I Was the Only One That Got Away | People Stories #222

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what's your i was the only one to get away story loads of people at a pub in my town that was notorious for not hiding so had loads of underage people in their drinking it was their busiest night of the year and the police raided it most people ran out the back and sim hopped the fence the rest tried to hide in the toilets i just sat there drinking as the police came through the pub pulling everyone out the toilets and back inside hiding them all and taking names and addresses the people who had jumped the fence decided to stand on the corner just outside to wait for their friends who hadn't been so lucky they thought next thing they knew the police had come outside and started hiding everyone stood on the corner like they had inside myself and two friends one of age the other like me not yet 18 had just sat there through the entire incident drinking our pints and joking on with some of the better natured cops they didn't bother riding anyone who hadn't run so i was one of a very few of my friends who got away with it scot-free this is beautiful my best friend from college used to say if you act like you own the place you own the place we used to do crazy stuff and no one would say a thing because we acted like nothing was wrong i was gambling in vegas on a friday with friends bachelor party coming up the next day playing blackjack mostly just killing time waiting for dinner but the table was on fire it was a full table shortly after i sat down i played for a couple hours and the table was all up on money anywhere from fifty thousand dollars to eight hundred dollars the eight hundred dollars was me everyone else was literally up at least 10 grand it's about 20 minutes before i'm supposed to meet up with someone so i call it and head back to my room so i can shower and change for the night head out for dinner and have a good night the next morning my buddies call me down to the lobby to meet up as i get down there out of sheer coincidence they are talking to the dealer that was at the table when i left he says that he isn't points at me friends are like no crap turns out i was the only one that walked away from that table with a dollar to my name someone taught me that the moment the dealer mentions how well you are doing it is time to quit playing high school party one of my first i was wasted throwing up in the basement bathroom when the cops arrived eventually they were let inside and stormed into the basement where everyone was hiding loudly with the lights off with their flashlights beaming down into the dark i want to say there were at least 30 people rounded up into the living room where they started calling parents the host of the party saw me sitting on the mantel having accepted my fate she knew my dad would literally whoop my butt and sent me out the window i knocked over the grill on my way out and walked around the back of the house through a few backyards and to the neighborhood pool where i cuddled with some bushes for a few hours when i saw the last cop finally leave i sprinted back to the house and knocked on the door to be let in scaring the crap out of the three survivors a few dozen people were charged with underage drinking that's a good host captain she goes down with the sinking ship but saves you big house party i drank the wrong drink got to hypno went to my car and passed out for the rest of the night everyone was on this big deck and it collapsed then the cops showed up and acted like total dongs even though people were injured i slept in my car through the whole thing semi-related story a friend of mine left a party drunk and knew he was too impaired to drive home so he naps in his car later that night the police knocked on his window to wake him up and served him a dui good news he got the charges dismissed two years later hot boxing a truck with some friends of a friend senior year in an empty parking lot of some park already high as frick when suddenly the taco bell we had gorged on earlier is going up a [ __ ] in my bowels and holy crap i need a bathroom i ran stumbled my way to the public restroom on the other side of the parking lot i finish and as i'm about to walk out i see what looks like red lights illuminating the entrance i start losing my crap i know it's cops and everyone's high as frick at this point i knew a my friends are freaked b what the frick should i do i retreated in the farthest stall and texted my parents staying i was crashing at some dude's house ended up falling asleep in the stall woke up the next morning and got another friend to pick me up got away no one ratted me out and that's how taco bell simultaneously destroyed and saved my butt at the same time comma that's how taco bell simultaneously destroyed and saved my butt legendary i was on holiday in bali a policeman flagged us down as we were waiting at traffic lights on our rented mopeds i just decided to buzz it through the now green traffic lights they got pulled and find a fair amount for driving without a license i felt a bit crappy afterwards but they said they would have done the same if they had the balls too for a second there i thought you were the only one who got away from the tsunami not me but a friend this happened 20 plus years ago her friends were hanging out and decided to go out for pizza she headed to the pizza place while the others headed to the other location of same pizza joint this was before the days of common cell phones the location that her friends went to a guy decided to shoot up the place i'm not sure how many were hit she was obviously fine because she was at the other location my first house party in college was on halloween my freshman year natalie everyone was in costume and about half the people that were underage i wasn't drinking but my friends were around midnight an older guy 40s walked and dressed as a cop me being the one of the few sobers at the party realized he was an actual cop i tried to convince my friends to leave but they all said the guy was just in a costume so i left on my own i walked right past the cop told him to have a good night and walked home i found out the next day all of my friends got tickets for underage drinking if you weren't drinking you wouldn't have had anything to worry about you could have just asked for a breathalyzer test i went to her private high school and was part of a group of about 20 people who knew about a tent hidden in the woods behind our school people would go there and have sex after school smoke pot and do hood rat crap someone got in trouble and ratted out all of this as an attempt to lessen her punishment apparently she was going to be expelled and on the last day before finals we all got called down to the detention room and the dean told us that they had found drug paraphernalia and weapons airsoft pistol and made us all write down everything we know about the tent and who we've seen at the tent 19 people ratted out everyone in that room including themselves and were given pretty harsh punishments three were expelled some were suspended into the next year and the rest got demerits i wrote down i have no idea what you're talking about went and talked to the deans and said the same thing and was off the hook i'm certain my name was on every list and i'm sure they wanted to nail me but i denied and i guess they were satisfied with 19 people giving themselves up my very first college professor gave me advice i remember to this day first day of english class don't record it don't write it down and deny deny deny years back in high school my buddy threw a huge party unfortunately not just how usual group showed up it was well over 100 people anyways i was always on the lookout for cops or shady people i had my reasons as to how screwed i would be had i got in court drinking sports school family scholarships etc so the party goes on more and more people we don't normally hang out with show up so i grab my buddy and our dd and say we need to leave now you can crash at my place i don't care let's go we hop into his car that's when i throw i duffle bag of beer drunkenly into his trunk followed by the sound of taps popping and beer spilling we pull out and drive away we get a quarter mile down the road before we see four cop cars headed to the house the party was immediately shut down countless tickets written people kicked off sports teams or clubs what's funny is this same scenario happened two other times in high school i left a party before the cops busted everyone and people got tickets a day before graduation and another time i left a kickback which ended in the arrests of a few friends my reputation still holds true i always leave minutes before the cops arrive i leave minutes before the cops arrive said the narc was at a fish show we had been following the tour for a while undercovers caught my dude rolling a blunt in the car then the other dude with us was coming by i am throwing as many foe son looks like am but they popped him for having pills when he came by so everyone i was with including the dude who owns the car got arrested thousands of miles from home as the smartest and the group is getting cuffed he asks the cops to give me his keys and their tickets so i had a pocket of concert tickets a car that isn't mine and like 100 took the car bought a couple hundred bottles of water and a few 30 packs and went back to the concert i sold all the water for a dollar each most of the beers accept like 15 or so i drank for three dollars each and scalped every ticket for like 120 each showed up at the jail with a random girl from the concert [ __ ] drunk and bailed my friends out in all 1s then bought them a hotel room can't leave my people behind man you are the type of friend they talk about for ages one time my psychology professor was in a bad mood so he started asking everyone for their student did rules say you have to show it to a uni official if they ask for it i didn't have mine that day and i didn't know what the punishment was but i knew i wanted none of it so i tried to get out of it so what do i do applied psychology before he gets to me i walk up to him and ask a question when he comes around he just points at me and mutters to himself that he'd already checked me it wasn't a sure thing if he'd asked for maya when i asked the question i was screwed it required careful timing to ask the question before he saw me so that he was already thinking about that by the time he turned to face me in the end something like half the class didn't have there it that day turns out all they do is tell you to carry it turn up in the school washroom with my friends with the lights off and music blasting out people were hanging off the stalls and making as much noise as possible teacher comes in and writes our names down she gets to me and asks have i already written your name and i say yes and walk away friends got detention apparently someone cracked the mirror in the washroom and no one fessed up so they all went down together drunk with a few friends walking through the dock's trendy bar area and see an industrial building with a tantalizingly easy to climb up to roof and we climb up on the roof they recycle plastic someone reports burglars on the roof because recycled plastic and trash must be a big target and cops show up i casually climb onto a tree that overhangs the roof and quickly pass out and the cops don't see me my friends don't rat me out they get banned for life from a bar in a completely different area of the dock complex because the cops told them they caught them trying to cut a hole in the roof burglar mutter bull crap we were stargazing and drunk chatting anyway i wake up a few hours later and ask why they left me up there and i'm reminded of the whole cop thing and informed they weren't arrested but were banned from a bar we went to the bar the next day to make a point high school party girl decides to spread her legs and frick 12 guys in a room i passed out before it happened they all got chlamydia one night quite a few years ago one of my buddies threw a party with about 50 people we were mostly all under 21 at the time and had a few other illegal substances as well soon enough the cops show up by the time they had opened the doors i had found myself a nice tool bench to hide inside where the opening for the chair was this was in the garage and they also had black lights and so it was difficult to see clearly so the cops start to give people brief lizards all the while i'm crawled up in this little hole for hours after about two hours they finally load up the last wagon and i think they pull away i throw out my legs which are completely asleep and right after i hear the cops start heading back inside i crawl back and as they started to take pictures and dump out the alcohol the best part about this is that with the black lights the flash from the camera gave better sight of the room i have a friend that works in the police station that told me you can see me scrunched inside this little area in one of the pictures the cops apparently weren't even angry just laughed and said they were somewhat impressed i'm the only one left from my group of three best friends since third grade first one hung himself because he was a pain pill addict and i think the pressure of addiction and knowing a lot of people money got to him ate a crap ton of kalona pins and hung himself on his mom's porch with a dog leash my wife was dating him when i met her and i always joke about it when people ask how we met i say she was dating my friend and i stole her and when they ask if we are still friends i get quiet and say he killed himself second one was a rage addict wrecked his car bad when he nodded off and he lived after getting home from the hospital he shot up again and nodded off while eating cereal and choked his mom found him blue in the face he lived but is a completely different person who will never be independent again the third one just died recently he was the most bad butt person ever had so much fun in a life he loved he was that dude on your social media you lived vicariously through bad butt chicks every month or some road trips to mexico one week and alaska the next he loved living the biker life i couldn't even cry when he died because he died doing what he loved he had literally said to me that he would rather die on his bike than doing anything else anyway this will probably be buried but it felt good to write i've been off drugs except booze for a while now and my wife and i are really happy glad i made it out of that town alive definitely miss my bros though we had some great freaking times this is completely different from everything else here sorry to hear lollapalooza a few years back me and my one friend and about 10 other random kids were walking around the festival looking for a place to hop the fence and sneak in cause none of us bought tickets we finally find an area where there are only a couple security guards there was about a dozen of us that hop this tall fence at the same time little did we know that the chicago police security tent for the festival was right where we all hopped the fence as soon as we hopped the fence about eight cops come running out of nowhere and at least half the group is on the ground with security holding them down immediately this security firm had some athletic jack types the cops get the other four kids after about a 15-foot intense dash i swear kids were getting tackled left and right these cops and security were literally spearing kids into the ground and shoving their faces in the dirt it was insane me and my one friend make it about another half a block and ran into another fence this whole time two cops are chasing us as we are hurdling the second fence one cop grabs my arm and tried pulling me down and i sure made my way on to the other side we see one more scalable fence and hop that too at this point we realize we are backstage for eminem and we head into two-parter potty's backstage for about 10 minutes to hide out just as the show is starting we realize the cops have better things to do and probably quit searching for us we head up the side stairs to eminem and literally get on the side off stage nothing better than an adrenaline filled sprint hopping multiple fences and making it on stage with eminem for free my friend's southern comfort pint didn't fall out of his pocket so we had that to drink on nothing beats being 18 without a care in the world it was like sneaking into prison hmb while i hop multiple fences and meet eminem skipped class with some friends they all got detention except me i went to my dock said that i skipped class and gave him a wink got the papers to stay at home for the rest of the week does your doctor also prescribed medication for sometimes getting nervous on airplanes i was the only one to get away from my hometown even the kids who went to college out of state moved right back i was one of four in my class who took early graduation graduated high school with diploma in hand end of january instead of june even though due to how the school changed class scheduling like 90 of the senior class was eligible we went from a possible seven credits a school year to a possible ten the change happened in our junior year so since we all came in under the old schedule we still only needed the lower credits to graduate i remember on my last day in january everyone was talking in homeroom like did you take early grad no me either wish i did but i'd miss everyone this was the school town teachers jobs people they said they utterly detested and couldn't wait to get away from they are all still there now with apartments and kids still saying how much they hate it and wish they could move away during school my friends and i sat at the same table they and me had a food fight however i sat at the perfect angle to where the lunch people couldn't see me throwing food i didn't get caught and the rest of my friends had to clean the tables for a week and got detention when we were 16 three friends and myself decided to book last minute tickets to a concert we were all pre-gaming at that friend's place that lived closest to the venue and after a level of sufficient drunkness was achieved we decided to head now there were two ways of getting to the venue which was held at a beach either take the long bat walk around a graveyard or surprise cut through the graveyard unfortunately the graveyard was closed because the city didn't want people walking through it at night but frick if that was going to stop us so we all begin attempting to climb the two meter six feet five fence my friends managed to get to the other side bit me being the drunkest didn't make it as i'm struggling to get over a flashlight appears in the distance and begins yelling sometime along the lines of hey you we all stayed for a while before realizing it was a cop so my friends booked it and left me dangling in the fence i managed to hop down from and hide in a nearby bush after watching my friends and the cop run away my inebriated brain decides this is a good time to try again somehow i managed to climb over and start casually strolling through the graveyard wine bottle in hand it wasn't long before another flashlight appeared in the distance but i was prepared naturally i begin running like an idiot even managing to lose a shoe along the way and make it to one of the exits through a stroke of luck me and my one shoe managed to find other friends heading to the concert suckers took the long way around so i go in with them my three other friends caught up around an hour later and begin telling me how they hid behind the gravestone before the cop caught them and interrogated them about underage drinking luckily i was the one carrying all the alcohol while nothing actually happened to them no charges etc they were all crapping themselves behind a gravestone for a good 20 minutes while i was having the time of my drunken teenage life then everyone made fun of me for losing a shoe t tl dr friends sit in a graveyard waiting for cops to bust them while i'm getting drunk with all their booze i wasn't the only one to get away but i was in the fewer than 10 that got away used to street raisin and right after high school one night we were at one of the quieter locations and we got an alert that cops were heading in from one direction we all book it to our cars and start heading out the way that wasn't being closed in on suddenly cars are e-braking and flipping 180 degrees in the middle of the road in front of us and we see a wall of cops advancing suckers closed us in they herded us into a big parking lot and i'll never forget watching like 30 honda civics drive around in panic circles like frightened wild animals at the time i was 17 and only had my permit and i had sneaked out so getting caught was not an option i saw a couple of the less lowered cars hop a curb in the back of the parking lot and book it across a dirt field so i joined them i had just enough clearance to make the curb so there were maybe six other cars and myself doing 60 miles an hour across this empty dirt field came out in a residential neighborhood i had never seen before and it took me 30 minutes to get out but i didn't get caught one of my buddies did and he got his car impounded an 800 dollar fine and his parents were p no ragrets started racing i was winning cop lights come on friend stopped i kept going a few minutes later i get the call from my friend friend the cop wants you to come back me um no friend he says you'll get it now or later me i guess i'll get it later then parked my car down the street from my house friend came and picked me and we went to his place to play xbox i felt kinda bad that he got a ticket and i didn't when i was in third grade i went to a pretty good school but all around it were lots of low-income areas full of white families over the next two years they all started to gravitate into my school so buy fifth grade energy drinks weapons mainly knives but nobody ever used them swearing white gangster kids and sideways flat bill hats with the sticker still on them were everywhere of course most people fell in love with ufc and wwe around this age i did not sadly my friends did and it led to some confrontations then one day people in my cliques started to write all a piece of paper at lunch names of kids they wanted to try to beat up at recess i went along with it out of curiosity then the whole table knew about the list and soon the whole lunch room it was all we could talk about and somehow the list evolved into a fight at recess the teachers tried to shut it down but to no avail then if recess around 80 percent of the school was at one corner of the playground in a circle and an all-out brawl started i wasn't in it because i had no idea how to fight and i didn't feel like getting in trouble all of the school staff well most of it was needed to stop it and the crowd was broken up and lectures were being given they gave out punishments to anyone who was near the fight so a group of kids and i tried to sneak away we were about to enter a wooded area of the playground it was michigan so we had lots of these and a teacher shouted at us to get over here being at the front i quickly slipped behind a white trunk while the others went towards the teacher and their imminent doom nobody even noticed me slipped to the other side of the playground to avoid the teachers and that is how around 60 70 percent of the school got detentions counseling and i got off scot-free the sole survivor in my clique if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 139,984
Rating: 4.9373527 out of 5
Keywords: the only one that got away, reddit i was the only one that got away, the only one, got away, got out, escaped, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: n3wXRpRvgUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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