Zelda Speedrunners VS 6,153 Hunters

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in this video me and my friend linkus 7 attempt to speedrun breath of the wild our goal being to beat one of the dungeons before the other however twitch chat can control each of our games redeeming things like strike lightning and kill link first to win gets a thousand dollars from the other also this video is sponsored by g-fuel they've been phenomenal to the channel and i'm stoked you guys have been liking it so much use code point crow when you get your g-fuel or click the link in the description below i recommend the french vanilla if you want to try some and you haven't already honestly it's the best flavor so use code point grow for up to 30 off your order anyways let's get ready the race is about to begin no mercy no mercy you go into his stream you redeem kill link as many times as possible okay sounds good please feel free to just go as hard as you possibly can on killing over there uh just feel free to spam it okay just spam the crap out of it eric did you tell them to do the kill link feature really i would never do that to you man i would never tell chad to use the points to kill link on your end i i'm offended that you would think that i would go so far to call together my viewers and tell them to do something that'd be awful all right who's snitched oh sorry i wasn't i wasn't my bad i think i'm ready to start if you're i i'm ready to start i'm ready to win honestly all right good luck with it uh yeah i'll count down if you want all right here we go two one go go and good luck uh i am currently very blind i am blind i have usted i have losing hearts i am very slow i just fell off the uh okay so i have dark high rule i just fell off the uh the cliff because i know where i was going all right well good luck crazy all right guys we need you guys to redeem kill link as many times as possible we're gonna do um what i would normally do if we didn't do like any percent strats so we're gonna start with magnesis then we're going to go to bombs teleport back to the shrine of resurrection stasis cryoness and then afterwards um we're gonna go to the divine beast von meadow all right here we go why do i have so many oh i'm in the cutscene that's why that's why everything's queued up because i'm in a cutscene so nothing's happening [Music] really really chad we killed him yes yes guys i've never been more proud of you guys than now you guys have done it you guys have done it we fall damage canceled let's go we're winning that's right that's claps and chat man let's go let's go you know i i love how like we just like come together and been like hey instead of screwing over point crow let's screw over lincus perfect we got to get a win in our books we've lost against smalling in minecraft we've lost against linux in minecraft we've also lost against cj in minecraft we lost against smalling in breath of the wild we've also lost against cj and a couple other things uh i i we need we do win we're really slowing him down guys this is perfect i'm so proud of you guys i'm so happy let me move dude how many people just took away my stampin at hearts at once oh we're so fast oh my god guys you guys are goaded at this he's in the first shrine well so are we so are we look at this oh all right good start here too good start okay perfect perfect guys we need more speed okay the more faster running speed we have the faster we're gonna go it's quite literally one to one look at that save oh we take those the quick thinking link is died let's go let's go oh my god one year and streamer still dies dude it's not my fault [Music] jesus all right at least we dodged it you know at least we dodged it so i don't know how it happened but we got lightning strike at the same time i think it just happened to be like that i dodged mine what and then yours just did not you're just hating god damn it so i think the moral of the story here is just get good you know easy okay good fall damage cancel there oh perfect perfect time for speed too also the obligatory plug if you are liking the stream if you like what's going on if you like the races like this and everything then feel free to uh feel free to give a follow to the stream and also subscribe to the youtube channel should do that okay cool um now we gotta wait a little bit here there we go cool um do we do spike strat do yo do we'll do swag stretches to flex that's right there you go we'll take it just as you empty stamina too oh that was close this hurts so much okay chad you guys love me right thank you chad thank you for the hearts oh they fell asleep thanks for the night that actually saved me time thank you dude these he just died [Laughter] oh poor lincus i feel bad no you shouldn't feel bad this is the man this is lincus the man who made fun okay well i got to be honest doing a pretty good job i just got to the third ride okay this is hey man you're getting there i'm i'm proud resilience man oh my god dude i just can't walk it's just like slow down slow down slow down thunder thunders thunder slow down slow down stamina hey death yeah dude i just i was i was goading i was like hey man you should you know maybe maybe if you get better one day you'll you'll get there and then immediately i got a lightning strike that's beautiful we just love when that happens nice i'm i'm uh about at the fourth try and i just got the warm dublay yeah dude chad we can't let him win let's let's come on [Music] hey so we don't need to we don't need to listen to lincus right okay i'm your streamer link you know okay you're watching me you're watching you're not watching him okay um therefore you want me to win we have so many things queued up i feel like the spirit of lincus has just like entered into my ikea furniture here because it's just like i have a standing desk and it just doesn't work half the time like it goes up and down like i'm pressing it right now and it's just not going up oh okay the spirit of link is within my my table no no no no no no food food oh god i have barely any food chad please give me hearts please give me hearts i'm begging you chad please give me hearts all right we're good all right this is the last last shrine right here i'm from lincoln's seven chat be gone be gone okay um thanks uh you know what i deserve that i deserve that i see i see what's going on i see what's happening here uh we did beat the shrine though right like we have cryonis alright we do okay cool let's go back out okay we're going to now teleport to the shrine of resurrection they'll be good to go you have three speared orbs no i have four oh i need to go back oh god i need all right no that totally screwed me up wait we have all of our our runes maybe it didn't count us beating the i guess it thinks that we never beat the shrine yeah it's back up here wow that's crazy didn't save so you killed me like basically during the cutscene while we're walking out that's that's nuts dude everything is so comfy and normal right now i love it wait eric just got the paraglider no it's fine it's fine we gotta catch up it's fine it's fine um i think we'll get hearts i think hearts are going to be very important more important than stamina here hey lincus real quick hey um are you getting the paraglider right now i am trying to make it up at higher castle right now cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool good night good enough so where are you at you know same spot actually did you just get the paraglider i just got the paraglider just now oh my god let me try the btb do we risk it guys i think we risk it what do we have right now uh i need i need not fast running speed currently so we're gonna save here all right we'll try it we'll try it this could be really quick if we can oh no oh that was just slightly too late is it the big shield here it has to be the shield here it has to be the shield there's no other way oh we're fast now all right we're going to win bomb i think i think we just have to win bomb damn damn i tried i tried [Music] oh okay why am i so big i'm so thick dude i'm gonna save you can't take my stamina away from me now dude there's nothing chat can do with the power of me in this horse there's nothing you can do to ruin my day [Music] i guess except for that oh thanks for the stamina oh my god that's beaut guys keep the stamina up keep getting the stamina we could actually win bomb all the way there if we get the stamina stamina on hearts that's all we need give me hearts and give me stamina i said give me stamina guys i said give me stamina not lose me stamina give uh all right perfect okay uh we got pretty far here we got pretty far that's awesome nice oh that's a good one too that's a good one yeah we'll win bomb a lot more over here let's go let's go guys look the sun is shining the sun is shining the day is good oh my god guys look at look how just look how great everything is going over here no well i'm running backwards and completely pitch black and invisible so i can't even see my hud birds are singing flowers are blooming blood moon all right we're going to vom meadow and vomit is right over there actually we're pretty we're pretty close nice oh perfect dude you cannot ask for better wind bombs today we're doing so hot here too good new hotness right here guys new hotness um old hotness old hotness beautiful uh it's one divine and beast and then beat the game could you not have waited just a little bit longer before you did that chat go did you wait just up [Music] so if there's any ancient arrows that i can like get why is it always at the worst spot he keeps getting sniped perfect oh keep it up guys oh look at that clutch oh we take those invisible wind bomb let's go okay cool you love to see it dude we're so fast too oh that was risky we're just gonna we're just gonna moonwalk all the way to the elder oh look at this fast speed too awesome thank you guys oh i forgot where to go now chet where's where is poincare right now lad is he actually ahead of us he's in rita village he can't we can't let him in chat okay we can't let him win all right what's going on oh are we about to blind shoot here oh no no don't deplete my stamina stop depleting my stamina okay do not do that bad that's one one more let's go let's go that's what you call a pro gamer move get wrecked get rekt get rekt chat you're not getting me down into this cat i i i i can't do this i i i i can't do this i'm gonna be honest point crow i'm starting to really not like your chat i'm gonna be that serious at this point man like i'm starting a war with them soon this is that's so mean what do you mean my chat's amazing they're just the kindest souls they wouldn't hurt a fly i actually saw one of my uh my viewers the other day they were saving a cat from a tree it was very nice so sweet it's really nice yeah it's crazy you know lucky enough that cat did not have any stamina bars huh dude i have 102 decreased stamina bars in queue right now watch out rude here i am defending you he's the one he's just like oh wow i just hate your chat wow they suck they're just the worst right i'm like you know what no no i will not take this they're amazing they're great and they just they save all the kittens from the trees then here you go right killing link right at the apex of entering the divine beast wow that's whatever yeah i can't i can't i can't i can't deal with this anymore okay can i get over there somehow am i being blocked no hello okay so the depleting stamina doesn't work here because i can just like increase my stamina why am i going so slow oh because of slow running speed oh that would make sense that would make a lot of sense there we go got it let's go we're in it to win it guys we're in it to win it please tell me the game autosave when i open up the shrine please i forgot to save i forgot to save oh thank god get wrecked chad so i've heard from chat that point crow happens to already be in the dungeon right well what do you say we perhaps activate like i don't know a dozen kill links or something like that just something small or maybe like freeze link in place like link can't move you know maybe like just a couple of those you know like i really just think that would be such a good idea you know like and then i want to go don't know what that's supposed to sound like but we'll take it [Music] wow chat wow i just dyed the cold eric i don't want to freak you out but i'm also entering the dungeon now and i'm gonna spear in it so fast i'm gonna catch up and i'm just gonna snipe that uh i'm not scared at all because i'm just simply going to win okay buddy okay keep telling yourself that pretty easy actually you know i'm already i'm already like uh what i think four terminals into the divine beast oh really no oh i was like i'm so screwed there's no way with even effects that i can catch up on that what am i doing this is not a 100 speed run i don't need a guardian part yeah muscle memory because the only time i do this divine beast is in 100 speed run everything's going to be a okay i'm like focusing now because i know we have a chance of losing and i don't want lincus to have a comeback we're not losing this guys [ __ ] that uh sorry i need to stop cursing um dang gosh dang darn ah heck guys that sucks nice okay so we got one terminal right there almost done we're going to get this other terminal perfect guys we're doing it we're doing it well yet we're doing it well chat we're doing it i'm so happy i speed remember 100 now so i actually know how to speed run this boss i'm saving so much time on it no i i can't move i can't move i can't move dude i can't whatever i'm gonna snipe this while i'm here i i know i can move but it's too late here we go we're gonna beat him to it oh someone did kill link i was gonna say how did i die there i didn't even get hit you can't no you can't do this chat you're not gonna let him catch up to me perfect all right now we're at one bite all right here we go come on please orientate come on come on please nice chat don't let me down in our time of great need give me stamina come on no no not inverted not inverted oh my god thank you for the arrows oh my god chad yes let's go get wrecked boy crow so how is that uh beating uh how is that 200 subs going for you huh oh my god what do you mean 200 subs well there's not going to be any 200 subs anymore man sorry chap but you didn't you weren't you weren't good let's fight chat you could still try and make it up because there is still ganon left then i'll be willing to extend my mind as well so you're willing to you're willing to basically double down here all right i mean i'm down i got to beat windblade first yeah sounds good all right so we're going to gannon now we're going again double up on it you know i think i can beat you again you got me to win blight but uh i'll take the you won the battle but i'll win the war here exactly all right we can start in three two one go okay uh can we restart the the reason why okay hear me out here the reason why i think we're gonna be okay i'm just gonna leave the divine beast is we're gonna do wind blight skit we're gonna do wind blight with one arrow let me move okay here we go btb dude if we can get this btb we're good all right where's link is out right now what's he got what's he doing he's just running in hyrule field okay run link no no no no oh my god i'm the dodge queen the dodge queen i'm the dancing queen only 17. someone just redeemed a kill link are you serious oh you made me fast oh okay this is guys this isn't gonna work this is definitely not gonna work with crowd control like there's no way oh i think we gotta run i think we ought to run all right don't worry we're gonna be all good everything's going to be fine nothing can go wrong from here thank god no one is activating like can't move right now that would be so bad with the guardians okay almost there okay okay okay there we go we got it ganon's castle we go oh okay okay okay let me run let me run let me run let me run okay we're good we're almost there guys we're almost there we're almost in the castle how the save oh you love to see it oh no no no no it was the worst time for stamina it was terrible oh okay here we go though we got this oh wow look at that you guys killed me damn guys why'd you have to kill me dude i was about to i was about to deflect that [Music] wait that skull is killing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i have 52 queued up kill links oh the numbers on the left not the right oh thank god no are you kidding someone give me stamina please please please please okay we're close we're close thanks for the stamina there perfect perfect stamina time we're good i just saw my life flash before my eyes we're not gonna cook i think that might i don't know i don't know if not cooking is the right move here all right so if i do this hello you don't see me right [Laughter] let's go okay and then we're gonna do this up here nice and we'll grab your stuff perfect when you get this he's that gannon got you guys you gotta kill him all right what else am i supposed to say okay all right here we go oh god oh [ __ ] what took away my stamina no no no no no no i couldn't move [Music] this is gonna be very painful to do this is gonna be very you know what get wrecked you just wasted a kill link right there that's a wasted kill link get wrecked you know what i'm gonna get upset about that no yes no ah maybe so oh no [Music] oh god okay we're fine everything's good guys everything is a-okay okay we're almost again in here dude we're gonna do the skip too we gotta we have to there we go that could be it that could be it we got it oh we got it i think we got it or at least we got some of it okay we got a lot of it we'll take it we will take it yeah oh that's perfect oh we'll take it we'll take it any day of the week let's go let's go okay water blight here water blight just have so many arrows he's on thunderbite that's fine if he doesn't kill if he gets killed on calamity has to do it all over again oh put some dope moves in there as well if you can't redeem a kill link then redeemer don't move that will kill him for sure i got foosie to play are you sure why why that i can't why they can't walk why why dude i was so close to beating and why oh crap perfect perfect okay now we're on fire blight first phase done that was fast yes yes oh my god oh it's a claymore i thought this was a [Music] okay no not okay oh no oh no no no no no i'm dead oh my god who slowed me down [Music] god damn it doing some damage here at least so close so close oh how much left how much left oh not much at all perfect perfect oh i'm pumped we got this guys chad i have an idea i just thought about something incredibly five head chat okay [Music] was it even crowd control's fault how did i just die against a freaking bookshelf he's on the second face of fire blight chat you know what to do you can't let him do it you know what to do chad okay chad you have to kill poincrow please kill him chat we nee i need your help please kill poincrow [Music] yeah we'll deal with this that's fine fine and then we go in okay first phase first face all right i just need to get this i just need to clutch this we're going to do it we're going to do it we're going to do it we got this we got this we're fine i'm okay oh i'm okay this is such oh god either we clutch it with our current lineup either we clutch it with our current lineup no engineers let's get any chairs oh i'm slow oh god oh no he made me slow no oh my god we'll just do that really fast please give me stamina actually we don't need stamina if i can get this right no let's go all right guys um hello okay all right give me your ancient arrows now no chat no no please please please though chad please though [Music] i can't [Music] oh we're backwards oh no oh no no oh we're backwards oh no oh no you no i know i needed that stamina no oh my god no i needed that stamina okay calamity gannon okay okay here we go here we go guys thank you for those ancient arrows that's safe that's goaded that saved us that could have been that should have done we should have died we should have died by all intents and purposes we should have died there no no are you kidding me are you serious oh okay come on come on do not kick in the kill please do it after calamity again and please do not kick into death before claim please please let the death kick in on calamity again and after i finish them please please if it's during dark beast it's fine just [Music] let's go get phantom armor let's go do it let's get phantom armor uh i don't know if it's worth it i really don't know if it's worth it right now uh honestly could be either way um do i try again guys i don't know stage 2 thunderblades all right nicely he's on calamity not for long right guys he died that's right that's right not for long flick shots flick shots get those crits in got him wow let's go rip rip to whoever i'm giving this video to to edit on youtube rest in peace oh my god i didn't know i how did that work nice that was fast [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh yeah let's go he's a god let's go let's go let's go let's go we're back at calamity back at calamity oh thanks for the three more ancient arrows guys i'll take those yeah sure the [ __ ] oh it's because we have speed on oh it's because we have speed back to old school strats guys old school strats yes yes oh my god yes finally oh my god three oh my god i can't believe we finally did it oh my god the stress oh my god [Music] oh my god all we need to do is just finish it off now guys i can't even aim right i can't even aim right jesus all right we just need to literally hit him one or two two more times two more times link is invisible right now we just need the belly hit right now and then we need the uh the full hit at the top here we go this is it solve it is for all the marbles we lost we lost the the blight fight the one divine beast but hey at least we're going to win the game let's go let's go we take those we take those oh hey man what's going on ggs that was well fought lincus oh my god that was that was phenomenal hey you you won the wind blight so that's that is true i did win the wimbledon so i basically won half the race you won half the race you won half the race thanks so much for uh thanks so much for doing this with me i think that's going to be it for the race so i appreciate you uh doing this with me yeah it was a lot of fun thank you for inviting me man all right goodbye linkus and gg good game rip rip to whoever i'm giving this video to to edit on youtube rest in peace
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 619,492
Rating: 4.9527073 out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, botw, pointcrow, point crow, pointcrow botw, pointcrow breath of the wild, modded breath of the wild, modded botw, modding botw, modding breath of the wild, modding, modded, mod, breath of the wild mods, crowd control, crowd, control, twitch plays, twitch plays breath of the wild, speedrun, breath of the wild speedrun, speedrunning, gameplay, nintendo, nintendo switch, gaming, switch, stream, twitch, twitch chat, twitch chat controls, Breath of the Wild, viewers control
Id: CaGO2JZpOt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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