Can I DRAW with "Drunk Goggles" on!?? - I don't feel so good 🤢

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[Music] this is tripping me out Cheers I promised myself I'd never do this again in another YouTube video but I'm not in charge the views are like I said I promised myself I would never do this again that I would never be so disrespectful is to drink apple juice on my channel till I'm hoping a gag cuz I'm pretending to get drunk but I'm actually sober but apparently you can get goggles that simulate being drunk and I bought a variety because I'm going to try today to draw something while the simulation of being drunk cries to sort of unhinge me a little bit I don't even know if these are like legit things but I bought him and we're gonna try that's pretty much the slogan to this channel now I bought him I'm gonna try first things first I'm going to draw a completely uninhibited illustration of myself as a responsible adult some of you will remember that I did a couple of I think three I think I've done it three times was the time when I think it was a hundred thousand subscribers celebration was drunk with Jazza those were the days of minimal responsibility I'm much more mature now an adult the second time was drunk with Jazza chug for charity and then the third was part of the fundraiser for studio 2 and it was a in virtual reality that was actually really funny no that's gonna be one of my favourite streams of all time but no I'm a husband and father now I have employees I am an adult running a community of which I am a role model I'd barely - all of those things and then now that I am barely an adult running a community of which I am barely a role model that's that's what I am I am an adult and as such I'm going to draw adult Jazza not like it not like the adult rated so we've got I've got two adult things in my hands here one is a briefcase in the other arm is my taxes paying my taxes the law-abiding contributors to society but my adult chest puffed out and I'm of course wearing a shirt and tie and a vest ever classy is there a way to fulfill eternal making there as well all right turtleneck turtleneck and shirt and tie oh and my legs walking actively to off to the tax office this is my fatherly adult expressionist like it's like the eyebrows er people that can be weird when I enter adult conversations I just walk in and go oh [Music] [Laughter] that's great it's a knitted vest but hey you know it's really a dog I'm really hamming up this whole I'm an adult thing it's pretty mature of me just like that we have grown-up Java walking off to pay his taxes so there is that is my completely sober illustration let's see how accurately goggles can simulate inebriation and see if that actually affects my ability to illustrate so I have a variety of drunk goggles here this is the the legit pair that I'll open in a moment and then I have a whole bar basically doesn't searched online drunk bubbles beer goggles and just bought everything that fit under that category most of him would gags check out these beer goggles because because their beers now along that same vein of dad goggles we have these these are beer goggles but the question is do they affect your sight and can they disorient your vision well let's find out here we have the beer goggles oh this is different looks like I'm staring through urine nothing too disoriented though let's see what these do I think these are meant to be a little more war fee a little more vision distorting prankster nerd glasses that's a little bit design ok that might be a little tricky to draw it who knows but last but not least these are not cheap I really hope they work it would be like really cool if they actually Wow Wow what all my lord that's trippy eyes whoa okay this is gonna be difficult this is weird man you need to come try these oh good you know thank you this is gonna give a headache this does not look right so they haven't we have a second opinion now I'm gonna share the experience with you guys I'm gonna put the GoPro in each of these glasses so you can see how they are from a first-person perspective the dumb ones we're really let's face it not going to look at twice alright we've got the beer goggles oh my look at that's just like they're just stupid sunglasses that wouldn't even block the Sun and we've got the beer goggles again as I said it just looks a bit like looking through a toilet bowl you're covered in pee nothing nothing too crazy there this is probably where things are gonna get a little weirder but not that weird as you can see if they if the camera lens is right in the middle there's not much distortion but actually the eyes are a little more like that and you can see it's a little shaky doesn't distort the picture a little bit not that much okay so I've got the GoPro lodged into the goggles it's trippy how much it warps what you're looking at it really has just sort of warped and mego that's that's normal like look how clean and crisp and clear that looks all of a sudden and then motion seek viewers be warned oh my god so I think we're on the same page these so let's draw only very slightly you know Brittany Bree added adult jazz' and see how that goes is this a good book helmet Jeremiah just rock these grown-up jazz I just got off of work it's just Friday night for you feeling like a bit of an unwind there is some there's definitely warp there this is safe three beers in the grown-up jazz expression is turning into a more of a cocky jazz or expression I actually don't have full confidence that I'm drawing as cleanly as I would without these on so that's slightly getting towards the what I'll go home is my speech slurring we're keeping the turtleneck but the shirt and tie I've come off where we just at the bar with our turtleneck now does this count as being a bad influence I'm not actually drinking alcohol in the alcohol not even drinking it I love you I love you so much you're my best friend he's not even the drunk ones these are just like Google glasses and there's the edge of the bar there we go all right I'm actually nervous for these things now cuz actually like the fine motor skill thing trying to do drawings with just a little bit of disorientation it doesn't help it's it's quite a bit harder especially now that I'm trying to get clean lines feeling a little dizzy and a tummy's felt better before I'm okay I have felt better kind of like after three beers well my line works getting sloppy you saw the speed I drew my initial drawing out I feel like I'm even slowing down and still a little sloppier alright time for the final verdict alright so let's have a direct comparison here clean - so that's that definitely looks more clean and sober that's interesting the drawing style that the lines and even the sketches underneath it's much sloppier like the heads narrow the jaws wide it's not actually how I would draw my avatar character so alright here we go now we're emerging into the middle of a crazy night I'm actually nervous for this because I'm not it's gonna make me feel like it's funny in my tummy oh good lord oh my god this is gonna be really odd oh can I do sir priority testing I'm not it's affecting my sense of balance people have to know I'm not pretty - something you're gonna do I feel like we need a little bit of final verification just to make sure people understand that I'm not putting it on so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna draw a circle here and here I'm gonna draw a square here and here draw a line and a line on you to trace the circle square in line with the Sharpie without the goggles I don't want you to put these on and in the same amount of time circle square line okay here we go don't put pen to paper and so on have you been drinking no so we're gonna put the goggles on yeah this is this is the hard one here we go oh I feel like that one's really accurate all right here you know that no [Music] this is trippy as but I don't do anything by half-measures my eyes and perception are all very drunk right now but my body is not this is a bad idea alright it's time to draw a drunk Java my stomach is getting closer to my mouth that's a bendy pencil this is the trickiest visual experience I've ever had no no I cut these scars what is happening do start again the top is yellow and the bottom is blue there's like some serious chromatic aberration happening here [Music] imagine skiing downhill with these own if you're into extreme sports that would be very dangerous I'm just gonna go ahead and draw a picture of Santa fit so this is really good everything moves in a not great way finally uncomfortable do not recommend doing this hi I'm seeing two lines it's so weird I think I'm drawing straight let me try to color in between the line this is party jaza got your hands out it's like yeah all the clothes are his name-o taro necklace just me me dad belly and a loincloth that's what I'm wearing under there Oh shouldn't worked up so quick oh boy I am so ready to finish this okay I am so done that is different Wow that's gold oh so I happen to be back in sober land oh I think the moral of the story is if you want to be an artist or animator you may want to keep your wits about you to get a clean result just keep it to your recreation time I have to say I went into this whole this whole activity not knowing if it would be a success or not I just pour all the different drunk oils and I thought surely it'll be difficult with some of them maybe this actually blew my mind it's gonna be really hard to show you in the video we'll do our best to make it as clear to you as possible but a huge round of applause to my cameraman Gareth for joining in and helping the verification process so you guys can understand that this is definitely disorienting to say the least so I wasn't fun but it was definitely fascinating and quite bizarre and funny to see the result they have it drug during without drinking a drop unless you count apple juice make sure to hit subscribe while you're here and if you enjoyed the video hit the like button so other people can enjoy the video to make sure to click the other video is also visible on the screen to see other videos on this channel of me doing stupid things I'm occasionally and check out the vlog channel all the behind the scenes of things thanks for watching and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 6,844,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, drunk, drink, alcohol, goggles, drunk goggles, beer goggles, disoriented, inebriated, tipsy
Id: qYy25f-50jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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