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so I was searching the steam store the other day trying to find some upand cominging games when I came across this an overwhelmingly positive new game that everyone says why is this free I want to pay for this so hello fellow engineers and welcome to sheepy a short Adventure so apparently we start off in this pile of rubbish and I think something happens yeah a spark comes out of there flies down into this abandoned plushy which means if I press x a few times I'm using a controller by the way oh it's not X say I'm using an Xbox controller not a PlayStation one but uh the plushy has come to life oh imagine if it was a Patty plushy or the beaver plushy from Timber borers and but yeah we're we're now alive unfortunately our little penguin friend doesn't seem to have make it is that a penguin or is that a whale either way let's head over this way and see what we've got so we come out along this tube and Oh chapter one first steps literally the first steps so head over this way looks like we got a rope oh I was going to say we got a rope that we can swing on but we don't oh we got a button the button changes from left to right okay so leave the button there jump over there Bloom it out oh I love that his little eyes CH did you see his eyes there like he's like H hang on hang on so let's jump over there oh the birds the birds flew away jump down here jump over there and is there a double jump that doesn't seem to you want that looks like quite a long jump it's okay it's oh goodness okay we're good we're good drop down there jump over there oh don't like that probably should startop jumping up and down on it anyway scare off more birds and then jump over the oh no oh ow oh that didn't sound good um oh we wer meant to go down here poor little plushy I can bring him back to life by mashing X sorry a what's that purple light oh that's just like a foreground light oh that's cool and we head over this way I'm getting proper like limbo Vibes with this but it's like it's pixelated I love pixel Graphics anyway oh technically a bridge ah it fell down it fell down I didn't even have time to do a bridge oh maybe I do it's self growing right you know what that means then we need a bridge review it's a stone bridge with no real structure underneath as you walk across it actually falls Beneath You meaning you cannot come back until it rebuilds itself so if you just hop over like that you can make floaty bits in the middle but then they come back again the engineering behind this bridge is verging on Wizardry so overall I give this bridge a 9.7 out of 10 Bridge review so yeah although although it has its floors uh that's a very high score cuz I've never SE a self-repairing bridge no more maintenance anyway if we come up to this what is that it seems like there is a hidden place to the right so do I do I need to go back and try and find it where are you hidden place so over here can I like go through this wall oh yeah there's a little cave here we go o there's a PlayStation 2 game yay oh so vinyl that's what music used to look like before it was on CDs and that was before it was on Mini discs and that was before it was on an MP3 player and that was before it was just on your phone yeah actually I think vinyls have like come back haven't they like all the cool kids listen to vinyls these days anyway back across the dodgy Bridge let's go this way for now oh my goodness there's blo in platform has falling everywhere I wish I didn't give that such a high score now cuz now they're just building everything like it oh are these going to fall no I think they're good oh they don't feel stable run run run over to this what is this oh this is falling down okay let's jump off that way oh no okay we made it we made it definitely didn't die and had to restart anyway we'll carry on down oh look there's a plat form down there oh can I not head back I can't jump high enough oh maybe that's foreground I don't know I don't know let's just go with the flow what is what is this all right so there's a note from someone saying they're they're stuck down here basically and they're trying to get back to the surface and they struggled just like I did just then um oh I'm worried that might be them and they were wearing high viz looks like though they weren't wearing their hard hats that's probably where they went wrong all right so in this room so just listen to little voice note saying O sorry I found a little little vent just listen to a voice note saying basically everything went wrong whatever was going on there was like alarms in the background so I guess people were working down here that's why we're in a vent system right now like there are there are sort of like girders dotted around so it's definitely man-made it's not natural I don't think I can make it over there can I no oh and it looks like that that thing above I didn't land on it it wasn't a platform so I didn't miss out earlier that's good right beneath me I see spikes on either side I also see is that a teddy bear with a knife in its face why is my sheep character not not like terrified right out anyway we'll drop down okay spikes don't appear to be moving oh hello who's this oh it's coming close I don't like it oh it's gone into the bear it's gone into the bear oh dear the bear is up patches the Lost Bear oh is this a boss I'm not ready for a boss oh my goodness ow ow okay so it looks like that one shotted me uh we're going to have to try and jump over that right ready oh my goodness okay run run run run run run run run run run away okay if I stand here maybe I can get it to go into the there wo like that yes in your face oh no oh no they're coming back they're coming back they're coming back okay let's go stand down this end I can't believe I got to do this again oh I don't like it I don't like it run away ready oh my goodness it's so fast I don't have the reactions for this some old oh I think we did it we got two things ow what is going on they've gone inside me oh they jumped so I can I can double jump now oh yes oh that's what I'm about I love a double jump okay so floating orbs mean number of jumps remaining um um um I don't like the look of that the Bear's back run right leg it Oh no I got stuck oh it exploded something in my face it's okay we're good we're sort of good leg it right over onto that elevator right are we safe oh I'm not sure we're safe I'm not sure we're safe um we're swinging we're swinging I think we're about to drop see you later mate let's jum okay chapter two descent so as we head further and further down there is like girders and stuff like sticking out the walls wherever we are this place has been destroyed I don't know where the Bear's gone you can see the elevator behind me there's a phone there I got an achievement your estimated wait time is forever all right let's jump over this way I'm so glad we got a double jump now oh look who this is from the chief engineer this place will be switched off soon if you find this I recommend you leave as soon as possible oh dear so whatever this place is or was it's being switched off and it probably has already been switched off hence why it's looking a little a little worse for wear at the moment and let's jump over this way I can see warmth beneath me oh and saw blades deadly saw blades being a plushy I don't think I want to go near those let's head along this way instead all right so I'm guessing these are yeah falling platforms great great why did I give it such a high score I really shot myself in the foot hit um right let's head along this way oh yeah look we found we found another disc Bo so I don't know what the vinyls do I assume they're are they just Collectibles I imagine so I like collecting stuff though and it's a platformer so it's probably what we meant to do right let's listen this all right so it sounds like we're sort of following someone who's who's like come down here yeah they said no one's been here for a long time oh look this is from the engineer not not the chief engineer just the normal engineer so this is like Paddy level rather than matte level yeah everyone seems to be evacuated correctly at least everyone we could have saved why would you add that in your final report that like reports are purely there for butt covering all right so we've got an elevator here the engineer left us a note saying we need to power it on uh thankfully there's a switch right there so let's get back in this and it's not going down oh actually there's a wire coming from this way isn't there oh do I jump down I don't know if I want to jump down there that looks dangerous okay well let's have a little look if I stay down the middle oh I died I died reactivate the lever then press the button where's the button is it that thing that I'm like oh oh I got to hold I got to hold down down I didn't realize I could Crouch oh we're going down oh I just got achievement called such an engineer this game knows who's playing doesn't it anyway we head that way we've got another switch looks like there's two switches cuz there's two lights and then that's the button okay so we'll go looking over this way so haha another switch so that's now hit so to get back over just go over here and then hold down cuz I know all about buttons now oh oh that's another elevator I thought I was in a cage then I thought I got trapped and that wouldn't have been very nice anyway oh look at the bridges in the background oh look at the one like way up the top oh my goodness what is this place like actually what is this there's like a city under underground hang on there's a note to the left all right what if we go to this Edge oh the camera zooms out oh no there's another dead person another dead engineer without a hard hat always wear your hard hats people I'm going to have to start selling hard hats I'm worried this is a sign of things to come people are like buying like the merch the t-shirts real civil by the way but they're not they're not buying hard hats they're not detected like yes you can get your certified engineer t-shirt but without a hard hat it's verging on pointless at least if someone drops a brick off a three-story building anyway um right over there should I jump into that oh ah okay I understand yes I should jump into it but uh when I do I should keep holding right because basically it gives me an extra jump cool right over here we got a Stompy flatty thing let's not get stuck under that little message saying you're not allowed to go down here until your equipment's been checked well there's no one here check it so let's go all right so we've got more Stompy things so let's just stick over there and then we can go down this lift we all right so more Stompers so let's just head this way not too far I don't want to get stomped myself and there's another lift so we'll go down this one as well and then I'm very nervous walking around here it's quite scary actually Zone 3 is officially closed okay well I'll carry on going this direction anyway oh am I in a cart am I like in a mine cart I think I was we're also in chapter 3 now cool all right so we're in the offices of Belgian Inc it's looking in the similar state to my office since I left it I think oh there's actual glass there okay I can't get out beyond that glass so uh let's let's head down this elevator then when we arrive down here I think H let's go check left first always check left there wasn't anything over there right oh what is that there's a bunny up there all right come here bunny oh it's so fast oh look how fast it ran oh do I follow it or do I go up wait what was that line in The Matrix follow the White [Music] Rabbit right we're going this way well there's loads of rabbits it's like that rabbit puzzle game we played all right we're on here oh my goodness oh I don't I'm scared I'm getting like I'm getting like Mario flashbacks and they're not good flashbacks um oh what is all this it's like Illuminati stuff everywhere um I can oh I was going to say I can drop down cuz look there's a there's a switch there an elevator beneath needs another one um let's head over this side for now that's where the rabbit went I probably want to go up as well should I go up first oh I fell right down all right okay we made it up we made it up let's see what is actually up up if I jump over there I still have my double jump when I when I enter those so that's good oh it's only good if you don't it up though oh no I fell all the way down idiot all right okay so we're up here on this side there's like whenever I walk into crystals they're like going blue am I like meant to light them all up or something perhaps let's head down here just light all of these up what is this a map this new deposit is full of crystals we will all be rich soon yeah I need to go up here so let's jump up there oh there's a rabbit as well come back here rabbit oh there's another switch yes we needed a switch so oh one of six is that all right okay go over here and then duck and then jump oh my goodness that felt close oh why am I rushing this why am I rushing I'm just going to stay here oh dear run okay we're good we're good right we've come out to a cliff double jump that easy over this way oh no we fell are we back at oh we're back at the start so I guess there are just six switches dotted about I got to try and find them all so I'll jump up this way and then that we're back at that window all right basically a note just saying everyone's all dead good to know I guess o secret door so oh we've come to like some control room oh my goodness there is a switch here let's hit the switch oh is that a map like in the middle so I've done the two switches I think I've just done the one like on the left like next to that where that eye is so I probably have to go down like over to the right and get the others yeah okay meanwhile can I sit in this chair oh yeah I can oh sweet oh I can run I can make it go in circles right run run run it's how fast can it go oh it's going so fast it's going so fast oh my goodness oh no chado CH t-shirt coming soon hang on if I if I stop running oh my goodness I'm going to be dizzy oh I'm not surprisingly resilient to that right anyway we'll head out of there and I feel like it was trying to tell me there's one if we just head down oh is that what's yeah look there it is there it is so there's another one at this sort of level just to the right and then the other two are a bit higher up if I remember correctly off that map so whether I go down this hole or maybe I just have a little look cuz I'm a bit scared of just like dropping down holes oh this one this one has like grips here we go here we go if we head along here there you go there is the switch B four out of six done and oh I can keep going down oh more crystals oh there's like a little flower there as well anyway I think the next ones were they to the right and then right and up so if I go to the right I don't think we went this way at all so right yeah we got one of these platforms oh my goodness the one to the right looks so fast surely like my head's going to come off there the amount of acceleration is huge all right anyway we're on this I can see a rabbit to the right so let's go see what he wants there was also something to the left but I guess for now we just follow the rabbit all right so look there's a rabbit there there is the rabbit you're not caged are you no you you're not head up here oh no way back that doesn't seem sensible or is it just one of those signs that doesn't really mean anything like 20 mph in Wales no one goes 20 still do they I promise I definitely Drive 20 all the time and I advise you all to do the same anyway we're back in in here oh look Z3 Z4 okay I reckon I can get back if I need to I feel like I've maybe gone too far though should I go explore oh my goodness should I go explore or should I try and finish Z3 oh I literally I can't get back they said there's no way back fair enough there there's no way back so if I drop down and then do my double jumps like that yes we can just about make it that was sketchy though uh warning deep excavations um well I guess we're going down okay we're doing a lot of dropping I don't know how much dropping I actually want to do cuz I don't know if I meant to drop like all the way I think I can cool oh there's a rabbit come here rabbit right a load of rabbits there oh oh no they will just ran into to the wall and died that was horrendous any we up here another rabbit and a note Chief archaeologist least it's not an architect I guess all right so basically they found a like a ancient civilization uh they were under the ground and they were using those crystals for something they're trying to work out what it was for anyway what is this what is that ball doing there's loads of rabbits here as well oh they all just oh they all just run straight into walls I'm not I'm not a fan of that also there are just uh people that didn't make it spewed everywhere anyway from up here I reckon do we try and get the horns yes we got the horns oh what's happening to me oh what are they oh I can press I was about to call it Square I can press x what does it do oh oh it's a suicide button oh my goodness oh it makes me Dash Okay it makes me Dash when I hit the floor got it so I think okay so I think if I Dash and then jump like that oh man we are flying I died but yeah basically oh man basically I'm flying and it means I can jump like anywhere I want to oh and I really needed to do it through there cuz I was stuff falling on my head okay so this game's gone from Mario to Sonic oh man oh man oh man what am I doing I don't even know how I'm doing this right jump jump jump there's so many bunnies beneath me right right we are just falling down okay now we're going up hill now we're going up pill still going uphill there's a very red feel about this area oh no I think I went the wrong way okay I'm going to try and go back okay I can't go back fair enough we'll keep going this way then so jump through all of these purpley things land on there do a massive double jump all the rabbits have stopped oh this is falling down oh my goodness oh this is all falling oh no jump jump jum jum J Jump all right and then we're away again wait who stop stop stop a second where are we oh at the Zone 4 five barrier okay let's keep going so five Purgatory this area is officially forbidden to anyone do not expose any part of your body but that's like my signature thing to do what did he say anyway we've got a lever there so yeah looks like I need another one to get this going is that just here yes so now we can press down and go down into the Forbidden area right oh no the elevator got stuck oh no oh no it's not stuck it's very much not stuck okay we we fell out great so from the elevator let's just drop down I don't want to drop too far there we go uh seeing lots of lots of bodies in the background oh this is from the investor so basically says if this experiment succeeds we're all going to be rich basically uh do I need to like bash through those yes oh we're on a bashy bit nice oh what is that it's a giant crystal oh what's happening to it oh no oh not this guy again oh dear oh it's got a sword now patches the dark Bear all right what oh dear run away I don't even know how I can not die here ow ow all right then what do I do at this point I can see the bear over that side what's it done I don't know what it's done okay I think do I just do similar stay up here when it jumps up here go down do the same when it hits down that side and then yeah it's going to like Bo up so can I do anything can I like Dash into it I can I got to dash into it got it so we just do the same thing and then boost so basically rinse and repeat and then jump there we go so now I think the bear is down he's he's still alive but then Crystal explodes leaves a shiny shiny thing behind and the bear is off so oh ooh it's oh it's tickly it's tickly all right let's get that we have a new ability ooh press y oh I can fly oh I Can Fly for a little bit oh I can actually I can ster as well that's cool so we can fly up to this ladder jump up and then fly over that way land on this back up over there and then do a jump afterward oh this is decent so oh no okay through the PO of editing I actually landed on the platform you didn't see me fall off right double jump then hoof my way up and then another jump cuz it charged decent right oh no we've got we got a jump over there so H H that into there and then H another one oh my goodness there's a lot of buttons to think about suddenly in case you hadn't already noticed I'm not that good at Platformers oh really all right jump over this way fly into there jump over that way fly up there oh we're actually we are doing it though we are doing it what is that thing let's go into it o waa it seted me all the way up really fast okay we are absolutely cruising now I've turned into a comet that is one way to get outside oh we're in France oh we're going we're going way past France we're still going up we are very much still going up oh my oh we're like proper in space now chapter 6 right so we're going to have to use our new ability to get around oh look at these people all right so basically I think the guy that probably didn't make it did a similar thing to me and unfortunately he well as we saw did not make it so he just left a nice little note saying good luck anyway can we get up here yes we can should we be going up here I think so yeah I'm just going to let's just keep going up we will keep going up let's do the sprinty thing as well nothing can go wrong can it oh dear we're combining everything we've learned no we've learned to fall okay we go again but this time we actually land on this platform which doesn't last long I forgot what button did what got to get around no got to get around that edge oh we start down here again uh jump up to there and then over this way and then around like that there we go right and then we're safe just perch on like an icy ledge but then jump up and over that way nice now we're up the top and we keep climbing higher or unless you fall down like that oh we're on another Bridge are we still technically underground do you think like this bridgy thing we stood on looks an awful lot like what we saw in the background what excited me earlier anyway let's head over here oh I don't like these oh this is horrendous I don't like this we got to go up we got to go up oh no okay okay we made it we made it we go we keep going up I can see a little grabby thing there so that's good there's a double jump thing which means I can redo my Boosty oh man this is stressful this is really stressful as someone who doesn't platform all right let's boost along here as well cuz if you're not doing stuff at full speed what's the point hang on what is this what am I doing oh oh my goodness you finally arrived little one in order to complete your journey you must return the powers you were given oh but I was just getting used to them okay so I guess we keep traveling oh we're dropping down we're dropping down here we go here we go right we are heading into some sort of Temple do I drop down this bit no I don't think there's anything good over here okay we'll go over where I thought was a bit too obvious but that's fine we'll go over this way we then go down this way jump over those and oh we found like a Stargate portal thing oh I think it's turning on I think it's turning on oh hello oh the thing I just dropped down just lit up why did it do that what do I do do I go into this or do I go over to that right why didn't this one light up any actually can I get that high that looks quite high up yeah I can I can right can we go into this ow ow it's really hot now oh there's one over that side oh I just got to go to like all of these in order or something that would make sense to me so let's fly over this way oh oh no it's the bear it's the bear in The foreground oh no oh this is going to be horrendous it's like engineering versus architecture there can only be one winner and architecture is very pretty and distracting it's dark energy the evil source oh it just did it just stab the bear the Bear's gone oh it went to oh the bear what the bear just save me no engineering architecture off friends oh no I just like hide down there let the Bear get stabbed okay it keeps missing so that's good let's just head up into this thing send it okay so now it's lit up the bottom left one so we've got to head over to there I think just dodging this like energy you think so oh my goodness that was terrifying right let's just run really fast if I'm fast it can't get me oh my goodness it's really trying to get me oh I fell I just realized why why I fell I'm losing my abilities every time I like step into these I've lost my uh my like fly around thing now so this I'm losing the ball horns so I can't run really fast anymore and then up there I'll probably lose my double jumps got it oh my goodness Dodge the thing trying to stab me in the face and yeah I've got no abilities apart from double jump ow so hopefully just keep running and I'll be okay maybe so double jump up all of these all right so here yes use that to jump me up into the air okay got it got it okay okay ready ready just time it just time it Bo yes we're up we are up so now I can jump into this yes so there goes the double jumps which means the portal in the middle I don't know what is it going to do I think it just means I can go over to the portal right so I've only got a single jump this is not nice jump jump come on Matt you got this right there's the bear see you later bear wait is the bear after me again or is the bear my friend now I don't understand really anyway we've gone through the portal I mean sort of the Bears no the Bears jumped in front what are you doing in front of me be oh my goodness this looks very strong all right let's try and get to the bear come on are you okay bear you're my friend now come with me I'll save you I'm I'm trying to drag the bear through the portal all right come on closer use all your strength pretend it's Patty you have Ultimate Machine strength if if it's Patty in danger ah we've got in and that is the end that was a free game oh question mark question mark still that was a free game free like it cost nothing for free wow fair play incredible so yeah that was sheepy a short Adventure uh fair play all of these people great job uh for now though I guess I'll say peace love and sheep bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 382,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer
Id: uEpkVXFgq0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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