IELTS Live - Listening Part 3 and 4 - Band 9 Success

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a fantastic weekend so far staying healthy and staying strong uh hi roshonara watch the class and i'll give you lots of tips to enhance your english proficiency hi moha welcome students good to have many of you in the class this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success please check us out there for the general ielts visit us at g i e l t s help dot com where we have loads and loads of materials to help you improve your english and your communication welcome aman hi arminder welcome harpreet guthami hello back at you good to see many students in the class our academic ielts website looks like this with the blue background you can click this big red button to join our premium package when you do you'll have a my student account we're going to use this my student account for today's listening lesson so we're focusing on listening but you've got lots of other resources here you've got task one task two writing help you've also got help for uh finding speaking partners for other students and it's kind of like skype or whatsapp you can chat with students and if you're ready you can also book a speaking interview practice with me as well so lots of resources there welcome carolina our chat moderator hi fargusobud nice to have members in the class and this is our general ielts website here for generalized students again i just click that big red button to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's well worth it okay everyone so today it's listening and specifically we're focusing on listening sections part three and part four and we're going for that band 9 success a lot of you were in yesterday's class which is excellent to get our apps and you can do the listening through the apps as well you can get the app academic ielts help um from our your app store and general ielts help from your app store you can link those to your web accounts if you have questions you can send me an email uh to adrian at i will gladly help you out once i get the email i will respond usually within 24 hours so we've got a couple more classes tomorrow as well um we'll have a q a session for members and we'll have speaking part three for everyone okay so let's get into today's listening all right so yesterday we started listening and uh part one was about a man who was registering for a gym membership um the second part was a tourism show where there were two people uh discussing the city of uh calgary in alberta canada and um again remember that strategy that i showed you during the one minute introduction time you can absolutely uh review the topics of each of the four sections okay um and yesterday we uh learned that part three is going to be a discussion between a student and professor and part four is going to be a lecture about a dinosaurs specifically the famous dinosaur the t-rex or the tyrannosaurus rex eugene i'm doing fantastic thank you those emojis always putting a smile on the face of students all right chanieri i'm doing fantastic thanks for asking so many courteous students that's lovely all right so we're going to do our listening listening section three um it's called part three now instead of section three in your ielts exam it's really just a synonym nothing fancy about that it's just to decrease confusion between the different sections of the aisles the listening reading writing versus the actual parts of the listening itself um each part is 10 questions so part is part 3 will be questions 21 to 30 and you'll have a little bit of a break in the middle there to do some more review okay so let's get into this uh let's do our listening um students i'm going to play the audio uh through my headset microphone here so if it's quiet for you turn up the volume if you have a headset that you can use use that that might be helpful and importantly do not put your answers in the chat just wait um until the listening is finished and then we'll share the answers together that gives everybody a chance to answer on their own okay so um i'm going to uh hop back to our website here where i'm logged in to the academic website and um i've got lots of resources here computer-based ielts practice exams over 100 hours of lesson videos you can see there's tons of video material for all sections of the ielts and then you've got practice exams we've got this audio cds here so i'm going to hop in here and go to my second cd track three and let's begin this listening i hope everybody is uh ready um here we go now turn to section three take some time to look at questions 21-26 listening section 3 you will hear a student and her professor talking about their class now listen carefully and answer questions 21-26 come in laura thanks a lot for making the time to see me professor gorman as i mentioned in my email i've been very ill this past week and missing the first week of school is not a good way to start the term indeed it's not a very good start at all but i think you can overcome it you had a good grade in my course last term and i'm sure this absence is just a bump in the road as far as this term goes now what would you like to discuss well i don't even have a syllabus so maybe you could give me one and then we could go over it in some detail yes that would be sensible let me grab your syllabus here you go as you see the class meets each monday and thursday from 10 to 11 30 in room a313 of the juliet building do you know where that is yes the juliet building is right next to the student union building correct yes that's right okay so next on my office hours i hold them each monday and wednesday from 2 30 to 4 in the afternoon if these do not work for you feel free to send me an email and we can make arrangements to meet at another time now let's discuss the books you'll need as you see on the syllabus there are two books you'll need for this course you need not purchase either of them however as there are several copies of each available in the library i like keeping my books for future reference so i would prefer to buy both books are they available in the bookshop the first one is but the second one must be purchased from buster's books do you know where buster's books is located roughly but do you have an address yes the address is 3419 young street in brighton right i know where that is do you know how much the books cost approximately i think the ones at the university bookshop is about 20 pounds and the one at buster's is about 15 pounds so that's a total of 35 pounds for the two of them you now have some time to look at questions 27 to 30. now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 27 to 30. great can we talk a little about the coursework required of course there are two essays one midterm exam and one final exam wow that's a lot of course work yes but at this level i don't believe in just having one essay or one final exam determine your entire mark in a class i like arranging it so that a student can have a chance to reflect on their ability and understanding of materials throughout the term that makes sense so what are the percentages associated with each assignment and exam the first essay is worth 15 percent the second is worth 25 the midterm exam is worth 20 and the final exam is worth 40 would you like to talk about the first essay it is due next friday yes could we of course the essay should be approximately 1500 words and the topic must be chosen from the list and can i get a copy of the list there is one attached to your syllabus right so do we have to tell you what topic we are writing on beforehand no it's all right you only have to notify me if you want to do a topic that is not on the list right is the essay due in class or can we submit it by email i will accept essays without penalty until midnight after the class it's due so yes you can submit it by email hand it in during class or submit it to the department office if you submit it to the office make sure to get a time stamp put on it so that i can be sure the paper was submitted on time and also be sure to that is the end of section three you will now have half a minute to check your answers use that half minute wisely students to uh check your answers and look for spelling mistakes or look for mistakes maybe with the instructions so be really careful all right so just stopping the audio there on our website and then we'll go over the answers together so here is a discussion between a student and her professor so the student goes to see the professor why does the student go to see the professor okay they talk about this at the beginning um is it because she has been ill or in the hospital she's been sick or she registered late okay is it a she's in the she's been in the hospital b she's been ill or c she's registered late what is the correct answer mary you're very welcome a lily says b carolina says b nagar agrees yeah that's the best answer so she doesn't say i've been in the hospital okay be really careful with that she does say that she's being sick but she doesn't say i was at the hospital or at the clinic or anything like that so here the correct answer is b with multiple choice you're always listening for the answer don't just stare at the choices but really listen for the answer okay all right um now when you see a multiple choice question you have to remember that in the listening you're not really going to hear the question it's unlikely you might hear the professor say something like why are you here today or what can i help you with but it's going to be the student so she's going to make a statement um she's uh going to say something like i'm here to speak to you uh because okay so you have to listen for this kind of a statement so when you're reviewing these questions for multiple choice it's really important to try to think about the statement that you're likely to hear from the speaker okay because that will hear that will help your brain and your ears to hear the correct information all right so it's very very important all right okay so correct answer is b and then you move on and we had a form to fill out in the computer-based exam this is going to be uh drag and drop probably and then in the paper-based exam you actually have to fill it out if you've got good typing skills in english i definitely prefer the computer-based exam version of ielts but if you're not able to type quickly in english then i recommend doing uh the paper-based for sure so here you have two columns on the left side you have the topic right so here the topic is class times and then here you have um the actual class time so you have something and thursday 10 to 13 and um this is a syllabus for the course syllabus means the information sheet for the course it's called a syllabus when you're talking about a course um and many people are saying that's monday dove la beck lee i'll say the right answer is monday i agree now excuse me um you don't have to write the full word okay it's enough to write mon like that okay an abbreviation right you can write it all capital as well mon like that especially if you're doing the paper-based exam definitely use abbreviations and if you really want to write the full word which again it's not necessary do it when you're transferring your answers to the answer sheet okay but otherwise it's not really necessary okay so monday and then the location so where this class is held okay universities usually have multiple buildings and this uh class is held in room a313 um what's the building uh ear fun blueberries say it's the juliet building yeah yeah like romeo and juliet it's the juliet building this is the english spelling you might have gone with the french spelling okay uh they'll give it to you for both okay as long as it's a correct spelling of the name now when they give you a common name for part three or part four of the listening they might not spell it for you if it's a common name like david or juliet or sarah so it's good to be familiar with some of the common names in english and the common spellings of those names in english and of course you have to be familiar with sounds like you have to know that jewel is spelled like july right j-u-l and et is iet so juliet okay all right so you need to know the phonetics all right okay and then question number 24. so here they give you the description it's monday and wednesday 2 30 to 4 but you're missing the topic so here you have class times here you have location here underneath you have required books and then number 24 you're actually missing uh this okay louis enrique yeah you have to really listen carefully it wasn't julia it was juliet and they said it twice louis so often when its names they do say it twice the woman says oh the juliet building i know where that is okay khan says office but office is not enough irfan says it's office hours yeah it's office hours and you need both words here now if you're not sure how to capitalize um look at class times big c little t uh you can do the same certainly they will give that to you okay so office hours office hours are monday and wednesday 2 30 to 4. okay all right great then we had a little bit more discussion about the books that are required for this class yeah absolutely the books are pretty expensive here in canada for your university classes but you can often borrow them as well there are other solutions um here it's a the uk so they're talking about books and pounds okay so the required books um book one is available at the bookshop and it costs something pounds now they have this symbol here so you don't need to put that into your answer sheet you just need the number okay um how much does book one a lot of you are saying well it's 20 pounds um yeah 20 pounds it is that book costs 20 pounds so all you really need to do here is put 20 in there it's roughly like 40 something dollars canadian just not too bad i had books that cost me a hundred bucks or more in university all right um so book two it's available at so clearly here it's a location and it costs 15 pounds okay so uh where can the student get this book and the student actually says that she likes to buy her book she says i like to buy my books i like to keep them lily says it's bastar's books blueberry says it's buster uh blueberry be confident you got the right answer just make sure you capitalize it okay so busters yeah um you have to make sure that you don't accidentally confuse 25 with the answer the dot dot dot means you need this is the question number okay so all right so book two is available at buster's books buster's books now you need the apostrophe s before or after we don't know if it's plural or singular it doesn't really matter but it does show possessive so it's buster's books notice how the b is big so it's showing you that it's the name of a bookstore okay so it's buster's books okay yeah confidence is really important blueberry absolutely okay yeah me yen um that's uh an important point is that for part three and part four they might not spell every single word the only thing they're going to do is just repeat it okay so they do repeat buster's books a couple of times and you do have to be able to spell just from sound in english okay this is where phonetics is very very important okay now these types of questions if you don't get it don't panic um this could be considered a question that's looking for that band 9 okay a band 9 level candidate will be able to catch the word buster buster is a common name in english and they will be able to uh indicate that it's buster's books okay um so in the real world when you move to canada or the u.s for work or for study and you say hey where can i go to buy this book and somebody says you have to go to buster's books you can ask them can you spell that for me and maybe they will maybe they'll say i don't know how to spell it but you do have to hear the word okay so phonetics are important okay coursework so uh the course work has several components the first essay is worth 15 the second essay is worth we don't know how many percent uh the midterm is worth 20 percent and the uh something is worth 40 percent so 40 plus 20 is 60 plus 15 is 75 so logic tells me that the answer here is most likely 25 and again you don't need the symbol because it's given after the blank so all you need is 25 okay and logic tells me it's 25 because most likely the course is out of a hundred percent and 25 percent is missing so use logic okay even if you miss hearing it um you might be able to figure that out okay very good armender very good chinere 25 okay all right okay and the last one uh for this uh syllabus number 28 is worth 40 percent and it's usually the way it is in university and risa corp says that's the final exam late queen here agrees that it's the final exam yeah please don't just write final but write final exam uh you have midterm exams so make sense final exam okay notice how they don't just write midterm they write midterm exam in speaking when you're in university other students will understand when you say my midterms or my finals but here to be technically correct you have to say final exam or midterm exam okay all right so use your logic listen for the repetition of the answer okay those will be helpful and practice phonetics for names like buster and juliet those are really really important okay all right we've got a couple more questions so uh here we go with question 29 this is considered what's called a short answer question okay so it says write no more than two words and or a number for each how long should the first assignment b approximately okay uh vg says 1500 blueberries says 1 500 words rosa dilla says 1500 um the correct answer here is 1500 words okay notice here it says no more than two words and or number this is kind of a hint that something might be going on okay um the question doesn't say how many words it just says how long okay so you have to have words to be correct if you only have the number this will be wrong okay why because our the ielts will argue that we don't know if it's pages we don't know if it's characters we don't know if it's sentences paragraphs so we don't know just from 1500 we can assume that it's words but you can't function based on assumption okay uh vg phonetics is a part of pronunciation it's a part of pronunciation okay but yes they're close all right okay um so let's take a look at question 30. question 30 is what's called an inference type question inference type questions infer means making an educated guess based on the information provided so for question 30 you had to listen to a few different points uh said by the professor so that you can get the right answer question 30 gives you the context okay so question 30 says the student's class ends at 11 30 a.m on the day the paper is due decide whether a paper is handed decide whether a paper handed in is on time or late okay write the correct letter a or b next to question 30. so a the student receives a late penalty so you just write a if you think the student will receive a late penalty and b if the essay is on time then there's no penalty okay so here is the situation the situation is the paper is handed in at 5 p.m the same day dropped off at the department office with no time stamp received is it going to get a late penalty or no late penalty okay mirage says b uh no penalty uh huang nyuntai says it's a there is going to be a penalty and there seems to be a bit of disagreement in the chat or mender says a there's going to be a penalty um why do you think there's going to be a penalty armander so hong yuan tai why do you think there's going to be a penalty so if this is the situation why do you think the student will get a penalty okay and when you're thinking about the listening section and you're answering these questions especially when you're answering um inference type questions you should know why you gave that answer okay so chin rayare why do you think the student will get a late penalty excuse me what do you think hong thank you for answering hong nyun says well it's because there's no time stamp right okay um very good huang yeah arminder says the same armander says that there's no time stamp absolutely um the professor very clearly says that if you hand the paper in even if it's on the same day after class and 5 p.m is after class so it's after class and there's no time stamp and the professor says you have to get a timestamp so i know that it was handed in on time okay department offices get lots of papers and essays from lots of classes they're it's not their job to tell a professor that oh yeah that student was on time um no you need to get a timestamp so you need to tell the person in the office and this is real world so if you're doing university pay attention to this you need to say can you please stamp the paper that it was received at this time okay pretty strict universities especially in the uk canada especially good universities they're strict about these kinds of points okay so the correct answer here is a the student receives a late penalty uh usually late penalties per day or 10 so depending on which university you're going to it's ten percent per day and then i think after day three it's a fail okay all right good um how did you do students so what was your mark out of ten there okay so that was part three how did you do out of ten um for part three your goal should be i would say six or more okay six or more this should be your goal if you're getting less than six correct for part three and part four it's gonna be really tough to get a good band score okay uh manny says only five quran says i got seven lily got seven uh nitika got nine that's pretty good jack you gotta work on it four is not gonna be enough you don't you can't be losing six marks on one section fareed says seven so if you got seven okay and year a it's good our mind or nine is fantastic so if you got more than six that's great um if you got eight or nine or ten that's wonderful okay then you're definitely on your way to a better score okay so um let's jump right into part four okay now part four is a little bit different there's no break so it just goes all the way through from start to finish giving you all of the 10 answers all right so we're going to uh get into part four and we know that part four is going to be dinosaurs especially the famous dinosaur the t-rex all right so i'm gonna hop over here again uh remember uh students wait with your answers until the end so that we can share them you did a good job this time waiting until the end and then we'll share them at the end okay so uh we'll go over them and then talk strategies so here we go with listening part four all right get ready for it now turn to section four take some time to look at questions 31-40 listening section 4 you will hear a lecture about the dinosaur tyrannosaurus rex now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40. good evening class if you are registered for anthropology 322 you are in the right place today we will be talking about the most famous of all dinosaurs tyrannosaurus rex or t-rex as it is commonly referred to this dinosaur has a fearsome reputation mainly due to popular culture films and books in this class we will be discussing the facts regarding the tyrannosaurus rex as opposed to its hollywood depiction tyrannosaurus rex lived from approximately million years ago of course the reason it died out 65 million years ago is the same reason all of the dinosaurs died out at that time a massive asteroid which hit the earth and destroyed almost all life the period in which the tyrannosaurus rex lived is known as the late cretaceous period this reality is in contrast to fictional portrayals which often cast the t-rex as living in the jurassic period in fact t-rex did not come to be until 65 million years after the end of the jurassic period tyrannosaurus rex was a meat-eater but it is not entirely clear whether it killed its own prey or if it merely scavenged the prey of other dinosaurs in our minds we imagine t-rex fighting to the death with other dinosaurs but it is not known for sure whether this is the truth tyrannosaurus rex was a large dinosaur not nearly the largest mind you but still large by any standards of modern day wildlife the dinosaur's length was approximately 12 meters its height could reach 6 meters and it weighed anywhere between five and seven tons that weight is the equivalent of about 80 average sized human beings if humans had been around back then we would have been the perfect size for an afternoon snack the location of t-rex fossils discovered is very interesting they have been found in western north america as far south as texas and as far north as alberta and they have also been found in eastern asia mainly in mongolia how is this possible how can fossils be found in such different regions of the world the answer is what geologists call continental drift the continents have not always been in the same location they have shifted and around the time of t-rex western north america and eastern asia were connected this explains perfectly the discovery of the fossils in the different locations one of the more well-known interesting facts about tyrannosaurus rex is that it had extremely short arms they measured only about one meter long which is very short when you consider the size of the dinosaur to put such small arms in perspective it would be as if humans had arms that measured only 10 centimeters what use would they be well that is one of the questions that has led scientists to believe that t-rex was a scavenger and not a predator it is very difficult to believe that it could have been an effective predator with arms being so important for hunting another fact that leads scientists to believe t-rex was a scavenger was its extremely strong sense of smell this enabled t-rex to smell carcasses over long distances giving it a big advantage as a scavenger on the other side of the argument t-rex had very large serrated teeth which would have been perfect for tearing through the tough skin of other dinosaurs if t-rex was a pure scavenger it may not have required such teeth another interesting point about their teeth was that they were replaceable over time unlike humans who grow only two sets in a lifetime t-rex's teeth could be replaced over and over throughout a lifetime again this is evidence that they were at least in part likely predatory that is the end of section four you will now have half a minute to check your answers okay and again check those answers and then you'll have 10 minutes to transfer them to your answer sheet in the paper-based exam in the computer-based exam they give you about three minutes to go over your answers in the whole listening so that's helpful let me just stop the audio here on our website and then uh we'll get back to answering these questions together so uh question 31 um is a multiple choice question that's kind of fairly complex but at the same time it's not too bad if you don't overthink it okay so 31 says which of these events happened 65 million years ago one the dinosaurs became extinct two tyrannosaurus rex came into existence three tyrannosaurus rex died out for a large asteroid hit the earth and then here are your options so option a is one in three so dinosaurs became extinct tyrannosaurus rex died out b is basically all of the above so all of these and then c is one uh three and four without tyrannosaurus rex coming into existence so it looks tricky but it's really not if you use logic again logic is your friend um you'll do okay all right so here the correct answer according to many of you sort your fun uh hoji akubar amman um armender uh they all say c and c is the correct answer okay makes sense right dinosaurs became extinct the word extinct means to die out okay that's the phrasal verb tyrannosaurus rex is a dinosaur so dinosaurs become extinct tyrannosaurus rex is one of those dinosaurs uh tyrannosaurus rex becomes extinct okay why do they become extinct because a large asteroid hit the earth tyrannosaurus rex comes into existence millions of years before this event happens so that's why this one is not a part okay so logic helps a lot all right pay attention to that okay all right um next question tyrannosaurus rex lived during which time the jurassic period the late cretaceous period or the late triassic uh period a b or c okay last me says a manta says a lots of ace coming up uh sho rook says b hamanth says be yeah uh hemanth why do you say b arminder why do you say b so the correct answer is b unfortunately hollywood is confusing a lot of you okay so late cretaceous um the uh the lecturer the professor says makes a an important point about this um what do they say so late cretaceous period okay why what does the lecturer say can anybody remember you should always when you're doing listening by the way it shouldn't be a guessing game um again i repeat it should not be a guessing game you should be able to explain to another person why it's this answer okay so why is it b so our minder says that uh the lecturer said something like um the t-rex didn't come into existence until like 60 million years after the jurassic period yeah absolutely okay um if you didn't catch that then check the transcripts right so here uh in this book uh you'll find the transcripts i think it'll be around page uh let's see here from page 202. okay uh let's do two four okay so the transcripts are what you hear in the audio and uh oh that's not the one there just give me a second uh let me just find this for you i just want to show you uh where this is coming from okay all right here we go now we're on the right track all right uh so there we go okay so you should always know the reason for answers students okay and this is what the moderator says here so let me let's take a look at this together okay so when you're wondering um all right so here we go uh tyrannosaurus rex lived from approximately 80 to 65 million years ago of course the same reason it died out 65 million years ago is the same reason all of the dinosaurs died out at that time a massive asteroid which hit the earth and destroyed almost all life the period in which tyrannosaurus rex lived is known as the late cretaceous period this reality is in contrast to fictional portrayals which often cast the t-rex as living in the jurassic period in fact t-rex did not come to be until 60 million years after the end of the jurassic period all right so uh jurassic park yeah that's not true okay that's not what happened um so why do they call the movie jurassic park if a lot of those dinosaurs actually lived in the late cretaceous period what do you think just for fun as i go back to the rest of this uh listening uh section why do you why do you think that uh the producers of uh the movie decided to call it jurassic park and they decided not to go with the late cretaceous park what do you think why why would they do that okay so why call it what why call it jurassic park okay i bet some of you probably know the answer to this if you're a movie producer yeah very good ritesh says because it's a catchy name exactly it's harder to sell a movie that's called the late cretaceous park people be like what um so uh harmoner says just for fun now it sells better right jurassic park sounds so exciting the late cretaceous park it sounds like i'm going to a science fair okay um yeah exactly there you go now you're all getting it all right so um how tall was tyrannosaurus rex 12 meters 6 meters 7 meters a b or c and and says trust issues perhaps and perhaps okay uh yeah correct answer is b please make sure you write b and not six meters okay so six meters tall 12 meters long okay they don't say tall they say height the t-rex had a height of six meters so six meters tall very good all right the theory which explains why fossils are found in very different regions of the world is called two words this needed two words uh what is this theory called blueberry says it's called continental drift mirage agrees amman agrees and there's lots of you agreeing um that's fantastic yeah so continental drift a common noun you don't need capitals you just need the correct spelling continent continental drift the movement of continents yup absolutely united states canada were connected to china um and other parts of asia okay so here we had a table all right in this table uh you were given evidence you were given implications and conclusions for instance the evidence is that the t-rex had extremely something arms the implication is that arms are important for hunting and the conclusion is uh something else okay so extremely uh short mamta very good extremely short short arms rosa dilla very good carolina thank you for confirming uh short arms short arms arms are important for hunting what's the conclusion so if arms are important for hunting and t-rex has short arms tyrannosaurus rex is it a predator or is a scavenger it's a 50-50 okay if you're paying attention to the question here sade if you have short arms and arms are important for hunting it's probably that you're not hunting it's probably that you're scavenging yeah scavenger so just put that in there okay uh please make sure you don't spell it wrong um because it's right there okay so use the information in the question all right so let's keep going with the table here we go same idea all the way through okay all right um so the evidence is that the t-rex likely had a very strong sense of smell it had a huge nose right so strong sense of smell um that means it was able to detect carcasses from long something which probably means it's a scavenger right yeah very good fareed so fareed massoud says distances excellent distances yeah very nice okay a large serrated teeth serrated teeth means that you have the t-rex here okay i should get better at drawing these t-rexes you'd think a serrated means like this another time you'll hear the word serrated is like a serrated knife your bread knife is usually a serrated knife so serrated means kind of these jaggedy uh teeth that kind of looked like mountain peaks okay so it had large serrated teeth it's able to tear through tough skin uh hoji akbar very good shock rocks very nice yeah so it's able to tear through tough skin okay so if it's got these teeth and it's able to chew tough skin it's probably maybe not a scavenger but what could it be fardu is good so what could it be it could be a predator that's right absolutely again don't spell it wrong you have it right there it's a 50 50. all right okay and then it's teeth there were something there's something else that's kind of fun about the uh t-rex's teeth i'd love to have a t-rex tooth in my collection of artifacts so if anybody's got one hook me up okay um there was something else that was fancy about the teeth of the t-rex and because of this it didn't have to be careful with its teeth hemanth says the teeth were replaceable vicki vines agrees our minder says they were replaced arminder you need the word replaceable in this case okay so replay sybil okay get the correct spelling r-e-p-l-a-c-e-a-b-l-e replaceable uh teeth okay didn't have to be careful with them it was a predator all right um so that's uh that's it about the t-rex a fun dinosaur a favorite for many i'm sure some of you have probably seen t-rex fossils in a museum somewhere there are some famous ones out there around there um okay everyone so what did you get out of 40 we have many students who i'm sure were here uh yesterday and today now if you just did part four hopefully you got more than six um how did you do out of 40 for yesterday's in today's class so lake when you in says 31 i'll show you where you can check your mark so if you go to our websites at the bottom of our websites a help or gl's help you'll find this um score calculator okay you click on that and up pops your score calculator uh the listening section okay it's out of 40. um newan got uh 31 so you type 31 and 31 would be a uh band score of uh seven okay so you've got a band score of seven which is pretty good okay score seven is not bad uh nitika goyal says i got 37. a 37 is an 8.5 so very good nitika okay uh say yeah 31 equals seven that's correct all right arminder how did you do chinery how did you do yeah sayed that's right really it's a seven okay hoji akbar says i got 34. yeah we're using the official marking system of ielts here so these are your scores uh 34 is a 7.5 let's see where so let's see where 7.5 starts 32 yep so that's the difference between 31 and 32 31 band 7 32 7.5 okay uh your fun is asking what is 38 38 is still an 8.5 a band 9 is uh 39 or 40 okay so you can only get one wrong if you want to ban nine right uh just me 35 i believe is gonna be a band eight maybe yeah that's right so 35 is where the band aids kind of start okay uh ruben mala says can you please check 29 for me yes i can uh 29 is a 6.5 okay all right um students uh you can check your scores um on our website okay there's a score calculator there uh so go to uh academic ielts english help or ae help dot com for your academic outs and for general ielts again if you like these classes and you want some hd video lessons uh join our premium package click that big red button you'll uh really like it okay lots of great materials um that's it for today students but tomorrow i'm going to be back with a q a session for members so if you're a member of our youtube channel you can ask me any question about ielts or english in tomorrow's first class and in a second class where everybody can join the chat we will have uh speaking part three so uh make sure to subscribe make sure to get our notifications so you get all of our great materials and posts and live classes and hopefully i will see you all tomorrow i'm adrienne i'm signing out from beautiful victoria thank you members thank you carolina for moderating thank you students for watching have an awesome rest of your day and hopefully i'll catch you tomorrow bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 3,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice, listening english practice, part 2 kanye west
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 43sec (3463 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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