i upgraded golems into gods and this happened

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can make creatures become cannibals by force feeding them their own parents eventually forcing them to turn into a giant voltronic weapon it's minecraft well we're about to cause complete chaos once again today because i have created an instance where i am allowed to feed creatures their own people which will make them level up join our team and eventually get probably so overpowered that leave some houses left for me you crazy bastard anyway they'll eventually use like a gigantic baseball bat and probably just hit the ender dragon like a home run i want to focus on iron golems because i think that they could be so much better and so we will go through all the different levels of gollum until eventually it'll i'm literally going to turn this thing into basically a gundam but that's not all since this is the channel of extremes one gundam isn't good enough eventually i'm going to make 100. do you know why i would do that reginald and reginald dislike because we do what we want dad that's right son i'm glad you get it now first things first in order to continue to upgrade this thing we need the material that every person hates gold hey captain crazy the door i was gonna say the door frame isn't big enough to fit you clearly you don't care he's like i'm like the kool-aid man you might shade yourself great how much stupidity do you need all the stupidity i already have some iron so yeah i don't actually think i'm gonna be doing any fighting but hey you never know and of course there's one last thing that we need before we go anywhere carbs you are the first iron golem you look particularly evil and you need a name your new name is charles oh hold on hold on happy angry now i've got two of them all right let's go down where's all your gold at me and my psychotic gollums are coming anyone who doesn't want to die just gtfo i mean i guess i could always use more iron in case we come across more columns i up need that i've made it now so that the golems mine as well i feel like they should be pretty good at that farther and farther we go sup boy get him get him gobs i don't want to be doing all the work enderman listen buddy let me be the first to tell you you do not want any of this now obviously as you can imagine as the golems get upgraded they get more they get more and more stupid abilities yeah i beat his ass all right where's your flint at yeah in case you were wondering gollum becoming part of the grace still plays team means that you have to be fireproof reginald's over here he's like hey dad everyone's on fire now we're all friends that's right reginald now as reginald knows the most important color of the rainbow is fire so let me get that going i'm not gonna lie if you had to be gluten free in minecraft i'd be dead already i'm gonna be able to upgrade a ton of golems [Music] all right golems prepare your stony anuses we're going down whenever you hear lava that's when you know oh they go hey now we're getting somewhere all right gollums get ready you're about to get blinged out really yeah yeah do me a favor just keep digging a hole straight to the center of the earth my pickaxe arm is tired okay so now watch this hold on come here come here stop running away there we go oh yeah that's a golem on steroids if ever i saw one so here you go without g-fuel with g-fuel all right we need to go deeper ah i've been waiting for this and more gold whenever i start to hear the bubbling of lava i always get scared and reginald always feels like he's home yeah you guys are allowed to dig just don't get me killed by the freaking lava oh here we go here we go this is what i was looking for okay so now we're gonna get to upgrade them again hold on all right boys well i should say you were boys but now you'll be men yeah i told you we're slowly gonna turn them into voltron you like the forearms by the way i went ahead and made it so that they shoot laser beams from their eyes in battle i i need an army of these i need a hundred of these i really do i have no clue what is happening right now but it is very very concerning i'm sure it's fine all right we got lava boys and let's see right about here geronimo perfect and a little bit of this and one one lovely piece of fertile dirt why you may ask you know the answer to that stupidity okay be born my son grow up strong yes yeah go ahead yeah keep keep looting that for me open up your mouth reginald and enjoy all of the thick loot if there's one thing i learned it's the best kind of loot is stupid luke we're not done yet now i'm gonna have enough materials to upgrade my legion because we're not going into the nether until this gets completely out of hand uh-huh now the right sword i don't need you anymore carbs so um real quick remember how i said this is the channel of extremes go come on everyone everyone's getting upgraded don't run you're gonna love this come on boys i got enough gold and loot for everyone oh yeah oh this is happening all right just need a couple of diamond blocks here come on lady luck there we go i got way more diamond blocks than i had previously anticipated i don't really need that many [Music] it's upgraded [Laughter] hey i'm just throwing down all the diamonds all right boys remember the rules if it's not as cute as reginald it dies let's do this hey everyone i've got good news and bad news me and my legion are here to take back minecraft yeah do me a favor guys and leave a couple of piglets alive when we get there okay remember what i said some of the piglets can okay some stop lasering everything some of the piglets can live oh dude uh actually this may have worked out really good [Music] yes okay these lasers are amazing ah an average piglin don't kill it don't kill okay yeah just kill it hold on look here i'll put on the damn breastplate stop killing the damn piglet see that piglet he's not hurting anyone do not laser the piglen stop blazing it quickly i may have made my crew here a little bit too violent okay here we go here we go here we go here we go okay here here trade quickly quickly before they come through the wall okay i think i finally got a spot where the freaking golems aren't obliterating everything that comes in here [ __ ] magma cubes go away shut up there let the damn piglets change it's one of the rare instances where they're not getting immediately melted by laser beams stop hitting my chicken stop hitting my chicken that chicken has more right to be here than you do okay jesus let me see if i can do this i'm getting set on fire hey all right boy stop doing the weird human centipede gollum thing you got going on we got work to do okay i guess we got vertical work to do please don't knock this over guys stop knocking it over in retrospect trying to do this without my damn gollum army destroying everything around me is almost impossible and i just have about 20 of them right now when i get to 100 things are gonna get real bad all right i'm getting close are you blowing up all the blazes yep all right collect your pay go get them i love that they basically shoot i-beams build it oh my god i almost died immediately filled with tnt if you guys were looking i was gonna say if you guys were looking to kill everything in like a 400 mile radius you you missed a piglet there's one over here go get them [Music] yeah get that blaze too while you're at it let's see how good your guys aim is [Music] pretty good obliterate all right well done you freaking maniacs and hopefully there's a pearl sitting at the portal i'm going to make the portal do not destroy it do not destroy it i swear to god don't go near that freaking portal i hear you blowing something up okay i'm just we're just gonna go oh penis okay that was almost really really bad anyway now we're gonna go i can still see the blowing stuff don't worry everyone you'll be punching the dragon and the freaking chiclet soon enough do me a favor leave the squid alone i know all of the uh the golems are probably trying to determine who will be the leader of this uh this squadron of voltronic death that i have created um you guys remember i named one of them charles well charles is in charge probably about 10 of the people understand that joke huh that is a large thing that i really want to destroy i love how they just walk through the forest obliterating everything ah actually you know what as i come across this gigantic ass crack in the middle of nowhere i have to take a moment so that we understand exactly how powerful this fighting force of stupidity is luckily there is a fairly open air in here with which to ruin lives there's only one way to determine how dumb something is like this okay i need this tall enough so that you violent screw-ups don't mess with my torrent of agony okay boys make me proud sweet mother of god there we go i was gonna say can you let the skeletons exist for more than one eighth of a second okay skeletons are no match okay how about how about a magma cube boop there we go this should at least you know give them a workout the magma cubes just got kicked in the teeth guys you miss never mind oh all right i was gonna say you missed one what were you on vacation all right i might as well go all the way how do you guys do against this [Music] jesus it's like a uh it's like an anti-air squad look at it yeah you don't this is a no-fly zone withers okay in case you're wondering unless your name is reginald you're not allowed to fly at this particular location they are coring their way down to the center of the earth oh hey we just made a uh we just made a new lake that's quite nice yeah i was gonna say there's the withers are actively trying to run away at this point they just don't want any more of this this is supposed to be the kings of minecraft and they're like scrap i'm not gonna pay it enough for this all right yep couple down here hold on there you go perfect now they do also have like you know a left and a right hook and when they hit creatures they typically get thrown across the map but obviously they're big fans of their gigantic eye cannons how did you survive that weather was like painfully that's how [Music] [Laughter] well um yeah now that i have a pretty good idea of exactly uh what we're about to get ourselves into let's go stomp the ender dragon into oblivion i can't wait to see the difficulty she has flying around these damn things and obviously we're gonna need many many more than this this is just the start this is probably like the most open stronghold i've ever had once we get over into the end i'll make 100 golems and we'll let them go to town all right boys hopefully i'm i'm at least somewhat close survey says reginald reginald we're getting real close get out [Music] ah where are my damn columns little freaking jackasses oh god what do you know grazing the lava again yay on the plus side there is definitely enough eyes here all right gollums remember that moment when you tasted the sweet iron flesh of your family we're going in i'm inside all the golems i almost fell off the freaking ledge can you guys not crowd me for two seconds i have to build up some freaking bridge over there look at how graceful they are they're like intoxicated swans violent intoxicated swans okay now as i had oh jesus not really sure what the hell happened there now as i had mentioned okay 20 golems not good enough this is a channel of extremes all of the golems ender dragon do me a favor do not come over here until 100 of these are done okay all i need is for her to land [Laughter] come on dragon yeah i was gonna say go ahead enderman yeah make my day you ever seen the predator that's basically what these golems are here watch hold on one yeah go ahead go come on genterman yeah good piss them off all right yeah reginald just chill out right over here you're gonna have a front row seat i don't think i've ever felt bad for an enderman before but i definitely do today they don't even stand a chance come on i want to see i want to see how long the ender dragon takes to fall get your scaly ass down here okay here we go remember the name no survivor did one of you guys just yeet her into the stratosphere look at how high up the other track it went one of them fist punched her she went to a different planet you know what you guys did such a good job you can keep the experience i'm going home with reginald well we did it we finally brought gundam over to minecraft anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of minecraft till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,060,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, hardest minecraft challenge, minecraft mods, minecraft funny moments, competitive minecraft, insane minecraft, graystillplays minecraft, minecraft graystillplays, cursed minecraft, beating minecraft, minecraft speedrun, speedrun minecraft, lucky blocks, minecraft lucky blocks, golems are OP, OP GOLEMS, minecraft golem mod, minecraft golem upgrade, minecraft golems mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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