10 Things You Need to Know about Computer-Delivered IELTS!

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hi I'm Alex and I'm Jay we took the computer to live in AI outs and there are 10 things we want you to know yes indeed number one you get a pen and paper Alex did you know that you get a pen and paper if you take the key not to take home it's not a complimentary thing but during the test you do get a pencil a pencil and a piece of paper did you use it I used it just for writing did you yeah I said I use it in reading listening and writing I always like to draw okay good Oh fair enough and and they take it after each section so it gets replaced so you can't copy vocabulary and use it in your essay from the reading section for example hmm number two there is a suite of on-screen tools is it I didn't use it that's a shame because they're really handy actually you can make the text bigger Oh smaller you can change the background of the text some people have trouble reading on a bright white screen you can make it off white or yellow or blue you can take notes on the screen I didn't use that and the best thing is you can highlight on the screen okay yeah actually the only thing I did was make the text medium size that was it I did apart from that I didn't use it but maybe it's helpful highlight function try it on our mock test oh it's a life-changer use our mock test identical to the IELTS one ha what about that number three you can move around within sections so when I'm in the listening test can I skip ahead and look at section four yep and when I'm in the writing test can I move between task 1 task C yep absolutely can you move between reading and writing no no number four no need to count words a legs when you take the paper-based IELTS you have to like count every single word or you have to multiply the how many on average by this and it takes about three minutes to count - your words tell me about the blessing of the computer-based IELTS test it counts your word counter words [Music] number five there's a timer on the screen so in the test you can't wear a watch right and sometimes in the paper-based test the clock is behind you yeah in the computer test it's right in front of you number six you don't get 10 extra minutes in listening but you don't need it yeah there are little breaks all throughout the listening test 30 seconds here a minute here they have two minutes at the end and that's more than enough your answers go straight into the computer so don't worry about that yeah because on the paper-based test you have to you get 10 minutes to transfer from here to from the question sheet to the answer sheet of the total pain yeah and you need that and you do but in the computer-based test job done number seven all capitals no so please don't write your essay in your task one all in capital letters because what happens actually yeah it's considered a punctuation problem oh okay yeah on the paper-based test it's fine okay yeah and in fact it's advised to write all in capitals if you have terrible handwriting but that is not the case on the computer it's the typing so follow capitalization convention yes shift letter makes it big number eight you get headphones not just handy for the listening test you should leave them on the whole time they can block out the noisy people next to you I agree you're getting to your little Zen mode by blocking out everyone else in fact I just I just found the computer-based test to be far if a concentration actually mm headphones helped yep but the whole thing was just more relaxing in better yeah yep number nine no official break what we mean by this is by official break means that if you do need to go to the bathroom you can't well yeah you can but of course don't go in we intersection yeah don't go in the listening test oh yes absolutely the computer doesn't stop but you can go in the reading or in the rises but I think they stop you leaving the room when it's about five minutes to go so yeah so if you need to go just hold on too much water number ten the speaking test is not on the computer how do they possibly do the speaking if it's not on the computer using a sophisticated computer algorithm well person they use a person just like a paper to human being a human being and you're in a room together having a conversation Wow and by the way you're speaking and you're rising is still marked by a human even though you're taking the test on the computer it is and I must say the aisle to people that I've met so far having done this test five times are all extremely pleasant you were one once right yeah check out the e to language mock test and e to language calm Alex please tell me about the mock test that we have an e to language yes what a lot of people were asking us how do we do a full computer-delivered mock test it's actually unavailable okay so we created one you can jump on e t-- language calm and you can do the reading writing listening speaking speaking one-on-one with one of our teachers nice and the writing is corrected by us as well yes so you get a really good idea not just of what your score is but we sort of pinpoint the areas that you're weak in and that you need to work on awesome and how does the speaking work is - line inia - that how is the speaking work hello you are on your computer using our program a program not asked called zoom nice are you just talking to a teacher face to face and your really really simple the teacher will tell you everything that you need to do your job is just to answer the questions so we say goodbye then the teacher gives you your score and your feedback and it comes through to your YouTube language account it is super super excellent check out eetu language calm [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 373,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, E2 IELTS, IELTS E2, IELTS writing, ielts reading, ielts speaking, ielts listening, E2, e2, ielts listening test, the ielts listening test, ielts 2019, ielts reading test, the ielts reading test, e2 language ielts, ielts writing task 2, IELTS Speaking test, IELTS practice, speaking IELTS, e2language, e2 language, e2school, ielts band 7, ielts band 8, ielts band 9, ielts academic, ielts course, ielts tutorial, ielts lesson plan, Computer, Delivered, 10 Things, TO KNOW
Id: 59uM7GAYhk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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