IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Answer and Score

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you live from beautiful central europe i hope everybody is having a great weekend so far staying happy healthy getting some time to relax and enjoy life as well students in this class we are looking at speaking part two the cue card and we're going to discuss how to answer and get some nice scores in this part of the speaking exam this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch we will have an all chat class coming up in about 90 minutes which will be speaking part three and speaking part three will be connected to this speaking part 2q card so it's a good idea to stick around even if you can't join the chat if you'd like to become a member of our channel you can click the uh join button next to the subscribe button if you don't see that button just send me an email to adrian and i can help you uh further welcome members hi carolina hi sammy beck john good to see you in the class i know that you're on your way now to realizing your dreams uh in australia just a quick question beck john when are you going to australia so when are you planning to actually be there and another question i have is where are you going adelaide melbourne which city in australia i'm quite curious if you don't mind sharing with the group um while back john does that students this lesson is presented to you by ae for academic ielts success please visit us there and check out our premium package for the general outs visit us at g i e l t s help dot com that's generalised help dot com on both of our websites we have loads and loads of help for you and a little bit more help today you can use code r for t y j to get a twenty percent discount uh when you click and uh sign up behind sydney nice right on sydney i've never been there my parents have been there they quite liked it and it looks like a beautiful place so i love surfing so i definitely will go to australia at some point and catch some waves as there are several spots for surfing if you've never tried surfing back john i highly highly recommend picking up that sport while you're there surfing is an amazingly fun sport it's a fantastic feeling to ride a wave all right so just a quick look at our website here blue background ae help dot com you can click that big red button to join our premium package there and for the general ielts it's the green background click that big red button to join us there okay and again you can use this code we are uh certified british council agents and certified british council registration center as well so um and uh of course this is a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's a fantastic learning tool for you and you can practice your speaking writing and other parts of the exam as well uh just one more thing about surfing becca be really safe okay don't be a hero take it step by step right people get injured when they try to do too much too quickly and surfing so just uh as somebody who served so i wanted to make sure i tell you that before you go out there and catch some big waves okay the ocean can be quite intense uh so just step by step um all right as a teacher and as a father i i feel responsibility to share that one more piece of advice with you uh encouraging you to do surfing okay uh so students uh here is our schedule for the holidays okay um so a little bit of an interesting schedule coming up for the holiday season as many of you know especially here in europe christmas new year's it's kind of the holiday season uh in the year so again right now we will have speaking part two and then we will follow that with speaking part three and tomorrow and on monday there will be no class however i have added two more classes to tuesday the 22nd so coming up on tuesday there will be two classes usually there's no classes on this day but this coming week there will be classes on the 22nd and the 23rd and then from the 24th to the 27th on these four days there are no classes and i'm again back on the 28th 29th 30th and then 31st to the first no classes so and then the rest of the schedule i will post this schedule on our youtube community bulletin so you can check it out there and i'll remind you about it in the upcoming classes as well okay so no class tomorrow on monday but class again on tuesday all right so that's kind of a unique shift uh pay attention to that okay yeah sami surfing skiing those are some of my favorite sports in the summer and winter respectively and whether i'm riding the water the waves in the ocean or the frozen water on the mountain that's uh fun both of those sports are extremely fun all right um so let's get into today's part two uh question now this part to question might seem somewhat familiar and it should okay so here is our part two cue card for the day describe a visit to a different city than your hometown which city did you visit and why who did you go with what did you do when you were there what is your general opinion about this city you will have one to two minutes to talk about this topic you will have one minute to prepare what you are going to say now it's very very rare almost never in fact that i ever repeat uh questions and cue card topics but i thought that i would do that this one time because i want to remind you members and all of our viewers that it is important to go back and revisit questions that you have practiced in both the speaking and in the writing sections one of the negative study techniques that many students pursue is always looking at new questions and never revisiting old ones and trying different answers improving grammar and just seeing and comparing how much better you have become there's a couple reasons you want to do that first feedback and repetition of the same question can be very effective for learning also it's a great way to build confidence because you can um feel and see much more your improvement uh than just always going into new questions okay so um here we have this question and we covered this question a couple months ago does anybody remember what answer we gave to this question i believe several of you were in that class so this part 2q card about a place that you visited a city that's different from your hometown anybody remember what answer we provided for this back in october remember the city i thought it was quite memorable it's quite visual i still have that visual picture in fact i still have a lot of the information that we discussed even though i've had quite a few classes since then with you i easily recall this one very nice rashika good for you rashika you get my first giant thumbs up for good memory recall and paying attention fantastic yeah we talked about new york city the big apple right visiting there with our best friend i believe it was if i remember correctly yeah very good rashika good for you okay uh i'm happy that i wasn't the only one who who recalled that that's great okay yeah so we did uh new york city okay yeah sammy not apple city but the big apple the big apple don't say apple city that's kind of weird okay so just the big apple the big apple all right um so fantastic uh so you have an idea and this time i want to focus a little bit more on content with you rather than planning just because i know that you remember that i know that many of you studied that so here i'm just going to kind of zip through the planning part of this okay so the category is a place when you're describing a place you want to talk about its appearance you want to talk about it's oh let me get you back on screen here just give me a moment so appearance history right okay here we go so appearance history function okay it's people is a good idea as well all right and it's meaning for you yeah and it's location of course right yeah and if there are people that are located at this place like a city at citizens you want to talk about the people as well okay good so here um it's a city roshini welcome aboard okay um all right so uh here we're talking about a city that you visited the tense is past tense okay so you have to use past tense past progressive present perfect past perfect okay and then the next step is you have to identify some uh places and i'm going to identify a few so i was thinking about this a little bit before our class and this time like i say rather than spending so much time on the planning stage i want to focus with you more on the content so i want to give you more practice time for content and feedback okay so we're going to take it a little bit deeper in this sense all right so the next step is think of uh two to three good ideas for this okay all right so number one paris number two london number three dubai all right so i'm basically just giving you the choices this time rather than asking you for the choices uh so there are three very very recognized uh places around the world um so paris london and dubai now take a vote uh for this one two or three of course i'm thinking about um it should be something easy unique and lots of information right so let's take a vote and then we'll identify which one uh so just give me the number okay we're not putting mumbai up there it's going to be paris london dubai so one two or three i've got two votes for one one vote for two one vote for three just numbers please don't don't write uh names as well because then i'll get confused i have to keep looking okay now we're getting a pretty even split so i have three ones three twos three threes hmm [Music] making it tricky for me four threes four ones but beg john you're double voting only vote once okay uh who else is anybody else double voting honey you're also double voting honey you're triple voting don't triple vote okay you get disqualified if you triple vote um all right oh it says two for doves says three it looks like three one two three yeah okay uh carolina have you voted let's see yeah carolina you got number one roshani's got number three as well okay so it looks like number three is gonna work for us that's fine let's do dubai okay so all right so we'll stick with dubai looks like dubai is a little bit in favor all right so dubai it is number three all right okay and we have lots of information on dubai i think everybody does it's quite a hot topic of discussion and tourism uh in the world these days so i haven't been to dubai but i myself know quite a few facts about dubai from just popular media and i'm sure many of you do as well okay um so dubai it is now uh let's take some notes so starting with location where is dubai located yeah i bet a few of the people have been to dubai or heard of it and yeah it's quite popular okay so um uh let's take some notes i i'm i haven't been to dubai but i guarantee you i can talk for two minutes um [Music] about dubai okay honey writing that it's in the middle east is not going to be useful everybody knows that only useful notes os and honey okay so let me emphasize that don't write notes that you know okay okay aways that's a little bit more specific so uae okay it's in the united arabic emirates yeah okay that's much better oh it says arabic country it to be more specific it's the united arab emirates becca says it's on the karachi sea very good baek john so uae karachi c yep that's better okay and it's kind of in the desert right if i'm not mistaken okay very good so it's a desert region near the karachi sea it's uh the uae okay that's better all right whereabouts in the middle east is it okay so again you want to be specific all right um describe its appearance okay what does dubai look like very good for dobs persian coast okay nice okay qatar yeah it's near qatar os very good okay all right roshini says skyscraper filled skyline okay so some people would say it's modern we don't need to say modern because that's again or we don't need to write modern in the notes because that's something that we know right so um so skyscrapers skyline yeah definitely okay it's very hot okay but that could be part of its appearance i suppose instead of very hot so who wrote very hot sammy instead of very hot right the temperature so what is the temperature okay 35 to 50 degrees okay let's say sure okay okay for dave says many tiny man-made islands palm tree islands right i'm sure many of you um have seen that carolina says more than 40 celsius yes so i just wrote 35 to 40 degrees right okay good okay glass concrete and greenery there's actually some green space in dubai but it's again man-made so we're gonna get into that right okay resorts hotels shopping malls that's definitely something that comes to mind right okay all of that all right very nice good nick hill says let's not forget the burj khalifa okay so that would also be activities okay so it's fashion trends it's busy okay it's vibrant booming economics okay very good uh burj khalifa so again we have one minute and in the one minute we can get these notes down so far we're good okay um let's not forget um the uh the people the function the history okay uh and also keep in mind parts of the question okay uh who did you go with what did you do when you were there let's take some notes on that okay so this could be part of the activities okay so activities could be burj khalifa what else did you do there obviously shopping you don't need to write that down carolina says i visited my cousin javier okay okay good sure okay beck john says ate delicious food local afghan cuisine yeah okay drove drove a lamborghini i shouldn't know how to spell that because i've driven one but i don't uh my italian spelling's terrible okay uh drove a lamborghini very good nice uh bought souvenirs race the camel sure and if i go to dubai because of the start of class remember what i said i definitely will not leave out the indoor skiing indoor surfing opportunity okay okay great good uh who did you go with okay that should come before because that should be the people okay so who did you go there with who was with you let's just include that maybe your friend maybe your peers or perhaps your family okay i'm just gonna try to see what uh the popular vote is here oh it says my best friend called we did best friend for new york so let's not do best friend this time let's do uh let's do something else so let's do uh family father mother brother sister okay now you wouldn't write that down because you know that okay all right so that would just be in my my in your mind but i'm just writing that down so um we're all on the same page okay good um and one more it's meaning for you so what did dubai mean for you how did you feel about it just a quick note something that you wouldn't remember that would actually help you to have more information okay so what can you write down for its meaning okay um careful students not to get carried away with too many exciting ideas like baek john you want to be careful with something like meeting with rasheed khan the afghan cricket player okay so if you go down that path you can really kind of get lost uh rather than focusing on the cue card and so if you're in a real life situation and you're having a good chat with someone yeah sure absolutely go and digress into different ideas um about your trip and about what you did but with the ielts you really want to just keep focused to the card okay i saw a couple other suggestions there as well that were a little bit off the beaten path as they say okay all right so you want to make sure that you keep your eye on the prize that's the other idiom that means you stay on goal with the card all right okay okay i was amazed by the wealth and technology and spent too much all right let's just stick with that okay let's get our first sentence ready so here we go like i said we're focusing much more on content today so first sentences okay let's get our first sentence ready here uh dubai remember we're starting with location in this case it would be a good idea to start with when you went there okay uh when and location that's how i would start okay when and location okay so that's why i brought the notes back here the uae karachi c persian coast the desert okay give me your first sentence okay waiting for those first sentences i'm going to start typing my own don't look at mine keep your eyes on your own and then we'll compare after so okay let's see what you come up you came up with okay uh carolina says a memorable city that i visited with my family in 2018 was dubai very good um roshini says back in 2018 a fantastic place that i visited is dubai in the united arab emirates which is situated in the desert near the karachi sea okay ferdav says the first foreign city where i have visited was dubai in the uae and i believe it's in the uae like the united states of america the in uh the us in the uae okay nick hill last year in the month of april i visited a memorable place dubai in the uae uh near the karachi sea okay good all right um interesting how a couple of us had 2018 we're so in doctrine now by the covid situation that we're throwing ourselves back to the pre-covered years um here we go so back in october of 2018 i was a little bit more specific because here i'm thinking that okay i can uh explain the reason for going in october or maybe even late or november december because i went there when it was a little bit cooler right from what i hear it's not a good idea to go to dubai in the summer months when it's super hot right so okay so back in october of 2018 not long before the covet pandemic uh i had an incredible two-week trip to dubai with my family okay good uh oh it says in 2016 i had visited the best city in the middle east uh dubai i traveled with my brother abbas and the flight took about five hours from syria okay don't over speak uh os keep it um keep it short okay uh back john says right sir i always also wrote october but when i saw it on your screen i removed it yeah we're all kind of going back to what would have been the perfect month to go to dubai before covid hit in march and we're thinking october november right okay uh sammy says last september i visited that's good that means that we're thinking it's good okay last september i visited the beautiful and fantastic city um with dubai with my wife sammy you have some awkward wording there uh careful okay careful yeah we're in sync students we're definitely in sync okay great so now uh give me another sentence which describes um dubai's location okay so uae karachi sea persian coast desert use this information for me and create a nice complex compound sentence that shows a good level of lexical resource and uh grammar okay so put those together i'm going to do the same muksud good i see yours as well welcome aboard all right so describe its location okay so again step by step you don't want to rush it because then you'll run out of ideas okay go into details okay so okay so for dav says it is located in the arabian peninsula near the persian golf course and is the second largest city after the capital okay see you later back john thanks for joining and good luck with your next steps um os says dubai is located in the heart of the arabic desert near qatar five hours by plane from syria it has a wide desert and a small developed city capital of sharka okay os i think you're careful you're sliding a little bit off topic near the end there right so clear description okay here is what i wrote as many people know dubai is one of the largest cities in the united arab emirates and it is built in the desert along the persian coast next to the beautiful crystal blue karachi sea okay notice the description so um why am i coming up with that description of crystal blue because i can visualize it okay when you have that visual bird's eye view image of dubai you really see that very nice blue water of the sea okay all right muksud says dubai is located on the persian gulf coast of the united arab emirates and it's roughly at sea level okay very good yeah and maksud that's really nice description i like how you describe that it's at sea level which is you're correct it's right at sea level or just above right okay very very good nice content okay that's what we want that's where we're using our notes somebody sent me a question uh through youtube and said is it okay if i look at my paper during my two minute response time yeah absolutely that's why you get the note paper and that's why you can take notes so that you can look at it and use your notes to put together some nice sentences with complex compound grammar and good vocabulary okay all right so now we have its location now of course the next is we want to describe its appearance okay so here's where we want to talk about the skyline skyscrapers glass concrete that it's modern the temperature the man-made islands the res and then the resorts the hotels so here we can definitely write a few different sentences okay so now we want to describe clearly accurately we want to create an image of dubai for our listener in this case for the examiner okay nick hill says it's situated in the uae near the beautiful karachi sea i visited there for two weeks or so and thousands of people visit there each year millions of people visit there each year if it's not coveted right um okay good so let's describe it okay so you okay let's see what you have ferdav says the city has transformed over the last four decades after the discovery of oil and nowadays it's modern not only in asia but also in the world for doves it's a good start i made a couple of corrections there to your grammar and lexical resource it's good roshni says initially as i landed in the city i saw the high skyscrapers fill the sky and the skyline in addition the sidewalks were filled with lush green trees which were very surprising for a city situated in the middle of the desert very good roshni maksud says when i visited dubai the temperature was scorching hot i would say about 35 to 40 degrees however the outstanding skyscrapers made my travel unforgettable okay carolina says we visited my cousin javier because he wanted to show us the impressive burj khalifa okay carolina you're jumping into your activities right away which is okay but careful you should give a little bit of description of what the city looks like before you get to that okay you'll see that with what i'm writing i get to that as well but from describing the city i get to the burj khalifa okay it makes sense because dubai is modern there's lots of skyscrapers and of course one of the big attractions is the burj khalifa which is one of the highest building or which is the highest building uh there and in the world and that's one of the activities um to do there is to visit the burj khalifa and go to the lookout deck or the top floor okay all right nick hill says dubai is well known not only for its luxury shopping but also for the world's tallest building named the burj khalifa which is about 850 meters tall and a lot of other skyscrapers that clearly show the city's wealth okay nick hill a couple of corrections but looking good all right sammy says dubai's infrastructure is amazing with all the skyscrapers like the burj khalifa and spacious roads the variety of foods available in famous restaurants across the city especially in the night when all of the buildings are lit up the city looks absolutely gorgeous with its beautiful lights okay all right sami some nice writing there okay fantastic okay good job so here's what i wrote uh somewhat similar to what your uh expressions are um i'm also describing the the wealth the skyline so dubai is one of the most modern and wealthiest cities in the world and as such it has an incredible skyline filled with skyscrapers that touch the clouds including the world's tallest building the burj khalifa which stretches over a quarter of a mile high in fact my father mom's sister and i went to the top of the burj khalifa and the view from the lookout deck was absolutely breathtaking okay um from there we could see all of the man-made parks and green space around the city as well as the unique man-made islands in uh the shape of palm trees and other interesting motifs okay right so now i've transitioned to describe the look of the city and i'm also explaining what i'm doing so rather than just saying oh and there are these palm shaped islands i'm actually saying that we were looking at these palm tree shaped islands okay so uh from there we could see all of the man-made i believe man-made is one word so you can join it together parks and green space around the city as well as the unique man-made islands in the shape of palm trees and other interesting motifs okay good now i want to make sure at this point that i'm getting to all of the questions on the card so i don't want to get lost in just descriptions i want to make sure that i'm focusing on the card so at this point remember to focus on the card okay you can always go back and expand later but you don't want to run out of time and sometimes the examiners will stop you at 90 seconds if they have a lot of candidates that day so according to the card uh you want to say which city did you visit why uh we haven't really explained why so we might want to throw that in there right away so immediately i would start thinking to express myself as during our two week vacation we participated in several several fun and memorable activities including okay because i haven't really talked about the activities but by looking at the card at this point so not only am i looking at my notes but i'm also looking at my card i'm making sure that i answer all of the questions not which city did you visit but also the why because i was there as a tourist on vacation okay so i'm giving reason here okay who did you go with i already uh talked about that with my family my dad mom's sister and again i can talk more about it later but i've already mentioned this so i've covered this point what did you do when you're there okay so i'm getting into that now um and again with the help of my notes uh resorts shopping malls okay restaurants fashion um lamborghini camel racing indoor skiing so now i can get into putting these together for the activities okay all right and for dave says during the night we saw a fantastic fountain show and this event was interesting uh and watched by thousands of people over the globe okay for dobs good don't generalize to the thousands of people in the globe just stick to what you're doing okay so os says my brother and i spent do two days in dubai first we visited the burj khalifa we took some pictures from the top floor then we attended a car gallery and the next day uh we watched a camel race okay all right good so for dogs now you're thinking of why you went there all right i'm gonna start writing a bit too while you're putting together your activities so during our two-week vacation we participated in several fun and memorable activities including uh renting um luxury sport cars i drove a lamborghini which was one of my childhood dreams also we went uh diving in the sea and saw some amazing fish on another day we tried indoor skiing and the day before departure we visited some of the massive shopping malls to buy souvenirs of course we tried a lot of different and delicious afghani foods during our stay okay so getting into those activities right okay all right let's see what others came up with um just keep going here members so i'm looking for more uh furdov says during our trip we paid for a desert tour wouldn't say bought bought a desert tour is a little bit awkward for me for doves we participated in a desert tour and observed the national festival uh about the uh arabian history nick hill says since we had a vacation for two weeks or so we decided not only to visit all of the tourist places but also to become more familiar with the culture and how did you do that nick hill so if you say that you have to explain it as well right so overall i had an amazing time in dubai i loved the culture and modern feel of the city however i do have to admit that the heat was a bit intense at times hovering around 45 degrees even though it was october nevertheless i definitely would recommend others to visit there if they get the chance all right so that's about all that we can fit into the two minutes okay um so again this is a second look at this card with two months apart and hopefully you felt like you were more comfortable talking uh about a place another city uh that you have visited with someone for a certain purpose than the first time we did this so um how many of you members felt that this time when you were doing this the ideas were coming a little bit easier you were able to remember the structure of location appearance history attendees activities meaning than the first time when we talked about new york so again i want to show you that it's worth revisiting certain questions for the ielts when you're studying especially questions like this one i mean this kind of a cue card where you have to talk about a different city than your own hometown that you visited it's one of those questions that it has a good chance to be on your exam in one form or another they might not say a different city they might say different place or they might say talk about a city that you went on vacation to or talk about a city that you would like to visit in the future for your vacation so practicing a couple of different places talking about new york talking about dubai talking about paris london those are just really good places to practice talking about when you are going into your outs exam and if you get a the topic talking about a location then the this can really really help you okay all right ferdav says yeah that was that was easier for me good um nick nikhil yep i'm glad you got that all right great okay all right everyone so let's practice this from the top let's go through this okay i'm going to read this try not to read try to just repeat after me here we go so back in october of 2018 not long before the covet pandemic i had an incredible two-week trip to dubai with my family as many people know dubai is one of the largest cities in the united arab emirates and it is built in the desert along the persian coast next to the beautiful crystal blue karaki sea dubai is one of the most modern and wealthiest cities in the world and as such it has an incredible skyline filled with skyscrapers that touch the clouds including the world's tallest building the burj khalifa which stretches over a quarter of a mile high in fact my father mom's sister and i went to the top of the burj khalifa and the view from the lookout deck was absolutely breathtaking from there we could see all of the man-made parks and green spaces around the city as well as the unique man-made islands in the shape of palm trees and other interesting motifs during our two-week vacation we participated in several fun and memorable activities including renting luxury sports cars i drove a lamborghini which was one of my childhood dreams also we went diving in the sea and saw some amazing fish on another day we tried indoor skiing and the day before departure we visited some of the massive shopping malls to buy souvenirs of course we tried a lot of different and delicious afghani foods during our stay overall i had an amazing time in dubai i loved the culture and the modern feel of the city however i do have to admit that the heat was a bit intense at times hovering around 45 degrees even though it was october nevertheless i really would recommend others to visit there if they get the chance and then here if i had more time if the examiner doesn't stop me then i could continue with uh for instance a place i would recommend tourists to visit is because i went there and okay so you can expand all right you can build off of um [Music] your closing statement if you have to okay so kind of finishing on a statement like this you can continue talking if they don't stop you but at this point you've answered all of the questions on the card and you're on your way to that band nine score okay carolina says sure all right so uh when you get the chance members try to do this card one more time over the next few days and try it with paris try it with london okay i challenge you to do that okay okay so that's my challenge for you all right okay everyone that's it for this class but don't go too far because coming up in 30 minutes we're going to have speaking part 3 and speaking part 3 we'll continue with questions related to this part 2 and it will be some unique questions so we're going to look at some of the part 3 questions that we did not get to cover last time so hang around be back in half hour after a short break i will be back also it's the last class before we take a couple days off from the live streaming so get in all the speaking that you can while you can uh so hang around i'm adrian signing out from central europe for now but i'll be back shortly bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9
Id: uHZSCFlxa_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 34sec (3394 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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