minecraft but you can enchant axolotls

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-All right. We're checking out the only game where you can add zeros to literally anything until it becomes a monstrous flesh-eating hell beast. Yeet. It's Minecraft. So, uh, yeah, we made it to where any single creature in the entire game can be tamed and then upgraded with numerical stupidity. Now you may notice that Reginald over here has a good friend. This chicken's name is Pizza. Not for any particular reason other than the thing I just ate was Pizza. Ugh. But this creature just like anything in the game now has four stats that we can upgrade limitlessly. Strength, speed, protection, and knockback. Ugh. So in order to get a baseline of exactly how strong something like this is, I need to find out whether or not it can kill an Iron Golem. And in case you're wondering what I'm doing in this mode, it's finding out exactly how many zeros I have to add before a chicken becomes the most powerful thing that has ever stepped in Minecraft. I don't really think that this chicken could beat an Iron Golem with just a five in power. So hold on. Uh-huh, there we go. Hey, Pizza, stay still. All right. All righty, do a little bit of this. I'm getting these carbs for a couple of reasons. The most pressing one is I need something to stand on when I hit this Iron Golem. It annoys me that I can't make a sword out of bread. Actually, that should be something I do in another pack. All ready. I'm not actually making a sword because my hope is I won't need one. This chicken is just going to do everything for me. Well, I saved this chicken. I'm going to have a giant army, but the chicken is the only one I need right now. Oh, Iron Golem, stop levitating. I need you. Do you ever think that you would die to a chicken? Get wrecked, son. Get him. What the hell is happening? My two chickens are-are like valiantly trying to kill this Iron Golem, but it keeps floating. There we go. Ow, you son of a [beep]. Yes. Kill him, Pizza, no survivors. Pizza, Pizza, I have half a heart of health. Please kill the Go-- Please kill the Iron Golem. I'm gonna have to add a lot more zeroes. Come on, please kill him. Okay. Wow. Both amazing and disappointing at the same time. Don't look at me that way. I can tell I'm going to be going through a lot of carbs on this day. All right. So I think part of the problem here is that Pizza is just not fast enough. All right, let's make you a little bit more yeety. [laughs] Oh my God. Whoa. Oh, it's like a little Sonic the Hedgehog. All right, now let's get that knockback up. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's the stuff. Damn it, he's so fast. He's hard to hit with these books. Come here. Stop zipping around your little methamphetamine Layton chicken. All right, Pizza. Let's see if you suck less. All right, go get him. Pizza, Pizza, he's over here. Pizza, he's over here. Pizza, what the hell are you looking at? I love how Reginald is valiantly trying to beat up the Iron Golem for me. Pizza, Pizza, the Iron Golem is co-- Ow, yeah, that's what happens. Yeah, now we got him. I was gonna say, giving him all this strength must've destroyed all of his brain cells. I love it. It's like a little Flash. I have to get that speed up to like 200 or 300 though because I-I don't even wanna be able to see him. Okay. He's definitely stronger, but it's still not good enough. I'm just gonna throw all these on the ground. He'll run into them. Okay [laughs]. Can you even see him when he moves? [laughs] And to think that's only 78 speed right now. Okay. So it's time to find out-- Hold on. You gotta find out how strong he is. Here, follow me. All right, uh, kill this villager. Go get him. Yeah, it's true. He like-- He zips around so fast that he has trouble hitting anything. All right, that means I need something else as my warrior. You'll do. All right, give you a little bit of speed. All right, let me see how strong he is now. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. Okay, now we're starting to get somewhere. Hey, this chicken called you a loser. Nice. Okay. I've got my insanely fast lightning chicken who is so fast that apparently, he ran into the lava. I have the ultra-powerful pig. All right, I need a stupidly busted horse to run around on. In case you're wondering why there doesn't seem to be any villagers around because my pig killed most of them, accidentally. Ah, okay, perfect. All right. First things first and yeet. All of the speed. More. More. All right, it's time to-- [laughs] Oh my God. Oh, Jesus. Uh, so, needless to say, our horse is pretty fast. Oh, god, I just fell off the world. All right sweet, yeah, you'll- we'll-we'll be able to travel around pretty fast now. All right, you just-- Where the hell did he go? He's so fast that when I get off of him, look, he's literally invisible. He's moving so quickly. There we go. He pops around every once in a while. Did you see him? Right there, there he is. No wait, he's gonna move. Whoop. There he goes. [laughs] All right, anyway, let's start heading downward. I gotta get gear, well, and a torch. Oh and flint. All right, I guess I need a couple of things. Just until I let my creatures do all the work for me. Just waiting till the Ender Dragon gets murdered by a bunch of manic pigs. Nice. Boop. Ay, this is gonna make my job much easier. Now I know you may be saying to yourself, "Gray, you named the chicken but you haven't named the pig yet." I dub thee, uh, Captain Slaughter Lord. You're welcome. Uh, yeah, not today Satan. Eh, yoink. Ow, you little jackass. Where the hell is my chicken at? Not that chicken. I-I love you Reginald, but w-where's Pizza? Reginald's probably like, "I ate him." Ow. I just saw a squid in the background. I thought about making one like an ultra super squid, but then I realized it would just suffocate. However, we do need a way to do range damage. I'm going to need to tame a skeleton and make it stupidly strong. With arrows, I think that speed will work out perfectly. A little yeety, like this. Don't get in the way of the super tree, you'll poke your eye out. Loot for everyone. All right, now that I have stupidly busted loot, we still need our skeleton and our Axolotl, but the big issue is I need you guys to not kill this frickin' skeleton in one second. All right, there he is. Did I get him? I think I may have made my army a little bit too efficient. The skeleton didn't stand a frickin' chance. Okay, I hear another one. Hold on. Got him, what the hell? What the he--? What the hell did he turn into? This skeleton's got diamond armor on. Whatever, enjoy your stupid amount of power. All right my satanic army, show me your powers. Kill the creeper. Ow, don't shoot me you jackass, shoot the creeper. Yes, kill, kill him my murder pig. Well, my army's not really the smartest, the skeleton just dunked himself into the lava and he's gonna die. Actually, everyone has dunked themselves into the lava except for the pig. There we go. See now you're getting the hang of it. All right, now can you guys kill this creeper before it kills me. You guys are awful at this. A few soul-crushing hours later. Okay, so, uh, yeah, you're gonna notice that I'm surrounded by a slightly different group of poor sad animals. The thing I found was that we didn't add enough zeros to stuff. Let me show you, before a level five sharpness book would add five, now it adds 50. I also managed to tame a bee because why not? Oh, and his little squeaker here. You know what, you need more. Grow up strong, my son. I have a horse but he's so fast that I can't actually see where he is, and I had to get rid of the skeleton because he wouldn't stop shooting me with his friggin arrows. In case you're wondering his name was Skelesuck. Oh, there's my hor-- Well, there was my horse. He just teleported halfway across the entire map. If you think I'm kidding. Ready? Yee-- I didn't even press anything and that happened. Yeet. [laughs] Eh. Yeah. [laughs] All righty. Now then. Time to go tame a Piglin and ruin lives in the Nether. Don't even worry about game modes at this point. I've had to screw with so much code in this game, it doesn't even matter. You can't add enough zeros without breaking a few eggs. Well, that worked out well. Where's your lava at? Ow, how am I managing to find like every cave known to mankind? Go get 'em, boys. Ooh, I kind of want a bat. Come here, you little winged bastard. Stop flapping around. There, got him. It's probably good to have something that flies considering I'm going to use this motley crew of stupidity to kill the Ender Dragon. You know what you need, Mr. Bat? Methamphetamine. Come here. Yeet. There we go. All right, boys, let's do this. Get him. Excellent. All right, we're definitely close to lava. Found it. All right. Need a bunch of iron. A lil bit of these, a Little bit of that. Yeetilideet. Ow. This is fine. Everything's fine. I fixed it. Damn it, my frickin' bat keeps playing in the lava. Stop it. I may have just drowned him alive. I'm not exactly sure. I'm sure he's fine. All right, just grab a whole slew of these. Now that I think about it, I kinda wanna tame a Ghast. All right, kids, remember what we do whenever we see something that's not us? Mercilessly slay it. I dub thee no survivors, let's do these. Hi, Nether. We're looking for new talent. Why were you on fire? You know what? I don't wanna know. Would you like to join the group? Yeah, this wa- this wasn't an optional question. You just got diamond armor, you're welcome. Oh, a little Piglin child. Wait, come back. You haven't committed enough murder in your life. You need my help to survive, I know it. And whoop [laughs]. Can you trade two? What happened? You started working for me, you don't care for gold anymore? You frickin' kidding me? Oh, he does trade [laughs]. That's awesome. All right, everyone, remember, leave no survivors and if you kill something, you're- you can eat it. Oh, except for the Piglins. Leave maybe, like, one Piglin. I'm serious, please don't kill all of the Piglins. Hi everyone. I feel kinda sad because I'm technically putting, like, brother against brother. All righty, where the hell are all the Piglins at? I haven't-- I haven't killed all you guys yet. Where the hell are you? Oh, there you go. I was starting to get worried. Don't you run from me. There, oh, yeah. Oh, that's hot. There we go. Look at this, we have-- We-- This is probably the least violent trading I think I've ever had in Minecraft. No one has to die. Give me the pearls, not the salmon. The pearls. No, not-not that either, the pearls. I'm starting to lose my patience. Oh, I hear Ghast. We're totally taming that. Okay, we're really starting to stack up on Piglins over here now. There we go. Yes, more. Trash. Okay, don't-don't-don't push your brothers off the frickin' ledge. This little Piglins' like, "He bullied me when I was young." Okay, we'll kill them after I get the pearls. Yes. Man, you two are like the best Piglins I have ever not killed. I think I'm gonna have both of you join the army over here. We've got fantastic benefits, all you can eat cannibalism. Okay, we're getting there. Ah, crap. I just-- I didn't mean that, but I just ended up enchanting one of 'em. One of 'em dropped a book and I ended enchanting the other one with it. All right boys, come on keep 'em comin'. [screams] And one of them just got pushed into the lava. All right, we're set to go. I've a got kind of a problem, uh, because my army teleported away momentarily so I actually have to do some real work. It's very distressing. 'Sup, boys. Actually, I say I have to do work, but technically-- Hold on. There we go. [laughs] A little bit of this. Yeah, your brother's been taking steroids for the last 10 years. Boom. Get him. Bam. Give me the rods. Give me the rods. Thank you. Oh, that was unbelievably fast. I'm gonna kill you two just because you looked at me wrong. Actually, why not take a Blaze with us? You should be happy that I left one of you alive. You're coming with me, your name is Bernard now. And this, this. All right, let's get the hell outta here. Oh, hey. Where the hell were you two at? Nice of you to show up for work. Yeet. I was just curious if I could get the stats over a thousand. You absolutely can. All right boys, let's go do this. Where the hell is Busted the Horse? I know you're around here somewhere. You little equine psychopath, where'd you go? Actually, it's probably better I don't ride him because I- I just end up teleporting through the entire planet. Actually, I kinda wanna tame the Ender Dragon now. Oh, there he is. Well, all right, let's, uh-- Uh, Jesus. I threw one of the Ender eyes when I teleported. This damn thing is so fast. Oh, God. Okay, you know what, stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,stop, stop, stop, stop. Forget it, we'll just-- We'll just walk. Okay, real quick, hold on. I think I figured out a way to not have these things drown. Come here. buddy. Come here. Yeet, I friggin' missed. Ugh, there we go. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm gonna beat the Ender Dragon just with a Squid. All right, my life-ruining little cronies, let's do this. Ey. Y'all really have to get in my way constantly. All right, it's getting real dark. There we go. Oh, wow. Hell yes. Go. Let us commence with-- Oh my God. Ghast, you're in the way, I can't put the frickin'-- Ghast, you're in the way. Get out of the way. Thank you. Get your big ghostly ass out of the way. Thank you. Oh, my God. Now, the friggin' Axoltl's in the way. Let's ruin lives. Okay, did we get the epic spawn? No. Seriously, bringing this Ghast to my side is like the worst thing I ever did. All right, yeah, whatever just stay where you are I'll handle this. I'm not gonna lie, I kinda want to tame an Ender man. Hi, perfect. [laughs] Okay, and now I wanna find out which of this ridiculous group will become the most powerful. We're doing it. All right, Ender Dragon. Which-which creature do you want to get backhanded by? The Ghast has a strength of 1530. That would probably be the quickest death. Right here. I'm gonna-- Hold on, I'm gonna let her come down and attack me so they can do their thing. Stop lighting my friends on fire. Actually, let me build like a platform here so that everyone can get on it to kill her. Don't do it Enderman, don't do it. You're gonna get wrecked. I'm committing Enderman genocide because they won't stop trying to attack me. Okay. Oh my God. Get him, boys. They're all getting blasted away by the wings. All right, I got to make platforms real quick so that they can all attack. Kill it. Come on, everyone. Yeah, there we go. Pile on her. Go, go, go, go. Come on. Everyone keeps attacking from the front and they all keep getting blasted backward. There we go. Hit her from the back, yeah, stab her in the ass. See the Piglins getting all the way up in there. Ah, Jesus, never thought the MVP would be a frickin' Piglin. All right, here we go. Last-last try folks. There you go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, my money's on the Piglin. Ow. Oh, the wither's doing the ass stabbing. The last hit is gonna end up beating from the wither. Come on, hit her one last time. Do it. Don't hide over by me. I'm not going to save you. Yes. It's the wither skeleton, MVP, MVP for the wither skeleton. You get a raise. Poor skeleton's like, "You're not paying me anything." Well, congratulations, I'll double it. I guess this goes to show you, if you add enough zeros to anything, you can kill the Ender Dragon but the squid's still frickin' suffocate. I'm out here. Okay, folks. Hope you enjoyed this episode of Minecraft. Till next time. Stay foxy, much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,079,951
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Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, grey still plays, graystillplays minecraft, graystillplays mc, minecraft, minekraft, minecraf, mc, minecraft but, minecraft funny moments, beating minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft survival, hardest minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, competitive minecraft, insane minecraft, impossible minecraft, cursed minecraft, hacked minecraft, upgrade, upgrading, upgraded, axolotls, enchant axolotls, minecraft axolotls, enchanted
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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