Mario Odyssey Bingo Racing is TOO much fun

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there we go hello we're racing lickle this is lickle hi i should join the squad stream uh if you if you don't know uh lickle has made pretty much like nearly all of the emotes for the channel but liquel also happens to to be rather speedy sometimes yeah i mean i hope i'm speedy today that's the dream mm-hmm um but yeah i i do aunts emers uh you might have seen me as a mod um i i hang around and stuff but yeah it's it's it's nice nice to to meet you guys i hope the race goes well i'm excited i'm excited too and uh yeah we're doing bingo you can see the board on my screen at least i'm not sure if your screen has it up and yeah uh what you guys might not know is also that little cj and i we hang out from time to time and we play uh bingo off stream this is something that we do live stream so figured why not do one on stream could be fun i usually lose by about half an hour but that's why we're doing a slightly modified version of bingo today i'll be doing two lines of bingo while aunt does three lines of banger and hopefully that lines up a little bit we'll see um yeah um it's gonna be interesting i i hope i hope that it's not too far off i think i think it'll be fun i think it'll work great yeah for sure this is very competitive very serious figure yes 100 here let me let me start a new file or get a good file going now okay yes i should start up and get it started okay um yeah for any of you that don't know how bingo works uh so you see the board there are 25 randomly generated tasks you have to create lines and once the lines are completed it's over you don't need to finish the game you just need to do the lines and again l she's doing two and i'm doing three lines to even it out a little bit because she doesn't have 3000 hours in the game and i think that's fair i think that's pretty fair yeah not yet not yet i'm getting there [Music] one sec my thing is let me see if that works now it's not picking up any game audio what is going on today oh i think it is now there we go i have some problems i updated obs and then just forgot to test everything so here it goes yeah i saw that update last night and i figured i'd do it then rather than this morning okay all right um thank you for the subs by the way i see the hype train moving no game audio what all right can you guys hear it now do you have the the report yet is it doubled uh i do have a bingo board i will give you the code for the the the room itself should be pretty easy to find if you go on a bingo sync actually i could just copy and paste the link um and the password is i think that okay excellent yes yes okay i'm glad they can hear game audio now excellent everything's all working out good good all right there we go i think everything's set i mean i guess i'll open live split that's pretty much the only thing i got to do now yeah good idea yeah so so we can know i've got so many things on my freaking screen yeah there's i have like one two three four five six seven eight things open right now it's doing bingo is hectic it is insane okay uh and what are we doing like a like a best two out of three best three out of five what are you thinking how how much time are you do you have today because i mean this is pretty early for you right what time is it there yeah it's it's 7 7 50 at the moment bright and early uh but yeah i think probably we could start with best of three and then if we want we can do the best of five okay that sounds good best two out of three sure yeah sweet oh it looks like my audio is echoey now goodness oh my gosh how's that chat is that good all right i'm good to go if you want to start uh you can count us down and on go yeah yeah all right just give me a second i gotta set up my my uh splits just just a memento all right uh your splits splitting for bingo yeah yeah well more importantly i gotta get rid of my splits um okay single cool crap all right i'm just generating a new card so we can't see it until it until the start should be good to go i think i think i'm ready yeah i think everything is in place okay all right oh wait no i don't have any save yet not loaded okay just give me give me a second all right okay all right okay do you want to count down uh you you cannot start this okay three two one go okay good luck thank you good luck to you too all right we're doing bingo let's let's we gotta get three lines what are the fastest three lines it's three lines is significantly more difficult than two lines we're fighting an uphill battle now you guys can hear game audio i think you're only on 4k viewers you're only banned for the rest of time make sure to read the rules please wait to start off on monday getting banned okay uh middle ten moons cascade that's not too bad for purchase seven costume sets that's not too bad for your regionals in seaside i don't wanna go to seaside but four moons of safaris in metro and world peace and sand is very long 18 moons lost four captain toad moons that's a little rough um we'll have to figure out something else this is gonna be a little bit tricky for sure gotta come up with some uh gotta come up with a faster route i don't like any of the ones that go through the middle uh diagonally at the very least uh we'll see here uh are there any goals that include a hearts are there any goals that include any hearts hearts hearts hearts just need to know if i need to pick up the heart in okay there is six unique life of parts technical fire thank you for the bits i appreciate it how long do these bingos take um up to an hour if they're a really bad board yes about an hour we'll see okay no reason to to skip the frog we're doing that why does viewer account warrant a ban it's the first rule it's very easy to see and uh they warranted a ban because they were trying to make fun of me for my view count which is like even more of a dick move not only did they not read the rules but they were being an ass about it at the same time so i mean you get what you get right um anyways we're doing this we're racing trying to figure out a route i have no idea what my route is right now um yeah i don't have any route yet i have no idea this this is a a bit mind-bending okay so we're done this kingdom gosh i i i haven't figured out a row yet i haven't figured out any lines at all that i like whatsoever i'm panicking i know the line seems to have something that's absolutely disgusting yeah like although they don't line up very well let's see um hmm i'm just looking through and there's gosh yeah i there's just no scissors these ones i definitely don't want mm-hmm okay i think i i think i see i think i see a line here i never want to do world peace and sand kingdom because that takes like 10 minutes it's just not worth it trust me you never want to get world peace if you don't have to especially if you're going all the way to seaside kingdom which we i think we have to go to seaside kingdom i'm just gonna see what another line is purchasing six moons and buying seven costume sets that's not too bad uh we will need to get some money though make sure we get a lot of cash um other than that like four uh timer challenges isn't too bad ouch i bonked there what does world peace and sand mean it means do all the story related progression which means a lot of cutscenes it's a lot uh i think i see one that i want to do we'll see getting into the meat of the run now okay yeah it's a lot of just an overwhelming amount of information in this one i we haven't done bingo in like like a month or two so it's like you forget everything so fast yeah ow ow this is fine hey thank you for the five subs i appreciate the support thank you so much regional coins make it really punishing on the lines regional coins aren't bad regional coins are actually pretty easy to get shake there we go um kr apollo 2. thank you for the prime how have you been my friend how have you been thanks for stopping by it's been it's been a minute hey thanks for the prime i appreciate it as well 18 moons and lost yeah that doesn't look good at all what are regional coins the purple coins we'll see um we need to get one more line though i'm looking at it and the only one that i could see that's reasonable is this um we will need to kind of get on a lot of these but seven timer challenges kind of synergizes with this amount of timer challenges for captain toad moods isn't too bad because we're getting some extra moons in cascade um 40 regional queens seaside seaside it's basically like you visit the shops and stuff that's a little bad strats okay so we need to get 10 moons in cascade i'm gonna try and get timer challenges to get a bunch out of the way uh so we're gonna do that let's make this column three hard column three we need to go to snow kingdom and seaside which means we would need to finish seaside it's in its entirety which is not good don't forget life of parts yes we already have one life apart which six life of parts i can get it's not too bad you'll see speaking like an auctioneer hey you gotta go fast so we're gonna have to keep track of all my timer challenges because getting seven timer challenges by seaside is a little bit tight we'll see but i'm just gonna make sure i get ten moons i'm gonna get two timer challenges in the kingdom and the life apart i believe uh that should be fairly straightforward um the great thing about this run is that we don't have to visit any at all um we don't have to visit any um sub areas we can just completely ignore sub areas if i need to which i probably will yeah recently found your channel i'm one of your favorites hey thanks i saw your message don't worry also um i'm pretty sure there's someone in chat if if you guys have watched my my uh one of my breath of the wild nuzlocke videos i mentioned someone whose nickname we convinced to beat practice a lot of any percent in preparation for this but i'm immediately forgetting all of it yeah i even watched your guides my guides yeah oh sorry small light ones guys yeah i don't have any guys i don't know what you're talking about that's i thought hand one had guides yeah my bad my bad yeah i can't believe you'd mix me up with that guy one guy very very informative very useful he's kind of lame honestly he's slow i bet his p any percent pb isn't even as good as mine that's that's why you're having such a hard time i bet yep yeah yeah exactly i followed off to someone who wasn't even that good that makes sense all right we're two life apart seductive scuttle thanks for the sub i appreciate it okay uh wait i have a bingo chichi here is that at ten are we at ten are we at nine i'm not even sure i'm gonna get this one just in case and then we'll be good to go we'll be moving i need to switch colors on this bingo board though i'm actually at a bad color i need to go boom did i get a warp point i did get one warp point we're gonna warp back okay i need to switch to teal there we go that's better good it's about lined up perfect um i think that's everything we need for this kingdom right i don't quite know dude but that's looks like 10 to me two life up parts i'm feeling good what color is lickle i don't know don't she clicks one we'll get one all right i think i i think i i have a start here we'll see we'll see i think i got one yeah i just sort of picked some rose at random oh i forgot captain toad you're revolting and i'm gonna and captures yeah there's there's a lot in man i mean my route it'll become more apparent but it's there's a lot of like eight different things you got to track all at once yeah yeah okay uh we forgot to get some stuff in cascade kingdom so i'm just gonna grab those really quick before we leave uh because we can only get them in cascade like we need to get this chain chomp here which i forgot to get and i'm gonna get captain toad as well uh just because we need to get 24 captures i'm not exactly sure how tight 24 captures is but i'm gonna make sure that i uh do that also oh it says unique life apart so i can't pick up that one again but we're at two timer challenges right now out of seven we're going to get one captain toad moon right here um which will i mean be not as bad the original coins there's no reason to do the regional coins we're gonna get 35 regional coins in sand which is pretty good special k's in the house yes i know i i was about to say i was gonna say the uh the person who we convinced was special okay how have you been do you want me to call you by your real name special k kr paul 02. i know this person in real life is which is why i was excited to see the sub is i'm excited i just haven't talked to them in like two years i don't know what they're up to i was streaming with anna last week it was good it was pretty pog also how did you find out about my stream okay uh do we need to go back to cap kingdom at all i don't think we do we don't need to do any backtracking we're feeling pretty good yeah special k that this is the person that i talked about in one of my youtube videos in streams yo what's up aggie how are you sand world peace will be a nightmare which is why we're not doing it how are you so good at smoke it's called 3 000 hours okay how are you how are you doing getting are your uh a lot of your goals like you'll finish them early finish them late what what what do you got so far uh i'm hoping for a uh an early finish i think i should be able to finish in wooded oh my god i okay i got a a seaside finish which is a bit scary yeah yeah that's rough yeah i i mean that's the advantage of only doing two lines it's easier to get a sooner finish my only concern is that maybe what i picked is uh not very fast but we'll see um hopefully it's okay we'll see we'll see all right my main concern is 24 unique captures i don't know if you can get that by wooded i think it's like just barely possible i think it might be like 27 that's just barely by wooded you got to be really on it though for sure yeah but i've just been i think like last week i did uh match caps oh yeah you did all my brain yeah yeah yeah that that helps a lot i'm thinking i'll be able to remember where they are which is good how much how many hours do i play weekly i mean not a lot i'm not muted but i i really don't play it too much these days honestly it's like once a week yeah i mean he mostly plays like minecraft now he's a minecraft streamer guys you got to accept this it's yup i mean i've been focusing on it's so fun i can't help it it is i mean even i'm finding it fun i i haven't even been streaming it much but man it's such a fun speed run just a really addictive game all right all right i'm your favorite minecraft streamer let's go i'm just gonna grab this uh i'm not sure how many captures i'm at but i'm probably just gonna get a bunch the cubes have gone to my head yeah they have but man these streams are actually better than dreams yet or what dreams cheated one oh it's getting there but not quite i don't even think silver's is yet because it was like it was actually a really good time still i think it was like under 20 minutes and uh okay then yeah it still takes me 20 minutes to complete a run yeah for sure as always is your pb still what was it 34 uh yeah i think it's around 34. i've had a few runs on sub 30 pace but none of them that have actually made it to the end they've all like died really tragically yeah that's always the way yep no you're in a jaden animations video yes okay i've i'm trying to remember what else i need to get because like in this kingdom we need to buy some stuff i need to oh she got 10 moons and cascade okay she is zooming uh i i'm trying to think of where all the unique lifo parts are and we're gonna have to do probably slots because slots has a unique life apart we'll probably have to grab that at some point i'm not exactly cause like six is a bit tight we'll see we'll see i'm really kind of just winging this route uh i haven't done this in so long oh god this is gonna be a bit tricky because i haven't done this in a while oh we could lose some time to this we could definitely lose some time to this since i am doing seaside i just never mind didn't read it properly oh really no uh looks like we're both going to seaside [Music] is there any difference between going to lake or wooded first in speed runs in certain speed runs yes like longer categories because going to laker wooded depending on which one you go to it changes the order of the paintings and if you're doing a a run that goes into post game that makes it so it um a run that goes into post game makes it very um [Music] uh makes it i mean you can just jump through paintings if you take the right route we're doing that what if you had a gun that could shoot bullet bills um uh i mean the world would be mine i'd just take it over because [Music] sounds like an easy world domination plan okay uh right the reason why i came in here by the way so i could do this there's three and then we're just gonna leave from the top of this and jump down to i don't know where we'll figure it out but that's why i came down here was up up here in here was for coins because we need to buy like seven costume sets and we need to buy like a bunch of other stitch we just need to buy a bunch of stuff in short so i'm just gonna make sure we have uh a lot what are you doing you came in late uh gaming in short but this leaves us with not too many more moons we need and like we need to buy a moon uh captain toad we can't get in this kingdom which sucks but you know what happens we need a few more purple coins but they should be pretty easy to get uh not too difficult we'll see i'm winning yes uh i here's here's the thing i might be in the lead but i need to be in the lead to win because little only needs to do two lines well i need to do three that's the whole point of this to to even it out a little bit um i think i'm gonna do reverse jacksy here i guess i don't know dude sure we need more um we need more purple coins i need to have 35 total so that'll be a bit tricky here we'll see can you have an ad oh absolutely absolutely abby get this we need three more moons and we need 15 more purples uh there's no timer challenges we can get here so there's that uh we'll probably be doing two timer challenges in late kingdom one in uh wooded it's hard to say uh we can't get more purples over that way so we're gonna go this way instead um yeah we need a few more perps and i'm just gonna grab them here actually we could go into a sub area and finish this off yeah yeah okay i found i thought of a route that should work that should give us all of the purples we need um wait no this won't give me the purples i need crap i dang dude because this is only going to give me four that's okay whatever we'll make this work also i need this capture here because we need to get the moai so this works well never mind tomorrow we'll be hyped yeah so if you guys haven't checked the schedule tomorrow it might be one of my best ideas i've ever had it's going to be really really cool it's going to be like i i don't want to fully explain it to you but like it is it is so cool i i don't know what how to tell you how to tell you without like spoiling it but it's it is so sick it's like a minecraft race thing but it's also difficult to explain you guys will see tomorrow uh we need to buy some stuff but i still need one more purple coin which is a little embarrassing that i routed it out where i needed one more purple but we'll get it on the way out i guess but we're gonna buy our outfits now we're gonna be good to go uh this will be our first moon we're purchasing we'll also buy a costume here okay uh yeah we'll buy one of these so this is gonna be our first costume out of seven i think we need to buy two purple coin outfits total uh but this is our first one but we'll buy all of them in seaside you said it was good as hunters yeah it's as good as like minecraft or minecraft manhunt yeah so i'll buy our first moon here uh and then we will have enough moons to leave but i still need one more purple coin to get the 35 regionals in sand kingdom uh so we're gonna do that really quick before i go we got the moon liquid gold for ip clip ip clip is real tough good luck to her but i'm just gonna grab the purple that's right over here i believe there is a purple coin back here somewhere it shouldn't be that far back i don't know yeah there we go so that's 35 total we can check that off and we're moving forwards uh i think we're gonna go to lake kingdom next that should work um yeah just joined what line are you going for you can see they're starred the them the ones that i'm going for i have starred those are my goals um two ground pound moons and wooded is not too bad because we're going into deep woods deep woods has a lot of unique captures the rock the coin coffer the tree we're gonna be doing that um she bonking i mean it's tough uh lake kingdom we're gonna go to first because we're gonna do the puzzle room that's another unique capture which is why i am doing it we're gonna have to get a life apart there we're currently at uh two unique life of parts i forgot unfortunately due to the slots slots gives us unique life apart so we gotta be careful make sure to get more um but this is gonna be interesting i think what i'm gonna have to do in this kingdom is i'm gonna have to rush the boss the bus the boss gives us three moons we're gonna do two timer challenges that gives us five we're gonna do the puzzle room then we're gonna buy a room or buy a moon and then we'll probably uh finish it up with one extra moon that i need somewhere else i think that's the goal here we'll see it'll be tricky but uh we also need to buy one outfit costume moon so i'm gonna do that uh on the way we're gonna get an outfit costume moon i think this is maybe the fastest moon to get not exactly sure hard to say though uh we need to get a fish also yeah there's a lot of information a lot of stuff that we got to be doing here yeah but i'm oh low back stretch let's capture a goomba because we haven't captured a goomba yet there we go that's a new capture we're gonna go this way uh actually you know in hindsight that ground pound moon was relatively slow i should not have gotten that one please this is hilarious okay there's another capture for us uh three two i don't think we need any more moons other than the ones that are in the route so we're just gonna focus on that just that's that's the only possible explanation for i can't get it oh you're playing a 1.0 that would make this board a lot harder for you because there's not the luigi's yeah i know luigi's it does make it a little bit trickier it's supposed to make i could be clip easier but apparently not mm-hmm it is it should make it it should in theory like three minutes oh mario just keeps giving himself a freaking concussion the freaking wool dude faster buttons yeah just go to absolute speed i can't believe they updated 1.0 it's so sad why they have to make clips harder it just you know i don't get it they made clips harder and they exclusively made clips harder because they wanted luigi's balloon world people to not hide them out of bounds but now the out of bounds balloons are just harder to get yeah they still do them they didn't actually fix it they didn't fix the game they just made it harder so mean is that the only reason yeah that's the only reason they patched stuff that made luigi's balloon world harder ben thanks to the 10. waiting for the stream same though okay i definitely should have hit the thing uh i can't forget captain toad i'm getting one extra moon in here unfortunately i sound different on stream as opposed to what in real life do you hear me through the window or something what's up with that okay so there's two more timer challenges we are at four now uh we're gonna go to the puzzle room now and we're gonna have to buy a moon how did you know how did i know what do you watch technoblade what's that uh let's hope i remember the path this needs to take oh i remember oh good baby there's a coin copper in sand yeah but that's only if you beat the game basically and we're already going to another area like it's you have to beat the whole sand kingdom so that's puzzle room in lake uh where is it puzzle room in lake kingdom i probably should have warped but i'm already committed to this the parliament of owls thanks to a thousand bits what the heck thank you geez that's so generous uh i would like fishy t-y uh we're gonna get this checkpoint deliberately we're gonna go talk to captain toad real quick we're gonna buy a moon we're gonna life apart um yeah yeah yeah should be good rabb thanks for the 16. i know who technoblade is that was a joke by the way uh how do you know i listen through your window i mean i figured it had to have been one of you guys that was just climbing up to the eighth floor of this building and looking in my window okay there's a second captain toad moon we're gonna get one in probably lost kingdom and then in i guess a metro okay we gotta go up here gotta get these perps uh-huh i can't go into the shop immediately so i'm gonna have to grab some other purples really quick while we're getting coins like that because i need 15 to buy a regional outfit [Music] wait there's someone else climbing up i suppose there is and no i didn't dox myself i i set a random number for a floor by the way just for anyone that's like oh i know what floor he lives on no you don't my brain is too big for you you think that you think there's a building with eight floors in prince george my guy it has like 80 000 people every building has like one floor anyways we're gonna oh i this is a bad route that's fine though i'm gonna buy one regional outfit really quick and then we're done on regional outfits we'll be feeling good floor revealed damn it you figured me out [Music] how did you know [Music] there was one building with eight floors looking good hey parliament of owls thanks to the bits i live on earth don't dost me like that okay i just need to grab this really quick and by this i mean this there it is okay that is what four big life aparts now and we are leaving this kingdom feeling pretty good going to wooded now you live in a parking garage i live in a 12 by 10 foot room the bald man thanks for the tier one by the way dude appreciate it the rightful error thanks for the 15 ay 15 months that's crazy warp thank you as well okay i think we're on pretty good i i don't know how many captures i'm at we'll have to double check but i'm pretty sure we're like pretty good on captures right now i'm gonna have to double check live yeah yeah it's i mean somewhat how many slots has liquor finished one currently but she only needs to do two lines and doing two lines is significantly easier than doing three because three lines forces you to be like okay three lines forces you to be okay like you don't have to go as far like i think there's probably like uh like a wooded kingdom finish if if you're only doing two lines or i need to go all the way to seaside but it all depends like i think lickle could have done or maybe like a lost kingdom finish it looks like yeah there was a lost kingdom finish for lickle i'm not sure if she saw it but that's significantly faster than going through an extra three or four kingdoms uh but there's one ground pound moon in deep woods uh we're gonna get one more ground pound moon i'm also going to grab a timer challenge down here which brings us to five timer challenges um i'm just gonna go here because we need another capture i'm gonna double check how many captures we're at right now i'm not exactly sure capture list we're at 14 we need 10 more unique captures so that'll be interesting to try and get i'm just gonna oh that didn't put him to sleep he just pissed him off this was a mistake there's a timer challenge we're gonna do this okay good how is it a fair race if you're doing three lines and she's doing two i have an extra like 2 000 hours in the game so i think that's fair maybe 2500 hours in the game it's it it makes it fair trust me ouch bonk the tree bunk the tree okay um we didn't get the rock yet i should probably go capture the rock really fast so let's go do that um there should be a rock somewhere around here i'm just gonna capture it and leave where is the rock there's the rock we're gonna capture this and then uncapture that's another unique capture that's the only place to find a rock in the entire game a little bit ridiculous right a little bit crazy at extra 2000 you probably saw the advantage hard to say we'll see um time will tell please no i this is nothing in it that's valuable uh boom we'll get this this is two ground pound moons and deep woods i'm gonna probably gonna get three just because it's nice so there's two ground pound moons wooded we are zooming today uh we don't need to visit any uh shops anymore uh for specifically um costumes until we hit seaside kingdom but we will do need to hit shops for all the moons we're gonna do that um liquor is fighting the bigger ruined guardian of the temple the ruined guardian is this breath of the wild or what papa gerald thanks for the six thank you thank you how many runs have they played already this is the first one first one we've done okay we're gonna do this okay oh i think they mean i mean pyramid guardian she's getting world peace and sand okay that's interesting that gives us the advantage for sure then all right just gonna get this another unique capture we're gonna have to capture a fire bro and a poison piranha plant i believe and honestly getting 24 unique captures i didn't realize that it's actually not too bad we'll see uh matthew thanks for the 10 months appreciate it how do you pronounce milk milk okay we're gonna go here i haven't done nut clip in a hot minute we're gonna see how this goes i think i got it we'll see this will make it a little bit faster yep got it good now just don't mess it up just don't mess it up hey hey do you have different bingo sheets oh oh oh okay okay i messed it up but we kind of still made it work i guess sure sure i i messed up the movement slightly but it's chill it's it's no big deal um i don't think we really need to do anything in this kingdom besides just like beat it so i'm just gonna do like kind of an 80 percent route cause like we need to what i guess a life up heart which how many life of parts are we at again i don't even know and i'm thinking about it thinking about the route we can just go straight this way we're at four right now yes just want to capture this that's a new capture that's a poison one um yeah yeah we should be good now how are you doing where are you at what are you what are you what are you up to what's up i'm doing i'm doing all right um worldly sand i think i've realized that yeah i think i realize you're not doing row five which is very reasonable considering 60 regional coins is gonna really suck that's tough if you're not sure where they all are yeah yeah exactly and i i know for like the earlier kingdoms like lake sand cascade i could get all the regionals but what did i'm not so sure i mean what it does have a hundred so you could miss 40 but still yeah 60 is a lot well that's that's good to know yeah as long as you just like get everyone that you see you should be fine we'll see i heard fire oh well other than that it's going good i did finally end up getting ip flips yeah apparently they didn't catch it that's good um yeah apparently it was just me being uh bad which is crazy i didn't i didn't think that was impossible yeah i don't it's not supposed to happen i know being bad what's that insane how how how are you going how's your excuse yeah i'm finishing off wooded right now actually it's going going pretty pretty quick i zoom in as best i can just there's a few things that i've done that's like sub optimal but i've been playing pretty well i haven't made honestly i've made too many mistakes so far yeah that's why it would have been nice for me to end early because i feel like bingo you gotta collect all the you know the stuff along the way but but for the for the most part it's it's getting all of the goals while doing like a nice quick world peace or 80 route and if you're not very quick at any percent or worldwide the sort of middle part struggles yeah it's it's i get that yeah yeah i think i saw like a lost finish that had two lines but they would have been tough because i think like row five and row two i think is is possible to uh to finish in in launch costume stats yeah that rough especially if you don't have hint arts yeah that that's but i mean 60 regional coins and wooded you get both costumes you're getting uh you're going back to cap for some regional coins that's a costume coin the several coin rooms i think there's like like 800 coins you can get in in sand kingdom yeah yeah that was that it's a i guess it's a little late to do that one but it still would have been a bit tricky i guess why is she playing in french i don't know why is she playing in french uh because it looks cool um i respect that even if i lose i can i can say at least i won in style yeah i mean no you could say well it's it's more stylish but it's slower so it's just the language that's the only reason yeah yeah exactly yeah it's language and because i was on one point now yeah obviously that's the only two reasons slower load times it's just not fair on it i have yeah the advantage here yeah if i lose by 30 minutes is because it was 30 minutes of load times it just got unlucky yeah it just those bad loads man it's it's rough it is rough okay i didn't buy costume sets because it's not optimal to buy them in each kingdom because you can buy every you can buy i believe five costume sets all in seaside and you can't get captain toad until you get world peace in that kingdom so that's why i didn't get captain toad in that kingdom because it's not available yet so i did ignore uh captain toad because he doesn't exist he just doesn't exist this feels far more honest than the point crow bingo yeah boy grow bingo i kind of just volume whereas like we have a different dynamic for sure liquid cj and i we hang out as friends rather than as as rivals you know oh what am i doing [Music] what low back strats i did bully him in the crow bingo oh of course and this is probably the worst fight i've ever had for bowser i don't know what is going on right now but it is what it is i guess bowser looking snazzy i wish i could look like bowser also how does he put this outfit on by the way just a random question that always crosses my mind how does he put on his shell afterwards like how does that work what is what's going on there like is his shell removable if so what does bowser look like without a shell or does he like is there is there just like no back to his suit like what's up with that i guess koopas do have a detachable shell so that would line up but it's very weird you and crow are not rivals you're better okay thank you thank you yo speaking of rivals this is nothing to do with rivals at all i just needed a a segway um speaking of there's um wait what do i need to do here just any percent i don't know i think i just need to go buy a moon how many moons have i bought by the way i can't even remember um i need to do a life apart is there even a life apart in this kingdom i don't even think there's a life apart in this kingdom i've bought three moons so far okay [Music] you saw bowser with no shell it's kind of hot not gonna lie uh three checkpoints do i need three checkpoints i don't know let me see which ones are checked off no i don't we need to buy a moon that's for sure because i don't need checkpoints because checkpoints is at the bottom we don't need that there's no life opens and lost okay um trying to think where all the life of parts are then how many rows you need to do uh three i'm doing three lines not three rows though i guess i could get this that one's relatively fast i don't know how many timer challenges am i at oh god yeah i think we're at five timer challenges um wait can we even complete enough timer challenges now i'm thinking about it [Music] i'm not sure if we can get enough timer challenges vertical line doesn't work yes it does there's just no fast vertical lines [Music] hmm we're at six now i don't think we're at six timer challenges no gotta get this real quick oh god almost died okay there's three in seaside uh yeah but that's in world peace i think right we'll see we'll see metro has uh i think metro has some timer challenges but that's only like after you world peace the kingdom or it's like post game or something i don't know we'll see uh we need to get a capture here though we need to get glide on and the worm i forgot about that so i'm gonna have to make sure i get that that is i think our third captain toad let's just go back up here we got captain toad that's three the people room counts as a timer challenge yes it does now i'm thinking about it yeah you're right there's one in metro we may have to go back to cap kingdom we'll see i'm just gonna check how many captures i'm at by the way 20 oh we're totally fine because we're getting the tank we're getting a pole we're getting a manhole cover and we're getting i don't know something else life apart there's no lipo parts here is he blue or red i am blue all right we're moving we're zooming uh mr say thanks to the prime appreciate it i can't believe there's a manhole cover cap in metro yeah there's a few actually there's like two i think glide ons in seaside yeah but i got that one we didn't need chef points we're not doing blackout we're only doing the ones that are starred the wooded tank i didn't capture a tank and what did i ignore the tank and wooded we're doing the tank here anyways one two three one two ah that's whatever the movement was fine though this is chill two three four um so we do need to go all the way through metro outside already oh i can't well i'm in the middle of movement one sec wait she can't hear me yeah yeah i got the the 500 moons really quick i just did the uh the new tech that uh that allows you to reach darker side early yeah the new tech i've been trying to get better at that but it's really hard it is tough yeah i i've i put a lot of practice into it but it uh it's it's tough it's super inconsistent but i figured you know what if i want to win this bingo i got to go for it it's weird now how the the the skip it actually skips straight to darker side but it's technically not any percent um so like you never finish the game yeah yeah so you do darker side the darker side category takes less time than any percent now which is just ridiculous it's absurd insane yeah yeah it's kind of like you know those old bunnies post game categories or whatever they're technically faster than any percent but it doesn't finish the game so it doesn't matter that is crazy that they left uh they left that in that that wrong yeah you think you think they would uh would have found something like that but i guess not yeah crazy all right that was the sixth life apart i don't know i think that was six unique ones we'll probably get one more here that was six was that six got one in cap one in cascade one in sand one in wooded are you sure we got two in cascade no we only got one in cascade cap cascade sand lake wooded yeah oh that's six you're right [Music] oh a little early on the shot oh oh she finished another goal what is it what did she finish was that me finishing something did she accidentally click on it i don't know oh overheated we only got one in cascade do you like dave metro night metro more knight metro has a nice vibe to it but like post festival day metro it's it's pretty good it's pretty good she finished world peace no she was already finished world peace oh um [Music] that was a bit weird i i only had one hand to use so i need to pick up the moon jace thanks for the four months appreciate it what are your christmas plans just take the day off and what did i said five yeah that lines up that lines up do we get to see the celebration song i think we have to skip that i think we're skipping that fuzz and thanks to the prime appreciate it got three checkpoints and lost was that the only two i only got two um oh i only got one actually yeah i only got one the odyssey doesn't count uh okay we need to do a timer challenge and captain toad here ouch uh that's really all we need to do uh i think we may need to go back to cap but i think we're a little bit ahead to the point where this should be okay we'll see it time will tell whether we do it are you taking christmas off yeah i'm taking the day off for christmas for sure i um if i can't spend it with family depending on the restrictions i'll probably just relax all right just gonna grab this there are i think we need one more capture now and then we have 24 should be good so that is nice uh we don't need any more life of parts which is good i could get an extra one but i don't need it uh we'll probably get the taxi i think that's good i told point guard that you're better than him don't do that that's just mean that's just mean metric be nice he is a friend of mine we we do have like uh like a little thing where we make fun of each other but that's like between us not like that's like between us like you don't have that like sort of the the history with him so it comes across as just mean rather than you know a friendly jab right i'm just gonna grab this there it is just had to get some coins uh i'm gonna grab this and now we're at 24 unique captures now we're 24 you need captures i'll be a be good mute kip thank you so much for the support i really need to start doing the proper movement for this room if i'm gonna be doing it but whatever uh it's me p and d thanks for the prime yo sierra's playing pokemon shield yo nice sierra good choice oh oh okay they didn't hit me we're fine this is chill good choice imagine not getting the luigi first try i don't know where it is i don't ever have to get that one whatever well she was yeah uh we're gonna need to purchase some costume sets soon i'm really actually quite afraid of getting that that costume or not the costume go the timer challenge goal because i can't think of any timer challenges to get to seven oh did we miss we missed that's embarrassing whatever uh i honestly can't think of any timer challenges because like are there any in seaside like those in seaside because i i'm at five timer challenges right now i think markov24 you need captures i did didn't i where is it notes count no notes don't count notes are a unique type uh i didn't buy a moon [Music] yet so we're gonna have to do that ouch uh we also did four toads right so we're done on toads this is the timer challenge we're at six timers rocket flower in seaside that's notes i'll have to look around to see there's a timer challenge in lake i did both i did both hidden hole with the 2d section seaside is that available right away i'm not sure we'll see is there one more in metro uh there's a few more in metro but that's after world peace but yeah yes i got to do the 2d hole in seaside uh let's flex a little bit i need to get to 30 jumps really quick i just need one more moon and this is the only one that i can think of that's like quick isn't that four moons in sub areas from metro technically we did do that yeah do we do any other ones just by chance just to flex a little bit i don't know 40 regional coins the seaside is going to take a minute for sure look at my daddy stewart hey if you mess up stewart like the first stage of it it's real bad swiss mazda thanks for 23 months this is kind of quick yeah it's not bad have we done three eight bit moons i'm trying to think have we we did uh have we done three i think we've only done two i mean the one is the timer challenge though so now we can leave that is how many moons purchased i think that's five we're gonna have to six crowd power moons seaside 40 regional coin season we have to go to the shop buy a moon in all of the costumes as well the timer challenge yeah timer challenge for sure okay chicken soup thanks to the two appreciate it why is he doing so many i mean i'm doing three lines and it's just to like deflects a little bit you know just to flex a tad [Music] split just do what color you i am the blue there's another timer in metro yeah but that's only after you finish need to make sure to pick seaside there we go good did you do the people's room timer i did do that yes so i am at six little root okay what will you do when you finish uh we're gonna do a best two out of three or best three out of five we'll see how it goes i did one in cascade two in sand i did one in sand for 2d i did one in cascade i think but anyways i gotta focus here try and get these eight bit not eight bit uh ground pound moons i know where a bunch of them this is gonna be an easy one we'll see it it depends on uh it depends so what did though i think yeah we might have a first first round win here potentially if she had picked lost you would have more of a chance but uh it's a little bit hard right now um i do need to make sure i get purple coins so that's the one thing 40 purple coins does take a bit of time we'll see low batteries low bad strats if i run out of battery we i might take a minute or two to screw around and get that okay so this is all of the moons that we need but i need to buy five costumes no i need to let me buy five costumes uh yeah there are five here one two three four yes okay so buy all these costumes and we'll be at seven um i don't have enough money i have enough money for the costumes but not the moons i will have to come back then okay is it the full set yeah you need seven full costume sets you didn't buy the moon yet the moon forces you out of the menu so if you buy the moon first it requires you to do all the menuing back it's slower you buy all the costumes first and then you buy the moon any hit darts here uh yes uh we can get that later on but i mean we'll only need like 87 coins which isn't too bad but this will be all seven costume sets you already bought six moons no we did not yeah we need or no we only need 47 coins that's or 37 coins yeah this is fine we'll be really good on coins because i can just like [Music] yeah we can do stuff like that just to get a few while we're in the area okay make sure to get these uh this is gonna seem a bit strange no never mind that won't work uh there should be a few coin piles just around in the water like that yeah we're gonna go get do that we need 18 more coins 18 shouldn't be that hard to get especially as a little fishy boy will do the title said small ant big race it is a big race it's a big deal racing nickel for the first time okay uh get these coins here and this should be enough then we'll just make our way back really quick to that one there yep you should be good to go purchase this okay just go buy this moon super fast excellent does the bingo board challenge yes the the bingo board changes for every run that is all of the moons purchased feeling good about that how do you move fast to the fish press the uh y and b button at the same time okay now we will grab this flower and we're gonna grab a few more purples in this area that's what i'm thinking because 40 regional coins is quite a lot is there official speed run for bingo no it it's a race format there's no reason to have an official leaderboard for it because it's just like people race it three here got all three there good there's three right over here now uh we're gonna get the ground pound moon in this area as well because i have not gotten this ground pound moon yet it's in this room this will give us what our second ground pound i think i think this is our second ground pound moon open your mic and just say milk milk oh you mean like open the mic and milk no we got a milk back uh ground pound moons i'm trying to think we also need purple coins still we need another 10. we're just gonna go this way this is a funky route but i guess it works we're gonna get purples down here now yeah there they are we have communication good evening from the nation's capital which nation the nation that makes me think you're from the us because you're calling it the nation sounds like a u.s thing okay you're from canada okay excellent that's better okay kona exactly what are we at like four of these funky ground pound moons now is that four or five four okay wait where's the where's another ground pound moon i'm trying to think of another ground pound moon and none are coming to mind uh like i know there's one here but where is the sixth one does art count yeah but i have to go back to kingdom i'm missing one i know where it is i know where it is never mind we're good i know where it is [Music] i forgot to get this crack let's get this crack here good let's hope this timer challenge is active it appears it is which is good okay should be pretty quick here just gonna get this because yeah you can hear the the tick tock that signifies that it's the timer challenge so there's several seven timer challenges three moves from eight bit sections uh i'm just gonna leave normally now and go back up because we need to that's the closest area going for a blackout i'm not going for a blackout no probably would have been faster to warp up to the odyssey and then go back from the odyssey but i mean we're already committed to this this is fine i'm not going for blackout that that's that's a bit much yo silver playing animal crossing nice uh we need another few regional coins so we're just gonna go up here oh hello this is what i was actually looking for i got distracted by the fish okay grab these regional coins uh we need one more ground pound moon and then we're done oh we're done got another few seconds here check this out doing this there's 40 regionals here's a ground pound moon and time it was a close yeah pretty tight towards the end there yeah it was i mean amazingly close on that first race oh yeah yeah that was a that was a real uh you know on the edge of my seat the whole time yeah i was afraid the whole every like few minutes my control will be like your batteries are almost dead they're almost dead they're going to die i was like they might actually die and i don't have my controller like charger thing here so oh no that's the universe wanting me to win yeah everything like i said everything was uh i mean that was the only thing with you in that run right everything else it was those dang 1.0 load times i do have an important question yes how do you say milky way milky way milky way okay cool i just wanted to check that's very cool is that not is that not how it's supposed to be is that not right i mean i think we've established that the whole milk thing is a little bit unusual that's how it's that's just it's like it's that's how canadians say it don't wasn't talking about how you say uh was it how do you say cool you say a d cool decal decal like crackle yeah it's not it's not some people say decal but no it's it's decal decal maybe i'm wrong as well because i say deeply this is like halfway in between d chords yeah i wonder you know i mean it for me it lines up lickle deckle yeah true true that it lines up with all the pronunciation for me yeah i've come to realize maybe i'm the freakier actually yeah yeah unfortunate uh anyway congratulations on winning the first race thank you thank you yeah i'll try i'll try harder next time um i'm not sure how much of a difference that'll make but i will i will sure try okay uh i'll i'll generate a new card what should the the seed for this card be you choose it oh the seed yes um what about a good old good old uh five thousand eight uh hundred and eight oh wait no that's five thousand eight hundred and eight yeah bob's yeah five thousand fifty eight hundred and eight okay yeah five thousand eight hundred and eight that's that's perfect perfect fullest all right uh all right let me get a new save up all right me too oh the chat can't see it i i set it to 58 000 eight it's close that's all right but a little bit it'll do it yeah it's enough all right there's one load we got bob's bombs excellent yep i'm ready to go whenever you are you can do the countdown this time all right three two one go oh my god good luck here we go i don't want to do it but should i maybe try blackout this run i should should i just black it out instead um let me see is there a snow kingdom one i could there aren't any snow kingdom ones i could just go to seaside blackout i'm not gonna black out that's too much of a flex no that would that would be me no i could i couldn't do that blackout would take like an hour and a half what does blackout mean it means every single one i'm looking at the goals though like tensile berries from metro isn't bad as long as there's not too many other things five treasure chest moons is easy five checkpoints would it be easy all regional coins and two kingdoms ah uh three checkpoints in lake is easy the only hard one is all regional coins and two kingdoms but like you just get like cascade and um you do cascade kingdom that could be reasonable is there an overall um regional coin goal somewhere or like a thing because all regional coins into kingdoms would be good to if you do that but we'll see just stream first time live steven zero welcome to the stream uh i don't want to do it do we need what else three moons from moonshots 25 in cascade 100 moons total 22 moons and wooded maybe column five might be okay 100 moons total does take a little while though that's not a very good goal to go for uh but i mean if we're going to metro yeah there's no total regional coins which sucks a little bit that's going to miss yep that's okay you think local will win this one it depends it depends on if i can find a good route and if she cannot if she can we'll see ouch were there any heart goals hopefully not i didn't get any honestly the the two the all regional coins in two kingdoms scares me a little bit but like i think we're gonna do um bltr uh row three because row three actually lines up and synergizes really well row three lines up really well uh because 45 original coins of cascade if we're getting all the regional coins in cascade anyways that's fine uh we just need one more which um maybe we have a current end in metro kingdom day metro is there a way we can finish in day metro a hundred moons total i don't like that um maybe row two row two maybe rip ten regional coins in cap you can't get regional coins of cap until you revisit maybe the other diagonal no other diagonal is not going to work um let's see hello bats rat going good [Music] just going to make sure i get the regional coins because i think we're going to get all of them in this kingdom and all of them in lost kingdom i think that's the play here um uh unless i mean yeah we have to get all the regional coins in this game at the very least because we're doing the 45 goal so i'm just gonna check them off really quick once we uh once we get that sorted okay here i'll check off all the stuff that we're gonna do here soon bottom row looks easiest no bottom row is terrible 22 moons wooded world peace restored six souvenirs that's that's like one of the worst lines on the entire thing because world peace and wooded and have to go to seaside that's pretty bad we're gonna do this for sure we're gonna do this for sure and then we need to figure out one more line but yeah the the row five is actually pretty bad just because you have world pieces you don't want to do world peace and go to snow or seaside kingdom because that's just far too long it just takes way too long um i am kind of liking uh row two hard to say though three moves from mood shards isn't that bad um it's tricky we'll see finally catch me live what's up column one no like i said it's going to seaside i'd like to finish without having to leave metro [Music] we'll see uh column three i i mean we have to get a few extra moons in lake kingdom uh ten regional coins in cap is pretty free six souvenirs uh that means we have to go to a lot of shops is that better i think column three might be the way to go column two i don't wanna do column four i don't wanna do i think we're doing column three column four means we have to get world peace sand i just don't like that i really don't like that we'll we'll jump back to cap kingdom i think purchasing six souvenirs is a little yikes but ah that's okay [Music] um but war painted moons is a bit tricky five treasure chest moons uh we honestly that's free like without even trying we'll probably get that many there's just so many treasure chest moons but i do need to get uh all of the the regional coins in this kingdom so i'm gonna do that do we need eight bit sections no all right let's just focus on getting all the regional coins now not quite sure what an optimal route for all of them look like but i'll do my best not sure if any extra coins here are necessary but i'm gonna grab them just in case um i'm gonna get this checkpoint really quick because we will probably need it uh there's regional coins in this sub area we're gonna get this right yes the regional coins at the end of this sub area um is it worth getting anything other than the regional coins here like a secret moon i don't think it is worth getting the secret moon um just because we can get a faster one outside of the sub area so i'm just going to ignore it because like we don't need any so for the first time ever i'm gonna do this sub area but like relatively normally okay master mars thanks for the prime i appreciate the support by the way good because yeah that moon is is just gonna be slower because we're gonna warp the checkpoint immediately after this so we needed that worked at this checkpoint we're feeling pretty good now why are beautiful koopas only existing in 2d i don't know isn't that weird that it's strange um so yeah now we're going to go up here grab this uh we do need to go up are the regional coins in that area no there aren't so it's not really worth it because i can just do this [Music] there that was probably faster i don't know because we need the regional coins that are up here uh i'm trying to think of there's another sub area of the regional coins i don't think there is we don't need to do timer challenges so i'm just gonna grab this and this is the moon that i was talking about that was pretty fast uh actually we should get the treasure chest moon instead i have changed my mind we should get the treasure chest moon because i mean we need one more anyways it works out well but i believe i know where all of the rest of the regional coins are there should be three here there's three on a other area yeah yeah yeah okay did you win the first round i did win the first round by the skin of my teeth what does that phrase even mean by the skin of someone's teeth teeth don't have skin that's ridiculous oh did we just die we just died unfortunately but that is uh 45 regional coins in cascade by your gums i guess uh it's unfortunate that i died there i really was not trying to die obviously uh but this is gonna be our first treasure chest moon i think i got the clip i didn't get the clip maybe not the teeth you're used to what your teeth have skin that's weird dude please no i i want up let just let me up please my god okay what the heck dude you should make it harder for if you die you lose a bingo mark that would be no i don't think that's a good idea because there's actually a lot of like death strats how's the reading going it's good my route is pretty solid i end in metro kingdom i'm feeling pretty good about that one nice one which you got what you got any any revolutionary bingo strats you've developed yup i'm hurting for a wooded finish okay which is nice i i figured i i think the strat is to go with as few kingdoms as possible to give me a good advantage even if there's some yucky i agree i agree so um that that's my strat it's it's going okay so far we're doing all right no all right we'll see i'm just heading over to sand kingdom just got some regional coins i'm getting those regional coins but then i'll be off gl geo oh you're getting 100 moons oh that's gonna be tough good luck yeah that is gonna be rough um i don't need any regional coins here i don't need to buy anything we just need checkpoints pretty much so i'm just gonna grab all of the checkpoints i can um if you go to it's the first game i'm trying to think of like painting moons that are worth getting i'm trying to think what do we need to get here i think it's literally just checkpoints in this game right it's just checkpoints in most kingdom um yeah yeah this is actually i i like this route a lot she has to grab 100 out of 150 available moons until what did yeah it's gonna be a tough route for sure oh got it nice sand painting uh sand painting kind of you'll see you'll see this is gonna be a bit of a weird route but i think it'll work i can't remember how the paintings work i'm just gonna have to double check here what um [Music] the warp if i go to lake first the war painting in lake goes where sand kingdom i'm just trying to think of how to optimize this i'm pretty sure it goes to sand if i go to lake kingdom first i'm not exactly sure so much you still don't understand smo i don't understand it either don't worry actually ah i didn't mean to do that no ow why are you getting checkpoints uh it's because i forgot it's simply because i forgot to get the checkpoints i forgot to get this thank you for the reminder that would have lost me some time uh that's a big streamer chat advantage in bingo it's basically cheating there we go okay how many chef points are we at we need six in this kingdom i need i there we go okay good got that uh how many do we have i'm trying to think of how many checkpoints i have two that means we need six so we need four more one two one two three um that many more moons as well okay i've thought of a route that will make me win you forgot to check one on the tower oh i didn't forget it don't worry uh oh i should have gotten uh i should have definitely gone into i should have definitely gone into the um sphinx area because there's a treasure chest moon there but i think it's still fine there's another checkpoint only one more leave for 10 minutes a new race happens yes a whole new race okay i'm pretty good who's winning uh i think it's relatively close right now it all depends on how quick lickle is doing that that's our second chest moon feeling good about that okay so we need two more checkpoints now which is normal i've routed this out so we have everything we need i'm pretty sure um yeah this is going pretty well so far are people getting panned from saying the s word like are you saying simp no as long as you're not like harassing people with those words it's fine like as long as it's not like you're meaning it in like a hateful way like if it's jokingly and the person is okay with it i'm pretty sure that's chill still right unless you're talking about the s word being small and in which case yes how dare you say my name yeah my lovely little simp that yeah that that works i'm okay with this okay i know we don't have all the checkpoints but trust me if you're about to say you don't have all checkpoints it's because my brain is bigger than yours i'm sorry to say [Music] show us the mug design um i'm silently correcting your grammar apparently except i'm doing it not silently because i point it out whenever i see it when's the next beauty share stream i don't know we'll see time will tell uh can you do the painting before you defeat rango in this kingdom i don't know anyways we need three checkpoints in lake um i'm either getting all regional coins here or all regional coins and lost i think loss is better because there's no sub areas [Music] do okay gonna do this not quite sure how this route is gonna pan out honestly anyways how do you read messages that go by so fast my brain is on x games mode i just press that x games button ah i slid out dang it we have to get this by the way or else i am bad this might i i've always been bad at this trick because i never learned the the gamer setup where you like do the wall slide to get it perfect and then you roll into it because i just mess up and bonk so let let's uh please slip through the wall i beg just slide through oh my you know what i'm just going to do my basic setup it'll work please i hit my head i am so bad at this trick i need to get this trick though like it is neces it is imperative that we get this that that's that's just how it goes it is absolutely imperative that we get this clip and i will sit here until we get it whether it takes 10 minutes or not i don't care there we go okay we got it so this is one painting moon by the way this is also two treasure chest moons so it's just two treasure chest moons a painting moon a checkpoint in lake kingdom my brain is expanding into a size that no one has ever seen before look at that that's some synergy if i've ever seen it we do need to get 16 moons in lake i totally forgot that so this actually works out kind of well said you do a breath of wild stream sometime next week but why did you stream relics of the past two days ago i didn't stream it two days ago i haven't streamed in like two weeks because i got i did among us rivals i don't know anyways um yeah 16 moons lake this should be pretty basic should be pretty pretty simple pretty easy so yeah we're at three chest moons now feeling pretty good 16 moons lake shouldn't take too long it's double the moons you usually get but still not bad what color joycons you're rocking red and purple red and purple look who called you a nerd well she's a nerd okay she's she's the nerd i don't excuse me they knocked what damn it can never trust my cat i speak the truth all right i'm not the one freaking grinding minecraft uh you just said yourself you're doing minecraft speedruns what are you talking about are you racing abby like in january in minecraft no no no no i would i've never what's a minecraft i don't know her yeah i'm sure that's what i thought that's what i thought give me the fish give me the moon give me the everything that i want boys look over here going into the fishing avatar state gotta close my eyes and i become an ultimate fisherman good that's another moon that one's actually pretty quick if you do a fast anyways for anyone that was curious as to why i didn't get all the checkpoints in sand kingdom because i was thinking i was like we could do a different painting moon we could do a painting moon but also get the last checkpoint so i don't need to move around so there's our checkpoint and there's our painting moons so now we uh and then we go back right away so we go six checkpoints in sand two war painting moons then we go back in it's pretty pretty quick also i think we're at two checkpoints in late currently so we need one more uh but we do need more moons so let's get the rest of the moons we need in this kingdom it'd be great if i could see where i was going thanks uh but yeah 16 moons should be easy your brain's so big yeah it's just the way it is sorry um yeah so just gonna grab some moons we might go into a sub area if i need to not exactly sure be quite pretty quick i think there are a lot of fast moons and lakes so getting to 16 especially with the warp painting jump is is pretty speedy do you ever do an iq test yes apparently my chat has a higher iq than me i was i i had a 160 iq and chat had a 165 iq or something like that i can't exactly remember there's all the checkpoints we need why did i get out of him what am i doing if chad was doing that they would have made that wouldn't have made that mistake uh so that should be three checkpoints in late kingdom now uh we need to purchase six souvenirs which i completely forgot about that's a little scary i don't know this is probably not a fast moon to get but i'm doing it anyways whatever your iq is room temperature that's pretty warm uh did i get uh it's not really uh actually we can get this one that's probably faster than going up we'll see wait little isn't winning not yet not yet she might she might but plus she only needs to do two lines i you know what i should probably do this then we only need two more moons after i'm trying to think of the two moons that i can get that are fast um thinking there's a bit of a wacky route let's see people who use kelvin huge brains dude huge uh yeah the 16 moons and laws are in lake is a bit yucky but it happens why does she only need two lines because i have done far more runs and it's it's like uh what what's the way what's the what is it it's a handicap for me to make it a little bit more fair because i've had thousands of hours in the game it evens it out it's great [Music] i don't need to get another chest moon let's do the timer challenge and get the frig out of here dude actually no this is not the play because i need six souvenirs and i cannot forget to get six souvenirs but i can't even get the souvenirs because i didn't get enough regional coins what am i doing i don't even have enough for oh my lord what am i doing right now i am just throwing left and right that's all right throwing second or third game second game so far i don't know even how much a souvenir costs i'm just gonna hope it costs five okay we have one souvenir for five let's go you have 15 moons oh i know because i knew i had to come to the shop now i have 16. uh where is the 16 moons in lake there it is we're gonna go back to cap now because we need 10 regional coins in cap uh we might also stop by cascade just to buy two um souvenirs i think that would be fast i don't know it like we already have the regional coins there yeah we're gonna buy a regional coin in cap i think or buy a souvenir and cap we're gonna buy souvenirs and cascade and then we'll buy two souvenirs in lost kingdom that will work the nanamon thanks the eights appreciate it okay yeah stickers aren't souvenirs let's go back to cap real quick we're just gonna run uh i think i can get ten pretty easily uh five treasure chest moons we're currently at three we get one in night metro and then uh i think there's one in the sub area i don't really know are there souvenirs and lost yeah we'll get two and lost uh this is fine i didn't get all of them my audio is a little delayed gotta fix that okay there's ten there we'll buy the souvenir from you now good we got four chest moons how am i at four chest moons okay there's a souvenir i got ten am i at four currently oh yeah i am at four and we need five oh we're actually perfect then good this is a if anyone wants to set up a bingo board push up your glasses when you beat likkle all right yeah i'm at four chest spoons this works well then yeah uh i'm gonna go to cascade just to buy two more souvenirs really quick uh but yeah then we just need five checkpoints and wooded we'll just i mean it's just playing through wooded normally i think um we don't need to buy anything and then 12 moons and last plus all the regionals doesn't take too too long this should be pretty straightforward where are you gonna get all purples from cap no it's it's not good to do that i'm an anime protagonist confirmed that would be cool that would explain my luck that i'm the main character right okay we got two there look there's one on the board i mean lickle is doing less goals and the goals take longer like she's probably doing world peace sand right now i would expect um which takes a little bit but once she's done or is she doing world peace sand yes she's doing world peace she's probably doing uh column four and column five i would guess which isn't too bad she's probably doing world peace sandwiches on world peace sand she really just needs like it's the hundred moon goal that's that's gonna be for her that's it but yeah i'm just gonna do any percent uh wooded kingdom i think as best i can is really all i gotta do we'll see column five and row two uh actually yeah that's not bad either column five row two oh she shouldn't if that that's weird that she's doing she should have done column four and oh wait a hundred moons yeah i don't know i really don't know what you should have done actually because like the hundred moon goal takes like an hour it's so hard it takes so long i need to make sure to hit checkpoints we'll see we'll see the hundred moon goal is very difficult i think i messed up the timing we'll see i did that sucks i'm just trying to get checkpoints dude [Music] we need to get all of the chat points four souvenirs done i guess i could check off four souvenirs just for intimidation strats that's true for souvenirs intimidation strats go all right this will be our first checkpoint after we get this moon uh okay interesting because yeah five checkpoints in wooded ain't too bad i think please let me out let me out no let's try this again yo i did the sick movement okay oh god we almost saw any put so there's one checkpoint and now this will be two checkpoints i'm gonna do this good how did you get the speed running um mesa the uh the current moderator with the the the i don't want to say the oldest moderator because she's not the oldest the the longest lasting moderator the mod with the most seniority ah anyways misa she was like hey you should speedrun um uh you should do speedrunning um for uh super mario odyssey as a joke and then i was like okay and here we are ah you can make that right oh no you can't not even close liquor wanted you to stop getting bingo squares checked what if i just get an extra bingo square just uh just to put that idea to rest the most oh god almost fell this is one of those brick jokes what's a brick joke did i just fall into a trap i don't know [Music] what time is it for me 3 p.m i can get 22 and wooded cac w let's see how can you both see the bingo it's on a website what do you usually play before mario odyssey came uh kind of whatever like i i remember playing through cuphead i remember playing through um some other games like i i don't know um i'm trying to think what i did i need the checkpoint i almost forgot to get the checkpoint don't fall all the way down oh my god what a tragic death uh i played i didn't really play little big planet off stream i guess there were a few months that i took off from streaming let's try this again two three yo that's kind of no i did it again oh i'm an idiot i am such an idiot that seems so smooth too you guys see that movement like here we gotta get this one two like i'll just go through this i'll just go through this whatever whatever the curse like all cursed me did lickle do that [Music] breath of all before odyssey i mean i played through casually breath of the wild yeah you're giving her a chance no i was just trying to do some cool strats but the cool strats didn't want to work said sad did liquel have to begin again no she wanted you to not get any more squares what did you do i mean i got more squares but i didn't think anything could happen it was the man not little michael is working with the man they're working hand in hand [Music] to destroy me all right we have all the moons but we need two more checkpoints i tried to ignore the ones in the tower i tried to ignore the ones in the tower because while we're getting the other two checkpoints we could get faster moons but i died so whatever she knows going to metro the man will be waiting please no and a boy thanks to the seven hmm are you so much better at breath of wild than point grow it comes down at the end of the day it really comes down to um who has the gamer genes and who doesn't okay you know from the start you know since i've been since since i was a child i've always been known to have the the genes of of a gamer okay you can you can tell it when you like on the street if you look at me you can just tell he's a gamer he's got the look in his eye right it's obvious there's no mistaking it whereas with eric he doesn't have that look in his eye in fact he has no looks in his eyes they're empty hollow there's nothing there you you like you you like you bang on his head and it's just it's nothing uh okay we got five checkpoints in wooded is because he graduated college yeah he he went to school for something he's never going to use to put himself in debt pj salty thanks for the four months we have a limited time on this earth five spots left for me we'll see no emotion yes did you know ant has been speed running for three years that's actually kind of a lie may your son thanks for the prime appreciate the support that's actually kind of a lie did you know my first speed game was actually not super mario odyssey and that i have been dishonest with you the whole time did you know that did you know my first speed game was in fact super mario brothers 3. when i was in high school when i was in high school i saw a speed run of super mario bros 3 it was a tas and i was like damn that is so cool that is so cool and i remember seeing it and i was like wait a minute wait wait a minute that is so cool but like i wonder how how difficult it would be to learn how to do that so after i watched that video i broke out my little crt tv started up my nes and i only decided and basically i practiced level one world one learned all the speed strats to to beat it at the most optimal time right i uh i i watched the the tasks and and learned all the strats from it because most of them were humanly viable uh i didn't actually know it was a task or and even what a task meant at the time but i learned the strats i was able to do them i could zoom through world one world two like everything and uh you know i did my best to learn what i ended up doing was i i did do a bunch of ielts i did i did i know it's hard to believe but the only reason why i learned that was for lunch at high school there was the mall and at the mall there was a restaurant where me and my friends we would always go and get some poutine for lunch because we're canadian you know um now at that restaurant they had tvs and old game consoles and i was like i want to be able to beat super mario bros 3 before our lunch is ready and so i would do that i remember i would i i practiced a ton and i was like all right i want to get good enough to be able to do that so we ended up you know i practiced for a few days i didn't tell anyone at all and then one day we went over and i i walk up to the counter i order my my food and i'm like yo can i get some super mario bros 3 action in here and they were like absolutely here's the game i plugged it in started it up and i beat the game in like i mean it was in it was in the lunch hour i think it took me i don't know like 20 25 minutes to beat it i died a few times on the last world and and after that my friends were like damn like how how did this mans get so good at this game and i was like you have no idea but it just looked like out of nowhere i just crushed it right and i never had an uh an official time i never recorded it but my record for beating super mario bros 3 was beating it three full times in uh in one lunch break for school my my record was i i beat it three times in a single lunch break once before we had to go i was i think i was nearly late for class but three times how long was the lunch break it was like 45 minutes i think i think we had 45 minutes who's blue and who's red i am blue yeah i remember that day where i beat it three times i felt so accomplished because i was like damn that's actually like that actually seems kind of hard it was super good i became the wizard yeah soccer sheep thank you have you ever told them about all the tv systems set up in bomb sales yet so um when i was a kid i had a lot of consoles i had like almost every single console um like from sony nintendo uh xbox right i had almost every single console i'm missing a few i'm trying to remember where the heck they are i don't know okay there's some over here oh my god lego's got another goal a little scared okay um did i miss two over here i i'm not sure if i missed two in here i need to check i did miss these two okay i was like i had to have miss two somewhere um trying to think of optimal routes because this was a bit messy and all i could think of was doing that jump here to get these purples and we'll warp up to this okay captain toad we don't need captain toad we need to go in here we need to buy two souvenirs now and then we're done on the souvenirs we're feeling pretty good about that uh souvenir there yes [Music] there's six souvenirs and then we leave purchase six excellent but i am blue we'll get this that'll give us 12 moons and lost kingdom oh good 12 moons lost and now all regional coins and two kingdoms were about to finish off as well what's your favorite inside joke in this channel um i feel like the one that is spammed the least and i don't know why i still find it so funny is the 20 minutes one it's the 20 minutes when i think what is she going for row 2 oh no she's going for row two i don't think she can get seven moons from eight bit sections hard to say i don't even know if it's possible because there's like there's two in sand there is one in lake there's one in wooded two in cascade two in sand so that's four one in lake one and i don't even think there is enough huh anyways we need to get um sub we need to get i think one treasure chest in this kingdom and then uh one treasure chest and then just sub area moon so we're just gonna rush through just finished three challenges in like 20 seconds yep but that's just because i organized it that way what kind of subjects were you good at uh so i'm the person in high school that that i i was told after high school i didn't even recognize it in high school because apparently i have no social awareness um but i was the person in high school that no one really liked because i never paid attention but i was top of the class i mean the whole not paying attention thing was probably the adhd but like yeah anyways there's our five treasure chest moons go for the theater in metro uh no that's post game how strange what is for the outfit for the outfit door you'll see i actually don't need to do the outfit door the open door actually counts as a sub area so it works well pepsi or coke pepsi obviously well you have it i have idihi yeah yeah i was i was diagnosed with the the i don't know it was like before i started streaming super mario odyssey speed runs so like early 2017 adhd or 80d 80d is not a term that is used anymore that is the term that uh like the the official they reclassified add and that's not the name that people use if a doctor says you have add they aren't competent because that's actually not a term that's accurate anymore it's not as accurate as as a like there's different classes of adhd rather than uh saying you have add yeah it's like adhd there's like a inattentive hyperactive god i can't remember i haven't looked into it in a while [Music] yeah dm3 got rid of add exactly like the official classification for like uh what is it called like i don't know anyways attention yeah it's attention deficit hyperactive disorder but adhd inattentive combined hyperactive yeah hyperactive or inattentive exactly uh so now we just need to do a bunch of sub areas so like i'm just going to do sub areas now and then we'll be done what am i doing hey there we go uh we do need to do five sub areas but i know five quick ones go for blackout blackout would i think here we go kick this oh there we go okay that one excellent i didn't go into the maze unfortunately i kind of forgot to do that so that board's whatever pretty blue oh yeah i'm freaking zooming right now you want five today i yeah honestly i'm playing pretty well i haven't really made any crazy mistakes i had like i died like four times on on a jump in in um wooded kingdom right after you cursed me or something so there was that uh-huh uh-huh but i mean i i haven't really made any mistakes it's a it's a good day for me right now nice it's it's you know all the the smr energy it's been building up that is a good way of putting it yeah i'm releasing all of my smo energy that's been pent up over the last like week or two yeah that's how it works yeah if i wait like a year without doing a run i i just get the world record automatically it's yeah yeah absolutely it's cool oh no my battery died let's go we've got a chance come on come on get back in action the tactical reload dude please please stop back up go we're good we lost some time but it's okay no bat strats baby okay so this is the outfit room which fortunately also was a sub area we are zooming tactical bat reload yes sir yes sir go for blackout i don't think i could go for a blackout because i need to go like i need to go back to sand and spend 10 minutes doing that okay we got hit that's fine i mean i guess we could go for almost blackout because three shards dude isn't too bad regionals yeah what is blackout the whole board oh yeah i was telling so when i was a kid i had a ton of consoles so that is our second sub area i had a ton of uh consoles as a kid and i didn't have any like splitters for inputs and and i really didn't want to have to like plug in and unplug all my consoles because that just takes way too much time you know so i was like well how can i how can i in i didn't even know that switchers existed how can i make it so i don't have to switch the cables around and i can play every game whenever i want um uh and my solution was once hd tvs started to come out i realized that everyone is selling their crt tvs for like five dollars at garage sales so for i whenever there was a garage sale someone would be selling a nice big crt tv and uh you know you just spend five dollars as a kid five dollars isn't too much and i ended up getting like seven crt tvs and i had them all in a single room as like a wall of just seven tvs with different consoles plugged into them it was fantastic dude it was great like i remember we we had like a family gathering and there were like 20 people there everyone was playing on a different tv it was the best it should work right yeah that's so smart yeah and now like whenever i have one of those tvs break i always have a backup electrical bill was also so great nah okay that's our what oh i already did the outfit room as well i'm not sure which we've done one two three rooms so far four we've done four we need one more that sounds like a fire hazard what having a bunch of tvs in your room i don't think so but yeah it's kind of nice like a lan party but not really yeah it's fun haven't you already done all the shard moons uh i only have done two shard moons i think city hall council sub area no it doesn't it does not it doesn't have two moons it has to have two sounds like a melee attorney set up yeah i could have hosted an entire like melee tournament in my like thing we had like um we also bought two like entertainment centers you know how that you like the old entertainment centers that fit also we're done by the way yo what a satisfying pattern there and uh i'm done pog you congratulations pretty pretty zoomy yeah yeah i got stuck in like kingdom i'm still there yeah you had to do those hundred moons right yeah i was getting a lot of moons on the way so it was going to take a while yeah that's a rough goal for something so sure i think you have to get like two-thirds of every available moon if you're ending in wooded kingdom or something someone said yeah that would be a lot of moons but hey that's all right um yeah i want to do uh best four or five so i can at least lose one more time sure sure i mean we could switch it up as well where like maybe i do a blackout or something instead oh yeah yeah that that might be fun that'd be a challenge for you yeah for sure yeah um yeah yeah that sounds good to me so you you gotta do wait you gotta do the whole blog i'll do the tire board yes okay and i'll do two lines yes this sounds perfectly equal it's a great idea absolutely it evens it out all right that sounds good all right i'm happy to do that i'm down for that sick all right all right i will load up a new board i'm gonna i'm gonna set it as five three one eight zero zero eight this time that is our seed good good excellent good number better is little a casual uh player of the game no little is a minimum captures runner a dog percent runner a super percent runner um pretty much anything that isn't any percent uh is is my interest yes and the the next uh big nut jumper yep yep which is a category of course the nut jump yeah it's just it's just enough it's uh fastest time to get 50 nut jumps in a row yeah yeah you got a nut real quick yeah yeah i i'm not the i don't do a lot of any percent grinding um uh i guess i'm a pretty casual for a speed runner i guess um but yeah my main goal when i'm speed running is to have fun which means that i'm not very good at it but i don't mind yeah it's i mean you don't have to sit down and grind it for like thousands of hours it's an easy way to burn out yeah yeah exactly i'm just i'm playing the long game you know when everybody else is burnt out in 20 years that's when i sniped the world record yeah you'll love like it's like the the tortoise in the hair you know exactly you'll win it in the end it's just you're letting all the others burn out first exactly exactly it's all about that long game so it's a strat i'm ready if you want to start a new one anyways yep yep yeah i'm good i'm already all right uh you count us down for this one all right three two one and go good luck thank you thank you all right we have blackout i need to do everything i need to do everything on this board is there any heart goals there are hard goals we have to get world peace and wooded we have to go to seaside kingdom do we have to go to snow also we also have to go to snow kingdom we're gonna have to figure out which one we gotta do first six questions we can finish by wooded kingdom um gosh uh sand kingdom 40 regional coins 32 moons and sand ah 32 moons and sand we don't need to do uh we need 15 regional coins in cap we're gonna have to come back to cap kingdom uh so we need to do world peace in uh we need 18 moons from sub areas total planting five seeds this is gonna be tricky there's gonna be a lot but we are blacking out the board uh we're gonna get the life apart in cap kingdom how does he talk so fast i don't know dude i'm just gaming plant five seeds not get five seed moons five seed moons is almost the exact same speed in fact we might just get five seed moons we'll see i'm about to get a pro gamer move yes i will pro gamer as best i can um i need to reset my game audio really quick this might sound a bit funky for a moment here we go play fast talk fast baby yup uh do we need captures i'm not sure if we need captures we need 10 moons in cascade there's a lot of moons we're getting in this one my god 125 regional coins i think that's gonna be pretty basic seven timer challenges uh hard to say she didn't start a timer that's okay adds weird champ what better not be weird champion me because someone in chat redeemed it six things looks annoying it's actually very easy because there's five questions in sand kingdom and then there's one in um wooded all right i'm just gonna get this organizing that this is still gonna be a little bit difficult because despite getting so many different things you don't just do everything like getting 18 moons from sub areas that's nine sub areas we're gonna have to try and get the most optimal sub areas along the way uh i think we're gonna get a lot of sub areas in sand kingdom because since we're getting 32 moons and sand anyways um three moons from crates i need to get one in wooded i need to make sure no i need to get one in lake kingdom i need to go one in sand i need to get one in the sub area in metro kingdom we're gonna have to do that in metro we'll see this board is pretty nice except for 32 minutes in world pc a world peace in wooded kingdom and 32 moons in sand is quite a lot but that should be fine five ground pound moons in seaside three ground pound moons in what it is a little bit rough but since we're getting world peace it's not as bad um i this is to be difficult to route for sure uh 10 moons in cascade do we need any uh we need captain toad and cascade we need 125 original coins so i'll get any easy regional coins uh and we need seven timer challenges seven timer challenges means we will probably need to do two don't we need 10 moons in cascade or something i think we need 10 moons in cascades so make sure to do that okay so the 10 moons in cascade that we're most likely going to try and get is the um are the wait what i've never seen that happen what happened there the ones in cascade that we're gonna get are obviously the regular story moons but also i will need to get timer challenges does the power moon count just three power moon does count as three moons yes do i need 25 regional coins in cascade let me see let me see um we do need 25 regional coins in cascade i missed that we need to get that are you just not reading chat no i'm just not reading yours bravo nations i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm just not reading yours it's just i don't like your attitude um let's go that's rough bro it's a bit rough yeah said there are three more spawn i know i missed them what's liquid going for i don't know going for two lines whatever the fastest two lines are we'll see hopefully it is speedy uh since we're getting ten moons in cascade maybe i'll go for that oh it's hard to say he's literally red chat all stream it's okay they just trying to be sassy i'm speeding speaking the language of the gods uh we do need the captain toad right there i'm trying to think of the best way of going about this we're probably going to be doing dino jump again uh we do only need 25 25 regional coins isn't too bad do we need to buy a lot of stuff i don't think we need to buy a lot of stuff in this one two moons from keys we're getting one key moon and lost and [Music] uh where are key moons there's a key moon in lake we're going to get key moon and lost in lake i was trying to think okay is there multiple races or just one we're doing i mean we'll we'll figure it out once we're done this uh cap is a key moon yes but we only need to go to cap for i think some regional coins yeah we only need 15 original coins on cap that's the only reason why we we would be going back i need to make sure to pick up six unique life of parts uh so we're gonna have to make sure we get those there's a few in world peace what did i believe we'll see but we need 10 moons 25 regional coins in cascade uh plus the life apart plus captain toad yes okay we're doing that when will the stream end uh whatever i'm tired uh something that i forgot to do this morning was uh eat breakfast oh that sucks whatever uh so like after i'm done racing lickle we might call it or i might have to like order some food because i'm starting to get a little hungry honestly um we'll see we'll see how i'm feeling if i'm still feeling energetic and stuff will and and just need a snack we'll do that we'll see though can you order for me my controller is dropping inputs i dropped two jump inputs there i was trying to triple jump but it didn't work that said wait um i guess i don't need these but i'm already committed there we go i only needed one anyways we're good can you imagine eating your 2020 no not at all just get this because whatever i don't think we need to get eight bit moons but i'm getting them anyways two moons from shiny rocks uh two moons from shiny rocks means i think we need to actually backtrack to this kingdom because there's no there's actually never mind there's two in wooded kingdom and we're doing that anyways yeah this will be fine all right that's our second one good eating is the bane of streamer's existence i know okay this is our first timer challenge we need seven total uh oh i might fail this let's see no i'm not gonna fail it no do you thought i was gonna fail it what are you talking about that's ridiculous do people still complain about no one ever complained about milk i think they just make fun of me for saying milk despite that's the the connect correct pronunciation of it sorry to say but that's the way it is uh that is 25 regional coins in cascade um i do need a few more moons though because we need 10 moons we are currently at seven so we're just gonna grab the last few here oh i forgot captain toad on the way down thank you for the reminder though lake will appreciate that uh i guess i could warp back up i did forget captain toad it's probably faster to warp up and then jump down to captain toad to get that a little bit of a miss route there but now it's going to be very difficult to to win against little here because i need to get all the goals on the board it's tricky who won last run i won last run it's currently 2-0 for me and we're continuing to see if if it stays that way but we changed up the rules a little bit there's captain toad cascade let's check that one off now good how do you say milkshake milkshake that is nine moons now yes okay we are moving one two three do i need treasure chest moons i don't know but there's 10 10 moons cascade i think we can leave now i'm gonna get the uh i'm gonna get the timer challenge just in case i don't think i can risk not getting the timer challenge because like seven is pretty tricky eleven moons we got extra moons dude it's probably faster to warp up and jump down now uh what should we get beginner 80 percent route pretty cool seeing how i made videos a few years ago yeah all of my my original how i started on youtube with tutorials pretty ridiculous right okay three moons from wooden crates not too bad we're gonna go to sand kingdom next get a ton of moons in sand um plant three five seeds total we're gonna plant um one in seaside two in metro and two in sand kingdom i think that's what we're gonna do we need um so we need to plant two seeds we need to get 40 regional coins in sand kingdom we need to get 32 moons uh we need to get a bunch of sub areas i didn't do any sub areas in cascade which is a little yikes but that's okay i guess um make sure to life apart you do the wooded door ah i'm trying to route this out my head are there is there a 35 regional coin uh sand goal or no it's yeah there's a 35 and 40 regional coin goal okay you should only do two rows within superstar mode that would be interesting for sure hmm small blush looks so good yes well blush was updated by the way it looks so good how do you say ee okay so we're gonna grab exactly isn't there a moon key or there's not a key moon unless you get world peace and sand and wool piece and sand is not worth it but i'm just gonna grab all the regional coins i can here i don't think we need any money which is kind of nice so we're just gonna do this good i'm gonna run mid caps again are you waiting for a new discovery um if i feel like it we will but there's one seed planted uh did i get the checkpoint here i'm not sure if i got the checkpoint [Music] what are you doing uh i'm getting 32 moons in sand kingdom uh and 40 regional coins i could done that better heck of a lot of moons yes oh yo by the way my mom she got to 10 000 followers on twitter uh on this weekend and i was like thanks everybody thank you so much and i i feel like it would just be funny if she got more followers than point grow because i it's just funny um and so i was like maybe one day she'll get more followers than point chrome then she texted me like 10 minutes later she's like tanner tanner tanner i don't care about followers i'm just having fun on twitter okay i don't care if i get more followers than point girl it's like i know you don't care but i do but she she tweet uh texted me that and i was like that is adorable and then i tweeted it and now she's at like 12k followers on twitter which is just just the it's just such a cute a cute thing reverse psychology i know don't mind me just go on here boom boom tijuana no chicago thank you very much wait starts i almost updated by accident that would have taken like 30 minutes to update that would have been fun huh good how many followers this point girl have he has around 20k so my mom is like 60 percent his size uh in real life my mom is actually a little bit taller than eric though so that's interesting low back strands baby yup how tall is eric five four okay just getting every moon that i know of every single one how tall are you six one i don't think i need checkpoints here so we're just zooming as quickly as i can there's our first crate moon by the way had to get that all right we're just gonna wait good okay but 32 moons is quite a lot but with the sub areas it shouldn't be too bad i think uh i will probably want to get jaxy though because he is kind of nice to have so we're gonna do reverse jack see real quick just gonna pay him good let's ride yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah [Music] okay how do you speed on in read chat i i'm just i have those gamer jeans that's really all i can say we do need to do a bunch of sub areas and i feel like this one's very useful casually or versus jackson yeah you're five four but thirteen hey you're gonna be pretty tall then most likely uh 40 regional coins shouldn't be too bad i'm not sure how is little so behind lickle isn't so far behind lickle is just doing different goals because it's probably more optimal to do different things so bingo bingo is very unique because it might look like someone's behind but their route might just be way faster and they're just doing things in a different order you're literally 5-1 that's why you're convinced you'll never be taller than anyone i mean maybe you'll grow one day i don't know i'm just gonna get this one there we go you stopped growing like a year ago well maybe you'll have a growth spurt i i don't know do anyways this is two sub-area moons but it also gave me a lot of um regionals 10 regionals in this area that's nice and i'm going to warp instead of taking the pipe because it gives me jaxy back jacks is nice to have is six five tall for fifteen this is five over fifteen okay we know you're just trying to flex boot flex boots yes you know it's tall everyone knows it's tall don't don't hide it just say lmao i'm 6'5 just say it you you don't need to disguise it as like like uh like oh i don't know that i'm tall you're tall you know you're tall you're taller than everyone around you no we're getting moons you're 6.4 what does it mean taking notes jump on the palm get this now i'm average height take that 50 percent of the human race well that doesn't necessarily mean you're tall just because your average height doesn't mean you're taller than 50 percent of the people right what if there's um you got to think about it what if [Music] instead of being taller than 50 of the people actually most people are like an inch taller than you but there's like a hundred thousand people in the world that are a foot tall and bring the average back down [Music] right i mean is that that is true i don't know i don't know if it's true or not i'm gonna answer all these questions this is one of the goals that we had to get there are five you're 173 centimeters i'm 185 centimeters 100 000 would barely affect it i don't know i'm just throwing out a random number i really think i need these coins for anything okay we need 32 moons and sand we need a few more regionals this should be chill though ah that was a frame perfect spin pound feel good do we need to buy anything we don't need any of those no okay we are zooming how many coins are we at 29 perfect that's actually the exact amount that uh i'm looking for right now we're feeling pretty good i don't need any yeah yeah 32 moons in sand is quite a lot but fortunately sand has just an absurd amount uh but yeah we're getting um three sub areas in sand kingdom out of the nine that we need total because we do need to do nine um right we did three we're doing the sphinx we're doing this one we're doing the other bullet bill one yeah yeah just just a warning you guys like the the mods are telling you guys if you guys actually say that you're 12 or under there's a chance your twitch account could be banned forever so like because it's technically you're not allowed to be uh under that age so like you should it's just a rule of thumb to try and not talk about it or else twitch might actually ban you like it's it's not a good thing just a fair warning it happened to you yeah it's happened to people in chat which row oh god i could oh that's the first time i've died doing that first time i've died doing that how are you by the way i'm just cruising through sand kingdom what you up to how are you doing i'm not cruising through sand kingdom i take it back i just died twice oh no i'm i'm doing good yeah i'm doing great um uh i mean in in terms of the run or in general oh just in general how have you been doing like you're doing doing doing well yeah i'm doing great um i mean i was practicing smo a lot yesterday that was fun because you know i wanted to prep a little bit apparently didn't pay off much but hey um it was it was uh fun to to learn some new strats there's a couple new like cool jumps that i learned um which looks snazzy which is nice it's always cool to uh learn those sorts of things but uh yeah i don't know for the most part i've been it's been vibin same same i've been what did i do i'm trying to think i i even do yesterday i've been like working on like a a thing for a low percent and it's it's a secret project that's taking a lot of work so that's what i was working on that's exciting recently yep yep the the latest video was the um hydrox one right yeah the shame pyrox yeah i enjoyed it it's it's like that's the great thing about those sorts of little documentary things is that they teach you about something that you would have absolutely no reason to know about otherwise um but you can just sort of it's interesting to know somebody's story so yeah it's very cool [Music] it's a cool little channel it's doing serve well what it did it hit like 100 000 a while ago yeah i think it's like 120 000 now yeah it's killing it insane [Music] i'm seeing a lot of people saying lickle sounds very young nickel is not a prepubescent boy lickle is a girl for anyone that isn't aware [Music] walk off to 35 i couldn't find it she's just quiet ah it's it do i need to turn nickel up a little bit i forgot i needed to grab this i keep missing i'm so bad just stop girl woman i mean you could call me a boy and i'd be fine with it so i mean calling someone a girl is okay i don't know i guess it's personal preference discord is low it's not low okay uh we need one more moon and the moon i will be choosing to get gets me another life up heart i guess yeah it's probably not optimal but it'll work it'll work we're gonna do this boss fight really quick uh we have enough purples now to check out both i'll do those really quick love the content hey i'm glad you like it never watched mario hey mario's a good game mario is a nice one to watch because it's really simple to understand for the most part right it's just running and jumping what's the strat here uh get the dub as the kids say get the dub yeah for anyone that isn't aware i said at the start of the stream lickle and i we're friends and little has done nearly every single emote on the channel like all your favorite emotes liquor probably did it [Music] little created it probably okay where are my regional coins at now 40 regional coin sand 35 original coins in sand okay i made small whoop i did make small whoop okay so we're done that we need to do one more thing and then i'm gone do i need to purchase moons i don't think so right no we didn't need to purchase moons good check the six questions i only did five six questions we'll do one in wooded kingdom is it blackout i'm doing blackout lickle's doing two lines it's just running and jumping uses hats of stairs okay well there's a little bit more than just that um we are almost at four ouch almost at four unique ones that's gonna work there we go i'm gonna do this yeah so it's black out i'm doing everything on the board okay so there's 32 moons in sand kingdom we're gonna go back to cap now and do cap uh but we need to get one more life apart ideally it's right after the moon good that's four happy birthday thanks hank uh three moons from remote equates we are at one let's go back to cap though feeling good them off did i miss anything that i have gotten did i miss anything at all we're at three sub-area moons or sorry six sub-area moons uh we got six life aparts six moons correctly yeah i don't think i missed anything yet i don't think i missed anything yet happy birthday thank you it's not my birthday though hey i i see it's your it's your birth it's your birthday in chat right now you yes you i hope you're having a good birthday today it's ren's birthday right oh wait yeah i guess we wish we wish them a happy birthday uh yesterday my time but now it's it's still their birthday huh hey ren if you're here hope you're having a good birthday uh we need 15 regional coins and cap i think that's all we need liquor's been trying so hard on slots yeah uh do i need anything else in this kingdom i could do like a sub area but i think that's a little extra is there a life apart here i don't know i don't think there is i'm pretty sure i don't need to buy anything but we're done 15 regional coins and cat let me just double check not we could we can leave uh oh i could have done a timer challenge uh too late low battery you're literally plugged in i think this will be fine i already got the life apart yeah 18 moons in lake is a little rough yeah we need to get pretty much everything crepe moon no reason we had 84 regionals total thank you we need to get 15 regional coins in lake kingdom um yeah okay we're pretty much getting every moon here so wish me luck i guess what's key mean uh key moons [Music] like moons that spawn from keys you'll see we'll get one in one of the sub areas in this kingdom okay good there we go bingo boarding competing with somebody yes we're competing with lickle okay good uh no mario my guy there we go we got it that works what is captain toad block of two colors cause lickle has completed that one little is competing against me is there a bingo for minecraft yes there is i hate messing that up dude good second try no big deal hey what's up what's good i heard i i heard you were making comments about my height um what no i never made a comment about your height at all right really yeah no not at all where did that even come from i'm suspicious i'm very suspicious right chad i i don't think i mentioned lickle at all wait not my height not no i'm confused we talked about that lying to me we talked about eric's height which normally oh that's fine oh you can make fun of aaron's side all you like yeah oh yeah that's totally i can i can get behind that um because it it is funny how short he is it is hilarious we i that is very entertaining yeah i don't think we've uh yeah i don't think we have your chat chat is just trying to stir some stuff up huh yeah i think chat was bamboozling me yeah all right on the other hand it's it's not funny how short i am no that's not funny at all eric it's funny you it's unacceptable can't make jokes about that that's ridiculous absolutely not how dare you 12 seconds in a year what does that mean can you show the controller grip there you go i showed it all right getting checkpoints doing everything finally got to see one of my streams welcome uh we don't need to buy anything the 18 moons lake it shouldn't be that bad just because there are two sub areas we can get four moons from should be a pretty smooth victory you awkward bruh yes i am that's that's how it works that ibim i mean like what do you what do you guys expect what do you guys expect all i do is sit inside and play video games of course i'm gonna be awkward [Music] an awkward gamer that's unbelievable uh okay we're gonna do two timer challenges here gonna do this imagine expecting a speedrunner to be a social butterfly maybe one day maybe once covid is over i'll get outside and talk to people go for walks oh it's a good joke ah why did you dive mario outside what console is that even on all right get this you know what's really great about uh how about my i don't know how to describe it situation right now i guess it's not really a situation my my current um [Music] how do i phrase this properly i'll just say situation that makes it my current situation with uh with where i live you know i live in a place called prince george pg but right now i plan on moving out of pg at some point right the thing is you know i'm gonna have to update the fact when i move because right now it says he's in pg but i actually won't have to because i'm a part of panda global so the fact can just be like yeah he's in pg panda global it just works out so well self docs it's literally in the fact you gotta if you want to send me stuff you have to do that staying in canada yeah it'll probably just be further west in like a more major city so i can do more things this is the first key moon by the way come live in vancouver isn't that like one of the most expensive places in the entire world to live i don't know if i like i could just live in like a a city of equal size and not be broke also i you guys want to see something go westside and then go east you guys want to see something weird that you never really see that's it i i just wasted some time to show you that jjren thanks for the two months appreciate it uh we need one more moon i think we got all the regional coins here no i need more regional coins okay this is fine yeah i got the key moon which is what i needed i got everything that i need i got the crate moon sitting pretty right now um let's check those off 15 regional coins lake did i check them off already where are they i don't know we also got a sub-area moon so we're four sub-areas out of nine uh we also did timer challenges so we are at four timer challenges total how long do these runs usually last uh since i'm doing blackout it'll take a little bit longer i don't know how long blackout takes but the other runs where i did triple bingo is usually under an hour that says 18 moons yes i believe i got 18 right [Music] i should come visit ontario when covet is over that'd be cool there's a lot of people that i know that live in ontario that would be cool all right we're going to would it now wooded kingdom we need to do world peace we need to answer a sphynx question we need to get shiny rocks we need to go into the outfit door wouldn't okay we don't need any extra moons and wooded though so i am going to be doing world peace and then the bare minimum i don't think we even need any um we only need 15 regional coins yes i'm gonna do the bare minimum with this one oh god there's no way we hit this rabbit right yeah it sucks don't forget the ground power moons three ground pound moons is pretty simple there are three in deep woods and we need to go to deep woods woods deep woods anyways the costumes so that's fine okay but world peace i really don't think we should get like many extra moons because we need to get like i think the deep woods moons will cover everything so i'm going to ignore almost everything here uh i'll get this though no i won't that's not really worth it okay what happened to your minecraft collab with marissa that was like a year and a half ago bro we just didn't feel like playing anymore don't forget the seeds oh you can't plant any seeds in this kingdom because it's their moon seeds what are barrier moons they're in snow kingdom uh they unlock the barriers [Music] oh i didn't answer the sphynx question um yikes i forgot to answer the sinks question i need to go do that now because we can answer these how do you say sorry and canadian sorry yeah i definitely forgot to go over here and we need to answer this and that gives us six so we don't need to go to the sinks in the other kingdom flowers that's six good uh while i'm here i might as well grab these regional coins i'm gonna grab regional coins uh over here as well i'm gonna do one sub area i think because i think it's worth it plus there are a few regional coins around so be good to have you have three crate moons i have two crate moons currently i believe i've only done two crate moons we got news for you from lincus i think is it a 3309 good for him took him long enough oh hey what's up how are you i'm well uh i don't know if my chat's lying to me again but they're telling me some disturbing facts oh no they they say that you called me 311. i haven't still not mentioned your height really i don't know where they're coming up with all this stuff i wouldn't say that three three that's nothing not even a realistic number i can't believe my chat is lying to me chad are you lying to me is chad lying to me i think they are i think your chat is they're trying to start some stuff oh my god they're trying to stop beef yeah false drama [Music] can't believe this i'm 312 actually yeah come on guys get the numbers right if you're gonna figure the fake numbers at least fake the right ones sweet um yes this is logical that's how it works lincoln's got a 32-53 took him long enough jeez that's embarrassing that's just embarrassing i'll beat uh i'll be like this when we do runs again hey thick boy make sure to read the rules and come back in an hour lincoln's got sub-hour okay i don't know how i managed to fall there by the way like what even happened what the heck even happened dude you know someone who's 310 i mean i do too they're quite a bit younger than me but i do too [Music] oh okay okay i think i need to stop getting extra moons i'm looking at it and like we're about to get four four moons from getting world peace you used to know a girl who was 410 i i think i know someone that's 4 11 actually i definitely know someone that's 411. so we need to get uh outfit and i'm going to jump into deep woods real quick we need three ground pound moons in deep woods and we need a glowing moon rock yeah we're gonna we're getting some extra moons here unfortunately uh i i didn't route this perfectly but we did a sub area so uh we're at five out of nine sub areas that we need to do change now because i think we're gonna get uh five six moons yeah when you're born you're only a few millimeters tall are you sure because i'm pretty sure like i was a little taller than a few millimeters when i was born i don't know i i don't think that works original coins purple coins yes okay here's our first ground pound moon [Music] good went the wrong way there hopefully the dino doesn't see me so this is these uh are contributing to the ground pound moons i also need to do a timer challenge because we do need to do a timer challenge eventually we will need i think up to seven oh i overshot that a little bit there good so that's we're at five timers now what are you doing for christmas relaxing mostly dinos over here we're gonna get the second glowy moon rock moon and lickles gonna oh god likely is going to look at the board they're gonna see from the corner of her eye he's gonna look at it it's like oh my god he just did like eight goals all at once i think i'm going to wait until i'm done the kingdom to check everything off okay does that sound good waiting till the end of the kingdom kelly thanks for the two months by the way yeah so there's our second glow rock moon but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna check off that we got it yeah don't tell anybody though uh but seeds here don't count they're not they're looking for seed moon so there's the third ground pound moon as well [Music] uh we're probably going to end up with four extra moons in this kingdom i should probably grow this first so we don't have to wait for it to do that like that doesn't count as a seed being planted open this up i am blue on the board that's mean you're gonna give her a heart attack yeah cause we're gonna check off outfit door wooded world peace wooded two moons from shiny rocks um three ground pound moons wooded uh and six life aparts all at once how's it going great gorm dude and that chicken nugget thank you for the four months appreciate it yes i like where we came up here this is actually perfect because now we can just go one two three one two three oh bad how does the race of you seem that far ahead lickle only needs to do two lines lakel needs to do two lines so lakel is far closer to being done than it seems i'm just gonna get this because i think it's gonna be funny i don't need to do this now and in fact it's probably slower but i feel like it's going to be funny to do it to check everything off all at once gamer dude gamer so we got four extra moons here uh i definitely shouldn't have picked the moons up when i started the kingdom that's fine that is a-okay yo someone actually messaged me on discord i can't believe it someone messaged me and they were like hello i have a challenge for you you can win 10 000 from this and it's like okay you're gonna give me ten thousand dollars for this and they said play super mario odyssey 80 glitchless speed run feet only with no seeing or hearing do it in under 24 hours so i started up my super mario odyssey this morning i turned it on i pressed the jump button with my feet without seeing the game and then i messaged them back done never said i needed to beat it they just messaged me back now beat it now beat what i said and then i sent in all caps no changing the goal posts and then they said yeah okay bye bro you said you were gonna give me ten thousand dollars and now he's changing the goal i got scammed by this man absolutely scammed bantam i don't know twitch username his discord username is just bruh in all caps which is my reaction to him honestly bruh i should have known to not trust the bruh man where i have an idea [Music] hey band bruh bruh only the mods could see that but i banned it bro okay let's check everything off and terrify lickle sound good great ker chunk she's like what how did he finish so many of those so fast sup yo how are you doing hi how are you doing over there what what's what's going on on on your side great yep yep i'm doing excellent i'm uh i'm just you know going through doing doing some some uh bingo how about you i'm going to that's that's crazy what are the chances it's crazy odds i dumb through wooded kingdom got a few left nice i'm not through wooded kingdom i have lots of things left um in fact i'm not in wooded kingdom i'll admit it uh are you you're in lake yes yo you got 30 yeah you got 32 moons sand yeah okay yeah which took you a lot less time than it took me i couldn't remember 32 moons in sand to be honest there are a lot um yeah 32 is several moons it's quite a number yeah it did get there in the end um how do you think this is looking i mean i think three moons from wooded crates is gonna be a little bit difficult you reckon yes because i can think of one in sand i can think of one in lake and i can think of one in day metro um that that is unfortunate i didn't realize it was in the metro i i just hurt you know i'm not sure there might be another one does anyone in chat know i think that's it though yeah there's one in in in day metro in the uh the the sub area for the the outfit room the outfit room yeah the outfit room in thanking or i mean you could do brunching and do the crate in brunchin that's that's easy i mean you could do you've done super sent it's just like a little bit higher right yeah i don't think i've ever done a successful brunching uh i've i've done it like once [Laughter] nah it'd be fine i could totally get it very um yeah i didn't realize that one was going to be an issue that's unfortunate but hey uh it'll be fine it'll be fine um but if you're finishing wooded kingdom uh you've got a i've got quite a ways to go yeah i gotta do we're gonna finish in seaside yes i gotta finish yeah lost metro uh seaside and then go to snow kingdom so i got quite a ways is that are there seed moons in uh in like are you planning to do the ones in metro uh i'm gonna have to do like two in metro and then probably one in seaside yeah right sure yeah i guess those are the easy ones yeah i did two in sand i'm doing two in metro and then one in seaside that is the idea yeah i i'm i'm i'm not uh particularly confident but um i mean you uh if you're already dying over and over right now if you're already in lake though that means you only have like two kingdoms to go right there are three and like all the kingdoms i have are way longer so true yeah we'll see i suppose yes yes good luck i i'm on that the red sub area with the bouncy flowers oh i've died like twice that one that one's rough like even with speed strats that one's rough because usually speed strats and like make it quite a bit easier but that one's tricky i think it was around this sub area that you called time last time so uh we're getting further at least uh i still need 30 regional coins i'm trying to get away can you find liquid stream uh we're squad streaming so you should be able to see it right now i think i'm at 25 um okay i left three here so we're gonna grab this and we're gonna grab two on the roof okay eight minutes till the run is done no it's about 20 minutes so it's done it's about eight twenty minutes not eight turn on the mic and hit the nut button what i what how about this when i finish the run we'll hit the nut button that'll how we announce our uh our hopeful victory nice sounds good the squad stream is not working wait did she not start the squad stream it is working oh it is working it is how many total regionals you at all of them here we go never mind okay so we need to do uh timer challenges i think we're gonna get five grandfather moons seaside we're gonna probably go to seaside first oh no i need to go back to lost kingdom i need to go back to lost right now because i forgot the key moon ah yeah i forgot the key moon in lost kingdom i think that's the only place i could get that damn i hope it lets me leave please let me leave we need to go back naxi is thanks to the 12. set sail like i said 3309 you're like an hour late dude i found out the moment it happened 90 40 soft drink thanks for the prime there's a key moon in day metro that is after world peace that's after world peace uh that's the p-switch one we're not doing world peace there's a key moon in a sub-area no there is not okay didn't know that was post-world peace yeah that's after world peace there we go unfortunately i i thought about it at the start when i was like do i need this button no i don't i did i needed the key moon that's gonna be some time loss though [Music] what the key moon and lake kingdom sub area where already got that but we need two of them though is the thing and this is probably the hardest moon the hardest thing we'll do in this run is this right here this strat because i'm pretty bad at it and it's i just have a hard time with it i guess i didn't need to get glide on because we came back because you need to get the key get the key please no stop it there we go got the key moon i didn't die at least loop skull thanks the gate two moves two keys okay better we're back up and now we can leave that's a tricky moon uh so now we need to do um for metro kingdom i'm gonna have to do four sub areas i think but uh i'm pretty sure the i have a question do the moons in the seal rooms count as sub-areas does anyone know if they officially count i don't think chad's gonna actually know i need to double check this somewhere else i need to check the official sheet because i don't think anyone's gonna know we'll see how old are you just wondering it is in the fact they aren't sub areas because if they are sub areas that changes the route a little bit do you remember everything is i just remember i have like thousands of hours in the game ah gross nickel's done only three well lickel only needs to do um lickle only needs to do nine they're not sub areas are considered part of the main map dang oh what i thought i would dang it okay this is fine no how did i fall i guess i could have warped at the checkpoint the moment i fell but whatever you can do it i cancer inventor i absolutely can that's embarrassing falling there that's not a place you should fall at all i don't know are you about blacking the board out yes i'm doing a blackout okay yeah they seem like sub-areas but i guess they're not considered them that changes that a little bit um we're currently at how many times we're currently at six timer challenges i need to do one um is there a really fast timer challenge in snow kingdom that you don't have to do world peace for i don't think so hmm what do you have somebody done because i'm doing all of them i am doing every single one do you play on the switch um no actually i um oh man i put it away didn't i damn it i was gonna take out my game boy advance uh yes i am playing on switch the joke failed i know [Music] oh gonna get hit here that's fine yikes good stuff i'm playing on switch and just holds up a switch yeah yeah i'm playing on switch i don't know how complicated it is what do you mean do you still change your joy cons every month yes i'm gonna have to replace the joy six two and i got got him in this little despair spare joysticks just in these little baggies like just joysticks that i replace every month what does he change it you haven't played on a switch very much i guess um so we need four sub areas here uh which means that's eight moons so what are the fastest sub areas i'm trying to think what are the fastest sub areas i also need to plant some nuts let's go and do that nice one two three three seeds to plant yeah but we're saving one of them for seaside oh come on dude there we go good i guess we'll do this one no i take it back we're not doing that one um we have to do uh the a different sub area we'll do um the because i don't know how fast that one is i don't think that one's very fast the rocket one's probably faster hard to say rc car is not a sub area because you can only get one moon there until post game okay uh we don't just trying to think of everything that i need to get no captain toads no nothing get the crate moon do you have world record for odyssey no i've currently only a world record for pencil sharpening so this will be the first sub area that we do and then we'll warp from here to the top of the tower and that will lead to the other three and then we'll finish i believe there okay that even reach okay that does reach that's good timer challenges yes don't you have 1.3 min caps um i don't know i haven't really paid attention i haven't really paid too much attention how many do we have now we need eight more moons that means we need to get two more on top of the current sub areas that we have the fastest two moons i can think of are to do this good awesome don't you have star percent no i don't start percent changed a lot and then we'll get this moon as well and then we can just finish off all the sub areas and then we're gone what i'm bad i am bad there we go so this is the last crate moon but it's also a sub-area moon which is nice so it kind of works out crowd room is the timer yeah that leaves us with six oh she finished another one what did she finish i'm not sure which one she finished oh i missed that i missed that so this is gonna be all crate moons we'll see how that goes man doesn't even keep traffic's world records oh she checked off sphinx oh my god i got it damageless oh i tried to go for damageless there but i just lost some time yeah i don't have minimum captures world record anymore cj took it from me the guy what a guy right [Music] see that's all wooden crate moons and now we're going over this way this is the timer challenge yeah honestly pencil pencil sharpening is the the real category that matters it's a real category that matters okay one more subberry we're done seeds what about the seeds hey shannon what's up what about seeds good pencil sharpening just pay to win no no no you have to be dedicated enough to do it all okay you gotta be dedicated enough but uh actually you guys are forgetting that i am number one in super mario odyssey any percent i did forget about that but um it's an easy thing to forget about i guess we're just dying okay sure will you improve the record of pencil sharpening tech is found uh there's something in the works that's going to allow me to potentially do it in under a minute that's all i'm going to say i've been working on something in the background for a while thank god that had a platform down there [Music] they still haven't accepted it i didn't submit it because i knew they they they they couldn't handle it honestly it would be rejected out of jealousy is your gift opening stream starting at its regular time that's a good question let's say i don't know yet i'll have to decide uh oh we're done all the sub area moons so we need to just plant a seed we need to get five ground pound moons in seaside uh we'll also need to go to snow kingdom hmm do you know who nina is did it yeah one of the greatest super mario sunshine runners of all time he's great he used to watch my stream when i did odyssey any percent and i used to watch his uh seaside first pencil sharpener should be an emote you mean like small pencil if only that existed if only it existed so i'm doing um i'm doing seaside first because we need to complete either seaside or snow kingdom and because we need to get five ground pound moons in seaside it'll work be getting more moons in seaside anyways and seaside is just a faster kingdom to begin with so we're going to be doing almost regular any percent in seaside kingdom almost can you get banned by submitting troll runs so we're gonna kind of do any percent-ish you'll see it'll be with some extra bits because i need to grab this did the something just flash i'm not sure if it was my vision the screen or the lights so we're getting this one seed to finish off the seed goal good that's the seed goal done get this uh the moon i won't be getting is the moon in the room but there's all the seeds it'll be close i think she still needs to do oh she hasn't done world peace wooded yet that'll be a bit tricky for sure we're gonna go this way um i'm gonna use this to get some ground pound moons along the way i think that's advisable she's in deep woods yeah it'll be it'll be tricky for her to catch up we'll see we'll see i'm gonna just grab this ground pound moon real quick so we're at two ground pound moons now i don't think i need any we need a timer challenge so i might do the timer challenge here because i can't think of any others to do there's a third ground pound moon this should be pretty straightforward we'll see she does not have to do world peace oh yeah she doesn't never mind she needs to get six life aparts and plant five seeds yeah never mind she actually doesn't i i keep thinking she's doing column four which when she actually isn't but this will finish off our timer challenge goals we use the new bet thing yeah once the first person reaches a million small coins i'll turn on the the channel point bets but i need to i need to make sure that the first person reaches a million because you know i i don't want someone to get to a million [Music] like i i don't want um someone to get to a million after someone grinded for like a year just waiting and someone gets it just because they want to bet right shannon's at a million what color are you gonna dye my hair it would be nice to have uh a fish right now but there's all the timer challenges ouch i don't have a fish where's the fish fishy fish fish fish fish there we go good with small coins it's um it's like a currency you get for watching the stream you can spend it on little rewards why is uncle playing in french it's cool it's style why not play in french right all right just gonna grab this moon now good sub area there's all the ground pounding in the seaside we just need snow kingdom that's it snoking a checkpoint two barrier moons we're gonna be pretty close to being finished here blackout actually took a significantly less time than i thought it would [Music] just realize your timers are 10 minutes off i think she forgot to start her timer [Music] it's a good question i'll have to ask the owner of discord shannon just to see what's up with that i could have swore i left one there my guy it's a very blue leaderboard you got there yeah i'm almost i just got a little cold area to finish to finish up now yeah yeah just a couple decide yeah i'm heading over to snow kingdom oh god just zoom in you're doing pretty good there i'm i'm going pretty quick it's honestly going way faster than i expected it to yeah um i'm going uh way slower than i expected to i'll admit it hasn't it hasn't been the best uh best bingo for me but i mean hey it's a cool looking board it does look a little like your layout which is nice yeah it matches by a layout at the very least that nice yeah that's a positive we look on the bright side here other positives is that i've had my game in french the whole time so it's very stylish yeah yeah and it loses about 30 minutes as well playing in french so i mean if you finish within the next like 30 minutes of me then i think you still got a still got a shot here yeah and not to mention the extra 30 minutes you lose from being on 1.0 yeah so you have an extra hour yeah it's crazy um yeah how much time saved that uh those two little things uh have it's amazing yeah that the virgin differences never would have guessed until you see the timer of the actual comparison yeah yeah oh i died man said wait how did you die in snore uh and i see oh my god i think i'm gonna i swear i'm not throwing okay good just you sandbagging me no no no i would never what mario okay why is it doing this i'll admit i wasn't even sure what a barrier moon is i'm trying to bounce off cabbie but he's not bouncing there we go but that's oh my god kathy's a lysal fan i knew it okay you know what freak this i'm doing a long jump i was trying to be cool and go fast but it just made me go slow [Music] sad that happens a lot to me but there we go but you know what i did flower road skip with a ground pound and a roll canceled and boy did i look cool even if i died a couple times yo that is sick though it did look very cool no problem i forgot i told chad i was going to do that when i won wait you oh yeah somebody in my chat even asked for it oh man gg gg thank you thank you it's a very wait look now it's like your layout oh my god how did you get all those done so fast that's insane it was just a speeder you were holding back the whole time i was i was the one sandbagging along you're just sitting there waiting for me to finish what's taking him so long uh that's not even too wide wait oh no it is it is yeah yeah the the diagonal on the horizon but just a little bit of extra to flex honestly that one for two lines was a little bit difficult just because the 32 moon's in sand and then uh the 18 moons in lake actually takes super long just because there's so few moons in lake that are available yeah for sure for sure i i'm definitely not like super good at judging which ones seem fast and which ones seem slow yet you know that's absolutely takes a lot yeah it does it does oh man so what are you planning on doing for the rest of stream like you're ending well um i think link is beating me in minecraft so i might have to just beat him back today just to put him in his place i did hear that yeah yeah somebody in my chat said that did you know what time you got uh it was it doesn't matter it wasn't sub 30 so i don't care okay right fair enough i'll just get a sub 30 today and put them in this place yeah it shouldn't be that bad yeah beat silva as well that'd be fun yeah you know that at the same time yeah be like a 27 minute time i'd be down for that yeah easy it's you're on a beating ant colony members role why stop now yeah just just beat everyone's pb all at once yeah absolutely yeah that's that's called getting a world record i suppose are you are you gonna keep streaming after this or what's your what's the plan for you uh i guess i started early so i do usually end around um this sort of hour mark so i'll probably i'll probably end now but yeah thank you so much for playing i had a lot of fun even if it was i played atrociously i still had a lot of fun so yeah well thanks for playing with me it is fun bingo is fun either way like it's it's fun trying to figure out the the routes and what's optimal and stuff it is and you know every time i do a bingo you know it's like the first finger my brain was just frazzled the whole time like i couldn't keep anything in my head and then by the third bingo slightly more things were in my head which is nice just all got it your brain started to sort it all out automatically yeah exactly my brain's expanding it's getting muscly [Music] it's just the start of you know the start of something beautiful i'm gonna be such a pro bingo someday just takes time gotta put in those three thousand hours yeah it's just three thousand like it's only like a quarter of a year without sleep yeah yeah easy if you if you only focus on one thing for three four months yeah and i'll try not to get rsi that sounds like it yeah that that doesn't help yeah sad learn from mistakes for sure all right well uh you have a good day you know yeah because it's like nine or ten now it's eleven eleven almost lunch will you have a good lunch i will i will and uh i'm gonna go beat lincus all right i believe in you you can do it thank you thank you thanks for playing thanks bye all right everybody we're done with the bingo for now and i feel like it's a good opportunity to beat lincus um the thing is what here's what i need you guys to do if you want to go watch like honestly lickle great streamer if you guys want to watch more mario because i i've been doing a ton of mario recently little does a lot of mario odyssey recently as well as some art and some other stuff be sure to follow lickle if uh if you want some stuff to watch on twitch that it's like a little bit later generally like i usually watch in the evenings i'm usually there but uh go follow liquor but we're gonna switch over to minecraft now and we need to beat lincus because he beat me lincus has beaten me and that's honestly unacceptable it is completely unacceptable and i need to put him in his place so let's switch over i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick we're gonna switch over to minecraft and we're gonna start runs immediately
Channel: SmallAnt VODS
Views: 412,151
Rating: 4.926106 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario odyssey bingo, super mario odyssey speedrun, smallant vod, smallant vods, smallant stream, smallant twitch, smallant speedrun, smallant smo, smallant super mario odyssey speedrun, smallant odyssey, smallant, smallant bingo, smallant bingo versus, smallant smo bingo, smallant race
Id: Moj1GKgANrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 51sec (12231 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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