IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - Talking about accommodation

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hello my name is teacher Neal and today we will be learning about accommodation and some vocabulary and some practice sentences that can help you for the speaking section of your IELTS test now if you go and follow through all of these words and all of these phrases we think that you will be able to ace the speaking section of your exam let's start shall we first we have an apartment which is an American word or flat which is the way British people would say that so let us write here bb4 British English right so an apartment or a flat is different from let's say a house let us write here houses the houses are usually their own separate building while an apartment is a small room or building inside of a big building now let us look at some examples and some sentences that we can use to describe our accommodation questions like for example what kind of accommodation do you live in or in your country what kind of accommodation do people usually live in let's first look at apartment or flat we can say I live on the second floor or second storey story of course is American English and floor is British English I live on the second floor of a tall apartment building and we can use a lot of different vocabulary words such as amenities and also mod cons now amenities are nice things that your apartment building can come with you could say I live in a very nice big apart I mean building it has got nice amenities such as a foyer or you can say a swimming pool a swimming pool or even a gym my apartment has a lot of nice amenities or you can also say it also came with a lot of mod cons mod cons means nice things that come in your building already for example an oven or you can say a nice AC or central heating right so over to the next word we have got a condo a condo is a bigger more luxurious building we can say here luxurious and luxurious means it's more expensive it is larger you're paying more money for it so an example sentence would be I am paying a lot of money by renting the condo on the top floor of the apartment building we can have a lot of different examples of apartments like a serviced apartment service means that it comes fully furnished we can right here fully furnished furnished if you're not sure means furniture the furniture are things such as sofa or maybe even a nice table so you don't have to go somewhere to buy it by yourself you could say I have just bought an apartment and it was a serviced apartment or I am renting a serviced apartment another example we can have is a loft apartment or a studio apartment studio is also American English and Loft is British which means basically that there are no walls and different rooms inside of your apartment it is a big open space usually one big space in the building and also maybe it has a bathroom inside so you can say I am renting a studio apartment it is very cheap I don't have to pay a lot of money but the building came with a lot of amenities meaning I have foyer a gym swimming pool etc moving on skyscraper now just look at the word look at the word sky that means that the building is very high and looking out over the skyline that's right here sky line that basically means you are on a top floor and you can see out over the city a good sentence we can use using skyscraper and skyline is I am renting a big luxurious apartment in a skyscraper and it has a beautiful view of the city skyline right all right now moving on we will go to houses now as you will remember houses are their own separate buildings while apartments are buildings or rooms inside of other buildings so just be sure to say I am renting an apartment I am renting a house or I have bought a house now here are the examples of the different kinds of houses we can find we can find townhouse a townhouse is us is a tall high narrow house and usually in places like London they are very close together so that's just right here narrow high house and usually in places like Asia you can also say I am renting a room in a townhouse or I am going to buy a townhouse another one we can have is a detached house now if you don't know what detached means detached means that it is separate from the main house so we can write here separate from the main house a detached house can usually come with a lot of facilities facilities are things that are special to the building like an apartment or to the house itself with an apartment we can say that the apartment building comes with many facilities for example mechanical parking mechanical parking or also we can say there is a space for garbage there is a garbage area and if we go over to detached houses you could say for example I am renting a detached house in London and it has wonderful facilities for example there is a game room where we can play pool or it has got a swimming pool right another good example of a house we can use is a student dorm some people will say dormitory but that is much more official when you talk to normal people we could say a student dorm or if you will be studying in England you can say a student digs so that's just right Abbey for British English student dorm is usually close to the university and you could say I am close to campus campus means the University and you can say I am renting a student dorm it is very close to my university building so I can just walk over there and also in my student dorm they have food there food for us they have catering so student dorms is usually room inside of a school inside of a school or a university building another example we can use is rented or paying guest accommodation which usually describes or refers to things such as a hotel or modernly we could also talk about a b-and-b good example we can use as a sentence is I am renting guest accommodation it has a lot of facilities it has a lot of amenities it has a lot of mod cons I am renting a hotel room or I am renting a B&B it is a detached house and it is not far from the city one more example we can have is a cottage now a cottage is usually a smaller house usually an older house and usually it will be found in the countryside so this is usually better used when you are going on vacation you can say Oh me and my girlfriend want to go to the seaside and we will be renting we will be renting a cottage close to the sea and usually they are not permanent living spaces but a place where you can on vacation right so just in conclusion apartments houses and these are different kinds of accommodations that you can either rent or buy now we will be covering useful phrases and collocations that you can use during the speaking part of your IELTS exam to fully express and elaborate the kind of accommodations that you are living in here are some example sentences and phrases that you can use to describe your living situation number one live in apartment blocks now what that means is if you are living on let's say the first or the second storey you can say I live on the second floor in an apartment in the apartment blocks that means that there will be four or five different apartments inside the same floor however if you are living in say for example a condo a condo means it is a separate apartment on its own floor usually on top of the building so you can say I live in a luxurious condo on the top floor or you can say I am renting an apartment in an apartment blocks which just means that there are many different apartments on the same floor next we can have live in rented accommodations now if you'll remember rent means that you're paying money every month to stay there you do not own the property now let's look at our vocabulary to see how we can bring the vocabulary and the phrase together to make your sentence more colorful so that people can understand you better and you can express yourself better for example I am renting accommodation we were say accommodation we can say I am renting a dorm room or I am renting a detached house which came with a lot of wonderful amenities amenities as you will remember are nice things that come with either an apartment or in a house for example the house came with a garage a garage means a place where you can park your car or I am renting a wonderful detached house with a back garden one garden or many Gardens it doesn't matter or if you have an apartment you can say I am renting a nice apartment in an apartment blocks and it came with a lot of wonderful amenities like an elevator a foyer or a loft you can also say I am renting a nice dorm room and it has a lot of mod cons modern conveniences for example the dorm room came with a lot of mod cons such as a big AC or a wonderful oven or it came with a nice big TV let us go to the next phrase live in the skyline now if you'll remember the skyline means that you are on a very high floor and that you can look out over the skyline which means the line in the sky you can see very far over the city so you can say I live in the skyline in a very open spacious spacious means you have a lot of space I live in the skyline in a big spacious studio apartment studio means that there are no walls inside it is one big room and usually a bathroom or you can say I live in the skyline and it has a lot of wonderful mod cons let's go over to the next one live on campus what campus means it means it is close to the university so if you are a student and you are living in a dorm room you can say I am renting a dorm room and it is very close to campus or if you are right next to your university building you can say I live on campus I live on campus in a studio apartment or I live on campus in a dorm room now now we're moving over to property property means building or land which you own to do up a property now to do up means to fix up to fix up or you can also say to decorate or another meaning to do up could be improve to improve to decorate or to fix up a property that you own for example let's say I have just bought a wonderful spacious studio apartment but there is nothing inside and the apartment is very old and broken-down and it needs to be done up or we can also say fixed up so to do up a property means you can put in a new carpet or you can fix up the walls or you can give it a nice new paint job so to do up an property means that you are making it nicer and by doing that the value the value of the property will go up so if you have bought a property and you are looking to rent out the property first you will have to do up the property now if you have bought a property for example a house or an apartment building you will maybe have to take out a mortgage now look at the word and say it one more time mortgage if you don't know what a mortgage means a mortgage means that you will have to pay every month because you have taken out a deposit what that means is you have bought a property and now every month you are paying off the mortgage piece by piece until you have fully paid off the property the bank does not own it anymore it is now 100% yours so you can say I have just bought a nice property it is a condo on the top floor of a high-rise building it looks on the skyline but the property is very old and broken so we have to do up the property or fix up the property so that we can rent it out and every month I have to pay the mortgage all right now moving on to number seven the phrase is to get on the property ladder now what does that mean it means that you are looking to buy or to purchase your first property property now property as we know is an apartment or a house we have seen a lot of examples on that so to get on the property ladder means that now you are going into real estate real estate means property it means houses it means lands now you have got enough money and you can say I have just made my first million I am looking to get on the property ladder I am looking to buy a house or maybe an apartment to rent it out or to own for yourself and that concludes our lesson on accommodation now feel free to go over these sentences again and practice them until you feel comfortable speaking and expressing yourself with the vocabulary if you would like to see more videos or practice more different examples and topics you can go to Bess my test comm for a lot more different topics and if you liked it be sure to click like and maybe leave a comment so we can hear from your feedback happy learning and have a good day
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Keywords: IELTS speaking, IETLS speaking vocabulary, IELTS, IELTS speaking test, IELTS test
Id: TU-jcWFm20o
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Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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