I Tried Making a Game Better Than ChatGPT

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a while ago I made a game entirely using chat GPT you play as a janitor working in this top secret underground facility clean some dirt and witness a prisoner being turned into a gun with this machine then you turn the guard into a gun with the same machine and escape and that's it basically what I'm trying to say is that this game sucks and it's all chat gpt's fault sorry I forgot he likes to be called Al it's all Al's fault how dare you this is the greatest game ever created do you think you can do better am I really going to recreate this monstrosity of a game just because an angry AI decided to challenge me yes you know this should be pretty easy I started by creating a brand new project with unity the best game engine for everyday game developers Unity has a great reputation with their community and they always release updates to Universal support surely Unity will continue to thrive for years to come anyway the game starts in a Janitor's Closet a very ugly Janitor's Closet Al clearly is not an artist that's not my fault you're the one who made all of the art for the game nobody needs to know that so for my game to fix fix this horrible art made by Owl I made a simple room and then I started modeling I made a shelf a bed bleach beans you know everything that a janitor needs and now I have an actual Janitor's Closet unlike Al I can't even imagine making something this bad but I think I might have gotten a little bit carried away after making the Janitor's Closet I may or may not have made an entire prison facility don't ask me how long this took the answer is too long I made an office a Lobby some jail cells uh just ignored the prisoners I haven't gotten around to animating them yet but I'll get to it there's also a cafeteria with a great selection of food there's beans beans with a drink last but not least even more beans and I also made a bathroom okay so I'm still kind of working on the bathroom I think there might be something wrong with the mirror right now to make the mirror I'm using something called a render texture what that means is that there is a camera inside of the mirror and then the mirror's texture is a projection of what the camera sees which should work but obviously it isn't working so I need to think of something else which is not going to be easy my current method is already pretty complicated so any solution will definitely be even more complicated so apparently Unity just has a built-in mirror object that you can just create Why did no one tell me this I spent like a whole day trying to fix the mirror but hey at least now I have a fully functional working mirror except you might be able to notice one pretty big issue this game runs slower than my grandma after she fell down the stairs no grandmas were harmed in the making of this video and it's also a big problem because believe it or not I don't actually know how to optimize a game like at all but after a little bit of research I found out that Unity has this useful feature called the profiler I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking at but from what I can tell all of this green is the amount of resources that the CPU is putting into rendering and as you can see there is quite a lot of green which means that most of the lag is coming from rendering probably because of my very high poly models but why would this be causing my game to run at a really low FPS when a game like Elden ring which looks you know slightly better and has a slightly bigger map can consistently run at 60 FPS well they use something called occlusion culling occlusion cing will make sure that objects are only rendered when they need to be so if an object isn't seen by the camera or is behind a wall it won't be rendered and setting up occlusion coling in unity is actually pretty simple all I need to do is just set each object as either an includer or an olude what do those two things mean who knows I just clicked all of the boxes and now my game runs a little bit better it doesn't run well but it's better than 20 FPS I also tried optimizing my models but uh that didn't really work out but at least it's an improvement except for the mirror I have no idea what happened but for some reason the objects in the bathroom keep disappearing you might think this is because of the occlusion color but no none of these objects are occluders or udies so I have no idea why this is happening my best guess ghosts so enter this bathroom at your own risk so well what do you think of my map pretty good right no it sucks my map is simple and functional your map barely runs at 60 FPS your prisoners still have no animation and you can see the reflection of your lackluster player model in the mirror I'm getting the impression that Al doesn't like my map but Al is technically right I guess not about the prisoners I promise I'll get around to to those but he is right about the mirror I was trying to just ignore the issue but I guess it's time to fix it and make a real player model and when I say make I mean I'll take the character model that I've used for my last game and the game before that and the one before that and I'll make it look like a janitor there's nothing wrong with wanting to make the most out of my assets okay I could definitely make a new model if I wanted to it's not like I just forgot how to make a character model so I brought the new janitor model into the game to replace the old janitor model but for some reason it looks like he's just been hit with 10 Boogie bombs simultaneously so I just made some changes to the camera controller script which seemed to fix most of the problems except the player is looking a little stiff so I decided to make some animations wait sorry did I say make I meant steal so I went to my favorite website for stealing animations mix them up I downloaded a bunch of animations and added them to my game and as you can see they work pretty well as long as you're not in first person which is kind of a problem since I'm making a first person game but luckily I think I do have a solution I can just override the players animations to lock their spine in place don't worry this is very ethical the only problem is that it does look a little strange in the mirror but the mirror also doesn't work so it's not like it matters so Al what do you think now my game has a better map and a better player than your game how dare you at least on my map there is something to do Al does have a point all I have is an empty map so I guess it's time to start working on some gameplay and because the player is a janitor a lot of that gameplay will be cleaning which is very fun right in Al's game before you start cleaning there's a note that explains what you need to do it says you need to I want you to enlist into the war effort by hitting the join Button as a new enlistee not only will you get get to take part in my plan for world domination but you will also get access to classified information on my upcoming games get to vote on features you want to see in the games and get early access to the games before anyone else so if you have one spare dollar per month that's right $1 per month I literally made this as cheap as YouTu will let me you better hit the button now and enlist and if you don't you better subscribe or else I'll be sending the troops after you wow that was a really long note I think I should probably come up with another way of telling people what they need to do so instead of a note I made a super immersive and cinematic cut scene look it's still a work in progress okay all I've done so far is create a few animations but to really make this cut scene epic I need to add some dialogue so I ask the best voice actor I know to record some lines yeah that's right I'm a voice actor if you don't believe me just let my natural voice acting skills convince you wake up hey wake up yeah like I said I'm a voice actor and with that addition of my amazing voice acting skills this cut scene is now truly breathtaking and it's definitely better than Al's stupid note but there is still one problem to fix before can get to cleaning and I'm really excited to get to the cleaning you might notice that in Al's game the player is holding a mop which is the main tool and weapon of the game but you also never actually pick it up which I mean just saying is not very realistic so in my game to get the mop you have to actually pick it up in the Janitor's Closet before you can leave but uh as you can see it's not really working and that's because in Al's game the mob can just float in the air when you're holding it but in my game since I decided to give the player a full body all because of a stupid mirror that still doesn't work the player needs to actually hold them up with their hand and I think it's safe to say say that he is not holding it properly to fix this all I need to do is create a new animation layer this new animation layer will allow the player to play multiple animations at the same time if I create an avatar mask and select the character's right arm the new animation will only affect that arm so now I can have my normal walking animations play but when I pick up the mop the new animation layer will be activated and the right arms animation will be overridden with a new animation which I may have also stolen from mixim and with the mop finally done I can now add the game's most exciting feature the cleaning I know you've been looking forward to it in 's game you're tasked with cleaning this uh dirt but let's be honest this looks like the bottom of my toilet after the two for one Taco Bell special anyway instead of cleaning this disgusting diarrhea in these random rooms for pretty much no reason I want the cleaning to make a little bit of sense in my game so instead your very kind boss on the loudspeaker will tell you to go to the cafeteria first off go to the cafeteria and when you enter there will be food everywhere everywhere you look there will be beans and if you look harder even more beans I do still need to make the beans but you know I just wanted to get get the idea across so next I started making the beans and unlike Al I actually know how to make art I mean can you believe that Al's art is this bad all right so I guess it's time to mop up the beans yeah I kind of forgot to make the mop animation but it shouldn't be too hard to create sorry wait did I say create a mopping animation no I meant steal an animation from mixo that looks pretty similar to someone mopping then I just played on the mop animation layer that I set up earlier and now I have a perfect mopping animation I think this is great so in Al's game once you finish cleaning you come across a strange experiment half happening in a secret room except the secret room is kind of just right there I don't know if Al knows what a secret means and that's why I've created the high security top secret super scary bunker door and instead of randomly coming across the experiment your boss will kindly ask you to enter the bunker over the loudspeaker next you need to go get the keys for the bunker they're in the office through the holding cells but once you get the keys and unlock the door you'll be met with the most terrifying experiment ever created I will give you one warning to look away because you may never be able to unsee what you are about to see uh I just have to make it first but I promise it will be scary I started by making the scariest part of the bunker the stairs if you don't think stairs are scary well let me tell you not only have they claimed the lives of countless elderly people throughout the nation but my stairs are also really really long which will fill you with Dread and Terror as you think about the horrible experiment you are about to encounter at the end of your very long trip down the stairs just kidding it's actually because I recorded a really long voice line that needs to play before you enter the bunker but as you can probably see there is one problem with the stairs they're pretty bumpy and you also can't walk up them which isn't great but this shouldn't be too hard of a problem to fix so I spent some time working on updating the player's movement script to work with the stairs and uh I somehow made it even worse but that's fine I'll just spend some more time trying to fix them and hopefully then it should work okay now I'm just floating I don't even know how this is happening so I've spent the last like 3 days working on these stairs and they still don't work but I do have one final idea that I think should fix all of the problems if you apply a downward Force onto an object that is so basically this was just a really complicated way of saying that I changed the direction of gravity from this to this I spent multiple days working on this and the solution was that simple well at least it works now I guess after finally finishing the stairs I started construction on the bunker which is pretty much just a box then I furnished the bunker with some of the models from the rest of the map I did make a few new ones like this whiteboard when first looking at it it might not make any sense but this whiteboard contains the most important aspect of any game lore and this lore is deep so deep that even Matt Game Theory Pat himself couldn't solve it oh yeah I also made a remote controlled magnetized death machine 's game has a grinder machine that sucks people into it but uh there's a few issues with that machine so I decided to switch it up a bit demonstrate how it works I took one of the prisoners no okay they're not animated yet but I told you I'll get to that anyway I just put one of the prisoners underneath the magnet pull the lever and now they are attracted to the magnet how does a magnet attract a living creature uh moving on so once the The Prisoner is attached to the magnet you just have to push the big red button and the formulation process is started what does formulation mean I have no idea but it sounds kind of scientific and since this is a very scientific process I think it fits pretty well anyway the prisoner gets dropped into this V and once the formulation process is over the prisoner will be turned into a gun look if you think it's weird complain to Al I didn't come up with this so you're telling me that it's weird to turn people into guns yes how is anyone supposed to actually know that they need to use a machine to turn a prisoner into a gun it should be fairly simple it's not a complicated process even though Al thinks this entire process makes any sort of sense I'm going to try and make sure that the player at least understands a little bit of what they need to do but honestly I have no idea how I'm supposed to do that the first thing I thought of is that I can show the player the experiment happening before they need to do it but the hard part of that is making sure that the player is looking at the experiment because in such a detailed level it can be pretty easy for the Player's attention to be all over the place so to get the player in front of the window I made a short cut scene that'll play once you enter the bunker I'd like to think I've gotten pretty good at making these immersive cut scenes a guard will be dragging a totally living prisoner into another room probably because he made such a mess on the window so as the janitor you'll need to go clean the window with your mop and then I made another cut scene that'll play as you clean the window where a guard will be turning a prisoner into a gun every time I say it I think it makes less sense but hopefully these cut scenes make it a little bit easier to understand but let's be honest probably not especially if the cut scene glitches and the Prisoner isn't actually turned into a gun he just kind of falls through the machine but the chances of this happening are pretty low I think it's around like a 50% chance so I think it should be fine but now the next step is to actually get the player to turn a prisoner into a gun so I gave the guard some keys that will open the door to the experiment room but uh-oh if you take the keys the guard will get a little bit angry and threaten you with his gun but you know what I don't think this is threatening enough so instead of him pointing his gun at you now he will immediately open fire and try to kill you but I still don't think this is threatening enough so now he can chase you down with his totally serious not at all goofy walk but don't worry you can use your trusty mob to defend yourself and obliterate the guard by exploding him in into thousands of little pieces and once you've taken the guard out you can use the keys to open the door to the experiment room but what you don't know is that I added a trigger when you walk down the stairs that will turn the guard in the experiment room hostile so once you enter the room you now need to survive another guard with a really serious definitely not goofy walk well that was surprisingly easy yeah so maybe the mop is a little bit overpowered but anyway next you need to try and remember how to use this contraption and good luck with that I added some more prisoners in the corner and I added the ability for you to drag them unfor fortunately the dragon in my game is a little bit worse than in Al's so this is one aspect where he does have me beat but don't tell him I said that but by using the drag you can get one of the prisoners under the magnet and then use the controls to turn them into a gun but then you can go pick up the gun and get a new weapon in Al's game once you take the gun you need to go and shoot down the door in the experiment room but there is no door in my experiment room so I guess I'll just have to use the one up in the other room so after a bit of work now you can go take the gun and shoot down the door once again I want to try and make sure that the player knows that they need to do this so I added a voice line that play when you try to interact with the door I'm sure that everybody will instantly know what to do after listening to another one of my amazing voice performances once the guards get here all they need to do is use their gun to shoot it down and then you're done for as long as they decide to interact with this random door on the other side of the door I added some guards just some not too many I definitely don't want to overwhelm the player with too many enemies that would be a bad idea but apparently just like the mop I made the gun a little bit too powerful maybe making the gun a one shot wasn't a great idea anyway now it's time to make the game's ending in Al's game you come across this bright yellow room at the end of a hallway and once you enter the room the game Fades to Black and ends now this might hurt Al's feelings but this is probably the worst ending in any video game ever like you could make a better ending I can definitely make an ending better than that I'd like to see you try okay then I'll do it this will be easy wow what a great ending don't you think Al it literally looks the same as my ending well that's where Al's wrong my ending room has a door which pretty much makes it automatically better and when you really think about it I've pretty much Faithfully remade Al's game I haven't really added anything new to the game except for this door so I think because of this door I have officially made a game better than chap GPT you think your game's better because of a door what about the cut scene that only works half of the time what about the gun that doesn't even shoot bullets properly and you haven't even animated the prisoners yet okay that's enough video's over I won all right go watch this video where I make a very serious VR boxing game goodbye
Channel: Rye
Views: 1,613,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rye, rye game dev, game dev, game development, I made a game, making a game, chatgpt, making a game with chatgpt, I made a game with chatgpt, making a game better than chatgpt, I tried making a game better than chatgpt, unity, devlog, unity game dev, making a game with unity, indie, game developer, indie game dev
Id: OHTPZ5e-Dxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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