I Tested Every Strategy to WIN Squid Game

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a portion of this video is sponsored by trubill in a game where death is on the line you have to win at any cost and the contestants in squid game are no strangers to this idea throughout the show they use some pretty creative strategies to win but with these crafty tricks actually work in real life we've got a lot to get through today so let's jump right into it so we're here to test the first game of squid game and this one's pretty straightforward it's just red light green light now it seems like there's not a lot to this game in the show but the reality is if you don't get past this one you don't get to play any of the rest so is there a way to optimize our strategy or should we do what the players in the show do obviously illnom takes the approach of just walking the whole course but all the other players are sprinting by the end of this thing is that really necessary did they just waste too much time at the beginning so taking into account the average height of a korean adult man i approximated the distance between the back wall and the pink enzo line based on the length of the average dead guy then using that distance as a guide i was able to use this overhead shot to extrapolate the length of the entire field and since it's obviously harder with extra length for good measure i round it up to 200 feet considering all the time wasted i'd assume at least one to two minutes are spent with us frozen leaving us with just over three to cross the field and judging by how close gyoon comes to failing that's got to be a pretty tight run right i started with a control test walking the field at a leisurely pace with no stops i walked the course in just about 60 seconds now this doesn't have to be super accurate but the point is that even if you have the time and you took half of it and you're either like yep people were either frozen or people were getting shot you still have two and a half minutes and that was such a slow speed that i mean like walking like this i can pretty much stop anywhere on a dime and it's not even gonna be challenging so next i tried the old man strategy and predictably that worked like a charm he doesn't just walk he sort of walks like this the whole time right and then he goes but can we do even better because you get an extra full second while the robot's head turns around you have enough time to take a knee so i decided to incorporate that into a new strategy of my own see a lot of people die because they do stuff like ah cause they're in an awkward part of their step i psyched myself out i think that was better it is a little bit more tiring i mean it's it's pretty much like squatting for the entire run but what about seongwoo's strategy of using other players as a meat shield can a trick this simple really fool the detection algorithm and even if it works is it fast and easy enough to do consistently this is interesting this is actually a little bit harder [Music] because i sort of have to maintain the perfect distance i just took a huge step after running the tests i gave the chris 4k footage to the wise task force where members brian smith and repeated failure ran it through two separate detection algorithms and here's what we found this algorithm is really good at detecting people so much so that it could even tell that the little blobs running way in the distance were actually runners on a path when it came to detecting me even in shots where i was waving my arms around or otherwise being goofy this simple strategy was shockingly effective as we approach the finish line the robot manages to spot me because it's able to see more of my side profile but fortunately for the show gion finishes basically right next to the robot so by my count he'd probably get away with it except for that massive face plan at the end which at least as far as we can tell would be basically impossible to recover from but he's doing it one-handed yeah well i'm also doing it it's a cool moment but it's a really bad strategy conclusion is let your friend fall face plant into the ground i was able to complete the course faster than the old man while also being more stable every time i stopped so given the option i'd say this is your best choice well actually your best strategy is probably just to avoid competing by not winding up with crippling debt in the first place and for that there's truville an all-in-one personal finance app that lets you take control of your financial life yes there literally isn't a more perfect sponsor for this video because like let's be real here giun is a dude with a spending problem he's down so bad he's gambling with money stolen from his own mom and even if he had a steady income i have a feeling he wouldn't be that great at budgeting guilty but with true bill he doesn't have to be once you securely connect your financial accounts they'll do the rest helping you save more spend less and enjoy financial freedom the thing i really like about true bill is that it literally helps you lower your bills for you negotiating down everything from internet service to credit cards it'll also identify recurring charges and cancel unwanted subscriptions for you with just a tab you can even set budgets that'll automatically monitor your spending by category so don't wind up running for your life in a real-life squid game instead take a man to your finances by downloading true build for free at truebuild.com lewiswise or by clicking the link in the description below thank you truebill on to the next game next up we're going to be testing the dalgonas from squid game now this one is particularly interesting to me because they managed to make their way through these in a number of different ways but how many of them actually work and of those which one is actually the best after spending every night for a week making the finest algonas i could that's crazy let's go i got to work testing every single method from the show plus a few strategies of my own and look as long as i'm testing it i really just have to call them out here cinema summary your strategy sucks there are plenty of hard objects on that playground i bet you could even make a bowl in the sand or something on some kind of hard surface you can already tell that it's changing color in there okay some important details are maybe dissolving a little bit that did not work that well we've already burned through half our time so far so good not busted yet [Music] the easy part is always easy then the hard part is hard all right i chipped the top of the thing a little bit but not badly enough that you'd really notice i totally broke the stem off that was going so well yeah no okay grab a little sand from the ground this is not my worst idea yet it's not a great strategy progress is definitely being made it really feels like we're exfoliating the out here all right i snapped this part a little bit not the best strategy i think is the conclusion here so you can pretty much see through here so it's pretty accurate to the thickness that it is in the show this is harder than i thought it would be all right nice so that's pretty hard so obviously the next strategy employed in the show is the people who cheat using the lighter they don't even do this on the hardest shape how hot that works extremely well dude you totally know it looks so bad like the guards wouldn't be like yup looks normal you're free to go they'd be like damn woman you totally cheated crap i only have a minute 32 left this is so hard why is this hard this was supposed to be the easy way out and we're dead oh i think we got it i think we got it boys careful we took 15 minutes and then we still broke in a couple of different places whoa that's so much faster i bet i only really need to heat it up a little bit just enough to like soften it and then you can kind of tell i'd still say this is better than the traditional heat lighter method because it's a lot more efficient oh hey wait i just push it through and i'm going to go ahead and say yes i can we're going to clean up the edges a little bit i think that looks pretty good no burn mark on the edge it's a little bit torched on the back it's significantly better than the other one we still have three minutes 26 seconds so i think i could have been a little slower a little more careful and i think we would have made it through i think we could probably just fill in this groove with a little bit of saliva and then it'll just sort of dissolve kind of drag it through it's super nasty i'm sorry for everyone watching at home oh dude it is definitely making it easier to like scratch away it gets way softer this is a pretty good strat i'm going to be a real yo there we go call it what what's the time stamp 556. we did that in about four minutes look at that that's really clean making some good progress already sort of see that i've made a good crack near the stem it's gonna sound really weird when i say this but for a while it starts to taste like you're licking your own saliva that's really impressive that's a really really clean umbrella it's cool that looking the honeycomb actually works but in the show gion doesn't actually use this strap from the beginning instead trying it out of desperation a mere two minutes from the end with over half of his candy left to go with such a little time on the clock i was really skeptical that he could have pulled this off so i replicated the circumstances and tested it myself set a timer for two minutes go [Music] totally take this out of context we're making some good progress i used up absolutely every second i had but even so it did technically work come on oh wow i did not think that was gonna work i'm impressed that you can actually get through in this short of a time i i did not think this was gonna work at all in a pinch i'd still go with my spit and scratch strategy but i really have to hand it to the show on this one it is surprisingly accurate on to game three in the show the tug of war scene is a classic underdog story a team of misfits predicted to lose discovers an unconventional strategy that they use to gain the upper hand but is it really all that simple what we're going to be doing is we're going to be testing it for real i've got a tug of war rope and i have a bunch of volunteers they're going to be helping me test this once and for all who's got tug of war experience literally nobody we're off to a great start i started by balancing the teams and ran a control test with no special strategy to make sure that at least wasn't a total blowout and once the two teams were close in performance i put this strategy to the test go a good distance that way i need you guys to come over here so here's the deal basically in the show this old man comes up with this strategy he's like yeah i've been playing tug of war since i was a small child and the strategy is this stagger your players on both sides of the rope feet forward rope tucked under your armpits and as soon as the game begins lean back hard and thrust your pelvis to the sky hold like that for 10 seconds and once your opponents lose their confidence everyone pull as hard as you can the idea is that by taking advantage of your opponent's cockiness you can catch them off guard and gain an advantage in the fight but in a game so based in raw strength can something this simple really secure you the dub okay all right everybody all right cool everybody hang tight i'll be back in a second in the show they use this special tug of war strategy that's supposed to make them like better at the game and uh like like win but i've done a little bit of background research and it's actually probably pretty unlikely to work um so you guys are just gonna have to commit to the regular play style like they're gonna be doing this special thing pretty much ignore it okay you just have to commit a hundred and ten percent to this all right we're back i'm conferred with both of the teams now we're gonna play another round and see what happens three two one pull oh okay let's try this again let's try it round it up round it up you're good you're good i'm gonna have you guys do one thing i'm gonna have you guys switch sides of the field real quick guys you got this okay you got this you got this three two one pull lean no the good news is i just want to make sure that the ground was not making a difference like that a slight slope or slight slipperiness wasn't making a big difference but we're trying to like even it out a little bit all right we've rebalanced the teams i feel a little better about this i think it's possible that you guys could pull away with the dub here feeling yeah everybody feed forward hands together you guys don't do any of that we're gonna start in three two one go come on pelvis to the sky no that didn't go anywhere i feel like this is a vastly inferior strategy am i am i crazy did it feel harder to like hold your place it's like you can't go back yeah you can't pull back enough yeah let's have you guys lean back pretty far already you guys are just gonna have to hold it three two one pull nope nope nope nope nope nope nope horrible strategy it seems like a really bad strategy we also tried using the step forward they do in the show go ah man i think it's too hard to like regain the friction though we also tried some alternative strategies but none of them seem to help if there's any perfect tug-of-war strategy it should work regardless of service regardless of teammates and i think what we're learning is that ultimately tug of war well strategy matters like ultimately it's about having a team of people who are pretty darn strong yeah yeah yeah okay and if my testing wasn't enough for you this korean youtuber tested it on concrete and they found basically the same thing as much as i really want to believe in this it just seems like it isn't true on to the next game when it comes to marbles we can't really test strategies shown in the show because all of the games played were either games of chance or skill if you're a great marvel thrower the game doc sue picks is probably a good choice but he's still gambling on the fact that he's better than his opponent the best strategy is to pick a game you know you won't lose so you want to play a quick game of marbles with me so here's how this works right we're gonna have two piles of marbles on the table you get ten marbles i get ten marbles you win by taking the last marble on the table i'm gonna take one from each okay no matter what i do this is a game of skill i'll go first okay go the first move for me is usually the hardest after that point it starts to get really easy i'm gonna take two from here so my only move is to take this mark yeah but you're still screwed because i take both right yeah either way i go no matter what you do i win here oh well that sucks yeah yeah it does this is a game called withops game it's technically a version of nim which you can learn more about here but we don't have time to go into all the math behind it so the short version is this it's mathematically rigged and here's how you win to play first create two unequal piles of marbles then take turns removing marbles from the piles you can take as many marbles as you like from pile a or from pile b or from both piles but if you take from both you must take them both equally whoever takes the last marble or marbles from the piles is the winner i seem to be in a predicament do you want to take the first move you want me to take the first move do you have a preference offer your opponent the free choice of going either first or second this suggests it's not rigged but in reality you'll be able to win either way it's up to you perfect all right all you need to do is make a move such that at the end of your turn the piles on the tables have marbles corresponding to one of the sets of numbers on this list one and two three and five four and seven or six and ten once you reach one of these combinations as long as you continue with following these sets your opponent will be unable to win because no matter what they do you'll always be able to reach the next closest set and when faced with the option of one comma two your opponent has no choice but to lose once you reach one of these combinations as long as you continue following these sets your opponent will be unable to win because no matter what they do you'll always be able to reach the next closest set and it's all over so after dunking on four guys at my maker space i decided to test my new powers on the most powerful man in the universe dabs there was no other way i'd be able to win against him so i figured if i challenged him this game i might have a fighting chance you want to go first or second i'll go first all right go ahead what's your move hmm i'm gonna take nine from pile b one two three four five six seven eight nine uh okay i am going to i'm gonna take two from each i'm gonna take four from pile a four from a dang dang it all right i'm gonna take one from each and dab schools me again it's true he's truly unbeatable come on this is supposed to be rigged i'm supposed to beat you i am far too powerful for you okay so that's what happens when you play against someone who does know the strat but i mean this is daps we're talking about in real life that's not gonna happen on to the next game welcome to game five of squid game glass stepping stones this is only for two panels in the show this thing is 16 panels long i did some painstaking pixel measurements over every part of this shot to determine exactly how thick and how long and all the size constraints for these exact panels so we can test them just like the show the average foot width of a korean man is approximately four inches when we see our first contestant land on a panel we can use this reference to determine that the beams the glass rests on are about two inches wide and then in turn the globe-shaped light bulbs are around three inches in diameter matching a standard g25 light bulb in size when the shot switches to the side we can see that the channel is slightly wider than the bulbs and a conservative estimate puts us at about a quarter inch on either side making the lip of the beams roughly 3 16 of an inch thick with the glass resting on top you can see that that is roughly three times the thickness of that beam putting it somewhere between one half and five eighths of an inch since 5 8 isn't a standard thickness for glass the thickness is probably one half inch looking at the panels again from above we can use the width of the beams to determine the size of each panel and the gap between them 46 inches long by 42 inches wide with about a 38 inch gap today we're gonna find out whether you can actually tell the difference between these kinds of panels and see if any of the strategies from the show would help you get across and finally see if we can find some of our own strategies that would guarantee you a win all right let's get into it in the show they claim to be able to tell the tempered glass from regular in a couple ways first by sound and then by using the reflections so jack and i got to work trying both ways to see if we could tell the difference in the show they talk about specifically the way that light refracts through the glass however as far as i can tell they are exactly the same like i can sort of see the beams above me on this back porch reflecting in the glass and like i mean oh wait actually i think i might have just found something whoa okay hold up hold up so tempered glass has like internal stresses in the glass which might mean that the way that the light reflects through it is less like linear less like clear and a little more wavy and as i move my like head around you can actually see the reflection like the the lines of the they almost look like shadows uh in the glass they're a lot straighter on the side with the annealed glass we come over here you can see like almost little tiny ripples in the glass yeah you can totally see like a big wave roll through almost i think we should try to get a couple other random people and see if they can tell if we tell them what the key is all right so i'm here with danny now this is a piece of tempered glass over here is a piece of annealed glass you see how like the reflection almost has like almost like a ghost image there yeah you can sort of see a little bit of rippling on that edge yeah and if you look at the same thing in this see that's like a perfectly straight line yep that's that's the difference these i'm not going to tell you which is which and i want you to take your best guess i think this is tempered you think this one's tempered yeah you're absolutely right it is that's awesome nice that's awesome it works i'm not gonna tell you which is which so wavy tempered you know if your theory holds up yeah then right here i can see it one i think this is the wavy one to the one on the right you're absolutely right you're not like a glass expert you don't know anything about this i wanna look at that one yeah go for it i'm telling you it'll be straight yeah absolutely like dead on yeah and while it doesn't help the characters in squid game we did discover this really cool effect with polarized glasses oh my gosh dude it's like x-ray vision here look through the lens of those glasses look over nothing see those giant ripples i think the other thing we want to test is whether you can tell by sound because that was one of the other big things that they talked about in the show we don't know which ones are which here's this one okay here is the other one no difference to me you have no idea right not a clue do you hear a difference no no so i'm gonna go ahead and say this is completely busted i definitely can't tell the difference i mean maybe if you've years and years of experience so one of the things that i've heard a lot of people talk about is okay well you could just stand on the beams and just walk across in the middle and while i think that's true to some degree the problem here is that you'll get shot one thing that nobody has talked about as far as i can tell is that these two types of panels are both absurdly thick like this is a half inch tempered glass panel which they're obviously using for the safety of the actors that means that the annealed glass panels have to be the exact same thickness and size because they have to look identical every one of these bags weighs 50 pounds there's one all right there's two bags so this will be a little more than my body weight this will be 150 pounds yeah and i mean this is showing no signs of breaking all right they say in the show it should hold two people last bag and that right there is 300 pounds of weight so i feel very confident that i can stand on this and i'm going to that feels pretty solid does it look like it's bowing this is a piece of non-tempered glass and if the show is to be believed before we even put about 150 pounds on here this should shatter so i'm going to start loading up bags of sand as carefully as i can and i'm going to try to load them right in the middle [Music] so that's 50 pounds this is gonna be another 50 pounds this third bag if it works means this should theoretically hold my weight [Music] okay we're gonna add another bag this will be roughly 200 pounds all right this will be 250 pounds holy crap i thought for sure would break under that i'm going to throw one more on here this is all we have this is all the weight we have that is 300 pounds of sand on half inch non-tempered glass which says to me i'm probably not going to fall through it but i don't want to risk my life on it [Music] now if i'm not mistaken this is 150 pounds of lewis standing on theoretically understandable glass i mean this says to me that what we're talking about works all right let's try to break this guy and see what it takes and then we're going to try to move across the panel if i can get myself off of here now this shouldn't break because in the show they eat themselves across these pieces of glass like you know it's nobody's business three two one yes look at that that was like it didn't even like wiggle that was like no sweat let's see what happens if i drop 50 pounds from like up here this isn't going to be a super hard contact but let's find out so what did we just learn is that if you heat yourself across the gap you will probably break the panels if you're able to gingerly step your way across you probably won't i i know in my head this should work but i'm still a little nervous because of the way we're gonna be like edge loading take it nice and easy [Music] let's go nobody wants to see my bear's feet but it's what they do in the show so it's what we're doing in real life the things i do for you people [Music] let's go all right we're going back [Music] my right foot is sweating hello you may notice that i'm back so as cool as it was to step from one panel or the other since in the show they jumped this multiple times i want to try jumping it this like concerns me just the slightest bit all right that was pretty solid [Music] all right i think we kind of just have to do it if this works i think we can guarantee that math teacher would have survived his jumping strap okay that was a jump let's go oh i gotta call that guys you can do it you you don't even have to step carefully you can just jump them you can just jump them dude that is super cool and also it means squid game is totally busted that is how you beat squid game right there casually saunter your way across all 16 sections of bridge and you win welcome to game six of squid game we're out here once again with a full two scale squid game court like from the show now not every squid game chord is the same size so we did measurements of the actual screenshots from the show to figure out about how big this one should be you might say the show doesn't really have a secret strategy and that's definitely true however if you were put in this situation what would be the best strategy for you to employ and also does giun make the right decision by asking for attacker instead of defender when he wins the coin toss that's what we're gonna try to find out this game plays a lot like football minus the tackling so to test it for ourselves my intern jack reached out to a friend of his name noah a high school football player was able to teach us some strategies to dodge and block in real life and once we had some basic chops we started running tests this is just life messed up you're just like there there's no like i just happen happened oh you made it oh wait i can use both feet now you made it let's go this is a lot more challenging 1v1 because like no that's hard though all right let's switch despite compelling arguments by people on the internet and even amongst ourselves for either sign there's not really a universal perfect choice that's a little too easy for jack if you're agile but not strong probably pick attack if you're strong but not agile go with defense but either way you're just gonna have to get good thanks everyone for watching and thanks to trubil for sponsoring i'm also doing a limited release of 100 signed and numbered miniature meat beater 9001s and you can buy them below in my merch store made from laser cut plywood under the same roof as these videos once they're assembled these are fully functional models and each one even comes with its own chicken to slap this is gonna be a limited release of 100 that are signed and numbered by me and if they sell out maybe i'll do more but maybe not these are handmade by the studio so thank you for your support and i'll see you next time
Channel: Louis Weisz
Views: 2,777,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Louis Weisz, squid game, mythbusters
Id: Dzpy2NYK-80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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