The ten laws of love

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when we when we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on you know Jesus second together here [Music] [Music] gee something kind of something Jesus name Jesus something happens something happens we call [Music] my god is my cancer my god [Music] you bless the Lord would you lift up that hand did for you good and gorgeous God we're so thankful for the privilege grateful for the opportunity I pray that you will stand up in us so that we might sit down in you open up our hearts open up our eyes and shut down all of our inhibitions in Jesus name Amen while you're standing but you just ambushed two or three people around you tell him how glad you want to be with a man Bible study tonight [Music] come on he is my god he's mine mine yeah [Music] you may be seated but you give God Hank leper praise for our music ministry leading us in it is so important for me that you would arm yourself with a writing instrument there are a lot of principles points keys and principles that I want to give you on tonight I want to thank those of you who are watching all online and we are appreciative for your presence would you quickly find some way or something to write with there are some critical things that I want to share with you on the night that I believe will be a blessing to you and in your future in terms of relationships our scripture is that Genesis 22 if you'll make your way there as quickly as you possibly can Genesis 22 and I want to look at just two verses tonight in Genesis 22 verses 1 and 2 of Genesis 22 first book of the Bible it won't take you long Genesis 22 if you've gone to Exodus you're too far go backwards Genesis 22:1 m-21 once you've found I want you to Clare I have it watch this verse number one watch what it says sometime later God tested Abraham he said to him Abraham Here I am he replied then God said look at verse number two then God said take your son your only son whom you love Isaac and go to the region of Moriah sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain that I'm going to show you do you all see that here's what's crazy y'all I want you to write this down it's gonna blow your mind it took 22 chapters before God ever mentioned the word love for the first time first time love is ever spoken by God is in Genesis 22 and then I want you to see the context by which he brings up the word love it brings up love not about two couples getting married not even about the birth of the church not a relationship to a blessing he says watch this I want to talk to you about your son that you love and now that I know what your feelings are about them I want you to sacrifice them so the first time God talks about love he talks about sacrifice and the potentiality of loss I want to all go through tonight what I'm gonna call the 10 commandments of love the 10 commandments of love I don't know whether or not we're going to be able to get through all ten of them tonight but I want you to get as many of them as you possibly can khalil gibran G Ibra n says life without love is like a tree without leaves life without love is like a tree without leaves love is one of the most important yet misunderstood emotions our brains are wired so that we can connect with other people that is why the greatest level of punishment in terrorism is not jail its solitary confinement it is inhumane for you not to be able to be connected it is in fact in response to who you are psychologically biologically spiritually and culturally you are supposed to be connected to other people code the poem that became a song no man he is Island no man stands alone and so many people who find themselves by themselves do so what's this almost as self-inflicted pain and punishment feeling that they are not worthy or desirous to be connected with other people love has a whole lot of rumors myths is another world lies that are connected to it and I want to unpack over the next two weeks the 10 commandments of love as it were on your misunderstanding your misinterpretation of love and what it really is and what it really represents the first one that I want you to write this down please his love is not lust would you write that down please love is not lost physical attraction is an important part of love for most of us but emotional love is different than lust it is amazing that there are people who absolutely love your body but don't know you so all it is that they're fixated on is your physicality and not your spirituality so as a consequence they do not have the ability to have conversation to emote or to connect all they can do is touch the spirit of the Antichrist is in fact a proponent of lust because it does not have the capacity to demonstrate love be careful of people who have feelings but don't have thoughts would you write that down please be careful of people who have feelings but don't have thoughts they feel for you but can't even articulate what that feeling is what do you think about me who do you think that I am it is amazing that lust activates the same part of the brain that cocaine does same part of the brain that alcohol does same part of the brain that heroin does and so there are people who are addicted to lust and an immaturity you'll think is addiction to you so they have emotional ad day they are hooked and connected to you scary blow your mind is they're hooked and connected to you until they're forced to have to get to know you and then when you operate into that level of accountability oh is too much I didn't sign up for all that is lust always looks for a reward so a person who is in lust with you can only see what's in it for them so the Loess may not necessarily be sexuality as it may be monetary so you have to be careful of people who are in love with you during holidays and tax season there are people who lust after you hear me for convenience because you're always accessible always available you'll always let them drive your car you'll always let them hold money you'll always let them crash at your house you'll always answer the phone and so you are aiding and abetting an addict and evidence that it is not you you Mike Murdock says you really don't know what a person feel about you until you tell them no did you hear what I just said say you really don't know what somebody feels about you until you tell them no and then when you tell them no because they are not really invested in you they'll look for the person who has the yes I'm trying there are in fact points of addiction that come to stimulation that are connected to emotional responses there are those of us in this room who deal with trauma pain depression in different ways so some of us we going through a rough day we going through a drive-thru some of us we going through a rough day we don't just stand through social media all night and invest in other people's lives so we do not know other people go through a rough day have to go through retail therapy other people have a rough day they go to happy hour ever rough day they find cigarettes to calm their nerves take the edge off then there are those who when they have a rough day have a rough season fall in love so you have become their addiction and the problem is when they get strong or back on their feet they they'll resent you and you trying to figure out what did I do when I did everything to try to help you and now they resent you for loving them because they weren't in it for love they were in it for fix so there are people who lust after you who are not physically attracted to you they look straight ahead please yeah and so they you have the sense of connectedness to this person and then you begin the enemy is playing with your mind because you feel like you got this connection but they won't touch you like wouldn't a ham sandwich is going on because I'm given all the signals all the keys and you don't even understand is anything you is what you offer so it's not even you they like to pack that you are life coach that you're their therapist that you have filled in for the void of their mama issues you are their day at substitute many of you don't even understand in many instances you are their pastor so you keep trying to encourage them push them pray for them strengthen them and you're trying to figure out how is this love when I feel empty having the minister so it ain't even a date is a revival so you have spent all your time trying to motivate it it's gonna get better it's gonna turn around come on you can't act like that and you spent all of your energy pastoring them that they don't know how to minister to you love is not lust number two would you write this down love has the capacity love lasts and love leaves love lasts and love leaves there's a whole cliche that two hearts beating together as one is better than one by itself new research shows that we do experience love in the moment as a state of communion in that moment of deep communion people in love mirror each other's facial expressions so you smile at me I smile at you you you raise your eyebrows I raise my eyebrow and so we've come into a physiological rhythm so your real friend who you authentically love I need to might you date there's your real friend y'all on the phone they can sense when you having a bad day and they can't see you what's wrong nothing no for real what's wrong because you are now connected in a physiological place in that physiological rhythm it is amazing that sometimes your harshest enemy is a former best for you so you are here that level of connectedness have that kind of hair story have that reservoir of experiences and one issue will happen and y'all never speak again but y'all loved each other and you don't really don't even know how when dead father that deep that wrong that fail and now y'all can't even make amends the greatest war that you'll ever have is two people who were married who go through divorce they'll fight as strangers when they lived as lovers being in love can give you PTSD and so you're fine until you see their name on caller ID you don't even know what they want yet your blood pressure going up you got take a deep breath before you answer the phone y'all leaving me out yeah and it can be months or even years since you last saw you can see them across at a mall and now you put your head down hoping that y'all don't make eye contact cuz you don't even want to go through the pain and the harsh reality of speaking I'm talking to Christians yeah that it takes work just for you to speak because it leaves for you a residue of post-traumatic stress and in that many of us do not know in maturity how to dissolve relationships so I don't know how to end it without an argument because people raised us toward us mentored us how to get in the relationships nobody ever taught us how to get out the hardest thing for you to say is this ain't working I coined an expression and that expression I want you to have please is the curse of Christian compassion would you write that down please the curse of Christian compassion and the curse of Christian compassion makes me too nice I know it's not healthy I realized that this is toxic I've outgrown it but I don't want you hurt even while I'm dying and so I'll keep myself on life support just to keep you comfortable while I'm ill at ease so then I got to trigger myself how to make it work when I'm emotionally checked out I can't break up with him now cuz Valentine's Day is next week I can't end it cuz they just been all it is for Christmas I can't stop now that birthday is in April I can't end it now I got my high school reunion in June I can't block it now cuz we already made the deposit for our trip so there's never convenient time to close it and you'll be amazed how many people go into an engagement in a marriage already separated so you end up getting married to somebody you feel like you owed for time served for good behavior I own that we've been together this long we living together all these years might as well make it official and you all are really roommates with conjugal visits number three y'all ready y'all I get getting tight right through here am I saying anything that's not true alright here's the third one I want you to write this down please love takes work love takes work my father said this to me many years ago here's what he said to me I give it to you for free Bishop Brian said this ain't Mike won't Bishop Brian's quote his love is blind and marriages that iOpener love is blind marriage is the eye opener long-term studies of loving relationships highlight some behavior patterns that couples with long-lasting love share partners think of each other positively when here it is when they're not together how do you feel when you're not with them relieved I'll retreat cook God you got to work late thank you I'll give you another quote from my father he gave to my sister and I are talking about marriage again get his quote the bishop Brian is not for me Bishop Ryan said when you're deciding who you're going to marry the question is not can you live with them can you live without them now can you live with them can you live without them what do you think about them when they're not around are you a greater piece here this are you a greater piece in their absence you're writing a lot of notes I think y'all just get a higher contact but we'll we'll just make it work do they support your personal growth or are they a cast that you have to say in other words here's a remix the person who you claim to love that you're in love that you want to be with do they support you being broken or they've the therapy do you be coming home because the danger alert the warning labor you have to look for is a lot of people love you broken they love being a nurse and are intimidated if you're an outpatient if you love me why is it that you don't support me being better how come you don't push me to want more if you love me why are we both satisfied at life and are we making a covenant to build together or struggle together in taking work can I take the work that is necessary to build me to be better for them or if I hit cruise control it is what it is take me as I am some of us love ourselves enough just to love ourselves but we don't love ourselves enough to love somebody else what does that mean pastor I want you to love the satisfied me not the growing me and so I am offended to be challenged some women a lot of times women a lot of times will marry somebody or date somebody who are in a greater economic space but in a lesser intellectual space I like him for what he can buy not for what he brings you have to be careful then the adverse event is men who date down to feel I will not date marry or entertain my intellectual peer because the only way I can feel superior is if I do better so I never want somebody who will challenge me I just want somebody who will cheer from me and when you have a cheerleader you're not on the team you know you only get the rat on the team bus the cheerleaders they at a different hotel your position as a woman should never be the trophy wife but be the award for good work you work to get this the moment you think you deserve it you're disqualified what are the experiences that we can share realizing that we own two different tracks well two different tracks but harbor no competition so you teach cool he does construction but we both building something we have in fact diluted and bleached the biblical principle of unequally yoked being unequally yoked is not about your tax return oh I want to say this to you because I want to disarm you of a notion a philosophy and a theology that is crippling black women and their crippling notion on being unequally yoked is the hard data is 9 out of 10 of you are going to make more money than your black male counterpart so you got to make up in your mind in that resolve am I going to be alone am I going to be a lesbian or am I gonna share man I know we'll talk about this in church but but these are the realities the reality or statistical data you can be upright you can be holy you can work out you can have a good diet yet you can be spiritual and still never get married and the church never tells us the truth when you look at the data of who is available after you deal with jail drugs addiction PTSD down low Bravo's then the pie that you pull in from me is much smaller you don't believe me look around the sanctuary all right what am I willing to work for and is my value connected to companionship God never made the promise that every man would have somebody never made the promise we take you watch this in Genesis chapter 3 he never says that man ought not be alone he says what's this Adam and he gives the criteria for Adam Adam has a place to live the Garden of Eden Adam has a job to name all of the creatures that are in the Garden of Eden every creeping thing every crawling thing every flying thing Adam has an assignment take your authority take Dominion and after he has a place to live after he knows his assignment after he knows his relationship with God then God says he shouldn't be alone your problem is you are taking a man in who has no Garden who has no assignment and has no relationship and so you are now pulled out of his side because he has no backbone all right so you know you gotta ask yourself what is it that I'm working towards God said in his loneliness I think I'll make a man and many sisters are getting frustrated because you're trying to be God and make a man you should come to you already as a man so if he's sending his friend to talk to you disqualified can't tie your tie disqualified don't know how to treat you disqualified God said let me make a man and then let me pull you out of him so that that place he's already equipped for who you are what's the first one plays what's the second one what's the third one did we get to the fourth one all right the fourth one is love can enlarge love can enlarge research on mindfulness and self compassion show that practicing strategies once this de larger thinking in large your heart will smith say the other day on Instagram every day he runs and reads cuz every day he's got to do something for his mind and for his body what do you do to exercise your love capacity do you love at the same level you did on prom night how has your love grown with your maturity what is your idea of love that has not been modeled I lectured at a university about three months ago and I said to them an example an example was was this is that my grandfather was a bishop in the AME Church and in the basement of my grandfather's church my own grandfather's house was redfox records and my grandfather being a bishop getting AME Church had no conflict and listening the red fox was married five different five times to five different Asian women my father's spiritual man holy man I've quoted twice tonight being a spiritual man had no conflict in watching and listening to Richard Pryor I grew up 80s baby I grew up listening to Eddie Murphy everybody knew he got arrested with a transvestite and we still went watch straight places I'm showing you a principle here the whole brand the whole brand of Kevin Hart was in danger for infidelity it is the very first time I need you to really process and think through this the very first time like people have held an ethical standard for a comedian nobody has ever held the standard for a comedian on behavior and here's the problem that anthropologists and psychologists are gonna dissect after us is part of the problem of what has happened is that for eight years Millennials and Gen Xers every day so Michelle and Barack so we deposited in our sub-conscience a projection or marriage and family that wasn't even modeled in our homes so now we expect it for everybody who's in public life those of us who are 80s babies you have never in your entire life seeing this many people in hip-hop married because we now have a standard in an expectation of eight years of quote hashtag black love and so your understanding and your expectation of what love is is not what you got married modeled in front of you by your parents it was what it is that you got on television so you made up in your mind this is my expectation so I've enlarged in my mind what do I want love to look like even though I've never seen it personally what are your influences for love so you got people now settling down hooking up marry yet asking long term decisions with no short-term examples so everything on television is about how to sustain but nobody talks about the bump in a row so all of your children's friends I even talking about you had a left to 80s I'm now in the Millennials all of the Millennials went to Twitter upset saying cardi B need to break off the engagement you don't even know what I'm talking about I'm talking to your kids who watching online cuz you got two different rap artists you find once there's a strand of infidelity that's it you need to call the quits that's the end of it because I have a perfect ideal that love never strays even though I don't model it even though I don't have an example for it I expect it and if in fact you're not gonna do that that I'm gonna go find whose deal cuz I always got a backup team what is my capacity for love and is my capacity for love only perfection does love represent for me forgiveness does my interpretation of love have a word your grandmother had this generation doesn't have have room for the word long-suffering does my grasp of a concept of love deal with forbearance can itself all things can endure all things can it bear with all things can it hope it all things can it believe all things or is my understanding of love we fall out once that's the end of it so your relationships don't even last from one season of power to the next season of empire it's too much time in between there's your love watch this base of your experience does it shrink or does it grow so from one bad experience I ain't never gonna trust again I never gonna fall in love again I never gonna be that open again I'm never gonna share that much again and so I shut down from everybody else from the wrong one and the way that we operate in love yes how it is that we operate in church so I get mad with the church man with the preacher man with the pastor that's it I'm gone no interview no conversation no letter I'm out because I really didn't married the ministry I dated hit so soon as one thing is said or done or perceived I'm gonna leave cuz I love you as long as I agree with you and in that same way how do we operate in our soul salvation with God I love God as long as the answer my prayer and it's not just the answer to my prayer the answer I want God is good some of the time [Applause] doesn't my understanding of love stretch with my capacity and tolerance for pain God loved us the most not when he's walking on water but when he's hanging on the cross when do you love the most over a bag of the shoes of a shrimp over a trip or do you love the most when is inconvenient do you love the most when hear it is when it's embarrassing do you know how to love when the love brings shame do you know how to love when it has to be defended can you love here it is when you can't justify why you in it greater love has no man but this then a man lay down his life for his friends no man takes my life I lay it down and if I laid it down I picked it back up again so I love you knowing you running over me so I am willful to this level of love because why this is how God loves me how many times should I forgive come on Christians are y'all y'all y'all don't like this Bible this is the Gideon Bible this is the one that come free at the hotel you don't like this Bible let me go to five ain't no way we're going to ten let me give you five and then we'll pick up the next five next week what's the first one please come on class what's the first one what's the second one what's the third one what's the fourth one here's the fifth one love is not imagined love is not imagined there is enough seminal bottles of research that show that a loving connection is connected to physical health you are healthier what's this as long as your relationship is healthy single black men died earlier they married black men loneliness what's this loneliness unsupervised can in fact be termed a sickness loneliness I want you to write this down loneliness is as detrimental to your health as smoking anybody in the room that's a nurse well health practitioner will tell you that people recover quicker in the hospital when they have visitors people in the hospital by themselves make it down without no flowers and no cars no visitors then their physical comportment begins to diddle appetite who makes it out of prison faster and stronger those they got visitors and letters loneliness is a disease that is not the intention of God loneliness is so bad God couldn't stand to be by himself he created a whole world what's this just to have company he said I need somebody to worship me I know this is not conventional thinking but I am Telling You people who are anointed people who have value people who have destiny please hear me you can have people around you but if you have nobody that worships you you're lonely they'll never have a compliment nothing good ever to say never affirm your existence then they don't know how to worship you and so people who are not worship build an alternative world let me go somewhere where I'm appreciated so that's how people develop work husbands y'all laugh and I'm dumb trying to help you the death of a significant other increases increases your probability for death so people you had a grandmother grandfather they died now months apart died within a year of each other he married 57 years one died the other one was a good help in seven months drop dead because their life was connected to the other person now as it is in the physical soldiers in the spiritual how many of you are connected to corpses you're connected to somebody whose dreams are dead whose vision is dead whose imagination is dead and you don't even understand why you don't like going home so you making up urns you stop by the store you go on the way to you know it's gonna be traffic because the house has become a cemetery I'm trying God knows I'm trying who are you connected with and how do they attribute to your overall well-being not do they make you feel good do they make you live good do they love you enough to tell you you ain't supposed to be eating that love you enough remind you did you take your medication y'all not saying nothing to me love you enough to ask when is that doctor's appointment again love you enough watch this they say to you don't even hog you with them it ain't worth let the phone ring who loves you enough for your well-being and your welfare and it doesn't benefit them but they want to see you all the dangerous part about the disciples the dangerous part about the disciples you got two blind men who are yelling by the roadside son of David have mercy on me and the disciples is stop screaming you don't take all of that the problem is yes the disciples had vision watch this but didn't have love god help me in here there's a woman that had a issue of blood and a woman is your blood thinks to herself if I can just touch the hem of His garment hallelujah but people wanted to block and she's the one that's sick watch this and his was dangerous that I want you to have is the people who are blocking her are safe the problem I need you to write this down with caps something is wrong if you love God but don't love people your responsibility is that whenever Jesus goes into foreign territory the Bible says and when he saw the sick he's moved with compassion and says I got to do something to heal long I need to know if you love Christ jesus said if you love me then feed my sheep even how you treat the least of these you're doing it under me and a lot of you cannot have real emotional relationships because you don't know how to have spring once on me talking about on Sunday in it amazing how we pick and choose what it is that we want in terms of relationships and the Bible Paul says greet each other with a holy kiss and you'll name like turning your neighbor all your years being he I never told you to kiss no way I mean never not a Sunday not a revival not on periscope ain't told y'all to kiss nobody why because there's a level of intimacy that the sanctuary can't even handle y'all are uncomfortable shaking hands yeah but he says watch is the biblical way I'm supposed to greet each other with a holy kiss but because in our culture in our society that even kissing is sexualized that that level of intimacy is too much for you who doesn't know how to be intimate without being sexual can you hold me and not think I want you lift up that hand that's it that's enough that's enough would you lift up that hand please young and pulled me over my time limit and even get to ITEX and just as 22 lifted hand God says I see what you love I see what you love just what he says to Abraham I see what you love now need to see if you love me cuz I need to make sure you love me more than you love them and so I want to see as evidence of your love are you prepared to sacrifice what you love because you see me first how much you lift up that hand please I am so grateful that tonight God is not making you give up who you love I mean I would live half my membership I told you to give up your child to show God that you're Louisville can you imagine it did you gotta give up your favorite odd yeah I give up your sibling I'm talking about your cousin that's your your ace you got to give them up to show God I love you more can you imagine that parent that you closest to God said give them up cuz you love me more and God says I ain't even requiring that what I am required is if you love me give me you and you don't even know how to do that lift up that hand I want to pray for you please Lord show me how to love when it ain't comfortable show me out of love when it is not palatable show me how to love when I never had an example show me how to love when it pulls me out of character show me how to love when it don't match my time show me how to love when it's not what I want but it's your will show me how to love even when it hurts me but it glorifies you show me how to love even when I hate to do it and those of you who in this room who appreciate value and treasure the love of Christ would you give God your best sound of Thanksgiving [Music] come on as us let me drop it another way will you give God glory knowing he loves you if you got second thoughts about whether he loves you or not don't praise them but if you know it all that then just in them five things that God loves you with no limits he loves you with no boundaries he loves you and has all of the evidence you can't give God more praise than that I want you to stand to your feet please sir please ma'am stand to your feet wherever you find yourself on this day I want to give you the love of Christ and I want you to know going in you don't deserve it let me say it in a more encompassing way we don't deserve it but he loves us anyway we've been unfaithful we've been disloyal but he loves us anyway to that end those of you who are in this room those of you on this line and you're making up in your mind I want the unconditional love of Christ I want that love of God in my life pastor I gotta be honest with you every love I've had has hurt me has betrayed me has let me down I'm talking about my mother I'm jump up my dad I'm talking about my first I'm talking about my ex but this love you talking about he'll never let you down he's a friend that sticks closer than a new brother I'm telling he loved you so much he didn't buy you anything but he gave you everything how they anybody here know that every good every perfect gift it comes from God hallelujah I so desperately want you to become a member of this church more than anything I want you to make Jesus Christ the head of your life you're here in this room and you're not saved you're in this room and you've not given your life over to God would you please come come on forget about the people around you forget about people looking at you forget about what other people think they just look like that because they haven't been loved that they need attention so bad just ignore them we praying for them they don't get a breakthrough after a while but if you're in this room and you're saying pastor you only know for the last 35 minutes you were talking to me I need this love of Christ in my life I need the kind of church where I can see the love of God expressed that's where you are come on I'm begging you would you come join the church now wherever you are come on come on we are you come on on this Tuesday night come on you know only reason why we came tonight we needed you to be here wherever it is that you are I need you to come come on help me give God some praise for this young lady y'all better make some more noise than that you don't make my day there's somebody else I need you to come please right wave it is that you are I need you to come come on come on come on what better day turn up on a Tuesday come on wherever it is that you are I'm telling this the smallest crowd you're gonna be able to walk down the aisle for 7:30 bigger than this 9:30 and 11:30 bigger than this I need you to come on this is your Great Escape I want you to come I'm telling you Wednesday is gonna be wonderful if you get saved on Tuesday if you're here on this on this cold night come on the fire is still burning stretcher right heading to faith towards these incredibly gifted young ladies repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right if you know I'm right about it come on give God some glory hallelujah come on clap your hands till your hand turns red bless his name you may be seated the most known scription all of the universe is John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he did what he so loved the world that He gave he didn't so loved the world that he took anybody who loves doesn't have a problem giving and this opportunity this expression whereby you're able to give on this day I want you to get a seed in your hand that is evidence that is reflective that I am just so thankful that he loves me elbow your neighbor tell him I'm a whole lot to deal with I'm a whole I'm a whole life to deal with and I'm grateful that he puts up with me I'm thankful that he understands me hi we're studying the day researching today and I found out something I want to talk about Sunday is that the only thing more important than love is understanding and a person who doesn't understand you will never know how to love you I want you right where it is that you are would you get a seed in your hand would you get an offering in your hand that expresses unto God that I am so grateful I am so thankful that you loved me that you put up with me that you sacrifice for me in the words I'm Marvin Sapp you saw the best in me I want you to get that seed in your hand every person come on re-evaluate what you're gonna give and make up in your mind I love God more than this cuz God loves me more than this you get that seat in your home with you those of you who are watching online would you please please please I want you to pray about what it is that you're gonna give what it is that you're going to share I make up in your mind that on this day I gotta love God because He first loved me now that you have that gift in your hand would you please stand to your feet you'll stand to your feet of you giving electronically on either side of the sanctuary you're able to give electronically if you're writing a check you're writing it out to empowerment temple every person is stand both of you better watch it online some four or five thousand of you you trippin it ain't that cold amen come on now stop it how could you lift up that seat above your head please hallelujah repeat after me Lord thank you for loving me when I was unlovable use this seed so that somebody you need might feel loved amen would you turns an expression of compassion that we're gonna be able to be a blessing to some four thousand households in Park Heights come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise if you all didn't see it we were in the Baltimore Sun on yesterday commending us for our work in our community service come on give God some praise that God is helping our life to so shine before men and before women on this coming Saturday don't forget we're going out into the community I want all of you who are here and three more your friends to come with you Saturday morning at 10:30 you are not that busy I want you to please please please come hang out with us on Saturday we're gonna go just sharing the love of Christ and knocking on doors a blessing families and households it's gonna make you feel good I'm telling you you're gonna be on an emotional highs Saturday on knowing that you were able to help empower and equip other people this coming Sunday is readdress Sunday so as that you will please in honor of heart awareness as that you will ladies wearing red dresses if you don't have red dress just come in whatever color you got please don't let color or a dress or wardrobe be a stumbling block from you getting to the house of God as I want you to come in with evidence that you have as old mothers you say as long as it's clean and pressed and then throw it on and just come into the house of God I booked for the month a media ministry can you help me please our Book of the Month is the last book published by Dick Gregory our redefining American history I've already read it commended to you and high commendation I eat is the American history is black history which is American history from a different lens from a different perspective written by dick records come bless you it's gonna knock your socks off there is no intercessory prayer on tomorrow next intercessory prayer is next Wednesday which is Valentine's Day and it is Ash Wednesday we're gonna be doing service every Wednesday leading up to Easter I'm gonna come pray with you I'm gonna point your heads with oil on next week for Ash Wednesday it's just one hour at 12:00 at noon so as that all of you I will rearrange some things shuffle some stuff around come meet your pastor here on Valentine's Day at 12:00 noon would you stand to your feet I hope you will thank you so very much those of you who are in need of a ride home but you please come if you're in need of a ride home you're in need of preaching you straight all right thank God for progress all right anybody else anybody else wonderful your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day would you lift up that hand receive the benediction Saturday yes Saturday at 10:30 I'm looking to see all of you now unto Hill moves absolutely able to do anything but fail may God rest may God rule may God abide with each and every one of you henceforth now and forevermore and the blessed people of God said amen before you leave next Tuesday I'm gonna finish out these last five you only got the first five so you gotta be here for next week then the week after that it's gonna be crazy y'all I'm bringing in a life love coach a life love coach is gonna come teach with me on the Tuesday after next and it's gonna blow your mind I'm telling you you don't want to miss it please be careful have a great night go home god bless you we'll see you on
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 17,818
Rating: 4.7484279 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor, pastor jamal bryant, ten, laws, love, ten laws of love
Id: UbKw8xQnDBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 47sec (3947 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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