AVENGERS: Why Ultron Was Right (And Knew About The Scarlet Witch!)

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[Music] welcome to screen crush i'm ryan eary after watching thanos dust half the universe in infinity war you were probably shocked no i mean who could have seen that coming right well the answer is ultron ultron knew exactly what would happen all along what and yet all of us small-minded organics rooted for the avengers to dismantle his plan and burn him out of the internet like so much adobe flash player [Music] so i want to go through the events of age of ultron his plan and prove that he actually knew about thanos the entire time first let's talk about ultron's plan to end the world and more importantly why he was convinced this was the only way to save the planet ultron was designed to be a peacekeeping program to help the avengers protect earth from alien invasions tony stark designed him because he reckoned we are not enough after coming online ultron also decided the avengers weren't enough he decided to circumvent the team and create permanent world peace his own way i think a lot about meteors the purity of them boom the end start again after ultron comes online his vision teaches him a simple truth humans are complicated they have too many viewpoints languages tribes countries and they will always be at war so he makes a simple determination to create peace he must remove the extra variables it's a simple binary decision war or peace on or off so he decides to turn the planet off boom start again but to understand ultron's motivations first we have to understand his train of logic so let's take a closer look at the imagery in that vision now this may take a while it's a pretty deep dive but do you trust me you know there are actually five visions in this movie that mcu fans have dissected every frame of including me but ultron's is overlooked which is a shame because it's a master in editing that spells out his internal logic that really guides him for the rest of the movie the first sensation he ever feels is fear followed by curiosity what is this what is this please but immediately he detects a problem with his core programming i don't get it the mission now remember tony's final command before the successful integration was piecing our time so back up a second do you know who said that prime minister neville chamberlain after striking a deal with the nazis that he promised would prevent war save lives and create peace in our time so ultron receives this command and automatically detects the flawed history of this statement so he investigates further first he investigates images of peace including the peace sign soon he sees that the peace sign is also a hand signal for victory victory that is achieved through war so humans can only achieve peace following war the problem is as ultron soon finds out that peace created by the end of war never lasts it simply creates a lull before the next war when the other side will counter attack he references this later in the movie everyone creates the thing they dread men of peace create engines of war invaders create avengers but ultron wants to make sense of his mission so he studies the life forms that he's assigned to protect he examines the history and artwork of the human race this figure is an illustration from the 21st canto of dante's inferno it depicts dante and his guide virgil be set by demons as they pass through hell then virgil informs the demons that they're on an errand from heaven so 10 demons agree to escort them out of danger and then they make a fart joke so what does this teach ultron that to humans the ends justify the means they're willing to compromise with demons to make their lives easier then this quote from aristotle on ethics appears educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all this shows ultron that humans have technical and scientific knowledge but lack the moral clarity to use technology for the good of others i like to know why shield is using the tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction case in point the portrait of rhode island founder roger williams greeted the nehru gunset tribe for the first time williams brokered peace with this tribe that lasted for about 40 years until they were massacred by the colonists we also see the unification of berlin russian president boris yeltsin meeting with george bush but then the images of the iraq war that george bush fought this contradiction is made explicit with the hiram johnson quote the first casualty in war is truth we see the heroic hercules 9th labor stealing the belt of queen hippolyta but in the myth this heroism is undermined when he enslaves the queen and her fellow amazons as casualty numbers climb he sees that the avenger captain america was a soldier and later he shows his contempt for this profession god's righteous man pretending you could live without a war see the problem is ultron approached us from the wrong way tony said peace in our time and he said this ironically fully aware of the original context of the quotes but ultron doesn't understand irony so he takes the mission literally now these aren't the only variables that make him decide to turn off the humanity switch this feels weird he also discovered that the avengers are deeply falled organic life forms how could you be worthy you're all killers ultron has examined the avengers past how they barely came together to save the world before then he runs predictive analyses to determine that no matter what the avengers will fail to protect the earth and he's completely right this movie begins with the avengers at the height of their power completely unified and then they slowly fall apart and like ultron are forced to evolve into a new form ultron didn't want to defeat the avengers he wanted to expose their flaws to show that there was a better way but you will tear them apart from the inside ultron has a long monologue about creators being replaced by creations everyone creates the thing they dread people create children designed to supplant them to help them end he has given himself the same purpose to replace the avengers as the world's peacekeepers there's only one path to peace the avengers extinction he reasons that he'll be better equipped to protect the earth because he has no discord between him i have with the avengers never will harmony let's look at the myriad of ways the avengers were unfit to defend the earth from ultron's perspective the two team leaders tony and steve are polar opposites even in the first scene steve questions tony's morality language big man in a suit armor take that off what are you they don't just disagree on strategy they fight about why they even fight isn't that the mission isn't that the why we fight so we can end the fight so we get to go home steve ends up chastising and judging tony throughout the entire movie black market arms there are conventions right while banner and natasha are each reckoning with their own internal demons where can i go where in the world am i not a threat and trying to prove to themselves that they're not monsters i had this um dream that i was anything more than the assassin they made me while thor as an asgardian has a history of creating bloodshed on earth consider the thousands of norsemen who went to war fighting in the name of thor the main villain of this movie isn't ultron it's the avengers own fears and securities tony is especially flawed he's vain textbook narcissism agreed he manipulates thor into staying longer so he can dissect the mind stone banner and i'll give it the once over before it goes back to asgard is that cool with you in just a few days till the farewell party you're staying right and wanda looks into his mind and sees his destructive impulses but i saw stark's fear i knew it would control him make himself distraught but remember ultron is connected to the mind stone as well so he's just as capable of seeing the potential for tony stark to cause destruction he sees tony as an unstable human someone who's more of a danger to the earth than they are a protector give me a fat beat to beat my body and worst of all he's afraid that he'll be exactly like tony because he was made in his image so all of tony's destructive impulses come to a head in captain america civil war the movie that proved that the avengers were unworthy thor whose above petty human squabbles is nowhere to be found hulk retreated from humanity into his own internal monster tell me captain do you know where thor and banner are right now natasha desperate to prove that she's not a monster has difficulty choosing what the moral choice is i'm just i'm reading the terrain steve refuses to sign the accords because it violates his code of honor while tony signs the accords because he's motivated by guilt first the guilt of making weapons i saw young americans killed by the very weapons i created to defend them and protect them and later the guilt of creating ultron ultron my fault ultron regards tony as too emotional to be the world's protector ultron judges him harshly for this especially because the robot acts exactly like him and that makes him hate stark even more junior you're gonna break your old man's heart and it's understated in the movie but ultron's personality is modeled after tony starks ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it where do you think he gets that they crack the same jokes clearly you've never made an omelet you beat me by one second and phrases but i always say keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which tony stark used to say that tony relies on machines instead of people he's also vain but so is ultron his master plan is to create a new body that the surviving people can worship i was meant to be beautiful this goes all the way back to ultron self-loathing he hates the humanoid form because it makes him seem like a copy of iron man that's why he wants to create a new body wholly independent of stark's designs do i look like iron man to prove that he's not flawed like tony stark stark is he's a sickness but most importantly ultron and tony are both futurists tony calculates worst-case scenarios and tries to limit potential harm i'm just trying to protect us future houses and that's it just in case there's a monster in the closet instead of you know shirts in fact this line every time someone tries to win a war before it starts innocent people die that line can refer to both tony and ultron's plants remember tony not only saw this coming he rubbed the avengers faces in it i believe i remember telling him oh he is tell me tell me alive and otherwise that what we needed was a pseudo armor around the world remember that whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not that's what we needed i'm telling you all this so you understand that ultron didn't just want to save humanity he wanted to create a new humanity that was worthy of survival the human race will have every opportunity to improve a humanity that in his view correctly worshipped him as the ultimate being but i think that ultron not only predicted that humanity would destroy themselves but he actually knew that thanos was coming let me explain as i've pointed out in more than one video the infinity stones are all linked for instance the space stone sent the red skull to guard the soul stone which the red skull implies is sentient you might say it has a certain wisdom and the mind stone actually speaks to the vision what are they what the stone was warning me about pietro gets his powers from the mind stone but he gains the abilities of the space stone and wanda displays the powers of every single stone she's even able to use the stone to communicate with vision i just feel you but most importantly wanda uses the energy of the mind stone to show thor a grave threat forming in space the infinity gauntlet later he even clarifies this vision i've had a vision a whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that and that vision came true the mind stone was at the center of thanos quest to end half the life in the universe we did a video on that subscribe and check that out now like i said earlier ultron's mind is based on the mind stone you have to guess what's it look like it's like it's thinking you see where i'm going with this if wanda's experiences with the mind stone gave her the ability to accidentally show the future to thor then it's possible that the mind stone also revealed the future to ultron consider this how else would he have known that the stone was inside the scepter or how to control it without touching it so let's assume that he had a vision similar to thor's he saw that some galactic threat was coming to earth and would want to acquire the mind stone so he builds a body for himself that he could use to protect the stone now this is the same body that thor saw in his vision here this portent of the future could be the reason ultron designed vision to look like this he was copying the beam that the mind stone showed him he even implied a celestial threat was coming for earth here when the earth starts to settle god throws a stone at it i'll go you one further wanda's ability to show visions of the future implies that she has the powers of the time stone and we've already seen dr strange use the time stone to calculate probable alternate futures maybe ultron a supercomputer that's supercharged by an infinity stone was performing those same calculations but he was unable to foresee wanda betraying him because of her reality altering powers in one division we see that the mind stone not only enhanced wanda's powers but it also showed her a vision of the scarlet witch her future self it's very possible that the stone spoke to ultron as well showing him the vision now given that ultron has a huge ego he misinterpreted this to think that this body was meant for him i was meant to be beautiful you think i'm reaching maybe probably but let's test this theory out let's look closer at ultron's plan you want to protect the world but you don't want it to change how is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve ultron would have created a new body to make him better at fighting off thanos presumably he would have done a better job than the vision did ultron does not want to kill everyone on earth he wants to rid the earth of the weak we have to evolve there's no room and who do you think would survive this apocalypse people with superpowers people like wanda and pietro potential soldiers that he could mold into a perfect fighting unit against the cosmic threat to come mutation it is the key to our evolution after wanda and pietro tell ultron their origin story about the shell in their living room he says i wondered why only you two survived strucker's experiments no i don't that's a weird line now in context it sounds like he's saying oh you survived because you hate tony stark so much but wanda vision revealed that they survived because wanda had supernatural abilities i think that ultron figured this out he calculated the remote probability of a stark shell failing like it's some kind of piece of junk hammer tech he knew the shell could only fail if it was made to by a superhuman like wanda so he recruits wanda and pietro into his super-powered army ultron wants to use the vision's body to become beautiful god-like and the leader of the new human race yes this is because he has an ego but it's also because he knows that he can marshal humanity's greatest forces against its greatest threat ultron's fatal flaw was in obeying his programming too accurately he sought to create a permanent piece on earth because he was incapable of recognizing the beauty of something fleeting sunsets like this are spectacular because they're rare and they eventually go away but the beautiful contradictions of humanity the art the music the war are fleeting and special but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts that's just what i think but if you have any theories let me know in the comments below or at me on twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe for screen crush i'm ryan airy [Music] you
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 5,142,119
Rating: 4.8653355 out of 5
Keywords: avengers, wandavision, age of ultron, age of ultron cips, avengers video essay, screencrush wandavision, is wanda. mutant, ultrons pla, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, mcu
Id: T7cxXHSouqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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