I Watched Incredible Hulk in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hey everyone i'm the canadian lad and today i watched the incredible hulk at point d fabric speed and found 20 new details that he may or may not have seen before now keep in mind this movie was released back in 2008 so it's really hard to find new details that haven't been discussed already but having said that i'll still try my best to give you at least a few new details so without wasting any of your time let's begin number one when bruce banner transforms into the hulk for the first time in the middle of a fight in a very subtle way he says leave me alone here's how it sounds in slow motion this indicates that one way or another bruce does have some control over hulk because hulk would only want you to feed him or fight while banner would be the one wanting to be alone number two tim roth aka blonsky after getting the super soldier's serum went past all of the other soldiers and didn't get tired at all while the rest of the soldiers were breathing heavily already this is a recurring thing in the mcu we saw the same happening with cap and black panther in infinity war even though both these movies have different directors but running past everyone remained consistent throughout the mcu and that's the level of continuity marvel has thanks to kevin feige number three in order to stop hulk general ross implored stark industries to let him use the sonic cannons so tony stark made sonic weapons way back in this film now take a look at war machine sonic weapon in civil war so war machine sonic weapon was designed by stark way back in incredible hulk and shows up again in civil war they have very similar results of visuals and sound number four in the end credit scene general ross is seen drinking an incredible hull cocktail which is made from hypnotic and hennessy turning green when you mix the two together number five the first time we see bruce in avengers 1 he foreshadows that he can never have a child by saying well i don't every time get what i want while playing with the baby's crib well i don't every time get what i want now in this film bruce tells betty that he could hulk out and put her in danger if he gets excited enough to make love i can't i can't get too excited so bruce isn't really infertile he just can't safely procreate without putting anybody else in danger number six the location where the military confronts banner is at culver university now notice at the end of ironman 2 when tony and nick fury are discussing the avengers initiative on one of the tv screens it shows incident at culver university i mean marvel is head and shoulders above any other cinematic universe about dropping subtle hints of other films and this brings my next detail number seven the fight at the fictional culvert university was filmed at the real world university of toronto campus and also culver university is inspired by culver institute the facility where banner worked in biophysics in the 1978 tv series before becoming the hulk number eight hulk's chest is stabbed and blooded during the fight with abomination now marvel seems to have put more focus on the scene than we thought they would for instance in thor ragnarok it appears that hulk still has the same scar on his left pack number nine the computer that banner aka edward norton logs into in the university uses norton 360 internet security number 10 there's a deleted scene in this film where bruce banner travels to arctic to kill himself but is stopped to buy hulk but notice when the mountain is collapsing you can briefly see a shot of captain america in the eyes with his shield number 11 when general ross is retrieving the super soldier's serum from the cold storage the container has the name of dr weinstein now this name was an alias used by dr erskine the scientist who invented the serum and chose steve rogers for the treatment in captain america 1. also notice the company name under which is written in stark industries and we all know howard stark was heavily involved in the process of making this serum all of these details were only foreshadowing the arrival of captain america number 12 john campell is a canadian youtuber and a film critic now he had a cameo in this film that he didn't reveal to the audience and only said if you blink you'll miss it edward norton did the his hulk film i like that hulk film i have a cameo in that hulk film um background but in 0.25x speed i actually managed to find his blink or miss cameo as one of the soldiers fighting hulk number 13 a crucial plot of this film was banner working in the soda factory then i remembered i did see this ring somewhere else in the mcu and after some digging i just found the poster for the same drink on the sets of the first ant-man movie number 14 at the beginning of the movie when banner is flipping channels on the television one of the shows he stops on is the courtship of eddie's father which starred bill bixby now bixby is seen on screen for several seconds this is a reference to bixby who played dr banner in the incredible hulk television series number 15 the security guard banner bribes with the pizza is a professional bodybuilder and an actor lou ferrigno long before cgi was used in tv shows blue played the live-action version of the incredible hulk from 1978-1982 lou also played a security guard in the hulk movie from 2003 where he came out with stan lee as a matter of fact in avengers 1 and avengers age of ultron marvel used a combination of mark ruffalo and ferrigno's voice it wasn't until thor ragnarok that the hulk voice was only mark ruffalo's number 16 mr paul sauls the actor who portrays stanley the owner of the pizza shop provided the voice for spider-man in the hulk 1966 animated series you're the original spider-man is that well the original voice that's all yeah other actors have performed them in voice and on screen but i was the first to do the voice the character's name may also be another tribute to the great stan lee number 17 betty ross buys bruce banner some purple pants what oh they were the stretchiest pair they have i'll take my chances and in the comics the hulk is almost always seen wearing purple pants number 18 at the beginning of the film we can see a quick glimpse of bruce banner's known associates one of them is rick jones now in the incredible hull comic rick jones was an orphan who drove out onto the weapons testing site on a dare rick was unaware that bruce's gamma bomb was being tested that day but was saved by bruce just as the bomb went off this sacrifice is what caused bruce to become the hulk in the comics and rick on the other hand wrecked by guilt for what happened has stayed by bruce's side from then on number 19 after hulk defeats abomination a helicopter flies above and shines a spotlight on the hulk the light is so bright that it makes his skin look grey which is a reference to his original grey's skin in the early hull comics problems with the grey coloring in the first issue led to his skin color being changed to green number 20 the actor who played the role of the college student in this movie is also peter parker's teacher in spiderman homecoming and far from home and that's it this was my breakdown of the incredible hulk at point 2 fabric speed and i hope i managed to give you some details that you didn't know before now if you take some time out to browse my official canadian led merchandise at the canadianlad.merge4all.com i'd really really appreciate it and i'll have you know that your purchase will help my channel directly now if you like this video then please grab the subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and follow me on instagram to get updates about my channel till then i'll see you lads in the next [Music] you
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 2,403,928
Rating: 4.939043 out of 5
Keywords: The Incredible Hulk, Hulk, Professor Hulk, Incredible Hulk, I Watched Incredible Hulk in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched Hulk in 0.25x Speed, Hulk Easter Eggs, Hulk Hidden Details, Hulk Hidden Details Explained, Hulk Explained, Thor: Ragnarok, Thor, Hulk vs Thor, Hulk Hidden Easter Eggs, Canadian Lad Hulk, Hulk in 0.25x Speed, Hulk 0.25x Speed, Edward Norton, Mark Ruffalo, Marvel Studios, Marvel, The Canadian Lad, TCL
Id: HqyZt6rc5Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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