IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Clearly Band 9 Scores

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to today's live I LTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest where the weather has finally gotten quite sunny just today hi Hina hi muck Sood hi Bazaar nice to see many of our members in the class already hi Priyanka hi Khyber hye-sook mean nice to see many of our irregular students I hope everybody is having a great start to this week staying healthy and strong and looking forward to a productive and successful week ahead students in this class we are learning for the speaking section specifically speaking part 1 and I will give you some instructions on how to speak clearly for that band 9 English score in the exam and while we wait for some more of your peers this lesson is brought to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS success please visit us there and for the general IELTS check us out at G IELTS help calm on both of these websites we have loads and loads of materials for you as well you can get our apps academic IELTS help you can link that to the a help comm account of course you can get that from your Google Play or Apple App Store and general Al's help app which links tier G Isles help comm account also I'm doing great MUC Sood thank you for asking Visser 7 days to prepare it's time to get busy get excited absolutely stay calm don't be too nervous I just mister a really important tip and this is for everybody who has exams coming up I know many of you do so make sure that you do a couple of full time to practice exams before your official exam so if you have your exam coming up next week on Friday this week you should at least two three full-time practice exams where you sit the whole three hours it's a really really good idea and also don't do full practice exams right before your official exam because that will fatigue your mind so be careful be strategic alright everyone so if you have questions about strategy for the test for questions and so on about our products just send me an email to Adrienne at AE help calm Yujin I'm doing fantastic even a little bit better now that I see that cowboy Panda smiley happy wavy emoji that you've sent me students this is the start of this week's live classes so we are on the 17th and we will have classes every day going forward until the 20th a live classes are 13 30 and 15 o'clock according to Central European Time this class of course on Wednesday starts at 15 o'clock but tomorrow we'll have 1330 start time for members and tomorrow we'll start with a task to four members of course everybody is welcome to watch and then reading and then more classes throughout the week so that's what we will be doing all right um so we'll get into strategy I'll give you a little bit more hints and tips about speaking as we go along but let's just start warming up our speaking in this class there's lots of you in the class now so remember that this is a speaking class okay so make sure to speak and repeat it's great that you're watching it's great that you're typing but very importantly speak okay and repeat what you hear repeat questions repeat answers especially repeat new words write them down okay one of the ways to speak clearly and fluently is to do a lot of work with repetition so focusing on listening to native speakers clear conversation and then repeating verbatim as much as possible verbatim means word-for-word so that's verbatim repetition okay all right so just throw some warm-up questions practice these lots I know they might get boring after a while but you will be asked these questions they will be your first chance to show your pronunciation your fluency and of course these are the introductory questions here so I'll enlarge this a tiny bit more for convenience so the examiner will start off with welcome to the speaking portion of the IELTS exam my name is Adrian and I'm going to be an 8 year examiner for the speaking portion of the test I will record it for marking purposes what is your full name ok what is your full name so again I know you hear this lots but this is an official situation so practice it in many ways practice your pronunciation make this one really clear and good all right jeonyul says my family name is Gabon II and my given name is Jenny oh please call me J for short alright Jenny oh that works so J is definitely short for Jain eel it's a kind of a cool nickname J is actually used as a short for lots of names in English as well like Jason John and many names starting with J they'll say call me J for short okay so it's a common short nickname for many names in English Musafir hoon says my full name is Prashant kosher and you can just call me Prashant and which one's your first and which one's your last name that would be pretty good to know or family name so you might want to be a little bit clear on that musafir it's not bad but the more clarity the better okay keep in mind students the outs examiner is a stranger they know nothing about you and they might actually be from a different culture as well in many cases so they might not know everything about your culture they might be new to your country okay so you have to be very clear alright Khyber maman said I'm Connor Mohmand you can call me by my first name Khyber that works really well Khyber because that makes it clear that moment of course would be your family name very good so what is your full name again students this is warm up time so lots of repetition again speak and repeat even if you're more advanced in English and you're like well I know this sentence try to repeat my pronunciation and intonation I'm speaking at a very natural speed right now so what is your full name my given name is Jason and my surname is Matthews please just call me J for short okay so you can use that nice expression when you're taking a short form and one letter is about as short as we can get from your given name so one more time what is your full name my given name is Jason and my surname is Matthews please just call me J for short all right J can I see your identification that's the next question coming up of course can I see your identification make sure to bring the same ID that you used to register for the exam that's what they want to see because they're going to match it with their own registration paper Visser says sure this is my passport which I used for registration please take a look it's very good mr. Nazir says here's my passport which I use for registering for this exam please take a look and as you're careful with the word form on registration so here's my passport which I used for to register for this exam please take a look students be really careful not to make any grammatical or language mistakes in these first couple of questions because that will definitely set the tone for a lower band score okay Hina says yes of course here's my passport that used to register please have a look again Hina also careful okay all right moving along Ravinder Singh says yes sure this is my passport here you go that's nice and to the point again be expressive here K lambda Discoverer says yes of course this is my passport I used to register for this exam Lam to always finish your sentence so students the speaking part of the IELTS exam is not where you want to cut pieces of the sentence okay I know we do that in everyday conversation but you don't want to do that on the exams Accra al-najjar is asking can I just say of course you can zarab but again it's not a good idea to keep your response too short because it is an official situation you're not just meeting with your buddy okay even myself so when I'm travelling and let's say I'm going back to Canada and I'm going through customs when a customs officer asks me may I see your passport I usually give a full sentence so yes of course here you are please have a look or yes here's my passport there you go so I don't just say yes of course that's a bit awkward in an official situation you might say that to your friend but not so much when somebody's in a position of authority so careful with that okay so you can answer short but I don't recommend it okay you can still get a good mark if you answer short and then you do really well on the other parts of the test but for your own confidence and fluency why not show nice coherent and complete answers right away okay I think it's a good idea so you can say certainly here is my passport that I used to register for the exam the police have a look okay and remember that even though the IELTS examiner's are trained to be professional and have a very clear structure to their questions if you're speaking to them politely professionally and in complete sentences they will also reflect that in their communication because that's inherent in humans okay so it's in us that when we speak to another person in a clear coherent complete way they tend to respond better as well okay so communicators build on each other's coherence and fluency the more coherent and complete your answers the better the examiner will be even though they're awesome anyway they'll be even that much better all right keep that in mind okay and then another warm-up question here so where do you live that's a common will icebreaker so the examiner will say okay I'll ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better for part one and then some questions on a general topic so a very common icebreaker question is where do you live kids very common to get that one so make sure you're ready for it all right Abdulla bawdy you cited Asimov says I live in a four-bedroom apartment with my parents and siblings in the capital of use Becca Stan one of the most spectacular and beautiful can urban a kinnor bation Zinn my country okay conurbations well that's a new word for me but I have to say but if that's a word sure yeah I would say spectacular and beautiful Metropolitan's in the country metropolitan is commonly used to mean a larger city okay especially Tashkent which is the capital Abdullah William you might use that word as well you might say I live right here in the capital which is Tashkent okay all right so being specific students is always a good idea all right Visser says I live in a three-bedroom flat in a tional ocean of grad which is a middle-sized town in essential bulgaria alright this are nice clear to the point good yeah for this question students it's a good idea to include your residence like where you're actually staying your home it's a house it's a flat or an apartment a condo k-town house so it's good to include that plus the actual city or district potentially as well okay so it's kind of like giving somebody your address starting with your residence okay and now don't give your address so be more natural but that's the idea all right okay so lots of great answers I'm kind of scrolling through the chat that's fantastic Sammy says I live in a three-bedroom apartment along with my wife near to the beach in a city called Chennai in the southern part of India very nice Sammy very visual so I can literally see your coastal residence okay because you're telling me that you live near the beach in India it's very visual visual language gets great marks remember that students visual language gets great marks humans are visual we like to see what we hear came Irene Domingo says I live in a semi-detached house in the northern part of Singapore which is Punggol which with my family it has three cozy bedrooms with a spacious living room Irene that's a really nice answer fantastic again good descriptive words nice natural use of language alright so I live in a two-bedroom flat near the Danube River in the heart of Budapest which of course is the capital of the city of the city of the country of Hungary all right now let's take a look at that for a second so I almost said city there and instead I'd then quickly changed it to country students pauses and mistakes are okay in speaking you can still even get a band 9 if you pause if you say um or uh or if you make a mistake or two it's not the end of the world especially if you correct yourself okay so correcting yourself is natural AB and 9 in the IELTS exam does not mean that you're speaking perfectly like a robot okay that basically does not exist in the world and yes students do get ban nines in speaking and a lot of non-native English speakers will get banned nines in speaking as well and guess what they will make some mistakes in their speaking it's okay as long as you correct but of course they do express themselves very clearly they give complete accurate answers use a wide range of grammar and lexical resource so there is a lot to it but the point here is that you can make a mistake and still get very high bends and even a ban 9 alright so repeat after me where do you live I live in a two-bedroom flat near the Danube River in the heart of Budapest which of course is the capital of the country of Hungary all right here's a an IELTS question that was actually asked a couple of IELTS ago in some parts of the world what public places are near your home ok so even these icebreakers are kind of scripted for the examiners and this was a question in an IELTS exam not so long ago what public places are near your home Shido gteen says hmm there are several destinations near my home and the most popular one is the hotel meridian which is the highest and most crowded place in term Eze in addition there's a football stadium just two blocks away all right she rode you did not bad however several destinations that the nation is not the best paraphrase for public places okay there's a couple different ways to save public places destination it's not bad but it's definitely not the best way to paraphrase okay all right let's see Abishag says there are a couple of social places near my apartment such as a recreation park for a walk or playground gundy ashram and a civic center near my vicinity okay I'll be shek not bad again it's good social places has a different meaning usually social places would be places where people gather to be in a crowd and communicate with each other coffee shops restaurants dance clubs those would be social places not necessarily public places okay public places are places where people can go without having to pay so they're owned by the government they're not private okay so a couple of different ways to say that but you have to be careful students if you're not sure what's another way to say public place then remember what I said in the past few speaking lessons anybody remember that what was my very important tip but I gave you a couple of times in the last few weeks with these warm-up questions these icebreakers while you think about that and answer that I'll take a look at a couple more Alvis says there are two public places nearby my house a public hospital in a park where I usually go for a walk on weekends in fact that was just there last Saturday taking in the fresh air all of us that's really good and you've actually done exactly what I'm hinting at so Alva's did exactly what I suggested in the past couple of classes and roshni very good roshni Kunte says use the same words okay you can pair for and get fancy later on and it's a good idea but in the beginning just to be on the safe side and to sound clear and accurate use the same words okay don't try to get fancy with paraphrasing especially if you're not sure so again I'm just going to remind you of this important little note here so for the icebreaker questions it is a good strategy to use the same words that are in the question in order to avoid sounding awkward and making mistakes okay so you can pair and you can and you should paraphrase later on okay but just for the sake of clarity and confidence make sure you don't do that because sometimes students realize later that they didn't paraphrase correctly they're like oh it was already making mistakes and then they kind of stress out for the next questions so in order to avoid that just say there are a few different there are a few different public now places now if you really want instead of places you could have said facilities for example or you could have said venues okay those are good ways to paraphrase places in this case but there are a few different public places around my flat including a big park where I take my daughter to play as well as a running track where I jog in the morning in fact I just went for a nice run before coming to this exam okay all right so again avoid mistakes use the same word here we go students so repeat after me what public places are near your home there are a few different public places around my flat including a big part where I take my daughter to play as well as a running track where I jog in the morning in fact I just went for a nice run before coming to this exam all right now you probably shouldn't go for a run right before your exam but the day before might be a good idea to get a good night's sleep okay all right so then the examiner will say all right now let's talk about holiday time so in just a moment we'll talk about holiday time but before I get into talking about holiday time one of the ways to build clear and fluent language is to do a lot of practice and I'm gonna show you where you can do that for free so I just made the screen a little bit darker so you can see this okay so this is our academic IELTS website here at AE help calm you can join the premium course by clicking that big red button or you can try the course for free and there's a lot of materials for free videos and so on by clicking the green button and when you click the green button you'll have a my student account just like a full course user and there you will find computer-based practice tests videos and many many other functions as well as a student partner speaking function okay and this is absolutely free there's no catch there's no limit you can use it all day every day in fact I recommend using it as much as possible so you click on that and you can use this on your phone as well of course responsive then it will ask you to accept our conditions which means that you'll be nice with other students and speak respectfully and you should be at least 18 years old and then you accept that of course don't share personal information like your address and so on and then you will see some other people in here waiting for somebody to practice IELTS and practice these conversations we can see Pooja Sami show hi Eve there in here and it looks like there's actually quite a few other people in here right now that's great I think some of you are actually in the live class as well so you have some instructions here say hello text first then ask to video or audio chat if you don't have a good connection try somebody else try again it's quite stable I know many of you are using it already and then you can choose questions here objects people places events and these are standard IELTS scripts so it's absolutely free for everyone and of course for general IELTS students you have the same it's a green background already somebody is trying to connect with me here that's why that popped up so you have the green background here you can click that big red button to join the premium package or the green one to try it for free and use that chat option okay once you join the chat keep the window open guarantee you that within a couple minutes somebody will ping you as they're doing right now with me and you'll be able to have a nice conversation with some IELTS questions keep it professional and practice lots so that's one of the most important steps to doing a great job don't be shy practice with a lot of different people with different English accents I'm just gonna brighten up our day here so if you're in Uzbekistan and you find somebody from India that's great okay I'm always a little bit I don't want to say up but maybe a little bit disappointed when people complain about other countries accents like they're like oh I can't understand people from India or I can't understand people from Russia well English has a lot of different accents to Canadian Americans southern American British Australian Kiwi so there's a big range and it's important to train your ear to listen for a variety of accents around the world because that will make you that much more communicative in the actual exam as well you're not you there's no guarantee that you're going to have a British person doing the speaking interview you could have somebody from the US or you could have somebody from India with an active slight Indian accent okay so careful with that okay so practice with a variety of different people and train your ears for different accents in English okay it's very very important don't complain about accents get used to them all right okay so students let's get back to point here we'll get into more of these questions now in order to speak clean and clear English definitely practice phonetics does everybody know what phonetics what that means that word phonetics khyber says I have a West Coast accent because of you sir that's good Khyber West Coast accent is actually quite clear and easy to understand okay so just a quick tip for those of you who aren't familiar that with this so in order to speak English clearly practice phonetics okay the pronunciation of sounds and syllables in English okay like for example th as the sound okay or another one would be ch as the sound okay now I'm not going to get into a huge phonetics lesson here for you but if this word is kind of new for you or if you're like oh yeah phonetics I remember hearing that way back when I started learning English then it's time for you to Google and practice phonetics okay so definitely in the weeks leading up to your next IELTS exam give 10 to 15 minutes each day to practice phonetics drills okay just google that all right and you'll find lots lots of great little exercises that show you the position of the tongue the teeth the mouth where the air comes from and don't be shy I know sometimes people say I its phonetics are so hard and I can never make the sound yes you can it just takes practice okay just like soccer drills there are language drills and you can do this so speak cleanly practice phonetics alright just 10 to 15 minutes is enough okay and then adapt to pay attention to it here we go so part 1 let's talk about holiday time again I want you to speak and repeat everyone so speak repeat here we go um how much time off do you have from school or work give me a nice full sentence answer for this one remember answer explain an example okay Heena Arshad says as I'm working full-time I have 30 days off from work annually to energize and boost myself definitely these days of rest helped me a lot to perform well at work and I really loved it and I really look forward to them Hina and I really look forward to them okay when we anticipate when we wait for our holidays to come about we're looking forward to our holidays we usually don't say boost myself you know that's a little bit awkward boost my energy okay don't repeat yourself Hina so just boost my energy or energize myself one or the other you don't need both alright so as I'm working full-time I have 30 days off from work annually to energize myself definitely these days of rest help me to perform better at work and I look forward to them okay Hina that would be the nice clear accurate answer also Hina as I'm working full-time the as replaces the so before the comma okay Virender Singh says I am working as a security officer from Monday to Friday so I have the weekends off from my work as well I'm off after 5:00 in the evening okay that's okay for answering how much time off do you have from workers school because I suppose your weekend and your evenings they are time off Virender however be careful because the examiner is introducing the topic holiday time so even if you start by explaining when you're not working your schedule you should definitely switch into answering your holiday time as well so I have three days holiday each year I have three months but you need to answer that question that's why they're introducing their topic so make sure to stay on topic it's very very important okay and this question is definitely not just focusing on your work hours being accurate is so important okay puja says it's quite rare that I find some time to take off from my study schedule as my IELTS exam is around the corner but I still manage to take a day or two in the week to relax and catch my breath okay puja couple of Corrections there near the end to make it sound a little bit more natural hmm her son Sadiq says the company that I'm working with frequently gives me two weeks holidays every three months on a regular basis I think these vacations are important to reduce stress from the hectic construction work okay Hasan that's good another way to safe every three months Hassan is quarterly okay so of course there are four three months in the year so we can say quarterly quarterly because there's four of them quarterly or if it's every six months then it's semi-annually okay so half a year semi-annually four times which is every three months is quarterly all right it's commonly expressed that way and otherwise very nice nice answer has son sandy sir Ronnie says mostly I had a one month holiday during the summer from June to July which I can arrange to have informal lessons that are different from my regular school curriculum like cooking or craft classes okay send ISA Ronnie you don't need to repeat classes okay because the adjectives will modify the single noun class otherwise very good okay you're very welcome my son boo meme shut bar says honestly I usually get 15 days off during the summer and winter annually that helped me unwind from my monotonous work last winter I went to Mount Abu to recharge my batteries for seven days so I guess that's fully okay so you in the full year you have 15 days off Rajveer Singh says I usually have two days off from my work each week on Saturdays and Sundays I usually go out on small excursions with my friends which helped me to decompress that's very nice Rajveer so full sentence answer students answer explain exam example okay so mm each year I get 30 days for holiday from my company other than of course my Saturdays and Sundays which I usually spend with my family my time off helps me rejuvenate and for my longer holiday I usually take a trip abroad last winter I went to Austria for some great alpine skiing alright so again answer explain example show fluency and you will get a great mark of course making good connections as well so repeat after me here we go students how much time off work do you have from school or work each year I get 30 days for holiday for my company other than of course my Saturdays and Sundays which I usually spend with my family my time off helps me rejuvenate and for my longer holiday I usually take a trip abroad last winter I went to Austria for some great Alpine Skiing rejuvenate is the technical verb for recharging your batteries okay so Koosh rejuvenate means to get back your energy and your health all right it's rejuvenating and of course it has lots of different forms like rejuvenation for the noun form all right next question do you prefer to travel or stay at home on your holiday do you prefer to travel or stay at home REE FIFA says of course I prefer to travel let me find your comment again in our chat Rifa it was a good start so Rifa says of course i prefer to travel because it helps to remove my monotonous and make me relaxed monotonous is an adjective reefa so you need a noun after that let me try to fix that up a bit reef uh so of course I prefer to travel because it helps me get rid of my monotonous work experience and helps me unwind on the other hand I can also learn a lot of new information by visiting foreign cultures and places all right reef I always find a word better than things okay things is a zero value word you learn information you don't learn things okay all right Chandra I know of high in Cambodia nice of you to join the class here we go some more answers Dale showed mark huh yeah I have do to the quarantine I'm not working right now however at the time when I was working I used to have two weeks off for vacation or holiday each year okay so you have a lot more time off right now maybe they'll shot and you're spending it at home also express that clearly okay all right Sariah Chuck here says well sometimes I just simply like to stay in home at relax other times I go out with my friends and watch a movie or go to a restaurant to eat mmm to general through Araya you're not really answering the question do you prefer to travel or stay at home on your holiday you're answering the question what do you like to do in your free time students this question is not what do you like to do in your free time it's more specific than that it's very very important that you pay very careful attention to the subject of part one when they introduce it now in some exams the subject will change so they'll introduce a couple different subjects but each subject will have two to three questions okay and sometimes you'll have just that one subject that they'll keep going at okay so the subject here is holiday time it's not your free time it's not your hobby time it's not your time after work or school it's your holiday time holiday time refers more to that longer period of time in the year that people take to do something a little bit more adventurous or more relaxing even if it's at home so make sure you focus on that otherwise you'll lose band scores okay Sariah the examiner will not give a very good mark for that okay all right let's see ranganna says although I like to travel on my holidays hundreds if not thousands of household chores are waiting for me to be completed whenever I have time off are everyone gonna that's a negative question but I would stick with the positive more if you're going to say that so run gonna I would say although I like to travel on my holidays I have thousands of household chores waiting for me nevertheless this summer I am planning to go with my family to the northern part of the country okay all right sure so making connections is good here's my answer and some reflecting on my previous answer where I mentioned skiing I definitely like to go on adventures for my holidays however due to the recent pandemic this has become difficult and less desirable nevertheless I'm planning to do some more exploring locally in Hungary this summer visiting places that I've never been like kayaking on the Tisa river alright so again use your context your real-world context I'm sure that a lot of us will experience very different holiday adventures in this year than we usually had just because international or continental travel has become a lot more difficult so it seems like many of us will be doing a lot more local traveling around our own country and it's good to visualize that and express that ok mister I caught you correcting things there which is good ok so here we go repeat after me do you prefer to travel or stay at home on your holiday reflecting on my previous answer where I mentioned skiing I definitely like to go on adventures for my holidays however due to the recent pandemic this has become difficult and less desirable nevertheless I'm planning to do some more exploring locally and hungry this summer visiting places that I've never been like kayaking on the tissa River now notice how I'm using the present perfect I've never been okay because I'm showing expectation one of the reasons we use present perfect is to emphasize my expectation or my lack of experience in this case as well I'm making a connection to my previous answer so obviously if I said that I went alpine skiing last winter then that means I'm a bit of an adventure seeker so I like to go away for my holidays so why not make that connection it helps me build fluency and add clarity okay now of course I'm using connective words however and I'm avoiding repetition so here I'm using nevertheless okay lots of connections alright and using present context so sounding original not like I memorized my answers all right okay so let's keep going students I'll try to catch different students responses at different times so just keep going and again remember this is speaking so I really want you to speak and repeat next question who do you like to spend your holidays with okay who do you like to spend your holidays with give me a nice full sentence answer for that one Mohan or shut Padova says I like spending my holidays with my mother because I can talk with her I can't talk with her on other days she's open minded and I always share my secrets and challenges with her okay Mohan ou're very good careful with missing words I like spending my holidays don't miss the subject students always make sure to include the subject into your answer okay well he know so I like spending my holidays with my mother because I can't talk with her on other days she's open-minded now if you say something Mohan or like I can't with her on other days you should say why ok you should say that I'm too busy with work in school and it leaves me very little time to contact her so make it clear because your listener doesn't know that information alright so fill in the blanks students always make sure to make it clear why ok boat air rocks my top says I have many friends who enjoy to celebrate holidays together with me as a result I usually go with them somewhere abroad or to another city for example a summer festival or concert last year we went to edge fest in Vancouver of being there that's a music festival so boot ear it's a good answer but the second part of what you're saying is just a repetition of the first part so students don't repeat yourselves ok always give new information answer explain example don't answer and repeat okay muck suit says mister agent what if we use a challenging word that's unknown for the examiner or very good question okay so I'll take a moment for that muck soon so muck suit is asking what happens if I use a difficult or technical word that the examiner may not understand okay sure muck suit that's a very good question so the answer is because some of you have areas of specialties in engineering in biology chemistry physics and perhaps you know some English words that become useful in your speaking interview which may be unfamiliar for your examiner okay now what do you think you should do so let me ask you a question here and then we'll get back to these questions so what do you think you should do if that happens let's see who's thinking critically what do I do when when I introduce a new word that I feel many students might not know so what is my technique to making sure that and you'll probably realize I do it very often once I say this but what's my technique so what is natural in conversation you do this in your own language by the way as well so Sami rocky says explain it Samuel says explain it in a simple and concise way yeah absolutely or put another way you paraphrase it right so answer is you should paraphrase it okay so for example in order to teach IELTS well it is important to have a background in psycho metrics which of course is the science of measuring human thinking and behavior that is because the English language is a type of behavior expressed for communication all right so of course the new word that I'm introducing to some of you here is what's called psycho metrics and psycho metrics is the science of measuring human thinking and human behavior okay it's statistical its mathematical it's not it's not so much philosophical and there's definitely a standard way of doing it all right so you paraphrase you roll into it and it's nice to do that so it is a good technique mug suit don't be shy to use words that you know accurately which might be new for the examiner I recommend it okay all right so getting back to the question who do you like to spend your holidays with but Xiu Yadav says I like to spend my holidays with my family because it gives me pleasure and a sense of responsibility to travel with most of the time my family is busy with work and my children are in school so they're very happy when we get to experience going abroad and visiting new places historical sites and monuments yeah so I most enjoy spending my holidays with my wife and daughter as it not only gives me a chance to bond with them but also to revel in our mutually shared fun and excitement when visiting places such as Venice back in 2019 summer all right it was loads of fun watching my three-year-old little girl run around the narrow streets of the city is actually true so I wrote the whole answer here for you repeat after me who do you like to spend your holidays with I most enjoy spending my holidays with my wife and daughter as it not only gives me a chance to bond with them but also to revel in our mutually shared fun and excitement when visiting places such as Venice back in 2019 summer it was loads of fun watching my three or a little golf run around the narrow streets of the city okay so of course that's a very fluent hila ban nine answer it's visual so all I'm doing to create an answer like this is taking a page from my experiences I'm visualizing the situation and I'm thinking answer explain example and then I'm building my vocabulary and my fluency around it okay now this is a bad nine ban nine plus let's say you don't have to have this level of vocabulary so you don't necessarily need to know the word revel in order to get AB and nine okay I'm just showing you that so that you can add it to your repertoire your skill set and vocabulary all right now a task or sorry part one will get more and more challenging and then you'll see some more complex questions using higher-level grammar like house the way you spend your time off work or school changed compared to five years ago and how what's the best holiday you have had so far okay so present perfect past perfect make sure to answer those using the same grammar now you can answer those and send your answers to me as an mp3 recording and I will gladly give you a score estimate for your speaking and maybe you'll even a little coupon or a discount for our premium package on our websites again my email for those of you who have questions and would like to send me your mp3 recordings for a score estimate do that at Adrian at AE help calm lots of great dialogue today in the chat everyone again make sure to study your phonetics and of course be sure to go to AE help calm for academic IELTS in G Al's help calm for general and remember on both of those websites you can connect video and audio chat with other students for 100% free Anytime Anywhere unlimited okay you're very welcome Rajveer always a pleasure to have you in the class I'll be check see you tomorrow of course members your class starts at 13:30 everybody's welcome to watch for tasks too much love back at you Khyber bye for now i'm adrian signing out from sunny summary budapest sea tomorrow
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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