Project Zomboid but I live in an RV

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hey there friends if you've watched my channel before you may know that I have a passion for project Zomboy it's one of my favorite games it's open world it's zombies it's Perma death what more could you want well maybe one thing and I've got it it's right here that's right we got an RV and that's not all we have because an RV isn't just a vehicle it's a home isn't this so cool found a kitchen knife in here to use as a weapon and I guess let's hit the road we got to go get some supplies yes we're moving excellent why did it have to be this foggy though the headlights do nothing all right we have some civilization is this a gas station it is a gas station I can't even see my gas I don't know why but let's pull in okay I'll just park up here I'm sure they won't mind even though I'm blocking like the whole car park just ORV owner things you know I can do what I want uh bad news my knife has broken and there is a hord after me I'll just lure them into the bushes away from my RV we just got to see what we can do versus the zombies that are here who cares if I don't have a weapon I'll find something I'm very good at pushing them over but there's just too many a and there's more there maybe I can lead them through the building I just want a chance to fill up my RV cuz I don't even know how much fuel is in that thing Baran clothes okay oh by the way our character is called Rick Vera but you can call him ORV for short M ORV loves jelly beans I love how I run in here to distract them and I somehow lost them just by coming into this one store okay we got a jacket just anything to give me a bit more protection uh-oh oh no customers I got to out of here my anxiety is through the roof damnn it no matter where I try and sneak out of here there's all the zombies I just got to sneak through here and hopefully avoid the ones in the building and the ones here stupid zombie finding me this is why I like just living in an RV don't have to deal with people oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God that was bad I got excited cuz I found the key to that truck and I mean look at it how could you not get excited like I'm not cheating on my RV or anything don't get me wrong I just I could run over a lot of zombies in that thing never mind it's out of gas oh it's in such good condition ition too oh okay here we go this thing has a bit of fuel in it die zombies who's afraid of who now it's me I'm still afraid of them but that's why I got to kill them yeah who needs melee weapons this is now my favorite weapon I feel like I'm hurting them now they're all just crawling around because I'm mowing them over repeatedly I do seem to be attracting more and more though I guess this is making a lot of noise it's okay just more for me to loot I'll kill you all okay that the truck is struggling a little bit that's a lot of zombies oh I think my window just broke and one of my wheels came off I don't see any melee weapons but this one has a gun so at least I could take that there we go I'll just park it there I remember where we left it a night stick nice all right I have a weapon at last and in case more of those zombies are packing heat I got my bulletproof vest and a shotgun all right now I'm ready to go to war maybe it was worth clearing up this area I might be able to get some food for the RV from this restaurant I should be able to fill up on fuel yeah this might work out he's technically only killed five zombies because all of these were just accidental manslaughter it was more of an act of God what a weird way of calling myself God I'm a super covert narcissist let's try and figure out how to fill this thing shall we I'm so glad everyone in the world is dead except for me so that they can't see how embarrassing this is I got it you got to click like in the middle here and then oh it's the middle I I assumed it was one end but no it's right in the middle okay well I've learned how to fill up my vehicle this guy's best skill in life is apparently mechanics and it took him that long error one okay I assume that means the fuel went in okay nice it's full of gas okay let's take a look around here gas stations are usually pretty decent I can just live off candy I find that happens a lot in this game recently ice cream mechanics Volume 2 and an empty gas can perfect actually two of them so I'm going to get these filled up and into the RV sorry RV this is going to break your back I'm talking about the guy by the way not the RV itself the RV will be fine yeah but R RV is not doing fine he's taking damage from the amount of gasoline he's holding along with everything else there we go I put the gas away and know he's not too bad I don't know if I should like sleep here tonight it should be safe enough given I killed everything around here or sorry no no I killed six with my bare hands the other incidents were just minor traffic accidents we're going to keep books storage is going to be a problem isn't it I guess I'll keep them under the sink I hope I don't get any leaks I'm going to need a bag maybe I should search all these zombies even if one of them had a small bag it would help me a lot well at least I found some pink frilly Underpants only slightly used there's still zombies here I'm not even annoyed I'm just more surprised I was getting lonely anyway I can't get in give me them Burgers give me the burgers God damn it let me in oh God I didn't mean to do that I just broke the glass and then grabbed the glass shards I'm lucky I didn't get cut you can remove the shards with your hands but I was just so eager for Burger um I didn't find Burger but I found a lot of ice cream so I guess I'm going to going to live off ice cream for a while oh wait someone's Burger is still here I'm just going to start eating that as if it wasn't nasty enough he's doing it during his zombie apocalypse ooh and some fries yes all right okay what is the plan for tonight I guess I don't even know where I am like oh my God this could be anywhere going to roll out in the RV and explore this place I don't know if I'm at like town or I need that trailer let's go that trailer will motivate me you don't stand a chance oh okay maybe a little bit of a chance that was embarrassing there we go all lined up the zombies are still trying to kill me and I'm concerned about this trailer die come on I need this trailer you don't understand this is all I have this means everything to me go away I saw it first I know they're after the trailer because there's a whole restaurant full of burgers on the table up there and they don't want to eat that it's a camper trailer so will I be able to enter this as well I can't enter there are zombies nearby okay well thanks for letting me know cuz I don't see any all right now I'm kind of freaked out all right forget about that let's just try and get it hitched up and get out of this haunted parking lot oops just going to turn it so I can see a bit better I got to be careful cuz no I might lock my camper will just flip upside down this may just not have a hitch as well as the thing for a guy who lives in an RV I'm not a very good driver wait attach okay wow this is so dumb I love it oh my God this is so cool I heard you like RV's RV so I got you an RV for your RV I even have a book in this one that's so cool and working lights wow really means a lot when you have no windows all right I'm just going to pull up in this parking lot for tonight and have a bit of a snooze I think I'll just clear this building first cuz I know I've cleared everything else and I just want to be safe I'm not sure how it actually works like if they can follow me into the RV or what a damn it it's more than I expected but that's okay RV is energized due to his new found RV back away from the RV zombies you can bite me but if you touch the RV I'll kill all of you what' you say about my RV well I'm not certain they either said yo man your RV sucks or it was one or the other oh finally a toilet all right I'll take a drink and we'll get some sleep and hit the road tomorrow first stop some medical supplies somehow I don't know where I am but I kind of want to keep it that way I like the idea that I'm just some Nomad out here and I don't even know the land just some lunatic you know giving it their best goal all right let's see how long I slept for for some reason my watch doesn't work in here 7:00 a.m. all right perfect ready to hit the road see you later it's been swell I don't know what your population was in this little town when I got here but I know it's zero now I should probably be more careful I am bombing it down this road yeah I'm going to start being more careful all right damn it okay it's not like an ambush or anything it's just a weird roadblock the zombies are getting smarter honestly all they' need to do is put out a little trailer and put a giant net over it and they'd get me I can safely say I have no idea where I am it's a very pretty area of the map though lots of trees imagine how much forest fire you could make down here oh we finally have a road is this just another Road to Nowhere though I might have to turn around if I even can there any roundabouts on these Country Roads the railroad has to go somewhere nice right okay this is a new little area there's bound to be civilization up here yeah it's thinning out a bit much like I'm sure my guy's hair is thinning out a bit he must be super stressed I don't know how he made it this far not even in the apocalypse just in life oh Jesus okay oh no no no no no okay all right that was terrifying all righty okay here we go this is civilization although it's a little bit scary got to find a pharmacy or something oh that's a lot of zombies I don't want to damage my RV too much there's the pharmacy maybe if I can try and guide them away and I'll loop back around I don't think it helped at all really okay let me try it one more time if I can lower them away okay that's your own fault body I was beeping the whole time I'm very slowly leading them away with the beep so I hope it's within their range and they'll walk a good bit away from that Pharmacy oh something's got them all riled up over here oh oh yeah it's me it's it's me that's been riling them up I yeah I forgot oh Jesus there's so many I think I've made this situation 10 times worse yeah I've made this into like the epicenter of the Apocalypse Now damn it I really messed this one up I'm actually a little bit upset about how many zombies I've hit with this thing I don't want to lose my RV at least I've got the backup RV on the back that should probably be my primary residence I think the thing is I still don't really know where I am I don't know the lay of the land so having to go find a different Pharmacy isn't exactly ideal I'm just thinking if I tried to get a car and then just knocked down a load of zombies again oh a little bit snagged there it's fine everything's fine where the hell am I well if I follow the water I should get to civilization oh no how to reverse with trailer oh no this may have been a bad idea um okay yeah that's fine all right it's all worth it that was a bit dodgy um but yeah I saw this boat and I kind of had to know can I go into it it lives nice I immediately tried to drive it on land but then I realized that boats aren't an allterrain vehicle oh all right I'm out and I'm drenched Now High chance of catching a cold well you know what I'll hop back in the ORV I'll turn the heater on and I'll be fine just eating melted ice cream while driving the RV imagine the steering wheel uh-oh uh-oh no get away from the RV get away from the RV okay we're fine turning circle is not great in this thing oh thank goodness civilization and another boat I could ruin I don't know if there's civilization here but there are some of those um what are they called RVs without wheels um houses why would someone willingly want a house that can't move around oh God damn it I crashed my house a damn it I hit my other house with my first house I didn't want to visit those immobile homes anyway so I'm just going to drive on to town a road finally I mean I I wasn't worried at all I was definitely confident at the direction I was going uh I think I'm heading up to a town up here that I've never even been to just the perks of being a nomad I prefer calling myself a nomad instead of just this weirdo who lives in a Norv oh my God uhoh all right better a weirdo living in an RV than a a weirdo dying in an RV let's get out of here oh that was so bad did I suffer from that oh I got a bit of damage yeah I should definitely make the Back RV my home I think I I don't think this one's going to last I should have given myself the Sunday driver perk so that I'd be forced to drive slower I just can't help it I'm always rushing oh oh no he's drowsy he could do it to lie down you know maybe I've deserved to lie down there let's just go into the house oh my God I'm destroyed well how about this to make it up to you you can eat all the ice cream you want mind and now we're going to go for a little bit of a sleep I can't believe I didn't factor in the biggest danger of having an RV me it has power it can move oh maybe not wait no it can maybe not he's feeling so much better by the way I've never had an injury that bad in project zomboid that just healed overnight and now he's getting bored he's seen how exciting the trauma is and he wants more okay uh so the way I crashed it has made it a bit awkward I can't can't really turn out of this thing oh okay so it turns out each time I get it running I can run it for about half of a second so at this rate I should be into town in about 5 days just eating melted ice cream running down the road he's got a long way to go God have mercy on those legs well finally some company even if it is zombies I was just starting to get lonely out here we see some of these weird things uh mailbox es it's something that in Mobile Homes use oh my God that's a nice backpack though but that is too many right I I can't do that o what's in here an extinguisher no I can't imagine ever wanting to put out Flames oh look at that backpack right there they are like very close to this side of the horde maybe I could just hey oh wait no now they all noticed me oh [ __ ] oh no excessive exertion can barely walk oh sweet Jesus well at least I'm in trees I might be able to outrun them just because of that Yep this this is what I pictured when they told me Nomad in the zombie apocalypse living the dream I think I just got a scratch off one of the branches I'm bleeding damn it can't catch a break today whether it's tree branches or my own bad driving I'm just very unlucky just sitting in the forest eating ice cream faning myself up if any zombies are walking by oh my God an area that isn't just dense trees finally oh door open and everything finally I catch a breath break oh Woodcraft I leveled up my carpentry but I think I got to take a nap in here somewhere oh painkillers given my history with car accidents that could come in handy there we go a nice sleep no wake up you're rested stop it hold on wait waake wake oh why did I not set an alarm now I'm going to be up all night the hell was that some angry farmer has realized I've moved into his guest house wow what an impressive route I took well the or is like down here somewhere I need to get up to town which I think is going to be around here somewhere and then I can hitch the second home with a a new main vehicle well I'm just going to go into the bathroom for like 10 hours and speed up time if anyone asks I have bowel issues he's getting a bit bored I wonder why he's been just standing there in the bathroom in the dark for 3 hours I put all of the food into the oven at once we got oysters ham and ground beef cooking in there imagine the smell every zombie in the neighborhood would be on top of me please have a car I can probably safe for without one but still please have a car oh my God who lived here I think I hear wolves and I'm a little bit scared usually I can just drive away from my problems wait am I sick oh bit queasy could have been that giant ham that I ate oh please let me take that thing honestly I'd take that as a permanent vehicle if I can get it the key is there yes we're back on the road morale was low but we got it done now let's go hitch up my house to this bad boy I don't have much fuel but I'm still putting the heater on blast my guy is's not feeling too good RV is nothing without his RV ah there it is it's like I intentionally hit it but no I just smashed into a tree randomly there okay first things first let's take some of the gas out of this thing and put it in the truck good thing is this thing has a lot of storage this combo is actually probably better but I did love the RV I'm sad that I was Reckless with it throwing loose meat into the back of this truck just everything is going in there now I just need to do this with extreme Precision excellent oh on actually maybe this is good I'll go around imagine I hit into the same tree and knocked out this thing as well I think I just uninstall stop Wheeling away from me why is this so hard what's going on back there what's this barar huh what you doing oh I think we got it oh um yeah we got it all right cool let's go what a setup I have 300 units of storage here and lovely home here anyone got a bag nobody has bags here oh civilization I think oh no maybe I shouldn't be driving in the mud oh no now keep going no no no no no no no I think I just got bit ah run ory run I'm scratched I'm scratched okay that might be okay I can't believe this why do I keep getting into unlucky situations that are not my fault whatsoever okay you know what the truck can stay here on the edge of town that's all right there's so many zombies here I'm probably better off going in on foot anyway way a moped RV would be so cute on that thing uh-oh oh that's a lot of zombies please be open please be open please be open oh no no no no no no no okay we got here close all right now hopefully I can lose a few of them and take some time for just some selfcare you know a little self-love one of these days I might even wash myself how I go into the relatively okay area okay I'm going to need a few of you to die please that would be lovely please please no I really hope there's none behind me there are some behind me oh this is a pharmacy that's one down out of about 30 uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh I think this is the end for RV oh poor RV went out screaming but say hello to Randy Vance an even more experienced RV owner oh wait I'm not in the driver's seat oh no this this isn't what I meant to do hold on I I think I'm going to die uh there's the zombie and if I can just start the vehicle okay I'm just about getting away a trailer um no bad idea I'm not going to do the same mistake this time I'm driving into the grass I hope I don't get stuck now this time I got to get all the basic loot like I got to get a good weapon and a bag ises that does he have a bag no or if he does it's a very small one and I know Baggers can't be choosers but it's not for me I want a big bag where the hell am I I thought I was in Civilization but maybe not this is Sunday driver by the way I have the negative trait Sunday dri so I can only drive this fast it's probably for the greater good is that a oh thank good I've been dying to go for an hour a who locks their ouse oh hope they don't lock the real house ah they're sleeping I'll just go right in then a locked your friendly neighborhood hipster just breaking in if you don't mind now we're talking I'm all about upcycling oh they have fresh cooked pork chop in here they must have just died awesome all right I get a free meal M dead people food if this thing were on Wheels this would actually be a pretty nice house okay I think we can head out wait woodcrafts on hold on Woodcraft what a show all right let's get going unless maybe this shed could have a weapon for me if I had a decent weapon I'd be so much more confident a wrench I guess it's something I don't know if I've ever used one of these as a weapon I wasn't even going to rob this last Farm but then I realized they had a quad bike so I kind of got to try that please have keys please have keys please have keys oh there's an empty gas can on it at least but that's about it I found a plastic bag I don't think I want to carry that around with me that would look lame again Baggers can't be choosers but well I'm being one anyway if you need me I'll be in the RV I've got a really nice RV this time is this is the cannon playthrough the other one was just a warm-up is it raining inside my camper van salmon fresh cooked nice just breaking into people's hes and eating I don't even realize there's a zombie apocalypse I'm just a roaming food Thief got a can opener that's good this will apparently teach me the best swimming technique whatever that is a few weapons around like guns but they're missing parts or ammo it's not really any good to me but you know what that's enough to get started I think I have enough to go to the construction site which is where I'm hoping I'll get a really good weapon wait there's a map in this RV in my RV you'd think I know it but no I'm surprised okay that's where that corner of Louisville is that's very far away I'm pretty sure there is a big town here the main town but there's a construction site like here that I want to visit wait in their garage they've a map for the place I want to go okay perfect does that show up now cuz I've actually yes okay I've actually kind of Forgotten what this town is like I I keep playing in Louis build the city hey buddy do you have a watch by any chance I'd love to know the time you do what are the odds okay I think I'll try and get to the construction site maybe try and find a weapon there hopefully find a safe spot to sleep and then we can head into town in the morning this is a much more measured approach the last time was chaotic I think it's Sunday driver that's doing all the difference I should learn that I can't trust myself wait I just realized before the construction site we have this area this this like a farmer's Warehouse or something I might be able to get away weapon here and it looks deserted open sesame oh open sesi I never knew the pronunciation just wanted to check ah it worked watermelon fresh can I just eat the whole thing in a dark Warehouse alone in the zombie apocalypse and there's a thunderstorm outside there's just sacks of broccoli and stuff which yeah that's great and all but I was hoping there'd actually be farming supplies I don't think there is if you want to see more project zomboid content you can go to my second channel in the description and uh myself and a buddy are doing some farming project zomboid but for RV this Warehouse is useless okay maybe not useless I found a gnome I I'll take that I'll take my gnome and I'll take it home uh-oh security he can't see that I stole the gnome he's finally realized like oh God damn it my one chance when is there going to be someone by here again I don't think I've ever had this cursed weather on the first day of the Apocalypse in this game come on move no come on move it's been narrow for me to pass but the RV has power yes come on okay there we go what's this just a Pro you stall no one around this seems like a trap but I'm going to go in okay well thanks to that stall being full of food uh we're good on food for a long time I don't think I'll need anymore yeah I think that'll satisfy one man for a while it's not even including some of the canned stuff I found it actually seems a safe place as any to just pull up for the night it's very quiet here other than God being angry at me of course I think I'll go take a nap wait this isn't a good RV I don't have a bed guess I'll sleep here then this sucks I want a bed I got to make sure to watch Woodcraft so I'll be able to make a bed for myself bad news I wasn't all that sleepy didn't manage to sleep through the night oh my Lord what have they done here all right going right on through I think is that a sledgehammer on the ground okay come on over here under the street light for me wouldn't mind your hard hat either that's pretty trendy die come on there we go found a screwdriver as well that could come in handy it is a sledgehammer okay perfect oh God oh God take this golf hat as bait we get distracted by the hat and then I'll hit him with with the oh it didn't work oh well the hammer Works die what's great about the sledgehammer is even though it's like it is an okay weapon it's just pretty slow but it'll allow me to break into anywhere cuz I can just knock down walls now I got a skeleton key for everywhere on the map the construction site is up this Lane the thing is is like I don't like that getting kind of boxed in but the thing is I don't really know exactly what are in these places cuz I don't really come out here to loot these places normally it makes me in a bit of a different way there is a lot of zombies at this construction site for some reason okay I got an idea I'm going to pull up here and then I'm just going to go jump the fence there we go and I'm in now we just hope there's not like a giant horde here all right there's two of them I don't think that counts as a giant horde I'm sorry everyone but I think the construction site was a complete let down hey get away from the ORV uh-oh uhoh get away from my ORV ah oh I'm getting tired okay it's time to go oh speed bumps oh my God oh my God where did these guys come from from ooh nice bag oh no they're all getting in my way oh Jesus there's too many of them uh-oh this is a lot of zombies where did they all come from oh the RV took a eating I don't like that at all it's the fog and they just all came out of the trees I can't believe the weather I'm getting as if what I was doing wasn't dangerous enough like this this is going to get me killed no matter what I do oh sorry officers I don't have my license in fact I'm only legally allowed to drive a moped oh Jesus where did those zombies come from they keep just coming out of the trees and I'm in the middle of nowhere oh now I'm getting flashbacks to before when we did our last run going into the city they just got so dense all of a sudden oh God here we go again and the weather makes it 10 times worse although I do love the atmosphere it's giving out right now it feels like this game is always Whispering you're doomed but now it's just shouting it at me this is the building I want to try and get into but I don't know if there's too many zombies here I'll try and lure them away I know this didn't work last time but I'll just go way up the road and come back later later don't know if I actually have a chance to get in here or not it doesn't look too bad as long as loads of them don't start storming at me out of the fog oh God there's a load of them storming at me out of the fog oh Jesus there's a lot of them come on let's go let's go let's go I think someone got a scratch on me damn it get that adhesive plaster on that thing oh no oh no oh no oh no okay all right we're getting through just about oh this is going from bad to worse isn't it oh everywhere's overrun as far as the eye can see which admittedly isn't that far okay this looks like an okay area to stop wait maybe I should take the key out I could run out of fuel or a zombie could drive away on me spare engine parts that might be good for the RV oh no they've surrounded the RV oh damn it okay I'm just going to throw everything on the ground here then where it's safe and I'm going to go to the next building first oh no oh no I might be able to take a quick scan around before they're all on top of me if no the door is not open why would it be open that would be silly back door also not open okay that would also be silly why would that happen oh my God they were inside chus I was lucky that door wasn't open then oh my god there was something behind me I think I'm just going to have to try and get in am I how am I going to do this okay I have an idea I'm going to go around here and then I'm going to hop the fence and hope that I don't fall nice where's the key I dropped the key on the ground oh no okay I think I got most things yes I got the key okay let's hope it fools them again not too tired yet I thought it was going to fall all right let's roll out of here wo that was scary oh I really need to find a quiet place where I can get some sleep what a rough 24 hours this guy has had God even in these random back fields there's just zombies lingering about I think I just took out a mailbox and a zombie my RV is going to die before I find a place to sleep there we go I put the gnome down he's my leader God he went into a attack pose when I said go take a nap Jesus Christ they're all over my RV when I went back out have they done damage to it good Lord that was an awful jump scare to wake up to oh God scratched bitten no not rv2 well at least now I can use the RV to smash them all life on the road is tough but he died doing what he loved bleeding out in his orvy so we will end it there but thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 913,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, project zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid challenge, zomboid, project zomboid review, project zomboid let's play, call me kevin project zomboid, callmekevin project zomboid, zombie game, best zombie game, project zomboid mods, project zomboid best mods, project zomboid base, project zomboid mod, project zomboid rv interior, project zomboid cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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