IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Common Band 9 Answers

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hi students and welcome to today's live isles class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a good start to their week you're all staying healthy and staying strong welcome murugas gessan akaisha shakzoda to shkar nice to see many students in today's class we are looking at speaking for the ielts exam specifically we're going to be focusing on speaking part one and we're going to practice and discuss some common band 9 replies for those introductory and general questions that the examiner will ask you while we wait for a few more of your peers this lesson is presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts success visit us there and for the general ielts check us out at g that's on both of our websites we have tons and tons of resources to help you improve your english and your communication hi rashika hi jai neil hi sammy hi devange nice to see many of our members in the class as well all right uh ali to become so ali has a question lisa how do i become a member of the youtube channel uh ali to become a member of the channel click the join button next to the subscribe button if you don't see that send me an email because youtube's a little bit weird when it comes to apple products also in certain countries it's a little bit trickier so just send me an email our websites look like this this is our academic ielts website here at we are a british council outs registration center and certified agents and you can click that big red button to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access our general ielts website looks like this with the green background and again you can click that big red button make sure you're clear on which version of the exam you need to take we just released a new hd video that discusses uh how to start your studies for the ielts exam so definitely check that out it talks about those important details all right um all right shook deep i will definitely respond to your comments when i see them i can't respond to everybody but i will try to grab different students at different times just an important resource students since this is a speaking class that we're looking at today when you create a student account at and you log in you'll have access to computer-based ielts tests full online course videos audio cds lots and lots of materials and you also have this function here it's called the student partner speaking so you can click on that and find other students ielts students who are looking for speaking partners right now uh vladislav is in here waiting for somebody to chat with so uh you can video chat or audio chat so check that out uh when you have a moment it's kind of like skype but it's built into the websites so practice using those i just saw carolina our moderator is also in this session welcome carolina it's good to have you as always that's fantastic all right everyone um so again websites a help gl's help you can download the apps academic ielts help it links to general alex help app will link to you can also follow us on instagram ielts underscore a help and gl's help and if you have questions just send me an email adrian okay so we have a full week of classes from today until saturday we've got reading writing uh some q a later in the week for the members and then also some more speaking let's start looking at today's speaking questions so this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat with these speaking classes i always like to imagine that wherever you are in the world whether you're in india in uzbekistan in colombia in canada in australia as you are watching this video as you are hearing these questions these answers you're also speaking and repeating with a nice loud voice okay these lessons are recorded so you can always go back later and practice more if something is too fast if you miss a piece of information don't worry it will be there for you later sandro brocard says canada with an a that's got a accent on it all right okay everyone so uh ielts speaking it's kind of the scariest part of the exam because you're being graded by an actual person examiner in real time it's important to stay calm to stay focused okay there are a few important steps to do this one is to get to the exam center early so arrive to the exam center an hour before your speaking exam get comfortable talk to strangers find other uh candidates who are at the exam center and speak with them i know it's covid i know it's tricky we're doing social distancing but that's fine uh take some questions with you keep your mask on stay two meters apart but talk to people say hey i'm here to do the speaking for the ielts are you here to do the speaking and they'll probably say yes and then you can say could we practice some questions with each other just so that we can get warmed up and feel comfortable and confident and that will help you to be fluent and to be confident okay instead of anxious so find people at the exam center they will be outside because they don't let people into the exam center which is perfect so find them and talk to them okay when you go into the exam center use english when you register okay and when you get called in and you see the examiner imagine that the examiner is your grandfather or your grandmother they love you they want to talk to you they're not going to judge you you have to speak loud to them because grandma grandpa maybe don't hear all that well you have to speak in full sentences because grandma and grandpa need clear ideas they're a different generation so you have to be very expressive okay if you talk about google drive you have to explain that it's a storage space like a filing cabinet where you can put documents and information okay so clear detailed ideas all right okay so uh gineal good luck on your speaking exam tomorrow uh make sure to follow along carefully in today's class okay all right so um you get called in into your speaking interview make sure you go to the washroom feel relaxed kind of move your arms around take a couple of deep breaths just focus you deserve to be there you paid good money to be there you're there to do a job the examiner is there to do a job remember on that day they will talk to many other students um you're not special okay and i don't mean that in a bad way okay i mean that in the most polite way you are special all of you are special to me but to the examiner it's their day job okay this is what they do uh if you work as a cashier at a store then you're not going to be greatly involved with every customer that goes uh across the till same kind of thing with the examiners they're there to do a job they're supposed to have kind of a neutral flat non-emotional expression and you're there to do a job you're there to get a high band score okay so stick to strategy what should you have students this is an important reminder and i i've kind of ignored talking about this in the last few classes but um what is a good idea to have with you before you go into your speaking exam okay so this is a big tip here for everyone you should have a small piece of paper or on your phone i think the paper is better because you won't forget it as easily with a what i like to call a something uh what is that what should you bring with you to your speaking exam this is a really good little trick it also will help you to be confident okay uh what is that it's it's a tool it's a it's a brain tool or a mind tool um sammy says two copies of practice speaking papers yeah that's something good to have but there's something else that you should have with you okay and some students who've been in my classes for a while should know this it's a small piece of paper um carolina says something with the weaknesses i might have yeah abhishek says a checklist that's right what we call a mental checklist uh most importantly a mental checklist uh are points to pay attention to they could be your weaknesses um like for example these are some of the common ones that people forget about okay just bear with me here these are just some of the common ones yours could be different okay all right so you should have about five points maybe six maybe seven not too many if you have a lot of points if you have like 10 or 15 points it's a problem because you're not going to really remember any of them so it's better to have about six seven points and make sure that you remember them okay all right so for example use correlative conjunctions this is a one that students commonly forget so not only but also uh not only do i play the piano but i also sing okay uh you should use quantitative language that means numbers okay so i work out often at least four times a week okay you should always give examples i like apples i ate a red apple this morning all right so these are points that will help you uh to perform better in your speaking and you should have this checklist with you on a piece of paper and then when you do your registration in the last moments read over this piece of paper a couple of times to really fixate uh the information in your head and then there's a much better chance that you're going to remember to do this during your speaking so gino make sure to have this piece of paper ready okay another couple important ones that people often forget is look at notes during the part two speaking time okay and another common one uh might be something like give answers explanations and examples it's always a good one to remind yourself of that one okay all right uh so that's what you want to do all right make sure you have that it's called the mental checklist it's points to pay attention to especially those that are your weaknesses okay all right uh so let's get into uh today's questions a little bit we'll practice some of these points as well today so you finally get into your speaking interview the examiner will introduce themselves they will say something like welcome to the speaking part of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this section it has three parts i will give you instructions for each i'm recording this for marking purposes clerical purposes uh the student number is 79321 the exam is being conducted in rio de janeiro and the time is 12 o'clock now we shall begin may i see your identification please or they will say please show me your identification they don't want to touch it because of covid okay arda says yes definitely here's my id that i used for registration for this exam please have a look okay that works nice fluent answers right away that's something you could put on your mental checklist okay sammy says certainly here is my id card which i used to register for this exam a couple weeks ago please have a look oh just one second here are my personal details good darshan says yes of course here's my passport that i used to register for the exam please have a look yeah showing fluency uh showing politeness right away is a great idea definitely okay buck to your says uh i've done my speaking test today use the program speaking assistance those questions was today uh i'm not sure what you mean by that bhakthi tour but they always do have original questions so um all right uh darshan just once okay in the chat please all right ct12 says certainly here's my passport that i used to register take a look please kct 12 nice clear full sentence answers okay you have some missing uh parts there all right uh arena says yes definitely here's my passport please have a look okay please have a look uh arena is one sentence all right you wouldn't emphasize please before have a look so careful with your intonation as well all right uh devange says yes certainly here's my identification my proof of identification that i used to register for this exam all of my personal details are on the first and last page of my passport okay davange careful with your word order okay you don't want to make mistakes janil says yes of course please wait for a second so i can show you my credentials properly yep here you go okay very nice all right uh may i see your identification please yes certainly here is my id card that i used for the online registration please take a look okay so nice fluent answer repeat after me students uh repeat questions as well when you're practicing your speaking repeat questions may i see your identification please yes certainly here is my id card that i used for the online registration please take a look okay and what is your full name okay nice and fluent so what is your full name that's always the next question you might still be holding your passport when they ask you this so what is your full name arda says my given name is arda and my family name is gerbaz please just call me arda okay ardog good nice it's precise it's to the point excellent janelle says my first name is janila my surname is gabbani please just call me jay for short i'm used to it by my peers very nice janil sammy says my full name is siva shankar and my surname is polovarthy please call me by my nickname sammy that's what my friends call me and uh i'm comfortable with it uh reba says my full name is riba khan please just call me by my first name reba that's very good reba yeah nice and clear okay all right priyanshu says my full name is priyanshu sontake please just call me by my first name priyanshu yeah nice okay that's how you do it so my given names are jeffrey andrew and my surname is mckenzie uh please just call me jeff for short okay so if you use a short form of your given name many people do then you can say please just call me something for short here we go repeat after me so what is your full name my given names are jeffrey andrew and my surname is mckenzie please just call me jeff for short okay jeff i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic uh where were you born okay so they might ask you this it's kind of a common introductory icebreaker question so uh where were you born again nice full sentence answer for this one as well okay uh arda says i was born in a private hospital in istanbul turkey okay yeah sure all right um sometimes when we're asked where were you born we also give the date in uh 1994. okay you might give the date as well darshan says my birth was at upleta which is located in rajkut district of gujarat but we moved here to delhi five years later darshan not shifted moved okay uh lepay yan says i was born and raised in the capital city of canton province uh gyanzo china it's vibrant city with a beautiful scenery and a lovely residence okay sammy says i was born in a hospital in pradesh which is in the southern part of india wow a lot of challenging words for me to pronounce so i hope i'm doing okay i'm sorry for the mispronunciations doing my best uh june says i was uh born and raised in the city of shanghai the largest metropolitan city in china i stayed there for 23 years before moving to canada for my graduate studies a june i made a few corrections there um careful with that okay so i was born and raised i was born and raised in [Music] victoria uh british columbia and i have been living here for the past four decades sure yeah so giving the name of the hospital the city and also mentioning maybe the time of your birth or how long you have been living there it's great notice of course that hey it looks like a simple sentence but um i was born and raised in victoria british columbia and i have been living present perfect progressive right so i have been living here for the past four decades so lots of great content vocabulary already showing a grammatical range and accuracy so with these warm-up questions it's kind of your chance to really get into it and get comfortable so use them this is where your mental checklist should already be showing okay it should be evident that you reminded yourself of these key components be fluent right okay um next question if you hadn't answered this question with the previous then the examiner might ask you something like and where do you live now okay um even if you did hint like june says and now i live in canada um you might want to give a little bit more information like currently as i just said i'm living in canada to be more specific i'm living in calgary which is the largest city of the province of alberta i live in the suburbs okay so you can go into more details here okay so uh where do you live now okay kian ciao says i live in my house okay give a little bit more information ken so i live in a three-bedroom house currently in the suburbs of okay so a little bit more specific okay sammy says at present i live in a two-bedroom flat in marg apartments which is near the uh beach uh which is near chennai beach uh in tom milnadu in india uh omar mostly says i live in um jeddah saudi arabia now but hopefully i will be moving to canada in the next couple of years okay omar that's good name the city as well so i'm living here in jeddah in uh saudi arabia or if you live in mecca or riyadh then say that okay uh isabec says it's quite an interesting question so nowadays i live in tashkent which is the capital city of uzbekistan i'm living in this country because of my career my work has brought me here okay isabek um it's good quite an interesting question yeah i guess it could be if you've moved around for some interesting reasons so um it's possible all right uh nick hill says i reside in a two-bedroom apartment on the sixth floor in pune city which is located in the western part of india i've been living here for seven years or so very nice in the hill nice use of that present perfect devon says at present i live in the same place after completing my college graduation sachi danda says i'm living in which is a city in india okay a little bit more clarity there all right carlos says i'm living in bogota colombia i have been here uh recently uh for some work requirements yeah if you mention your work requirements you might want to mention what it is so i have been working here as a resident nurse at uh such and such hospital okay so uh currently i am living in um the royal district of victoria in a two bedroom townhouse i moved here just last year okay um so where do you live now currently i'm living in the view royal district of victoria in a two-bedroom townhouse i moved here just last year okay and what do you like about it so especially with some examiners they really like to be conversational with these warm-up questions so they ask you uh where were you born where do you live now what do you like about it they're kind of all related and they're trying to see how well you can carry a conversation and they're also wanting you to feel a bit more comfortable as they go towards those uh general questions okay so um what do you like about it okay shawnee uh lucas says well my hometown is filled with lush green paddy fields and pristine mountains which paints a picture of prosperity greenery is something that i really like around my surroundings and the atmosphere is quite peaceful very nice johnny okay you don't need the dot dot pots that's all very clear so a good job all right let's see what a couple other students have as well here um reba says the first thing i adore about my city is that the people here are really friendly and welcoming secondly there are plenty of um pocket friendly cafes in my city where i can spend a gala of time with my friends catching up on old times and having good conversations reba that's nice okay that's a nice answer okay rashika says richland is a historic city there are lots of monumental buildings such as churches i adore the atmosphere of the city there's lots of greenery and fresh air the evergreen state is the nickname of this part of the world okay rashika good pognapang says as i have mentioned a moment ago i can enjoy seeing greenery breathing in fresh air and there are lots of historical places that many people desire to visit such as the old pentecostal church just down the road from my place remember those examples right okay so what do you like about it um i love that victoria has lots of greenery and beautiful gardens in fact it is globally known as the garden city the air is very fresh because the city is surrounded by the uh pacific ocean the people are generally quite friendly and the infrastructure is very modern okay so here we go what do you like about it again repeat i love that victoria has lots of greenery and beautiful gardens in fact it is globally known as the garden city the air is very fresh because the city is surrounded by the pacific ocean the people are generally quite friendly and the infrastructure is very modern okay so that's what we love about victoria all right now they will get into part one and part one can really be about anything so there are lots of different topics that the examiner can choose from and they will choose and then they'll introduce the topic they'll say something like let's talk about sports okay as soon as they say sports you identify that topic and in your brain you should reference a lot of words that come to mind when you think of sports when you think of sports what words come to mind okay so your brain should quickly search your vocabulary banks and think about words associated with sports that you will be able to say janelle says football okay retive congratulations on your great score so football sure that's a type of sport um what else danielle says field what are some synonyms for sports okay so different types of sports sure football swimming cricket field yep etcetera volleyball but other than just types of sports uh sammy says fitness playground aerobics yeah so fitness is a good word yeah there we go nora mendez says athletics very good margol workout carolina says basketball yeah so cardiovascular uh weight lifting okay um priyanja says thrill yeah so having fun right teamwork maybe comes to mind as well okay so your mind should be racing when you hear this topic let's talk about sports and yeah think about specific sports but also think about fitness exercise workout cardiovascular athletics as somebody mentioned i saw that athlete sportsman or sports woman okay so those words should come to mind all right okay um so then the examiner will ask you a question like what kind of sports do you enjoy playing so what kind of sports do you enjoy playing again remember answer explain example okay answer explain example i want you to keep that in mind right so what kind of sports do you enjoy playing i want you to include all three of these elements osman deluxe says i love traveling spending time in natural places not only camping but also hitchhiking osman that's off topic it's confusing okay you have to rethink that you're not going to get a good mark speaking off topic uh hemanth says i like to play badminton often as that's my favorite game but recently i'm not getting enough time to play due to covet in my academic preparation um yeah okay so you're telling me why you can't play it but i'm more interested in what you like to play okay karthik says i usually play qriket with my friends during weekends i really enjoy this game uh while playing with colleagues why karthik why do you enjoy playing qriket is it the team spirit the style of the game what do you like about it okay angelo says i indulge playing football with my friends and family i occasionally train myself so i can master some skills of passing and shooting goals that are required to be a great footballer okay angelo i gave you a little bit more insight there again answer explain example okay uh reba khan says i love playing outdoor sports my favorite sport is badminton it actually is a total body workout for me and helps me to stay fit every evening i play badminton with my sister and we really have lots of fun reba that's good okay that's much closer to the answer explain example okay prob says well i like to play basketball because it's my favorite sport and i play this game on the playground with my friends in the evening just yesterday i played for two hours i shot about 12 baskets and had a great time okay prob notice the example that i added to the end of your response to make it more fluent um give more vocabulary like i shot 12 baskets okay so answering explaining example really really important nick hill says i'm really into outdoor games especially football since it not only helps me to be healthy um but also keeps me social in fact yesterday i played a game with my friends and shot a couple of goals nick hill stay on topic so it's not sports that you like to watch but it's sports that you like to play you started okay but then you started to go kind of off topic okay so really stay on topic students don't talk about what sports you like to watch when the question is what sports do you like playing okay design journey says well i'm fascinated about sports since my childhood i often used to play cricket with my siblings and friends because it helps me to stay fit and helps me release stress okay design journey what sports do you enjoy playing now okay so stay on topic okay hmm all right so here is what i mean by answer explain example this is your band nine answer this is what you need to copy or do when you're in your ielts exam okay keep this in mind so what kind of sports do you enjoy playing plural sports so i'm not just answering one like football or cricket but plurals okay i enjoy playing both team and individual sports my favorite team sport is basketball and my favorite individual sport is tennis i love the dynamics of these sports they are fast-paced and action-packed i played a great game of tennis with my friend james just yesterday that's my example okay bringing it into the real world makes for great communication okay everybody's clear on that so here you can see the reflection of the question enjoy playing i enjoy playing i'm using a correlative conjunction to emphasize so both team and individual sports so that both end is my co-relative i had that on my mental checklist at the beginning my favorite team sport is basketball and my favorite individual sport is tennis going into details why i love the dynamics of these sports they are fast paced and action-packed okay lots going on and then my example i played a great game of tennis with my friend james just yesterday okay everybody's got that great okay so that's what you're going for to get that band 9. all right um what are some sports you have never played why okay now notice that this is present perfect have never played okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one again think of example think of explanation those important details issa beck says i have never played basketball because in this type of sport a person should be tall and energetic but i'm lazy and short and that's the reason i've never played it okay so back great answer all right it's kind of funny um thanks for making me laugh but uh yeah sure so i'm lazy and short all right uh sammy says some of the games which i haven't played till now are chess rugby snooker and handball but now i'm learning to play chess and rugby during my summer vacation through online classes okay sammy sounds good zia says the sports which i have never played are hockey um athetics and some olympic games due to my studies and due to the environment which has been spoiled because of the pandemic okay all right athetics i'm not sure what that is zia you might have to explain that to me all right aman judd says well in this category football and some water sports like swimming are included that i've never tried yet but i will definitely give these a shot in the future if i get the chance all right amanja ali muhammadi says i have tried to play tennis but it's an exercise that i will have to leave for the future because recently i've moved to a new place um and there are no tennis courts okay ali so sports that you haven't played okay so don't start talking about sports that you're just starting to try or just starting to play okay all right arena says well i have never played tennis and basketball because i didn't get any chance uh to play these if i do get the chance i will definitely try them okay yeah sure so what are some sports you have never played i have never played a hockey because it is not a popular sport in my country and there are no ice rinks in my nearby vicinity also i have never tried water polo because i'm not very good at wading water okay all right um so what are some sports you have never played and why i have never played hockey because it is not a popular sport in my country and there are no ice rinks in my nearby vicinity also i have never tried water polo because i'm not very good at wading in water uh wading in water means staying in one place and swimming um obviously it's not true because hockey is very popular in canada but again ielts is not about the truth it's about giving good answers okay giving good believable answers if you're doing the exam in canada you might want to add uh it's not popular sport in my country where i grew up which is okay so add those all right okay next question do you prefer team sports or individual sports why now if you've discussed this then make a connection if you haven't then give a clear explanation all right issa back says well to be honest i adore both types of sports because they have their positives and negative sides like team sports i can have companions who help me issa beck not you but me okay use me me me me me my i okay in team sports i get to socialize um and in individual sports i get to take the glory of the wind all for myself all right yeah hachin you can say that you like both but you have to clearly explain it okay now the reason that carolina is removing some of these comments is because you're pasting them over and over again into the chat and it's spamming the chat so students please only put your answer in once okay to be fair with everyone all right uh nick hill says even though i've played both team and individual sports i mostly prefer a group sport since it helps helps me to socialize with others and learn lots of strategies from them as well okay good answer nick hill yeah okay uh daniel says i prefer team sports such as basketball because they require both athleticism and iq as it has more complexity okay zohra says i love to be a part of a team when playing sports because it's a lot funner than playing alone and it helps to teach me to become helpful and supportive to others especially when the team shares the same goals zohra i enhanced your answer a little bit so go back and listen to that at some time okay all right again just once in the chat everyone all right so um as i had just as i had just previously mentioned i do like both i do like to play both group and individual sports i like team sports because i get to [Music] interact with my teammates and share in the fun and i like to play [Music] solo as well because i can take all of the glory of the wind and not worry about losing because another player is making mistakes okay and so uh here we go do you prefer team sports or individual sports why as i had just previously mentioned i like to play both group and individual sports i like team sports because i get to interact with my teammates and share in the fun and i like to play solo as well because i can take all of the glory of the win and not worry about losing because another player is making mistakes answer explanation high band score okay that's what you have to keep in mind all right um couple more questions here why do you think people play sports and what is the most popular sport in your country and why do people like this sport i will let you tackle these last couple of questions uh in your own time you can use the websites for practicing again remember we have our websites giles you can join our premium package here by clicking that red button same thing for and once you're logged in you have this student partner speaking okay click on that and then accept the terms which means that you're going to be polite and be nice to others and then you'll find people in there right now um muhammad is in there and praveena is in here and you can video an audio chat so practice those questions amongst yourselves and remember the mental checklist before you go into your speaking exam jai neil remember that tomorrow when you go into your speaking exam and again get our apps academic isles help and general alex help i will be back tomorrow at the same time with a task two question that was submitted by one of our students we'll be looking at that with everyone and before that we'll be doing a reading class and practice with our members that's it for today everyone carolina thank you for moderating the chat keeping it clean and efficient yujin thank you for those emojis to make everybody smile and be happy and hopefully everybody has a fantastic rest of your day keep up the good work chin up upward and onward much love to all of you i'm adrian signing out from beautiful victoria for now see you all tomorrow bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 8,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 55sec (3235 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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