minecraft but chickens beat the game for you

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All right, we're checking out the only game where you can conduct horrifying genetic experiments on your pet chicken causing him to become a muscle-bound freak and manipulate himself into cloning an entire army, and then take over the world. It's Minecraft. Say hello to the most adorable thing in the entire universe. It's baby Reginald. Look here, he's not even as big as a flower, but don't you worry. Now, Baby Reginald has absolutely no powers at all other than, you know, being able to see in a 280-degree arc because of his derp eyes. However, by feeding him the second food group in Minecraft, that is to say, iron ingots, he will become Reginald the God of Chaos. Now, as any god does, we have to continue to upgrade him. Oh, and by the way, he also drops these eggs, which all have completely random effects. We can also get, wait for it, a Reginald hat. +1 Luck, 20 Health, knockback resistance, you'll understand why in a little bit. And, of course, more importantly, we can give out these Reginald plushes. Let me ask you something, if there was a Reginald plush, would you want it. And, I may have some information for you, soon. Anyway, as you can imagine-- Hold on. I've gotta keep seeing. I might actually-- Yeet [laughs]. Whoo. Hell yes. I might actually have to take this off because I am too fast. I'm not gonna lie, beating an egg to death, with a plush Reginald is amazing. Whoo, the bush. In case you didn't know what the bush does, it does this. whenever you can't scroll far enough, for the amount of enchantments on a- [background noise][laughs] on an object, that's when you know it's amazing. Yeet. [chuckles] Hey, hey, hey, real quick. Hey, what did the Gray Still Plays say to the sheep? Yeet. [laughs] All right, all right, I'll look. [background noise] Oh, piss. Oh, actually, this is really fortunate. I'm so glad I got the bush early. Sorry. Thanks for the gold though. I mean, I hate to do this— Well, I was going to say I hate to kill the little kid piglin, but he was going to turn into an evil piglin anyway. Hell no. Don't you touch my chicken. [yells] By the way, in case you were wondering, anything that runs over Reginald's eggs can crack them turning on whatever effect might be in there. Oh, God. [grunts] "Good luck"? Good luck. [yells] [meowing] [yells] There's kittens everywhere. Ooh, the bow. Bow before me. All right, accident [yells]. Um, you know, I'm just gonna leave that there. Okay, so you could see how stupid things get. Now, understand, this is only one Reginald we have right now. He hasn't learned the cloning ability yet. In order for him to do that, we must continue onward. First though, let me, uh, well-- we g- [chuckles] we get a little outfitted here. There we are. Come on, Reginald, into the darkness we go. I will however, see if I can grab some flint. There we go. [music] What the hell? What did he give me? What happened? What-- Whoa. Whenever you get the Supprise Trident with two Ps, that's a good day. See it's the Supprise P-P Trident, all right? [background noise] Oh, hell. So, I had to dig my way out of there. I just realized what I had gotten spawned inside of. It is a gigantic lucky block. "What could be inside?" you ask, well, a chest. And, what could be inside the chest? [music] Everything. [sings] Yeet. Yeet. Reginald? Something's stepping on Lucky Block Eggs out there, I can tell. Now, we've only just barely begun down the path of true chaos, and so here we go. [laughs] Looking pretty buff there, Reginald. Actually, this is kind of scary. He's almost as big as I am now. I'm starting to get concerned. As a matter of fact, with his top hat on, he is as big as me. It is total chaos now. And, if you want your own chaos, you can join the membership group, with over 50 custom emojis. And, if you join the Legends or higher, you get one extra video behind the scenes from me a week. Last week, it was the kitten Olympics, starring my four cats. And guys not only get that but special discount codes and special emogems. One new custom, one month. Well, I think I got-- Oh, my God. it's training freaking lava— I think I got enough gold and diamond at this point. How can I have all this crap, and the one thing I don't have is wood to actually make a crafting table? And, there we go. Boop, yeah. One of this. Now obviously we can start upgrading Reginald again I'm starting to get concerned he's halfway towards becoming the god of— I just noticed, too, we're the most professional people in the world the God of Choas. [laughs] Honestly, considering the amount of derps that Reginald has, this makes total sense. Reginald, what the hell? What did you drop? Is that like a mountain of mutton? Reginald, come over here. [yells] God, between all the dubstep CDs. All right, anyway. Now you notice there's a plenty of lava everywhere. Luckily, Reginald gets me fire resistance one billion for obvious reason because its favourite past time is bathing in lava. We should be almost ready to go into the nether but before we do, [music] Reginald gets one more level into the realm of chaos. All right, Reginald, what you got for me? Whoo. Nether right. Now I know you're probably wondering, yes, but can Reginald fight? [laughs] Sort of. He mostly just poops out arrows. Anyway, I think the best part is a— The hell. Oh, he must have broken one of his own eggs. I was gonna say the best part is, is although it can get very very dark, Reginald has a tendency to set everything on fire so right now it's super dark and now it's like a-- It's always a good day when I don't have to worry about making my own obsidian because I totally forgot to bring a bucket with me. Actually, this is gonna take a long time. Reginald, where are you? You got anything useful I could use? What the hell? [yells] It's all the zeros or anything else. Are you kidding me right now? Well, I did get a lava bucket and a water bucket, so you know what, I can make my own stuff out there. I've got a 50-50 chances of there being water beneath me, actually. Ow. Did you get under me but when I fell? That's so nice. Reginald broke my phone with his head. If I ever want to get back to where I was, all I have to do is put on the hat and go toward all of the insanity. Give me the obsidian, finding it is obvious. [background noise] [yells] I was gonna say finding it is hard although I guess a lot less dangerous. Hey. Really? How many times do I have to jump to my— Hey. Yeah, yeah, very good. Getting a bucket, no one loves you. You know what? Making up here, chances are I forget I did this on the way back and I end up falling to my death. Yeah. Throw that there. These-these. I meant-- Oh, God. That, there we go. Boop. And now you just got to land on it. There you go. Woo. Congratulations, Reginald, we're in what is effectively your birthright. Oh, you know what? Hold on. Before we go any further I think we both know what has to happen. Go wild, my child. [yells] Whoo. Reginald, the God of choas has came. Oh, hey, piglins, do yourselves a favor. Bow to your new king. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you too. All right. All right, as long as none of these piglins hit any of the Reginald eggs I think everything will be just fine. All right, we got some shoes. Now, now, what the hell? Someone hit an egg, didn't they? Oh, my god. No. You killed all the piglins instead, didn't you? Don't do it. You know, what'd be great, if you weren't murdering all the piglins. Hi, everyone. Whoo. Yoink. Reggie, have you been randomly exploding? He's probably like, "I got all those pesky piglins for your dad." I'm sure you did, son. Don't get violent, piglins. Don't get violent. Hey, yeah, keep-keep that- keep that totally legitimate. RNG coming, piglins. Totally legitimate. Oh, no. Great. Someone tripped on a dog and everything— What the hell? Someone tripped on a dog and everything died. Get it? Yeah, hurry up. Reginald has a short fuse. Like literally he has a short fuse. He might blow up any second. [yells] I don't want to know what's going on behind me. Ah, yes. Hold on. [laughs] Totally legit. What the hell? Totally legit. Minecraft drops. Yeah, I don't really know what to tell you, piglin. Um, I mean, we got what we need so— Oh, blazes, we're giving out prime real estate in hell. I see one of you over here. Hold on. Here we go. Yeah, don't-don't do it. Oh, no. Every time an egg-- Oh, hell. What I was trying to say way back when, was every time one of Reginald's eggs break, ah, hold on, I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of dread. Okay, there's a blaze. Just gotta parkour over to him. God. Reginald 1 through 50, get them. Well done, and yoink. Reginald 50 to 100, you're on wither duty, and jump. Here we go. Yes, slay them. Woo. What the hell happened? Golden Reginald, did you just blow up— Damn it. You're blowing up all the freaking blaze spawns. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill. Yes, there we go. Okay, so I have to go all the way over here so Reginald prime doesn't blow up the damn spawner. Get the rod, pull out. That sounded real. I'm gonna see that in the comment section. No. Okay. Well, time to find the next blaze. This fortress is just filled with an incredible amount of jank. [sings] Blaze runs. All right, we're getting there. I literally had to go to another fortress because of you guys. All right, you get them lined up. Go get them, boys. Oh, yeah. A little extra parkour. Oop, [?] I feel like I don't need this entire extra stack of ender pearls, but I'm gonna keep it because I'ma glutton for punishment. Throw that away. Get [?] obviously no doubt be the God spawn. All right, my little legion of deadly Reginalds, let's do this. Oh, yeah. Told you it'd be the-the God spawn. While I'm down here, which way are we going? Of course, this way. This calls for speed. They call me Sonic the Dreadhog. Speed. Yeey. Hey, Reginalds, get out of my way. The Reginald with the biggest hat always has the right of way. You must all yield to me. Hold on, I'm starving. Did any of you give me a bunch of cooked meat? Good. I'm not gonna ask where you got this mutton. Hi, bunnies. I don't have anything against you, other than the fact that you are alive at a very bad time. Actually, hold on. Yeetus. God. I have all this extra obsidian, and I'm just gonna use it to build my way up. What did you just poop down there Reginald? Are those golden apples? Ey, no more mutton for me. One apple a day keep the doctor away. It keep the grandma away. Well, I went pass it. Oh, here we go. I'm so damn fast. Oh, my God. Thank you Reginald for pointing me towards the stronghold. [yells] Reginalds, you're in the way. I don't wanna hit you in the head with this peak. I might dull my peak. I don't even wanna know what's up there. They're like sliding along with me. There. I don't even know if I'm over the stronghold anymore. Hey explody, Reginald, can you do that thing you do? I can't see. Thank you. Okay, here lava, and Re-- the Reginalds are shooting at something that I can't see, so that's good. There were go. I'm pretty sure I see it down there. Yeah, here we are. Do me a favor and don't turn the portal to gold, please. Hey, bread. Nice. Again, I'm so damn fast. I can't. [yells] Well, it's not like the fire hurts. There we go. Prepare for absolute chaos. Oh, the god spawn. Oh, my God. Reginald, Reginald, please chill, please chill. Chill Reginald. I know the Reginalds are like, "Which one?" Go, go, go, go. No, no, no, no. You know what would be really problematic, Reginald? If you blew up while I was on the edge of this. [yells] Oh, God. Please stop. Oh, yeah. Okay, get him, Reginalds. Holy yeetus. All right, let's keep moving this way. My Legolas Reginalds. Hold on, kids, let's get you up a little bit higher. [laughs] No. [yells] Oh, oh, you shouldn't have come this close. He's inside of the gigantic lucky block. Woo, well, 100 Reginalds. What can I say? You did it. So the question was, what happens when the ender dragon comes up against 100 Reginalds? The answer is the same thing that happens to everything else. It dies. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Minecraft. 'Til next time, stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
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Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, grey still plays, graystillplays minecraft, graystillplays mc, minecraft, minekraft, minecraf, mc, minecraft but, minecraft funny moments, beating minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft survival, hardest minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, competitive minecraft, upgrade, upgrading, upgraded, axolotls, minecraft chickens, chickens beat the game for you, minecraft but chickens beat the game, chickens, for you
Id: GOXuWv-rkoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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