IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Don't be Scared Be Band 9

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and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada situated on the southern tip of vancouver island for those of you that don't know it's a big island looks small on the map but it's a big island um welcome jai neil hi kyber hi mohit welcome members hi carolina good to see our moderator back in the class that's fantastic um high reg deep welcome students all right in today's class everyone we're looking at speaking part one and the focus here is to practice lots so that you're not scared but that you're getting a band 9 instead while we wait for some of your fellow peers this lesson is presented to you by that's for our general ielts students check us out at g-i-e-l-t-s help dot com that's generality help dot com all right um so kyber was asking a good uh starting question asking how i'm doing uh today uh to be perfectly honest students i'm not feeling so hot today uh yesterday i got my second shot of moderna the vaccine and uh definitely feeling the side effects of that nausea headache and all that but but i'm here with you teaching and one of the very very important parts of life is to push past difficulties keep your eyes on the prize and just do your best and i think that's the way i'm going to use my situation to encourage you for your ielts exam so come rain or shine when you have your speaking interview pull yourself together give it a 120 percent and you'll do just fine thank you proud nerd for that wish i appreciate it all right so let me show you um what our websites look like this is our academic ielts website here i'll just log on and on this website you have lots and lots of resources to help you improve and reach your desired band scores you can even find other students to chat with so this is with the blue background all you need to do is click that big red button it's a one-time payment lifetime access doesn't cost very much and it will certainly benefit you for the ielts exam all right for the general ielts we have a separate website because general ielts students are different their targets are different their reading and writing sections are fairly different so it makes sense to use completely different platforms for that so this is the general ielts click that big red button to join the premium package there again it's a one-time payment for a lifetime access we are a british council ielts registration center and certified agents so you're in great hands with us hi rumi over in our general english help channel all right so everyone if you have questions you can send me an email adrian if you want to get our apps just go to your app store and search for academic alex help and general ielts help and we've got a full week of classes from today till october 2nd so we've got speaking right now and then later in the week we'll have reading listening uh q a sessions and uh some more speaking so look forward to that um the times in the schedule are on the youtube channel and also on our instagram okay everyone so uh let's get into some speaking enough of the preambles right um preamble meaning the message coming before the main content so let's speak and repeat okay so speak and repeat um copy my intonation copy my pronunciation copy my fluency as much as you can if you're having difficulty just do your best as i mentioned at the very beginning and this lesson will be available on the channel so you can go back and practice a few more times you'll learn lots of great vocabulary throughout the lesson you'll learn expressions write these down and again don't just write but also speak okay speak speak speak all right um so you get to your ielts speaking interview you have to be there 20 minutes before to register but you should be there an hour before so you can practice your speaking get confident get comfortable so that you're not freaking out and you're not anxious and you're not scared and then when you get called in to your speaking interview um you'll sit face to face with the examiner uh for sure you'll still be wearing face masks it's standard covered protocol so make sure to practice with face masks and the first question the examiner will ask you is may i see your identification they will check your identification again that you use 20 minutes before to actually register so give me a nice full sentence for this question we always practice these warm-ups because it is the best way for you to be confident right away is to really have these first few questions just very clear very smooth so you can just get right into it and the examiner will feel that as well so may i see your identification proud nerd says yes gladly i've got my passport that i used to register for my test please allow me a moment to find my credentials page very nice proud nerd i like to start yes gladly that's a very nice polite way to start that response uh jesus says certainly please give me a moment okay got it here's my passport that i used to register a month ago please have a look nice and natural just your build up good speed good fluency nice answer uh babak says yes sure here you are um it's very common that's probably the most common answer buck i would go above and beyond that so i would show the examiner right away that i've put effort into my studies and i'm going to be a bit of a unique um individual not just the everyday guy okay um so or girl so mohit says by all means here's my passport which i used to register for this exam two weeks back please have a look yeah so right away students um show the examiner that you're not just another band 6.5 okay this is really important so indeed the most common answer is yes sure here you are okay if i had to make a bet i would bet that the examiners hear this response more than any other okay and if you're thinking with the mind of the examiner when the examiner hears something like yes sure here you are the the examiner should be objective but that's not human as humans we make judgments it's it's in our blood it's in our genetics so when you hear a statement like yes sir here you are the mind of the examiner is like oh here is another template candidate who is going to follow a recipe never spell that word right right so p and uh they are doing the minimum to pass equals band 6.5 at most so this is kind of the mind of the examiner if you start your exam this way first introduction so the first impact that you have on a person and there's a lot of psychology study around this greatly has an impact on what they think about you okay so you have to really consider this as opposed to what you saw some of the students so i think it was just sewer that started with yes gladly here is my passport that i registered with about a month ago and here is the credentials page with my info okay so in this case the mind of the examiner is oh what a pleasant surprise here is a candidate who is here for a good conversation to show their best english that's the difference and no matter who says what our minds are working a mile a minute there's a nice expression for you a mile a minute and our minds are working a mile a minute okay uh so certainly the examiner is no different uh they're human they're not a robot they're critiquing your every word every sentence every expression and that's the big difference there between starting with um a simple yes sure here you are versus a yes gladly here's my passport that i registered with about a month ago here is the credentials page with my info does everybody see the difference think about it as if you're the examiner how that would impact you one versus the other so a versus b okay kyber says yep okay uh space oddjobs is asking is eye contact necessary during the speaking exam yes absolutely okay carolina agrees as well and i think that's a good question to ask at this point spaceof jobs as well is um is eye contact necessary there's no such thing as necessary it's just what you should and what you shouldn't do okay so don't think about it as i need to do it or i don't need to do it it's what you should do okay so and definitely you should make eye contact right away as this shows a genuine communication with confidence okay so definitely make eye contact uh during these uh introductory questions like may i see your identification and what's your name i don't know about you but if somebody's not looking into my eyes when they're telling me their name like if somebody's like um my name is john anderson i start to get kind of some weird ideas like uh is this person really john anderson or what's going on here so again humans are emotional beings and even though the examiner should be kind of a flat uh emotion inside there's still emotions going on and if somebody's looking all over the place except in their eyes during their name and their passport then of course they're going to feel like what's going on here is this maybe i'll double check my notes here make sure this person's uh who they who they say they are right okay um so definitely make eye contact right away and you don't have to stare at the examiner throughout the conversation so you don't have to be like yes hi my name is okay that's kind of weird too but just natural confident eye contact okay all right uh mr ragel thank you so much for your super chat donation i rarely get those it's very kind of you and congratulations on your uh great score um that's fantastic nicely done nicely done okay all right and so let's go to that next question and when you're practicing this practice your eye contact okay um so what is your full name again give me a nice sentence for this question so what is your full name i'm going to answer it you answer it and then we'll move along here i would like to do a lot of practice with you today so okay so uh here is my response all right and then i'll go back and take a look at yours so what is your full name uh repeat after me again so lots of repetition here okay so what is your full name my given names are ahmed and zain and my family name is al-zakhrani please just call me ahmed it's what i'm most comfortable with okay ahmed they will ask you what should i call you should i call you ahmed or zain right if you don't answer so you might as well jump the gun it means be proactive and answer that question okay all right um so college co was asking on a daily basis how to improve speaking by getting lots of feedback called jot it's a good question okay patel dhruvi is a saying my given name is dhruvi patel and you can call me by my first name dhruvi for short okay dhruvi that doesn't make sense because druvia is not short for dhruvi it is dhruvi and your given name is what your parents choose for you and your surname or your family name is what you inherit from your father or your mother's side of the family so uh be careful um patel you cannot make mistakes at the very beginning like this okay it has to be clear the examiner there would be like huh you have two given names but no surname it's possible but then you have to explain that okay all right nut bandiche says my given name is nut and my family name is bandich please call me nut which my friends and family usually call me okay not couple of corrections they're careful careful with your plurals don't make mistakes in introductory questions because that will right away impact your score negatively okay abbos uh begmato of my name is abbos and my second name is begmatov please just call me abboz okay um don't use first and second name all right when you're introducing yourself because that's not standard internationally so in many european countries your first name is your family name in north america usually your first name is your given name so it's confusing to the examiner depending on where they're from i know for me it's very confusing when somebody says my first second name so uh avoid that it's better to say given name surname okay or uh first name family name maybe but don't use first and second it's not not clear all right everybody is good on that so avoid the first and second name you might hear native speakers say that sometimes but in today's global world that can be really confusing okay so saying first and second names can be really confusing because these change depending on culture okay so my name in europe is set in a different way than my name is said in north america so be really careful with that and especially if you're doing administration then applying for university and such be really careful with that okay if it's not clear you should ask all right okay so let's keep going uh next question so at this point the examiner will say something like okay um so for part one i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic uh where do you live okay now when you have a broad question like where do you live think about residents like um like uh your house or apartment um and also think of location uh like city country okay so be specific all right where do you live jaineel says i live in a two-bedroom condo on in a high-rise building in the heart of surat which is near uh bollywood city mumbai in the western part of india i've been residing with my family there since 2012. kevin bowie says i reside in a fully furnished three-bedroom flat on the 21st floor of a white walled building in downtown hanoi overlooking sword lake which is an iconic feature of the city okay all right kevin very nice i added a couple of words that i thought would make it even a bit better but overall very well done okay all right um if you can show your present perfect right away this question is great for that so i have been okay present perfect continuous i have been residing i have been living it's a great place to do it okay uh mohit says i live in a four-bedroom two-story family home in the suburbs in the city of ajmer which is a beautiful lake city in the central part of rajasthan in northwest india mohit that's beautiful that's very nice description i can literally visually see where you're living and that's going to be clear communication okay and so yeah you could simply say i live in a house in india but that's like okay a lot of people do um so where exactly right so you want to be specific so where do you live i live in a 3 story townhouse with my lovely wife and children uh not too far from the downtown core of victoria the capital of the province of british columbia i have been living here for the past three years okay so there's another standard answer look at all the grammar look at all the complex grammar that's one of your key marking criteria grammar complexity grammar accuracy okay so repeat after me where do you live i live in a three-story townhouse with my lovely wife and children not too far from the downtown core of victoria the capital of the province of british columbia i have been living here for the past three years okay that's a clear answer and then stop all right students uh candidates often have difficulty finding the right balance of how much they should say you should feel that so you should know when you've said enough and you should know when you've said too little okay complete the answer when you give the right answer you know it's the right answer so when you give an answer like this you know that okay i've given detail i've answered the question completely but i haven't gone off topic so i'm not going to talk about victoria being on the southern tip of vancouver island it's be it's a garden city there are a lot of students living in the city because it's a university town that's too much information okay obviously so the question is just asking where do you live so careful with that okay and then the next question here is what do you do at weekends it's very british in canada u.s we would say what do you do on the weekends but in the uk australia and new zealand they would say what do you do at weekends and this means uh kind of on your days off but maybe you're working you have to explain what you think weekends are right so if you consider weekends your days off from work or school or if you consider weekends friday saturday or saturday sunday you have to make that clear right okay so give a nice full sentence answer for this one all right do a contest i live in a crowded city of pakistan dua that's for the previous um do uh make sure to include your residence as well like where do you live in a house in an apartment okay all right kevin bowie says at weekends i like to stay at home and bond with my family by cooking up goodies [Music] because we hardly have proper sit-down meals on weekdays yesterday i filled their bellies with spicy lamb casserole and pepper dumplings yeah that's good at weekends i'd like to stay at home it's kind of awkward because then you have to go into explaining kevin what you actually do it's uh conditional in that sense so careful with the wood um and the wood contraction students oftentimes i hear people misusing wood in context it's just better to be safe and use affirmative language especially in the beginning like on weekends i like to do this not i would like to do this because then the question in my mind is well what do you actually do then because that's what i'm asking you right so sometimes students confuse the would or the apostrophe d meaning would with polite language but it sometimes actually means conditional language like you would rather do that okay all right arda says well unfortunately i go to school even on weekends only for this year because of my final exams after school i like to go for a walk with my dad on the coastline of istanbul last sunday we went for a nice stroll along the beach and caught up on uh what we did throughout the week okay arda that's good i saw that the end kind of got cut off there but that was good okay so it means you're not really a fan of going to school on the weekends but the uh the prize will be yours just keep it up uh paulo reese says at the weekends i usually go out with my wife to some place to do some outdoor activities and to have lunch uh we go to church on sunday and we like to visit my parents and mother-in-law as well paulo those are really nice okay it's really nice description i can literally visualize you and your wife doing these activities on saturdays and sundays and that's very good descriptive language okay all right and for everybody over at general english help please answer these questions as well so i'm responding to uh students because i'm doing two streams right now one is to our academic english help youtube and the other is toward general english help youtube we've started these double streams to really make it efficient so what do you do at weekends well on saturdays saturdays uh i like to hang out with my friends last saturday i went uh always capitalize uh i went bowling with two of my close mates and we had fun uh sundays i mostly dedicate to family time cooking up a good meal going for some fun in the park and watching a family flick in the evenings okay uh so there is a nice natural answer where you give a very clear quantitative measurable visual response and that's what you should be focusing on okay is thinking about good quantitative visual response again i'm introducing new vocabulary and expressions here for you as well so make sure to write this down and practice okay all right here we go so what do you do at weekends practice asking and repeating questions students as well that will help you get a more holistic idea of the conversation okay so one more time from the top what do you do at weekends well on saturdays i like to hang out with my friends last saturday i went bowling with two of my close mates we had fun sundays they mostly dedicate to family time cooking up a good meal going for some fun in the park and watching a family flick in the evenings okay notice this interesting expression here cooking up a good meal it means you get really busy in the kitchen you're stirring you're boiling you're baking okay notice this uh phrase here mostly dedicates to family time you dedicate your time it's a common collocation in english to dedicate time so it's these kinds of expressions that will boost your lexical resource mark and your natural language okay all right so focus on those all right um so so far so good there you are arda and the other channel okay um so uh here we go uh now the uh examiner will continue and they will introduce the topic of part one so they'll say okay let's talk about your family do you have sisters and brothers if so how many okay so give me a nice full sentence for this one do you have sisters or brothers if so how many now right away when you hear the word sisters and brothers you should be thinking about the word siblings okay for vocabulary all right let's see what you come up with uh jasour says my family is not so big so i have two siblings and both of them are boys my brothers uh they are always ready to give me a hand and i'm very glad to have such uh lovely siblings okay just sure so instead of repeating brothers that's where you could use siblings okay all right huang is asking a question like can i curse during the out speaking you can but it's going to lower your score not because it's so much because it's offensive like you might surprise the examiner but because it's poor communication okay so cursing while speaking unless it's some very specific context is poor communication okay a proud nerd says indeed i do i have only one sister she is 14 years younger than me this age gap makes it difficult for me to have much communication with her oh wow proud nerd 14 years that's impressive um i'm sure later in life that gap will become less obvious less valid so hang in there okay once we become adults we're adults all right uh tanushpuri says yes i have an elder sister she is currently working in halifax canada i'm really glad to have uh such a lovely sibling careful tanoosh lovely siblings but you only mentioned one sister it's confusing so don't make plural confusions right if i say i have one sister and i have such lovely siblings it's kind of like but you said you have one sister so you'd have to have at least two in order to make that plural okay careful with your plural singulars they're awkward if you miss them buffy says yes i do i have an elder sister who is actually four years older than me we have a great relationship together okay um all right arnob says i do have an elder sister and she is very annoying just last week she pulled my hair and she kept laughing while i was crying a river of tears all right arnob um i don't know what it means by while i was pouring down but i'm guessing you were maybe crying or something like that so yeah don't let your sister pull your hair that's not nice okay all right so again focus on paraphrasing using different words yes i have two siblings one elder and one younger brother my older brother raph is two years older than i more than me and i am three years older than my younger sibling mario i have a good relationship with both so i'm quite fortunate okay and again don't over speak so don't keep talking about what they do and where they live and so on the questions aren't asking about that okay it's just simply asking if you have them or not so you want some clarity we do often mention the age differences just so we know where everybody is in that line of sibling hood so here we go uh repeat after me do you have sisters and brothers yes i have two siblings one elder and one younger brother my older brother raph is two years older than me and i am three years older than my younger sibling mario i have a good relationship with both so i'm quite fortunate okay and that's it and then i stop okay now it's clear for the examiner what i'm saying all right okay all right so um this is more of a broad question okay what was it like growing up in your family now please don't give the examiner your entire life story that's going to be too much but again stick to about maybe three four sentences that describe your overall experience growing up in your family so did you feel loved did you feel abandoned did you feel like there was a lot of pressure to perform in school and in life so think about it and if you need a minute ask for it even in part one it's okay to say wow i haven't been asked that question in some time give me a moment to think about that okay because i think that changes as we get older our perceptive of our childhood uh kevin says my upbringing was quite stable both my parents have good jobs and thus were able to put food on the table every day and afford education for me and my siblings i feel privileged for that so i studied hard to make sure their investment pays dividends very good okay kevin very nice response you've brought it into modern current time so you definitely want to stop there kevin because uh this is asking past tense right so what was it like growing up in your family so it's okay to come into the present but then definitely stop there and don't go into the present and future because nobody's asking you about that okay um poonam says i belong to a nuclear family so i have two siblings i adore both of them as they are younger than me and i take care of them a lot as their elder even my parents call us the three musketeers okay poonam that's cute um so that's for the previous question it's good one okay uh green arrow gaming um past tense okay past tense i've always felt uh very loved and comfortable within my family atmosphere my parents are exceptionally polite people and they love me so much and we have a great relationship i'm very thankful for that green arrow i made a lot of corrections there i still kept what you were saying but i made a lot of corrections go back and check the time it's 35 minutes 50 seconds so check that time and check that correction okay all right bye bobby thank you for that super chat donation that's awesome and i'm happy that uh the videos are helping you that's lovely thank you so much okay um not bundy says it was a lovely environment in my family home we spent almost every day eating together what we cooked um like tom and yank and crispy pork growing up this way allowed me to have a lot of creativity and a lot of work that i was proud of okay not a couple of awkward concepts in there and language so work on that okay but you're on the right track kyber says growing up in my family was a fun and enjoyable time since having sisters and brothers in the family means that one can play around with them that i could play around with them and i never felt bored okay kyber it's a good answer don't distance the answer from yourselves okay that's a very common mistake among candidates and in just communication is we start personal and then we distance the information so uh kyber it's a good um example there of this so do not distance the question or answer from yourself okay so what i mean by this is don't say something like um it was a great growing up in my family as my parents love us very much when people are loved they tend to build confidence in life and this lets people okay so this is um this is an important tip here okay because ielts especially at the band 789 level it's much more than just simply using english it's about using good communication in english and that's what the band descriptor says right so 6.5 or actually six band says that you're fluent in english band seven means that you're a good user in english band 8 means you're a very good user and band 9 means you're an expert the difference is there in those 789s is actually your quality of communication and that's decided a lot more by communication skills rather than just word choice or grammar okay is everybody clear on that so here this question or this answer starts personal and then it becomes distant so it was great growing up in my family as my parents love us very much when people are loved so suddenly here i distance the answer from myself and it's not even necessarily true some people are loved very much and they still don't have a good childhood does everybody see that okay so um i can see kyburz and caroline and everybody's saying okay thank you noted so keep it personal throughout okay so it's better especially in part one to keep your answers personal okay so it was fun and challenging to grow up in my family as you may have realized i am a middle child so some people say i have middle child syndrome which means that i am very competitive indeed i always tried to one-up my siblings growing up nevertheless i attribute my family dynamic to my successes in life okay so here's an interesting answer for you and i think you know a lot of people do think about their childhood and their place in the family and how they've um come to be the individual they are today and it's great if you can express that uh in english okay so uh here we go uh repeat after me what was it like growing up in your family it was fun and challenging to grow up in my family as you may have realized i'm a middle child so some people say i have middle child syndrome which means that i'm very competitive indeed i always try to one-up my siblings growing up nevertheless i attribute my family dynamic to my successes in life okay so that's a very clear natural response and notice some very unique language here so one up somebody means that you try to be better than them by just a little bit okay so if so if one of your brothers or sisters runs 100 meters in 13 seconds then you will try to do it in 12.5 seconds so that you one up them okay one up means uh to do a little bit better okay and of course i'm sure in many other languages as well you have these kinds of stereotypes with middle child syndrome first child syndrome and does anybody know what we call it when you're the last person in among your siblings so this would be my younger brother okay how would be how would you refer to that anybody know what that's naturally referred to usually in english if you're the if you're the last of the siblings that's born there is a way to express that as well just for fun i'm curious if anybody has heard that or used that okay um ikram youngest is not the expression of course you'd be the youngest but what's the expression okay so the youngest sibling in the family is often referred to as the not the small kid and but good try okay not the youngest anybody one more guess it's kind of a degrading um yeah there we go carolina very good so carolyn says the baby in the family yeah as the baby in the family they are often very spoiled or very neglected so the youngest in the family is called the baby in the family and often times they're either very spoiled so everybody helps them gives them whatever they can because oh they're the baby in the family or if there's a lot of siblings sometimes the last one is like oh oh yeah we had one more child yeah that's right who is that again that's the last one okay so it's the baby of the family all right let's jump to the next question so that's just some culture it's good to know a bit of western culture for ielts shirley arda says i'm the youngest one but i wouldn't agree with baby yeah that's generally the case arda is the youngest sibling does not like the reference of the baby in the family my younger brother is the biggest person in our family he's the tallest and biggest and he hates it when he's referred to as the baby in the family okay um so here we go the next question are your parents and grandparents from the same country as you if not where are they from so kind of a two-prong question here and you should again focus on having a really really clear response okay don't go into too much history but just have a clear response okay arda i like how you're tagging into both channels why not that's fantastic so artist says yes um both my parents and grandparents are from turkey but most of my relatives live in england such as my aunts and uncles and cousins when i was in my mother's belly my parents thought about immigration okay arda very good not either my parents and grandparents but both my parents and my grandparents um okay jessuer i have been living in uzbekistan since birth but in fact my ancestors are iranian and some special events and customs are still celebrated and followed in my family and i have learned a lot about that um gesture that's a little bit off topic here we're focusing on your mom and dad and your grandparents so not necessarily your ancestors so tackle the question a little bit more accurately okay uh kaying thin czar says yes both my parents and grandparents were born and raised in myanmar just like me we always celebrate our traditional festivals together and it is really enjoyable and it is a really enjoyable part in my life okay it's very good you can actually add a little bit more to that so you can say my family has been in myanmar for generations as long as we know okay all right so you can add more to that matt gamer says my parents and grandparents are both from the same country as either from india and i also have indian nationality that's very good but india is a very big country and india has a lot of subcultures so you might go into a little bit of detail okay so you might say something like yes both my parents and grandparents here let me let me do an example here for you so yes both my so if you're from a big country you can do it this way yes both my parents and grandparents are from india the same as myself however they have moved around various regions my parents were born in kerala but my grandparents are from uttar pradesh okay so you can give more details like if you come from a big country like china or india for instance where it's almost like you have multiple countries within a country it's a good idea to go into more details right so people do know oftentimes different states of india different regions of china and so forth right so you might say something like yes both my parents and grandparents are from india the same as myself however they have moved around various regions my parents were born in kerala but my grandparents are from uttar pradesh right and then you're giving more detail to your conversation and that's going to help bump up your score all right students so here we have four more questions for you to try why do you think family connection is important do you often spend time with cousins is family life important in your country if you could take your family on a trip where would you take them i'll let you manage these questions on your own i'm starting to fall apart a little bit from the side effects of the second dose of vaccination so i have to stop there and pull myself together um but uh nevertheless i think all of you have done a fantastic job on both channels and arda i appreciate how you kind of jumped over to the general english help channel to boost interaction there and people there thank you for the super chat donations for those of you who donated today i really appreciate that uh carolina thank you for moderating it's lovely to have you back on board keep up the good work everyone remember the tips from this class and if i corrected some of your communication check the time in the video go back and review and see what i did and why i did it okay i'll be back tomorrow with reading and listening and uh until then to continue your studies i highly highly recommend using our websites for academic ielts and for general ielts both those websites have tons of hd videos and high quality uh for you to study from including practice speaking interviews we are world leaders when it comes to ielts test preparations so check us out use the premium course and you'll be better for it i'm adrian i'm signing out from victoria for now have a lovely rest of your day and i'll see you back here tomorrow bye everyone you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 9,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: _9o9bTMTwpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 58sec (3058 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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