Copic Airbrush Vs. Airbrush - which wins??

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look at this this is fancy heavy too today I'm going to be pitting the Copic airbrush system against what actual airbrush obviously this is going to be more appealing to more sort of artist like people who watch this channel because more of you are going to actually have Copic markers or something compatible with the Copic airbrush system and probably not have much need for an actual airbrush but I've always wondered what the difference is and what you would use this pour that this can't do what this might do better than this so I'm gonna put them directly up against one hour and see what comes out on top as I'm sure you're aware the best way to decide which is a more useful tool is to literally fight to the death to do that properly I actually purchased these toys we're gonna paint one of them with a Copic airbrush and one of them with the airbrush airbrush and then these toys will fight to the death because they've could you control with the remote control so let's start off with something we're more familiar with okay cool and that is surprisingly effective like that's pretty cool let's say with the orange for example if I want to cover a large area usually if you wanted to use that color to cover a wider area and actually not waste too much ink the airbrush system is a cool way to do that as you can see you start off lighter and you can build it up over time and in layers but one of the areas where I'm assuming this is gonna fall short is with detail I'm gonna start off wide and I'm gonna work my way into detail and see how fine we can get so we're getting a little bit of sputtering and in the detail it's not that consistent or smooth and as you can see there's a lot of spray so let's compare let's just see how this goes shall we we start off with red nothing's nice wait wait whoa whoa okay okay so when you push down no paint comes out until you pull back and push down so this gives you a huge amount of control so if I pull back a little look at that got a tiny bit and if I'm further back and then pull further back all the way back I can get like a really dark area oh that's so cool but if I want to go really detail I get close oh wow I mean that's cool they're gorgeous vivid colors and they go down really smooth we're gonna do a little bit of line work all right obviously my experience with this leaves a lot to be desired but I'm gonna gain a lot more experience with this through the course of painting a couple of figures we'll see which of them is more useful and practical and powerful this video now speaking of useful and practical and powerful this video is sponsored by black magic i mean i film with black magic cameras I used their monitors but most importantly I edit all of my videos with their editing program DaVinci Resolve which you can get for free so whether you're looking to make YouTube content or edit stream content whether you want to make cinematic films and trailers or really simple vlogs DaVinci Resolve is certainly the thing you're going to want to check out now obviously being a professional YouTube all the fancy features really appeal to me but they have an entire tab called the cut page which is like the super simple quick easy and amazing version of the whole program for people who are looking to just edit their streams or vlogs without all the complications my favorite thing about DaVinci Resolve is the color grading which I use in every video and I just love how powerful it is but also how simple and fun it is to use to make your videos really pop go check out DaVinci Resolve the link is in the description it's completely free and it's insanely powerful the vision of the guys who run black magic and DaVinci Resolve is to open up and make available video editing and production to everyone and that's you guys and go check it out today and empower yourself in your creative journey and making incredible content big or small I am going to take these toys I'm gonna paint them in a white matte undercoat base and each of them is going to be painted in its entirety by one of these systems so I'm going to sink my teeth into reinventing those choices vibrant and exciting characters we're his coloring systems and then after that we're gonna say which one is the rightful winner of course by fighting to the death laughs sorry just quick interruption to the epic montage so in our fight to the death this thing has a distinct advantage over this which is not remote control you have to turn him on in the butt and then you have to pick a mode stop I don't think this one's going to be very good to fight to the death with so I'm gonna go to the toy shop and get another one of these [Music] all right now we're in business Kim to hold a brazier what did you do that [Music] [Music] sorry I started with robot one using the Copic airbrush system I got the idea pretty quickly that these things do not give me a lot of accuracy I mean to be fair the airflow was consistent the ink went down a treat but whenever I wanted to avoid edges or control the size of the spray area well it just simply wasn't an option and it didn't make things quite difficult to time now with the Copic airbrush at being alcohol inks there was no bringing value back after I put down any dark color so essentially I had to paint from light to dark and when it was dark there was no coming back this and the accuracy issue are definitely the biggest drawbacks the Copic airbrush system but knowing them and being prepared to work around them I just got stuck into the process and I have to say it was super easy and fun to immerse myself from a painting process [Music] knowing that the colors layering their tone I left blank areas while painting the yellow for where the orange would go down because even though the yellow is light it would make the orange look darker in tone than I wanted if I like the orange down on the yellow instead of just the blank white areas and I one of the colors to be as vibrant as possible now I'm going to hand it to the Copic airbrush system what it lacks in accuracy and the ability to layer flexibly it really makes up for in how great the colors look when they used right and how simple and fun they are to use and swap around I mean if you are okay to go over the edges and don't mind the occasional spatter or splurt of color these things are a lot of fun to use and they can look really cool [Music] okay now on to the airbrush the airbrush airbrush and this is gonna be a pretty frustrating thing for people to watch who know how to use actual air brushes as well because it took me an hour to get the thing going consistently and it was not the air brushes fault it was 100% my fault now I know I make jokes about how I throw away instruction manuals and I certainly know I would learn a lot more efficiently if I read some guides or took some lessons but here's the thing I am a kinesthetic learner basically that means I naturally learn I'm engaged in learning when I use my hands to figure things out my brain shuts off when I read manuals or I listen to people tell me how to do stuff video tutorials help me out but even so I need to use my hands to learn and the best way for me to personally understand how to use the airbrush was to experience every way I shouldn't use the airbrush and get to the right way by process of elimination so for an hour or so I mixed and remixed paints to figure out the right consistency I pulled the entire airbrush apart over a dozen times I've washed parts and reconstructed got it working and started the process again and when I hit another stumbling book I pulled it apart again the result was after an hour of doing it the dumb way I started painting a model with a level of understanding I felt I have really earned [Music] in the end I figured out how to load cleanly use and unclog the airbrush by sheer brute force and I know it's not the intelligent way to do it but frankly I find it way more stimulating and once I finally got working the airbrush the process was really the serious airbrush system was incredibly powerful I mean I still use it like a drunk toddler but even so the immediate access to fine accuracy as well as both quality and quantity of spraying was so cool to have at my fingertips and ready to learn and figure out how to use another perk I discovered is that any acrylic paint or ink at the right viscosity would work with this tool which meant I could use my warhammer metallic paints in this thing to make the machine parts of the robot looks super schmack and boy did it look Schmidt [Music] now as accurate as this tool is capable of being I am a pretty inaccurate tool so I did take the Vegeta's way out by taping over my golden mechanical parts to put some color down on the rest but this is certainly one of those aspects that totally Trump's the Copic airbrush system you can fill a huge area with paint without using much of it or costing much it's super fast and super smooth and man it just looks and feels so good now I'm like painting with the inks you can layer from dark to light with acrylic because it's just acrylic paint so I could lay down light blues as the main color on top of the base coat of purple to give the shaving some real pizzazz in the mixture of use by the end I was comfortable enough with the airbrush that I was willing to try something a little more detailed and complex painting lightning all over the robot now this is where my lack of experience really shows I have plenty to learn but the fact that 70% of the time I felt I had some decent control and could lay down some cool detail and patterns it was pretty encouraging for a first-time user I did go easy on myself at the very last bit and just drew the actual Lightning down with a white paint pen and floors aside I certainly learned a lot about using an airbrush on my first try both that I have a lot more to learn to get good that it's a lot harder than it looks but also that when you can get it working well enough for what you need the process is super fun and the results are incredibly satisfying [Music] I've been airbrushing for days now and I guess you could say that I've airbrushed up my skills a little bit so I'm going to introduce the final results one by one and just share a little bit of my final verdict about the painting experience so off with a character I like to call Spitfire painting with the Copic airbrush system was surprisingly good and super super convenient I mean this is just magic and it worked with my my Copic Sketch markers so I could use my whole arsenal of colors didn't have to worry about mixing or what I had I knew I had the colors I wanted to use but if you look in too closely at the paint job you can tell there are some sputters and some flecks and the general gradients and mixing are not very smooth but from a distance it looks great and the colors really pop so I think this definitely is a contender for one of the top ways of airbrushing but is it actually the best way of airbrushing or is just you know airbrushing whichever is the best it's gonna be a matter of opinion out of course depends on the job but in this case in particular I'm interested in your thoughts as Spitfire compares to a character I like to call thunderbolt I mean it's hard to beat a classic and the classic airbrushing turns out is very reliable and super clean looking but really really finicky and complicated and really difficult to be good at compared to the the Copic airbrush the only objective way to find out which comes out on top is a battle yeah I've come here my man so here are the rules you push the opponent off the table that counts as one win first two three is the ultimate winner but but before we actually jump into the file I think we've got to do this like WWE style with a bit of a grand I'm ready to make you feel the burn is sweet fire [Music] I'm in hospital you may have seen the Lightning were heard the Thunder but he's never felt anything like [Applause] [Music] all right round 1 3 2 1 all right that's one out of three two three two one good I said go no it's not he's not doing it [Music] yes nerdy go round two that's a lobster boy okay the rule is if you pull up the table that's a loss I've got two rings you've got one was it first two three first it's right all right so faffing around this ministry this wins three two one [Music] [Applause] yeah I win but always winning everything else up until that one so shall we call it a draw not about the destination it's about the journey friends you might go away this is the first time in Milazzo [ __ ] I think that's about it for this video don't you [ __ ] start over is it Spitfire or Thunder ball go vote in the poll let us know what you think another big thank you to black magic for sponsoring this video and making it possible well there's amazing reveals and sexy dance shows and all the track all that stuff made in resolve films with black magic cameras and edited and color graded in DaVinci Resolve so go check out the Vinci it's free and amazing if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit like and subscribe for more fun with art and creativity there are more videos over on gareth that you might enjoy he's just his hot look at his holding everything up for me this video but otherwise that's it's now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 3,094,870
Rating: 4.9199085 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, spray, copic airbrush, copic, airbrush, compressor, air comrpessor, spray paint, aerosol, model, robot, miniature, miniature painting, mini
Id: Q43U1yVKq2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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