers was to engage in team-building exercises at a country club sure okay so that's your first sentence a fantastic idea I had last October was to build team spirit and improve relations with my coworkers buy-in let me just fix that up okay and I'm sure the read my whole sentence a fantastic idea I had last October to build team spirit and improve relations with my coworkers was to engage in team-building exercises at a country club okay good so good first sentence now I have the time there what's my next sentence so let's keep going here and what you want to do here students is you want to think about these critical points so time reason requirements results improvements think about this first and then second think about the actual questions on the card who was it with what was the idea when and why did you have this idea did it improve your relations if yes how so these questions should be secondary and you'll notice that a lot of times these questions on the card and the fundamental questions related to this kind of category of ideas time reason requirements are kind of the same okay but you want to think about these first okay so think about the fundamental points to include for each category first and second cross-reference them with the specific points on the card okay chances are that if you include all of this information you'll cover every point on the card but you do want to pay close attention to the card to make sure that you don't miss any points on the card does that make sense so first I'm thinking about this because this gives me clear structure if I think about when it happened why I had this idea what I needed for it the results and how I can improve this idea that gives me a very clear structure for my speaking so it's smooth it's fluent it's not confusing and then at the same time I'm paying secondly attention to this kind of information here does that make sense so I combined those two elements to have the best kind of structure and flow for the response okay if that doesn't make sense send me an email and I can explain it further but that's definitely the way you want to approach it so think about that okay when you give me the next sentences so here's our first sentence a fantastic idea I had last October to build team spirit and improve relations with Mike workers was to engage in team-building exercises at a country club great okay Ruslan it's absolutely enough time to make it don't spend too much time on each point just go through the points okay believe me Ruslan when you practice this you'll easily make it in 90 seconds okay even if you're not speaking fast what's important Ruslan is that you're not repeating yourself but you're giving new information with each sentence also Ruslan make sure you don't get stuck on one point like talking about just the reason and not talking about the result okay so you have to make sure to go through each point okay then you have enough time believe me all right okay so give me the next sentence members give me the next sentence okay so I discussed my idea I had it in October okay clearly here I would likely mention the reason why I had this idea so what prompted me okay so Reggie veer says my colleagues felt stressed and this idea was the need of the hour to unwind and improve their productivity good okay so the months prior to having this idea felt very stressful at the office there were frequent conflicts and my colleagues had much difficulty clearly and openly communicating with each other of course as a result many projects were done poorly and often past the deadline okay so this is what comes to mind for me right why would I have an idea to build team spirit with my colleagues or coworkers well probably because we're having problems at the company okay so this led to losses to profit losses and problems with management all right let's see Tito says there were about 12 attendees who joined the function although I was expecting 16 colleagues and I had been preparing this party for almost half a month probably more than half a day Tito but yeah okay that might come after so that would be what you did right so the requirements of the idea Tito before you get to the requirements give the reasons why you had the idea okay it's very very important the reasons for the idea anybody else so don't just look at mine and think oh yeah that's great that'll work well come up with your own idea okay there were fights at the office people were throwing staplers at each other okay many people didn't come into work they felt bullied by their co-workers so whatever comes to mind ellen:oh says there were 20 members in the team we had a deadline a few days ago we had to meet the deadline and we were stressed about it there was nothing better than to have a party okay this isn't really a party members it's team-building exercises right roshni says in this exercise 15 co-workers were invited so the had fun and released all their stress roshni you're also jumping ahead okay so you're all jumping a little bit too far forward you're missing out the setting students remember this came so any good book or any good story requires a hook okay to make it interesting it requires a background you're going to notice something interesting here it's kind of like task to write also called the setting so location and characters it requires a challenge or a conflict it requires a resolution and closing okay so I'm giving you kind of another way to think about it with part two you're basically telling a short story to your listener okay and just like a two-hour movie even a two-minute story has to have the same elements as a two hour movie so it needs to start with a point that makes it interesting we have that that's our first sentence so an idea that I had to improve the relationships with me and my co-workers was team-building exercises at a country club last October so that's my hook ooh interesting exciting you had an idea to make relationships better with coworkers team-building hmm what happens next okay well next we need the background in the setting right and we need the challenge and the conflict so where did it happen and then the challenge and the conflict is the reason okay so the colleagues were fighting with each other projects weren't done the company lost over a million dollars in the last quarter right so that's what creates the context for the later steps does that make sense so it's really important to include that all right I just I felt like I needed to give you another way to think about this because it feels like you're kind of missing that concept okay okay Bhumi says since I was new in the company I couldn't cope with the responsibility and poor communication with colleagues which in turn made it impossible to meet deadlines and everybody was stressed right Bhoomi that's the right approach okay so Bhoomi that's the right idea Abhishek says this idea came to mind because co-workers were fighting due to late night shifts on a regular basis projects were incomplete and deadlines failed everyone was stressed very good yeah ellen:oh Elenin says it seems really tough Ellen it is if it if it weren't tough everybody would get banned 9 on the IELTS but bad nines are rare and even banned sevens are difficult it is tough to get a high van score but you can do it Helena as long as you practice the right strategies okay all right so I'm happy that makes sense let's keep going let's just review what we have so far and then give me more sentences okay and again this is speaking students so speak with me a fantastic idea I had last October to build team spirit and improve relations with my coworkers was to engage in team-building exercises at a country club the month prior to having this idea felt very stressful at the office there were frequent conflicts and my colleagues had much difficulty clearly and openly communicating with each other of course as a result many projects were done poorly and often past deadlines this led to profit losses and problems with management okay so now give me more sentences I'm going to type a little bit here so we move along and of course I'm going to look at what you're giving me as well for this idea to work I put together a nice email and sent it around the office the email outlined that we would take two days off work which would be spent doing fun an exciting team building exercises like tug of war scavenger hunt cooking competition and even cricket and golf at a five-star Country Club 20 of my colleagues signed up for this nearly the entire office we went to the club from Friday to Sunday and spent an amazing three days together management had no problem to provide the $5,000 cost of this excursion okay so notice how I'm moving along quite smoothly here simply because I'm thinking about the points required to clearly explain this idea so now I'm on to my requirements okay so what my project needed of course it needed people it needed location it needed some money so I'm thinking about these ideas and I'm putting them together into sentences now I do this quite fluently because this is what I teach I have a lot of practice doing this but you can do it as well okay it's often not the language that's the barrier so it's not the English and the grammar but it's the flow of ideas and flow of information in the mind and a lot of students tell me that a lot of students say Adria and I'm pretty good in English but I have difficulty coming up with the ideas so you have to practice this structure and at this point this is where I would stop for a second and I would take a look at the card the reason why because when I'm practicing for IELTS at home I have a pretty good idea of the sequence of elements that I need to include when speaking of ideas but the card might be a little bit unique right so I'm looking at the card who it was with what was the idea okay I'm covering these questions so I'm thinking check check when and why did I have this idea check I'm talking about it did it improve your relationships if yes how so this would be my next point anyway the results and it lines up with the card so I'm on the right track okay all right so Ruslan says shall or Ruslan's asking a good question Ruslan is asking shall we imagine an unreal or artificial situation or should we discuss something that really happened Ruslan if you can think of a real situation quickly that you find useful use it however this is often difficult for students so more often than not in more situations students do have to come up with an unreal imagined answer and so this is why it's important to practice part 2 because often times you have to improvise you have to create this story and make it up as you go along okay here's the good news Ruslan when you practice making up stories and you know the structure and you do this regularly it actually becomes easier to make up a story and talk about it quickly than to try to recall from memory an event that actually happened find the right vocabulary and piece it together does that make sense students that was a really good question by Ruslan should I choose a real event or should I make one up if you practice making it up can be often easier than being nostalgic and recalling a real event okay so making it up if you practice can be easier all right but you have to practice you have to pray does this sequence alright I've noticed that when students try to recall real events they often get stuck and they often start to repeat the same ideas because they remember a part of the event but not all of the event okay so careful with that if you get lucky and you had an idea to improve a relationship just last week sure use it but that's usually not the case all right that's usually not the case okay so the event was quite successful as most colleagues gained a great deal of trust with me and each other they also learned more effective means of communicating and taking responsibility this improvement was definitely felt at the office in the ensuing weeks as we not only beat deadlines but also improved our income by fifteen percent over the next quarter I personally felt much more positive and less stressed when collaborating at the office okay so I'm moving along nicely again I have a clear idea I'm talking about results and I'm reflecting on my notes okay so this is what I'm using here if I get lost I take a look at my notes all right okay students let's go through this one more time it's speaking so speak and read and think about the flow think about the content okay here we go a fantastic idea I had last October to build team spirit and improve relations with my co-workers was to engage in team-building exercises at a country club the month prior to having this idea felt really stressful at the office there were frequent conflicts and my colleagues had much difficulty clearly and openly communicating with each other of course as a result many projects were done poorly and often past deadlines this led to profit losses and problems with management for this idea to work I put together a nice email and sent it around in the office the email outline that we would take two days off work which would be spent doing fun and exciting team-building exercises like tug-of-war scavenger hunts cooking competitions and even cricket and golf at a five-star Country Club 20 of my colleagues signed up for this nearly the entire office we went to the country club from Friday to Sunday and spent an amazing three days together management had no problem to provide the five the cost of this excursion the event was quite successful and most colleagues gained a great deal of trust with me and each other they also learned more effective means of communicating and taking responsibility this improvement was definitely felt that the office in the ensuing weeks as we not only beat deadlines but also improved our income by 15% over the next quarter I personally felt much more positive and less stressed when collaborating with my colleagues at the office all right so here I would check the card make sure I answered all the questions if not I would elaborate okay I can go back discuss more about more activities and how those activities helped to improve but this is roughly what you need to get that band 8 band 9 students Abhishek Bhoomi Rajveer I can definitely tell that you have the right concept so just make sure to practice Ruslan I think you got the right idea as well now Elena I know it's challenging but believe me that with practice you can get there ok and it will not just help you with the IELTS exam but it will help you in other parts of your life as well teto good input good job all right keep it up keep pushing forward students ok keep pushing forward fits all make sure to have a very detailed and specific first sentence right away when your 2 minutes starts ok that's my advice students fantastic job coming up in 30 minutes we are going to do part 3 which will be connected to this topic everybody can chat so all of our wonderful viewers who are here with us right now in 30 minutes you can join the chat and we will do part 3 which is connected to this part 2 so make sure to join hopefully I'll see you soon bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: 2K1WDqzN98I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 15sec (3435 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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