I Watched Avengers: Age Of Ultron in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hey everyone I'm the Canadian lads and I just finished watching Avengers age of Ultron in point two-five EXPEED and found a bunch of new details but before we begin let me give you a reminder that this video isn't only about Easter eggs I'm gonna emphasize on attention to details and hopefully by the end you will love this movie even more so without any further ado let's begin number one at the beginning of the film where the Avengers were trying to retrieve the scepter Captain America asks Jarvis what's the view from upstairs when Jarvis starts talking we get a glimpse at Tony Stark's own satellite system but when we zoom in and turn the screen upside down look what it says it says Veronica which Tony Stark later deploys to help bring Hulk under control number two just before Ironman in the Hulkbuster armor begins to push Hulk through the under construction building he fires four rockets to compromise the structure of the building in such a way that it will collapse on itself instead of falling sideways that might cause extreme casualties in slow motion you can see how the Rockets are attacking the building from sideways in order to make sure it's safe collapse number three during the scene when Ultron was trying to escape with the cradle Black Widow managed to take control and sends the cradle to the Quinjet but in slow motion you can see how Hawkeye was flying it backwards instead of flying forward now Jets are not supposed to be flying backwards that this one certainly can and in point two-five expeed it really gets easier to notice number four in the final battle when the polls Ultron Prime's hurt out in retaliation for her brother's death Ultron's torn chest carries the exact same pattern with caps broken shells from Tony's vision number five when Tony Stark proposes the idea of creating Ultron to Bruce Banner for the first time Hulk stretchy pants can be seen hanging in the laboratory implying that they both developed them together in the lab Hulk is later seen wearing the same stretchy pants when Wanda played with his head and turned him super angry number six at the end of the film where the Trinity of the Marvel Universe walks around poking fun at Thor for elevators not being worthy Chris Evans aka Captain America slightly shapes his body to move out of the way of the camera as he walks by here's how it looks in regular speed number seven during Thor's vision he shoot some people with his lightning and they're seen turning to dust this is heavily foreshadowing how Thor's in action will cause half a full life in the universe to turn to dust after all he was the only one who could have stopped it all but didn't I have a separate video on this make sure to watch that as well number eight when Tony Stark enters Hawkeye is burned to fix a cracked er he casually says hello dear while approaching the tractor but if I slow it down and zoom in you could see it's a John Deere tractor and Tony sees what it's called and that's why he calls it as a deer and not as in deer number nine at the end of the film when Laura Barton sends a video message to Black Widow there we see for a brief moment Hawkeye's newborn son has a middle name Pietro honoring his savior Quicksilver number 10 when Tony was fighting the Hulk in the Hulkbuster armor one of the things he tries to do is gas him if I slow down the speed you can see Tony's helmet display says sedation on the right-hand side of our screen moments after that it flashes the word activated beneath the world sedation and Tony start spraying gas in Hulk's face whip seen how Marvel put a lot of efforts behind Tony's helmet display in Avengers 1 and this movie was no different as well number 11 when Thor goes back to the water of sight in order to return to his dream that he was shown by Wanda Maximoff in that dream forces for Infinity stones coming together but notice all the Infinity stones are held together by a gauntlet that looks real is similar to Santos as Infinity Gauntlet foreshadowing his arrival and how he will use them number 12 after Ultron erased everything from the Avengers database they had to go through shields paper files to find Ultron and in one of the dossier on Ulysses Klaw you can see that it mentions Klaus great-grandfather having been killed by a previous black panther for trying to enact Wakanda it was indeed to Chuck a father of two chala who killed Klaus great-grandfather number 13 when tony is looking through his user interfaces to replace jarvis one of the chips in the background says Jocasta in the comics Jocasta is the wife of ultron now you may wonder why would alt Wan have a wife in the comics even though he himself wanted to cause extension of human lives he wanted a wife because he's still human enough to create companionship the movie addresses this when ultron takes black with a hostage in his workshop and tells her about how lowly he is wake up I hoped you would I wanted to show you I don't have anyone else all fun also has human-like instinct because he says for God's sake when Hulk throws him out of the Quinjet in the comics Ultron forced Hank Pym to create Jocasta so he could have a queen to rule beside him but she ended up resenting him and teamed up with the Avengers to beat him number 14 in the final battle one that took it on herself to protect the core from Ultron and his robots and if you look closely the robot that triggers sokovia to fall at the end was still alive and moving but it was unnoticed by Wanda and Quicksilver age of Ultron is the only movie in the MCU that has foreshadowed most of the events of infinity war and endgame here I'm gonna tell you how age of Ultron played an inevitable part in shaping the future of MCU number one referring to Hawkeye Black Widow says pretending to need this guy really brings the team together in Civil War and infinity war they didn't pretend to need Hawkeye and the team never came together number two age of Ultron was the only movie that talked about the Avengers losing in the long run that's in again how are you guys planning on meeting that together we'll lose and we'll do that together too they did lose as did half the universe number 3 Heimdall tells Thord that they are all dead and that he is a destroyer later Thor sets of Ragnarok causing the destruction of Asgard and in infinity war half of all life are dead because of this mistake also note that Heimdall refers to Thor as the first son of Odin not Odin's firstborn who's later revealed to be hella in Ragnarok number 4 dr. Joe showing what her technology can achieve says this is the next thing Tony your clunky metal suits will be left in the dust stark replies that is exactly the plan is the next thing Tony your clunky metal suits are gonna be left in the dust that is exactly the plan and an infinity war Tony Stark indeed upgrades all his suit to nanotech number five all Quan talks about how people create the things they dread later with Helen Chow he starts the creation of the vision who eventually shuts him off the internet and kills him so not only humans but Ultron as well created the thing he dreaded number six when Steve Rogers gives his speech to all the other Avengers he says if you get hurt hurt him back and if you get killed walk it off when he says if you get killed the camera pans out on Quicksilver who eventually gets killed you get hurt hurt them back get killed walk it off and that's all I have from this movie and I have to admit even with all the weirdness this movie was a little bit ahead of its time we as an audience just couldn't comprehend the value of this movie until infinity war and engange got released but after the events of endgame and the way it all unfolded age of Ultron really seemed like a better movie than we thought it was without the seeds being planted in the age of Ultron I don't think Marvel could have achieved what they have accomplished with infinity war an end game age of Ultron pretty much dictated which way Marvel will move forward and I think it has done an incredible job so I hope you liked this video and if you did give me a thumbs up and don't forget to grab the subscribe button and follow me on Instagram as well I'll see you lads in the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 3,353,704
Rating: 4.9148841 out of 5
Keywords: Avengers, Avengers Age of Ultron, Age Of Ultron, I Watched Avengers: Age Of Ultron in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, Avengers: Age Of Ultron Easter Eggs, Avengers: Age Of Ultron Details, Age Of Ultron Hidden Details, Age Of Ultron Hidden Attention to Details, Movie Details, Movie Attention to Details, Avengers Endgame, Avengers Infinity War, Avengers in 0.25x Speed, avengers age of ultron, age of ultron, the canadian lad, TCL
Id: nrvpHL4OjsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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