IELTS Live - Reading - Band 9 Techniques

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welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful budapest here in the carpathian basin hi just paul hi divas krishna tamil nish good to see many students in the class welcome our members jainil begjan for dobbs great to see you in here as well students we are looking at an alex reading passage today we are going to talk about some band 9 technique for the reading section and as usual these materials are coming from for academic ielts success to improve your english and communication visit us there for general aisles check us out at g again we have loads and loads of fantastic materials for you on those websites this is our academic website here you can click that big uh red button to join our premium package when you do that you can use the code r4tyj to get 20 off and get access to over 100 hours of video lessons fully interactive course and original practice exams for general outs you can use the same code that's the green background at gl's click that big red button to join us there cool if you have questions just send me an email to adrian and i will gladly answer your inquiries to the best of my capacity as quickly as possible again reading right now tomorrow we'll finish that task two members and then we'll do some task one with everyone tomorrow as well so lots and lots of writing practice for tomorrow uh for right now let's get into some reading here we go this is from our 10th exam that we are developing right now which we will release a little bit later this year so this is reading passage one and of course uh we always want to look at the title of the passage first and read that so we get an idea of the actual reading let me maximize this size for you so you can kind of read all the letters okay so here we go let's read the title together this is a reading class so make sure to read okay read aloud if possible but definitely do read with me angel falls south america's hidden wonder so when you read this title what comes to mind angel falls south america's hidden wonder what comes to mind what do you think of when you read this what do you picture what do you see lydia says i see a waterfall very nice lydia that's definitely what we're talking about here so hopefully you're visualizing that surya says i see a statue um when you see a name followed by the word falls it means it's some kind of a waterfall like niagara falls which is very famous it's in canada and the us right so irkin says it's a waterfall in south america very nice okay bobo murad says it's a beautiful place for sightseeing remember to include yourself so if you ask me what do i see okay so [Music] i see myself standing at the bottom of a beautiful and high waterfall in the jungle that's what i see hopefully some of you saw yourselves like that bec john says i see the tallest waterfall in the world and back john that's right some of you might already know that that angel falls is the world's tallest waterfall all right um so then we do a bit of critical thinking um what is it it's a waterfall uh why does it exist so why do you think such a waterfall exists okay yeah uh villagala says it's probably the second most famous waterfall after niagara falls yeah absolutely i agree and then maybe iguazu falls in brazil after that right all right so hi leah welcome to the class so abur pah says i see a hidden waterfall okay good so you see that now now do your critical thinking right so what is it if you know it great if you don't it is the tallest waterfall in the world okay why is it so again it's good to think about this before you start reading so why would it exist so erican says it's located where rivers and mountains intersect okay but why else would a waterfall exist so um it is where river or a river meets the or a mountain intersecting some of you might uh be curious to find out that british columbia in canada where i come from has the world's third and fourth highest waterfall all right uh fardov says because of melting ice caps leia says it's a miracle i love it leia all right um it's where rivers meet mountains intersecting uh glaciers carving the earth okay the movement of the earth maybe volcanoes okay so i don't know we don't have the perfect answer but that's okay but you want to think about that right you want to think about that all right beck john says it's where water meets the edge of a cliff and it falls to the bottom that's the how right so how a river is flowing down stream with the help of gravity and suddenly it gets to a cliff edge where it plummets downward all right so you're thinking about all this you got the what why how figured out and now you're on to the questions so you go okay i'm starting to get a little bit of an idea here let's uh let's look at the questions so here we have the questions we're going to review the questions that have information which is clearly in the passage we will not review questions that have extra or false information so let's take a look at this one this is complete the sentences below it's a good idea to review this type of question so choose no more than two words from the passage for each answer write your answers in boxes one to five on your answer sheet all right looking good these are paraphrased from the passage unlike niagara falls which is surrounded by cities and towns angel falls is in a very something location which has hardly been contacted by people while some parts of the earth are new such as the okay it's a noun the area around angel falls is 2 billion years old ok the geologic feature known as a something is an example of continental drift so again we have some kind of a noun that comes in there interestingly the geological evidence shows that south america was once connected to something many years ago all right and number five the main cause that created angel falls is the difference in the levels of something between sections of the rock this is caused by extreme variations in climates and extreme weather events like hurricanes all right then we have a true false not given question we ignore that one because it's confusing to read before the passage and then here we have multiple choice now with multiple choice we ignore the choices we focus just on the question which two of the following statements are made in the text about tourism so paying attention to this word here tourism good um and this is questions 11 to 12 so we have to make sure that we get this correct for both and we have five choices so we don't look at the choices because three of them are wrong then we have some traditional multiple choice again we ignore the choices just the questions which of the following best describes tourist experiences when visiting angels falls next one which of the following phrases best describes the main aim of reading passage one all right so just again to really make these multiple choice and true false not given questions clear why we don't read the answers okay is because it's a waste of time and it's confusing let me um prove that to you okay so let's just have a look here okay three of these are wrong right three of these are wrong that's six okay so here we have six statements or six phrases that are wrong here we have three more that's nine okay so now we have nine phrases that are wrong or incorrect or are not in the passage and then here we have true false not given and there's actually a chance that none of these are true believe it or not in some rare ielts exams there are situations where none of them are true they're either false or not given so it's possible that all four of these are not in the passage or are false according to the passage so for those students who uh review these come hell or high water you've just read 13 phrases 13 sentences uh that are potentially unnecessary definitely at least 10 or 12 of them is everybody clear on that so uh you've read those 12 statements you're thinking about what they mean you're thinking about their vocabulary and you've completely wasted your time and each one has an average of about 15 words so you've just read over a hundred words that are useless okay so that's why you don't do that all right i hope that proved for you the fact okay so in this example passage if you were to read all of the multiple choice question choices and true false not given choices there's a chance that you have just spent energy and time reading over 100 words unnecessarily okay that does not make sense it doesn't make sense to do that and if you do that for every passage you've basically read an extra half passage unnecessary okay ashraf says honky dory all right yeah so don't do that okay all right um let's get to the passage so we now have an idea and as i kind of skim over the passage i can see that the passage is divided into some subcategories like geology discovery tourism so it's important to pay attention to that okay let's read together i'm glad everybody's picking up on that all right let's do this let's read together uh so here we go students from the top read with me read nice and loud students so read aloud if you're in a study space like uh your house or apartment then read aloud so read with me okay copy my voice my intonation angel falls south america's hidden wonder located in venezuela's boulevard state angel falls is the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall with a height of 979 meters almost a kilometer it is an almost unfathomable drop from the top to the bottom for comparison the world renowned niagara falls drop is about 1 10th that of angel falls only about 50 meters and while niagara falls is situated in a relatively urban environment and is exploited for its hydroelectric capacity angel falls is incredibly remote and remains virtually untouched by humans okay visualize compare the massive but much shorter niagara falls to this angel falls okay yeah i can do a little adjustment here maybe maybe make it a tiny bit smaller so you can see it there okay hopefully that's good like that all right all right uh nyash reading is definitely important just doing skimming and scanning will not work for high band scores okay all right um jinan you don't need to read all of it because you don't need to read all the true false not given multiple choice questions as i just showed you okay so here we go but if you're looking for those high band scores band scores uh 6.57 and more you need to read you must read okay here we go so geology geology of course is the physical part of it angel falls is located in an extremely old part of the earth geologically though it might seem odd to think of particular parts of earth as older or younger since the planet came into existence at a single time this is certainly true the hawaiian islands for example are only about a million years old they were formed by relatively recent geological forces namely volcanoes the area around angel falls conversely is roughly 2 billion years old referred to as a plateau this area provides significant evidence of historical climate change and continental drift for example evidence in the region demonstrates that it broke away from what is today the continent of africa hundreds of millions of years ago furthermore the falls themselves were formed by the changing climates experienced during the continents shift across the globe extreme variations in climate from arid to humid low rainfall to high rainfall droughts and extreme events like hurricanes resulted in a differentiated landscape susceptible to differing levels of erosion when one place if more susceptible to erosion than another great geological transformation can occur this is the main cause of the creation of angel falls all right so again visualize that there's a lot of visual information keep the order and the structure in your mind clear and let's keep going discovery it is easy to assume that angel falls because of its beauty and majesty must be named after an angel in the religious sense this is incorrect the falls are actually named after american aviator jimmy angel who crash-landed near the top of the waterfall in his small aircraft in 1935. amazingly he and his three fellow travelers survived the crash and after a harrowing 11-day journey made it back to civilization fascinatingly his plane remained atop the falls for 33 years after the crash until eventually being lifted out by a helicopter in 1968. today the airplane is on display in the aviation museum in marquet venezuela however if you fly over the falls today you will see a replica of angel's aircraft sitting atop the falls just as his original plane did for three decades all right very very uh visual here so uh how was it discovered jimmy angel crashed into the waterfall so that's how it was discovered i'm just darkening it up here a little bit so you can see it better okay all right angel was not the first person to encounter the falls however they were known to indigenous populations for thousands of years and this fact was reflected in venezuelan president hugo chavez's declaration in 2009 that the falls be known as karapakupai vena waterfall of the deepest place in the indigenous pamon language this is ours long before angel arrived chavez said this is indigenous land okay so a little bit of conflict there angel may not have be even been the first westerner to see the falls some historians claim spanish explorer fernando de berrio visited the falls sometime in the late 1500s or early 1600s another claim says british explorer walter raleigh discovered the falls during his 1595 expedition to find el dorado the mythical city of gold though this claim has little evidence to back it up other historians believe spanish explorer felix cardona was the first westerner to set eyes upon the falls in 1927. tourism okay so keeping in mind the order so far everybody's clear right uh geology discovery now we're on to tourism while it is unclear who explored the region and when it is certain that the falls are extremely desolate and they remain that way to this day however many intrepid travelers make the effort to witness the wonder of the falls the journey generally takes three days from kanaima the nearest town and involves walking hiking and canoeing along the river in order to reach the camp each night there are no roads which come anywhere close to the falls though it is a difficult journey visitors are paid back with the incredible access to nature they get canoe rides through the jungle and unique views of plants and animals in their natural habitats untouched by humanity so here you should be visualizing yourself as the tourist making this journey to the falls it's very clearly described visitors also can swim in the small pool that forms at the base of the falls and are able to feel the touch of water that has fallen almost a kilometer before striking their bodies the history of angel falls is ancient and has helped scientists understand concepts like climate change and continental drift however the fall's biggest impact is undoubtedly on the travelers who make the difficult journey to witness the majesty of the falls the world's highest waterfall all right so we're done lots of visual information there hopefully you kept most of that in mind now let's answer the questions the more you practice this the faster you will get and the better you will get um the answers to a lot of the questions do come in the order of the passage but not all okay for these uh complete the sentences especially for part one the answers will usually come in the order of the passage so let's uh do these together and see how far we get without necessarily having to look back at the passage so unlike niagara falls which is surrounded by cities and towns angel falls is in a very something location which has hardly been contacted by people and a lot of you are saying it's remote remote all right and it is remote remote means isolated it's another way to say it remote is the word that's used in the passage although if you were to write isolated i'm sure they would probably take that as well okay now you probably remember that came from the first paragraph near the end okay while some parts of the earth are new such as the something the area around angel falls is two billion years old okay i remember this because it was very uh clearly described what is that new place on earth that's only about a million years old so le payen says it was hawaii bechan says it's the hawaii island now hawaii is made up of multiple islands so the correct answer here is the hawaiian islands okay so the hawaiian islands now if i want to make sure about the spelling and the words this is a name so it's easy to reference i'm not even going to say to search but i'm going to say to reference that means that you remember it's somewhere in the geology part of it and it's a name so i'm looking for that capital so it's going to be easy for me to find this now i'm not searching for the answer but i'm just checking the spelling to make sure i know it's the hawaiian islands okay so here it is the hawaiian islands all right hawaiian islands capital h capital h double i double i a n because it's an adjective in this case a n as an adjective islands plural s all right i'm good to go i make sure that that's what i put into my answer key so here i'm just referencing the answer it's a very big difference from searching for the answer is that clear everyone so referencing and searching are not the same idea right so just a note on that referencing the spelling and accuracy of an answer is a good idea this is not the same as searching okay clear yeah everybody's like yeah okay all right super so it's a good idea to reference it's a bad idea to search okay you should know the answers or at least most of them okay so uh here we go whine island's number three the geologic feature known as a something is an example of continental drift bobo murad says plateau plateau lydia says volcano volcano so beck john says plateau let's say i don't know here let's see i don't know what's going on here tenzin says it was a plateau so if i don't know then what should i do so if i'm not sure if i'm like 50 50 volcano plateau i'm not 100 maybe plateau maybe volcano what should i do what should i look for if i have to check so i'm knowing i know i'm going back to geology again i'm referencing okay um erkin says find it in the passage sure can what am i looking for exactly am i looking for plateau am i looking for a volcano or i'm looking for something else what am i looking for bec chan says move on i could move on that john that would be an okay uh technique as well and then come back to it later some other questions might help me um so but what i'm gonna do here is because i have um a very clear reference term continental drift i can reference this okay so i can reference continental drift in the passage where volcano and plateau appear right so here i have the word let me just uh erase this so you can see what's going on okay so continental drift continental is a nice long word so your eye can usually catch that quite fast now it's the end of the sentence so i have to backtrack this way okay to the start of the sentence so the area around angel falls conversely is roughly two billion years old okay sorry you should start here uh referred to as a plateau this area provides significant evidence of historical climate change and continental drift so plateau and it's ah so i know that this is my noun okay and that's going to be my correct answer okay so plateau continental drift that's my noun that's what i want so now i'm confident that it's plateau and i'm lucky here because i found it before i found volcano so um i can answer and then keep going all right so here we go the geologic feature known as a plateau uh is uh evidence of continental drift or as an example of continental drift okay number four interestingly the geological evidence shows that south america was once connected to something many years ago now hopefully you kept this one in mind so you don't have to search what is the answer for number four africa absolutely yeah so hopefully you visualize that africa that's some fairly straightforward geology okay africa uh make sure it's a big a okay it's the name of a continent number five the main cause that created angel falls is the difference in the levels of something between sections of the rock this is caused by extreme variations in climates and extreme weather events like hurricanes anybody back john says that's going to be erosion medina agrees natalie does too yeah and if you know this word that's fantastic um if you have to search for it i would definitely be looking for hurricanes okay erosion is uh when land or when the earth is degraded or manipulated by weather like wind and water okay so that is erosion all right good word to know keep that one in mind erosion all right everyone let's go to the next set of questions six to nine uh true false not given here we go number six angel falls is named now this doesn't necessarily go in the order of the passage so you have to be a little bit clever here so angel falls is named after the religious type of angel is that important the name where it gets the name from yes it's important so we know that it's given right important for talking about angel falls yeah it's important yes so it's given is it true no it's false we know that because uh it was very visual it was very clear it's named after uh jimmy angel the pilot right so definitely important definitely given definitely not true so we put false big f um i recommend not writing your f's like this write them like this so it's very clear that it's an f if you write your f like this you'll get these wrong okay um they don't know what you're doing with this if it's a t crossed out or what that is so your f has to look like that okay all right number seven the plane that crashed near the top of the waterfall in 1935 is still there today now if you're reading carefully um is this important to know well i mean it's named after that person and it is a part of the waterfalls so here you'd have to check if you're not sure but in this case it is important to know because we're talking about the waterfalls and what's around it so it is given it's a little bit trickier here and is it true so if you're visual here you will know this yeah sammy rocky and sied say no that's fall spectrum says that's false where is it where is the plane let's see how accurately you remember so where is that plane today okay so that's false false false so so far this is why you don't review true false not given questions before the passage okay yeah beckham says it's in an aviation museum somewhere in venezuela right number eight indigenous peoples of the area have been aware of the fall's existence for millennia millennia means thousands of years okay so indigenous peoples of the area have been aware of the fall's existence for millennia is it important to know that i think it is is it true it's definitely important is it true yeah it's important so swati says yes so siri gear is asking how do we know that well siri gear we read the passage so we know what it's about we know that there's a section that talks about the discovery right so that's why we know it's important because the whole section talks about the discovery and so we know that this would matter and we remember that it's true that it's given and then we're saying let's check okay so we know it's in the discovery section sure so here's the discovery and it was uh right after this uh i remember the venezuelan president was quite angry that it's called angel falls and wanted to rename it so angel was not the first person to encounter the falls they were known to indigenous so there we see the word indigenous uh populations for thousands of years thousands of years so that would definitely mean that for millennia so from this sentence we know that the answer has to be true okay so some of you are doing a great job so far i see that some of you are really figuring this out now remember this is passage one so it should be the easier passage in the exam okay so it's true and then here we go walter raleigh discovered el dorado soon after discovering the falls in 1915 uh 95 so el dorado i think that's supposed to be so uh is that important important to know of uh walter raleigh's other discoveries that's my full question there so is it important to know of this man's other discoveries pectin says not important mahisut says yeah no not important okay um el dorado i i think is a fiction uh type of place i don't think it was ever discovered um so it's not given right we're talking about angel falls we're not talking about eldorado okay that should be an oh we're not talking about el dorado all right we're talking about angel falls so that would not be important okay so not given i would not search for that be a waste of time all right uh let's keep going so here is this multi-multiple choice type of question and you see these now in the most recent ielts exams and the older ielts exams they didn't have these this is a new type of question for the reading they have this question in the listening where you have to choose more than one but they didn't have this in the reading in the past okay so here we go um amanja um the meaning of majesty is uh like um something that's a king or as majestic is beautiful and big and powerful okay all right um here we go uh niesh there are no shortcuts okay you might be able to get a few questions correctly but you won't be able to get enough of them there's too much paraphrasing okay all right um so here we go the trick to this is to answer on your own first so which two of the following statements are made in the text about tourism okay so even um so don't read this okay so with this kind of question some of you uh might be very quick to start reading the choices but you shouldn't do that okay what you should do is you should think about the statements that are made about tourism so what are the statements made about tourism that you remember in the text okay before you try to search for the answers right so for multi multiple choice questions do not hope to find the answers in the choices first but think first okay so for example what statements are made about tourism in the text okay so um sammy says there's no road or proper transportation good so so no road or easy access yeah that's one roshini says they enjoy canoe rides other activities and nature i clearly remember the animals okay there's hiking yep good this is your active reading okay what else okay swimming under the falls okay um nearest town is three days away something like that seems to come to mind okay all right little pond for swimming that's right yeah it's a three day journey okay good um enjoy the falling water on the body i remember that that was very visual okay good so here we go now let's see if we can find the ones that match one of these okay all right back we go so understanding climate change has been a significant impact of the falls exploration some historians believe a spanish explorer was the first european to see the falls several forms of transportation are required to get to the falls from the nearest town tourists are refunded the cost of their visit upon reaching the falls and visitors appreciate seeing an area of the world that has not been affected by human development so here you have two answers 10 and 11 which ones are they and now that we thought about our answers i think it's very easy okay so bubba murad says c is definitely one we talked about that hiking canoeing so multiple forms of transportation and sami says along with villagala that the other answer has got to be e they see nature and they see a place that is not really touched by human development so c and e and for those of you that got c and e for this one fantastic okay that's the correct answer or those are the correct answers i should say cne it's much easier when you think about it on your own before you start searching okay so good for you all right fantastic so we do the same kind of strategy for multiple choice um which of the following best describes the tourist experience when visiting angel falls it's amazing to discover the nature to feel the water so it's very rewarding we thought about this so that's why it's so smart to do that for the previous question because now we have a really good idea for this one so challenging but rewarding painstaking and time-consuming desolate and unique striking and educational which one would you choose here based on your previous thinking yeah very good urkin very good for doves it's absolutely a okay so it's challenging they have to hike they have to canoe but at the end of the day it's rewarding good job for all of those who are choosing a very nice nicely done all right village i can't read the cyrillic i'm sorry guy i really got to learn the cyrillic alphabet so i can pronounce your names um but very good all right boter a nice okay last question 13 let's do it uh here we go which of the following phrases best describes the main aim of the reading passage so again i want to answer this on my own right so what describes the main of the passage to give information about angel falls what it looks like and the people who visit it and its significance to science that's what i think it is um to suggest angel falls is a tourist destination worth visiting to suggest that angel falls is a remote tourist destination of event immense value to scientists to discuss the origin of the name angel falls to suggest that angel falls is a complex geologically and difficult to get to for tourists all right i would say that the best answer to this one is b to suggest that angel falls is a remote tourist destination of immense value to scientists here we have the geology here we have the idea of tourism okay and even its discovery talks about this okay um this is not emphasized as much as this this is a hundred percent this one's eighty percent accurate uh this one's uh thirty percent accurate and this one's about 20 percent accurate okay you're always searching for the hundred percent it's a little bit trickier and these two are close but this is more accurate okay so b was the better one all right students fantastic so that was a reading passage one from exam number 10 by the end of this year we're going to have 10 full practice exams we have six right now available for you on our websites but on the by the end of this year we'll have 10 on both the apps and the websites so look forward to that thank you so much for hanging out with me this class i hope you picked up some valuable uh techniques to get ben nines on your reading for those of you who are not sure i know some of you are like what's going on i couldn't figure some of these out um check out our website you have lots of explanations and strategies at remember that some students who you saw doing a really good job in the stream they've been in these live classes for months and months and studying every day many of them have access to our websites they know the strategies and even though this was a new passage they were able to use them well so good job everyone for that i will be back tomorrow with lots and lots of writing task two and task one until then i hope you have a great rest of your day if it's late in your country sweet dreams stay healthy stay strong i'm adrian signing out from beautiful budapest for now much love bye bye
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: KcG4rj5lcSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 36sec (3036 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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