Unfold the roads to make a bridge, simple right? Poly Bridge 3!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to polybridge 3 yes just when we thought we had completed the game it throws a brand new Secret World the Forgotten realm it's a five-star sheep difficulty how are we going to do this anyway the first level is called interl we've got a 69 Grand budget very nice and it looks like a motorbike and a plane goes at once so yeah you can see over here we've got a motorbike we've got to build a bridge to get them across to the flag nice and looks like we've got to avoid the plane well that should be easy shouldn't it although oh there's no there's no anchors there's no anchors but what are these These are anchors do these move oh they rotate oh no so if we play this slowly you can see these are our anchors but they all spin around the circles and I know that there's one Circle in the middle which is where the plane is oh boy okay because what I was thinking like what I could do perhaps if I can get a node to the middle then I think that should stay where it is right so I can sort of use that point as an anchor so as an example if we were to do our like Road over that way I could do another three bits of Road over that way and then from this middle piece we just do something like that although that will that will rotate won't it yeah I need I need the other ones but I can't use that one cuz it's got a plane in the middle I mean oh actually what I could do I could if I copy that over to here I could then do an arch I think so if I do a shape from there over to that let's fill that in with wood then if I just trust this up basically do a trust like that sort of thing yeah so we've got like an arch over here if I press play now yeah look that stays exactly where it is and we can use this Arch to help build this so basically right so basically that bike sort of follows that route so I can probably not go from there I probably need to catch it around here somewhere so if we put a little bit of Road in like that perhaps and theny try and like click it up cuz what I'm thinking we're going to have to do like a road over the top of this plane like that sort of thing and but if we continue our sort of trust down to that you can then probably just do that sort of thing then yeah look oh okay okay that's pretty close actually if we just play this quite slow I've just adjusted this road so we should just land on there nice and smoothly our back wheel is a bit heavy I mean I could I could just bring that first one so is that better yes oh oh no oh do these collide with Road collides with cars and Road okay these collides with Road okay um we're going to have to get rid of that bit of road I think we're going to have to try oh man we going have to get rid of that bit as well yeah we need gaps so I mean I mean this is very much breaking still so let's let's just add some steel just so it works okay yeah so that bit of Road needs to be even shorter oh man we can't even jump over it cuz look by the time we like get there oh man this is going to be hard I mean actually what I could do we could go over the top yeah why am I going underneath I'm just making it difficult for myself if we delete all this and then from our trust down here if we go like over that way yes it's a long long way but I'm sure we can we can make it strong enough we can make these these trusses way bigger but if we put our road like on top of this and we can go yeah we can go up and over I reckon the only trouble is this is going to swing around it is going to end up over here destroying this yeah for now let's try something like that oh this is going to be harder than I thought I think I mean me am I thinking too engineering with this should I be like trying to have rotating Bridges and stuff yeah let's delete all this let's just see so how far can we actually get we can get down to there so what I'm thinking if I were to build something from this one and we go underneath probably like with springs but what I'm thinking is we put like a big sort of catch on this so hopefully that will catch the bike and then it should sort of I'm what I'm trying to make it do is like drive around to this point because then by the time it swings around this will be like up there on top of it which means it's only it's only got a small way to go to get over to that so I don't know let's just like wood it up for now wood probably won't work but we'll see what happens here we land down there complete Carnage all right something like that yes look we get the landing we're then on top and look how high up we are so now we can either build we can probably build something on the end of this just like a little ramp to take us over there now the thing is I can't build a road straight from that node cuz it collides with that so I have to do like a little little bit of wood first but if we want to make a ramp there we can do something like that oh oh I forgot about that why isn't that oh it's because it's it's because it's rope that can't be rope cuz when we flip upside down that's then in compression so we've got to put some something like that in just to hold that road pointing up but look that's quite good yeah if we point that upwards a bit more I mean as long as we don't hit the the motorbike as it's falling oh this could actually work this could actually work so if I had another bit of road like that and then trust underneath we just got to make sure we don't collide with it no we're good we're good so that comes around and then oh man it's quite far actually that's quite a big Jump by the way I don't think I need that bit of road do I let's just delete that and see if we still make it down yeah we do okay that's fine so yeah I'm thinking maybe make these a bit steeper we're definitely not going to hit no I could maybe get away with another bit of Road oh still so far actually trouble is if I add another bit of Road this is going to be like it's going to be a lot of force around the back of these they might need to go up to yeah steel okay so I've reinforced that the oh the bike just about misses it so this is the question do we have the speed oh no oh it doesn't reach so I guess the next question is do I get rid of that maybe I need to build something on this one so I think what we need to do we need to slow down so if we imagine that's dropping off the edge okay so about there PA so I think we need something that builds at this angle and it puts like a little ramp like sort of there so if we just move this down to there if we want to build this I think it needs to be it's got to be down here somewhere then how does the road go again I'm already confused I think it goes like like that sort of thing maybe if I truss over like that and like that I get rid of all of that under that so oh this is actually way cheaper I mean it's made out of wood at the moment it's probably going to have to change from wood but let's see if we were anywhere near close let slow it down so it looks like I need to rotate this a bit you can sort of see what I was aiming for though so yeah oh man trying to do this upside Downs really hard so so this wants to go more like that I think it's really difficult to work out what the hell I'm trying to do by the way right so is that any better oh that is actually way better oh it's not broken let made it oh but it did break all made it but it broke okay what broke that piece I mean I would steal it I'm actually thinking wooden muscle let's go for cheap straight up in fact let's turn the stress on oh man look at those bottom pieces they are orange oh they're not orange now oh that nearly made it so man the stress on this is really interesting to watch like as it spins around but yeah that made it okay that made it I'm starting to think now should I have made this cheaper from the start like did that need to be there could that just be a wooden muscle it didn't break it didn't break oh now this breaks though um okay maybe if we make that just a bit steeper cuz then the force acting on this part should be a bit more like straight down it it still broke what if we go over there like that that is the annoying thing you do like one little tweak and it messes up everything I'm also wondering as well how much of this do I actually need cuz I could really reduce that could I get rid of that completely did I even need that bit no I didn't okay so that's probably going to change how this Falls anyway oh it works it works 13,38 quid oh my goodness we're in the top 3% I'm 51st in the world did Tyler do these Levels by the way oh yeah he did 3 4 grand what was he playing at anyway I'm well CH with that how cheap did people oh my goodness 2 Grand I'm guessing there's like lots of swings perhaps let's have a look in the gallery will sort by lowest budget so the cheap solutions yeah they are just they are just swings oh the patient people must have had to work this out look at this so the other bit gets on top oh then that one oh that actually breaks that's got a break did someone do it without breaking okay this one doesn't have brakes it looks like pretty much same thing it just doesn't break but uh man the patience people must have had like look at that one oh my what oh look the last bit is quite similar to mine yeah nice oh this one basically is mine but like look how slim lined it is you see how cheap that catching mechanism was oh look there's a RC one some RC propaganda in front of the plane and it's still only 8 Grand fair play strudel that is great work anyway at the highest end of the budget oh dear look at all these we have rce what the f is this level I know mate I know what is this level indeed all right we then have Alan oh it's not Alan what who is this coton ninja you're not Alan oh there's Alan there's Alan you can tell it's Alan cuz he's got like eight of them rather than just three all right then we've got oh one more World by the way this was done in October 23 I've it's like June now I've only just got to this um intrigued to see how the actual Bridge works it looks like there's some really cool stuff going on by that man yeah look at all these like spinny things he's added that man loves a bit of motion in the ocean I tell you that this one oh this is like what I was trying to do initially I think oh no isn't it look the bridge is actually supported on the Rocks down there and the Rocks over there so it's just a bridge like underneath it doesn't use the spinny things at all so this one we have rotating RC propaganda did you see like the bike going across like it's just passed on to each letter yeah oh this the nift sped solution nift t for triple rce flavor warning F does not actually contain triple rc flavor and anything at the bottom of the screen should be disregarded because it's probably a plead from help from my editors but they don't need help they're fine they're fine anyway Michael has a high and then the RC propaganda and the RC propaganda is just like floating in the background spinning around oh the bridge collaps at the end we then got stop why are we stopping is it hammer time oh no he did actually stop the things rotating though fair play that's one way of doing it and then oh look at this one so they used the anchors that I found at the start and they suspended from it a bridge underneath interesting all right anyway five star sheep difficulty I'm not finding it too bad we're on to smash course now we've got 58 Grand budget we've got a bulldozer and a fire engine that's the wrong color and they go at the same time so oh they go at the same time how are I going to get them over each other looks like as well if you press play yeah look they got Lids on top as well so we can't really just drive like up and over ooh we don't have hydraulics we do have Springs so what am I thinking here what I'm thinking is we probably need to bring one of these down low so if you fill that in with Road like B and then we just trust in like that sort of thing I might do some like some wall bracing as well right so either one can go on there and then we've just got to make the other one go like up and over so I think it makes more sense for this one to go under cuz it's taller it will probably get stuck on there if it's up in the air so if I just make a node over like that way then hopefully this can go up and then from up here we got to make sure that height there is as tall as that if I put like something up there I can then just rope down to these and then that will be like a cat flap I imagine that may even need to go higher right then we can just sort of do road across and then it's just got to get to like I don't know somewhere around there this might not fit looking at this I need this border doer to fit underneath and I need the the fire truck to fit over the top so we'll see what happens but I think for now let's just try and trust these together do something like that so does that hold oh yes it does hold I forgot to uh I forgot to do that so is this strong enough oh no that broke straight away let's move that back out man they might need to be steel we put steel up there and over this side that is not very strong either maybe I can put like another truss in there that still may need to be Steel yeah there's a lot of weight on this bridge now so under okay under is looking good the trouble is we can't seem to get the fire engine up is it too steep probably if I just bring that down a little bit is that good oh no is it it might be stuck oh no look it's because the back wheels aren't moving ah I just added a little bit of Road there I was hoping it would get some grip but it really hasn't um right we may just need to really flatten these if we bring these down quite a lot oh still hasn't got grip the TR with going down I don't think there's going to be room there's bulldozer underneath um I don't know if you saw on the left as well we just hit our heads on there as the fire engine um a way around that potentially could be just bringing up like those so that this end is like squidgy cuz yeah we fit underneath or Carnage so fire engine with the Springs oh yeah it does it did work oh okay left side pretty much works I didn't see what happened on the right side I imagine the head room wasn't tall enough but let's have a little look so head where's that yeah head's nowhere near tall enough so that's got to move to the left which I think means we need to move all of this over one oh that's annoying yeah we need our pole up there the ropes down to three of these and then we need to try and make like this really strong this is going to fail quite a few times I think we'll try that oh oh the Rope snapped okay we'll put Cable in this bridge is getting expensive now 35 Grand okay maybe I can do rope but like from that point like a different angle should be a bit stronger yeah that's good that's good okay fire engine through bulldozer through bulldozer actually made it fire engine hasn't if I speed up time does anything happen no it doesn't okay we need to slightly adjust that I think so literally maybe just do like that maybe raise that one a bit just so this is a bit steeper so has that worked oh no it still got stuck okay I've tried loads of times I just can't get this thing to work I don't know if this is the solution for this perhaps we need to think of something else I mean maybe if I were to like yeah it needs to be at least three long from there oh that's such a lot of road but if we had a three long bit of Road and then we trust Springs on top then oh yeah if actually if I did that like vertically like that maybe it will fall slowly and then land on this head yes okay I think this could work I think this could work oh no yeah the kadon was too much what if we just like wood over the top of it so it's just the middle bit that are Springs so if that lands on there that should be way stronger it might actually break here no it's good it's good do we get through this side still okay we did it 38 Grand we're in oh we're in the top 18% 344 what did Ty oh I did it for 20 27 Grand what was the actual cheapest solution 11 Grand 11 how would you do this for 11 Grand and if you got rid of all of the top road so let's just say for an example we I guess let's do a tension Bridge underneath like that and we put rope underneath that's already nearly 12 Grand so I guess there's some sort of really cheesy thing now all I can imagine is it's like delay one of these so like if we had I don't know like something like that perhaps maybe some sort of dodgy counterweight like like that cuz then that's going to stay there then we can sort of change the angle so that this can drive up it slowly maybe it can like maybe it goes on the roof of this so something like that and then oh you could probably time that actually so it does go on the roof I reckon this is how how it's been maybe how it's been done something like that for our tension Bridge just to make it way stronger I'll turn on the stress as well oh my goodness I feel like we're just getting up to the price that it was before I'm actually thinking what if I W brace that so yes it's a tension bridge but we've we just made it a bit shorter by adding a wall brace okay that cable kept breaking so I just swapped it with a cable muscle and it now actually works I'm guessing like this has got to be the cheap way of doing it but like I'm still double the budget than what it was so I'm guessing maybe if someone did this but with a really really cheap Bridge under there maybe that's it like I use cable and all sorts I'm only 57th like my last Bridge was technically better than this and I feel like I've just cheesed this completely top 3% again though did we beat Tyler yeah we did sweet but in theame Gallery sorted by the lowest budget what actually is the solution to do this cheap it's oh it's basically what I yes literally what I said just a really cheap Bridge underneath but the same technique driving over the top I imagine like all of these are going to be pretty similar yeah they're all oh they're all like identical basically yeah most people worked out it's going on top oh they did like a different catch to me my spring was down there there's is up there interesting but this one RC propaganda still does the same thing though they're all banana bridges yeah so yeah so many people worked out that's what you got to do and then I guess this is similar to my first Bridge oh look here look they got the spring to work there oh that's how did you see that those with an engineering eye would have spotted this so look look down here that bit of Road that's where the front the fire truck landed and that provides less friction than the fire truck so if you watch this one more time that front corner now slides nice and easily allowing the one spring solution to work and that was was actually cheaper than my than my cheesy solution so fair play all right we'll go to the fun end of the budget now what have we got we got big RC propaganda still the same solution basically though they just added an afro to it this one even bigger RC propaganda this one we've got Allan solution Al Allan what is that bouncing about anyway oh look he's got a he's got a ramp a moving speed hump and then look inverted Arch under there made with cable muscles good job Allan Right we then got this oh look Patty's on the right Patty we love oh no he got hit with one of those anyway we've then got the nift sponsored solution again this one has a ramp stuck to the vehicle this time it's stuck to the fire engine rather than theow round good job nith we've then got that man with high RC I assume there's going to be a wave somewhere there's always a wave is he waving at me yes he is of course he's waving right anyway we're on to the next level Bridge is a box uh okay oh no oh no the bridge is a box so there's the four bits of Road and look there's no Road it's grayed out we literally can't add any more road we need to use Hydraulics to unfold these we can add joints but we need to unfold this road oh how am I going to do this how am I going to do this this is five star sheep difficulty Hydraulics I'm in trouble I'm in big trouble right where do I even start with this I'm not going to lie I feel like I need to do it in like two halves so if I do that we've got like this half and that half so I've got to get that point to there how do I do this I mean if we do that in the middle I think I think that's probably a node that we're going to need cuz that's where this one needs to end up right yeah so I wonder if that rotates over to the right is that going to end up in the right place if you know what I mean so yeah I guess I just need to add Hydraulics to not only like flatten this out but also rotate it um I don't even know how you go about doing that I'm not going to lie oh dear right I might have to have a fiddle with myself what did he say perhaps you guys can enjoy a bit of engineering time and if you want to if you want to check out these these musicals on Spotify search for real civil engineer on Spotify I'm also on like dieser and tidle and Pandora and iHeart and some other random ones but yeah 51 tracks of this source of Carnage and noise if you if you fancy that then uh give it a listen otherwise I don't blame you wake up kids oh we got Bridges to build be careful as Architects probably will te designs goodness we are so [Music] scared polishing these all are AB gra exist all the time the engineers who fix it don't worry the engineers will fix it be built the engine will fix it unlike the engine that fix your work Architects are all right I've got pretty far I remembered like Arin he gave me a hydraulic lesson once so I remembered if you do like two things like that and then down here we've got this node so look at that piece there can you see it rotates so I've got that bit to move over to the right point cuz it just needed to move over half so that's what that's there for I've then added this bit to the side now this lifts up this I think it's a bit dodgy though I it does go to the right point but I don't know if it does it properly cuz I think that's meant to I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing I hate Hydraulics this is five sheep difficulty man but I feel like that's in the wrong place and I need to do it like somewhere else like does that do the same thing no that goes too high but I know that that does actually work for this side so all we've got to do is get these two sides up to the same point let's unjoint that okay so I should be able to just copy this to the other side then as long as I just shove something up there to support that that should do the same thing however I think because this moves like to the left it doesn't actually work like that hang on I've done the wrong joint there that needs to be a two yeah it doesn't work it goes mental so if I were to put like that up there and then just do hydraulic that way hydraulic that way will that go to the right Point yes oh it's a bit too high why is it a bit too high I don't really know do I care I'm not sure I care joint those lock all of those in yeah I'm just going to tweak this so oh it went to the right spot but something in the middle broke oh do I need you that's so annoying that that bit's breaking cuz look this works I mean that doesn't go high enough I don't know I don't know why like if I did that I think that goes way too high maybe if I go a little bit lower maybe that works better no that's too high now cuz although it doesn't break it doesn't lock in which means we won't be able to get back I I'm thinking though maybe I just get rid of that joint if we just don't have a joint at the end it might just work a bit better then that should be a bit lower I reckon that could do it as long as we got the strength here yes he's done it he's done it for 33 Grand can it go back oh you kned no okay I think though just slide that just slide that so now that's lower you can see the step is now on the wood that should be fine cuz it means as we come back the impact will be much oh I was going to say much less it was a bit too less okay is that better I mean maybe I could lock this in now okay I don't need to I don't need to we've done it we've done it we did a five star sheep hydraulic difficulty level so I'm in I'm in the bottom 30% what did Tyler do it he did it for 18 Grand people did this for three grand I did it for 33 I don't even care at this point whatever into the gallery that's the worst level I've ever done in this game that was absolutely disgusting do you know what it was disgusting anyway I've just paused this one this is the cheapest solution this is what it looks like what am I looking at here how does this work so if we press play oh my good oh oh oh my goodness how does that work I'm so confused it just like dropped to the right place so play it again it just drops and with the momentum of like the bits it gets up to the joints oh my head how what right strudel done it with ourc propaganda included fair play commitment to the cause sacrifices spot on the leaderboard for the RC propaganda all right anyway there's send this one oh look at this it like pulls it apart how are like even the cheap ones like so much more mechanical than mine like look at that there's like four bits of wood and they did the whole movement oh look I actually tried to do this at one point like I split it into two and I I just couldn't do it what did mine cat do oh he did like an unraveling one oh I did explode though how do people come up with this stuff I imagine that's why I imagine go did it first and then everyone just copied that's usually how these levels work anyway oh my goodness look at this look how small the Hydraulics are also quite intrigued to see what an evil Homer looks like right this one has one hydraulic at the end what how is all this movement happening with one hydraulic I don't understand how Hydraulics work I don't even it's not that I don't understand how Hydraulics work I don't understand how people that know how Hydraulics work work some people did some like real funky like sketchy ones but fair plate this oh look at this one it's like hanging from the steel all right it's time to look at the highest budget as well I imagine there's going to be okay I didn't see I didn't see an arm flexing like that guy he's he's got a bicep curl on there you see he's got a massive Peck as well that's his right arm like flexing up I don't know why he didn't include the rest of the body though like should have had a head up there the other Peck the other arm over this side legs down the bottom anyway oh we got the Nifty spor solution this could be good the RC propaganda right es from the water yes Nifty right here we have what is that oh where's the sea oh there's the sea it's down there it's dangling and a little Gap in there Bridge more RC propaganda just what we like to see then oh my goodness look at the state of this what the movement look at that on the side helping out wait oh what's Alan got for us Allan Alan oh he made the he made it it was broken but now it's whole again nice one Alan and by the way it's something I notic Alan did you see the double Hydraulics that's the same method I did on mine right this one oh so that man one there's I was going to say there's no Hydraulics there's one hydraulic down the bottom but the rest is just like Carnage and gravity um he says hi R though look RC on the bottom and we got oh no an architect Bridge it's an architect Bridge oh dear all right this one what is that oh my goodness that was cool good job Lucas right how many bits of steel do you need oh my goodness oh my goodness some of these they look like Carnage and they start moving and you're like oh no this person's actually like super clever like this one I think it's a clever person I think it's clever oh my goodness oh my goodness yeah it was clever and then this one that's that's just a mess that can't oh my oh oh my that wasn't just a mess so many so many thoughts and words right this one oh this one there's no hydraulics on that one that was all gravity that was all like gravity powered that's incredible all right this one another oh man like the movement is so like precise and it's when the bridges end up completely flat you know there's some smart people about like this one looks an absolute mess but it isn't again man so many different ways of doing this it's incredible right rain is fried we only managed three levels but they were all under budget and Unbreaking so we've only got a few more levels left and then we've completely maxed out this game let's hope there's no more hydraulic levels for now I'll say peace love and bridges SP
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 199,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: Dyt38RcbbN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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