IELTS Live - Listening Part 1 and 2 - Method for Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a lovely week and is looking forward to a fantastic and healthy uh weekend welcome to our new member sam good to have you on board welcome muaz nice to have carolina our moderator in the chat helping us out hello everyone in this class we are looking at ielts listening section parts one and parts two and we are going to be discussing some methods some ways to practice for a band 9 score this lesson is presented to you by that's as well as gee that's general on both of those websites we have lots and lots of materials strategies for the ielts exam to get those banned nine scores welcome vg romney good to see some of our regular students angel shushma great to see you all while we wait for a few more of your peers our academic ielts website looks like this with the blue background we are an official british council ielts test registration center and certified agents so you're in good hands with us and to get access to our premium package all of our materials click this big red button it's a one-time payment for lifetime access or at least until you pass the alex exam and our general ielts website looks like this don't confuse the two versions of the test make sure you know which one you need to study for if you're doing aisles for immigration then you are looking for general ielts and you need to click this big red button there to join our premium package so you can practice and get ready for your test sushma i'm doing fantastic thank you for asking all right students so uh yeah we have apps of course uh from your app store you can get academic ielts help link it to a help dot com you can also get general ielts help and link it to g ielts uh ramneek is asking is your accent a typical canadian accent romney that's a great question uh my accent is a typical west coast canadian accent um there is really no such thing as a canadian accent there are certain words that canadians pronounce in various ways but it's more regional so there's kind of like a west coast accent east coast accent there's a central northern accent and a central southern accent in north america okay so i speak very similar english to people in vancouver or seattle or san francisco people in toronto speak english very similarly to people in new york orlando miami okay people in winnipeg in central canada speak english very similarly to people in michigan which is central northern us okay so it's not really canadian american accents it's more coastal accents i hope that makes sense that's an interesting misconception in the world oftentimes all right a good question so uh if you have questions like romney's question for example about english or the ielts you can always send me an email to adrian and in the listening section of the ielts exam you will mostly hear british accents but again in the uk in britain there are lots of different accents uh in english of english depending on where you are okay depending on where you are okay so we've got uh more classes tomorrow and on saturday make sure you tune in for those tomorrow we will look at listening uh parts three and four of the exam that we're doing today so hang around uh for that and right now we will get into our listening test this is test one it's actually the second uh test in your book after the review exam okay so i'm going to play the audio for this listening uh test part one from our website here in just a moment uh when i'm playing the audio you will notice that during the instructions i will look at part two part three part four of the listening test that's to get an idea of the topic of each of those parts this is an important strategy okay so i'm going to mention this to you before we get going i say this every time and i really really hope you remember to do this during your official test so um strategy one strategy one for the listening okay and while you listen to the ielts instructions you must take a quick look at the topics of part two 3 and 4 listening so that you get your brain ready for these ahead of time okay so we're gonna do that um and uh of course we're gonna do listening part one as well so we're gonna get into it okay all right uh now when i play the audio i'm playing it through my headset microphone in the live class it's a little bit tricky to switch systems around so i'm going to play it through my headset microphone and a nice bose speaker if it's quiet for you turn up the volume use a headset if you have one and very importantly everyone please put your answers on a separate piece of paper a separate document not in the chat so don't put answers in the chat we will share the answers at the end um don't put them in the chat because that can be very confusing for other people uh who are watching okay so all i'm going to do right now is firstly hop over to our academic ielts website here i'm going to jump into my student account in my student account i will find my computer-based ielts practice exams my full online academic ielts course my ielts exams workbooks and study plans i will find over 100 lesson videos and i will find all of my audio cds and i'm going to go there so i'm going to jump into my audio cds and because this is test 2 i need cd2 and because it's part one i need uh this one here so listening section one it's now called listening part one okay so that's what i'm going for and we're gonna play the audio here so get ready here we go this recording is copyrighted by two think one solutions inc and world esl tutors you will hear several different recordings and you will answer questions on what you hear there will be time given to read the instructions and questions and you will be given a chance to check your work the recordings will be played only once the test is made up of four sections at the end of the test you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet now turn to section 1. listening section one you will hear a conversation between two men as one of the men buys a gym membership first you have some time to look at questions one to five you will see that there is an example this time only the conversation relating to this question will be played good afternoon i'm interested in purchasing a gym membership of course sir what length of membership are you looking for we have options ranging from one month to two years can i get one for three months i don't want to make too much of a commitment of course the man says he wants a three-month membership so this answer has been indicated for you now we shall begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions one to five good afternoon i'm interested in purchasing a gym membership of course sir what length of membership are you looking for we have options ranging from one month to two years can i get one for three months i don't want to make too much of a commitment of course before we can get you started on getting into shape i'm going to need some personal details from you certainly let's start with your name william bacon bacon spelled the same as the breakfast food yes b-a-c-o-n okay william now i need your residential address oh please call me bill i feel like being called william okay bill so your address then right i live at 1653 spooner street in liverpool oh i know that street my grandmother lived there when i was growing up the street name is spelled with an a is it not yes that's right spooner is spelled s-p-o-o-n-a-r and your postcode here in liverpool pk387yq tk387yq no pk387 yq right now we need your date of birth april 9th 1980 and your telephone numbers starting with your home number i don't have a home number just the mobile number it is three one two seven seven eight three nine one fine then now do you have any medical issues we should know about such as asthma i have no medical concerns i'm in perfect health as far as i know now i need to ask you a few questions to find out what type of gym membership fits your lifestyle the best there is more than one type of gym membership oh yes there are a number of different options we have our most basic membership which allows you to work out on the machines on the main floor of our town center facility then there is our premium membership which allows members usage of the machines on the second floor of our town center facility as well as access to our third floor lounge what is so special about the machines on the second floor nothing really but our gym is extremely busy and often the machines on the second floor are the only ones available however as i said they are only open to the premium members tell me about the lounge our lounge is fantastic the room is big about 50 feet by 50 feet and we have two large televisions and many comfortable chairs there is also full bar service and a complimentary snap bar you now have some time to look at questions six to ten now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions six to ten that sounds great are there any other membership options yes there is one more we call it the premium plus membership and it allows customers to use any of our gym facilities in the country so if i go to london or kent or newcastle can i use your gyms there well yes but we don't currently operate a gym in newcastle we do however operate a total of 22 gyms in england not including this one in liverpool 23 gyms that's impressive what is the price difference between these memberships well at your three-month level the basic membership is 53 pounds the premium is 84 pounds and the premium plus is 95 pounds that's quite a step up from basic to premium yes but it's quite good value for the additional services and location options i'll have to think this over a bit before i make a decision just so you know bill we are running a promotion right now if you sign up another person along with yourself we will give both of you premium memberships for the price of basic memberships wow that's a great deal i wonder who i should ask to join with me greg loves to work out but he's already has a gym membership i could ask steve but he's so busy with work all the time i think i will ask my neighbor kate she's been trying to get back into shape after having her baby last autumn wonderful i will see you soon then yes you will sorry i didn't catch your name it's mike and it was a pleasure helping you i will hopefully be in tomorrow with kate does 11 work no sorry i'm not in until midday i will see you midday then that is the end of section one you will now have half a minute to check your answers all right and use that half minute to check your answers look for spelling mistakes look for mistakes with the instructions maybe writing too many words okay everyone so uh that was uh listening part one uh they don't call it section one anymore they call it part one since 2020. that was a small change in the ielts uh the other small change that they made to the listening section in 2020 is they took out the example from listening section part one so you're not going to hear this kind of an example anymore so if you're looking at some of the older exam books for cambridge for our uh exams as well you'll see that but don't worry it's not a big difference just be prepared for that okay so um when the instructions were going on and the instruction time is just a little over a minute use that instruction time to look at the topics of part two part three and part four in more detail so in this case were you able to catch part two part three so what was um for this example here what was the topic so what were the topics for part two uh part three and four what did you what did you catch there okay in the computer-based exam it's really easy to check because you can literally just click one button and then you'll jump right there so carolina says part two was provinces of canada uh partnered with something about a student and a professor and part four was t-rex romney says something about the map of canada uh and part four was something about dinos okay uh sammy says something about college admission for part two maybe or sorry part three yeah so uh western canada maybe more specifically it was actually the city of calgary okay for part two and for part three it was indeed a student and professor conversation okay and part four was about dinos specifically the t-rex the tyrannosaurus rex okay so um if you were able to catch this information um during the instruction time that's great because that's going to really help you uh when you get to those parts your brain's thinking about it you're collecting information uh maybe if your cousins in calgary like for ramnik then you know that calgary gets pretty cold in the winter but gets quite warm in the summer you might even know that the winter olympics were in calgary at some point in the past okay good so that's what you want to identify and then um you get into answering these part one question so part one is generally quite easy compared to part two three and four so part two three four are definitely much more challenging than part one part one is just very basic english um about demographics so age phone number address credit card number some simple english that you really must know to function at a starter level in an english-speaking society or when you're traveling right like if you're traveling and somebody asks you for your address for shipping you have to be able to use this english so um first of course the name so this man is looking to get a gym membership in england and his name is william something what's his name william what shardor says it's william bacon like the breakfast food right like a slice of bacon yeah b-a-c-o-n so uh yeah it's b-a-c-o-n this has to be a capital b because it's a name bacon um if you write all capitals like this that's okay but i suggest only doing that when you're transferring your answers to the answer sheet because writing all capital letters is slower it's bigger it's slower movements okay so careful with that okay capital b very important if you wrote a small b it will be marked wrong all right okay um and there we have pavan showing us a little uh slice of bacon yeah emoji bacon very good they will not accept an emoji bacon as the answer but you have the right idea pavan okay all right so the address um they give you part of the address you should only put in the information that's missing so don't put 1653 into your answer sheet or into the space in your computer-based exam right so the address is one six five three something street amra says it's spoon r street spelled with an a right they emphasize that oh it's spelled with an a isn't it yes it's spelt s-p-o-o-n-a-r spoon like the spoon i don't know if there's an emoji for that but like the spoon that we eat with okay um and uh finishing with an ar spoon our street okay again you have to have a big s when you write a big s make sure it's big like spoon r okay if you write a half size or three let's say three three quarter size or two thirds like it's like this okay and you're like well it's a big s uh if the examiner can't see that clearly they'll mark it wrong so when you're writing those capital letters make sure they are capital they should be twice the size of um your lowercase letters okay ah there's the spoon emoji good i'm happy to see it yeah so spooner okay very good okay they will not have emojis on your official ielts exam but they're fun in the chat okay the city is liverpool um what's the postal code postal code don't worry about spaces write the letters as capitals okay listen carefully they will often repeat um the postal codes and the phone numbers twice so don't panic okay sammy says it's pk three eight seven um romney shardor bakrat huang uh all second that as well um so indeed it is pk387yq pk three 8 7 y q and again just make sure that your letters are really really clear okay no need to worry about spacing um residential phone number so number four uh the administrator mike says um and what's your phone number what does the man say it's kind of an interesting answer so what's the phone number umrah says it's three one two seven seven eight three nine one nope that's the uh girlfriend's mobile number fadhil says it's none bakarat says it's n a non not applicable um yeah none is okay okay or you could write n a not applicable sure there's none or um i believe the instructions say it doesn't say no more than two words in this case so you could probably just go with no number however uh if you're thinking like number four what should i put should i put n a not applicable or no or no number um this helps you here look at other questions so the uh examiner or sorry the examiner the um uh the administrator um the staff at the gym says do you have any medical issues and he says no none okay so you have this answer here so use this to help you here if you're like i'm not sure what i should put you can put none obviously if they've put none there you can put none there okay so that helps so look always at all of the content of the listening that you're provided with because oftentimes ensuing information so information that you see later helps you to be confident with previous answers okay uh quan la says is no acceptable quan i would not i would say no um if if i use no it's kind of an awkward answer residential number if i say do you have a residential number and you say no i would kind of be like okay but i would put no number okay if it says no more than two words i would say no number like that instead of just no okay uh easiest answer though is none okay all right so use information that's provided to help you okay i'm going to make a note of that for you strategy two make sure to look carefully at the information that is provided in the listening section questions to help you with some answers okay it's important all right um and then we have this little bit of a mapping uh type question um where you have different kinds of memberships and the premium membership which is the second level of membership uh allows members access to the lounge and uh the man describes the lounge um so a is this one here b is this one here and uh c or d so you've got two big squares you've got two rectangles and then you've got different organization of the bar the television uh and the chairs and such um all right uh so umrah says b shardour says b ramneek says a sami says a carolina says a a is the correct answer why what does what does the man say so a is the correct answer for two reasons um firstly b and d are not correct yeah apollo says the sides have the same dimensions yeah so the man says it's 50 feet by 50 feet so we know it's a square okay 50 feet by 50 feet it's got to be a square so it cannot be a rectangle okay so we know it's a square so it can only be either a or c now how do we know that it's a and not c aha uh romneque says well it's got more chairs yeah exactly so we can assume that um all of these little squares here are the chairs in front of the television and here we only have one chair and the man says there are many chairs in front of the television okay yahoo absolutely these live streams are saved on the channel along with our other popular videos so you can come back and check it out later and the listening audio of course was at the beginning of the class okay all right so a is the correct answer now for question six you have to have two correct responses okay which i mean it's intuitive because if you get one right you'll get the other one right if you get one wrong you'll get the other one wrong so question six uh match the membership option so a is three is the basic um which means access to the main floor so basic gym membership access to the main floor uh premium membership what does that give you so b is one very good huang and c is 2. yeah so you literally in the computer-based exam all you would do is just type one and two and in the paper-based exam in your answer sheet you would have question six and you would just put it like that into your answer sheet in the paper-based exam and then you will get question number six correct now use your logic students in the listening it's really important to use your logic when i did my ielts exam uh last time in budapest there were a couple questions where i kind of spaced out i was like what were they saying um but i was able to answer them using logic and ended up with a band 9 anyway so if you think about a gym and a gym membership right they talk a lot about access to the lounge for the premium membership and it makes sense that your premium plus like if you have a super duper gym membership it basically means that you can um use all of their gyms anywhere in england if it's a franchise okay so logic is very very very very powerful in the listening and in the reading well in generally in life as well but definitely remember to rely on logic during the exam okay okay um yeah and paulo says well if you don't get to the main floor you can't get anywhere in the gym possibly i mean it could be a way around that okay uh so here we had some short answers this is called a short answer type question it's not fill in the blank it's short answer because you have the question and then a short answer so no more than two words right so number seven how many gyms does the company operate in england okay uh they say it clearly so the man says oh so you have 22 gyms not including this one and then the other man says oh yes so you have 23 gyms yeah exactly 23 gyms so all you need there is the number 23 please do not write 23 even though it would be correct if you spell it correctly it's much faster and easier to use the number what is the cost of the premium membership next one how much does the premium membership cost very good akshay 84 pounds you do not need to put the symbol or the word pounds because it's given for you again do not double up on given information they will mark that wrong okay so just 84 that's it that's all you need okay um who is bill going to ask to join the gym so they talk about it he thinks about it he's like ah one of my friends they've already got a membership so i'm going to ask my neighbor shardor don't write the number 84 just write sorry don't write the words 84 just write the number 84 okay amra says kate the neighbor yeah and all you need here is kate okay always choose the more specific answers so don't write neighbor right kate okay so kate neighbor kate is okay all you need is kate okay okay and uh what time is bill meeting mike the next day so he says okay i'll come and meet you tomorrow then at 11 and then mike says uh oh that's not gonna work i'm not in till when amra says midday it's one word students midday mid day uh we generally never write mid as a separate word mid is more of a preposition than a root word so midday is one word mid coming from middle okay so midday midday the midday meal pavan would be your lunch but you wouldn't say that okay it's just midday okay all right um british often will say midday uh but uh in the u.s canada will say noon okay midday is the more accurate answer you should use what you hear so if you write noon i think they'll take that because it's a perfect synonym perfect synonyms can be accepted but it's better to write the same word the exact same word that you hear okay so yeah you could also write 12 akshay but you'd have to write 12 pm okay so make sure if you write 12 you write 12 p.m okay because 12 could be 12 a.m english cultures often use the 12 hour clock so use 12 p.m 12 p.m is midday or is considered noon okay so that's okay as well all right how did you do so sedu says got nine out of ten ken fembao says i got 10 out of 10. uh romney says got them all that's great so yeah in part one your goal is always to get nine or ten okay if you're getting less than nine or ten from ten you might be in trouble to get a good band score because part two three and four are going to be much more challenging okay so you're definitely concentrating to get nine or ten in part one all right okay everyone you're doing fantastic let's do part two all right let's get right into part two and you're going to see it's more challenging so you really have to uh pay attention once again i'm going to play the audio through my headset if it's quiet for you turn up the volume and once again students don't put do not put answers in the chat so that everybody can answer on their own okay all right um here we go everyone so let's go back to our website at and let's fire up cd to track two here we go get ready to listen and answer and we know it's something to do about western canada specifically calgary in this case now turn to section two take some time to look at questions 11 to 16. listening section 2 you will hear a recording of a travel show about tourism to calgary canada first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 16. now listen carefully to the interview and answer questions 11 to 16. hello i'm deborah sloan and welcome to hotspots the travel show that highlights great tourist spots around the world today we have a representative from calgary canada who is going to tell us a little about the city thanks deborah yes my name is robert and i'm going to tell you all about the wonderful city of calgary sorry i hate to interrupt robert but can you tell me exactly where calgary is i'm sure many of our viewers are wondering sure calgary is the largest city in the province of alberta which is the second most western province in canada alberta lies directly east of the province of british columbia of which vancouver is a very well-known tourist destination and directly west of the province of saskatchewan of which regina is the capital canada is a very big place and that is shown by just how far calgary is from many of the other major canadian cities calgary is over 1 000 kilometers from vancouver and over 3 400 kilometers from toronto canada's largest city canada is definitely a very spacious country yes indeed well let me tell you a little about calgary calgary is a beautiful city of approximately one million people situated next to the rocky mountains it is known most perhaps for the world famous calgary stampede is that with the cowboys and bull riding yes and it's held every july in the city the stampede attracts more than a million visitors each year from all over the world it is referred to as the greatest outdoor show on earth another fact that calgary is well known for is oil which was first discovered in the area in 1902 with the boom in oil prices over the past 40 years calgary has seen its population grow from 400 000 in 1971 to over 1 million in 2007. in that time period calgary was by far the fastest growing city in canada many sports fans will know that calgary was host the 1988 winter olympics and to this day calgary remains a winter activity destination with several world-class facilities dedicated to many winter sports from bobsled to curling to speed skating and everything in between one of calgary's biggest icons is its hockey team the calgary flames who play in the national hockey league or nhl as it's better known they have been one of the more successful teams in the league during their 30 years in calgary even winning the coveted stanley cup in 1989 you now have some time to look at questions 17 to 20. now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 17 to 20. on the cultural side of things calgary boasts a number of festivals during the year including a fringe festival a comedy festival as well as the calgary international film festival calgary is also home to numerous theater companies as well as the calgary opera alberta ballet and the calgary philharmonic orchestra sorry to interrupt again robert but this program is called hot spots so what's the weather like in calgary i've heard it's cold yes in the winter it can be quite cold but in the summer it is also quite warm with average summer high temperatures hovering around 23 degrees celsius while average winter high temperatures are around -2 degrees and routinely go down to minus 20. calgary experiences something quite unique when it comes to the weather it has these weather fronts called chinook winds which can blow through the city in the winter and temporally raise the temperature by up to 15 degrees celsius these tuna winds can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days and they are welcomed with open arms by the people of calgary calgary is also one of the sunniest cities in canada as well as one of the driest which makes up for a lot of the cold weather honestly though if you're looking for a winter getaway to a hot spot as you say calgary is not the place to go but if you are looking for a winter getaway that includes skiing or snowboarding or anything else done best in the cold weather nobody does it better than calgary thank you robert for that fascinating look at calgary that is the end of section two you will now have half a minute to check your answers and again students check those answers i'm just gonna hop back to our website here and stop the audio so we don't go into part three and now we'll go through the answers together so as you're obviously realizing part two is much more challenging than part one that you get into real life situations it's not going to be a university lecture it will be something like a radio show a tv show type of question something that's common that's everyday life right how well can you understand common cultural situations in an english-speaking country so uh the first question here is what are the two provinces directly west and directly east of the province of alberta having uh some knowledge of geography especially if you're planning to move to canada is a very good idea so match the diagram with the choices given below okay so you have your choices vancouver saskatchewan calgary british columbia and regina alberta is the province calgary is uh let's if it's a square let's say it would be there somewhere um so calgary is well maybe a little bit more in somewhere around there calgary is a city situated in alberta so 11 and 12 are provinces 11 is west of alberta so alberta is east of this province and it's west of this province okay so a little bit trickier here um number 11 what's the correct answer monster says 11 is d and 12 is b uh very good 11 is d i should definitely know that because that's where i live on vancouver island in british columbia and then 12 is the beautiful prairie province of saskatchewan okay so make sure to practice directions now with directions prepositions become very important like of from two okay so 11 is d 12 is b all right and uh you should know that uh the next province over is manitoba the next province over is ontario a little bit above ontario is quebec and uh above that is uh labrador newfoundland okay so you should have a an idea of canada's layout especially if you're planning to move there right okay so uh those were the correct answers all right um questions 13 and 14 the order doesn't matter uh the speaker talks about 1 million people in a couple of different contexts for these ones you should take notes when you're listening so take notes use your note paper in the computer-based exam use the piece of paper that they give you at the beginning of the listening section take some notes so one million people is the number used to describe two groups what what are the correct answers population of alberta population of bc british columbia population of calgary number of visitors to the calgary stampede each year or the number of visitors to calgary each year okay apollo says 13 could be c and paulo says 14 could be d yeah absolutely c and d are the correct answers okay so the population of calgary 1 million people the number of visitors to the calgary stampede each year is 1 million people so during that time of course when it's not coveted the population of calgary doubles to two million people can you imagine a city that goes from one million people to suddenly two million people for a few weeks each year okay goon-john's asking why not b uh the population of british colombia is roughly four million people gunjan uh the population of vancouver which is a big city in british columbia is two and a half million so that would be an incorrect answer and they don't talk about that okay um so uh here we go uh choose the correct letters a b or c number 15 which industry is calgary well known for and if you've seen pictures of calgary you would definitely know this is it a wheat bee oil or c natural gas chard or sammy and romney agree with arushikesh that it's bm oil alberta has some big oil fields and you would see all the big oil pumps um when you're flying over calgary yeah so correct answer 15 is b for multiple choice always listen for the answer okay so it's well known for oil all right number 16 which of these events did calgary host a the stanley cup b the winter olympics or c expo 88 okay shardor says hockey tournament uh carolina for number 16 says winter olympics d barack agrees yes calgary was host to the winter olympics i can't remember the exact year but um yeah they were uh host to the winter olympics bonus question i always love asking this question because i'm so proud of it but as a canadian so how many olympics how many winter olympics has canada being host to so canada of course being a country that's quite cold during the winter months uh bonus question for those of you who who are sports or history buffs um how many winter olympics has canada hosted how many winter olympics anybody know some people say two romney says four uv says six those are some good guesses answer is anybody get it ah ragav got it i don't know if it was a guess or not um it's three three uh montreal calgary and most recently the one that i went to was vancouver in 2010 if some of you remember that so uh montreal calgary and vancouver were host to the winter olympics a little bit of sports history for you in canada yeah and in vancouver canada set a new world record for gold medals in the winter olympics so we were very very proud of that as canadians there's some patriotism for you beating russia so russia had the record for gold medals and in 2010 canada set a new record for gold medals okay uh question number 17 write no more than two words and or a number for each answer uh number 17 average summer highs in calgary reach how many degrees celsius they give you celsius so you do not have to include it 17 romney says 23 or 23 degrees just 23 is enough if you wrote 23 degrees it's okay 23 is enough okay all right let's keep going so uh here we had a little bit of a summary completion or paragraph completion write no more than two words and or a number average winter highs in calgary reach something two degrees what was it anybody get that um pavan munster agree that it's minus two degrees yeah very good minus two degrees and you definitely need the word there not the symbol careful um chinook winds can raise the temperature by up to 15 degrees celsius so just imagine suddenly you get this weird warm wind and it goes from -2 degrees to plus 13 and can last anywhere from a few hours to a few what akshay says days okay and days it is minus two degrees is not that terribly cold i lived in winnipeg which is in the province of manitoba and with the windchill it got down to minus 30 degrees so that was cold um all right calgary is one of the driest cities in canada as well as one of the last one here everyone let's see how you did it's one of the driest days or one of the driest cities as well as one of the s sunniest very good uv 302 got it vg got it sunniest yeah sunniest driest and sunniest most sunny yeah there's a lot of sunshine there so if you like sunshine calgary is a great place to be okay so that was number 20. all right how did you do students so how did you perform on part two or i should say what did you get part one part two combined so if you think about your part 1 plus your part 2 what did you get ideally if you're going for a band 6.57 or more at this point you should have at least 16 correct if you have less than 16 huang yuan says 20 out of 20. how long that's fantastic paulo pavon 19 out of 20 is brilliant okay uv 12 out of 20 yeah you're dropping band scores careful part three part four are coming up and they're even more challenging okay uh depica 16 out of 20 that's your baseline that's like you're doing okay just be really careful in part two part three uh potato says why is it not the driest for the last question uh because that's what they give you okay so potato op uh it says calgary is one of the driest cities in canada so you can't say dries uh careful with that they often will flip that that's a good question potato up so um in the audios they say calgary is one of the sunniest cities in canada as well as one of the driest but you notice that here they actually flip the order of the answers so you have to pay attention and make sure that you don't say the same one twice okay it's a tricky one all right um dorsa no sunniest is the correct answer because you have driest here okay just like what i said all right everyone so great job uh we're going to do part 3 and part 4 tomorrow at the same time so you can get a feeling for the whole exam and also get some strategies that are really useful for you so again you will find all of the audio on our website at ae and you can see there's lots of practice exams and audio well there's like so many i was just flying through those but yeah tons and tons of audio to help you general ielts exam it's at and just click these big red buttons to join our premium packages it doesn't cost very much we have one of the most affordable rates in the world and one of the best online ielts programs in the world that's where we're so popular okay that's it for today everyone again tomorrow i will be back members you will have a task 1 class tomorrow carolina thank you for moderating the chat keeping it clean keeping it efficient always much appreciated thank you members for your support thank you students for watching i'm adrienne i'm signing out from beautiful victoria here on the very west coast of canada capital city of british columbia have a great night everyone good rest to those of you in countries where it's late if you're just starting your day then hop to it i'm signing out for now bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice
Id: yJK_oqd0IBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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