Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, You Have To Stand Out To Be Outstanding - December 10th, 2017

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[Music] liyan Matthew chapter 14 Matthew chapter 14 [Music] some critical points and principles I'm going to give you on today particularly to those of you who are parents and grandparents after it is that you're seated from the Word of God I need you to please go to where it is that you can take notes there are some things that I want to share with you in terms and in relationship to your parenting that I think is going to be beneficial and helpful for you how long after this worship encounter would have concluded Matthew chapter 14 would you go there Matthew 14 verses 21 through 25 once you've found it won't you declare I have it if you can't find it say lord help me O Lord all right Matthew 14 21 through 25 the number of those who ate was about 5,000 men besides women and children immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side while he dismissed the crowd after he dismissed them he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray later that night he was there alone and the boat was already a considerable distance from land buffeted from the winds and the waves and shortly after dawn Jesus went out to them walking on the water you may be seated I want to preach for a little while today I want you to write this down I want you to tweet it it's gonna help you I promise you it is the name of this message is you have to stand out to be outstanding would you write that down please you have to stand out to be outstanding I want you to look at the person beside you and just look them dead and I tell them you gotta stand out if you're gonna be outstanding my dear friends what ought to be on the shells of every struggling frustrated parent is Xena Smith plows mine Bowen blowing book entitled the strategy of the Jewish mother would you write that down please the strategy of the Jewish mother the research conducted by the sociologists shows a different approach to the child-rearing dynamic of Jewish mothers as opposed to Gentile mothers the basic thesis is to grow the child's ego so that they can feel competent in any environment knowing that they are in a world that is anti-semitic so they prepare their children to think that they are powerful knowing they are in a world that doesn't want them to succeed this uncanny confidence has evidence of success in both the classroom and careers one striking contrast is that Jewish mothers apply little to no pressure on their offspring to control their feelings they don't mind if their children have tantrums as long as it doesn't include physical aggression I know what I'm saying to you is counter culture to the black experience but stay with me it is their belief that if you raise your children a be subservient then they will shy away from being radical we instill the principle of never talking back or standing up for yourself unless it's to one of your peers who in actuality is just as powerless as them so for 18 years I've conditioned my child to just agree with what I say to always watch this acquiesce to my demand with no question have I equip them to adequately stand up for themselves in a boardroom will they then alert when a boss is out of order when a supervisor has crossed the line because we've trained them to go along to get along the author observe volatile exchanges in the fight in the Jewish family dynamic instead of a spanking there should be reasoning you all stay with me I know you flinch in stay with me I grew up old-school I had to go pick a branch I had to go pick a belt the only and if that one was too flimsy the bishop would go choose it you only say enough that you have to operate here it is with negotiating verbal admonition if it goes out of hand then the highest rebuke is the spanking after you begin the negotiation but as quickly as it escalates is as fast as it's your de-escalate because your child has to be equipped to handle conflict without getting in their feelings this is heavy right through here later in life while sitting in business meetings and wrangling over legal issues which is an obvious split in interests if your child has been reared and raised to handle watch this a difference of opinion then their feelings won't be hurt because they understand it's business it's only black people they get stressed out because we confuse co-workers for friends they have they are not there to be your friend and if you disagree with me I'm not gonna lose my mind I'm not gonna lose sleep and I'm not gonna be crying in my car cuz y'all didn't invite me to lunch because I'm not here for social gathering I'm here to get my check and to get the skill set I need before I launch my own business the Jews therefore practice being emotionally detached from the emotional roller coasters of business can I do battles in business without having anxiety hangovers you keep taking work home because you don't know how to separate so the entire time after you get home everybody in your family knows all of the names and the character traits of the people that you work with because you so stressed and angry about what it is that they've done not realizing that you are not there to build relationship you are there to get the job done but the way that we are raised we put relationship over business y'all stay with me but that is in a liability when you are working with people who are not interested in your relationship so because they don't like you you can't function god I can't hear nobody because you ain't in the clique you can't perform you can't produce you looking for a transfer and you've made them run you out out of your assignment because you they are looking for friends even in the eighties a survey of college students found that Jewish students have more self-confidence than any other ethnicity on the campus Jewish students rate themselves above average in academic ability they rate themselves above average in leadership ability they rate themselves ain't a mother SAT I'm not too about any Maryland diagnostic tests they rate themselves above average in originality they rate themselves what's this in popularity with the opposite sex Jewish parents actually minimize I need y'all to write this down Jewish parents minimize peer interaction they minimize peer interaction because they believe family is your primary socialization agency you are supposed to learn about relationship from family not from friends in our community we train our children to be independent too early because it really just becomes what's this more dependent on peers and less dependent on parents so the friends have more value and more voice in your child's life because you have given them an early release before they have the maturity to handle it so they are now listening to people who do not share your values do not share your expectation and can I Gorge there further do not share your God in the old school when you were going out why says you had to add your parents at you a couple of question whose people are they y'all ain't saying nothing to me where do they work what do they do where do they go to church now you're 15 you're walking out the house dumb by I be back and they ain't even got a job because you so quick to want to be free that you forgot you are releasing your child to a flame Jewish parents put the expectation on their children because of my sacrifice because of my work ethic because of what I provide for you you pay me back with success god I can't hear nobody I need every parent in this room by faith to shout out loud I expect come on say it again I expect my children to pay me back with success do y'all hear what I just said I expect every child I raise to come back as a success I labor too hard I gave up too much I pay too many bills I made too many sacrifice for you to be average I expect not one of my children but all of my children to be a success some of you all have lowered the standard of expectation for your children but I break the demon called average and mediocrity and status quo let the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob anoint your children for success when I found most interesting is that the difference and this convicted me it convicted me it convicted me the difference from the sanctuary in the synagogue is how we approach our ultra the difference between how children are handled in the synagogue and how they're handled in the sanctuary is completely different pastor how at the age of 13 at the age of 13 in the Jewish synagogue young men go through the Bar Mitzvah young ladies go through the Bat Mitzvah and the adolescence what's this at 13 are singled out to read from Sacred Scripture and at 13 lead worship God y'all not saying nothin to me the family holds a reception in honor of the accomplishment and to give a complete celebration not because of what they did in sports they have their largest celebration was is not because of Honor Roll but they are awarded because they can lead worship that you are not considered an adult until you can get your nerves together and you can read in front of the church what God says in the holy book in the black church we have all the youth stand together god help me in here we have them stand together they all in uniform all reciting the same poem all singing the same song because the black church subliminally reinforces assimilation and not individuality so corporate worship is a cotton field god help me because all of us gotta be doing the exact same thing and if you have individuality thing you are castigated because you ain't supposed to be different God y'all don't like this in here I'm gonna say 250 of you maybe as for those y'all watching online maybe for those of y'all streaming many for those of you on television Krish the energy is not about conformity Christianity is about your own individuality and the church is becoming a colonist it's becoming a colony because we beat you down if you got your own dress style we beat you down if you don't shout like everybody else we beat you down if you don't know the same scripture but God does not believe in cloning she said when I made you I made you feel fully and wonderfully made so the mess of your Christianity is not I gotta talk like pastor not like I gotta pray like some baby yo woman because my testimony ain't her testimony so when I get into the presence of God I gotta be me and if you are that's your issue and not my issue but God ordained me to be me and so we only allow our children to participate in worship on a fifth Sunday Oh Youth Day god I can't hear nobody second Sunday in June scholarship Sunday we'll put them up but we say in the Jewish synagogue you think you adult lead worship God you think you crowd I given you no key I'm giving you nope I'm giving you no computer I'm not buying you know John's until you can lead worship cause something is wrong I gotta say something right through here and you got the church this morning many of us don't even know your path just you leave your kids at home and give them the option as to whether they go worship God I need you to set a precedent in your house and ask for me and my entire house we shall serve the Lord if I do not find the value in my individuality corporate worship leads me to work for corporation give it to you again corporate worship leads me to work for corporation because if everything I do is corporate how will I know entrepreneurship so I can only worship God when everybody else is doing it if I worship God in the choir singing you think I'm off if I open up my mouth why everybody else is quiet you trying to figure out if I'm special [Music] god I can't hear no matter but God said when you worship don't you let nobody put no circle around you I don't need nobody rubbing alright let me just give God when I feel like it cuz some of y'all only shouting God because of what the class say I'm praising God cuz I remember first about to lose it all where is my individuality in terms of economics and business the incubator of entrepreneurship is having enough confidence I can do it by myself hallelujah I'm gonna do it even if I don't have the support I'm gonna do it even if everybody else isn't doing it i'ma do it even if it is unpopular i'ma do it watch this because this is what God has put on my life I know that everybody ain't gonna understand it but everybody ain't great hallelujah but I gotta stand out because I'm outstanding would you look at the person beside you tell him I've been different my whole life hallelujah I got a lot of so sheĆ­s but I don't have a lot of friends there's only a few people that really get me only a couple people really understand because I think outside of the box outside of the line to my home music I March to a different jump reader because I'm comfortable being me John chapter two John chapter two there's a wedding going on in Cana and at the reception they run out of wine this is crazy it's gonna make you watch this re-evaluate how you look at sacred scripture in John chapter two what since they run out of wine y'all know the story they in Cana they run out of wine and Jesus is there with his newly recruited disciples who all of whom have law have walked away from secure occupations schemer a blow your mind on Cynthia when you look at it it's gonna blow your mind that of the disciples that Jesus chose all of them have more education than him god help me y'all yet this can may blow your mind all of them come from a higher lofty or pedigree than him so marriage at the wit at the wedding feast is meeting Jesus's disciples for the very first time she meet him at the very first time and sees her son is hanging out with lawyers and doctors and accountants and tax collectors and she needs to let these other guys know my son is not a slouch god help me don't get it twisted just because we come from a blue-collar family and his daddy is a carpenter don't think that my son can't get in the ring with y'all so she said Jesus they don't run out of wine and said mama please don't do this now is showing that dynamic of a child argue and witness mama y'all ain't saying nothing this ain't my business and the mother ignores him and says whatever she tells you to do get ready to do it because the Jewish mother is pulling something out of Jesus that he ain't even ready to expose you see when you are a parent part of your responsibility is to provoke the gift in your child even when they don't feel like operating an egg yeah I know you tired I know you don't feel like it but I demand the spirit of excellence to come out of you me and your father put too much in you for you to hatch and insecure and in had a quitter yourself together and turn this water into wine I speak not even to you I speak over your children that whatever their gifts this God is getting ready to pull it out Simon here God is not gonna let it rest on me I don't care who they hanging with God said if you shout i'ma make your child the smartest in their circle the brightest in their class suppose relevant in that school and Jesus because of the prompting of his mother say gather all the water pots and put water in it she was saying Mary was I know you can do this all you needed was a push hello Jesus I'm not gonna let you just be no teacher signs and wonders are in you I just had to push it out of you all you needed was one push and then whenever you do a miracle I won't have to be there god help me in here I feel like some of you don't even know that next year your child is gonna surprise you that what it is that God is anointing them to do have not seen ears have not heard Thank You summer y'all can only shout over cars and money and trolls but for the small remnant in the room I fancy on the thing I pray God fail man yes hallelujah whatever it is that they were born to do I need you to show it to that teacher I need you to show it to that specialist I need you to show it to the judge there's a gift in em that's gotta be unlocked in Matthew chapter 14 as we now ease into our text 5,000 people have been listening to Jesus and they've been listening to him all day and night is slowly creeping in and the disciples are professionals but not polished I don't ever want you to be intimidated because people have degrees their degrees will not up measure your faith god I can't hear nobody some of you are the brunt of satanic attacks on your job because people can't understand how it is that you're able to think in such a capacity without the training but they don't understand my relationship with God is of such that he gives me insight and understanding and know-how and wherewithal in areas that I can fight up against the person that came out of Harvard Business School because they don't have the oil hair they couldn't see it and they said master send them away send him away he's getting dog but Jesus insisted on feeding them and asked them what do you have for these 5,000 the lawyer got nothing the doctor got nothing the accountant got nothing even the fishermen got nothing but they find a little Jewish boy god help me who whose mother raised him to believe if if you gonna be outstanding you gonna have to stand out so while they're looking for people with degrees and background and pedigree here comes a little thirteen-year-old boy since I know who God is maybe y'all don't really take any value our stock in me but I just read scripture in church Sunday so I may not look like much to you but I know the god of my salvation and I'm praying for y'all some of y'all are just praying for your children to have occupational success intangible experiences that I pray that God is going to anoint your children with holy boldness your children will know how to pray for themselves and know how to seek out scripture by themselves and know how to be a living testimony in your absence and this little boy raised by a Jewish mother says all I got is two fish and five loaves of bread and I am going to outdo twelve grown men because the anointing on me is so heavy and what is going to make me outstanding is I'm going to give what nobody else has what makes me outstanding is my offering now our friend is making the difference it don't look like much to you but what it is that I give the master has enough to change the five thousand lives hallelujah I don't know where you are in this room but do you not know I ain't even talking to each drop as I'm just talking to tithers right now God says little becomes much win when you place it in my hands I I don't know where you are but I'm talking the world changes and history make us get the greatest asset you've had in your life if people keep under estimating you and they don't even understand that when God tells me and you can't count me out and because you counted me out this evidence you can't do math in that same passage Matthew chapter 14 Jesus makes the disciples go out into a boat and go to the other side and says y'all get on the boat I'm going on the mountain to pray to be outstanding you can't be afraid to be alone [Applause] I'm only talking to 30 of you right through here because you are outstanding what's this you do not have to be validated by company I need a minute by myself and that don't mean I'm depressed I'm not mad yeah I'm not going through nothing but because I'm outstanding I gotta spend quality time with me and not just do I need to spend quality time with me I need to talk to God and this is for those of us that don't require a prayer partner god I can't hear nobody that I know how to pray to God by myself because they've been seasons where it was just me and him and I wish there were just 50 of you in this room that can give acknowledgement pastor 2017 been one of the loneliest seasons of my life but can I be honest is that even while I was alone here's your shout I won long leash he is that even while I was alone I wasn't desperate even while I was alone I felt his presence and so I'm grateful that he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I am his own she said I'll just around five thousand I got 12 people hanging with me but I need a time just for me and God hallelujah feel this glory coming hallelujah some sometimes you can get so comfortable being around people did you forget that you still require your devotion hallelujah you gotta carve out some time for yourself hallelujah where God just wants it to just be me and him he's tired are you always dragging in the third wheel K he wanna know can I just date you why you got always bring your friend win when you talk to me can I just hear your voice so I can say something to you just before daybreak Jesus realizes that and now that my assignment is concluded employer hear this now I can go to other people I cannot be with other people find somebody write this down you can't be with other people if you don't know how to be with you people who don't know how to be by themselves become stalkers somebody should just be thrown an offering right now people who don't know how to be by themselves become Star Trek Klingons they don't know how to be themselves they become altogether too needy and for the first time since they were called they are separated from him for the first time since they are called they're separated from pastor what do you say to me I'm saying to you that even with a call on your life even while you carry the anointing you really don't know who you are until you feel like God ain't there god I'm talking to some real people right through here I'm talking to those of you who have had to write try to maintain some level of spirituality even while you felt absence of presence is he still with me I need you to be honest right through here that there been some days where you were ill they had to question has God left me and this this really where God has me it is so counterculture to them to be absent from him that Jesus is walking towards them and they only recognize them they ask is this notice ladies and gentlemen I've been with him at this point for two years and they don't recognize them master why is it that they don't recognize them the reason I hope empower y'all to get this the reason why they don't recognize them is they never seen him in a storm they only saw him when things were going well but they're five hundred of y'all that just caught the revelation I look at God different because I've never seen him in a storm but just when I felt like I was losing it just when I thought I was gonna capsize just when I thought that everything was going downhill from me the swing guard starts walking towards me and I gotta be honest I God is that you God and I'm talking to 50 of you right now who are going through something in the question that keeps pouring out of your mouth God is that you I need to know is that you is to help people on that boat lawyers doctors fishermen and Peter has a light bulb go off this is my moment this is what my mama raised me for all of them got more degrees than me and they discount me because they from the suburbs and I'm from the hood they think I'm not spiritual cuz I cuz sometimes they don't ever let me get close to pastor cuz I carry your knife but at this life defining moment the rest of them just want to stay on the boat this is my moment to be outstanding master if that's you let me come to where you are god I wish I had some worshipers right through here and Jesus said you want to be outstanding step out of the ship and start walking towards me since I know the rest of the disciples gonna say it ain't safe it ain't time you shouldn't do it but hold the people heckling you are staying on the boat and none of them are gonna be outstanding but if you wanna be like me you gotta take a wrist step out there and say to yourself if God before me who can be against me I don't know where you are if not mother father forsake me God will lift me up and beter steps out of the boat and he starts walking and moment he starts walking the writer of Matthew stops writing what other people are saying because when I step everybody else is insignificant god I can't hear nobody this is the hour you don't have to operate with apostolic arrogance that I don't care what other people think because the people who talking about me never walk on water I can't hear nobody I don't care whether you believe in me or not God called me and the defining moment of this scripture ladies and gentleman that I am afraid that fear logs and exegetes and pastors before me have missed his Peter defies apostolic order pastor what do you mean by that Peter is the only one uncle Charles has messes me up Peter is the only one who wasn't called Peter I need y'all to get this was not called to the water he asks for it master if there shoe out there let me do this many of you have put God in a box and you ain't doing stuff cuz you don't think you called to it it don't matter do you wanna do it Gossett if this is what you are come on out here I'm gonna let you get into a position you ain't never been before but you're called to be outstanding my time is almost up I'm gonna go a different way than where I would or never let go I'm gonna ask every young person in this room is 12 or 13 or 14 12 13 14 I want you to come meet me in this pulpit please if you're in this room you're 12 you're 13 you're 14 I need you to come please come up in this pulpit right where you are hallelu come it come come on up here come on and the Jewish synagogue you ain't at the altar you up in the pulpit come on a little remedial please 12 13 14 you are anointed to be outstanding I can't hear me but I said you are anointed to be outstanding I need you to lift up your hands would you please lift up that hand lift up that hand right where it is that you are thank you I need you right where you are everybody in the church open up your mouth you are anointed to be outstanding come on you are anointed to be outstanding come on I can't hear you you are anointed to be outstanding you are anointed I can't hear anybody say it out loud you are anointed to be outstanding you are anointed to be outstanding y'all still not saying anything you are knowing it to be outstanding you are knowing it to be outstanding you are anointed to be outstanding y'all ain't saying nothing yet you are not in it to be outstanding I need you to lift up those hands empowerment please lift up those hands right where you are hallelujah come on sir please thank you lift up that hand right where you are I'm gonna hear the sound of worshipers bring me that other microphone come on please thank you you are anointed to be outstanding hallelujah you are fearfully you're wonderfully made there's something special come on come on sir hallelujah thank you give him that microphone please tell me your name yes how old are you 14 years old is there anything good you know about God tell me yes yes tell me why people should praise God please yes yes thank you come here please thank you hallelu you tell me your name please Kelsey how old are you 14 tell me what you love about God yes tell me why people should praise God please [Music] yes come on Lise come on thank you so much tell them your name please yes how old are you tell me why you love God yes tell me why people in church should pray zeal yes yes thank you would you lift up that hand empowerment my time is almost up even if you want to come introduce yourselves quickly I gonna make you do it anybody want to come come on come on thank you tell me your name please huh yes how old are you tell me what you love about God yes tell me why people should praise him please thank you can I just get one more to come I gotta go let me just get one more to come one more one more of you would you come on come on come on please tell me your name yes how old are you twelve tell me what you love about God yes tell me why people should praise Him [Music] thank you so much come on my last one I gotta go tell them your name please yes tell me what you love about God yes yes and tell me why the people in empowerment temple at 9:30 should be praising God yes yes would you lead worship with me please come on please that lifts up your hands every person to tell everybody would you to praise the Lord tell them to praise the Lord let everything that has breath repeat after me let everything that has breath praise the Lord come on let everything that has breath come on say it I'll not let everything that has breath praise the Lord come on let's praise him now come on let's lift him now bless magnify um now I wonder if I can please all of my ministers all of my ministers all of my ministers I need you at the bottom of these steps thank you when they come down in the Jewish synagogue they would have stepped into adulthood when they come down I just want you to embrace them I want you to encourage er how much it'll hug them let them know they they've come into another milestone in their life and even while they're doing it I want everybody in this room to begin praising God come on where are you David come on down thank you so very much empowerment come on clap your hands as they come come on so come on come on y'all they saying nothing open up your mouth come on open up your mouth you ain't sayin anything come on open up your mouth come on empowerment I can't hear anybody I need to know open up your mouth I need you to bless him I need you to magnify you I need you to give glory and honor unto God from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same our God is who are they come on is that all you got come on clap your hand real big clap your hand real me [Music] slap your hand real me you [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 28,258
Rating: 4.7967033 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Jamal H. Bryant
Id: 2m2Sav9OrM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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