i trained an army of dogs to beat the game

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can turn man's best friend into a three-headed fire-breathing death monster that eats creatures and poops out op loot it's minecraft live in fear beings of minecraft for i have modded wolves into creatures that should never have existed so um basically what i've done here is i've taken the traditional wolf and i've started to add zeros and as we upgrade them with more and more things the zeros get bigger and bigger and yes in one of the final upgrades they will eat their prey and then crap out loot for us to wear i would like to make the ender dragon into a nice hat now as is fairly typical we have spawned completely legitimately right next to this village oh also just because you know this is a channel of extremes there's no limit to how many of these dogs we can have one bread are you serious would i choose the one freaking town that's on a health kick what do y'all eat around here this guy's like vegetables really slay him slay him slay the non-believer give me your bread yeah that's what happens man gotta make my own damn bread look at this a bunch of bales of wheat what good is all this wheat has one job to get turned into delicious carbs after the gollum spectacle i can only imagine what sort of horrible things these dogs do when i bring them underground come on cujo let's roll actually before we go hold on out of the way b actually you know what how good are you at killing flying things yeah b versus wolf wolf wins hey and bread well done everyone trying to avenge your family ow because if you be i have to make all this damn bread my carb addiction is your fault uh-huh hopefully i can do this without actually having to do anything but run ready and cardio get him kill him kill him yeah kick his ass nice yoink and we're set to never see the light of day again i dub the satanic kiss the mighty oh i can actually upgrade you hold on i forgot i got this out of the boop out of the smithy comes with little cujos now look at them all they're adorable you can see they look sad it's not because they're about to murder everything around them it's because they haven't gotten to murder anything around them yet they're like where's the death gray where's the death okay okay you guys can have some death hold on here's a nice horse go get him [Music] hold on you need human flesh there go ahead oh apparently that was enough to get us some loot my god wow i'm not gonna lie a villager's worth quite a bit oh my god um well i don't actually want to kill you because if i kill you then i don't get anything so there more loot get him boys hell yes look at him run you can't run from your fate you gotta go you gotta go oh man they weren't worth anything hey chickens how do you like top hats we hate them what's that you don't hey you missed one it's gonna be really sad if a chicken is worth more than a villager they are not all right we gotta keep upgrading this wolf down we go i guess beforehand all right let's roll you all know the gray still plays way whenever you hear lava you've gone far enough i've never had lava be so damn scarce yeah don't don't don't you worry reginald you'll be taking a bath shortly hey didn't find lava found the super or though i'm fine are all the super ore i normally trip in lava for god's sakes the hell is it all what the hell what oh i forgot to mention the dogs can find bones and bring you chests oh you said you could boy and inside we find there's a bunch of crap in there oh my god hell yes wow a golden hoe and a golden shovel yay oh hey and a glistening melon slice and a couple originals all right you know what i have decreed we will no longer live underneath the ground we're going up i want more dogs besides i got enough super or to make everything's life a living hell at this point original get the hell away he's like climb on my back dad and i'll fly you out reginald i've watched you fly to say i was disappointed would be an understatement all right everyone i have good news and i have bad news the good news is death is back on the menu the bad news is well all right there is no bad news it's just it's mostly just death here's a cow eat it yeah you and your little cow child have to die that cows aren't worth anything either all right we're going to do this a different way [Music] all right lava you know what to do need one of those don't worry i'll be getting you some friends in a minute hold on here oh found me a bone oh actually maybe i'm i'll just get to the nether on your poop alone okay i've got dog food let us go find you some friends for our army of stupidity what is this i spy who wants to go swimming in the lava reginald's like yay everyone likes swimming in the lava hey the sheep said your children suck good job hey now we're getting somewhere give me the sapling give me the sapling the street is like you can't have my children shut up give me the sampling it's for your own good here we go i'm gonna make your sapling bigger stronger better er what the hell was that oh you found me another bone hey i was wondering i was gonna get my flint and steal from all right all i need is some diamonds come on diamonds give it to me oh i found another right oh there we go diamond swords are for plebs give me the diamonds might as well use this just in case you never have too much loot all right diamond boop all right buddy come here come here cujo there we go two heads are better than one i'm not gonna lie i do kind of want one of the ultimate saplings i just realized something i had no idea about this but the minions can be upgraded so i don't even have to go very far to find my incredible army oh my god oh work and now for the final instance you know what i'm not actually gonna i'm not gonna use weapons i'm just gonna have my wolves do everything for me go yeah look at how ridiculous we need more than this okay come here this is the sound of freedom i actually can't see it's getting to the where they're so big they grow up so fast okay i think this army is pretty stupid now and this is just beginning like i said i'd like to get oh you know like a hundred all right guys chill out a second while i get this obsidian let's chill out there go play in the lava sit sit all right boys let's rock hey nether i brought some friends and by friends i mean gigantic three-headed man-eating fire-breathing hellhounds the hell was that the hell are you attacking oh yeah shooting arrows at me is not very smart yeah yeah beat his ass get him boys okay the fire breath may have been a little much all right piglens i got good news and i got bad news the good news is i've got a boatload of gold for you the bad news is while you're trading you're gonna have to have gigantic three-headed fire-breathing hellhounds looking at you just do me a favor don't attack me and it'll be fine give me the pearls keep it coming trust me it's better that you can't actually touch me because you might get murdered i love how everyone's enjoying their swim in the lava reginald's like it's a pool party and good enough all right my glorious doges please don't blow up the delicate balance that i have created on you bastards ow please don't kill me please don't kill me thank you uh yeah before you start blowing everything up hold on let me get full of health you guys are a little bit too dangerous oh blazers oh there we go all right blazes mono and mono it's just you and me and my gigantic group of downs give me those blaze rods you know what to do come on get them okay you guys are you guys are kind of creating a really big crater here hey yeah keep keep the keep the death coming here here's one get him get him sick him go ahead take a swing come on come on do it do it take a swing good that's what happens now poop out your damn rods that sounded really bad all right we're getting there wonder what the distance is on these hounds far enough all i have to do is tap one and the impending gigantic group of fire death kills everything around here watch i need like a bow oh thanks for bringing me a bone boy okay the distance on the explosions is really far behold my howitzers come on come on get him get him from way downtown kill that blaze now give you guys this bone over here it's actually easier to see at this point because of the amount of stupidity if i just play third person it's not like i'm doing any work anyway al there's definitely a lot of uh residual firepower that i get hit with okay behold the mighty line of death yeah you fireballed my dog you've got to be kidding me okay two more i was hoping i wouldn't have to do any work at all but is it just me or are the minions like multiplying there's like 50 of them now what the hell i whatever okay the amount of dogs i have is starting to get out of hand ah jesus they're born of fire they just multiply look at how many there are this is gonna be awesome ender dragon i'm coming oh oh my god oh my god stop please no ghast don't don't shoot your fire stop fire just makes them multiply god damn it okay so um i may i may have gotten too many dogs and crashed the game uh but we're fine now just take my word for where we made it out of the nether one way or the other and now it's time to get to the end at least i got the freaking eyes done before all hell broke loose it's actually really good to know that fire makes these guys multiply it's gonna make getting that 100 demon doges to kill the ender dragon that much easier okay really okay i mean it's a better bet good at places any what the hell are you blowing up oh it's a chest thank you good boy yes wonderful i'm really curious what the hell creature you're killing to bring me bones of that size all right everyone hold your breath we're going to the end look how sad that dog is he's like what's at the end grey delicious nether dragon meals come on gotta do it before i drown gotta do it before i drown gotta do it before i drown and hey oh my god okay please don't blow anything else up i have like three and a half hearts left for the love of god don't attack me don't attack me okay i'm not gonna lie uh i need to get the enchanted apple in here and i need to find this friggin portal or i'm gonna die like that you would think after the first zombies saw the second zombie get nuked from orbit by a bunch of three-headed dogs that it wouldn't maybe you know take a punch at me and you guys are everywhere oh i don't think that the big ones can get through the doors okay this is actually really good because hopefully i won't get blown up by my own dogs yeah for the party foul of attacking the adorable puppies the punishment is death ah this lava makes me think about something i need to make sure i get a bucket of lava from the portal room to bring with us so that we can duplicate all of the dogs can you guys do me a favor and like not okay just let me let me let me put the eyes let me put the eyes in before you blow anything up please don't blow up the portal don't poop on the porch stop pooping on the portal don't move on the bottle don't go outside being able to get this done before before they blow something up i i didn't think i'd be able to do it lava you're coming with me wink and a dragon i'm coming wow what a jesus what a first tier spawn i can't see anything all right reginald here's the plan um basically what i need you to do is wander around and keep all the dogs in the lava i know you're really good at swimming in the lava the wolf minion tried to swim in the lava don't get too close ender check don't it i don't have enough dogs yet let the multiplication begin okay the stupidity has begun okay reginald's doing a fantastic job it's like being at summer camp and learning how to swim for the first time the only difference is instead of a lake we use lava around here welcome to the channel here i'll get into the lava too see everyone the lava is fine this time of year oh my god the multiplication there are so many there's so many demon hounds i can't see okay well with our gigantic army of flaming three-headed death machines i think you know what time it is all right here's the plan because i can get way better views this way we're gonna we're gonna all kind of walk our way over to the perch area and then you guys can have yourself a delectable dragon snack it's like a flying scale chew toy come here everyone look at how happy they are they're like i can't wait to play with the ender dragon oh my god i what what did you actually do to the end dragon where is it okay i will not accept this hold on i want an ending worthy of true stupidity but i need to out maneuver these freaking dogs [Music] more so even the ender dragon fire makes the dogs multiple adds enough stupidity for one day oh we upgraded the wolves and to the point where they were so big they literally did use the ender dragon as a chew toy anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of minecraft till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,580,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, hardest minecraft challenge, minecraft mods, minecraft funny moments, competitive minecraft, insane minecraft, graystillplays minecraft, minecraft graystillplays, cursed minecraft, beating minecraft, minecraft speedrun, speedrun minecraft, lucky blocks, minecraft dogs, minecraft OP dog, minecraft but dogs are op, minecraft dogs beat the game, minecraft but friend is a dog
Id: XoQ6izW7QDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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