I Watched Iron Man in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] how's it going everyone I'm the Canadian lad and after watching Ironman one maybe a thousand times this time I finally watched it in point to 5x speed and found a bunch of new details that he may have missed while watching in regular speed so without wasting her time I'll jump right to the point number one when Tony Stark shows Obadiah his arc reactor for the first time there in the background we see a tank of palladium hexafluoride palladium is what mainly powers Tony's suit even when he was captured in the cave he had to pull palladium from a missile to build his first-ever Iron Man suit that's palladium 0.15 grams and we see an entire tank of palladium hexafluoride back in his compound where the arc reactor project was being worked on palladium hexafluoride may not yet exist in the real world but palladium as a separate element is used to power a host of things including cars and buses in the real world number two when Tony flies for the first time in his Merc to suit just before taking off he hits the wall of the garage but his heads-up display already warned him with a red indicator even before hitting the wall this happened so quickly in the film that without slowing down the speed it almost becomes impossible to notice such attention to detail here's how it looks in regular speed number three Ramin Djawadi who composed all the music in this movie also worked as a composer for Game of Thrones but what is so special about that you may ask and the answer to that is ramen actually reused his music notes from Iron Man to create the main theme of Game of Thrones listen to this couple of seconds from the mark 2 soundtrack and now listen to the main soundtrack of Game of Thrones because of copyright I can't play the entire music but you get the gist of it being a fan of both Game of Thrones and the MCU it just feels good to know they're at least connected in one way number 4 when Tony Stark sees the ten rings torturing people until a vision oohs it gives him an idea to not only use his suit for flying purposes but to use it to fight the ten rings as a test he blasted at the ceiling to see how it's gonna work but if I slow down the speed and zoom in you can clearly see the energy moving from the arc reactor in his chest to his repulsor this one is indeed an awesome attention to detail number five at the beginning of the film when Tony Stark receives an award the newspaper article actually foreshadows how Tony will eventually end up creating Ultron it says going off a radically simple theorem that artificial intelligence can be in vibed with personality through alternate programming is currently putting the finishing touches on two robotic prototypes that he believes we listened to him and learned from his behavior of course this also applies to Gervais but Jarvis wasn't as advanced as Ultron and tony didn't want to pull any punches in terms about doing himself and this article actually proves that number six Obadiah tells Tony that the arc reactor is his ninth symphony in the classical music world there's a belief that after a composer writes their ninth symphony they would die he was implying that the arc reactor would be the last thing Tony created before Obadiah kills him and if I stretch this a bit more than he will notice that Tony Stark died on his 10th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe so after appearing in the MCU for nine times he dies on the next one which is a vendor's endgame in that regard Avengers infinity war was Tony Stark's ninth symphony where he managed to bleed Thanos when no one else could number seven when Tony's sent Pepper to retrieve all the recent shipping manifests Pepper found all the details on shipments that took place without the approval of Tony Stark one of those files has a vessel that is called MSC lebowski and if we go further more we see the word credence tapes on the file as well this is a huge reference to Jeff Bridges The Big Lebowski tape deck some credence tapes and there was another reference to The Big Lebowski is the barcode on a different shipping manifest it has the dude written on it which is a direct reference to this scene I'm the dude so that's what you call me number eight after Tony Stark saves a couple of refugees of gold mera he comes back with the damaged suit because the US military was trying to take him down pepper then catches Tony for the first time in his Iron Man suit but notice in the background we can see the prototype of Captain America shields at Howard Stark had built we later see this again in Iron Man 2 but more about that in a future video number 9 this movie shows Tony Stark's voice recognition system in a very detailed manner in the scene where Tony speaks to jarvis regarding the icing problem in his suit you can see in the background screen where jarvis is able to read everything Tony's been saying but notice when the lady in the television start speaking Jarvis no longer reads that indicating that Jarvis has the ability to recognize different types of voices now we all know Jarvis is programmed to recognize different types of voices but to be able to see it visually in the movie deserves an applaud number 10 in the final fight between Iron Monger and Iron Man Tony takes off the suits hand resulting in a delay between his actual voice and the audio coming out of his suit marks for his internal mic system this only happens when his helmet is closed but there's another hole in the suit it caused a delay because the suit cannot contain his actual voice when there's another hole in it I'll play it in slow motion and you'll be able to hear the delay [Music] number 11 now this has nothing to do with watching this movie in slow motion but I'd still like to mention this one thing about Tony Stark remember the scene when Tony said yes for an appointment with Agent Coulson you can see Tony wasn't paying attention he was surprised to see pepper in the dress and got totally oblivious of everything else so he didn't really mean it when he said he will talk to pepper to set that meeting he just wanted to get rid of Agent Coulson so he could talk to pepper but later in the film we see Agent Coulson waiting at the Stark Industries for his appointment even though Tony Stark totally forgot about it and that's how Agent Coulson with other field agents were able to rescue pepper otherwise Obadiah might have already killed her so Tony's false promise worked in favor of saving pepper now let's fast-forward to Iron Man 3 in the beginning of that movie Tony Stark again makes a false promise this time with eldritch Killian Tony said he will see him up in the roof but Tony never showed up Killian took it as an insult and even Tony acknowledged that he had created a demon at that very moment had just created demons and I didn't even know it so why am I telling you this to show you that even though Tony's aptitude for making false promises to Agent Coulson may have saved Pepper but the same kind of behavior actually puts him and pepper both in danger in Iron Man 3 and that's how Tony learned from his mistake and was hesitant to join Captain America for the time heist in Avengers end game because now he thinks before giving his words he worries about his family before anything else and I think that some great character development for Tony Stark anyway so that's all I have right now from Iron Man 1 and I hope I was able to give you at least one new information through this video and if I did then don't forget to grab the subscribe button and give me a thumbs up I really appreciate all your support and I promise to bring quality content at least twice every week I'll see you lads in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 3,337,580
Rating: 4.9250827 out of 5
Keywords: Iron Man, Ironman, Iron, Tony Stark, Robert Downey Jr, I Watched Iron Man in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched in 0.25x Speed, I Watched Endgame in 0.25x Speed, Iron Man in 0.25x speed, Iron Man in 0.25x Speed, Iron Man Easter Eggs, Iron Man Hidden Details, Iron Man hidden easter eggs, Iron Man Movie explained, Iron Man (2008), Iron Man hidden details explained, Movies Explained, The Canadian Lad, TCL
Id: d_4YJQsaAZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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