IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Focus on Band 9 Results

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students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada welcome everybody in this class we are looking at ielts speaking part one and we're focusing on strategies to get that band nine resolved welcome chuck zoda hi jynil hi carolina welcome our moderator uh arda welcome to our members this lesson everyone is presented to you by that's if you're taking the academic ielts it's definitely a great idea to check out that website um and for general ielts check out g-i-e-l-t-s help dot com and i will show you where you can get some speaking help for the speaking interview on these websites all right um so this is our academic ielts website here at you can click this big red button to join our premium package we are an official british council ielts test registration center it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and when you get the access you'll have this my student account and in your my student account you have computer-based practice exams lesson videos and interact of course and you have these functions here it's the student partner speaking and the speaking interview practice and this first one is absolutely free so you can find other ielts students to practice your speaking with you just click on that and then you can go to this other page here where you will find uh other students to uh video and audio chat with right now we have usman money and yaz in here so that's for you okay ariana i will definitely give you some tips so you can get a hot nice high band for your exam uh tomorrow welcome satish hi rumi hi aman over at general english help good to have you on board as well um for the general ielts check out this website here at it's the green background and you can click that big red button uh to join us there again it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's well worth it okay everyone so um today again we're doing speaking uh to get our apps go to your app store get academic isles help general ielts help and if you have questions send me an email adrian now uh we have classes all week so uh tomorrow we will have task two writing let me get this in the screen a little bit better there we go um so tomorrow we'll have writing um and reading okay and um uh i think somebody was mentioning yeah it looks like the classes at a different time that's because we just had daylight savings um so we had daylight savings here on sunday and our clocks were turned back one hour so um for those of you who don't have daylight savings you're like what class time is at a different time but that's because of daylight savings okay all right so um and then we'll have more classes we'll have writing grammar uh more speaking in the week and hopefully we'll be bringing some new and different styles of classes as well um this week okay so artist says yeah it's it was five now it's six p.m absolutely arda yeah that's daylight savings okay so uh this is a speaking class everyone that means that you need to speak okay i want you to speak speak speak um copy what i say repeat me okay uh repetition is practice okay it's definitely not the only way to learn how to speak and it's not the most effective way to learn to speak but it's a good way to practice so just repeat what i say copy my intonation copy my pronunciation my annunciation so just the flow of my english for those of you who are curious again i'm on the west coast of canada west coast north america has kind of a style of english so if you visit vancouver los angeles san francisco san diego um seattle you're going to kind of find this style of english that you're listening to right now with me okay so it's nice it's a nice clean crisp english pronunciation people tend to understand it quite easily around the world so definitely practice it copy it okay um and let's get into some speaking so ielts speaking interview you want to show up early to your exam you want to practice with other candidates before the start of your interview take some questions with you and then you go and register 20 minutes before your interview and then you get called in for your interview okay um so when you get called into your interview of course you have to take usually your passport in some countries you can use your national id or your driver's license and then the examiner will ask you this first question to make sure that you are you um may i see your identification so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one may i see your identification okay let's just get into it and i'll give you tips and strategies as we go along okay uh me yen says gladly this is the id that i used for registration a couple of weeks ago please have a look very good me and i like your original start gladly yeah gladly is a nice way to uh start that response absolutely okay all right um dove ludbeck says yes here you go uh double i'd bet that's a bit too simple okay especially for this kind of a professional setting and so at mall of course please um is actually not clear english so of course please it's like of course please what of course please have a look um english speakers mal would finish that sentence so they would say of course please have a look of course please would be like please what okay it says certainly here it is please have a please take a look yeah buckrat so that would be absolute minimum okay uh john williams says yep just a second i will take it out here you go please have a look okay um john that's good you're showing some fluency but that start of yep okay so i'll give you some tips here that will help you uh score better for your alex exam okay so um here's an important tip and i can see that some of you are confused by this okay so even though you have to show natural language in the ielts speaking interview you also need to show uh professional communication okay and um i'm gonna underline this and then give you kind of some clarity on this because i think there's a lot of confusion on the actual uh formality or the style of speaking it's it's a little bit it's a little bit confusing and i can i can empathize so i can empathize with you i understand why you feel that way okay so let's take this first question for me to show you this so may i see your identification yep here you go versus what mien did okay so um here's two versions of answering this question okay um may i see your identification first person says yep here you go two mistakes here is it's not fluent enough okay for a professional situation and the two is it's awkwardly informal like i wouldn't talk like that to um just a second here sorry uh let's get the screen back on i just realized that went dark for a second but um anyway so um i definitely wouldn't talk like that in a professional uh situation okay i wouldn't talk like that in a job interview for example all right and then here's the other version gladly here's my passport please uh take a look at my credentials immediately there's a better show of vocabulary there's more fluency and it's it's a lot more formal it's still natural but it's a lot more formal okay so mozam sure here you are again it's too simple so i'll show you which are the ones that i would consider um not bad but less effective okay so yep here you go i'll make a quick list here for you so you know and then you won't be confused okay so okay and then more effective are these ones here like this style here okay so gladly here's my passport please take a look at my credentials okay so um here are the big differences okay so may i see your identification the less effective way to answer this question are yep here you go or sure here it is or yes here please are okay and the more effective ways to answer these questions and again repeat after me okay is gladly here's my passport please take a look at my credentials certainly here's my id that i used to register for the exam definitely please take a look at my id card this is what i used for registering and signing in just a few minutes ago okay these are a lot more fluent they contain much better vocabulary right away and you know i hear sometimes candidates saying oh but they don't mark me on these first few questions um that's not true okay they are judging your speaking from the very moment you start to say words okay they will start to get an idea of your fluency of your communication level care your communicative ability all right okay so um iu yes sure here is my passport would be the absolute minimum okay all right um all right uh united kerala um yeah good i hope you got a great score there okay so the next question and again try to think about this so think of good communication think about it in your own language if you're talking to somebody in an important position you're talking to the prime minister the president of your country or the king of your country and you're answering this question how would you answer it right so what is your full name give me a nice full sentence answer for this one all right okay tusfia um that's off topic ariane says my given name is zahinul and surname is ariane uh please call me aryan um aryan it's it's not bad my given names if you're giving two names make sure you use the plural my given names are okay and you and says my full name is new in ho hung um please just call me anne for short um again but you can call me is a bit awkward in a professional setting okay um please just call me as a little bit more polite it's a little bit more natural okay arda says my given name is arda and my surname is gerbaz please just call me arda okay that's good jyoti says my given names are jyoti and harish harish being my middle name and my surname is kumar please just call me jyoti yeah very good i like how you clarified what your middle name is okay that's very very good yeah yeah uh anisha says my full name is anisha basak please call me anisha yeah that's the minimum absolutely so um my first name or i should say given name is lindsay and my middle name uh that also appears in my passport is uh franklin after my father and my family name is samson please uh just call me lindsay okay all right now uh if you're showing fluency sure why not be fluent okay be communicative so it's not the examiner that needs to show you that they can speak english and be fluent with questions it's you that needs to show that you're fluent so ideally you're doing most of the talking and you're being fluent okay so here we go what is your full name my first name or i should say my given name is lindsay and my middle name that also appears in my passport is franklin after my father and my family name is samson please just call me lindsay okay a lot of people take a name after their father or their grandfather you can mention that okay be proud of that so why not right okay um ho hong duk says i tried to say just like you about my name but the examiner interrupted huang it's probably because you weren't fluent enough and if the examiner interrupted me when i'm introducing myself which is very rude they shouldn't be doing that um then i would actually just politely continue so i would just say oh uh i'm sorry as i was just saying my middle name is franklin like my father and my family name is samson please call me lindsay okay so um if in the rare situation i say this with caution right but if you feel like the examiner is trying to rush you if they're not paying attention to your responses this is where it becomes especially important that you're confident and that you're collected and especially if you believe that you understand the question and you're not going off topic and you're being original that you finish the question okay this is a really important point so i hear this often from students okay so students will often say but when i'm trying to be fluent the examiner interrupts me it feels terrible what should i do okay so uh here are a few really important points for you to take with you into your next exam and it will help you to score better okay so if you feel that the examiner is interrupting you even though you are a on topic b original okay and c fluent then you should be confident stick to your answer and set the pace of the interview you will get a good band okay so what happens students is um usually the examiners will interrupt candidates if you're going off topic if i ask you what your name is and you start telling me that your dog's name is sparky yeah i'm going to interrupt you i asked about your name not about your dog's name sparky okay um or not about uh your cat's name alfredo okay i asked about your name so if you're off topic yeah i'm going to interrupt you all right so you have to recognize that um if you're being unoriginal okay so if you start saying something like thank you for giving me a chance to introduce myself my name is okay um that's awkward okay then i know that you're just going on something that you read in a book or you saw in a youtube video where somebody's like oh you can get more points if you add in this kind of a phrase like thank you so much for having me here today i it's a pleasure to be able to introduce myself my first name is then i'll be like okay let's go to the first question right like i don't want to sit here and listen to you uh recite what you learned from a youtube video right but if you're introducing yourself and you're being original i'm not going to interrupt you okay and if you're fluent so the other time that the examiner will interrupt you is if you're not being fluent so if you're like my my my name they they call me i'm tom and my my family my my surname is then i'm going to interrupt you because i need to see if you can maybe produce better language when i ask you some other questions okay but if you're being fluent then i'm not going to interrupt you so if you say nice and fluently my first name or i should say given name is lindsay and my middle name that also appears in my passport is franklin after my father and my family name is samson uh please just call me lindsay when i took the ielts exam the official ielts exam incognito in february i got a band 9 in speaking and i was fluent just like this and the examiner did not interrupt me okay they realized that okay i'm just being fluent communicative professional it's fine all right okay um so sometimes the examiners they have so many candidates that they don't know anymore when somebody is actually a good user of the english language so you have to show them that you have to be like hey don't you know i'm going to be original don't worry i'm going to stay on topic please let me finish my sentences okay all right okay um so then the examiner will say all right i'll ask you uh some questions to get to know you a bit better some questions on a general topic uh why are you taking ielts okay so here's a possible question that the examiner could throw at you i'm often curious of why people are taking the alex exam there are so many fantastic stories and dreams and ambitions so why are you taking the isles okay mamta says i just want to improve my english and i also want to check my level of english according to a standard exam so i can think about my further study abroad okay all right meehan says i'm taking the ielts exam because i want to work as an english teacher in the future okay not only do i learn to improve my english but there are many english institutions that also require their teachers to have high band scores in the ielts that's why i'm here okay me and it's kind of repetitive so be careful about that okay as he's back chinese i'm also watching the general english so if you have an answer please put that up there anisha says i wish to pursue my masters abroad which is why i'm appealing for an ielts exam anisha what masters okay give me some details right like masters in microbiology masters in civil engineering uh medical sciences so what do you plan to do your master's in okay uh muxlisa okay i'm correcting everybody in real time so if you hear me and i'm not reading the exact same words that you have it's because i'm correcting your english i'm making it either more natural i'm improving the grammar uh perhaps i'm changing some words so that it sounds better so uh moxlisa one hundred percent boy diva um here's a bit of a correction okay so listen for this the primary aim for me to take the ielts is to gain admissions to university in order to find a well-paying job with generous benefits in the future okay that would be the more accurate way to answer that all right hobbit frodo says my university gives an opportunity to study abroad for a semester for an exchange program and one of the mandatory requirements is to have high results on the ielts exam of course because you're representing your university photo um so that's good okay all right very nice um so why are you taking the isles um all right this is kind of something that i said when i took the ielts exam and this is why i encourage ielts trainers and examiners to take the ielts exam uh it's amazing for me that there are so many ielts trainers and educators in the world on youtube and elsewhere they talk about the ielts they teach the islets but they've never actually taken the isles and i don't think it's good enough to just be an examiner or just no english or english teaching i think it's a great idea to set the alts exam so if there are ielts teachers out there watching this i highly encourage you to sit your alts exam once or twice incognito to get the experience there are some out there who have done that this is something that i said to the ielts examiner so here we go just repeat after me why are you taking ielts my reasons for sitting this test are to gain insight into the student experience so that i can enhance my ielts training for years to come okay all right um and then maybe the examiner might be curious about what you're going to do tomorrow okay so look okay and what will you do tomorrow if you don't know make it up right so be creative during your old speaking interview okay um yeah i'm all you can say my intention or intentions sure um so what are you going to do tomorrow this one here is already fishing for that future participle will okay english doesn't actually have a future tense we use the participle will not many languages actually have a future tense all right so what will you do tomorrow all right give me a nice full sentence exam or answer here rajvir says the day before yesterday was my speaking and the examiner was the best i don't have any words to describe her rajvir i'm glad that you had a positive experience obviously she didn't interrupt you unnecessarily right that's always difficult okay chinery says it is to upgrade my english language in order to secure employment in canada as a consultant what kind of a consultant chinery muhammad says i will be sleeping muhammad that's it's and you're laughing muhammad it's okay to say that you're going to be sleeping explain why so you can say i am terribly exhausted from all of the stress and study leading up to this exam so most likely tomorrow i will spend the day resting and sleeping i plan to take at least a three hour siesta in the afternoon okay so muhammad it's okay to say i plan to sleep tomorrow um but explain why all right skyler lie says after the exam it's likely that i will be exhausted so i intend to sleep all day long tomorrow yeah skyler very good so there you're giving a reason okay it's much much better mourinho says tomorrow will be a happy and peaceful day i will no longer study or prepare for ielts so i can't wait to go to the cinema with my boyfriend for some fun and entertainment very good morning yeah so think about the tomorrow bakrat says well there's nothing special about tomorrow i have a lecture of mpu from 7 to 12 with half an hour break then i will visit a sports store to buy a pair of shoes because i need some new sneakers okay that's a pretty special day i always enjoyed i in fact i just got a new pair of running shoes yesterday that's not a word of a lie some new balance shoes okay so um tomorrow i'm going to take a day off in order to unwind and have some fun with friends as i feel that i deserve it after all the effort i had put into preparing for this test perhaps i will go to play uh billiards or some football all right so yeah there we go uh notice the paraphrasing of course i think all of you know that there are two ways to present the future with the future participle will or going to definitely try to paraphrase so say concepts with synonyms in different ways okay so what will you do tomorrow tomorrow i'm going to take a day off in order to unwind and have some fun with friends as i feel that i deserve it after all the effort i had put into preparing for this test perhaps i will go to play billiards or some football that could be fun all right um good job everyone so again answer explain example professional communication that's your goal okay all right okay and then um the examiner will introduce uh a topic a general topic okay uh they'll say something like let's talk about restaurants okay now um for nice high marks as soon as you hear something like restaurants okay you should bring up some words some vocabulary some ideas that are connected to restaurants and so when we think about restaurants what kind of words come to mind quickly okay all right and you and i put the word sum because it's natural we say that in natural english we'll say i'll play some football or i'll play some billiards okay all right though so there we go delicious hungry dinner diner okay delicious dinner diner okay um menu we don't say menu card just menu okay not menu card just menu okay scrumptious moonlight very good scrumptious it's another way to say delicious cuisine natasha very good i think maybe some of you have said to eat out okay means to go to a restaurant uh mouth-watering sure mouth-watering food um serve waiter waitress server okay very nice very good okay um ambience delicacy expensive fine dining okay uh you might think of something like special events birthdays and such all right good so hopefully those thoughts those words are racing through your head so that you can use them in your answers and while your brain is racing a mile a minute um your examiner will ask this first question how often do you go to a restaurant so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one how often do you go to a restaurant okay again nice full sentence answer all right so arda says hmm i could say i go to a restaurant to have a fancy meal with my family every week especially on weekends when we are not busy with other responsibilities last sunday we went to a steakhouse it was quite expensive but it was worth it very nice yeah delicious steakhouse manta says i usually go to restaurants whenever i'm invited in for a party like a birthday or a wedding celebration mostly i like to visit restaurants which are near to my home not hometown home is hometown is strange because it means like you're actually leaving your city to go to another restaurant okay buffet is a is a good word as well asthma okay devlet beck says not very often only with my friends or girlfriend i don't like restaurants around my town because they are overpriced okay uh give me an example like a steak costs a hundred dollars okay so give me an example for that all right fareed says it depends on the situation if i have sufficient money i will go to the restaurants every day but it won't happen anytime soon don't use the it depends student so um here's another tip okay this is kind of okay this is a an important tip for all of you so let's go here big tip okay um words to avoid words and phrases to avoid during a professional communication and of course that means ielts okay um so you want to avoid the phrase it depends there are some situations where this is used useful but for most situations it's not these are the types of expressions that will uh have the examiner interrupt you or will or or will promote or encourage the examiner to interrupt you okay can you tell me some other phrases that you think are good to avoid so what do you think are some other um words or phrases that students often use which you should not use in your ielts exam if you want to get those higher band scores so you shouldn't use it depends just give the answer okay so i rarely go to restaurants maybe once or twice a year because um i don't have a lot of money and also i don't think the food is nutritious the last time i went to restaurant was 2019 february before kovid for a steak with a friend okay so what other uh thang ha says things and stuff absolutely don't use the word things and stuff these are zero value words so always find the better noun than things and stuff stuff is the worst uh carolina says for example yeah absolutely you can use the word really i don't know why people are saying don't use the word really there's nothing wrong with really really is uh a qualifying word and it's used in many situations so just give your example right all right uh what else yeah rajvir is saying very good so rajvira says don't use the word you know exactly um yeah especially since they might not even be familiar with your culture right so sometimes students will be like oh you know and then during diwali we do this and it's like i don't know i didn't grow up in india so i don't know what happens during diwali i know it's a festival of colors i believe and i know that people celebrate i think the struggle between good and bad but i don't know much about it i've never celebrated that particular event in my part of the world right so i don't know okay uh mux lisa you might use as i said before there could be um places for that okay it's a festival of lights ym says thank you all right okay so don't say you know your examiner doesn't know don't say you because you're not talking about your examiner okay and also don't thank the examiner so don't do that i know students do that one as well and the other one that you shouldn't do is um uh for part two this is where students do this one especially so okay so uh don't use this one either all right so well there are many different objects that i buy but the one i want to talk about is okay don't use these kinds of filler phrases they're useless okay uh fareed um instead of it depends you should just give your answer all right so don't say it depends just give your answer so against the how often do you go to a restaurant i wouldn't say it depends i would just simply say well i seldom go to restaurants because i find that they are too expensive for my budget and often the food is not nutritious so i prefer to eat in i'd say that i go to a restaurant once or twice a year last summer i ate a burger with my friends um at uh diner okay so again just give the answer uh here we go students repeat after me so how often do you go to a restaurant well i sell them go to restaurants because i find that they are too expensive for my budget often the food is not nutritious so i prefer to eat in i'd say that i go to a restaurant once or twice a year last summer i ate a burger with my friends at a diner and that's it okay seldom and then i explain seldom okay uh so once or twice a year okay reasons because one too expensive um two the food is not nutritious okay so answer explanation example all right clarity adverb of frequency all right quantitative measure once or twice a year so adverb of frequency quantitative measure again the goal here especially for those high band scores is professional communication okay remember everyone band 6 is fluent english band 7 is good english band 8 is very good english and band 9 is expert english but what they're actually saying is band 6 is fluent english band 7 is good communication so i'm going to give you this as well because again i think students are not so the ielts doesn't inform students clearly about this okay so just another quick tip here okay so band six means fluent so you can talk without stopping so fluent english okay band seven they'll say good english but what they're actually saying is good communication okay band 9 or sorry band 8 is very good english okay but what they're actually saying is very good communication and band 9 is expert english but what they're actually saying is expert communication in english okay um does everybody get that so does everybody clearly understand this kind of important aspect of these higher band scores in the ielts exam yeah everybody's clear on that okay so you're not just focusing on your english but you're focusing on expert communication okay so keep that in mind all right here we go um with the next question what is your favorite restaurant okay so i see some thumbs up that's good all right retest says yes sir all right so next question here what is your favorite restaurant give me a nice full sentence we're gonna move along here i want to get some questions so here we go all right um all right mumta says hot and spicy restaurants are my favorite because they provide good quality dishes as well as a nice ambient environment moreover the waiters are really friendly very good so hot and spicy i guess is the name of the restaurant mamta that's great me yen says my favorite restaurant is the kichi con conveyor buffet it is a japanese hot pot restaurant which has a fantastic conveyor belt that brings the food to the diners uh yeah i love those mia and i love the conveyor belt japanese restaurants i've been to lots we have them in vancouver i haven't seen any in victoria and i think it would actually be a great business in victoria uh these days as well okay deepika says my favorite one is villa shanti it's a rooftop french restaurant located in one of the beach roads in panda cherry i love their soups it's always a cut above the rest for me depica beautiful use of language natural language great expression there with a cut above the rest in fact there's even a pun there okay so that's a very clever use of that idiom i'm not sure if you did that on purpose because you in a restaurant you cut food right you cut the meat or you cut vegetables so you cut food so saying a cut above the rest is a very interesting application in the context of restaurants very clever right so i'll write that down because i like it i like the pikas that was a really clever one so something similar um my go-to restaurant is milestones because their pricing is quite reasonable and their breakfast menu is a cut above the rest i go there to eat a delicious eggs benedict every once in a while all right um yeah so notice this idiom that depica was using it's quite fun in this context because um it's it's not only idiomatic language but it's also a pun in this case it kind of has a double meaning because it means it's better than the competition but you're also cutting food okay so cut above the rest means better than the competition okay so that's kind of a nice one all right uh cut above the rest all right keep that one in mind and that's a pun in this case and yeah students uh examiners uh if you had me as your examiner i will catch that so i will catch that idiom and the pun and that will impress me i will be like oh wow okay i'm not sure if the student did that on purpose but that was a very well placed idiom okay all right um let's go to this one here i'm just gonna jump uh right to the end here because i love this question and i want to get your answers okay so uh here we go let's do this conditional one if you could own a restaurant what kind of food would it serve okay so if you could own a restaurant what kind of food would it serve now in this um in this one definitely use the condition in your answer so answer the question with a conditional okay if you could own a restaurant what kind of food would it serve uh give me a nice full full sentence answer uh for this one uh chineris previous answers chicken republic happens to be my favorite restaurant their chicken and soups are really scrumptious with a wonderful environment chicken republic i'll have to try that out when i see one okay ariane says well it's a pricey multi-cuisine restaurant called bird's eye it's situated in the center of dhaka it's a rooftop restaurant ariane nice if i'm in dhaka check that out okay while i'm reading those give me an answer to this one here okay amu says my favorite one is axon which is near my home in this place i get all of my favorite dishes especially south indian cuisines which is very yummy and served at a low cost very nice english amu served at a low cost that's beautiful phrasing okay all right again so if you could own a restaurant what kind of food would it serve okay a nice full sentence answer it says if i'm the owner i would definitely provide good nutritious and reasonably priced food and what would it be what kind of food what cuisine would it be okay venkatesh says i would serve authentic japanese food and indian cuisine as well okay so japanese and indian now you would have a difficult kitchen those are two very different cuisines it would be a difficult kitchen setup for sure amanpreet says that's an interesting question i always wanted to have a restaurant of my own which would serve healthy and nutritious food at affordable costs okay so what like vegetarian vegan food uh seafood so give me some uh details here chengdui says if i could own a restaurant somehow the kind of food it would serve that i think of on the spot is authentic vietnamese noodles for example beef bow boon or rice noodle dish like a faux maybe for some noodles right there lots of faux restaurants here in victoria all right um so um given the chance to open my own um dining establishment i would opt for a high end french uh cuisine restaurant that would serve incredible uh tasting dishes like roast duck served with some of the finest french wines that money can buy it would be not only about eating but about having an incredible or let's say amazing experience all right i'm just making this up just like you okay um and i'm using the condition so repeat after me if you could own a restaurant what kind of food would it serve why uh given the chance to open my own dining establishment i would opt for a high-end french cuisine restaurant that would serve incredible tasting dishes like roast duck served with some of the finest french wines that money can buy it would be not only about eating but about having an amazing experience and having said that students i hope that all of you have had an amazing experience learning english and preparing for the ielts speaking section with me here in this class if you like this class and you want to see a lot of hd videos with me teaching lessons go to our websites and for academic ielts check out and sign up for the premium package it's well worth it it doesn't cost a lot especially compared to the ielts exam um and uh all you have to do is click that big red button it's a one time payment for lifetime access so and there's tons of materials there for you okay for the general ielts it's the green background okay we have two separate websites it's not just me there's a team of people behind me that are awesome like carolina who's moderating this chat like eldar that some of you might have communicated with and many others i hope everybody has had a good time again and i wish to see you all tomorrow tomorrow there will be writing and there will be readings so hopefully you all show up and we'll continue on with english and communication i'm adrienne i'm signing out from a beautiful victoria where we have very rainy weather in the fall these days and i hope that all of you have a fantastic rest of your day much love to all of you wherever you are in this incredible world bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: mZJGoM6D490
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 18sec (3558 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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