POURING and SCULPTING SOAP: NOT what I expected!!

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do others and Javan welcome to draw with jazz oh I'm jazzy and today I'm gonna be attempting to carve so I'll be using a lot so if I am going to start off with a few experiments as I usually do when I'm experimenting with the new medium soap carving is something a lot of you guys have suggested particularly after I did some soap stone carving which as you recall required power tools in a dust room and a lot of preparation this will be a lot cleaner yeah because so I want to start off by thanking the sponsor of this video wick whether you want to build an e-commerce website or get freelance clients for your art and creativity projects or if you just want a place to use as a portfolio or express yourself there is nothing to be lost by going over to Wix calm right now signing up for free and just using the platform and just seeing how powerful and awesome it is it's so simple because of the amazing features and plugins and add-ons that you can use and add so simply in wigs I have canceled subscriptions to other services be it mailing lists ways for me to collect surveys or do FAQ pages all of that can be handled in Wix and the best part is you can get started now absolutely free so go check out Rick's I highly recommend it and I can't thank them enough for sponsoring this video go check them out the link is in the card and in the description so before I get to carving I want to start off by pouring pouring melted soap into a few little test mold just to see how the melting and dry hardening process is and if I can melt all of this substantial amount of soap together into some bigger chunks that I can make some more substantial sculptures out of so here's what I'm going to do before I get sculpting I'm gonna take two bars of soap one of which I'm just going to try and melt and pour and see how that goes i have no instructions to follow and I've never done this before that's of course how I like to do things alright welcome to my little makeshift studio kitchen now like I said this is experimental and it's just chop it up into little bits I don't know if there's like a good kind of soap to sculpt with or melt or whatever only we're learning as we go step 2 put it in the microwave for exactly [Music] that amount how much was that there's a crackling crackling is unnerving me oh my god is fluffy that's not no more this looks like curdled cheese milk cheese cheese but if i smoosh it back into itself yeah this is not the way to do it this is weird it's like play-doh that's gone bad smells a lot better though probably tastes worse well that leaves the other two experiments as pointless cuz I cuz maybe it was the wrong soap to get I'm gonna go buy more soap I thought I'd keep the apron on so people know I'm a professional stay out of my way I'm working here where's the so it's not a good sign is it that I don't know where to buy soap I swear I wash I swear is this soap this is baby food no that's tampons it's tricky because they look like packages so okay hmm all right yes hmm I see okay not a clue what plane so you get on the bottom and paksa for how much do people wash one of these Shirley will melt in the microwave I think we're good remember how the video was like Lou look about soup we have where now all that's useless I don't know how microwave proof this thing is and we're really gonna put it through the ringer now but let's just jump straight into it starting off with eight bath soaps not using all eight of them let's just test one bath so did I mention I'm a professional I thought I knew how this would work I don't people you're next it's cottage cheese again fail on the plus side this room smells divine I bet there are people screaming at their monitors at home but this is not how you do it that they know how to do it and they try and tell me through the computer monitor and I'm not listening because that's not how it works I like to make it up as I go along the edge I like to take risks even if this stupid yep yeah okay right gotcha yep it's sizzling fail this would be like the same ah ah this one is moisturizing and life change let's see how much this really changes my life why don't people make soap that's easier to melt and sculpt don't they understand my needs whose idea was this alright you ready oh god that's life changing in the ways I don't want it to be to see how this one goes [Music] it's done davit yeah we have one final Avenue to consume here's the thing this particular brand of soap seems to advertise quite regularly on the fact so that it isn't soaked back they're calling it a beauty cream bar let's see how much for beauty this cream bar really is shall we this is it this is the last chance as far as the microwave method goes suppose they're still boiling water with the glass bowl thing I could try I'll limit I'm discouraged I wanted the easy way of doing this maybe I'm not microwaving long enough maybe curdled cottage cheese as the consistency also has before it properly liquefies powered out it melted the jelly what this this isn't a microwave proof jug should eject turns out half percent is melting plastic this room smells divine let's clear out of here I thought I'd attempt another method this time involving fire is this bound to go well I'm also going to break down the soap into finer amounts by using a cheese grater this is a method of studiously studied that's not true my wife googled it more efficiently than I did and gave me some tips thanks Annie if it works the problem is I'm gonna have to grate 50 bucks okay remember when you guys clicked on this video to watch me carve soap and remember will you watch through all of this crap in the video and I still haven't garbed in who so wasn't that funny this is the same method that people often use to melt chocolate without ruining it in the microwave that sort of cooks in the microwave I'm assuming is the same sort of thing same problem happening here we just bring the water to the boil around this and glass jug and you can see it slowly delicately melting away these are the moments where I just stand here questioning my life decisions we have plastic themes from before I get into my should try the microwave again no I'd love if someone watch this as it was a tutorial this is how you just hope to make blocks to sculpt the plus side I smell fantastic it's been 20 minutes so surely we're gonna have some success send a naive optimist with a zero experience and this is a result of over 20 minutes of boiling I could make like a sandcastle no okay wait okay for a snowman there's the snowman body there's a yep okay here's the snowman torso dieing snowman there's the head let's head back to the office I have a lot of spare soap now and the sad facts is due to my lack of research and preparation I now can't sculpt anything bigger than the size of a virus oh so we need to change tactic a little bit I'm just gonna carve a by offset using some soap stone carving chisels and a few other carving materials are usually used for polymer clay I am today going to carve a bar of soap which I should have done from the beginning and I've wasted a lot of time not doing I sincerely apologize for the amount of video you have just watched that hasn't involved soap sculpting however I felt it was fitting to show you the shall we call it the learning process both because I think I should get points for effort and because I fully intend to revisit this in the future with a little bit more preparation planning so today I'm going to sculpt a single bar of soap and make something as epic as I possibly can and in the future after a little bit more research I am going to research how to pour or melt or cast soap into a bigger brick or just by a friggin bigger brick of soap because this is a amount of effort so that eventually I can have a giant soap sculpture challenge video for you guys to enjoy in the meantime I'm just gonna work it's gonna nestle right into this bad boy because you've watched enough of me making a fool of myself I am surprised you're still watching this I'll be honest but thanks now it's time for me to pay you back with hopefully some good payoff don't quite know how that'll go a bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the time has come to reveal my little sculpture project with a single bar of soap I'm a little disappointed I didn't get to do my epic soap sculpture but I'm glad I got the practice in and I mean I'm hoping you guys at least have fun watching me suffer and fail which is also one of the appeals of this channel on the plus side I have a lot of spare soap so this is what at the bar of soap looked like I wonder what sorry I carved it on still says Made in Australia on the back because this ladies and gentlemen was made in Australia there we go that is my finished sculpture it looks like a bit of a bit of an outback Ozzie fellow anyway a picture I'm seeing by the fire like a cup of Billy tea let's sit down boy the Billabong and watch the stars go out at night let me tell you a story when I was a young whippersnapper when I used to kill Crocs with me teeth overall I'm really happy with the outcome even though I failed my attempts at you know there's no point dwelling in the past let's move on but I will come back to so carving this was really fun it was a really fun medium to sculpt and carve you can try this at home because soap is super cheap and a and it is a really like cheap and affordable and fun way to just play around with some sculpture so I definitely encourage you give it a go but my plan is to go find some proper materials do a little bit of proper research this time would be the help of mrs. Jazza and to come back to the soap thing and make a big soap sculpture but that is for a time when I'm a little more prepared and experienced and researched but one great thing that you don't need to be prepared for or do any research beforehand is building a website with Wix they've sponsored this video and I encourage you to go check them out I remember building my first website so they were horrendous because I had to do some of the coding myself and even today the complexities and the frustrations of hosting your own website managing your own data and bandwidth expendability whether it be the server processing power or just future proofing your website it's all way more complex than you need to deal with because Wix will take all of that off your shoulders and make a really fun easy and straightforward workflow for you to create your own website whether it be simple or complex and go checkout weeks today I made my Wix website draw with Jaz accom with zero research zero preparation and it turned her a lot better than my unresearched unprepared attempts at casting and molding so today I love works that I've used them for years there are a huge support to the channel and I encourage you to go check them out and you've got nothing to lose because it's free and awesome and fun make sure to LIKE this video if you enjoyed the result done of course subscribe to draw edge as ever more sometimes successful sometimes unsuccessful attempts at art and creativity either way I'm gonna try and we're gonna have fun together thanks for watching and until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 4,050,945
Rating: 4.9026761 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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