I'm Tired of Biting My Tongue

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I know you've got not just in the pardon of our sins but in the power god of new glory father we bless you Lord on this morning bless the pastor God as he prepares the word for your people God we pray God that you move us out of our selves God that we might worship you freely that we might worship you in spirit that we might worship you in truth that we might bless you God we might give you glory we might give you honor we might give you Thanksgiving but God you are worthy of all praise worthy of all glory where they call you up so we push we honor you you'll discover to your glory walk with us God that we might know you we might know you in your majesty in all your beauty and God let us leave this place knowing you more than what we did [Music] save souls go deliver and set free bi what your over time our provider we bless you God we honor you and we blue I'll it's in the match the name of our Lord Jesus now come on say man again come on lift up your voice and say a man and so be it everything that he prayed so be it in our lives come on touch your friend that standing next to you and say my life is in the hands of the Lord come on confess that this morning tell him my life is in his hands I don't care what it looks like a feels like you're back to Dickens to all but because your life is in his hands you don't have to cast away your confidence for it has great recompense of the Lord or he will come on put your hands together like this [Music] I am your son come on and you are my father [Music] my sort and there is [Music] you just to pull [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] one more time [Music] one more time show when I'm in me come on you're my pro fighter and you're my hero failure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everything [Music] [Music] can you blow the kitchen [Music] [Music] come on and peace here everything lift up your voice and shout to the God who is your everything come on he's your healer he's your deliverer he's your toner he's the one that will give you up your sin every time we cut fat seeds faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness there's a new song that we want to teach you real quick come on Shawn hallelujah praise tea with you here we go it's a real simple song talks about eyes haven't seen Corinthians the second chapter verse verse number nine says eyes haven't seen nor ears heard the things that God has prepared but he's revealed two of them to us by his Spirit and the song is real simple we want you to catch it - the spirit goes like this I knees haven't seen you sing in the scripture when you sing this ears having the kind of blessings the kind of blessing that's about to fall now got it the second part goes like this victory is he kicked defeat out the door God's doing a new thing this is get ready for overflow y'all got it let's do it together now say I haven't seen yes the kind of the blessing the kind of blessings that's about to fall make that your confession this morning what it looks like the door [Music] something onion ready to see something I've never seen is that your confession say it again [Music] something I've never seen let's go back to the top Sean come on i-17 you got an apartment I haven't seen let's sing it together eyes haven't seen and ears haven't heard the time the Blessed say come on say it over your life come on over your marriage over your heart yeah come on and declare victory even if you're the midst of the storm saying defeat out the door says God's doing a new thing something I've never seen if you believe God can blow your mind come on say I'm gay [Music] that's it come on let that be your profession and profession of faith [Music] and then the last part goes like this one of the mr. role is a battlecry we got to lift it up together we go [Music] [Music] go department got voice what motion Oh come on what we're trying to get flavored with your boys Hey check your your back pocket you [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on but you lift up that hand would you give God a sound of Thanksgiving come on would you worship Him like you really believe it hallelujah while you're yet standing I want you to embrace three people around you and tell them I'm ready for overflow I'm ready for the flow come on I'm getting ready [Music] I'm getting ready come on hug somebody tell em get ready [Music] come on one more time up get ready [Music] [Applause] bless His name clap your hands if you're ready for it hallelujah I hope you're ready for overflow you may be seated in the presence of our God liturgical dancers Thank You music minister we appreciate you assuring us into the presence of our God how many of you know you are absolutely blessed halliday I said how many of you know you are absolutely blessed hallelujah I believe that for every single one of you and even in the middle of our blessings we are mindful that to whom much is given much is required our dear friends or while it is that we are in the comfort and in the safety of this sanctuary we would be negligent to not extend our prayers to Puerto Rico unto ten nations that this morning are still a week later without any power we talked about in the earlier service do you know what it means to have electricity for a whole country for an entire week the impact is so grave it is so severe hear me that they've not even announced the death toll as yet and the reason why they have not done so ladies and gentlemens and that in our meek or humble a consideration we've not even factored in what does it mean for a hospital to not have electricity for a week how the backup generators are gone I saw a riveting interview this week watching the wreckage and the damage in those Caribbean islands both the British Virgin Islands and the United States Virgin Islands and I was amazed to hear a woman lament and cry out loud where is God hallelujah and every now and again you go through something where you got to begin to cry that out where is God but how many of you know God is with you even in the rough times empowerment temple I am so grateful for our christ-like compassion because of how it is that we gave so liberally so lavishly we were able to send on your behalf twenty five thousand dollars to hurricane harvest somebody give God a hand clap of praise because of what it is that you gave in this church in two Sundays we rescued thirty five families and pulled them out of refugee centers out of those homeless shelters so that they could fly and be with family in other places come on somebody got it you're better than that so many of our family and friends are and the fact that I appreciate I'm Senate to have some supplies and also to help clean up services whatever wrong so churches in Baltimore and the thing that I'm really excited about is that all ten of them that we are sending our Puerto Rican so they know the culture they know of the society they know the community and they know those churches and we are the only black church that is partnering with them and I am excited about it somebody give God a hand clap of praise I told you this round this go round at this tick of the watch I want to do something different as a consequence and this season I'm not asking you to bring in clothes I'm not asking you to bring in non-perishable food items or even bottles of water but I wanted in a real tangible way I'll be a blessing we're going to help assist buy the plane tickets for those ten missionaries who are walking away from their jobs and leaving they'll to their own families for these three weeks that we would in fact help shoulder that responsibility each plane ticket cost somewhere in the orbit of 450 to 550 dollars a per ticket roundtrip and we've got to see in that 10 of them there but I believe that our church with the kind and the size of heart that we have that this is both doable and it is manageable I'm gonna ask you those of you who are in of this physical sanctuary and those of you who are in our cyber sanctuary I want you to help me send these missionaries out right across the water so that they will in fact know that God has not forgotten you that God is still standing in the gap as that you would please secure wherever it is that you hold your money those of you that have a checkbooks X that you move towards those those of you have debit cards there's still got something left on it I ask that you will please find that where it is every single person if it's 550 just for a plane ticket roundtrip some of you by yourself I can buy one way and just already checked for 225 others of you saying pastor I can't saw that hi I've got demands and expectations for my own family but what I can do is I'll help I'll pay for some of the luggage the baggage and the boxes that are being sent over at a seed a nominal seed of 25 dollars but I want everybody to give something you would want somebody to stand in the gap for you if you lost everything most of you will lose your mind if you can't get on Wi-Fi and I'm to my being without electricity for an entire week is more than an ocean you can't even fathom it in the technological age in which we live in empowerment temple you've never fallen short of what it is that you're pesters asks you to do this is not for our ministry and it's not for your pastor it is not for the upkeep for all of our buildings it is in fact 100 percent of it there no hidden administrative REDCROSS fees amen how are we sending all of it so that God's light would be able to shine in dark places even if there is a child near you I want you to put a seat in their hand pastor why do you want a seat in the children's hand because we're raising our children to be givers so that they do not grow up to have a false sense of entitlement the world doesn't owe you anything but you owe something to the earth every person now please if you're gonna give electronically I'll come on music Minister you all can just move if you're gonna go give electronically you can go on this side if you're writing a check you're writing your tape empowerment temple but I want you to begin coming now please wherever it is that you are help us send these missionaries who are gonna work on our behalf hallelujah come on right where it is the truth [Music] come on I'm getting ready I'm getting ready ready for the flow I can read Hey [Music] I'm getting red [Applause] [Music] I'm getting red [Music] [Applause] ready to roll [Music] [Music] empowerment would you help me give God glory forever gift and favor give our dear friends who are watching online I hope that your partner with us in this enterprise of charity I want to ask if I can even as this last remnant begins to so begins to come begins to give I matter ask all of the men in the room if you'll meet me at the altar all of the men in the room I want you to meet me at the altar all of our sons and nephews hallelujah all of our boys come on I'm getting ready I I'm getting ready [Music] in Parma would you salute these brothers who are at the altar I want to say this to you we've got a absolutely insane president and he keeps showing his insanity every time he gets to a microphone to call our black son sons of yes and we have a democratic right and a constitutional right to exercise our right to protest I'm gonna do something that's gonna shut our city down and I need you to be a part of it on October the 15th October the 15th we are leaving Church October the 15th and all of us are going to the stadium I'm taking 500 men outside of the Ravens home game on October 15th dressed in black and we're gonna take Annie outside of the stadium somebody give God handclaps of praise y'all got a shout for our brothers I don't want anybody anybody at this altar anybody who's watching online do not turn on the game today please whatever it is that you do I know the Ravens are playing abroad let them stay over there but I want us on October the 15th gentlemen I need you to be my ambassadors I need you to put the word out in your fraternity in your barbershop to your co-workers to ever you hang out with that October 15th we're gonna run buses down cuz I don't want the Ravens to get one dime from our community we're going down 500 men and the women are gonna have a woman's only service and the 1130 service praying for the black men of our city and of our community come on y'all got to do better than that I want to pray fireman I want to pray for this country those of you that can and will those you're under no obligation but those of you that can and will if you'll join me in prayer men if you'll take a knee those of you they can and will I want you to do this for me I want the world to see what it looks like for Christian men who are not bowing to white supremacist ayat II but we are praying under our God Lord in the name of Jesus I pray that you will cover Colin Kapernick I pray that you will cover every black man who operates an act of bravery and courage on today I pray that you will in fact be a hitch fence of protection around him I pray that you'll cover every black man that's being racially profiled that is being wrongly sentence being wrongly abused by over militarized police I pray for our sons and our daughters we'll have a cloud by day and we'll have a star by night and God we know that you are our shield and our buckler and those of you your faith is connected with mine and you believe that strong black men still are coming when you give God glory even right now come on men rise right where you are sisters I want you to shout that we got real men in our church as they go back to their seats give God glory for come on give God glory for I'm getting ready [Music] I'm ready come on one last time I'm getting ready hallelujah clap that hand right wherever it is that you are I'm thankful you may be seen in the in the presence of our God our dear friends October is our men's month and so I want you to be intentional to bring the men in your life to church every Sunday in October a men's day is actually the last Sunday in October and it's gonna be our blackout Sunday and so we're asking everybody men and women alike alike that you would wear black t-shirts on that day if you've got a jersey put a black t-shirt over that Jersey but we stand in solidarity that this has to be the land of the free of the home of the brave because it is not that yet but I believe of all of our people operate in cohesion and collectivity that we cannot be stopped together we can change this country ought to be what it is supposed to be if you believe it would you give God some praise even now I'm gonna ask if I can I'm music ministry is of preparing us for the Word of God would you take one moment and invite somebody to worship with us all they have to do is go to our website empowerment temple org they go to empowerment temple org they'll be able to worship with us live and online God's got a word for you and I want you to be a part of it not just you but your friends and need this word we're preaching a sermon continuing our series God is gonna make it up to you I need you to elbow your neighbor tell him gah gonna make it up to you he owes you some stuff amen it's the gospel of reparations and is getting ready to come right in just one moment come on music ministry how many y'all know that Karl is a keeper I said do you really know that God is a keeper have you ever felt like you're gonna lose your mind but the peace of God that passes all understanding kept your heart and mind through Christ Jesus the song is real simple real simple [Music] sure I hear you justify an apartment can we live that up together as a mighty congregation say it say he's a keeper [Music] that's your tester come on declare it it's the storm Oh [Music] keep come on can y'all sing that with us come on can you brag on but if you've ever been in a storm and he kept you through it even though he walked through the valley of the shower come on he he's a keeper so well and then Psalm 91 said he that dwelleth in the Shopify of the Almighty you're saying the Word of God you shouldn't have any problems with that and then Psalm 23 says hey though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear I will why because thou art with me come on he said with you even in the midst of the storm pastor told us at 7:30 say he's a keeper [Applause] Jesse but I Baltimore you should know that is let's do some ID one line come on say he's at 12 Levin shall abide of the Almighty say it can you just declare the word come on it's the spirit that gives life come on say come on okay though I walk through the valley I will fear come on because God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love in power [Music] come on testify to somebody around here [Music] Tyrel even if my backs against the wall [Music] I want to say come on testify against hey come on that's a mighty congregation come on one more time let's declare that together with one Accord my so [Music] he's a keeper but you get your Bibles in your hand please if you'll find your way to Luke chapter one Luke chapter one we're in one chapter but I need to look at two different parts of the chapter so we continue our series the Gospel of reparations the gospel of reparations Luke chapter 1 we're going to look at verses 18 and 19 and then you're gonna drop down and get verses 62 through 64 Luke 1 verses 18 and 19 and then 62 through 64 once you've found Luke chapter 1 would you declare allowed to have it Zechariah asks the angel in verse 18 how can I be sure this I am an old man and my wife is well along in years angel said to him I am Gabriel I stand in the presence of God and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news look down now at verse number 62 then they made signs to his father to find out where what he would like to name the child he asked for a writing tablet and to everyone's astonishment he wrote his name is John immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free and he began to speak praising God you may be seated I want you to arm yourself with a writing instrument if you will those of you who are technologically savvy I need you to go to the station in your tablet or your smartphone that a lot for you to take notes there's something I'm gonna need you to write down in just one moment Zecharia asked the angel how can I be sure this I'm an old man and my wife is well along in years the angel said to him I am Gabriel I stand in the presence of God and I've been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news verse 20 goes further to say because you did not believe you will not be able to speak look at verse 62 then they made signs to his father to find out what he would like to name the child he asked for a writing tablet like what you have in your hand and to everyone's astonishment he wrote his name is John look here first 64 immediately somebody shout immediately immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free and he began to speak praising God I want to preach for a little while as we continue this series the gospel of reparations I want to use as a subject I'm tired of biting my tongue I'm tired bite my tongue look at the person beside you tell them I can preach this sermon I can tired my tongue my dear friends I was in two steps outside of the Bronx family courthouse when the first reporter called me representing the Christian Post posing one question are you free to talk now for months I kept them at bay as they were hunting for a quote the inquiry arose from the widespread digital rumors that hide under the title blogs for five grueling months my name had become associated with heinous allegations that was both unseemly and intriguing at the same time a mentally challenged fitness instructor on whom I've never met in my life filed a report in New York City requesting a restraining order from me on the grounds that her life was endangered upon recipient of this paper from Baltimore City police immediately laughed and said that this is dismissive and then I kept reading she alleged that I had hired a hitman to take her life and I was having her followed I was looking in her window it didn't matter that she lived on the eighth floor but I was looking in her window but it hired some white man to follow her around target I laughed like you did until I further read that she alleged I gave her and I quote the Bill Cosby date rape drug this unnecessary waste of trees was distributed widely to journalistic organs around the country with a note that said I'm available for interviews she sent it out everywhere reporters from the Baltimore Sun The Washington Post and other formal newspapers began calling our church looking for a response went so far that even one periodical called a resignation saying that I'm not fit for ministry if I would in fact leave black women in danger people jump to conclusions without wearing a parachute members left this ministry I was at I was disinvited to engagements and up-air was written with signatures requested that my ordination would in fact be revoked due to the sensitivity of the legal proceedings I was bound by a court order to say absolutely nothing I couldn't address this congregation speak to it on social media or respond to the press yet after all of those months of agony the judge overseeing the matter within three minutes dismissed all of the charges without prejudice because it had no merit and the accuser was deemed mentally challenged it is amazing that 3/4 of those who carried the lie in the rumor none of them have offered an apology so to answer the reporters inquiry am i free to talk all I could say was yes because I had become tired of biting my tongue my frustration pales in comparison to that of Zacarias another frustrated preacher who hails from a long line of preachers like myself who happened to have married a pastor's daughter by the name of Elizabeth they spent their whole lives serving the church only to discover that they were sterile and the question I've got to ask you is what happens when you are faithful and fruitless that here it is that they had spent their entire lives for ministry but still could not bear children according to Luke chapter 1 verse 11 on one occasion that he was serving in the sanctuary lifting up prayers he had an encounter with an angel and they encounter with the angel startled him a or diem and the thing that I want to caution you is that it is very dangerous to be in the sanctuary and not expect the supernatural because I want to know how it is that he prayed but did not anticipate a move of God how is he afraid of the spirit Wow being in the sanctuary the angel said to him don't worry your prayers have been answered I got a stop right here and I got a park parenthetically just to those of you who are not afraid of the Holy Spirit God had you in this 930 service to tell you chill out everything you've been praying for is getting ready to be handled now you'll notice that there are two different kinds of people sitting around you there's some people who watch out and why because they ain't been praying about nothing and then there's another group around you who are not shouting cuz they don't believe the Holy Spirit still moves but for the small remnant of us that believes God still answers prayer and the Holy Ghost is still of moving would you give God glory why pastor that everything you've been praying about is getting ready to come to pass the angel saying don't worry your prayers have been answered now what's important to note is that he was in the sanctuary praying but why is that important pastor he was praying here it is for other people and while he's in the sanctuary praying for other people God remembered the prayers unanswered about himself I knew that the crowd was gonna get a little bit smaller here so many of us have failed in self care that we give so much to other people that we forget that God still remembers us and I want to stop for those of you who there's too much selflessness even at the detriment of your own health at the detriment of sleep deprivation y'all ain't saying anything you'll give people your last dime and they won't give you a cup of water to drink in God said I saw how you were there for other people and before this month is over here's your shall imma make it back up to you whenever it is that you did to help other people's dream come the past I am now working to make yours come to pass their faithful yet fruitless and the angel says does that don't worry whatever you've been praying for is getting ready to happen your wife's womb is now open and she will bear a son here's the way you ought to in fact be encouraged God told me to tell those of you in the room who are dangerous dreamers you are about to birth some time you are getting ready to give life to our idea to a concept to a dream that previously had just been stored in your spirit Poppa God told me to remind you that September is the ninth month and in the ninth month every mother knows everything that's in you has got to begin to come out of you I thank God here it is that your dream will not turn into a nightmare but everything in your imagination is about to have manifestation do me a favor because the people around you don't know what you dreaming about I'm not asking you to turn to your neighbor I'm asking you for yourself to give God glory in Thanksgiving in advance God you know what it is that you called me to do you know but I am assigned to do you know what it is that I've been carrying and God said my answer is yes it has got to come to pass you are going to birth something great I need you to personalize that would you lay hands on yourself and declare out loud I am going to birth something great come on I need you to say it again I am going to barf something great in verse 14 it says and his name shall be called John and he'll be a delight to you and many people rejoice because of his birth he will be filled with the spirit before he is even born and will be a great sight in front of the Lord hallelujah I am excited not just about your dream and your idea but God told me to tell you his hand is on your children's life hallelujah and he ain't waiting for them to get to the altar he said my hand was on their life when they were still in your womb I can't hear nobody and here's your shout he said the dreams you have for your children are still going to come to pass I know your children don't look like what you've been praying for but God told me to tell you it ain't over yet she said every time I look at your child I smile because I know they on the end said they are the answer to their ancestors prayer some of you are selfless you can only shout for you but I am in fact imploring you here it is that God said today a window is open that when you praise me I am breathing on your children's dreams that whatever it is that your children desire to accomplish thing called life your children will be the head and not the tail your children will be above and not beneath your children will be lenders and not borrowers your children will be captains of industry your children will be elected officials and in the last day your sons and your daughters will prophesy there is a supernatural gift on your children's life and that's why the enemy then trying to destroy your child but I came carrying the blood of Calvary to throw on every demonic principality that's not our children and do I know I got a move but I dare you to lift up your voice and worship God for your children's destiny hallelujah thank you holy God I need you to worship God for the property they go home for the lives that they're going to impact I need you to worship God but your children will be the greatest people to ever carry your last name I need you to open up your mouth for your children's opportunities and for their internship for their pain education you ought to be shouting for what God is gonna do [Applause] Zecharia when the angel finished prophesy he couldn't bite his tongue anymore and he asked as many of us have asked how can I be sure of this because I'm old I don't know whether or not this is really going to happen how do you feel there's glory and I need 50 of you to just elbow your neighbor tell them you're still gonna happen yes hallelujah you don't even know which one of your neighbors needed that but I need you to lean into them again and tell them it's still going to happen one of the devices of the enemy is to make you feel like you missed your season hallelujah but God told me to tell you you get ready to catch up with your appointed you will not die until everything you were created to do comes to pass I speak to the heavenlies and cancel your death appointment that God is pushing back the season of death so that everything you were created to do is going to happen hallelujah you will not be a invalid you will not be brain dead you will not be incapacitated you've got too much to accomplish not to live indices how can I be sure that this is gonna happen when I got a blemish on my credit score how do I know this is gonna happen when I never finish school how how do I know this is gonna happen when I have got stains because of a criminal record and the angel gets offended and said because you questioned the prophecy over your life you will not be able to speak until it happens there's something brewing that God won't let you speak to because he can't afford to let you mess it up [Applause] Joseph spoke about his dream too early to people who couldn't handle it the children of Israel were commanded to walk around Jericho's wall seven times before they were permitted to shout if I hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battle then victory shall be mine I'm gonna caution you as your pastor I heard God tell me to tell you don't speak about your business opportunity I don't want you talking about it yet don't talk about the relationship until you're clear it's in covenant don't talk about your plans until they've already been executed don't tell people you move in until you packed up the box don't announce you might be getting a raise until you see your chipster because there are some people if they have access take information too early they'll work night and day to under stop it I want you to work in silence until God gives you the green light when it happens let your friends be surprised let your family be amazed when they ask you why didn't you tell me tell them God told me to bite my tongue I can't say nothing until the prophecy comes to pass and now you'll be silent and you won't be able to speak until there comes to pass is what the angel told that and at that appointed time you'll know when it's time for you to say something hallelujah God's being confirming some things for those of you who are you in this room and you've been wrestling trying to figure out who do i divulge into God said not yet God I feel you there's been some ideas that's your head and you were sitting across the table and you started saying out discussing with a man God said don't you dare broker it hallelujah there's some things that God is working on even in this moment and for you to talk about it it might scare you and God said I need you to just be quiet just a little while longer I'm telling you I'm getting ready to do something what is amazing is that it wasn't Satan it was God that stopped him from talking what is amazing ladies and gentlemen I don't know whether or not you've taken off your Walt Disney interpretation of the text but he goes back home to Elizabeth get ready to blow your mind he goes back home to Elizabeth and watch this y'all the angel never speaks to Liz the angel never speaks to layers the Lord just told this to zag and I need you to understand this what's this he goes back home with his tongue cloven to the top of his mouth and all she knows was this is X passion that night is different i'ma let y'all god help me he hadn't articulated this is what God has told me what is it but he's working that night like God just told him something layers is trying to figure out what done got into Zach Zach ain't been dispassionate in a long time the adult y'all got me right through here he ain't felt this way in a long time what done got into him and Zach can't even say nothing god I can't hear nobody in here oh they not gonna understand how you got your drive back is because God promised me something so I'm working like it's getting ready to happen so I got time to play petty games with you cuz you clearly ain't got a prophecy but those that you let me leave Fitz ain't got my facade over my life still gotta come to pass fast-forward the first 58 my time is almost up fast-forward to verse 58 and you find out sure enough Leah's got a baby and nobody told her to prophesy god help me liz has this baby so she is moving watch this in a prophecy she was never spoken of the person beside you is anointed because they are connected to you god help me even if God ain't said nothing to him because he said something to you they are getting ready to be the living embodiment of the prophetic coming alive look at the person beside didn't tell him I know you don't get it I know you don't get it but I'm shouting because of what he told me hallelujah and because you sitting near me if he's doing a work in my life do you God have to benefit even if he said nothing to you she gives birth to this baby and as is the Jewish tradition seven days later she takes him to be circumcised and when she gets to the church because this is before the hour of women's liberation equality and suffrage no er a no now organization was this women are not supposed to speak in church but they got a problem Zechariah can't talk god help me misogynist are gonna be upset by this message but I gotta say it anyway hallelujah women who worship gotta say something when they got a man that don't God God I can't hear no - see I wouldn't have to scream this loud if the man I'm connected to knew how to open up his mouth but because he act like he don't know how to bless God I yell this loud for everybody connected to me cuz I gotta make sure my whole house is straight [Applause] god I can't hear nobody in here do me a favor please brothers you ain't gotta say nothing but sisters would you worship on behalf of a man that don't God I don't know whether this your son whether this your brother with unless your husband whether that's your dad God I'm giving a voice because I gotta speak for both of us [Applause] [Music] when she gets to church nobody expects her to say nothing in church they just want her to sit there and look cute hallelujah but the problem is other people are trying to name her give god help me in here they want to name him Zack because that's what the dad his name is and the woman of God said you ain't gonna name my gift I'm the one that carried this y'all ain't saying nothin to me when you have been through some stuff don't you dare give nobody authority over the assignment in the call of God that's on your life I got a name this says everybody in the church said this baby's name is ZJ Zack jr. Z - Zack the second and says no we can't name him that this was Leah say we're naming him that we naming him John Alleluia now they did a genealogy tree I was right there in the church and discovered nobody in the family's name was John hallelujah she said I don't care yes that's what the Spirit is telling me now I got to name it and as a consequence when I name it I'm making history I think I lost you God told me to tell you the thing you produce nobody in your family can ever say they named something like this I'm talking to those of you who are getting ready to be history makers and world changers get ready cuz your family genealogy yes don't have to be rewritten because of what God helped you to produce so we can't take your name for it and certain emotion - Zack who's sitting there biting his tongue and they talk to him in sign language what we gonna name your son they ignore the voice of a woman what we gonna name and Zack says hand me what sit through sign language give me a tablet pass me your a higher-paying give me your samsung time you got your android give it to me go to the note-taking section I'm right here in the text would you please do this for me please let's get ready to mess you up I need you whenever it is that I called you to write on 25 minutes ago real quick would you find that tablet would you please find that writing instrument would you find some scrap sheet of paper and I gotta tell you the only thing I'm asking you to write down today Zack asked for it they gave him a pen turned on his tablet and watch what he wrote what he wrote is what you getting ready to write holily all i want you to do right on that sheet of paper right on that template right in your phone all I need you to do is write this watch this John that's all I'm asking you to write john2112 jo8 for nine months his tongue is cloven to the roof of his mouth john-117 as soon as he writes it watch this God opens his mouth now I don't want you to shout yet I don't want you to scream yet one says he wrote it was his because it wasn't just his name it was his release pastor what do you mean by that because John translates to me greater is coming now some of y'all could just miss your shot when you wrote John you were not just speaking a name you were giving your own prophecy greater is coming and I speak that to every worshiper who is in this room that the reason why you couldn't say nothing the first nine months of this year is because it didn't look like it but God sent you to this 930 service just to announce to you that in every area of your life greater is coming I need you to look at your neighbor and tell them I'm tired of biting my toe I got a prophesy over your life and I'm gonna know whether you will they got the power godness in you would you look at him and tell him greater yes come I got a backup three months I got a backup three months because Elizabeth is pregnant but she got a cousin across town by the name of May and Mary is carrying Jesus and she went over to Elizabeth's house cuz he had nobody to talk to and when she opened the door the Bible records that her belly leapt what if they didn't say anything but their spirit recognized each other when you shout this next time it all not just impact you but anybody that's carrying something all of you shouting with you come on Shawn let's get out of here I tell you to find somebody by the hair and say neighbor greater his topic will not speak the name job I speak to your dream I speak to your idea I speak to your car I speak to your assignment up summer y'all got the wrong name but you find somebody who you didn't speak to all day and don't say a word until I give you the tool but I need you to grab them by the hair I said crab because there's something about the job grab them by the head and say Craner god I can't you nobody in here greater greater yes papa hello man hey your business you've been quiet okay nobody this getting ready to be the best season of your life I don't know how you're quiet shout like is greater praise he'll rely just straight up how did you feel when you came out the wilderness I feel like I can't hear nobody I need you to shout out loud like greater yes common [Applause] great is coming great is coming I feel that in my bones find that three people tell them driver is common hey [Applause] you better prophesy to yourself here's common lift up that hand please greater risk come that's all I wanted to tell you [Applause] greater is coming god I can't hear no worshipers in here anybody believe that in your spirit I date a shouting out loud breda is coming crater you ain't seeing your best days yet is coming lift up that hand please [Applause] I'm tired of biting my tongue some stuff I can't talk about I haven't been able to discuss God has kept me silent up to this hour but God said I'm finally freeing you to discuss it I got a launch out into the deep and I've got to get into deep water right through here they have those of you who are in this room for years for months who phone you went through something traumatic and you've not been able to discuss it how do you I don't know if I'm Tom i molestation against as a rape or abuse but you haven't been able to talk about it I said I'm freeing your tongue somebody's gonna overcome because of your testimony some of you haven't even disclosed it to your closest friends others of you have never even broken it to your spouse others of you you hold the family secret because they today you ain't gotta bite your tongue no more I'm healing you because greater is coming I'm not talking to attention seekers I'm talking to those of you pastor you got no idea how I got a trick my mind and to not remember and they got to give me closure like soon you said you'll never be able to fight it if you don't face it I won't open up this altar for those of you who've been holding on to something and that you've not been able to talk about I don't need you to come with your friend for support they're gonna be alright but if you went through something I need you to meet me at this altar place I'm talking to some men as well I need you to come please hallelujah I need you to come as quickly as you can I got a wrestle wish that I've filed charges and I told somebody in authority I was trying to be nice I didn't want to mess up them even though they ruined me I need you to meet me at this altar please I went on three more if you two come please hallelujah I know you've had to be silent I know you've had to be quiet [Applause] and some of you in this room there's some stuff you wish you could unsee I don't even know that you had to walk in on your day at high and to see your sibling do something unseemly I need you to meet me at this altar yet to grow up too quick you got post-traumatic stress a you ain't never been in the military your present relationships have been handicapped from a past experience you won't explore I need you to please come [Applause] yes that you're pulling as close to this altar the thing that I love Shawn softly please which strings help me the thing that I love is the same place where his mouth got shut it is the same place that his mouth was opened many of you watch this what it is that I'm talking about that you've been quiet about having been able to speak to it's not even stuff that happened in your child is one even stuff that happened at home in a back room in a basement in an alley at a friend's house some of you have been able to discuss what it is that you witnessed in the house of God and it impaired your ability to flow in your gift hallelujah hone open up theirs altar for those of you who have not been able to discuss and I need you to hear me carefully clearly I feel the burden of his glory those of you who've been wounded in church and you ain't been able to talk about it I need you to please meet me here hallelujah come on please ah summer you got disillusioned because you saw too much you regret ever getting close to somebody in leadership I need you to meet me here Church was the place what's this that almost assassinated your self-esteem made you second-guess your car I said not after today I'm not gonna have you bite your toe he gives power to the faint and to those who have no mic he increases their strength to more of you're waiting for you to come come on I don't care if you do not remember here you just visiting God had you here run away deacon former youth leader ex preacher walk away Sunday school teacher I need you here left - uh sure boy left the women's ministry they hurt you too bad now you just want to assimilate I've been able to talk about it I want you to lift that hand for me at this altar and I need every person in this altered adjust the Claire allowed greater is coming I believe that for you greater he is coming the blessing came while they were doing circumcision so they were being blessed what's this Wow John was being good greater is coming it hurts like the dickens but I promise you greater risk coming menaces I want you to move quickly would you just come lay hands on those who are at this altar I don't want you to pray over them I just want you to anoint their here touch their hairs lay hands on their heads and declare greater is coming hallelujah I believe that for every person those of you that need greater to come out of your life would you lift up that hand and open up your mouth greater greater is coming greater is coming greater risk coming hallelujah y'all didn't hear what I just said greater is coming I speak over every lifted hand your season of suffering in silence has come to an end you're gonna be able to speak of his marvelous works that in this hour God is going to speak for you he's gonna speak through you and he's gonna speak to you I speak over your life greater is coming hallelujah whatever your name is I've just renamed you John hallelujah because I speak it not just for you I speak it for your family that greater is coming and those of you your faith is connected to my face and you believe God for the greater as they go back to their seats I want you to cheer for them like I believe it pastor gray day is coming come on I need you to internship I need you to encourage up grind I use coming come on I need you right where you are everybody would you hug somebody you tell them grinder is coming come on one more person greater is come hallelujah [Applause] graders huh if you believe that for yourself I need you to click that hand like you believe it I need you to shout it out loud grader is coming as you send to your feet all over this sacred space called sanctuary hallelujah greater is only coming because you know Jesus is coming did y'all hear what I just said I I know we don't hear rapture messages anymore but I feel like I need to tell you he's coming back again just like he said it would how many of you want to go back with him it is my tremendous delight it is my awesome privilege to offer you Jesus Christ I stand in the will tidge sandals of John to be a voice in the wilderness just to announce that a greater one than is coming I'm telling you you got to get right with God and you got to do it right now come on help me please virtue has gone out of me the best part of the service is right now this is the rising climax as to why we've assembled and why we've gathered I need you to please help me I want you to find two people that you don't know I want you to find two people you never met before and I want you to find out if they're saved if they don't know what that means that they're not asked him if they have a church home if they're not sure that means they do not I want you to meet me right where it is that you are if you're hearing your same pastor this is the kind of church I got to join this is the kind of ministry I need to be a part of everybody is talking to somebody here comes somebody I need you to shout right now here they come come on give God some glory here comes somebody else come on y'all gotta get your energy up I'm not feelin y'all right now give God some praise I need you to help me please help me sir help me ma'am right where it is that you are there's somebody else that needs to be saved somebody else who needs to join the body of Christ called church help me open the door please all they need is a little push to come on in everybody right where it is that you are would you do a road check ask the people on your row are you sure you saved are you sure you got a church home are you sure you're giving your life over to God come on greater is coming great [Music] if you hear come on [Music] if there's somebody I need you to come come on give God some praise for this beautiful mother craze come hallelujah if there's one there's got to be another one come on talk to one more person one more I know you're tired I know you're weary one more person ask him are you sure you got a church like this grader has come in [Music] bless His name stretcher right hand of faith to our new family repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God hold on y'all here comes somebody else come on with y'all shout for this young lady come on come on y'all like come on y'all gotta turn up on a Sunday let's try it one more time stretch your right hand to faith repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving only God and I know that's right if you're known right come on Big Ups to the Savior but you give God some praise even now all of our new family I need you to come this way please bless the Lord if you believe greater is coming give God praise for it even now you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I'm telling you how that word has been resonating in me all weekend I couldn't wait to give it to you today I just need 500 of you to just shout it as loud as you can greater is coming do y'all believe y'all don't sound like you convinced let me try this out over here everybody on this side would you shout it out loud greater I don't think got it this side y'all gotta hold the weight come on don't leave me out here everybody on this side 1 2 3 grader is coming and I believe that watch this for every area of your life I believe it for your finances how many of you all believe that I believe it only 10 are y'all gonna shout I believe it for your health god I can't hear nobody in here 50 y'all ought to tear up that green chair I believe it for your career greater is coming I need you right where you are with a seed of expectation ambassadors no delay let's move expeditiously I'm gonna ask if you will every person every person who will I want you to get the greatest seed that you have pulled together for 2017 the greatest seed hallelujah bless us all the name I want you to get a seed that is reflective you have outlived your worst storm you have outlived your worst storm I need you to get a seed that's in your hand my dear friends who are watching online I want you to believe God for a complete turnaround I don't want God to give me a 365 because if I get a 365 I end up right where I started I want God to give me a 180 Pastor why you want me to do that cuz I need to turn my back on some stuff and I need to head in a completely different direction I'm gonna charge those of you that want God to do a completely different new thing in your life I want you to get a seed of 180 in your hand in your possession the people who I'm talking to now is for those of you who are non-tithers for those of you who are going over and beyond your tithe would you get a seed of 180 in your possession get a seed of 180 in your possession and I don't want you to do it now I want you to do it right now how'd you get that gift in your hand as close to 180 as you possibly can every person who can to every person who will get that in your hand as soon as you have it would you mind standing I hope you want mine would you mind standing every person every person is standing come on leaders hallelujah I believe it for your greater risk coming I wish you had the faith that I had greater is coming how they lift that seed above your head I want you to believe with me that this can be your lowest gift for the rest of the year every offering you give in every Sunday after this is gonna be greater than what you presently have somebody shout out loud greater is coming to me and Jesus name Amen turn to your right would you begin coming now from the last row thank you so very much hallelujah things are happening this week in the life of our ministry I hope that you received a Informer so one page a bulletin you should have received on your way into the sanctuary if you did not you can get one on your way out out the next time I should be seeing you ought to be Tuesday night at 7:30 I'm teaching a Bible study we've been going over the last two weeks on the blessings that God owes you the blessings that God okay I need you to come with an open Bible and an open mind how we're going to explore and navigate through 2nd sacred text and I want you to be a part of it Tuesday night 7.30 Wednesday is our day of prayer Wednesday at 7 p.m. we're gonna be at this altar those of you who are just need in need of prayer I need you to meet us here in the sanctuary Wednesday night if you are an emerging entrepreneur and you need some help in some coaching with our entrepreneurship program please register in the back in our Solomon school of a success and we're mindful that we're still aiming towards a healthy church in every area of our lives and so we still have a small remnant of a healthy pop popcorn available in the lobby as that you were please please get that on Friday all of the AME churches in the Eastern District will be converging at Trinity AME Church at 7:30 Bishop John Bryant will be sharing the gospel I hope to see as many of you there as possible those of you watch this hear me very carefully softly Shawn those of you who are not you are not a home owner would you lift your hand you're paying rent you are not a home owner I need you to lift that hand for me we have partnered with home-free USA keep that hand up we're going to help you this South Saturday qualify for a mortgage that matches whatever you pay in rent y'all ain't saying nothing to me I said we're gonna help you get in a home that matches whatever it is that you pay in rent not a dime more all I'm asking you to do is come Saturday at 10 o'clock we're having a one-day intensive with home free USA oh who are hoping to undergird us in this area if I have if you have a relative you have a relative who is an ex-offender you have a relative who has re-entering society and they do not have a job but you lift up your hand for me please I need you to send them tomorrow morning to zip cleaners on a 308 South Main Street that's in Bel Air I need you to go there they partners of our ministry the address is on this corner is on each of the screen tomorrow they are hiring ex-offenders it is a chain of dry cleaners owned by a black man somebody give gone and clever praise and I'm so grateful so thankful I ask that you will please take full advantage of this opportunity look at your neighbor telling you can't miss a Sunday at our church you can you never know what is going to happen you never know what is going to happen so as that you'll please do that as that you'll please stand to your feet next Sunday is men's day next Sunday is men's day I need you to make sure that you are intentional to bring a man to church October 15th at 12 noon we taken 500 men down to the Raven Stadium and we're gonna take a need for justice for our people so I need you please to make sure that you enroll and enlist all of the men who are in your life I want us to have the strongest show of force in the nation that no other community will be able to boast of the prowess in the strength of the black men in Baltimore can do no that's gonna look like 500 black men dressed in black outside of the stadium taking a knee I'm telling it's gonna be a powerful statement to the world and all the more a powerful statement to this president that we will not be moved I need you to lift up that hand right where you are in case you didn't know your pastor love you I pray for you every day I wanna see you get everything that God has for your life as you lift up that hand repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and they'll talk with me listen to God and he'll listen to me build for God and he'll build for me love God because He first loved me but you lift up that hand as high as you can Tuesday night I need you right there sitting in that same seat sitting in that same seat I'm telling you there's some blessings that God owes you but if you don't come on Tuesday night you won't know what they are that hand is lifted as high as you can [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 16,105
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2017, pastor jamal bryant, tired, tongue, biting my tongue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 13sec (5893 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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