My Honest Review of Palworld

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when it comes to reviewing games we normally leave it to the experts however there's been a few times where game speaks to us so strongly that we have no choice but to review it and you got to understand guys games they fall within the Spectrum right some are shite some are just mid and a few a few are amazing power world is one of those amazing games now unfortunately it has had great success and I say that unfortunately because when you have a game have this much success this fast people are going to come after you today guys we're going to completely review power world from start to finish we're going to talk about the future of this game because yes this is an Ever evolving world but we also need to talk about the controversy from Pokémon and Nintendo claiming that power Ro is literally copying their homework to developers coming out stating that the whole game was created by AI these are the things unfortunately that go hand inand with your game absolutely blowing up now to give you a rundown of what power Ro is a lot of people say that it's Pokémon with guns an association that I'm sure Japanese developer pocket pair does not want right now considering Pokémon and Nintendo are investigating but if I was to give you a rundown of what this game is that's kind of what it is guys it's Pokemon but with guns or as Mr fruit says it's Pokémon if America made it now the reality is though the only other game to possess this game playay formula that I have played over the years is Ark Arc did it with dinos it's a survival game it has Base building this is like a more refined cutesy version of what Arc presented but that's the goal of this game to go out in the world pick up a stick beat the piss out of Pals enslave them by capturing them with a pow ball and put them to work for the rest of their days oh and if they talk back you have a butcher knife where you can actually take that pal and execute him in front of everyone did I say this game was cute don't worry the developers are kind enough to blur it out when you do it but that is essentially what this game is go out capture Pals put them to work get stronger level up make your base bigger go out capture more Pals and then next thing you know it you have multiple bases all designed intentionally to fuel your IND Endeavors now why are we doing this cuz this seems to be a question that people ask when they come out of stream like cross what's the point of this game such a philosophical question but this is also where the rub comes in because what's the point of Pokémon to catch them all and honestly guys that's really the point of power roll is to catch everything because there's something addicting about trying to catch that big bad pal and not being able to for whatever reason whether that pal completely messes you and all your pals up or perhaps your Poke Balls excuse me pow balls aren't leveled up enough there's something addicting about finally having the ability to cat capture that super powerful p and then you take that P and you say hey yeah you you who's been pooping on me now for the past week as I've leveled up trying to get strong enough to take you on yeah you you're going to cook berries for the next 6 months in this same location and you're allowed to eat only three of them per day you get this one straw pow bed that lays on the ground and you got to share a hot tub with 12 other Pals guys don't ask me why this is addicting it just is you see it takes a formula that may have existed in other games but it says hey you're not just throwing your pal out there to fight you're fighting with them matter of fact you're fighting while riding them or flying on them oh you see that flame pal there you want to pick them up and tournament to a flame turret do it you see Pokémon never presented these things to me which is why I personally don't believe a good Pokémon game has come out since the early 2000s but that's just my opinion palro has given us something beautiful something I hope continues to grow over the years and if done correctly this game is going to be on the level of Minecraft folks are already buying up servers they're investing in Worlds they are having the time of their lives playing this game and considering the road map that power Ro has presented to us the developers here are not slowing down guys this road map really hammers in the reason why we think power world has seen so much success its ability to draw in so many different kinds of Gamers with the devs planning on adding PVP to the game raid bosses for in-game PVP for Pals with something called pal Arena all on top of a game already so flush with other aspects of popular genres this isn't just a reskin Pokémon game or even just Pokémon with guns for that matter there's a lot more here that caters to the appetite of a wide array of people just in its Early Access version you've got combats bosses player leveling stats Loot and rare lucky Pals that's right guys rare lucky Pals I've been playing for nearly 60 hours and I only come across two and you got to capture them because if they kill you or they get away then that's it man but then you add in raid bosses from the road map and you've got a game that speaks to an action RPG looter and MMO fans the here kind of reminds me of fortnite back in the day was like okay what do we want to be yeah at one time they were just a battle royale but dude fortnite literally does everything power world has the ability here to appeal to a lot of different fans to draw in all types of Gamers and that's a beautiful thing you've got creature collecting with over 100 PS to find and collect all of which have their own stats and traits that can vary even within the same time you can give them new abilities you can ride them you can explore with them you can breed them PCH them level them up over time and then take them with you to tackle tougher Pals to then add to your collection and guys it gets even deeper than that if you come across a lucky pal you can gain the lucky trait and then when you breed that lucky pal you can pass that lucky trade on to other Pals for my destiny fans this is literally God roll Pals or in this case pal crafting with the ability to take certain attributes that have rolled on previous Pals and pass them on to the next and look don't even get me started on the consolidation of Pals and literally raising their tears for individual Pals themselves there's so many ways that take a simple little pal and amp them the hell up Power Road has a huge role to explore ruins mountains and islands beoning for you to go to them the moment you step into the game and Visually it looks good very reminiscent of like ginin impacts world and those same feelings and Vibes while exploring ginin are actually present here in power R it's just a calm Ru to relax and wander around it but with flying mounts you could take to the sky and discover those High Peaks that you would struggle to reach on foot now there are multiple biomes as well as chess wandering Merchants to buy and sell from and yes you can capture the merchants if you're like yo I want that Merchant in my base to work for me go right ahead man capture away but I would say you for my beginners you're probably going to spend majority of your time catch a new pal and just exploring and that's the beautiful thing here because you're going through and you're marking Dungeons and chest on the map and a number of different bosses hell I ran up on a level 50 isai player like straight up out of an anime here hands me a slice of pizza I thought I could take him and dude he shredded me I had to run for my life it's little things like this that makes pound stand out but all around guys from expiration to finding new loot to finding new Pals to capturing those Pals it's an addicting gameplay Loop then we also have the survival aspects with Base building cooking eating Resource Management craftting gear all of this which helps you survive tougher challenges or give you access to even more crafting options and you have to do this stuff certain terrains that are really hot or really cold will require you to have the right set of gear if you don't got it you'll die and there's seemingly endless amount of technology and items that you can unlock which adds more and more mechanics to the game as your player level continues to increase and here's the thing that next thing I unlock that next thing I obtain I find use for it sure you can run around with the club the entire game but you're going to find you need a gun eventually or a crossbow the game is going to point you in a direction that says hey you got to get good you need that stronger power you need that stronger set of weapons you need better armor now in the aspect of like crafting your base location is everything not only do you need a good location that's big enough for all your pals but you want a location that's accessible to certain resources I am an entire base devoted to collecting ore that's it everything here is designed to collect ore and that's all these guys do every single day which means my job is to go out and find the best miners possible one of the best Pals you can have in your base is Anubis unfortunately the only Anubis on the map that you can get out in the wild is level 47 which I definitely cannot take but then we cross reference our breed guide oh we can make a baby Anubis with different rolles of which we did one cake the right combination of Pals some hanky panky time and look at there guys we have an egg which will hatch us and Anubis who essentially is like the equivalent of 10 P one at least for my base and the taking a step further again the passives on the pals make a huge difference depending on what they roll with they can be substantially better God roll Pals is a real thing here but ultimately the goal is to make multiple bases that are all autonomous teams that work in and out with each other crafting farming producing with you stopping in every now and then to reap the rewards the only issue with all of this is yet those bases will be attacked and if attacked by a strong enough party they will be wiped out which is why there's an entire category within our technology that requires us to fortify this base now as far as I know rating bases is random and it's random from a variety of different ads but they seem to level up with you so they get tougher and tougher and if you got a lot of low-level pal just running around they'll get wiped if you're concerned about your chickpea Defending Your Base give them a turret it's things like this man that really pulls me in and keeps me addicted to this game Power successfully brings Gamers from all all walks of life into its World giving you a plethora of reasons to stay no matter what type of player you are or what you're into giving you progression that feels meaningful across each of its genre defining aspects yes there's bugs here and there there's definitely some Jank the game's not perfect and everything is ultimately going to be decided on how well the developers continue to fuel this world and how well they continue to scale something like ingame considering that this game cost $27 you will get many dozens of hours of very enjoyable gameplay and there are no microtransactions here guys $27 you got the game Early Access with the ability to spend many hours playing it fellas it's a great deal now with all that being said let's jump back to real life for a second to go over the controversies cuz that is a sticky point right now for power roll first up before we get into this we need to talk about the origins of pocket pair which is the developer of power world the company was founded in 2015 and they've actually self-published four games that being over dungeon craftopia AI art impostor and now pound Ro now they have a fifth game in the works titled never grave but the CEO to Kura Mobi interestingly enough doesn't really have a history of game design on pca's website his profile reads in 2010 he did some DS developments at a Nintendo game seminar and worked for JP Morgan Securities and founded a company named resu Press Inc and released the website stories. JP he also found a virtual currency exchange coin check and as we said in 2015 he found it pocket Fair now blog Ren myobi just days before power W's release outlines how power world was created in a way that was far removed from proper game development and how it was truly a miracle that power world even release now while developing power world Mobi had no sense of budget management they decided the judge based on the reaction to their first trailer release and if that reaction was bad they would determine if power roll was not worth the budget continued developments but initial reactions were positive so he decided it was worth making it and spending the money on it initially moobi had wanted the game to release after one year of development but then realized the scale of the game was growing going drastically and that would not be possible he then decided to keep developing the game hiring more workers and would worry about the budget later in the end almost all of the company's money was gone the man's literally gambling on this one horse ride here and mobe came out and said he doesn't even know how much money it costs and doesn't want to see it but calculates it to be somewhere around 1 billion yen it's roughly $6.7 million well guys based on how many copies have been sold mobe got his money back and much more now power Ro itself actually made some pretty massive jumps originally it was being made in unity and then they shifted it to unro Engine 4 this meant that all their existing code had been discarded and at the time not a single person in the company had experience with unro engine 4 they ended up making the switch when an engineer named matani had contacted Mobi saying that their previous games over dungeon and craftopia were interesting and they had 10 years of experience and would like to make a game with them now during their initial meeting it was clear he had a lot of technical knowledge but all his experience was in unro engine 4 and not in unity in the end Mobi actually trusted him and decided to make the jump to unre Engine 4 in order to bring him on board as their lead engineer guys this must have been a hell of a meeting right like can you imagine a studio going listen I just got out of this 30-minute meeting with this guy we're ditching our engine we're going unreal sorry for all of you that don't know how to do anything in unreal now this leted to them hiring more than five Engineers though all who didn't have any experience with Unreal Engine and would learn through Power and their learning usted with matsun killing this guy's name by the way now at the beginning no one within the company had experience emotion and took mobe a month to create one pound previously their 3D models and even motion used were assets they purchased from unity and this was their first time creating 3D models from scratch inh housee their goal was to have 100 lbs each with their own unique models and motion skeletons which means they couldn't simply just copy and paste motion elements like they did in the past eventually though they came into contact with a veteran motion designer named Mr adachi who was hired as a contract worker he was taking it back at first by how they were developing their motions so far and how now they didn't even have a proper motion rig Mr Dante made their system for motion design and even cleaned up their file management which was also a mess now the artist who ended up designing all of the pals was initially rejected Mobi knew they had talent but their illustrations were a bit too unique and worried it would be a mismatch after 3 months later the artists applied again and explained that they were a recent graduate who had applied to nearly 100 companies but was rejected by all of them but Mobi calls her a genius and an incredibly fast work and credits her as part of the success and stated that they would not have been able to make the pal designs without her it's crazy to me that somebody that can be turned away by nearly 100 companies was picked up by mobe and was seen for her Talent albeit not initially but eventually now saying that P road is about literally running around and crafting weapons to shoot alongside your pals you would think that pocket pair had experience with gun mechanics actually no no one at pocket pair had any experience with first-person shooters or gun mechanics and it actually took Mobi liter Lally just skimming through Twitter before he found someone who was just making videos of weapons reloading now this person didn't even work in the game industry didn't have any professional experience and was solely making animations as a hobby while working part-time at a convenience store mobe brought him on board to the team part-time and had him working remotely before eventually bringing him on as a full-time employee this guy went beyond just gun animations he would also work on character motion camera work sound design and more fellas you can't tell me this is not a Cinderella Story it truly is these are folks that were reject from numerous other companies folks that didn't even have a foot in this industry whatsoever and a boss like Mobi who put all his money into this putting pocket pair in a sink or swim scenario and look power could have easily come out in flops we could have been talking about the next day before situation where the studio literally closed down a week later granted I truly believe they were just outright scamming but I got to respect mobe and this studio which takes us to the controversies that being Ai and plagiarism you remember I said a second ago one of the clearest indications that you have actually struck goals when everybody is truly trying to tear you down well this has been going on for video games for quite some time we saw at fortnite in the massive success it had initially and suddenly there's lawsuits left and right Power Road is no different here there's been multiple claims of the developers using AI to help create game and even claims that power Ro plagiarize Pokemon's designs for their own pal now I need to be clear here these are alleged claims and at the time of making this video there's no definitive proof either way but Nintendo and Pokémon comes have released a statement regarding power roll quotes we have received many inquiries regarding another company's game release in January 2024 we have not granted any permission for the use of Pokémon int electric property or Assets in that game we intend to investigate and take appropriate measures to address any acts that infringe on intellectual property rights related to Pokémon we will continue to cherish and nurture each and every Pokémon and its Ro and work to bring the world together through Pokemon in the future now it's no surprise Nintendo may be looking into Power Ro look man they're known to be aggressive when it comes to defending their IPs hell even in the past when we would make videos that involve Nintendo games we would get copyright stck Nintendo is extremely serious about this but I need to still be clear here these are alleged claims and look fast forward 6 months from now maybe maybe something comes out where it's like yo power roll literally copied everything from Pokémon change some color schemes up and boom that was it yes I know the game has similar mechanics to Pokémon but outside of like the pow balls and the pals themselves dude the mechanics here are more like Ark than anything else that's just my opinion though then we have the AI discussion this blew up last week and there were a ton of tweets discussing AI firstly there's a tweet from December 2021 showing off AI generated Pokémon and another showing real Pokémon with mzobe saying the AI has evolved so much that I can no longer tell which one is a Pokémon this has been taken out of context by a ton of people obviously people are jumping to conclusions that mobe used AI himself to make these fake Pokémon models in power R when in reality this was taken from a BuzzFeed quiz there's more though in November 2022 we see Mobi talking about the possibility of AI being used to get around copyright laws and in April 2023 he talked about potential seeing true AI powering games on GPT 4 and in May of 2023 he promotes pocket pairs game AI art imposter or choice of a game title right now this is a party game where you are a progressive artist using AI to generate images but this is not helping his case granted though none of this is proof that AI was used and in a blog post from CEO takura moobi before the game was even released he shared a story of an artist they had hired who designed almost all of their Pals that being that artist we just talked about that was rejected from a 100 different Studios Mobi went on to say that she is one of the six Miracles that helped power world succeed people also forget that power world didn't just come out of nowhere it was first revealed back in June 2021 so the game has been in development easily for 3 plus years and no AI at least to my knowledge wasn't even a tool back then and if it was it's not nearly as powerful as it has been over the past year on top of that back in the original 2021 trailer we see some of those same Pals so look I'm not saying that AI wasn't used at all in the development of power R the fact that steam also has a policy stating that AI content must be disclosed if used when you go look at Power Ro there's nothing here stating anything about AI now I do believe that AI unfortunately is going to become a reality whether you want it or not and that's an entirely different topic for another day but so far at least from our research I'm not seeing where AI was used in the development of power Ro yes we could talk about the similarities between certain Pokémon and certain PS but dude where does it stop how many other games could we point to or other shows we can point to and say hey look at the similarities here you can go even further and say that Pokémon's original design was inspiration from Dragon quests I think in this case it's not plagiarism but instead inspiration now I know there's a Twitter user by the name of biofog who started posting images and videos comparing Pokémon and P creatures meshing them and overlaying them on top of each other placing them side by side and yeah some of the results are in interesting but I don't know guys I think that inspiration definitely played a role but will it hold up in courts maybe this is all going to be taking place in Japan and Nintendo and Pokémon have a lot of pool what's so unfortunate about this is that I would rather pocket pair completely focus on Growing Power roll they've already put out their road map they've got raids on the horizon I cannot wait to play these things but when you get bogged down by litigation which is the purpose of this it derails things and that's what's so unfortunate right here I will say though out of everything these mess similarities are the most damning BGC reported on this and stated that they spoke with two experienced triaa game artists about whether or not these model comparisons are evident enough for a plagiarism case against pocket pair and this is what the artist had to say you cannot in any way accidentally get the same proportions on multiple models from another game without ripping the mobs or at the very least tracing them meticulously first I would stand in court to testify as an expert on this they go on to say further to give you an idea of how impossible this is sometimes we have to copy one mesage to another when we make sequels to games for example redrawing an NBC from one game to another and even when we work those old models they only sometimes match this closely due to rigging changes that might need to happen there have been times where dozens of artists are given the same concept art to create a 3D model for example during art tests for jobs I've seen 30 artists try to make the same horse using the exact schematics none were as close to each other as these power world models are to Pokémon models none the Silhouettes and proportions here are near perfect matches the wireframe meshes look different so they're not the same models but it's so close that they may have built over the top of the Pokémon models and made a few changes so they weren't exactly the same when does heavily inspired become a Blain cop is much easier to take successful style and tweak it slightly than it is to come up with a new cohesive style right I wouldn't be comfortable passing this off as my work it's just too close in many places now BGC also spoke with David Hansel an intellectual property and digital media lawyer who stated it's down to Nintendo to absolutely proof copy not merely taking influence it's got to be obvious copy you look at one picture and you look at the other alongside it the industry would have come to an end years ago if you weren't allowed to take influence you can't have a monopoly on a certain style of artwork it literally has to be copying the Pokémon company will be looking for a Smoking Gun and these 3D models videos could be Gold Dust for the lawyers because they're not just thematically similar from what those videos show it could be extremely compelling evidence of copying if those are original Pokémon models shown in those videos then Nintendo should be home and dry in terms of demonstrating coping that could be a Smoking Gun now this isn't the first time pocket pair and the word copying have been used in the same sentence either one of the first games called craftopia was accused of copying assets and styles of breath of the wild back in 2021 even their next game that is currently in development looks very similar to that of hollow Knights whether these games are all knockoffs or heavily inspired that's completely fine and okay unless they are literally stealing plagiarizing or using AI which we don't have defin to proof yet the real issue with all of this is that it's here say yes the power Pokémon meses look somewhat exact and if that's almost impossible to have happen it's a high chance it's just literal copy assets the other question is how can we blandly trust the Twitter account that's posting these comparisons we can't and at the end of the day it's up to the Pokemon company to do their due diligence and really look into power to see if they can find any silid concrete proof that pocket pair has plagiarized considering how aggressive Nintendo usually is in terms of protecting their copyright and the fact that the game was announced nearly 3 years ago and they've been posting trailers for their pal for several months my question to you is why didn't Nintendo say anything before now why all of a sudden is Nintendo and Pokémon addressing these concerns it's probably do to the fact that power world has wildly succeeded and for the first time maybe ever Pokemon is under threats from moobi though on Twitter he has stated that currently we are receiving slanderous comments against our artists and we're seeing tweets that appear to be death threats I received a variety of opinions regarding power Ro but all productions related to power Ro are supervised by multiple people including myself and I am responsible for their production I would appreciate it if you would refrain from slandering the artists involved in power roll we'll see what shakes out with all this guys what I do know is that this is not good for the company and hopefully it doesn't derail things for the future of the game I love everything that Power Road is looking to jump on they're adding PVP they're adding raid bosses a pal Arena which is PVP for Pals Steam and Xbox crossplay new islands new pals new bosses hopefully they get it to every single platform although Nintendo probably would never let that happen at least not to the switch but if you can get on to PlayStation that would be incredible keep in mind the amount of sales you've seen doesn't even include play station and when you add them into this my Lord this game is really going to blow up fellas I thoroughly enjoy power rooll yes it's got a lot of controversy around it but I can't help myself from waking up and wanting to jump right back into this game there's so many addicting things about it I've recently discovered pal breeding and I've got these spreadsheets on spreadsheets on how to combine different Pals and breed them to make a super pal and you know what kind of gamer I am I like looters I like firstperson Shooters power Ro presented something to me that I never thoughts I would enjoy and despite all the controversies I can't help but want more of this game I hope it continues to grow and continues to do better I hope whatever goes on litigation wise it doesn't derail from the future That Power Road could possibly give us Mobi and pocket pair have a winning formula with this game this is a generation defining IP and they need to go all in on it and if worse comes to worse if Nintendo is like listen we're going to drag you through Court literally for years in my opinion I would pay whatever settlement necessary to get out of this situation and to get focused on continuing making power Ro an amazing game Nintendo and Pokémon know they're under threats and for good reason they've given us a game and a formula that leaves us no desire to ever want to return to a Pokémon game again just my thoughts guys let me know in the comments below what you think fellas and ladies thank you all for coming and watching and as always slap that like button like your mama told you [Music] right [Music]
Channel: Aztecross
Views: 233,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny, Destiny 2, Destiny bungie, Bungie, Destiny Aztecross, Aztecross, palworld, palworld game, palworld review, palworld gameplay, palworld ai, palworld plagiarism, plaworld drama, palworld pokemon, nintendo, pokemon, nintendo pokemon, pokemon company, palworld honest review, aztecross palworld, palworld playtrhough, palworld thoughts, palworld pocketpair, pocketpair, craftopia, overdungeon, never grave, palworld steam, palworld sales, palworld controversy
Id: Rj1yhax9Pj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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