Throwback sunday - I am not moved

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yes yes he'll fix it for you he'll fix it for you he'll fix it for you chancel fix it a blood vessel sits it off the riders six it run around husband fix it don't want to do any wife ur6 it them I was in an accident y'all they don't see them he fixed it fixed it [Applause] [Music] wait a minute wait a minute some of y'all act my god ain't fix that for y'all but if God won't you laugh this for y'all need to be given in surprise but joke be together what died in the gallon quiet I made some plays why something over here listen Rison [Music] Oh [Music] thank you thank you [Music] Oh yes Wow yeah I can't thank him enough I can't thank him enough ah thank you [Music] thank you Thank You Dai Nietzsche I gotta watch the time but I'm 60 plus plus plus if y'all don't mind let me slow it down for just one minute and do a little praise and worship before I get on time god I love your cheese our Japan just want to tell Lord I love help me - you love him [Music] you know why I know he loves me you know what Jesus went to coward to say [Music] - hey but you that's not how the starry starry three dice I Love You chief our Chopin why don't you just watch me for a minute look up at Ellen I just gotta tell [Music] anything [Music] anything [Music] more than calm our game [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey then he [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love him because he's an old-time guy he may not come when some of you want him to come but he's always on time just grab somebody by the hands he's whole time [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] yah yah yah yah yah yah Wow Wow Justin yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] Wow come on clip that hand if you love our God it feels good in here doesn't it look at the person next to you tell me secondo church I grew up on can't nobody do me like Jesus can't nobody do me like the Lord and I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me my soul somebody shout hallelujah you may be seated you may be seated hallelujah I get joy when I think about what he's done for me would you just turn to the person beside to tell them one thing God's done for you one thing God's done for you I said I wasn't gonna tell nobody but I just can't keep it [Music] allelujah down through the years God's be good to me Godspeed to me he's been good [Music] come on one more time everybody clap down through the year Oh [Music] Oh God's been good to me to you may be seated come on clap that hand [Music] [Music] oh my [Music] Oh Oh [Music] good me [Music] Oh the law [Music] come on put up that hand if you love our God would you help me thank God for this amazing psalmist what an incredible gift we love you welcome home come on give God some glory our visitors our friends and our virtual worshipers this is a throwback Sunday we're going all the way back amen how many of you got roots in North Carolina South Carolina come on Georgia I can't hear nobody Mississippi Alabama y'all done got real quiet don't act like you always been in the city now hallelujah wit we're just grateful on this day to give God Thanksgiving and praise for all that he has done to keep us during the course of this week and even through this year how many of you are thankful for the grace of God [Music] his loving-kindness has been better than life to us we want to pause in this moment just to express our gratitude under our God as a consequence we want our actions to speak louder than our words here is the moment in our worship where all of us can participate ask that you will please or prepare your gift that you're gonna offer unto our God we are a tithing Church and because we are tithing Church how we share 10% of our income back to God when you look at what it is that our ancestors were able to do and they didn't have half of our resources but they were able to make an impact because they understood the value of investing in the body of Christ called church I want you to get that significant sizable and substantive seed in your possession if you're absent of an envelope our asurs are moving amongst you lift up that hand and they'll be glad and zealous to be able to serve you God loves what kind to give her what kind to give her amen I'm glad to give simply because I got something to give how many y'all remember when you didn't have nothing waved at hand if it wasn't that long ago amen we're just grateful for how God is Jehovah Jireh for us that he continuously makes a way for us and he provides a for us even in ways and in realms that we could not say I want you please every person I don't want you to tip God because the Bible asked a demanding question can a man can a woman Rob God yes every Sunday and churches all over Atlanta but not in New Birth Amen we want to be accountable for how God has blessed us and the truth of the matter is all of our blessings have not been tangible you can't pay for being able to breathe on your own you can't pay for the fact that you still got a member y'all are real quiet you can't pay for the fact that you bathed yourself addressed yourself I can't hear anybody that you're able to feed yourself I'm telling you don't take it granted there's some people in the hospital this morning who wish they had your strength and to that end on this day I want all of us to be able to give in accordance to what it is that God has that given us if God ain't done nothing to you I'm not asking you to do anything but if God has blessed you I in a way then it ought to be reflective in how it is that you give every person ought to be secured in your giving I just throw back Sunday but you can still give electronic life you can give on push pay or text to give even on our secure website at new birth org are thousands of virtual worshipers ask that you will please a partner with us in this enterprise are called give a because of what it is that you're going to do on today a community is going to be impacted a city is going to be enriched and the body of Christ is gonna be illuminated because God has sent us on a hill so that our light will be able to shine in dark places s that you'll please have that gift that seed in your hand once it is that you have it would you lift it above your head please lift it above your head we don't give to be seen but we don't mind being seen giving because people have seen us do some other stuff let the rumor go out that we gave to God and we are not ashamed to be able to do it while that gift is lifted would you repeat after me lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this week is over amen bless the Lord our music ministry is going to give us some giving music our ushers are going to move amongst you dutifully after they would have passed your section if you would like to sow your seed at the altar for yourself as is the culture of our church you're able to do so otherwise our ushers will gladly assist you in giving our friends who are watching around the world while it is that you're getting dressed going to your church while it is that you have to today you're at home in a college dormitory just as we are giving here we charge and challenge you to give wherever it is that you are because the grace of God is not confined to these walls is gonna meet you right where you are come on let's give God glory approach I have a little song service while we're giving is the day [Music] July we're each other [Music] we rejoin all they see the day she's done [Music] Oh come come maybe [Music] come on I will rejoice boy [Music] maybe bad [Music] we're joined by he made me glad [Music] put on the roof [Music] come on everybody [Music] [Music] come on [Music] baby don't remember this one damn storm now the ocean there's away [Music] me come on saya Davis house star [Music] ripped away [Music] [Music] [Music] clever phrase you may be seated in the presence of the Lord let me ask all about ladies wearing hats today would you stand all of our ladies wearing hats today y'all killing it Lord look at our mothers Lord y'all oughta collect you better hope you look that good amen thank you before we move forward I would be irresponsible if I did not to pause and ask all of our veterans to please stand I want to ask all about veterans to please stand y'all gotta cheer louder Dannette better than that if you remain standing for just one moment we salute you we celebrate you we appreciate your valor and your sacrifice that you made to protect our democracy and our people I need you to do me a favor please new birth would you go crazy and give God glory for all of our veterans [Applause] bless the Lord you maybe see that since the philosophy is gonna give us our announcements before she does that I want to take a point of personal privilege I want you to join me in an overwhelming way would you help me give God glory today his Jonathan Nelson's birthday come on come on come on cheer for [Applause] [Music] he called and asked did he have to work today yes you turned up after church amen I give you attention to sister philosophy who's going to give us our morning announcement good morning new birds welcome to throwback Sunday I have to throw it back [Applause] [Music] our throwback week continues Tuesday November 12th at 7:30 p.m. in our sanctuary our guest speaker is pastor Telus Chapman you definitely don't want to miss this week's encounter don't forget our fish fry and chicken dinners after service today please join us for our ninth annual global missions prayer breakfast Saturday November 16th at 9 o clock a.m. in our multi-purpose room please visit new births org to purchase tickets we are collecting new and gently used winter coats for our homeless community please bring coats to the altar or place them in the bins located around the church through Sunday December 7th you may also purchase coats online at my registry com again that's my registry calm and have them shipped directly to the church we are in need of coats for men the new birth scholarship committee is hosting a golf tournament Saturday November 23rd at 8 o clock a.m. at the Stone Mountain Park Golf Club sponsorship opportunities are available that means you can make a contribution without paying golf please visit new birth not org to register Bishop William Murphy and the Dream Center who worship with us for our special Thanksgiving sir Tuesday November 26 at 7:30 p.m. join us for our Kwanzaa Plaza Expo Wednesday November Expo November 29th through December 1st in our Family Life Center this is your opportunity to circulate dollars within the black community while empowering everyone to shop locally please visit new birth dot org to register as a vendor spaces are limited so register today our hours of operation are Friday and Saturday 8 until 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. and Sunday 12 p.m. until 7 p.m. the plaza will not be open during worship service this concludes our announcements please continue to enjoy this wonderful service have a great one also come on give sister Flossie a big hand [Applause] I want to ask all of our young adults between 18 and 30 would you stand 18 and 30 would you plea not you feel 18 to 30 you are between 18 and 30 I want you to stand we are launching here at new birth our millennial choir our choir for Millennials amen come on give God a hand clap of praise young adults we need you rehearsal is November 14th at 7 p.m. in the 16th and 11:00 a.m. you all are singing on next Sunday and so we need our young adults rare indigo we go on from throwback to all the way up amen so ask that all of our Millennials will please participate but you give God glory for our young people give God glory you may be seated I cannot tell you how an amazing time we had yesterday our church packed out Stonecrest movie theater Amen we took over the theater on yesterday to see the film and Harriet if you have not seen it I want to encourage you I want to challenge you to please go see it it is a remarkable film that really gives a highlight to the strength of black women in this country so I want you to go I want you to take your daughter take your sisters we're appreciative how many of you all know new birth is a loving Church come on now I said how many you are known we're loving in church how many of you all feel like we are a graceful people we are graceful people amen amen I want to prove it to you i'ma prove it to you how loving how graceful we are we've got visitors here today from New Orleans and they came to church when Saints outfits but we don't welcome them anyway would y'all stand all of our guests from New Orleans give God to hang clever phrase for them thank you so very much tell Bishop I covered you the best I could Amen after you get to the parking lot you on your own amen I'm grateful one of my your cousins is here I'm grateful she's worshiping with us from New York Britney won't you please stand I'm glad to have you in the house give God a hand clap of praise for her how many of you need a word from God come on don't fool me how many you all need a word from God bless the Lord our music ministry is going to prepare our hearts our minds and our spirits for the word of God it is our intention to collect 1,000 over cults to be a blessing to the homeless community of this city how many of you all saw that temperature drop in the last 72 hours it got cold and it's gonna get colder still what we asked you all to please that bring Colson you did good but you didn't do it at the fashion in the form that we're used to at new birth so we got two Sundays left two Sunday two Sundays are left to bring it and so this is our last round this is our last round how many of you all got an extra coat in your closet right now lift up that hand come on wave it you can't even fit it no more it won't even button come on now some of you got a coat in the closet you still got tags on I want you to be a blessing and so over the next two Sundays if you have coats I need you to please please bring it to church on this side let me see yes on this side is for those of y'all they're still right with chick-fil-a this is this is the hood side over here they will fight you over coat this is the popeyes chicken side over all over already see we got guests young and ready to show off in front of I guess thank you come on clap your hands as they come thank you so next two Sundays is gonna be crazy I feel it already so essa' to aply if you have I didn't call for them but if you have your coat with you you can bring it I said the next two Sundays it's almost like you all knew this was gonna happen and so I asked that you were pleased to bring them now bring them now some of y'all must be just bringing the coat you wore to church yes ain't no way you knew I was gonna do this so ask that okay chick-fil-a is riding hard riding hard all right thank you so very much thank you so very much so we've got the next two Sundays those of you who are watching online you can send yours in through my register put in new birth you'll get the coat nail ship I'm straight to the church for us from wherever it is that you're watching from around the world there is nothing we have ever asked you to do that we have fallen short of our goal we have always exceeded it because that's the kind of favor that rest on our church somebody give God a hand clap of praise for that now Popeyes we got to do better hold that coat up for me Papa has got one coat yeah we got one coat so I ask that you please you ain't even got to wait till Sunday for our throwback revival on Tuesday night pastor tell us Chapman is coming here all the way from Detroit Michigan it's gonna be old-school revival I'm telling you it's gonna be amazing but I need your order please I'm gonna stick I'm always with the underdog imma stick with the Popeyes amen I'm just you shaking your head amen oh thank you were you going Thank You you waited to see which side your pastor was on thank you he met it's all right I am bribable amen our music ministry is gonna get us ready for the Word of God after they would have concluded as that you would stand so that you might receive what God has for us would you take one moment and take somebody tweet somebody update your social media page let them know we are streaming live right now around the world they can become a part of our worship experience all that is required of them is to go to our new birth org or they can follow us on our Facebook new birth Atlanta page and they'll be able to worship with us give God a hand clap of praise for what God is gonna do [Applause] [Music] a change a change has come over me [Music] [Music] he washed away he's made me poor [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] to do I [Applause] [Applause] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow turn the phone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] it's [Music] Oh Hey Oh [Music] bless the Lord do stand to your feet [Music] make your way to Daniel chapter 3 [Music] Daniel chapter three yard then toiling in this chapter all week long Daniel three verses four through six spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me not my will but your will be done amen Daniel chapter 3 verses 4 through 6 quar you all done an amazing job all day today thank you amazing job then The Herald that loudly proclaimed nations and people of every language this is what you are commanded to do as soon as you hear the sound of the horn the flute the zither Lear harp pipe and all kinds of music he must fall down and worship the image of cold the King Nebuchadnezzar has set up whoever does not fall down and worship Him will mediately be thrown into a blazing furnace you may be seated then The Herald loudly proclaimed nations and people of every language this is what you are commanded to do soon as you hear the sound of the horn flute zither Lear harp pipe and all kinds of music you must fall down and worship the image of gold the King Nebuchadnezzar set up whoever doesn't fall down and worship will immediately be thrown in the furnace I want to preach with your prayers but with God's presence using as a subject that don't move me and don't move me look at a person beside you tell them I'm tripping over there look back at him and tell me don't even move me it's apparent that America is unwaveringly enamored with firearms the craziness of Columbine Congress still couldn't reach a conclusion and after the insanity at Sandy Hook the Senate were still left unshaken at the very least there should have been a groundswell when congresswoman Gabriel Clifford was conducting a community forum in the parking lot of Safeway supermarket on January 8th 2011 when she and 18 others were maliciously shot the fiery representative Arizona was shot through the head at point-blank range yielding her in critical condition the bullet bristled her brain leaving her with loss of the ability to understand or express speech he was tearful he believed that she would never be able to talk again the neurologists on assignment elected to attempt unconventional treatment that included melodic intonation therapy melodic intonation therapy was discovered in 1973 by researchers that discovered here this that speech and singing are stored on two different parts of the brain a part of the power of music helps you to understand through your right brain the power of speech is on your left brain the power of music helps you to sing what you cannot say speech on the left side of the brain deals with that which is rational and that which is concrete and that which can be understood singing on the right side of the brain is dealing with your creative side so music was implemented to help the congresswoman hear this retrain her brain to open up pathways they gave access to language so the neurologists had to use music to shift that which was on her right side to her left side it was the song it was the melody it was the harmony that changed her mind the enemy is against you singing in worship because singing helps you operate in a place that your logical mind cannot understand is the language of our foreparents ancestors that declared forthrightly over my head I hear music in the air sitting and watching Harriet we understood that when she gave the song swing low swing Chariot coming for to carry me home it was in fact a message to those who only thinking out of their left boring there's time for you to make an escape and it's time for you to shift dr. Elena Mendez and her informative book the power of music uncovers that because we live in a very visual society we're more aware of what we see as opposed to what we hear a true fact of the matter is that the ear has an advantage over the eye because your ear has been working longer than your eyes have an infant while still in the womb can't see anything until it comes out their eyes here it is have limited control the eyes have control and authority that the ears don't have so if somebody comes in the room and you don't want to see them all you got to do is close your eyes and look away but if somebody comes in the room and they start talking even if you cover your ears you're still gonna be able to hear them why because sound penetrates the body the auditory system of a fetus is in full operation between the 17th and 19th weeks so while you are still in your mother's womb you can hear sound you can hear breath you can hear heartbeat you can hear rhythm you can hear vibration which helps us to understand what happened when the Virgin Mary was expecting and went to her cousin Elizabeth's house she knocked on the door and express expressed greeting and when she did that baby John started leaping in her womb he couldn't see Jesus he just heard that he was coming you have to understand that there was a different level of maturity to some of us when you see your shell sometimes when you see me shout it's not predicated on anything I've seen I'm giving God glory because I hear something coming I don't know how you feel about it but I believe down in my soul that what is coming for you in 2020 is gonna far exceed what you presently have in 2019 some of y'all didn't shout because you didn't hear me but those of you your soul responded I feel something coming I can't see it yet but it makes sense why because I walk by faith and not by sight how many of you are in this room and you have learned how to trust God even when he hadn't shown you any evidence but based off of what you heard God say you believe things are getting ready to turn for you the book daringly proclaims the book the power of music it proclaims daringly that music stimulates more parts of the brain than any other human function which is why music potentially has power to change the brain and how the mind works a 2014 study showed that listening to music reduced pain listening to music alleviate stress listening to music boost memory listening to music increases your function of mobility Tamas ever so gently would you just play softly for me breathe on me breath of God there's something about the sound of music that causes a reaction in the body that you no longer have authority over in it amazing that the Angels only have one job is to circle around the throne and to sing his praises amazingly no words are necessary but the power of the music will shift something in the brain to tell the brain you are no longer sick you just miss what I just said the power of music has such authority that whatever arthritis is in your body whatever pains is in your joint whatever inconvenience is in your molecular structure will begin the line up not because of your words but because of the authority of the sound of music you don't even know even in this moment that somebody's about to be healed nobody is laying hands on them nobody has got to prophesy to him nobody has got to make them try to fall down but the authority that is rested in music just something to overwhelm the thought process of your physiological comportment now darling Taylor counters by arguing that while there are many mental and physical benefits to music there are also some determines for instance sound vibrations acting upon and through the nervous system give shock in rhythmical sequence to the muscles which causes muscles to contract involuntarily because of the sound of music it'll make the hand move it'll make a leg move here to make feet beginning to go in motion not because you told it to but because it begins to respond to the music on account of their automatic muscular reaction many people make movement just from hearing music you know don't believe it band I want you y'all did you're thank you would you just play right what just place shout music right there just blows shouting music birthday play it like you in church look why wasn't singing I wasn't Halloween but it was something your body that begin to move and then when it stopped you felt disrupted it ceased and right while your body was right on edge are you trying to figure out do I clap now do I pet my feet now your body was starting to get in alignment with the music without you giving it a thority to do it now if my body responds naturally physiologically to music while we were in praise in worship while we are in praise and worship and you don't move if we are giving God glory and you don't move that means you have made a conscious decision I am NOT gonna give God glory naturally you want to praise him but you stopped yourself from doing it because you talked yourself out of it saying I'm too cute for this I'm too dignified for this this is too ignorant it's ain't what I do I ain't gonna sweat out my hair y'all ain't saying I ain't gonna make my mascara fall I'm I'm not gonna get a run in my stockings why because I stopped myself from giving God glory see a real worshiper understands that when I am in the presence of worship III don't need nobody to tell me to do it my body will begin to respond by yourself all I gotta do is when I think of the goodness of Jesus and oh he's done for me what happens my soul so when we are in intense worship and there's somebody next to you who's trying to look mean and evil and cantankerous and won't turn to their neighbor won't clap won't shout don't worry about it they are making a conscious decision that God is not worthy of it but it's about 5,000 y'all who understand he been better than me then I've been to myself and can I tell you this a real worship but don't have to be in church you can meet me in the mall it's going down you you can meet me in the gas station you're still going down the question there if music has that level of authority be seated I'm coming if music has that level of authority I cannot help but to wonder how the Lord made the decision to elect Lucifer minister music music has that kind of physiological impact on my movement and in my function and in my thinking why would God give Lucifer that job now because God is omniscient and he knows everything then he had to know that Lucifer was gone betrayal but he didn't give the job just for Lucifer alone he gave that job to see which of the Angels in the Legion would shift their position yeah y'all are missing it see sometimes you gotta watch how people move okay some people will only stick with you while you on top hopper when you struggling they start easing their way away from you y'all y'all ain't saying that back there none of them want you now so you gotta see how people move because people will move against you when they don't even know you I bet they'll move against you based off of what they heard other people say about you but they'll move away from you you ain't done nothin to them but they don't want to be around people while they're down y'all I ain't sayin nothin but God said you better watch the people that move around you while you are in worship how you please take a good look and see who don't worship while they are in church those are not the people for you to sit next to next Sunday you gotta sit around some folk that understand this the praise section if you want to look like prune juice go sit somewhere else but as for this section praise is what we do we see that place watch how people move hallelu you win when they don't think you had when they don't think you got it when they think you have fallen off the age of music that we in now is away from records is away from CDs is almost now completely streaming but those of us they grew up listening to vinyl records you know that their years there is a space in between the Psalms that is a silence but it is also a prelude of the song that is coming and in between songs on a vinyl record it is called the ghost egg it's called ghosting watch this because it fades out the previous song and it introduces the next song it is what happens in between the song that is so important I'm excited I'm excited that the Google search for Christianity has gone up by 21% in the last three weeks because of the entrance of Kanye West's new record Jesus is king I'm grateful that whole new millennial generation is now proclaiming and professing Jesus is king I'm excited that those who have never come to church I'm now thinking that maybe this is a religion and a faith that I can practice it is absolutely without any controversy or comparison that Kanye West is a gifted lyricists my problem is in between the songs [Applause] then on the album the album is hot it's good it's in between the songs like I can't rest I can't rest with Kanye's saying slavery was an option it's in between the song said he says that black people should vote Republican because that's the group that kept us free I can't risk in between the songs when Kanye would endorse Donald Trump who has never done the thing for black people ha but say that this is the way that is going to give us our resources is in between the songs that he endorsed him and because he endorsed him Donald Trump thought he could come in Atlanta Georgia and nobody was gonna check him is in between the songs so in between coming to New Birth he left out of New Birth went to the Bahamas and when he went to the Bahamas didn't say anything to his orange friend about those who were struggling without housing without resources without access in between leaving at new birth went to Salt Lake City and said to a crowd of 98% white people that he is proud of sending with Donald Trump and is not gonna be bullied by anybody y'all ain't gonna like it but I'm gonna say it you have no other preacher I need y'all to so hot that y'all ain't got a preacher that's gonna bow down or sellout and I don't care who don't like it I'm not like their mother there's a poverty to what it is that we say we got to move away from these a handkerchief haired sellout black preachers who are just glad to sit with people in authority and glad to be in a camera and selling out the community at the exact same time I need you to know you got a No Limit soldiers standing in your pulpit and if nobody else don't stand on the Word of God if nobody else is gonna be uncompromising in their conviction as for me and my house we shall serve your real authority your real authority as a Christian is not how you shout and dance and celebrate with the music is playing but how do you give God glory in between the music see some of y'all can only shout when things are going well but that's that right there Thomas I'm give me show you what real praise does look like because real praises will shout in their living room real praises will shout in the shower real praises will shout on i-20 would you take 30 seconds right there and give God your best shot my god his shame Hey Hey hey you better not shout like that I'll need no choir I don't need no praise team I don't need no band keep in better to make then I ban be seated please I gonna mess with you but if this man can shout in a wheelchair and y'all sitting there with your arms folded what's wrong with you we see there please be seated right where you are nothing my time is almost up hallelujah please be seated finally I feel glory after this I need you to pull on your neighbor and say it's a shout trapped in you your best shout is around the corner how will you go shout when the doctor gives you good news how will you go shout me when you find out the bill is paid most how will you go shout when the door is open for your Shyam how will you go shout when your enemies become your footstool how're you gonna shine up when you get the best season of your life grab that neighbors hand and say neighbor I said I won't don't tell nobody but I'm gonna shout up in between the song shouter we see that please be seated please I'm almost finished be seated in Daniel chapter 3 and Daniel chapter 3 there's a president there's almost as vile and despicable as the one we got now [Applause] Daniel Chapter three Nebuchadnezzar a Rex a god that looks like him that's made out of gold and he thinks that ignorant believers are gonna start worshipping it when the gold God never healed anybody never delivered anybody never never said anybody free him anybody know God that we serve as a healer yes yes a deliverer is a way make up the amazing thing is that he knew that the gold God by itself was not enough so watch with this despotic dictator does he said there's no way I can make oppressed people bow down I'm in Daniel chapter 3 so the only way I can get the whole nation whole generation of bow down is I gotta find in the country the best musician oh god y'all don't like me said if I get the best musician and he just drop a beat on them that they are gonna be so overwhelmed about the sound that they will miss the substance how y'all ain't saying nothin to mean we we got a mature as believers that we ain't just moving off for anything but we got a make up in our minds with confirmation I am NOT going to be moved so all of your years in sunday-schools all the years of Vacation Bible School you've heard about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego heard about King Nebuchadnezzar but nobody ever executed the musicians what kind of musician did the president have to hire yeah y'all ain't sayin nothin to me what kind of musician did he have to hire that he knew when they heard that sound they were gone back yo yo y'all y'all gotta be careful I'm not questioning nobody's faith nobody salvation I'm questioning your motives hallelujah because the Jesus that I serve doesn't want me incarcerated he wants me liberated and if you don't speak truth to power you ain't doing nothing but representing a slave religion you gotta speak something that represents the masses being liberated said listen I'm gonna bring the top producers in who know how to mix it on the board and I'm not going watch the mind of Nebuchadnezzar I'm not going after the older generation because they're too seasoned and mature and disciplined and have discernment so let me get young people while they're impressionable y'all don't got quiet the old Saint y'all better back me up right through here so let me get a musician that has name recognition let me get a musician y'all ain't say nothing that identifies with my wife as a former porn star let me go get a musician that is recognizable he gets he gets the best musician y'all made I don't care I never scared y'all ain't saying nothin to me he gets the best musician that is known to that generation of oppressed young people and says when you hear my sound act like white evangelicals who will ignore my policies and still lift me up as a president y'all he said get a musician that will line up with paula white give me a musician that will act like black lives don't matter get me a musician gets the musician and everybody starts bowing down they all stop bowing down a nickel roomful of Negroes go to a hotel in Atlanta and stop bowing down god help me but I told you when you hear music your body responds unless you make a mental decision I am NOT gonna bow down to what I hear and Shadrach said to me shut it don't matter what it sounds like I am NOT gonna this can be for the nine nine to the two thousand but I am a compound noun so what I hear because I serve our God who is able to keep me from falling and to present me faultless I need you to look at your neighbor and say neighbor no matter what you hear you can't bow that the doctor can say you got cancer but don't bow now the judge can say your son will never get out of jail but don't bow - the bank can say you don't qualify for the house the first thing you thought you would be with forever will walk out of your life for somebody who ain't work for dad but don't pout [Applause] shadow it looked at me shake me shed looked at of indigo and say you don't matter how much the music sounds we are not going out 1/2 look at your neighbor and say neighbor this is not the season for you to compromise your faith this is not the season for you to be intimidated by people this is not the season take hear other people's threats if God be for me who can be against me I can't find nobody here it's old school Sunday I gotta say something to somebody this generation knows how to play wheesh they know how to play Nintendo the previous generation knew how to play Atari but I my eighties babies where I grew up outside and when I grew up outside we didn't have no video game but we played something in the backyard call red light green light so that when there's a red light you gotta stop where you are but when there's a green light up you can go as far as you can I came to tell Newport no green light is all Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lift up that ham you're not gonna be moved by what you hear this week you're not gonna be moved by what other people say [Applause] I'm not even moved by who's sitting in the White House I serve a god that's over him I can't hear nobody in here you don't matter what you said about me it is not gonna move Who I am I want you to lift up that hand I want to pray for you don't let it move you did you hear what I just said don't let it move you they said it was gonna take seven years for you to get your credit back don't listen to that God can do it in one night I can't hear nobody in here but fire y'all you are the shelter like he taking stuff off your credit report don't let him move [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna pray for you I'm gonna silence I'm gonna silence the voices in your head they keep trying to talk you out of your destiny if you trying to talk you out of your assignment talk you out of your greatness talk you out of your purpose talk you out of your next move I came to tell Sain I gonna move to it there's something different on my life different kind of call on my life the enemy wouldn't be trying to talk to me if I went on the road to greatness but I've come too far to make a u-turn I can't hear nobody out I gotta finish this thing out I pray over every lifted hand I pray over every lifted hand [Music] that God will do something for you that were silenced the voices they don't want to see you become great pray that God will silence the voices hear me that sometimes come from family members whether God will silence the voices of would-be professionals they got no idea what God's working on your behalf God has gone silence the voices so that you're able to go to the next level when nobody in your family has ever been able to go silence the voices I want to say to 12 of you you are not gonna die by yourself you're not gonna spend the rest of your life alone I can't hear nobody silence the voices [Music] the whole world ain't against you the world don't know you yet but 20/20 is gonna be your coming-out party everything that you were born to do you will not die until it is accomplished and those of you who will not be moved about the circumstances of life will you give God your best shelter Thanksgiving right now give God your best shot [Music] I'm gonna know where you are in this room I don't know where you're on this room but I'm gonna be your pastor and I want this to be your church is throwback Sunday and maybe we got to go back to when our pastors weren't intimidated y'all ain't saying nothing when our pastors were not trying to be a part of the system but have faith enough to challenge the system this throwback Sunday maybe God is bringing you back to the body of Christ called church because you can't be on the sidelines when he's calling you to be on the front line wherever you are in this place I want you to come meet me at this altar police you're saying pastor today i'ma join this church today past summer give my life over to God I want you to come meet me right here please come [Music] listen this is the kind of Minister you need is the kind of ministry you've been waiting on this the kind of church where you know that God can develop you and throw you and strengthen you [Music] come on I need you to give God glory for family's coming now for couples coming right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where it is that you are listen to me there's a harvesters committee to come I need you where it is that you are would you find three people who you don't know three people you don't recognize I want you to walk right up on them you are not gonna be intimidated by them trying to avoid eye contact come on clap your hands for this beautiful family coming right now [Applause] [Music] hallelujah there's still five more of you that need to come amazingly you have topped and nobody on your oh come on would you give God glory as they come my soul is doing somersaults right now [Applause] [Music] Oh Lester Loren how they knew you listen listen to me we committed a goal if you'll indulge me please if you're physically able I need you to stand you're physically able I need you to stand would you clap your hands here they come [Applause] come on clap your hand see their color [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's his name three more of you where it is that you are you holding up the whole service those of you who are viewing us online it doesn't matter where it is that you live you can still be a part of this move of God you can be in Kentucky you can be in Kansas you can be in California how much still want you to be a part of this move of God wherever it is that you are I need you to please come come on come while you still have time [Music] this is a church does not gonna be silent in the face of your circumstance a church that has not lost its prophetic force give God some praise here they come [Music] this is named for stretch your right hand to faith do me a favor clap your hands they're still coming [Music] stretch it right hand of fate if you here today I need you to come you're in this place I need you to come please please sir please ma'am whoever it is that you are I need you to come stretch it right hand of faith would be enough to meet you in the right place at the right time Joan in the right Church Cerveny only gone and I know that's right if you're known right come on would you give God some praise [Applause] Esther do a cheer for our brothers and sisters they came as friends they're leaving as family would you follow us this way please Newberg give God some glory form you may be seated in the presence of the Lord you may be seen in the presence of the Lord how many of you glad you came the church today glad you came to church today how many of you were blessed by being in worship today you look less a couple of things before it is that we leave we are grateful how many of you remember what we did over our resurrection season we are we did something phenomenal uncanny and incredible is that we went throughout this region are paying the bail of nonviolent offenders to get out of jail for Resurrection Sunday come on give God the handclaps of praise for what God helped us to do I'm gonna say this if I can evany magazine which is the nation's largest oldest and most venerable of publication 2020 they turned 75 years of age we thank God for the vision of John Johnson come on give God a hand clever prose evany magazine flew to Atlanta on last week they're based out of Chicago Illinois they flew to Atlanta on last week to meet with your pastor and to come talk with us that they want new birth to be their partner church for Ebony magazine [Music] the first time in 75 years they have ever had a partner church is their part in the church and they came to me with an idea that has absolutely blown me away evany magazine and the Bell look project of the Bell project they came to me and asked would we partner with them and doing it and I told them overwhelmingly yes that we only have five weeks to get it done and we're gonna do it by the glory of God every magazine in the Bale project and New Birth Missionary Baptist Church is going to get one thousand one thousand people out of jail by Christmas [Music] y'all a shout good come on one thousand all over the country we're going to be mobilizing to make this happen you've got friends and family members around the country please tell them to go to our new website it is live and now home by the holidays dot-com home by the holidays calm were indifferent to do that we've got to partners and friends who every dollar dime that we collect they're going to match that in order for it to happen and for it to have a soaring success I'm excited about it that we are now going to be the blueprint for churches around the country who are going to come here there's two new birth for training on how to get it done the other got cried that they're doing it primarily online but I wanted to challenge you on this day and our dear friends of who are viewing around the world I want us to begin on this day those of you that can get a a sacrificial seed I'm mindful that you've already given your tithe today I know you've already given your offering I know you're rearing up for Christmas but I need those of you who will partner with us in this initiative for a thousand men and women to be home for the holidays I want you to get a significant seed in your hand as soon as you do it would you just come I'll bring it to the altar help us deacons where are you thank you as that you'll please put it over on that side for me thank you I appreciate soon as you get that seed would you please uh bring it to the altar as quickly as you possibly can those of you who are watching online you can give directly to home about the holidays dot-com or you can give directly here in our church and we'll make sure that it happens I am excited about what God is going to use us to do as a lamp light into the community can you imagine 1,000 families are being impacted and empowered because of your sacrifice and because of what it is that we're doing you never know what God is going to do when you start blessing other people over Resurrection Sunday we were able to help one hundred I get out and now before the year is over God is giving an increase from one hundred to one thousand I'm telling you this what's gonna happen in your life can you imagine whatever it is that you do on this day that God give you a one hundred percent increase over that what you make happen for other people God or make happen for you the reality is all of our families one way or another all of our families have been impacted by the Prison Pipeline all of our families have been impacted by the prison industrial complex all of our families have seen what it does when the scales of injustice are away from the favour of our community and so I want you to get that seed in your hand I want you to get that gift in your hand watch what God does when we come together [Music] come on clap your hands for every gift and ever given [Music] I'm thankful for you while there you're coming might I remind you of the assistant DA B people's will be in the back she's got product and she wants to meet and greet and hug all of you please I want her to leave off of our campus empty-handed by way of reminder don't forget our deacons are outside today we've got fish dinner amen chicken dinner amen today is officially cheat day eat right tomorrow amen that's the Lord let me remind you please that you're gonna bring your coats on Tuesday and on Sunday Tuesday is our one-night revival we're best to tell us Chapman I need all of you here I want you to bring all of your friends all of your family members all your co-workers all of your neighbors invite the people you know don't like you they need a breakthrough amen invite them to church amen I'm so thankful you're making your pastor's heart happy glad thank you [Music] bless the Lord bless the Lord I'm telling him the Bible says give and it again come back to you press down shaken together and running over thank you for exercising your discipline thank you for being mindful in maturity that your blessing is in the benediction we don't leave until we get that benediction together bless you bless the Lord thank you sir thank you ma'am clap your hands for every person who was given every person who was shared asset every person would stand to your feet every person stand to your feet thank you thank you stretch your right hand to faith towards this receptacle god we pray that you will bless every brother sister husband wife son daughter who is incarcerated I pray that even while they're in their cell right now that they will have a visitation from one of your angelic horse-and-carriage their hearts please don't let them get weary in well-doing I pray that you'll open the door for a thousand and then a thousand more in Jesus name Amen bless the locum on clap your hands if you will every person is standing every person is standing if nobody told you please know your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I want to see you get everything that God has for your life would you clap your hands again for our guests Alma sister daughter come on y'all lay clapping good would you clap your hands for our choir y'all turned it all the way up help me salute again brother Jonathan for his birthday today I've not done so softly musicians I've not done so allow me to do it today his wife is here and his daughter wave your hand lady Chris come on raise your hand goddaughter please come on welcome them give God a hand clap of praise bless the Lord as we leave this place but never from God's presence would you lift up your hands if nobody told you today please know your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day lift up that hand as high as you can is throwback Sunday he didn't brought me to James Brown cake a menace let's go thank you I'm asleep in this tonight now I make him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the throne of grace may God rest rule in a bad with each and every one of you he is fourth now and forevermore and all the blessed people of God said amen don't forget to go by our bookstore and get the book Church the blessing of being misunderstood have a great day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 6,409
Rating: 4.8423643 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, throwback, moved
Id: bKEJxsFqjUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 23sec (5963 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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