IELTS Live - Listening Section P1 and P2 - Tips and Practice

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and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest where it got sunny since my last class which is great that's our changeable spring weather hi divas hi Anna I should add you Dean nice to see some of our regular students and get to see our members as well hi Sammy in this class we are looking at the listening section of the IELTS exam specifically focusing on part one and to practice and some tips today we will be using the materials from our websites these lessons are presented to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS success please do visit us there for a general IELTS help visit us at G IELTS on both of our websites we've got loads of materials for you and for today I'll give you a 20% discount as well use code r40 y-j when you check out there'll be a place where you can click use coupon code but in that code and you'll save yourself 20% from the full price our websites they look like this this is the general one here with the green background you can click that big red button to join us there and this is our academic one here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join if you have questions students you can always send me an email adrian at AE help calm and I will answer your enquiries in due time again these classes they run from Wednesday to Saturday for at 1330 and 15 o'clock Central European time so just check with Google to see the timezone difference but this is according to CET which essential European time all right everyone so we'll get right into our listening here this listening is coming from our fur exam book and it's test number two which is actually the third exam after the review and test one and so if you have access to our premium package of course you'll find the audio CD 3 tract number one because it's part one that we're looking at today now there have been a couple of slight changes in the listening section for the IELTS from 2020 they're kind of just administrative changes for the most part firstly the one important change for students is you will not see this kind of example question in part one they've taken out the example question it just gets right into the audio for questions that you need to answer so pay attention to that and then the other kind of notation that they change you see here it says section 1 you're not going to see that you're going to see part 1 and also in rare cases they referred to page numbers they're not going to do that anymore so they're not going to say turn to this page or question on this page that's another small change ok everyone so I'm going to start the listening audio here in just a moment a couple of important points before I begin firstly please students do not put your answers do not put your answers into the chat because that's confusing and unfair to some students so make sure that you put your answers on a separate piece of paper or in a separate document and we will go through the answers together after now to play this audio the best I can do is play it through my microphone and my Bose speaker so if it's quiet for you please try to use a headset or turn up the volume Kame volume on my and is maxed out all right so we'll get right into it I'm just going to hop over to our website here login to my student account once I do that then I can open up the audio CDs section here and go to track number three we have lots and lots of audio as you can see so I'll go to CD three track one and we're gonna get right into it here students so get ready because we're starting right now recording is copyrighted by two think one Solutions Inc and world ESL tutors you will hear several different recordings and you will answer questions on what you hear there will be time given to read the instructions and questions and you will be given a chance to check your work the recordings will be played only once the test is made up of four sections at the end of the test you will have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet now turn to section one listening section one you will hear a conversation between two women as one of the women registers her daughter for nursery school first you have some time to look at questions one to five you will see that there is an example this time only the conversation relating to this question will be played good afternoon Monterrey primary Jane speaking hello my name is Diane Johnson I was hoping to register my daughter for nursery school at Monterey primary of course miss Johnson would you like to register your daughter for full day nursery school or half-day or full-day plus after-school care or just a half-day I don't think Matilda could handle a full day away from home just yet the woman says she would like to register her daughter for half-day nursery school so a has been indicated for you now we begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions one to five good afternoon Monterrey primary Jane speaking hello my name is Diane Johnson I was hoping to register my daughter for nursery school at Monterey primary of course miss Johnson would you like to register your daughter for full day nursery school or half-day or full-day plus after-school care or just a half-day I don't think Matilda could handle a full day away from home just yet so your daughter's name is Matilda Johnson yes let me spell it for you the first name is Matilda m80 il da and the last name is Johnson but it's not the common spelling it's spelt J o n SS om my husband is Swedish which explains the different spelling right and what is Matilda's date of birth she was born December 25th 2006 so she was born at Christmas that is incredible yes she was an incredible present to get for Christmas it certainly was the most memorable Christmas I've had yes I would imagine okay so now I need Matilda's personal education number which she should have received in the post recently I don't remember receiving such a letter in the post it would have come from the Department of Education and they always post things in yellow and you don't remember seeing a yellow envelope in the post in fact I do but I didn't open it my husband did he didn't mention anything about a personal education number now he's away with work and I won't be able to reach him well we can retrieve the lumber I'm going to need your National Insurance number as well as your husband's I'm going to need your husband's name as well my husband's name is Eric with a K instead of a C on the end his last name is Johnson of course his National Insurance number is DF nine eight seven seven four five W a mine is KL 4 0 9 1 1 5 M you now have some time to look at questions 6 to 10 now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions six to ten right okay let me see here all right here is a personal education number I'll give it to you now so that you can write it down for future reference it says T five six three four zero one nine two just to make sure the first character is T as in Thomas yes and this letter in front of the numbers shows what region the child is originally from the T in this case refers to Tyne and Wear that would be correct I'd imagine Matilda was born in Newcastle which of course is in Tyne and Wear okay so we have all the information about Matilda that we need she is now registered for half-day nursery school in September do you have any questions yes I do I was wondering what sort of training your nursery school teachers have that is a very good question each of our teachers has at a minimum a two-year diploma in early childhood education many of our senior staff have bachelor's degrees in education in addition to the two-year diploma and our departmental head miss Janet Roth has a postgraduate certificate bachelor's degree and diploma to not marry miss Johnson your daughter Matilda is in very good hands that makes me feel a lot better can you tell me when the first day of school is and also will there be an orientation day for new students and parents the first day of classes the fifth of September and yes we do have an orientation day it takes place on the 3rd of September from 9:00 to midday parents and children are strongly encouraged to attend that is the end of section 1 you will now have half a minute to check your answers okay students and as I always say make sure to check your answers during that half minute it's very important but you don't miss some easy marks and we're going to go through the answers together and we'll talk a little bit of strategy as well so let's go step by step here we go so number one what is the woman's husband's nationality so where is her husband from is he Swiss that means from Switzerland is he swedish or is he Swasey a B or C now these are multiple-choice so make sure you're putting the letters and not the words into the spaces on your answer sheet so Charlie sent says B Alex agrees nope Alex does it say freeze Lebec says it's B most students are saying it's probably be he's Swedish and that is correct so he is Swedish the correct answer is B the woman even says something about his name anybody catch that part about the husband's name why we know that he's Swedish for sure in part one they usually give you the answer a couple of times for each question yeah that's right Alex so the spelling of his name Johnson is Swedish and she emphasizes that she goes yeah my husband's name is Swedish you see so be patient in part one of the listening because you do get multiple chances for the answers okay now for number two the question is how is the child's personal education number normally received so how do they get the number for their kids registration by post by email or picked up from the school a B or C okay good it was a so it's through the post and just out of curiosity anybody catch how many times they give you that answer so how many mentions do you hear about getting this education number from the post is it a only once B twice or C three or more times how many times do you hear the answer a once B twice three or more times yeah exactly you hear it at least three times okay so yeah it's in the post I don't remember getting that in the post yeah my husband got it in the post so there's definitely three mentions in there about that so you definitely need to pick up these kinds of points here where you hear it three times over okay so post it is okay now the next question and again you're always listening for the answer with multiple choice you're not staring at the choices okay that can be confusing so careful about that question number three choose the correct letter a B or C why is the husband out of town so the woman says yeah my husband opened that letter but now he's out of town and I don't know where it is is he away on vacation work or family reasons yeah again the answer here is B so the first three are B a and B the husband is out of town on work okay good so for those of you who got that it's great most of the answers for Part one they're very direct so you actually hear somebody in the audio use the word work later on in part 3 part 4 especially you're going to hear a lot more paraphrasing from all tuple choice you're going to hear the word employment or job you might not you likely will not hear the word work so in part one you can listen for the words that are in the choices but that strategy will not work for part two three and four because the answers are paraphrased okay so careful with that part one is much easier that way because they actually say what you read alright so here we go you had to get three to get number four correct here again with the letters so which three pieces of information are required to retrieve the child's personal education number is it the woman's personal insurance number the husband's personal insurance number their national insurance number and woman's and husbands names so what do they need here Divac says a B and F fahadh says C D and F okay the correct answer is here are C D and F so for those of you who got that and a shot very good you are right okay now again for this type of question there are a couple of important strategies I'll show you in just a moment let's get to number five okay so number five how is the husband's name spelt is it spelled ER IC k ER IC or ER i k Eric actually has all three of these spellings but the husband is of course just one which one of these is the correct spelling johnny'll says C and it is it's Eric with a K like this of course she mentioned that he's Swedish and she also says it's with K instead that's the keyword here instead of C in English you'll usually find that Eric is spelt with the C but of course it depends where the person is from and in a lot of other countries it's spelt with a K so the key word that you had to listen for in this case was the word instead so K instead of a see if if she would have said as well as it's with the K as well as a C then it would have been a okay but she didn't say that she said instead all right so before we go on to 6 through 10 just a couple of important points for multiple choice questions anybody remember which strategies are important for multiple choice those were those students who are regularly in these classes and have seen me talk about multiple choice strategy for the listening section anybody remember what you need to follow so just a couple of points for youso mcq in the listening section okay number one is ya bhoomika says don't look at the choices listen for the answer first so ya don't stare at the choices hoping the answer will be said but instead listen for the answer this is because often the choice will be paraphrased for example job instead of work so you will not hear the exact same words okay that's number one so you have to be really careful about that rimshot says makes some notes and that's right rim shot especially for those multiple multi choice okay so another point is change the multiple choice question question into a statement okay I'll show you what I mean by that so here for number six you see what is Matilda's personal education number instead of the question think about the statement Matilda's personal education number is you're not going to hear the what question usually you're going to hear the statement instead okay so change questions into statements in the multiple choice that's a really important strategy as well number three it's a very powerful one is use logic especially when you feel you missed the answer okay I'll show you what I mean by that so if we go back to question four here this is in fact the type of multiple choice I call these ones a multi multiple choice because it's you have multiple choices and you have to choose multiple answers in this case three of them right so when you look at a B C and D the only difference is personal versus national okay what do you think is a personal insurance number so what is that what would be a personal insurance number what do you think that is what does that mean if I said my personal insurance number is what do you think I use that for so it's very different from your National Insurance number obviously the National Insurance number in Canada is called your sin number or your social insurance number okay the British call it a National Insurance number what is what is an individual insurance number used for so what would be your personal insurance number yeah so Jiwon says what's obviously not for public use yeah so if you can figure that out through logic you can already figure out that probably the school does not need those two okay so it's not for public use most likely yeah and you're right it's not for public use Lib who says maybe it's like a pin for an ATM no this would be like for injury okay in case of injury or accident right that would be your personal insurance number so if you need medical assistance for example that would be and you have some kind of an insurance provider to cover your medical costs that would be a personal insurance number so that's something that's insuring you as an individual that you pay for so that you get that so obviously that would be really weird to ask for in when you're registering your child for school okay now E we don't need that one why don't we need the woman's name so why not so why do we not need the woman's name in this case okay how're the video looks good on my side hopefully everybody else can see it as well okay I think it might be on your end check your device okay yeah divas that's right so personal insurance number would be like your life insurance exactly leave us that would be a personal insurance number mucks suit very good yeah it was mentioned yeah yeah exactly sheet oh gee Dean we heard it earlier okay so we don't need the woman's name she gave it already right she already gave this so clearly we don't need the woman's name because that's how the conversation starts she says her name so the administrator has that she just doesn't have the husband's full name only the family name right so for this question it comes quite quick after number three and it's a little bit tricky to catch all of these but again if you use logic then you can figure these out now in the paper-based exam when you have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet you can do that please don't start using this kind of logic while the audio is going that's very tricky it you'd have to be very fast it's possible we don't have to be very very quick however when you have 30 seconds to review your answers or in the 10 minute time so in the 30 seconds to review or the 10 minutes to transfer okay 30 seconds for the computer-based as well 10 minutes for the paper-based as an addition so that makes the paper-based a little bit more gentle then you can use this kind of logic okay all right so pay attention to that absolutely all right so use your logic okay in fact this is just kind of a hint you have to be careful with this but roughly half of the answers in the reading and listening questions you can almost figure out just from logic alone without even audio or reading now I don't recommend doing that but if you're a person who has exceptionally good skills and logic and critical thinking and when you're doing your practice exams at home you'll notice that wow a lot of these questions you can just answer from common knowledge and from logic okay all right so be really really careful pay attention to that now another point that you can use here of course is quick notes right so National Insurance number okay so use short form if you're going to do notes please don't try to write all of these words but you can do something like that to help remind you okay yeah that's one of the biggest so I see some students saying well my teacher never goes into that kind of detail we are not just teachers but we're also a group of psychologists in our company dealing with education and educational psychology and that's how we design all of our teaching as through psychology through using critical thinking logic visualization to really help you boost not only your English skills but also your communication and your thinking skills together and that way you can maximize your learning and your scores in a relatively short amount of time okay so definitely try out our websites if you like them join the full course okay all right so let's keep going here a little bit with the later question so you had that 30 second or no I'm not thirty I think it's 20 second break to review the next set of questions and then on we go so number six is what is Matilda's personal education number is it a B or C so here you had to listen to some numbers and then give the right answer yeah G Vaughn send me an email and I can help you out okay the correct answer was a absolutely good for you so you had to realize that there's no letter in there there was no P it was a three not a P and then of course they say T t as in anybody catch that so the speaker says T as in what was the word that she used to confirm the letter T anybody catch that just for fun yeah very good no shot it was Thomas Thomas T is in Thomas Thomas he is in Thomas yeah very good okay so listen for those they'll they'll use them okay so Z as in Zulu K R as in Roger L as in Lima it's not a bad idea to learn these kinds of expressions l is in Lima Z as in Zulu okay there's actually a kind of a standard set it has a name I'm not sure what the name of that is but there's a naming for that as well if you go online you can find that so L is in Lima Z as in Zulu X as an x-ray okay so check for those all right check for those because you can use those so I know a lot of students find it challenging to spell their names and when they're talking to people on the phone a government office or a school then they're like said of P is that a is that a B is it a P so there's a way to do that and everybody is familiar with that so if you call them then you can say P as in post okay D as in dog B as in ball okay all right next question seven where was the child born a new castle B London or C Monterey again pay attention to use the letters not the names and make sure to use capital letters so if you're gonna write the letter A and your answer sheet write the letter A like that not like that okay write it like this I recommend using capitals yeah very good jack Patel Patel pile toad don't do that it was a it was New Castle which is of course in time and we're as they say in the audio very good all right let's keep moving along nicely done students nicely done so here we had another of these multi multiple choice number eight what two qualifications do many of the nursery schools senior staff have one-year diploma two-year diploma three year diploma master's degree bachelor's degree Doctorate degree two of and the correct answers were two-year diploma and a bachelor's degree so it was B&E this one was fairly easy and your answer sheet you just do it like this B comma E it's for one question so make sure it all goes into box eight and your paper based exam answer key okay and you do have to pay attention to the questions she does mention that the principal or the head teacher has a postgraduate degree which would be a masters or a doctorate we don't actually know she doesn't say but that's not many that's just one okay so really pay attention sometimes the trick is not in the choices sometimes the trick is in the question okay so if you find the choices a little bit confusing go back to the question because sometimes you'll realize oh yeah it's many so it can only be these two right can't be the other ones so check the answer sometimes the trick is in the question not the choices okay so check the question I mean the question all right very very important all right here we go with the last set this is a short answer fill in the blanks here complete the notes below wrote write no more than two words and/or a number for each the first day of class so when does school begin for these little ones at nursery school you should catch that you should write an abbreviation don't write the full word fifth of September it is now mo zone it's only two words okay so if you actually write fifth of September you will get this wrong okay it's sad but it's true IELTS is testing how well you pay attention to all of the information in the exam not just the audio and not just the the answers this one will be marked wrong because it's one two three words and it says no more than two words so you have to be very careful even though it seems correct because of the question it's actually wrong so the easiest is Sept 5 usually with September students it's a four letter abbreviation with the T included okay they'll take SEP 5 I believe but definitely I recommend the T that is the more common abbreviation okay yeah MUC Sudha's asking that it will they take set I think they will mock sued but I wouldn't chance it I've seen September abbreviated as SEP in some places but the standard is usually with the T so to be on the safe side muc sued add the T for September okay alright and again pay careful attention here because like I said I'll just testing not just your ability to fill in a blank okay it's not that easy Allah yes fifth Sept will work it's okay all right okay and then our last question here something and children should attend orientation so who should who should attend the orientation children yeah it's a good idea who else shiridi Dean says parents for number ten parents is correct so parents and it has to have the S because children is plural so parents has to be plural as well okay so parents and children alright so some good tips there for you to keep in mind when you're doing your exam to make sure that you're not losing any easy marks a quick question back at all of you what was your score from ten raw scores so what did you get how did you do on that part one and the reason I ask that is because for those students who really need that 6.5 Bend or seven Bend or more for part one you should be aiming to get eight or more correct okay part one is the easiest so if you're losing 3 4 5 bands our raw scores in part 1 you're gonna be in some deep water when it comes to part 2 3 & 4 for your finished score so deivis car key work on it ok you got to get definitely higher than 6 it's got to be 8 9 10 cover 7 some it's a bare minimum okay you don't want to be losing too many points here alright okay so and for those students who are doing listening for a second or third time I know some of you are in these classes regularly by the way we will be releasing new exams in the next couple months but if you're doing these again and again at this point if you've done this part one before you should be looking to get 910 correct you shouldn't be making any mistakes on the second run okay alright so students let's get into it now we're gonna do section two or as they call it now part two so they're not gonna say section anymore they're going to say part two so as we do part two same thing please do not write your answers into the chat we'll go through them together after just like we did now I'll give you some strategy give everybody a fair chance and for those of you who are just joining make sure that you're trying to use a headset if possible and turn your volume up if it's quiet I have max volume on my side with my mic and speaker so we're gonna get right into it without further ado and again just do your best use logic use strategy here we go back to our website and of course this is now coming from CD three and track two with those of you that have our exams all right take some time to look at questions 11 to 16 listening section - you will hear a recording of a university campus tour first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 16 now listen carefully to the interview and answer questions 11 to 16 good afternoon everyone if you are here for the University campus tour you're in the correct place there are two purposes for this tour for prospective students you get to see the campus where you may be studying in a few months and you get to learn some interesting information which may convince you to look favorably on our University for parents you get to learn what life is like at this university so you know where you are sending your kids off to this Wilton before we start the tour I'd like to give you some background information this University was originally opened in 1686 although from 1745 to 1805 it was shut down due to a lack of funding the university is composed of 23 buildings which were built in one of three periods there were four original buildings in 1686 a dozen more buildings were constructed in the period from 1805 to 1815 and the final seven buildings have been added in the past ten years so there is a fascinating mix of 17th century 19th century and quite modern architecture the first building we are going to look at is called the Prescott building named after the university's first Chancellor William Chester Prescott as you can probably tell this is one of the university's original buildings completed in 1686 the building is actually quite unique in shape it is approximately 40 meters long while only eight meters wide it also has these interesting circular areas attached to each corner four of them in all these four circular areas each house a large belt none of the bells work today however as we walk in the door I'd like to point out all of the beautiful Persian carpets on the floor these carpets were donated to the university by a former student almost 150 years ago this is very common for former students who have done well in life's give back to the University some give money some give land some give gifts such as Persian carpets one former student even gave the University is pop after he died by the way that pub which is located at the intersection of 3rd Street and Pine Avenue gives students at the University of 30 percent discount now if that's not a selling point for this university I don't know why is on a serious note it is our outstanding education which makes our university a top competitor on the global front you now have some time to look at questions 17 to 20 now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 17 to 20 before we go any further are there any questions no right then next we are going to visit the University Library as you see in front of the library there is a beautiful fountain which shoots water high up in the air once again the funding for the fountain came from a former student in this case a well-known artist it was constructed just 15 years ago at the cost of 50 thousand pounds as we step into the library I think what you'll notice at first is the fact there are no books indeed there are no books at all on the entire ground floor on the five upper floors however there are over three million books the library's collection has been built over time through private donations gifts from former students as well as university purchases there is also a special collections area where there are original works dating back to the Year 1588 next my itinerary is a visit to the sporting facilities here at the University we have over a dozen different facilities for almost any sport you can imagine ranging from football and rugby to tennis and squash to archery and cricket our rugby team has won the national championship three out of the last five years as you'll see on your left is a famous war where we've got pictures if that is the end of section two you will now have half a minute to check your answers and again students use that time to check your answers we'll go through the answers together one at a time make sure that we get them all right maybe talk a bit of strategy as well so first we had to fill in this form here now this was a campus University tour and maybe some of you got that when we were reviewing part one as you may be recall in part one I quickly looked at the kind of topics of part two three and four so that I can get an idea of what they're about ahead of time you might be able to do that in your paper based examine if you can it's a good strategy okay so here I saw that it's something about a university so the tour guide gives us some background information and starts by saying when this university opened for number eleven and checked on Omar g'wan muck suit and many others believe that that date was sixteen eighty six and indeed it was okay so keep in mind in English for years we usually do two numbers two numbers so 1686 that's what you had to listen for so for these years make sure to know your double digits okay for the IELTS know your double digits okay 1474 1922 okay know your double digits it's very very important because there's a very good chance that one of your answers and one of the listening parts will definitely be that way okay so knowing your double digits alright then in this time period it was shut down and then it's the tour guys explains when these buildings were built and how many of them so he says between 1805 and 1815 there were a number of buildings constructed how many buildings were constructed for number twelve wolfing DC says 23 MUX suit says 12 in this time period he actually says a dozen okay now a dozen means 12 so the easiest answer here would be twelve buildings it's the faster way to write the answer the number is faster than the word and of course you don't risk spelling mistakes so when you hear a dozen write 12 if you hear half-a-dozen we use that often in English as well then write six anybody knows the expression baker's dozen it's an interesting expression in English bate baker's dozen anybody know how many a baker's dozen is and of course it's because we often talk about Donuts for example okay so what is a baker's dozen just for fun let's see if anybody's familiar with this expression in English Evangeline mcdu well very good yeah a baker's dozen is 13 why because the bakers generous so the baker says okay you get 12 Donuts plus one the Baker the Baker's friend leaves the Baker gives you one more okay so a baker's dozen is 13 otherwise a dozen means 12 okay that's just for fun but you can't use that if you go into a bakery and you say I'd like a baker's dozen then they'll say okay I'll give you 12 in the box and one in your hand all right okay um that's usually because the box only fits 12 Donuts or pastries all right so in the past something years seven buildings were constructed so this one here number 13 how many buildings or in how many years where seven buildings constructed number thirteen is ten that's right it was ten in the past ten years and again the number is easier than the word so just write ten now you should know that in your writing task 2 you should write words zero to ten okay and English writing the standard for essays is usually write words zero to ten but in these answer sheets you can just use the numbers okay all right number fourteen this was a little bit of a diagram identification the Prescott building which was the original building built in 1686 has which layout here a B or C so what does that building look like a B or C the correct answer was B okay and the reason we know that is because he gives us the dimensions I think things as 8 feet by 50 or something like that so you know that it's a very long building I think he even says it's a long building and he's and then he says there are these circular shapes in each corner so there are a couple of different points that the person says which lets you know that the correct answer is B when you're looking at these diagram type questions students see the differences okay so here you see squares and squares here you see circles so you're listening for square or circle here you're listening for rectangle okay or a square square is when the sides are even like five by five a rectangle is when they're uneven lengths so for example five by eight okay so a rectangle rectangle square square circle square look for those differences okay Prashant says hey and that was forty by eight okay yeah I think you're right Prashant it was forty by eight but we get this very long building I don't know why but a long long time ago in the 16 1700s they liked to build these really long buildings for schools if any of you watched Harry Potter that main hall is kind of like that as well well where it's really really long so schools tended to be these really long narrow types of buildings alright here we go so question number 15 right no more than two words so again two words and or a number how many years ago were the Persian carpets donated how many years ago were they donated by a former student yeah so 150 okay 150 you don't need the word years because it's in the question okay and if you write years ago then that would be wrong okay because it's three words so again if you write 150 years that's okay but just 150 is enough in this case because we have the measure if you have the measure in the question you only need the number you don't have to repeat the measure it will save you a little bit of time okay it was 150 all right let's keep going here so for number 16 this was a local pub that was donated to the university by another former student and what kind of a discount does this pub give 30 40 or 3% a B or C again the correct answer is a make sure you're using letters not the numbers it was thirty percent three is silly logic tells me that would not really be anything to go home and rejoice about forty might be a little bit too much thirty looks good so logic here can help you as well if you happen to be daydreaming hopefully or not and miss the answer so 30 would be your best guess as well okay the last one was a complete the summary here you had to catch the words this was getting a little bit more difficult a little bit more tricky you have to know the spelling you have to be quick with your writing okay so here we go right no more than two words so two words maximum and or a number that means you can have a word and a number so in front of the library there is a beautiful something what is in front of the library yeah it's a fountain and fountain is spelt like this found 10 ok fo u NT AI n a fountain of course is what shoots water like that okay so that would be a fountain shooting the water into the air right it's a it's also called a water feature that's another synonym for a fountain it's called a water feature okay inside the library the ground floor has something books how many books are on the ground floor again this is repeated a couple of times because it's a surprising kind of statement yeah it's no books no books of course it protects the books from flood or from danger so the books are all on the upper floors you can also guess that from the word however however the upper floors house over three million books the collection was built by donations gifts in university purchases additionally there is a something area number 19 what was number 19 that was a little bit tricky looking for that band 9 level student that probably knows what that actually means may be visited a library in English it's a special collections now this is a tricky one because collection is actually countable if you have multiple collections then they're called collections so you can actually count collections and in this case it is called a special collections area special collection is not enough you need the s in this case to get it correct it's a special collections area so you had to catch that s students really train your ears for that s sound okay especially for some of these tricky ones here because it matters and you need the s for this one to get it correct okay so it's special collections area all right with works dating back to 1588 there are many sporting facilities including the rugby field which is home to the rugby team which has won three of the past five what Billy says national championship Billy so close but you need that s ok because it's plural it's 3 of 5 so it's national champion ship ok national championships uh with the S cape a really careful attention of course you can count national championships ok they're very much countable alright ok students so those are the correct answers for part two what did you get out of twenty for those of you who were here for both Part one and Part two what was your score from 20 for part one and two how did you do the reason I ask that is because for Part one and two you should be looking at let's say sixteen or more if you want bend six seven or higher six point five seven or higher so yeah for reason back 18 that's great Billy 18 is good jiwon 18 is good got that in the reverse but yeah janila almost okay fifteen is not bad fifteen you're kind of okay alright shake seventeen is okay alright students so you're aiming for sixteen or more in part two because part three and part four will be more difficult so it's a higher chance of getting more wrong Ronna so close to a perfect score almost yeah maybe the [Music] Special Collections got you alright students so tomorrow we're going to finish part three and part 4 of this listening test if you can't wait and you want this exam and all of our other exams you can get them with all of our HD videos as well academic students AE help calm general our students GL's help calm use the code are for tyj today to get that 20% discount from the premium package you can get all six of our exams you can get all of the videos done by me and a couple other teachers do some videos as well and tomorrow more live classes so more listening I believe we will have a task one as well for members have a wonderful rest of your day everybody if it's late in your country sweet dreams to you if your day is just starting then look upward and onward much love to all of you bye for now from Budapest I'm Adrian
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 3,034
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Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 37sec (3517 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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