IELTS Speaking NEW QUESTIONS | Sample Answers

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hi there it's Asiya and today I've prepared for you some answers to the most difficult questions reported by students in May 2020 the current database of questions will be used until the end of summer and in September it will be revised but actually topics are usually recycled in IELTS speaking for quite a long time and if you're surprised to hear that some people are able to take IELTS this because in some countries there is no lockdown and others take the online version called IELTS indicator I talked about it here please don't learn my answers by heart you'll be penalized but learn words and phrases I've prepared for you they will help you improve your answers and if you want to learn how IELTS examiners assess your performance and what you should do to improve your score started the first topic is math even pronunciation is tricky in British English you have to say maths th followed by s which isn't easy but in American English you can simply say math and you can choose either option even though I'm practicing my British accent the first question is do you like maths and I could say actually I do I think I'm quite good with numbers I even chose to study mathematics in high school advanced mathematics and later economics at university perhaps it runs the family because my mom is an engineer and my granny used to teach physics at university some good phrases are to be good with numbers that's a fixed expression and you can say I'm reasonably good with numbers I'm really good with numbers or I'm afraid I'm not good with numbers and to run in the family that's something you say about an ability so a certain ability runs in the family means many family members have it for instance we're all ambitious it seems to run in the family if you don't share my enthusiasm you could say I never had a flair for number crunching that's why I dropped mathematics after secondary school and chose to study humanities instead so to have a flair for something means to have a natural ability to do something well and you can say I have a flair for writing or I never had a flair for something and to drop a subject means to choose not to studied further and in some countries you can choose which subjects in study at school but in others you can't so you can say I hated mathematics at school but I couldn't drop it a number cruncher is someone whose job involves work with a lot of numbers and number crunching is activity and you can say I find number crunching so boring or quite exciting humanities include languages literature psychology philosophy as opposed to science which includes physics chemistry biology and so on the next question is do you use maths in everyday life definitely I run my own business and I'd like to know how it performs what works and what doesn't so it's been quite a lot of time analyzing data and of course I use statistics and mathematics to do that this is efficient answer for part one you just need to give two maybe three sentences to each question some other questions about numbers such as do you have a favorite number I think the whole idea of favorite or lucky numbers is a bit silly but if I was forced to say I would choose number seven apparently so would most people in this world and I read that number seven was called the world's favourite number okay if you're asked about favorite numbers you can use the phrase a lucky number my lucky number it's quite common and another expression is if I was forced to say that's when you get a question and you have no idea what you would say and you say hey if I was forced to say I would choose the vase like what's your favorite color I have no idea but if I was forced to say I would choose blue and something else okay the next question is are there any numbers of the top considered unlucky in your country it's definitely number 13 I think some hotels don't ever have the 13th floor just avoid possible problems or superstitious customers by no means I would call it on lucky because my mom was born of the 13th of July that's true and actually quite like number 13 so I'm not superstitious and if you believe in things like number 13 like cats and so on you can say that you're superstitious and it's true that in some countries hotels don't have the 13th floor or in in a house there will be no flat number 13 so that's another idea for your answers and the next topic is board phone and it's very common in IELTS speaking and you can get it in any of the three parts for instance in part two there were two separate topics and the first one was an event that you found boring and the second one was a time when you felt bored so I'm going to give you a bit more topic-specific vocabulary to help you improve your tzer's the first question is do you often feel bored I wouldn't say so I find both my work and life in general quite exciting but when I studied at universe I sometimes felt that I would be bored to death and that's the first expression to be bored to death it means you're extremely bored you can also say I'm bored out of my mind the lecture was so dull I was bored out of my mind next what makes you feel bored I suppose dull monotonous tasks are the worst at university one professor simply read us books for 1 hour 20 minutes every week I just spent every lecture watching the clock to be watching the clock means you check how much time is left before something finishes he spent the whole meeting watching the clock if you're talking about something boring you can say that something was dull it means not interesting not exciting or monotonous it means it was just the same all the time another question is is it okay to feel bored at work or at school depending on whether you work or study I'm afraid some degree of boredom is simply unavoidable when you starting your job it seems exciting but then with time then nobody wears off and doing some things just gets boring but when you feel constantly underwhelmed it's a sign that something has to change okay the novelty wears off so you start doing something new and then you get used to it the novelty wears off and the whelmed means you're not impressed you're not excited I was underwhelmed by his speech and his speech was underwhelming so I am underworld something is underwhelming but this is an informal word so don't use it in IELTS writing the next topic is laughter what makes you laugh I love watching a good comedy those with Eddie Murphy are hilarious I can't stop loving I can't stop loving he's a good expression you can also say someone makes me laugh my friend always makes me laugh it's a good thing to say the next question is when did you laugh a lot the other day I watched my neighbor trying to put his big dog into his cycling basket and the dog wasn't keen on this idea at all I nearly died laughing so you can say I nearly died laughing or I almost died nothing it means something was extremely funny I nearly died laughing when I saw this and you know sometimes you just suddenly start looking a lot then you burst out laughing at this out laughing when I saw this and to be keen on something means to be eager or willing to do something I wasn't keen on this idea or I was keen to go there that's another way to say I like what I don't like and I have a video with many more phrases like that this one the next question is is it important to love as I say laughter is the best medicine it's been to proven by scientists that laughter helps to reduce stress and boost one's immune system thus increasing your lifespan and the phrases loved it is the best medicine it means you should try to love more and worry less our next topic is colors and again it's used in all three parts of the exam in part two there were two topics please describe a colorful event you have attended oh please describe a colorful place but I find about questions in part three a particularly challenging because you need to have some ideas so let me give you my sample answers and hopefully give you some ideas you can use to and the first question is do you think of the colors that a person will tell us something about his or her character yes and no in the UK many people wear neutral colors I mean black and white outfits are very common particularly among office workers and in general people tend to choose dark subdued colors and if someone's code is bitch it doesn't tell us much about the person does it of course some people go for vivid rich colors that stand out and I would say those are perceived as being both confident perhaps creating oh no I would say that someone's look as a whole can tell us much more about a person than just the color of his or her clothes yes clothes is another topic that is common in IELTS and perhaps you were taught to pronounce the does clothes th and then s but if you struggle to do that you can just say clothes because if you open the Oxford Dictionary there are two pronunciations clothes and just clothes so choose either and when you're talking about colors it's good to use some more interesting vocabulary than just blue gray red so you can talk about neutral colors B that bears gray white like what we usually wear you can also talk about bright colors which you can call vivid or rich or soft colors pastel colors V the light and not bright dark colors and when you describe a certain color also use some extra adjectives you can say soft blue light blue dark blue deep blue or perhaps even royal blue next do men and women like to wear similar colors I would say this tables of men's and women's wear drops are quite similar we were black coats white t-shirts and blue jeans but women are more likely to compliment their outfits with bright saturated colors while mental to choose more muted subdued colors it's also true for occasion where let's say a woman's dress may be royal blue while a men suit will likely be grey with just a hint of blue and a light blue shirt okay the staples are the important parts of something and you can see the staples of my red robe all these staples of my diet saturated colors intensive and bright while muted subdued colors are the opposite the grayish not bright shade is a certain tone certain variety of color probably you've heard about the movie Fifty Shades of Grey the next question is are colours important in marketing and advertising absolutely picking the right colour can help a company communicate its message its brand values to potential buyers that's because we have certain associations with each color for instance red is passion and energy whitest cleanness blue is stability and companies tend to pick the brand color depending on what they stand for if we talk about blue this color is popular among banks because it communicates stability and authority the values that people expect from people who handle their money in general the right colour can emphasize the brand message well the wrong colour may confuse or even foot-tall potential buyers this question is very common so talk about associations we have with each color I picked blue you can talk about red many companies choose red because it's bold courageous it stands out YouTube is red many banks are red too and many many companies at the same time you can say that new innovative companies tend to choose more unusual colors such as turquoise pink purple say Instagram logo is half pink half purple and when we see it we immediately perceive that it's something more modern and unusual just talk about these associations pick one or two companies you can talk about YouTube it's red and you'll be fine okay all the questions and all the words are gonna be in the video description box below as well as the link to my new IELTS speaking boost course please check it out and thank you for watching me today good luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 240,659
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya
Id: khCGjNCdIPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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