Stop saying, “I don’t know” in IELTS Speaking

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so do you think computers make life easier um i don't know why do people dislike computers well um i don't know um will we use computers more in the future i don't know um maybe difficult questions right so listen let's find better ways to answer these questions so you can get a higher score in ielts speaking let's do it [Music] so sometimes in ielts speaking the examiner will ask you a question that you simply don't know how to answer especially in part three right now of course you can just say i don't know but you really want to show off your vocabulary and if possible develop your answer so in this video we're going to look at some typically difficult questions and how you can start to answer them using something different from i don't know we will start with some easier expressions and then move on to more complex ones also i'm going to help you with a few pronunciation tips that can help build your fluency now a word of warning whilst these expressions are really good right don't just learn them today and use them in the test tomorrow right you need to be practicing them practicing them a lot so you can use them confidently and naturally otherwise it's not going to work you know i think if you're like me you believe in a lifelong commitment to learning english in fact the best way to prepare for ielts speaking apart from one or two tips is to make a lot a long-term commitment to improving your overall spoken english really that is the best way forward now you can practice on your own of course that's fine but even better is if you can practice with other people and if possible a qualified teacher this video today is sponsored by cambly thank you very much cambly now cambly are one of my favorite online platforms for finding a teacher who can help you improve your spoken english and camberly specialized in native english speaking teachers there are some ielts trained teachers on there as well which is fantastic for you what i like about cambly of course you can choose the teacher you want the time you want the curriculum you want but they also have some pre-prepared courses that you can use in your classroom and quite a few around ielts which is great in addition you can record the classes with your teacher so you can go back and listen and study them again and cambly have all sorts of different plans you can go you can study for one month three months or even 12 months and if you're going for that long term commitment for 12 months cambly are giving you my students a 40 discount 4-0 forty percent discount off the 12 month plan huge discount great so all you need to do is use the code that's keith dash y t um you can see it on the screen to go and claim your 40 discount if you want to try out kimberly you can do a 15 minute lesson for free if you're a new student and find out if it's right for you so great thanks very much kimberly you can go and check out the links below let's move forward with today's exciting lesson right let's look at some of those tricky questions you may get especially in ielts speaking part three right very often you get questions like um do you think why do people will we did in the future right and these are questions that really are pushing you to think of an answer give your opinion maybe explain why you think so and give you opportunities to give examples as well they can be tricky questions i'm gonna look at some questions here around the topic of computers these are not real questions i've just made them up um but you could apply this this kind of question to any topic right whether it's mobile phones social media online shopping but here just for my examples i'm going to take computers so let's take the first example do you think uh computers make life easier i'm not too sure to be honest um but i reckon they do make life easier because right i'm not too sure you could say i'm not sure or we often put the two in there right i'm not too sure notice the not and the two there's only one t sound not two okay you don't need to say not two i'm not too sure you can add the filler to be honest i'm not too sure to be honest dddd i'm not too sure to be honest try great and then i'm leading in saying i reckon which just is a nice informal way of saying i think i reckon they do make life easier because and then you could explain why great nice and easy let's move on do you think computers make our lives easier i can't say for sure but it seems to me that by and large they do make life easier let me give you an example nice i can't say for sure right notice the pronunciation the four is for sure and although it's s u it's a sh sound for sure it's a sure right that long vowel sound i can't say for sure nice very good but it seems to me another nice filler right which really means i think but it seems to me i can't say for sure but it seems to me right great by and large just means generally speaking which is a nice bit of language to use and then let me give you an example now you can probably see what i'm doing is by making this i don't know quite long i'm giving myself time to think so that hopefully by the time i get to let me give you an example my brain has been ticking over and i've got something to say so this is not only about showing off language it's about giving yourself extra time to think on your feet right think on the spot lovely next and will we use computers more in the future off the top of my head i would say yes we will um the reason i think so is because right off the top of my head i would say yes or i would say no great off the top of my head just means without thinking too much so to say something off the top of your head is to do it almost improvised without thinking right notice the pronunciation right it's off the top of top of sounds a bit like a a russian violin player top of off the top of you can hear the off and off the top of my head off the top of my head try great get that din off the top of my head off the top of my head i would say right great good so try and give me a full answer here right will we use computers more in the future great cutting you off as often happens in the test so get used to it matey okay good let's move on do you think computers make life easier as far as i can see they do um for instance um they help us do our work more effectively um especially when it comes to preparing reports or presentations great as far as i can see right um now it doesn't mean literally as far as you can see but it just means as far as i understand or as much as i understand right as far as i can see um often very often we often very often we also sometimes say tell instead of c right as far as i can tell right okay notice the pronunciation it's not as it's us as because it's unstressed as far as as far as as far as i can can instead of can because it's also unstressed as far as i can see try as far as i can see with tell good as far as i can tell nice great and here i go on to give an example but use for instance right as far as i can tell they do make life easier for instance and then give some examples always a great technique in um part three is to give examples to develop your answers so what about you hey do you think computers make your life easier great thank you cutting you off again get used to it let's move on why do some people dislike computers i'd hazard a guess that it's because of their age that may be the case i mean a lot of older people don't like computers because they don't really understand how to use them i'd hazard a guess nice expression really it means i'm making a guess or i'm guessing right so similar to saying i guess i suppose i think i'd hazard a guess i would hazard um i'd hazard a guess okay i'd hazard a guess you can link hazard to guess hazard a guess i'd hazard a guess it's a bit tricky that's why you need to practice this one before you start using it in any kind of test right i'd hazard a guess it's because of and then you can say i also have that nice expression that may be the case right again it's another filler helping me gain time to think right that may be the case that maybe the situation right maybe maybe not possibly possibly not right i'd hazard a guess that it's because of their age that may be the case um i mean a lot of people a lot of older people so i mean really then is giving me the chance to give an example or clarify what i am saying right and by this point i'm able to develop my answer quite a bit more okay nice expression so my friend why do some people dislike computers that's an interesting answer thank you very much let's carry on so today we've seen five different ways of saying i don't know um to help you show off your vocabulary also help you to gain time to think on your feet and to also develop your answers which is critical in ielts speaking part three i hope it's been helpful a big thank you again to cambly for sponsoring this video make that long-term commitment to improving your english go and check out their plans if you go for the 12-month plan there's a 40 discount just use the code keith dash y t and you can claim the discount if you prefer to try it out you can do a 15 minute lesson for free the links are down below go and check them out go and enjoy your learning go and check out also the courses that cambly have that can help you learn over the long term excellent thank you again kimberly for sponsoring and thank you for watching and practicing with me today and taking your ielts speaking up to the next level i look forward to seeing you soon and do remember subscribe turn on the notifications leave me a comment below let me know i don't know how about try to use one of these five expressions to develop an answer for the question do you think computers make our lives easier great take care my friends speak to you soon [Music] bye you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 770,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, stop saying, stop saying i dont know, ways to say i dont know in english, how to say i dont know, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts speaking dont know, ielts speaking how to answer when you dont know anything, learn english, speaking english, native speaker, speak fluent english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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