From Popular to Unpopular School Transformations | School Stories #39

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what made the popular kid at school the unpopular kid when school started she was so popular she could hang out with anyone in any kind of friend group she was that beautiful social athletic blonde girl then she began hanging out with me the 16 years old handicapped girl walking slowly with a wooden cane like an old woman she instantly got unpopular but still decided to stick around and we made our own group of friends 10 years later she's a popular jeweler in my old town and still as beautiful funny and kind as ever so nice to see a positive story my partner likes to tell the story of how she became the unpopular kid at school she was about six stroke seven so primary two here in the uk and a trend kicked off in her class of eating dog biscuits all the kids were stealing dog biscuits from home and eating them at break time unfortunately she didn't have a dog and just had to eat normal human biscuits at school she was ostracized every break time for it peer pressure is weird sometimes a friend told me that in grade one or two there was this trend of collecting chestnuts which are basically everywhere in the fall where i live and trading them it became a real market and when the season passed chestnuts became rarer and thus more valuable some kids traded some of their parents jewelry and stuff for it so yeah only thing dumber than a 6-7 yo is a whole school of them one of the kids at our school lived with his grandma cause his parents died [ __ ] and a group of his mates started harassing the old lady whenever she came to pick him up principal was reported this and they ended up getting expelled altogether justice she made fun of a girl with cancer made a joke like why don't you ask your mom to buy your wig i can see your scalp and overnight she was the least liked person in school and 100 deserve it he recorded himself shoving carrots cucumbers and a bottle of hot sauce up his butt in the back of a van then someone found the video and shared it with the whole school the van makes this exponentially worse his girlfriend dumped him and moved away to her private school so he started sending videos of him jacking off to the other popular girls in school a popular guy in my year p himself during an exam in our gym hall unfortunately for him the biggest butthole in our year was sitting directly behind him he immediately stood up and yelled pp himself he proceeded to get teary-eyed and say it's my energy drink it spilled over and over before the exam supervisor literally dragged him out of the hall but two weeks later he returned to school the unpopular kid and kept a low profile for a while until it eventually died down and he climbed the social ranks once more that is until an episode of the in-betweeners a popular tv show in the uk aired in which one of the main characters shoots himself in the exam hall and it reminded everyone of what happened effectively nuking his popularity all over again the in-betweeners is surprisingly accurate of schooling in the uk specifically the main character's perception of the world i could relate to it a lot a guy at my school got drunk at a party got naked and inserted his penis into a jim beam bottle and ran around all crazy like with it attached but not having to use his hands at the time it was quite a laugh but it wasn't until a day or so later people thought about how small the opening was to a jinbe bottle that was basically the end of him and thus the legend of slim jim was born having a set of keys given to him by the school wtf i know because he was one of the really popular kids then using those keys to break into the school and steal 30 cord off woodworking metal working tools to be fair the school got what was coming by giving keys to a student there was one kid in my class who was the son of our maths teacher he was crazy popular because he was able to help everyone out with their homework for that class turns out he was actually snooping through his dad's notes to get the answers the teacher naturally got super suspicious after a while so he deliberately made a fake answer sheet of course the kid grabbed it and noted it all down it was full of wrong answers so blatant that anyone who even slightly paid attention in class would know they were way off base the kid handed out the answers anyway and in an instant made about half the class bomb and his popularity dropped like a rock as they all accused him of deliberately making them fail they moved him to another class and they never had an incident of cheating again people found out he was killing animals in super freaked up ways held a dog underwater until it drowned ran over a cat with a lawnmower use baseball bats and machetes dude was doing some serial killer level stuff now he's in the army oh boy do i feel protected there's three reasons people join the army honor family thing or just want to make something of themselves they need the job and are basically guaranteed one or they want a license to kill my father a now retired vet told me that when we were talking about some of the men he had served with over the years it really put some things into perspective for me when everyone found out he was jerking off to science teacher she in the class along with his friends this was eighth grade his parents gave him money and bought him all this new expensive stuff and he rubbed it in everyone's faces and everyone kind of got sick of him he accidentally stabbed and blinded in one eye the nicest kid in the school by throwing a stick at him the kid that was blinded grew up to be super successful and is now married with a baby on the way i feel pretty bad for both kids if it was really an accident it probably haunts him every day especially if people treat it if like it was purposeful guy wasn't necessarily the popular kid but it wasn't a big school so everyone knew everyone i think between 9th and 10th grade he was found alone in his car behind the local arcade beating off he was called thumper from that day forward no idea what happened after graduation but he has to have some bad memories of those years he got into legal trouble because he and his team embezzled misused 250k from the student union and the university kicked him out stopped paying the annual two mill to the student union withhold funds although that was later overruled by the courts and revoked the privileges granted to the student union earlier this year they stated that they and students are no affiliation to the student union after one year of negotiations his team was still running the student union because they were re-elected they bought votes by offering pancakes waffles and donuts for those who vote for their party and had street volunteers that would pressure students to vote for the party it actually led to a law being passed in ontario that prevented universities to force students to pay non-mandatory fees the scandal was revealed by a student party called the rhino party back in december 2018 january and february had started rolling and law and accounting firms started getting involved to figure out how much was spent it was rumored the figure was anywhere from 100k 900k ontario provincial lawmakers passed the law in the summer of 2018 starting fall 2019 i had the choice whether i wanted to pay axillary fees to support the student newspaper ngos that operated in the school support the student union etc that provincial law was recently overturned by the courts this year so starting next fall i am forced to pay fees associated with groups that i don't support he went from being popular to being a school meme there's actually a lot of bank statements available that showcase what they bought started straight up lying to teachers to get people in trouble don't know how he thought that was gonna work out when he was caught taking up skirt photos of girls in school and sending them to his friends his popularity went from hero to zero as a split second he fricked his friend's mom at a party let's call popular kid day and his friend b b's mom was arrested as she should have been and b faced tormund from basically everyone that knew what happened akira continued to brag about his actions eventually people gained sympathy for being pure they lost his popularity real fast i stand by kid day as one of radiohead's best albums this guy at my table would play the no one likes me i'm the center of attention now card as in he would fake sadness for attention redirecting conversation and drawing the energy from a room like the kid who won't be friends with you anymore because you wore the same color shirt he was quite wealthy too and would rub it in your face i'm really curious as to how watercorrect gave you more instead of war he teased my best friend for being built like a mack truck she picked him up and put him upside down in the garbage can he lost any coolness he had power move rape he was at a graduation party that i had the misfortune to attend and his ex who was also there was asleep on the couch he took her upstairs to get her away from all the noise five minutes later we hear a scream and a get off of emmy she comes running downstairs frantically pulling up her pants and runs out she told us what happened after a few days the guy heard and tried to break into her house he's in prison for assault and battery he gave her a black eye while he was upstairs rape and breaking and entering sin therapy and we are housemates now in college because she goes out with the girl i'm sharing the house with dang that really pisses me off how some people think it's fine to use sleep as an excuse of consent a hockey stick hollow ended into the special needs kids eye socket he claimed it was accidentally only but was caught bragging about it on his snapchat story he then said his words not mine he doesn't have any hope though so what does it matter the kid needed surgery that his parents had to pay for as it was cosmetic the kid moved to her cheaper schools a week later he didn't exactly become unpopular but my high school star quarterback recorded a video of himself fingering his butt and he sent it to a girl in a neighboring school district the video got passed around there and made its way back into our school and he got socially vibe checked but he didn't really lose his popularity it was just sort of lessened and he actually became a way better person after the fact he still never learned that you can throw bullets when playing indoor football in gym class against non-football players though good crap the best way to respond to your town seeing a video of you fingering your butt become a better person not exactly popular more like the king of the buttholes but he had a project in mind bully the newcomer to get some fresh fame for his butt apostles the target a greek exchange student nice guy but quite a meaty boy 150 plus kilos and a wrestler i watched no freaking way i was getting in the middle of a bitch-slap tornado and my regret as of today is the lack of camera smartphones back then bully c got his jaw broken and lost five frontal teeth dislocated shoulder and three fractured ribs legally speaking he only defended himself and also played his defense on his weight blaming the bully of making him lose his balance and by doing so fell on him it's not entirely false bully c got back two months later still suffering from his injuries shunned by his previous peers stayed about two weeks and then never came back don't underestimate martial arts even a small person could take down a giant with it the extra weight definitely also added to the strength there was an asian girl who was well liked by everyone smart happy to help anyone struggling in class and was generally a nice person but her uncle scammed a lot of people in her community including parents of kids that went to our school she went from being well liked to being bullied still she dropped out of school frick that uncle he tried to coerce his then-girlfriend both of them were 14 at a time to have sex when that didn't work and the girl told everyone he played the victim and threatened to kill himself which of course he didn't i stood up for the teacher with at the time terminal cancer when everyone was teasing bullying her cancer made her a bit more positive live life to fullest why and she was pretty childish actually great for elementary school children but my class was one degree away from feral at the time i was no longer popular she was super nice and buy some miracle beat the cancer respect man you must have given her a reason to live and i'm sure you helped her survive he punched the autistic kid then proceeded to get jumped by every single guy that saw him in school for the next week until his parents had him switch schools there's times bullying is acceptable this is one of those times super freaked up but this girl i went to grade school with was a victim of a house fire she was pretty and popular with all the kids in first and second grade after the fire she was left with a lot of scarred tissue in third grade all the kids turned on her and called her names wouldn't sit next to her or share things we needed in class i actually got to know her better that year as she was my class valentine she was the same person as before except broken apparently he freaked his cat and that's how rocky got the nickname sparkles for the rest of his junior and senior year there was a girl who was really popular and then she got pregnant and had an abortion and one of her crappy friends told other people and then everyone called her iris and started rumors like saying she got the abortion because the dad could have been one of 10 different guys it was awful high school bullying in the 2000s was a mess jesus most of these replies i'll laugh at the jerks that lose their credibility but this is just horrific that girl was not a friend got really into astrology gemini virgo cancer kept on hitting assaulting people with a metal bottle and was in general justin butthole that only like seven people tolerated i follow her on instagram and all her stories are memes about astrology it's the instagram equivalent of facebook minion memes just assaulted multiple people with a metal bottle i am such a gemini a mum got into an argument with a parish priest and forced her daughter to lie to the police about him molesting her when she was an altar girl all over some memorial that the mother didn't agree with the plan worked since the local archdiocese was forced to transfer him to another parish but it was quickly proven the girl was being forced to lie by the police the girl's reputation didn't take that much of a hit during school but her mum became a social pariah across multiple parishes since the priest was a patron to the local high school and a lot of people respected him the girl was seriously screwed however her parents wanted her to become a solicitor or barrister and i think they made her take loin a level but since the mum made her lie to the police she is a documented liar which bars her from enrolling into a legal course in the uk when she made fun of me in front of everyone for wearing a yellow shirt to school it was just a plain yellow shirt and she somehow found a way to mock the color it was so unnecessary and made her look like someone who was just rude for no reason everyone quickly realized that she thought people were automatically on her side cause she was somewhat rich and she just became a joke after that maybe she had some childhood trauma involving lemons i went to an all-girls school and there was an all-boys school about five minutes walk away when i was in my final year the school vice captain of the boys school was dating one of our great leaders both being 17 and not very smart she eventually got pregnant she dropped out and pretty much everyone who knew him at our school hated him prior to that he was very well liked i thought it was a bit ridiculous honestly pretty sure it takes two to tango i mean she didn't get pregnant on her own a girl came out and said the popular kid raped her while she was unconscious after a night of heavy drinking they were close friends and after that all their friends and a lot of other people stopped talking to him police in the school got involved and everything was weird for a while that's not sex that's rape he sexually assaulted one of the most liked girls in the school and after legal action took place and he came back to school nobody spoke to him nobody acknowledged him he played soccer and so the school let him stay for some freaking reason if they wouldn't give him justice we all decided to ourselves i can't believe he his parents decided it was a good idea for him to return to the same school after that sort of incident i went to school from fourth grade to high school with a kid my age whose father was a prominent city official in our town even though we lived only a few blocks from one another we were in different worlds my background was much more blue-collar and unfortunately i lived in an alcoholic and physically violent household for these and other reasons i never understood his mother despised me and she wanted her son to have nothing to do with me she actually called my mother once to suggest that she keep me away from her son since our class in life was so very different i found him smart and funny and fascinating and we pulled around he wore slacks while i wore jeans and his suede shoes were much better than my sneakers by our high school years he was a football letterman while i was a band geek and he was in college prep while i took vocational courses we still knew each other but he was in a college track and i was living day by day as graduation approached we learned that his parents had worked with the local congressman for his appointment to west point rho tragically the night of graduation he and his girlfriend went out with him driving drunk on a country road he hit an oak tree and she was killed that's the last i ever heard of him but once in a while i google his name just to see if he might surface somewhere i sometimes think of how mortified his status conscious mother must have felt and wonderful about his girlfriend's family and of course what happened to my friend who killed someone just before his life began i wish him well over 40 years later i'm just not sure what happens when life seems to be laid out before you with concrete expectations and it all goes so tragically wrong in the blink of an eye to be fair you have to have a recommendation from a congressman to even get into west point i hated this kid but apparently the rest of the school loved him he was freshman class president and legit looked and acted like a politician even at 18 this is college then he got drunk and ran over two girls walking back from a party and twice the cake he stopped and called the cops himself but then started fighting the emts when they arrived somehow he only did two years and came back to school his family had a lot of money but we all knew by then how it went down he was not well received when he returned to campus i don't think he has a future in politics think he even ended up transferring schools because even the professors hated him when he came back reverse story unpopular kid computer nerd kind but dang he was good at programming but never had a date and was an outcast end of his senior year the class gives out awards most likely to succeed like that he wins the most likely to die a virgin award he goes up grabs the mic and says he would like to thank all the girls that made this possible instant legend virginity is cool i was relatively popular i was in jv basketball marching band athletes and track and pretty much made friends with everyone until my best friend at the time claimed i pushed her down the stairs and caused her to have surgery on both legs thing is i was at my grandmother's funeral in another state the entire week she claimed it happened but while the teachers kept us apart and understood my side none of the others really believed me except the anime club they believed me goweebs only the anime club believes in top 10 anime betrayals in real life she first got her s reputation and then got terrible acne went from cute cheerleader girl to pariah i felt sorry for her stopped coming to school didn't even do her exams in the end just sat at home and smoked weed all the time didn't even work she just got boyfriends who would pay for everything for her became spiritual got the hindu symbol oh m tattooed on her finger got dreadlocks etc posted weird photos on her instagram it's hard to explain but she just sort of became weird i once heard her talking to a bunch of 13 year olds about how her boyfriend just got out of prison question mark she also always spoke about wanting to have a baby this weed smoking non-working 18 year old girl wanted a child in the end nobody in my school even spoke to her anymore even her friends didn't like her much because she was sort of a bee she was popular because she was super pretty and smart it's sad she obviously has no direction in her life her only qualifications are the exams we did when we were 15 her brother and sister were still in the school they were really nice and basically the opposite to her i hope they do well he walked into the bathroom and realized someone was whacking it in the stalls dumbass gets the brilliant idea to record it because he thought it was funny he's under house arrest now and has cp distro charges frick him she was popular then she found jesus almost instantly unpopular then she became immensely popular again when she was diagnosed with non-hodgkin's lymphoma high school is a b why did jesus make her unpopular mayo if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 98,997
Rating: 4.9383888 out of 5
Keywords: school, school stories, teachers, popular kid, unpopular kid, high school, students, learning, education, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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