IELTS Speaking Part 1 - How to get high scores

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welcome to a eHealth comms IELTS test preparation videos for real IELTS strategies that are proven to work join our premium course at WWE help calm this video is IELTS speaking part 1 strategies to help you get over band 7 and get a high score the next time you sit your exam here's what you need to do number one make sure to answer in full sentences give your answer use parts of the question from the examiner include your reason and explanation for your answer and whenever possible include a real example from your own life if you can't think of one from your own life just make one up take a look at these students responses do you like to cook why or why not mmm I don't really like to cook because I'm not very good at it like last weekend I try to make some spaghetti and it just didn't really taste very good I think I put too much have you ever tried changing any of your routine behaviors or habits hmm that's an interesting question I used to bite my nails when I would be nervous before now I don't these days I play with wandering instead number two make sure to reflect the grammar of the interviewers question the interviewers questions are designed to test you on different kinds of grammar so for example if the part one question is how often do you for example how often do you play sports this question is asking to see if you know adverbs of frequency like always usually often sometimes rarely and never so in your answer you need to show this kind of grammar again take a look at these students responses how often do you have time to relax during the week I guess I would relax usually in the weekdays after seven I work until five so after I get home from work I cook dinner and freshen up so after seven o'clock usually how often do you play a game it's quite often like I play games on my phone almost every day and but games we solder maybe want to be make sure to pay attention to the tense of the question if the question is in past tense your answer has to be using past tense also if it's present tense be sure to use present tense and if the question is asking you about the future you need to include the future participial we'll take a look at these examples did you live in a house or an apartment I lived in a house with my parents and do brothers it wasn't a big house but it was quite comfortable and had a big garden do you believe that physical exercise is important for health mmm yes I believe the physical exercise is incredibly important for health human are meant to be active without any exercise people may gain weight and become less healthy what kind of games do you think children will play in the future I believe that in the future from the games will be more virtual really debase the kids boo-bear 3d has said and be completely of serving it also pay attention to advanced grammar in speaking part one especially the last couple of questions if you hear past or present perfect make sure to use the past or present perfect in your answer take a look at how these students do this have you been to a professional sporting event what did you think about it yes I have been to several football games if my husband he's a big fan and I must admit I really enjoyed them the crowd has amazing energy and there's an excellent chance to get loud and let go stress have you ever seen an elephant yes of course Athens are native and not only have I seen one I've even known furthermore pay attention to conditional questions if this happens then what do you do make sure to answer any full conditional when you hear such a question when this happens to me this is what I do again take a look at how these students handle such questions okay if you could be anywhere to relax for an hour where would you go hmm that's an interesting question I guess if I had time to myself for an hour I would want to go somewhere outside maybe like a sunny secluded beach where I could just sit and relax alone with my thoughts if you could choose to be an animal what would it be why mm I never really gave that any thought but I definitely enjoy being me being the king of the sky and fly anywhere would be great all right speaking part one strategy number three paraphrase the questions that you are being asked paraphrasing means to say the same idea using different words again listen carefully for the examiners questions and think of synonyms and expressions to use in your answer of course you need to practice this at home so you can do it quickly in the IELTS exam take a look at how these students paraphrase what they are being asked what team sport is most popular in your country there are several popular team sports in my country hungry but the most popular is football there are millions of fans who fellow professional football closely are the games you play now different from ten years before mmm some of the game are the same but the digital games that I play on my phone are different at the ketha go form camber very simple but now the day I play quite complex game on my phone why civilization last but not least strategy number four learn to buy time when you find a question difficult to answer or you have difficulty understanding it learn strategies to buy you time there are several ways to do this number one natural fillers allow you to think saying ah and um are absolutely okay don't use them too much and make sure to use them naturally as well you can ask for time say that's an interesting question can you please give me a moment to think or that's an unusual question can I please have a second all right again have a look at how some of these students buy time to think of great answers are there any new behaviors people do these days that didn't exist before just give me a minute to think on that yes there are quite a few habits that are quite new and did not exist before one of the most common ones and the most dangerous is texting while driving this is proved to cause a load of accidents if you could eat any kind of food what would it be and why that's an uncommon question just give me a moment to think sure if I could try any food I think I would like to try the most expensive caviar not just because it costs a lot but also because I think it would probably taste amazing excellent now that you've learned these four important skills to help you score high bends on the IELTS speaking interview make sure to practice at home for lots more real effective strategies for all sections of the IELTS join our premium full course at WWE help calm subscribe to our channel click over here watch more videos click right here or click our IELTS hero for over a hundred hours of complete video lessons and six original practice exams to help you pass IELTS
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 403,959
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Keywords: IELTS, speaking, part 1, strategy, high band, score, interview section, British, accent, part 2, part 3, pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, easy
Id: nkeY9-IzI1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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