This Will Not Take Me Under

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[Music] [Music] hallelujah come on come on in spite of governmental turmoil I feel happy come on children are giving maybe you are a hard time come on marital strife but you still testify though trials every [Applause] [Music] come on thus it again I feel like question my way say I like my way pressing my way [Music] I [Applause] I sing come on let's say it again one more time I feel like [Music] come on everybody put a price on your spirit this morning I feel say I feel thank you Jesus oh god you're answering the questions of your hearts of your people this morning trials thank you thank you [Music] oh I feel the fresh treatments of the Spirit of God hallelujah come on with your voice all over this way to Airy father we bless you we thank you for your presence that we feel in the room now when the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty free your people loosen every shackle and chain that binds thank you Father that we have joy and joy to the form that we have life and life abundantly that's our confession though trials they come they will come many of infliction that the righteous but the Lord will deliver them out of them are Jesus and alone I am with you in this world you will have tribulation but the hold I'm with you even to the ends of the world come on I feel like going on come on we just want to encourage you this morning all over the street I feel like Hey Oh [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh I feel the Spirit of the Lord sweeping through this room if you'll just said raise him embrace it and say yes Lord yes whoo [Music] oh I hear you signet this morning completely yes my soul my soul its come on everybody with the yes in your spirit lifted up say yes yes Lord yes Lord say yes from the bottom up from the bottom of my heart to the depth of my soul [Music] come on again just surrender all this money [Music] [Music] yes sir from the bottom of my heart to the depths of my soul [Music] complete [Music] my soul well say I love you say say I love you hey do you really love it with all your heart soul mind body and straight from the from the and love your neighbor as yourself come on come on he wants to hear his children cry from the power [Music] come on spirit soul and body [Music] [Music] by the new you one more time yes flow [Music] to the depth of my soul [Music] completely my my Syria Oh [Music] my show [Music] yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes for he is that's why we can say yes to him this morning yes come on he has risen say God bless you this is Bishop [Music] every every [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on when she lifts up that hand come on he is Lord he is law come on here he has [Music] [Applause] and come on every knee every Tom would you embrace three people around you and tell them he's the Lord of everything come on ye yes and he come on in and air-con fares ah come on let's clap our hands what a wonderful spirit of worship come on clap your hands I would that you would if you'll take your seat I ask that you would give your attention to our screens our prayers today are headed towards the Caribbean where a week later still 10 islands are without power did you hear what I just said 10 islands are without power they were soon we're going to find ourselves facing a catastrophic class a global emergency we're in food is not able to come in or go how the death toll here me is so high then they can't even put a number on it when you're looking at electricity out for a week the backup generators no longer work and I need you because what the media is not showing you ladies and gentlemen how does that impact hospitals did you hear what I just said how does that impact hospitals that are absent of electricity and are not able to move forward is the worst storm in 35 years to hit Puerto Rico at the bishop of that area or rather you can begin playing that for Bishop god bless you business mr. Benjamin yes and I'm coming to you with a personal message through my friends and companions in ministry at this present moment the island of Puerto Rico is going through a incredible historic crisis as Hurricane Maria has ravaged our little island destroyed so many things at this moment people don't have any electricity there's no water there's no food our cities have been our underwater literal and we still don't know how many are dead the bilingual Christian Church of Baltimore we are here locally in Baltimore are making an effort because of Porto Rico who just sent that out to us I believe Friday or Thursday sent that to us we are endeavoring it's amazing just one week after just one week after a missionary day we are empowerment temple partnering to seeing ten missionaries to go work in the Caribbean and a go work in Puerto Rico ten missionaries are going to be going there the wonderful thing that I love about it is all ten of the missionaries that are going to be deployed number one are from Baltimore number two are from Latino churches in Baltimore and number three all ten of them that we are sending our puerto rican we're sending them because they know the culture they know the city they know the churches and they know the language somebody give God an ankle app appraised I made a covenant commitment with angel Nunez who is the Bishop of that area that we would in fact pay for six of their plane tickets to get there they are going to go do a three-week mission trip a three-week mission trip walking away from their jobs from their homes from their families to go back home and to really do the work and I told them that this is the hour that the body of Christ has to stand together the reason why i underscore we do not have of in the AME churches in Puerto Rico but we do have brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico and in ours like this we cannot be in bondage to denomination but realize that this is not about denomination is about kingdom that this is the hour that the body of Christ must stand up and step in while there are a lot of those who are collecting out waters and non-perishable items I think that those are good but I told you all in this series that I wanted to do something different and go another way so I'm not asking you to collect bottles of water at this time I am NOT but I want you to help me to send of those missionaries on to Puerto Rico this week they'll be leaving on Wednesday morning they'll be leaving on Wednesday morning I and I want them to be able to say that their african-american brothers and sisters in Baltimore stood with them in order to get this done and for them to be able to serve for us to buy each plane ticket round-trip is about 550 it's about 550 hour round-trip they are going to really be living in bare minimal circumstances are given that every Hotel in Puerto Rico is flooded those of you who have ever been to Puerto Rico in your life would you please just raise that hand for me you know how beautiful that island is and to imagine that most of it is in it is not habitable at this hour order in fact I'll make your heart Rindge I want you to partner with me if you will please help me to send these missionaries onto the front line to do restoration and to do repair not just two homes but also the hearts and the minds and spirits are one of the most riveting interviews I saw this week while I was away was from a lamenting crying grandmother who charge over her four children who just kept crying out loud in front of the camera where is God and when I tell you it did something to me and I want her to know and every person who's been rampaged by that Island God is with us even in seasons like this how many of you all know that God is still here and he's still in our midst as the chill please I'm gonna challenge you I'm gonna charge you to help me please some of you can out of your own largest buy a plane ticket on your own you can do that on some of you can do a one-way on your own and then the rest of us will make up the difference of that impact but one ticket is 550 but I'm believing empowerment temple that we're gonna be able to do something sizable and significant those of you that will partner with me would you please I'll reach for your checkbook even in this hour you'll reach for your checkbook if you're writing in are you writing it out to empowerment temple you're giving by a debit card in just one moment our servant leaders will be on this side they'll be on this side to help help partner up with you but I believe even before going into full throttle that there are those of you that can I do over and beyond the over and beyond I already told you how much the plane ticket costs already told you how many of them are we are endeavoring to do but I want to ask if you will those of you that will give something whether it's five fifty or whether you saying pastor I'm gonna buy your plane ticket out for missionary myself I'm gonna buy two I'm gonna buy one way or I'm gonna pay the baggage fee or whatever it is every little bit I will make something significant happen I want you to have it would you please come and bring it to the altar at this time and every person I'm asking for you to help me to do this empowerment temple you know what we do you know what is called of us in so I asked every person thank you so very much I pray for you a lot with words from my mouth I need you to survive it is in will that every means I can be supplied you are to me I eat you too I need you too [Music] to me I need to do I need you to survive [Music] I want to ask all of our men to meet me at the altar please all of our men every man that's in the building I want you to please meet me at the altar yeah blesses they how didn't you empowerment would you help me give God some glory for all of our men I'm thankful for our men this weekend our president was absolutely unpresidential in really insulting end of finding our sons who have been making a stand for a noble cause I am thankful for all of you standing amongst us are some retired players some are veterans who are standing with us others who have given selflessly towards protecting and preserving our democracy October gentlemen is our men's month it's our men's month and I am come on give God handclaps of praise I want to do two things and I want to let you be aware of it the first thing that I wanted you to be aware of the last Sunday in October the last Sunday in October is men's day I and so I'm asking all of you all of you that you will in fact wear black shirts over jerseys on that day it's gonna be our black out Sunday it's gonna be our black out Sunday so that we can raise a consciousness and awareness the second thing that I want you to know and I'll let you know on next Sunday what day it is that a Sunday in October we're gonna leave a church and let the women just pray in church but all of us as men are going to go pray outside of the stadium while the game is going on and take a knee come on I can't hear somebody and so I want you to be abreast and apprised that that is coming down the pike so I'll let you know on next Sunday exactly what Sunday we're going I'm gonna have buses outside so that we can file up so that we can in fact be a model of christ-like ethics integrity and accountability but I cannot let our sons go out on the field by themselves without knowing that their prayer warriors who are standing in the gap with them at the end of service I'm gonna be calling you back because I want of the world to see men on their knees not in submission to a system of the men on their knees in the posture of prayer believing that God can still make a way ladies would you do me a favor would you give God glory for all of these strong robust born-again fire baptize Bible believing Jesus claiming men of God come on give God some praise for brothers you can go back to your seats thank you so very much I'm appreciative for you our brother Eugene let's go to the Word of God if we can music ministry I really feel a burning for what God is saying to us in this hour our music ministry is assembling and coming together while our music ministry is assembling and coming together let me say to you that our Bishop Bishop James Laverne Davis I will be here on Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. and I want you to be here with us I want you to be here with us Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. it's gonna be an amazing amazing time in the Lord and I want you to be present please sir please ma'am I want you to be here talking about how we as a community as black people have got a shift to home ownership and I want all of you to please be here if you've got anybody who is renting anybody who's in an apartment we're gonna walk you through a process that the amount of your rent will be the amount of your mortgage look at the person but I just say amen amen we're gonna help you get qualified for homes that meet whatever your economy and your budget maybe I am NOT meeting on Tuesday I am meeting with the mayor and her staff that is over from the vacant lots project because we are moving forthrightly to acquire 100 vacant homes in the city of Baltimore come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise we want to be able to rehab 100 of these homes for first-time buyers we want to lead the way for the city of Baltimore I and I want you to be a part of it come on music ministry get in your spirits and in your mind because I believe that God is gonna talk to every single one of us on today if you'll take a moment invite somebody to worship with us albeit through technology at empowerment temple dot-org empowerment temple dato [Music] we declared the creek as an August mommy of believers you are worthy of our praise [Music] [Music] [Music] come on you know it empowerment you [Music] [Music] yes Lord can you say that Jesus c-come on you sink into him now oh geez there's no one [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] No [Music] yeah No come on give him glory if you know there's nobody like him come on you can do better than that I say give him glory you know there's nobody like him come on one more time Darius [Music] Oh let's allow somebody give God a Handclap of praise would you secure your Bibles and make your way to the Gospel of Mark Gospel of Mark chapter 4 we're continuing on in our series God is gonna make it up to you would you look at the person beside you tell them go go make it up to you a little is the gospel of reparations God is going to make it up to you hallelujah mark chapter 4 now that you Reverend Brenda we're honored by your presence thank you so much hallelujah mark chapter 4 I want to illuminate a portion of Scripture in mark chapter 4 verses 35 through 41 mark chapter 4 verses 35 through 41 that day when the evening came he said to his disciples let us go over to the other side leaving the crowd behind they took him along just as he was in the boat there were also other boats with him a furious squall came up in the waves broke over the boat so that it was nearly swamped Jesus was in the stem sleeping on a cushion the disciples woke him and said to him teacher don't you care if we drown he got up rebuked the wind and said to the waves be quiet and be still then the wind died down and it was completely calm he said to his disciples why are you so afraid do you still have no faith they were terrified and asked each other who is this even the wind's and the waves obey Him you may be seated in the presence of our God I want to preach for a little while today this will not take me under this will not take me under would you look at the person beside you and tell them God wanted you to know today whatever you are dealing with it will not take you under this will not take me under my dear friends the irony of America's firm stance on immigration is that it ignores the fact that the early settlers had no papers and were illegal immigrants themselves those of us of African descent can't help but to laugh knowing that here it is that the notion of putting people out when the truth of the matter is that most of us were forced in I wish it could be brokered on the Congressional floor what happened in 1841 in 1841 the transatlantic slave trade had been summarily outlawed ignoring that law to protect our humanity there were those who refused to abandon the largest business of human trafficking in history one particular boat called the troubadour dropped anchor on the shores of the Ivory Coast in abducted throngs of our ancestors who were tending to their own peaceable communities they went from being a free to enslaved in one moment at the hands of people who had no rights to them might I say to you be on alert to those who illegally want to come into your lives just to get you tired of the vessel of mass incarceration called the troubadour had our proud people confined to the lower part of the ship for 30 days until an unscheduled storm started coming their way the storm this is 1831 found itself on a crash course collision with the slave ship called the troubadour admitted ladies and gentlemen at a hundred and forty five miles per hour after they are 30 days away from leaving the Ivory Coast's the storm absolutely obliterated at the ship and when it did so here this those who were on board in the hinder part the lower part of the ship they did something that history still has not given them enough credit for every person who was in the bottom of the ship when the storm hit is gonna blow your mind every person who was in the bottom of the ship survived skipper didn't mess you up everybody who was a capped or drowned but those who were being held against their will look survived it is give me to blow your mind and they swam to shore watch this with shackles on they swam to shore with shackles on and found themselves on an island that we now know as Turks and Caicos Turks and Caicos was founded what's this by people who swam ashore with shackles on both their wrists and their ankles and God didn't let not one of them drown it was a shipwreck I want you to hear this so you don't miss your shout it was a shipwreck that set them free otherwise they would have found themselves enslaved because the ship was headed to Cuba and then revin Beverly to South Carolina but because of the storm they never found themselves in bondage it was a shipwreck that saved their life ladies and gentlemen every now and again I know you can't see it while you are in it but you want to thank God for a storm that saved you hallelujah had it not been for that storm you would have ended up in a circumstance in a situation that would have completely messed up your life I want to pause right here because the enemy did expect or anticipate the praise that you get ready to give but can you give God glory for what pastor the storm that saved you you didn't hear what I just said I said would you give God glory for the storm that saved you Jesus himself was born into being a refugee not just a refugee but in evacuate not just any vacuum but a fugitive he was all three of those at the exact same time a refugee in a vacuum and a fugitive at the same time pastor how is this so don't forget that when Jesus was born the President signed an executive order for all male children under two years of age to be killed so his family fled into Egypt with no green card y'all don't like me this morning and when he fled into Egypt Joe Mary and Jesus when they flew in fled into Egypt they went seeking political asylum because male children were being oppressed when you are born again you must be careful that what you flee from what's this is a move of God that will in fact pull you closer to destiny I think I lost you please arrest assured that if you are anointed only 70 you gonna get it if you are anointed please know that when you figure out your destiny Satan signs an executive order to try to wipe you out if nothing is not trying to kill you you are not destined but if the glory of God is on your life know that there are forces of foot that are trying to steal your joy trying to make you lose your man trying to break your heart trying to mess up your family trying to lose your focus of your vision but I thank God if you can hear my voice it is evidence that would ever try to kill you this week found absolutely no success I didn't ask you how much money you had I asked are you still alive I didn't ask you whether you liked your job I just want to know are you still alive I didn't ask you whether you were happy at home I just want to know if you're still alive and if you can still hear my voice it means Satan fail that whenever he threw at you this week it was a other failure because God is still working for you in mark chapter 4 Jesus had been teaching all day he'd been teaching all day what's this at a public park and after teaching all day at a public park he then concluded that he shared with the disciples let's go to the other side rest assured that brother Doug whenever it is you have learned your lesson God won't let you sit stagnant whenever it is that you have learned what God has for you to learn people then shift you to another place from where it is that you are if you feel stuck it may be an indicator you're in remedial class that God won't let you leave until you got everything that God has for you if you are itching for a move make sure you have the lesson first because if you don't have the lesson you can drown before graduation and I thank God that many of you who are here today don't even know today is your graduation ceremony you have finished the course you have run your race and now it is time for your promotion jesus said let us go to the other side pastor why you shouting about that cuz he didn't say let me go to the other side when you are authentically anointed when you shift to another level it won't just be you but God is gonna take people with you who got the same heart got the same mine and have the right spirit what I find remarkable is that the disciples are in complete compliance with what God said God said to them through his darling son Jesus Christ let's go to the other side and they do not pause they don't say why they don't say exactly where but God because you said so we are now ready to go pastor why is this important why you pausing here is that they are obedient hear me empowerment temple they are obedient to the call of God and when they get on the ship and Jesus is with them what's this a storm breaks loose pest I don't get it what happens god help me to preach it right when I am obedient and still got a deal with the storm God maybe this is too heavy for the last five rolls better what happens when I do everything God told me to do and I know he's with me and inspired I got a storm in my life and I'm not talking about light precipitation somebody is flooding on my boat and I'm trying to figure out why is this happening to me when I'm being faithful to him it's a terrible burden being beaten while being obedient no life preserver jacket no emergency raft you just me God in a storm you ain't never been there I'm praying and still got a storm I help people and I still got a stall on my I get up in the morning read my daily breathe and still gotta stall I can't hear nobody i I forgave people that didn't even ask for forgiveness and still got a storm here's one you ought a shower I'm tired that edge still got a storm and water is getting on their boat waters getting on the boat and they remember Jesus is on board and I'm trying to figure out how I'm in this situation I'm faithful to him he's allowed the storm and nobody ever preaches about this and Jesus sleep in my store this is agonizing why is it agonized it's agonizing watch this coz I've watched him bless strangers and I'm close I'm in his inner circle god I can't hear no but I mean I eat with him hallelujah I sleep with him I walk with him and I see him bless strangers better than how she protects me you you really don't think imma be in my feelings I ain't jealous about that woman with the issue of blood I ain't tripping about the woman who's hunched over for all those years I ain't even mad about the two blind men by the side of the road but I wanna know what are you gonna do for those who stuck with you and now you are loud the storm to hear and they think they aren't model for us what it is that we got to do is that I'm in the storm water is in my boat I gotta go to where God is sleep I gotta go to where God is sleep and and I'm thankful that in the middle of the storm I still remember he's with me III just need 20 of you Ida just declare out loud he's still with me some of y'all that only mean nothing I'm hey can I give it to you another way ah hallelujah 9050 of you just to make this declaration an exclamation of faith or to declare out loud he's with me in my storm they recognize they recognize he is there the truth of the matter is ladies and gentlemen this is a point in fact the truth of the matter is the iPhone X Ravi was supposed to come out in August I phone X was supposed to come out in August but they ran into a glitch and the glitch that they ran they ran into with this groundbreaking technology watch this is that this iPhone X is gonna cost a thousand dollars people are gonna be in line uncle Charles with fixed income to get $1,000 phone maker colas gonna blow your mind it costs $1,000 watch this y'all it was supposed to come out in August they had to push the release date watch this to to the end of this month to early October and nobody has announced why and I want to tell you why I want to tell you why is that they realize in the final testing that this breakthrough technology that Samsung and Galaxy doesn't have is that the phone watch this does not have a home button that the way that you get the phone to open up watch this is face recognition this get ready to bother is come ready to mess you up and Apple did all of this testing but never tested it with a black face god I can't hear no matter and because none of apple's engineers are black y'all ain't saying nothin to me because none of the engineers are black they never tested it with a black face so when they enlarged the testing Pole and put the iPhone X watch this to a black face it didn't recognize it and as a consequence it would not open I can't hear nobody but here's where Apple had to push the timeline bag why pastor is they said we can't put it on the market until it recognizes a black face god I wish y'all knew how to shout huh I think there's some of us that need to understand that there's some stuff God and gon do until he sees my face when he sees my face in worship when he sees my face in expectation when when he sees my face giving him glory no wonder stuff ain't opening up to you you got your head down low looking like you drank a gallon of prune juice but he said lift up your head o ye gates and lift it up God wants to see my face and all the more I want to see his I'm gonna go a step further ladies and gentlemen yes that they're on this ship they're being obedient the storm watch this is now coming on the boat Jesus is slain and it is clear the storm here this is not passing over Psalm is not passing over and here's out what God gave to me while I was in prayer and study in Indianapolis this week here's what God said he said Jamal shows 7:30 because a lot of them have misdirected prayers right what do you mean they got misdirected prayers is because they are anointed they assume that everything that's trying to kill them is a person sometimes when you are anointed the thing that is trying to kill you is not a person is a thing and that thing is a storm how is something trying to kill you and it's not a person is a thing but that thing is a storm I'm talking about a bill it ain't a person but it's is trying to kill you God I'm talking about a tumor it is not a person but it is trying to kill you I'm talking about a carburetor yes it's not a person it's a thing I'm I'm to might your allergies y'all ain't saying nothing to me I'm I'm too much a structure to my a system until my a credit score I'm tumba a legal case I'm talking about a record I'm talking about a text message I'm talking about a picture I'm talking about an administration I'm dumb bout hey close I'm talking about and God says I don't care what the thing is I'm not gonna let it kill you the feeling that plagues your mind when you are going through and there is no assistance is being offered what's this is that your man begins to entertain when you are under attack and feel like you are getting ready to die with the enemy impregnates into your thinking is nobody cares hallelujah so you become insulated and and young and you begin not to shut down and you begin to close people off because you convince yourself nobody cares I'm in this and even if they care they can't do nothing about it and I appreciate the transparency of the disciples because they articulate what many of us have only thought God do you I'm drowning in this God I can't hear nobody yo y'all they never been there where your soul wanted to ask but your mouth didn't have the nerve God do your time I'm give me lose this house said I'm I'm give me lose my mind I'm getting ready to lose my job God and what God does next is novel and innovative at the exact same time because Jesus awakens and Jesus awakens and the thing that messes me up y'all is the only time in scripture I can not ever find God sleep is when I'm in a store did y'all you what'd I just say the only time he only take naps sip when I'm going through building shut his eyes till it looks like I'm between the devil and the deep blue sea for real this when you sleepy you gotta be kidding me this when you wanna lay down for a minute do you even care what the doctor just said do you even care did you rip my stuff off and they asked him with one voice God do you care and Jesus stretches and yawns comes up from the hinder part of the ship and he does something that I'm not sure you paid attention to he starts speaking to wind and water pastor why you telling me this I'm telling you this cuz he never answered them I want to know do you care about what I'm in and watch this he will never even respond he ignores me and starts talking to was killing me I got the wrong church here god I wish I was in my own church I feel like I'm somewhere else God told me to tell those of you who are at the 7:30 so those of you watching online when you don't hear God talking that don't mean he ain't speaking he ain't talking to you cuz he dealing with was trying to kill you you wanna thank God he's got a poverty over stuff [Applause] [Music] hallelujah please forgive those of us who were worshiping cuz you just got confirmation in your spirit Lord thank you for speaking of my bills I can't hear nobody thank you for speaking of my mortgage thank you for speaking of my legal issues thank you Plus speaking of my what have I been trying to kill me he said peace to the wind and say be still to the water god help me he said watch this I see what y'all trying to do to these disciples and I hereby place you under apostolic arrests you cannot move another inch because I take it personal some of y'all don't know witness shout what do you mean I take it personal because you forgot mister water then while you were trying to drown them the mistake you made here's I'm rolling with them and because you trying to drown them it means you trying to drown me too can I tell you that whenever the enemy misses with a child of God God takes it personally touching not my anointed and do my no [Applause] I'm coming around the mountain I feel those glory coming hallelujah thank you for what you gettin ready to do and God said whenever it is that you go on in the spiritual warfare she said talk to things like they are people god that's the best thing I don't sit all day he said talk to things like they are people she said whenever I created has years y'all didn't see what I just said everything God created has ears you want me to prove it to you she said say to the mountain get out of my way if the mountains didn't have ears they wouldn't be able to hear the authority and the per man when you shout today God say you ain't talking to no person you talk in the principalities you talking to star holes that you talking to issues you better tell all of them say no weapon that is formed against you shall be able to prosper I know you're real quick to grab that neighbor by the hair and tell them I take authority over everything trying to stress you your car will not break down you didn't hear what I just said I said your car will not break down the plumbing in your house will not fail your roof will not collapse I speak everything that I got a power over everything in the earth every single god I change it Oh about it if you ain't wrestling with none don't say nothing but if you believe in the power of the Living God I dare you to speak to every cell in your body I can't you know buddy you will not have cancer I tell you to lay hands on your heart you better not attack me you better speak to the left side of your body you better not think about a stroke you better lay hands on your lip I will not be in a wheelchair you better speak to your lungs we'll find you holding on I need you to grab that neighbor's head and tell them you got Dominion you got a poverty over everything in the earth bang that's been keeping you up at night everything that's been in the back of your mind everything that's done in the your house it's under your feet speak the anointing every place upon us already I searched every generation of speech all day every day that's time to kill my marriage speak over everything that's going on in my child which a grab that neighbor's hair and say name can't go under because God called me to go home and if I'm going home I can't go under you are the shower that's a won't get your star give three people and tell them you ain't going under you going home you ain't going under you go it all over somebody shout out I'm go it all lift up that hand right where you are you turn the page the first verse of the next chapter said and when they had come to the other side as we go very lifted hand by the power of the Holy Ghost you are not going under God I can't hear nobody you are not gonna be upside down with their car and you ain't gonna miss a payment on that house you are not going under I believe it for your life there just as he covered the disciples I'm believing he's gonna make it up to you it is important for you to notice that hand is lifted that the same waters that tried to drown them how the same waters that God walked or one God I got the wrong Church in here you do you know how much of father do you have God said you get ready to walk on we're tried to take you under law in the name of Jesus I pray for every person who's there to cross roads of faith trying to figure out whether you care thank you dear Lord that you're gonna show them expressly for your manifested glory how much you care god I so appreciate you I so value you thank you for a lot not letting us go under help keep an out here over water and those of you your faith is connected to my faith today and you believe you get ready to step into the other side I need you to give God glory and Thanksgiving even now [Applause] [Music] I can't believe y'all length on shout better than that [Applause] [Music] every person is standing every person is standing every person is standing hallelujah you ain't gonna drown in this whatever you in it is not more powerful than your God God y'all don't believe me I wish you did I said whenever you're in it is not more powerful than our God at the name of Jesus every knee must bow and every tongue must confess I'm gonna open the doors of the church for somebody who's in the middle of a storm that needs refuge somebody in the middle of the storm that needs to know that God still got me he's still blessing me come on I'm so honored to have you give God some glory hallelujah thank you wherever it is that you are in this room and you know pastor I gotta get saved cuz I thought I was gonna drown I thought I was gonna lose it I need you to come please I want you to give me your hand but more than anything I need you to give God your heart if you hear please please there's a storm out on the ocean and it's moving this way your soul has not anchored in Jesus I'm sure that you gonna drift away how dear sisters over to come but I believe that there are some others that need to get saved some others who need to find Jesus Christ I need you to bust a move come on right wherever it is that you are give God some praise for this beautiful mother and son [Applause] come on you can do better than that we didn't come to play Church hallelujah I want you right wherever it is that you are right where it is that you are help me there's somebody else that needs to get saved somebody else who needs to give their life over to God I want you to move from where you are don't talk to nobody on your own how would you talk to somebody in the row in front of you to row behind jaska my they saved ask them if they have a church home if they've given their life over to God [Music] [Music] personal holiday if there's somebody else the song [Music] come on Holly come on the Saudis would you talk to one more person please come on Holly and somebody around you are you sure you're safe are you sure you're giving your life to God it's passing over Haleh bless His Holy Name for these three Shadrach Meshach and Abednego coming out two Fabri furnace come on out in your soul excited the Bible says the Angels rejoice you can do no less how much it is stretch that right hand of faith how much you to repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right if you're not right about it come on Big Ups to the Savior come on y'all ain't saying nothing I said would you give God some glory [Music] bless the Lord you may be seated here comes somebody else stand to your feet here comes somebody else y'all better shout for this young man come on boy that's somebody tell them the storm is passing over come on the staff the storm is haleh [Music] come on what time the Sun is haole you may be seated in the presence of our triumphant God if you love Jesus the way I do come on clap your hands hallelujah I really believe that God is in our myths he's in our presence somebody needed that word I don't know who you are I don't know where you are but I need you to just operate with the gift of encouragement but you look at the people down your road tell them you won't come through this storm come on there I need you to preach it like you believe it you are gonna come through this surah I need somebody else to shout it out loud you are gonna come through this anybody been going through a storm any money [Applause] hallelujah I want us right where we are collectively right where we are collectively I want us to get our best seed in our hand as an expression of Thanksgiving under God can you trust him here it is while you're still in it most watch this immature believers only know how to thank God when they come out of it but I believe that God is going to bless us to come through this thing I need you right where it is that you are right where it is that you are I need every every every single one of you how to get a seed of Thanksgiving like God I trust you for the other side I don't know what's gonna happen on the other side but I know it's gonna be better than where I am right now our ambassadors are moving amongst us if you're in need of an envelope I need you to please secure it I want you to please secure it right where it is that you are bless us all the name come on the storm is stopped [Music] come on what you just waved at hand let's have old-school church come on this arm is I'm is pad hey come on one more time I gotta let it go but right where you're the storm is the Sun how about you right where it is that you are I want to challenge your faith to whom much is given much is required the critical question that we've got to ask the text is why would Jesus sleep in the middle of the storm he slept ladies and gentlemen because he had confidence in them he had more confidence in them hear me than they had in themselves God trusts you to get through this storm without your faith wavering he couldn't sleep around other people but if he could sleep around me lord help me then he knows that if the winds beginning to blow that I've got a strong anchor and it's gonna be able to hold God only allowed you to go through stuff through what theologians called the permissive will of God Satan is going up and down seeking whom he can devour and the Lord nominates have you considered joe lord help me sometimes you only want God to speak your name Lord consider somebody else for this don't don't consider me I got other stuff to do have you considered Joe and saying said I thought about him but you put a hedge fence of protection around you the Lord said art I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm a lower rate so you mess with this stuff you just can't mess with his soul I want you to know whatever is going on in your life hear me it is not going to impact your soul salvation I want you to get that best seed in your hand I need every person get that best seed in your hand every person would you do that for me get your best seed in your hand the star [Music] I need you to have a seat in your hand got my faith is so outlandish I'm paying towards my next door hallelu cuz I just found out through this message that when you're anointed there's gonna be a storm what's this even while you're being obedient hallelujah I can't hear nobody even while God is with you come on the storm is haleh now that you have that seed in your hand I want you to stand to your feet I want you to stand to your feet now that you have that seed in your hand you lift up that gift of your head lift it as high as you see yourself going repeat after me Lord see me through this pull me to another side in Jesus name Amen I need you if you will will you please turn to your right I need you to begin coming from the last row be seated in the presence of our God this week is our district conference all of the AME churches in the Eastern District I will be converging together will be a Trinity AME Church Friday night at 7:30 Bishop John Richard Bryant will be the proclaim of the gospel I need especially all of our leaders to be present all of our ministers please make sure you're present and accounted for Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. we initiate our formalized partnership with home-free USA every person you know that is looking for housing or those wanting to move those who are renting those who are in a difficult housing situation I need them here Saturday morning at am i we're getting ready to reboot and relaunch our Salomon school of success up those of you that feel a call towards entrepreneurship I ask that you would please please please register in the lobby is going to be a blessing to you the last two weeks of bible study have been nothing short of phenomenal nothing short of phenomenal i'm telling you you're doing yourself a disservice by not being here on tuesday night i am preaching on the blessings that God owes you the blessings that that God owes you I know that we were raised to not even think like that to not even talk like that but I'm telling you God owes you some stuff and he's gonna give it to you but I need you to be in line with the word of God Tuesday night at 7:30 how many of you believe God is pushing you to another side he's pushing you to another side I'm telling you that this is in fact our good ground is good ground is a good proving ground I really did the name on our 501 C 3 papers is empowerment temple but really in the spirit realm this is Cape Canaveral if you get here you gotta take off amen you got to go to a whole nother place allow me if you will - softly Shawn allow me if you will to make an announcement I am excited about but burdened about how dear Bishop called me on Friday and said pastor I need some help from you and I said Lord I said he gonna need a check from me this ain't a good week for that I he says no I don't I don't need a check I need somebody I would you stand to your feet I want you if you will to warmly welcome for the very first time the pastor of Bethel AME Church important deposit Maryland attorney Doug Evans and first lady Keesha come on please come on you got to give God some praise for them they are wrong they would time a service they start today at 11 o'clock I want to ask if I can are all of our ministers to come surround that them all of my ministers I need you to come all of my stewards I need you to come around first lady Keesha amen bless the Lord bless the Lord if you'll come stand out so they can get all the way around you come on lets me come all the way around come on leaders I want you to come lay hands on them these are our own we are so proud of them [Music] as they enter a new chapter in life lelou you bless his holy name with every person in a wrong stretch forth your right hand to faith towards them Lord in the name of Jesus I pray that you will let revival break out in Port Deposit I pray dear Lord that there won't be room enough to receive I pray dear Lord that you will anoint their heads with your oil I pray that you'll be their sword in their buckler that they'll be able to fight through the fiery darts of the adversary god I pray that they'll be able to stand up in you that not one moment in their ministry will they have to ask do you care God thank you for caring for us we give you glory we give you Thanksgiving and we give you praise in Jesus name somebody said amen empowerment would you give God some glory for both of them I want to ask if I can I want to ask brother Horatio if you'll take pastor and lady Evans to that back door they are going to agree and receive all of you in just one moment I got you in just one would you take your seats for just one moment brother Mike sister lawyer if you'll come now no no pastors stay right here please thank you so much I won't be able to tell you what to do again - and your conference let me let me take full advantage of it hallelujah bless His name Reverend Doug first lady Keisha we thank you so much for being a blessing into this ministry we deeply gonna miss you but we know you're not gonna be that far away if we have an agent so on behalf of the officers The ministers in the pastor we just like to present you with some beautiful flowers for the beautiful person that you are come on would you give God a hand clap of praise I'm going to ask if I can I'm going to ask Pastor Doug to give remarks on behalf of the first family and then he will give our benediction and after he would have done so a pastor and first lady will be in the back I called them on Friday and told her I'm buying her her first hand I got her I told whatever colors she choose me and sister Dolores gonna hook you up we got to get you ready for and your conference I need you with a gangster lane whoo-whoo ain't mad I need you up if you will clap your hands for pastor dog your Evans [Applause] come on first lady with red hair I'll see you the church mothers ain't ready important deposit you go you gonna have to get them ready let me also salute and celebrate come on pastor Brenda i pastor Brenda who people see you pastor Brenda who's also a daughter of our ministry has just been assigned to Allen AME Church in Baltimore retirement service 11 o'clock something gonna happen crazy at 11 o'clock today and so she takes on her new pastor it are right in the heart of West Baltimore and we are expecting amazing revival to take place rev Brenda a few weeks ago months ago I said pastor I'm going on vacation can you see him pastor Doug to come preach for me and neither she nor I knew that he was gonna be the next pass to the church so they don't already heard him preach amen in that God Amen come on give God Hank lepa praise fire pastor empowerment temple you are truly my family this is what men do when they're trying to fight back tears we clear our throat like it's really something in there but I love y'all I love you faster whenever you need me you know my number it might be changed next night but I love y'all I love y'all I truly love y'all this is my church home and you brought me to a lot so bless you bless you first giving honor to God with the head of my life to the great people of empowerment temple pastor Bryant I'm so honored to call you my friends confidant I'm so blessed to be a part of this ministry this is our church home god bless you all we are gonna miss you I love you I love you on Cynthia sister Dolores sister iris if I start calling names I'll get in trouble but we are truly blessed by this ministry god bless you all we love you and thank you reverend brenda for your support God knows we needed it god bless you come on I just give them a big hand y'all I had I thought through it Ravi we should have had a before and after picture if y'all could have seen Doug Evans when he joined his church with dreads all the way down his behind I'm taking full credit for the makeover I'm I'm gonna take full credit bless the Lord I'm a pastor as that you will give us our benediction and walk with me amen and pastor I ask all of you I don't go out any other door but this door I want you to hug them love them let them know that you really have prayers with them I told the leaders this morning you're welcome to visit them on any snow Sunday and it's no Sunday you have my permission to leave and go visit them while the guide as we leave this place we ask that you bestow on each and every person peace peace [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 24,494
Rating: 4.8014889 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2017, pastor jamal bryant, this will not take me under
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 11sec (5351 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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