I Was Too Young To Understand | People Stories #348

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what happened to you when you were young that you didn't understand until years later when me and my sister were around the ages of eight and six we gave our mom a necklace for her birthday she was about 36 years old at that time it was a blue green twinkling necklace and we thought it was perfect for mom because she loves glitter and jewelry she wore it at every occasion she had guests for dinner and similar we were very proud of our gift because she liked it so much that she wore it all the time years later i realized that it was an ugly piece of crap really no sane human would with this dog collar in disguise i cringed at the thought of actually having giving it to mom then it clicked she probably only wore it when she was at the house or we were around she wore it for us so that we don't feel guilty of gifting crappy things to her while making a fool out of herself in front of everybody else i love you mom my mom insists her love of clunky necklaces is because she got so used to wearing pasta necklaces my sister and i made for her she still has one of the more tasteful penne and macaroni pieces in her jewelry drawer 18 years later when i was about 14 a guy who i went to school with had leukemia he disappeared from school for a while while he had chemo and then came back when he recovered a little we weren't particularly close in fact red bean a little bit of animosity between us for no particular reason just petty kid stuff the last day of term as i was walking towards the school gate he caught up with me and walked with me he told me he was sorry there had been tension between us and that he liked me and hoped we could be friends he died during the summer break and i realized some time later that maybe he had known he wasn't going to make it and was trying to make his peace with the world before he went when i was a little kid we had a kid in our class named george who was mentally [ __ ] we had special needs kids in our school and we wouldn't have them in the same class but they would share recess with the rest of the kids george dressed funny he couldn't speak very well and he had a hard time understanding what we were telling him as you might imagine this led to a lot of the kids excluding him or making fun of him my friends and i decided to be his friend he was a nice kid didn't mean any harm he was just a bit slow years later in telling the story to someone else i remembered my teacher explaining that he was greek which i didn't understand at the time thinking about it i remembered that just like the special needs kids the esl kids shared recess with us george wasn't [ __ ] he was just a recent immigrant from greece who didn't speak english very well can confirm i'm greek living in the us off the boat greeks are pretty much [ __ ] i found and bus in my dad's closet when i was six and but looking back on it now it was probably a sex toy or just something he made to look like a woman's butt either way i pulled it out of his closet and was sitting next to it on the couch when he got home from work i was a lonely kid this made me actually laugh out loud just chilling with in butt on the couch visiting my aunt and her cool roommate susan when i was a child didn't realize until my cousin said something when i was in high school you mean a rumor or holy crap found out my uncle was gay the same way lol so many birthday cards and holiday cards from uncle d and his roommate m never questioned it really thought it was really nice that his roomie signed our cards though he when i was about seven or eight i was at a train station with my parents and saw a guy on the opposite platform jump in front of an oncoming train at the time i didn't really get what was going on and was just really curious to look but now i understand why we left the station in a hurry we had a science fair in sixth grade and i was doing some sleep experiment or something being the smartest know it all i was i referred to my subjects as tishtis like trainees i thought my teacher politely suggested calling them test takers instead years later it dawned upon me and i have mad respect for him not laughing in my face i would have when i was 12 my divorced mother and i lived in a nice duplex in my hometown she would go to the city after i fell asleep and party downtown with my aunt almost every night i didn't know this until i was older one night in particular i fell asleep on the couch and halfway woke up to the sound of the front door opening and closing i saw my mom walking with the creepy hooded shadowy figure close behind her i fell back asleep the next morning i asked my mom who was with her when she came home last night she looked terribly confused i told her about the figure behind her and the color drained out of her face and she shook her head and told me to stop playing games that if i kept telling ghost stories i would invite malevolent spirits into the house found out like a year ago that she brought a guy home and made me believe it was a ghost so i wouldn't tell my grandparents crafty b tl dr my mother brought a guy home one night and let me believe for over 10 years that i had seen a ghost wow crap sometimes we would stop at my aunt's work so that my dad could go in and talk to her i wasn't allowed in because i was a kid and it was an adult place the only other things that ever got the descriptor adult were adult films which were not for kids because of all the sex so i happily assumed that my aunt worked someplace where all sorts of sex was happening years later i was driving by and noticed that it was a retirement home huh this is like the opposite of every other story on this thread first grade a girl in my class would always wear a dress to school and the guy sitting next to me would always drop his pencil to take a peek one day the teacher caught him in the act and sent him to the school shrink the guy went to a different school a week later about a month later the girl moved away however that guy ended up in the same high school with me we ended up in the same gym class and got to talking he told me that the girl was being raped by the father he kept dropping his pencil to see the horror show of bleeding he thought that's how girls were made they chop off the wiener he was genuinely curious to see when the bleeding stopped he was too scared to ask her directly about the chopping after the school psych figured out he wasn't a peeping tom they called the cops on her dad that's not how i thought the story would end when i was about four or five we got two very important life-changing bits of medical news thd first was my baby brother was on the way the second was that my father was diagnosed with acute lymphoma and had about two weeks to live when i was little i had no grasp of how serious cancer was my mom told me my dad was sick but that was about it i remember my mom kept insisting that i spent time with him but i would always get angry when he got too tired to play or kicked me out so he could vomit from the chemo i remember one night in particular where my school had my first back-to-school night carnival they had all sorts of rides and stuff my dad had just had extensive surgery and had staples across his entire neck i used to joke that he was like frankenstein my dad managed to make it through the big presentation the teacher made to the whole class and their parents but barely i thought this was boring but would be worth sitting through because i would get to go on carnival rides afterwards but my dad had to leave he couldn't even stand up i could not understand how my strong six feet four inches father could be so selfish if he could sit through the boring part why not the good part i to this day feel tremendously guilty over how i treated him and the tantrum i threw when my mom was struggling to hold my dad up and my dad was struggling just to stay conscious fortunately the doctors were wrong he made it well past the two weeks and eventually beat cancer five years later it took years before i understood how seriously sick he really was he had gotten down to 90 pounds but to me he was still a superman this is so sad but i'm glad it has a happy ending i can't imagine how you felt when you realized what was going on after the fact we had this gym teacher in elementary school that would bring a bag of apples to class and give the girls one if they'd give him a massage i was pee because i absolutely loved apples still do i thought it was unfair that only the girls got apples so i told my teacher how mr so and so would only let the girls massage him for apples and we had to do sports i was not an athletic child so the idea of eating apples vs gym activities greatly appealed to me i had to go to the principal's office to tell them my story which was basically this is bulls everyone should be getting apples or no one should be getting apples other students corroborated my story and soon enough so and so was gone tldr escaped prevented and ended potential sexual abuse from a teacher because i love apples i'm basically picturing you as bitters in this story my dad was a fairly strict guy military background very type a etc i was a very outdoorsy tomboy of a girl as i kid i love to find caterpillars and build them little homes and find the best flowers for them to eat and my dad loved this hobby of mine so much so he would encourage my caterpillar hunting which i always though seemed a little weird but i didn't question it there were a few plants out by our bbq in the back that he specifically asked me to keep an eye on because as he told it to me this was the best place to find them my kid brain just though my dad and i had found a common ground and that he wanted to help about five years later as my naiveness started to wear off i realized my dad was a total pothead my brother who is 10 years older than me was chatting with me about my new realization one day and that's when it was finally spelled out for me those plants that according to my pops were the best place to find my footed worm friends were actually just my dad's pot plants and he enlisted my help to keep them bug free tldr my dad encouraged me to hunt caterpillars off his pot plants i just though he was trying to help me find the coolest bugs to play with i'm a redhead but neither of my parents or my brother is a redhead so when we were out in public when i was young a lot of people would ask where my red hair came from one day when i was probably six or so my parents told me to start answering the question with from the mailman which i did constantly cause people always seem to react to it it wasn't till i got to high school that it clicked that the mailman in this scenario had not delivered my red hair in an envelope but that it had come from a much different package i love that your parents encourage you to do this it's something most parents would be mortified about but they clearly thought it was hilarious they sound like funny people i'd get erections and i'd pull my pants down and pee long straight lines i thought they were for peeing long distances i watched the end of austin powers goldman beau when fat bastard had lost all his weight and said his neck looked like a vagina i asked my mother what a vagina was she said it was a fruit when i was six we used to play a lot with pokemon cards at school one recess i left my deck inside the classroom when i came back my chair wizard was missing from it to three days later a friend from class came to me and told me he found my chair is it outside in a bush took me 10 years to realize he stole it from me and then got cold feet and gave it back when i was seven and my brother was four a man came up to the backyard where we were playing and asked if we wanted to see the puppy in his van my brother said yes and started to follow him i grabbed my brother's arm and screamed very dramatically knew until my parents came out the man waved at my parents and then drove away i felt a little embarrassed for overreacting by screaming no like that looking back there is no way he wasn't a creeper i asked my mom just now if she remembered that and why she didn't report him to the police to let them know there was a potential kidnapper in the neighborhood she said because he didn't actually do anything when i was younger my house was messy and my mum only ever cleaned on special occasions and that was only certain rooms people were allowed in i always thought this was completely normal we had wine boxes holding up our couch and shoved right up our chimney which was covered by a fire screen our kitchen smelled of mold and rotting food the benches and floors were covered in the source of the smell and other unidentifiable objects my clothes used to sit in a washing basket so long after they were washed that they would start to grow fuzz there was one room beside mine which was so over packed with rubbish and toys that i could barely crack the door open it was just filthy overall no one ever saw this though and if they did i can only imagine that my mum would have lost custody of me immediately and i think she knew that i lived like that until i was 12 and i didn't really understand what was happening until recently when watching an episode of hoarders it's kind of messed me up i can't sleep unless my house is spotless and i constantly have panic attacks if i forget to clean something before leaving the house got told that grandma had a black eye because she had walked into a door okay grandma years later i realized that grandpa had given grandma a black eye grandparents are meant to be all warm and nice and friendly in kindergarten i had a best friend named daniel and we played with toy dinosaurs and traded them all the time january comes around and i invite him to my birthday party i was having at my house he never showed up that day and my mom told me that day he wasn't going to be able to make it as well as he wouldn't be able to come to school again little kid me was like okay you'll see him later he died in a car crash on the way to my birthday party frick i hope i'm not late to the party when i was about six seven wish i was looking for bugs in my backyard when i came across a super rare and badass praying mantis naturally i scooped it up and put it in my bug container later on i was looking for more bugs when i found yet another praying mantis lucky day i was super excited and put it in the container with the other praying mantis both of them stood in their dead still and just kind of bobbed around like praying mantis do i came back a few hours later and was appalled by what i found the bigger mantis standing there is still as ever right on top of a praying mantis head and legs i was super spooked was that mantis a killer did the smaller mantis fall apart or explode what happened it really weirded me out for a while i'd say about 10 or so years later i found out that the female mantis eats the male after sex i still don't know if i'm an accomplice to a murderer or a world-class wingman probably both when i was around six seven years old my father used to grow these special tomato plants at the back of our garage hidden away from everything and every time he took me back there i had to be very quiet and not tell the neighbors about them when i was around 16 something clicked one day and i realized my parents were both growing marijuana my mom had a serious drug problem my entire life when i was in high school i recognized the alcohol addiction that was new and developed when i entered high school in college she developed an obvious addiction to painkillers which killed her when i was 19. i was talking to my dad and he told me that her drug problems was the main reason for their divorce and why he fought so hard for custody yet still remain so friendly with my mom to be a prominent figure in my life i was confused because to me my mom's issues didn't start until i entered high school and she discovered alcohol and my dad mentioned that he was talking about her age addiction my entire childhood he didn't realize when he said it that i was unaware of it and he was incredibly upset that he told me that when i didn't know he hated the idea of hurting my memory of my mom who despite her massive freak ups i still love she was my mom even looking back now i'm a bit shocked to learn all this but it makes a lot of things make sense when i was little i asked my mom why i was having erections and what they were she said to me don't worry sweetie it happens to your father all the time looking back i am mortified in my adolescence telemarketers frequently called our house my parents instructed my sister and myself to respond to questions like is your mom dad home with cheesies in the shower well one summer day when i was six we got a telemarketing call after i explained i was only a child and could subsequently not conduct business for the household he asked is your mom home i said number she's in the shower what about your dad he's in there too it was not until years later that i realized his sudden embarrassed laughing was caused by me accidentally making this guy think my parents were getting it on in the shower while their poor innocent son was home i lost one of my teeth when i was seven years old and so i was so excited to get money and stuff from the tooth fairy i put the tooth under the pillow and i was ready to get my prize for losing a tooth the next morning i woke up and the tooth was gone but no present i went and told my dad about how i just got scammed from the tooth fairy and he was like oh the tooth fairy had to run fast so she gave me the money to give to you he then pulls out his wallet and gives me the two dollars that the tooth fairy gave him i was so happy but still wondered why the tooth fairy was in such a rush two dollars i got 50 cents dlang cheap butt tooth fairy when i was six and my brother was four we used to walk to our cousin's house which was two houses down one evening we asked our mother if we could go over and she said yes and lets us walk over by ourselves while we're walking this car drives up to us and asks if we knew where the nearest mcdonald's was and if we'd like to come with him i told him we weren't allowed to eat mcdonald's without our mother's permission and turned to get her to ask if we were allowed she was already running outside to get us when the car sped off i was around 15 when i was reminiscing with my family and she brought it up creepy realization when i would stay at my grandmother's house i had a bunch of vhs tapes about dinosaurs and stuff that i wanted to watch sometimes i'd get to watch them but only if my grandpa was home memo always said you'll have to wait until peppa gets back i can't work that vcr she also had all her soaps recorded on tape and many times i saw her record them without my grandpa being home she feigned incompetent so that she didn't have to watch my dinosaur movies and i never realized until i was an adult it is the wise woman who plays the fool memo you sly fox ha i've done something similar to the kids i nanny they have a trampoline and always want me to jump on it with them watching six kids takes enough of my energy so i convinced them that i'm terrified to get on so they'd stop bugging me about it i am 24 years old now and i didn't really realize what happened to my sister and i until about a year ago we had a neighbor named bob bob was in his 60s with a wife that was very ill bob was a nice man who had to take care of his wife who was pretty much dying my mom trusted bob my sister trusted bob i trusted bob bob would play games with us we loved bob he would let us come over to his house once his wife was out for the evening he would let us come over in the afternoon if his wife was asleep bob started playing a game with us called the slide game my sister was about five and i was about eight bob's only rule was that we could not wear jeans when playing the game he always talked about how he preferred soft shorts like cheer shorts girls no well bob would let us sit on his face and slide down all the way to his lap over and over again he would also make a motor sound which did has made it more fun he would breathe hot breath on us as well when we were on his mouth i honestly didn't even realize this was bad in any way my mom put a collage together for me a year ago including a picture of bob standing with my sister and i a few memories flooded my head and i was happy until i thought about this game and about how he literally molested my sister and i without us or my parents knowing children are too innocent in lower school i remember asking my parents for wife beta's aka sleeveless undershirts because i thought they'd make me look cool my dad pulled me aside and explained to me that i shouldn't say that because there are women out there who have been abused and using that term could make them uncomfortable i looked at mom and said really it's just a name for a shirt i was met with an uncomfortable stare from her it wasn't until a few years later that i was made aware that my dad was not my biological father but a great man my mother met when i was a toddler my biological father was an extremely abusive alcoholic and my mother had to escape with me before i was even a year old frick the other dude dad refers to the man who raised you your dad is awesome my abuse counselor had these two big plastic bins full of wet and dry sand in his office every session he would lock the door and tell me pretend you're at the beach you've got to take your shirt off at the beach so i would and he'd give me a massage which hurt because i was six and had no muscles to massage it never went any further than that but there was another counselor who would hide x-men trading cards in his pockets and he would have me look for them it's kind of messed up that these guys were abuse counselors and maybe they still are this was 23 years ago i had just learned about hiv aids in elementary school and that it was a sexually transmitted disease i was terrified if my parents had sex they would contract hiv and then die so i literally tried to [ __ ] block them by asking to sleep in their room every night for a week eventually my dad was like wtf and i came clean a good laugh was had by all i never understood that not everyone had people drop bags of groceries on their steps while the people just rang the bell and drove away dawned on me as an adult that we were poor then i looked back at old pics and noticed all the signs tiny christmas tree in the background disappointed faces on christmas pics no vacation pictures damn it i'm gonna try to avoid having my kids live that way the other part of that is i didn't realize how stressed my mom always was until i got older and realized not everyone's parents freaked out weekly and slammed doors and peeled off in their car leaving their kids alone and scared i specifically remember one incident where my mom brother and i went to the grocery store and while we were walking to the car my mom dropped the gallon of milk and it exploded all over the ground my mom started crying and my brother said don't cry over split milk mom kinda chuckling i didn't understand at all now looking back it hurts me to think how hard my mom was trying to keep everything together she passed away at age 51 when i was 18. she had a rough adulthood i live my life now hoping to become what she wanted me to be she made tons of mistakes but she was there for me on her own and she tried so hard all you teens take notice of how your parents act when they think you're not looking you might be surprised to find they are very stressed and working super hard to make you happy often times with only frustration to show for it i was cleaning chickens with my grandparents when i was a kid probably about 10 years old i was pulling out the insides and i found what i thought were two eggs that were growing inside the chicken i got all excited and showed my grandma and told my mom about it when she picked me up i noticed that they both had smirks that seemed odd when i told them about it years later i thought back about that time and realized that it was a rooster and those were his balls accidentally came across a pee video when i was a just a seven year old boy i couldn't understand why the girl was moaning and screaming i thought she was in pain for many years i thought sex was a physically painful act for girls and felt sorry for them that they had to put up with it in the mail and i always wanted to pee out my butt like my mom did one day i finally did it i was later informed that it was diarrhea clearly you couldn't see the crap if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 90,444
Rating: 4.9356999 out of 5
Keywords: too young, too young to understand, as a kid, childhood memories, understanding, misunderstood, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: Av6HcXFZ1yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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