i flooded the entire planet and this happened

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-All right. We’re checking out the only game where mother nature gets high blood pressure, dies, leaves you all of her stuff and then you use the power of the elements to cause ruin to the entire planet in order to find out that there is indeed something after the Ender Dragon. It’s Minecraft. As I-- Whoa, Jesus. I was about to say, as I am here with gigantic top hat, Reginald. "I am the mazter of dizazter, colored for every element. Black for charcoal, green for the good stuff, and purple for love." None of those are elements. "You get the idea. I’m dying. Here’s my inheritance. Good luck." Wow. So, I love how with great power comes absolutely no responsibility. The Mazter of Dizazter appeared into the plot just to die 10 seconds later and give me whatever all this is. I love how they know I probably can’t do anything right so they set me up with full i-iron armor. So the idea is, uh, we have to meet all the different natural disaster masters, complete all of their quests, gain their powers, defeat the Ender Dragon, and then find out what is actually after that. I know Reginald is like, "Can I eat the Ender Dragon?" Yes, Reginald. You can eat the Ender Dragon. and whatever you don’t finish you can stuff in your hat, I guess. Okay. First things first. Everything begins with the very first natural disaster stuff. and every disaster starts with a sad amount of Spruce planks. Yeet. All right. Let me put that there like this. Boom. and we have our very first staff, the Meteoric Staff of course. Right-click initiates the Trial of the Meteor. You must be crazy to even attempt this. Thanks for the vote of confidence. All right. I guess we’re starting the Trial of the Meteor. Okay pig, I have bad news. I really don’t know what I’m doing so I’m going to right-click on you and hopefully, this works correctly. Absolutely no-- Oh, my god. I was gonna say absolutely nothing hap--What the hell. "I go boom. You boom today?" Spirit of the Meteor. "Ha ha ha ha. You wish to boom." I love the google translate lines. Boom bo-boom boom booom. After playing some heavy-- [screams]. Oh, what? Huh. [laughs] Okay. So the goal-- Oh my god. The goal here is just keep running. Trial of the Meteor passed. Oh my god. Um, [laughs]. "How you survived boom boom? That is insane." With multiple E’s. "You are one with the boom. The boom power is yours." Oh, it’s in really like Sabaton up in here. "Now go boom up the land. Boom boom boom." See, this isn’t my fault, okay? The violence is just the result of what the spirits are telling me to do. What the hell is this? The Pickaxe of the Skies. An ancient pickaxe hosting a force of nature. Gives the user the destructive power of a meteor. Uh, so-- Ooh. So-- Hold on. Oh, okay. Yeah, whatever I mine, everything explodes around it and it mines everything else just like a legitimate meteor. I like it. The meteor brought down like all the other ore. So I’m just gonna grab a bunch of this. Well, we already did gold. I appreciate that they still manage to put in a parkour element to this. Ah, there we go. Sweet. So wait, if I mine like a cow or something, does it explode into a shower of meat? There happens to be a cow right over here. I know this cow is like, "Don’t you dare." Look, this is for science. Come here. Here we go. Oh, wow. This thing, like, two-shot he cow. Real quick. I have to imagine something. Do you see how there is one sad pig standing on one single block? [laughs] Okay, hold on. I got to try the meteor. If I zoom in, okay, and then I go like this, what hap-- [laughs]. I heard charcoal was one of them. I mean, love was one of them, too. So I-I really don’t know if this is valuable or not. Grab some of this. I got bad news. I’m going back to my crafting station. You’re in the way. Oh, the meteors continue to drop ore. Uh, okay. Thank you. Okay, crafting table with this. Yeah, there we go. Okay, four, two sticks, this, and boom. Ah, the Tempestuous Staff. Strike the ground with lightning. "First meteors, now this?" Oh, did I actually go in a row? If there is one thing I’ve learned about these trials, I need a way big open area. Oh, hold on. I’ll never see this thing again if I don’t take it now. All right. Let’s do it. Spirit of the Tempest, "Yooo, you think you can actually survive?" Probably not. "But you’re so tiny, dude." We’re the same height. Have you seen my chicken? Where is- where is Reginald? "But sure, if you feel like dying go ahead." Okay, oh, what the hell? Oh, whoa. This is where you run. This is where you run. All you do is run, this is how you complete the test. If I get these lightnings I will be so unbelievably happy. Okay, so they do have an animation before they go. As long as you stay well away from the animation you’re fine. Oh yeah. Trial of the Wind passed. Oh, you did-- "Holy shit balls," as well spoken by the Spirit of the Tempest. "How did you survive that?" Well, considering you put my game at like two FPS. "Are you Superman or something, dude?" Well I’m starving. "Whatever, take my powers and rain down terror" Oh. Hey, I got some wind pants. Gives the user the charge of a storm. Uh. Oh, I need to get away from all this. Oh, it’s just everywhere. Oh, Reginald, you’re back. Where the hell were you? He’s like, "I’m allergic to lightning." I just noticed too. It is now forever raining on me very sadly. Hey, sheep. I got bad news. I’m really hungry and you look delicious. Is your meat seriously stuck inside of there? Oh no, it’s right here. Gotta make a mountain of ingots and then we’re going to need a lot more ore so, boop. Yeah, all the iron. Starting to look like a friggin’ pizzeria in here. Okay, iron’s ready. Iron, final block. This, there we go. and now bring me the zeros. The Cyclonic Staff. Unleash a violent tornado. Where’s the hurricane staff? This is like one half of Florida. "Good luck, you’ll need it." Thanks. All right, let me go to an area where I can actually, you know, run away from the impending death. All right, here we go. Spirit of the Cyclone. "Bro, I was sleeping. why you gottA wake me? So what do you want? Better be a good reason." I want to blow up the world. "You aren’t going to survive, but sure, enjoy death." So when-- Oh God. No. Okay, everything is mostly fine. Okay, everything is starting to get a lot less fine now. I feel like if I stay next to the sheep, I’ll be okay because the cyclones wouldn’t hurt the sheep, right? Okay, standing kind of close to the sheep. My comfort level is-- Ow, I’m getting pelted by dirt. I need that forest for plank so I keep baking all the different ore. Please, don’t destroy the forest. Now I’m actually kind of curious what the cyclones do. I’m just gonna go run into one. Ow, ow. Okay, maybe I won’t run into one. Now, I’ve decided I’m going to go run into one again. Dammit, I passed it. I wanted to get cycloned. Well, I guess-- Hold on. What the hell? Where’d he go? "Okay, dude, nice one." Give me the staff. "Everyone else gets yeeted into oblivion, but not you. The powers of my staff are now under your control." That’s right. I’m not the yeetee, I’m the yeeter. "Go and break some shit, dude." Not gonna lie, these-- Ooh. I was gonna say these spirits are amazing. The Breastplate of the Typhoon. Gives me the speed of a hurricane. Oh yeah. Oh, that’s hot. Hey, sheep, I need to test this staff out. I’m sorry-- Oh my god. Oh, it’s way worse than I thought it would be. Remember how I said I wanted to be inside of the cyclone? Yeah, I don’t want to be inside of the cyclone anymore. Oh, Reginald, you’re okay. He’s like, "I can fly, dad, with a lot of help." Actually, I wonder if I can yeet myself over my crafting stations. Woop. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is gonna work perfect. Yeah, so you just keep summoning them before you hit the ground, look. Watch, woop. [laughs] All right, how’s- how’s things? Not too bad. Oh, shit. Okay, note to self, the cyclones stay around a lot longer than I had previously anticipated. All right, start making these. Sticks. Copper. Boom, the Volcanic Staff. Okay, since we’re doing the Volcanic Staff I decided to pick an area with a lot of water. So here we go. Oh, he rises up from the ground. Listen, everyone else came from the sky. I didn’t know why you gotta be different. "Why. Just why would you wake me up?" Why are you all sleeping all the time? "That’s not a good enough reason." Bro, it wasn’t a reason, I was just making a statement. "You’re in serious need of an ass whooping, boy." What kind of-- Ouch. Ah. Okay, you whipped my-- Oh my god. Oh, oh, oh. "Get ready to drop, don’t hit the ledges." Get ready to drop, don’t hit the ledges. What ledges? It, like, put me inside of the volcano, and finally it let me out. Ah. Oh my god. Oh, yes. and I didn’t even land on the magma. "Ayo, bro, kinda sus that you survived." Listen, I’ve been doing dropper boards for a long time. "Can’t say I’m not impressed. You really know how to move. I now grant you the power to raise a volcano." Oh. Hi, Reginald. Reginald, when you dropped down here, did you literally cause a crater with your weight? What have you been eating? He’s like, "The flesh of the innocent." Fair enough. Helmet of the Ashes, an ancient helmet hosting a force of nature. Ooh. Gives you the strength of the volcano. I wanna come to an open area so that I could, you know, actually spawn the volcano, and see how many different particle effects do I have? It is now raining on me. I am shooting fire out of my nose. and it’s also, I don’t know, like kinda windy or something. All right. Let’s see how the volcano works. How big is the volcano? Ooh. Okay. Oh, it’s- it’s a decent-size volcano. Oh, yeah. Oh, holy crap. It almost one-shotted me. Okay, the volcano is really OP. All right, so I need to make a bunch of meteorites because I need to get the Netherite in order to make the final staff. I’m sorry, Planet Earth, I have to keep blowing you up until I get to Netherite. Okay, that’s one. I also found out, since I’m immune in my own meteorites, I can actually just keep clicking and refreshing this. Crafting station number 2,000. Let’s make a crap ton of this. All this, and I’m almost 1/4 of the way there. All right, that’s one. I don’t know where this egg came from. Reginald, is this from you? He’s probably like, "No, I only destroy. I do not create." That is true. -Literally, two hours later. -Okay, I think that’s just enough. Yeah, the time has come. Here we go. The Tidal Staff, let loose of tidal wave. It’s like the water is alive. There better be alligators in this water, I’m not gonna lie. All right, let’s do this. That’s actually probably the coolest arrival that anyone’s done yet. "Sup, dude. How is it hanging?" Loosely. "Oh, you just want me for my trail?" What? Oh, trial. "You don’t actually wanna be friends." I mean, I don’t mind being friends. Will it get me through the-- Oh. Whoa. You could’ve said, "Get ready," or something. Okay, I think I’m-- Oh my god. Do I have to just outrun it or something? Because it’s every-- Oh. There goes the horse. Everywhere I go, everything around me dies. Everything around me dies. I’m sorry, Reginald. Ah. Oh. If I pass, I’m still getting yeeted. Are we done? Are we done? We’re done? All right, tidal boy. Let’s do this. Give me my loot, tidal man. Ah, Jesus. All of this talking and I can’t get there. What it say? "Ah, okay. See you around then." See me around what? Damn you. I went flying off the edge. Whoa. The Crossbow of the Sea. [?] an ancient helmet. What? Ancient helmet? Oh my god. I just realized, there’s ice portals and the crossbow. So what does the crossbow actually do? Like, is this a thing or? How bad is it? Ooh. Well, I need to find something to use this on. Oh, little woodland creatures. I don’t dislike you, I just need you as test subjects. Load it up, aim at the woodland creature. Wow, I’m bad. One more time. Okay. Is it that? It sounds bad. What does the staff do? So, yeet. It’s-- Oh my god. Never mind. It’s really bad. So-- Oh, it’s the length that I hold down for, and it just murders everything. [laughs] Reginald’s like, "Dad, I don’t like water. I like fire." I understand Reginald. Here. Hold on. Here. There. There’s a nice volcano for you, son. See? Aren’t you happy? He’s like, "I’m very happy." Enjoy it little-- Oh my god. Okay, it’s finally time to see what truly comes after the dragon. First though, let me, like, move far-- Jesus. Let me move far away from the gigantic death balls that rain down from the freaking volcano. All right, so we got some, uh, end portals here. Oh, I got the sword too. Fires long-reaching wave of destruction Oh. Are you done yet? Are you still blowing stuff up? You know what? Yeah, just keep doing whatever you do. All right. So, boop, boop. Oh, yeah, this will be fine. Reginald, don’t get in the way, buddy. Reginald, your hat is in the way. Your hat is in-- You just ate the end cube, get out of the way. Dude, get out of the way. Reginald, please. I love you, but Reginald, move. Come on, there we go. I don’t want to get arrested for chicken abuse. Reginald, there’s a pig over there, go and eat him. So, now, uh, uh, uh. Can I put this underneath your feet, Reginald? Yeah, it works fine. He’s just standing on it. Here we go. All right, we’re in the end. I really hope that I brought some-- Oh, thank God. I was gonna say I hope that I brought some blocks with me. [music] Oh, yeah? [monster growls] Yeah, I can lightning-strike damn near anything. Boom. Oh, crap. Ah. And, what? A volcano? Oh, crap. [monster growls] Oh god. The Enderman, I’ve never felt so bad for something, has killed me so many times in the game before. Oh, the vol-- Ow. Dude, don’t do it. Don’t do it. Don’t-- Yeah, that’s what happens. You want some too? Anyone else? Oh, you? Yeah. All right, dragon. All right, he’s perching. and go. Yeah, yeah, meteorites. Whoo. Oh my god. Oh, he’s stuck inside of all my volcanoes. Oh, yeah. Oh, this was a great idea. Keep the volcanoes going, honestly. More chaos. [evil laugh] I was born of this, Ender Dragon. [evil laugh] Wow. I’m not gonna lie, the, uh, the volcano was easily the best one. All right, so now it’s time to find out what happens after the dragon. Okay, well, now I just have to get to the end portal, and then the real ending will begin. [music] What the hell? Okay, I was almost to the portal, and then-- "Bro, why are you acting sus?" What? What is all this? "You’ve broken the natural order. The dragon was the ultimate boom, and you boomed him." That’s what happens in a game, give me a break. "I think we should teach him a lesson, what do you say, boys?" "You is going to--" What does it say? "Let’s see you try to surf this." I have the Staff of the Tides. I have-- Oh my god. It’s just summoning every ability. I’m not doing this. The end can-- Oh my god. [[laughs] How big is the freaking tsunami? It was like about a thousand blocks deep. Look at what happened. Look at how deep-- Hold on. My god. I’ve got to get there. Even with all this ridiculousness, look at how lightning strikes there are. All of the lava flying down besides me. Hurricane-force winds. Ow. I’ll never give up. Oh, I swam through the seven layers of natural disaster insanity and made it to the end. Anyway, folks, hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of Minecraft. Till the next time. Stay foxy, and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
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Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, grey still plays, graystillplays minecraft, graystillplays mc, minecraft, minekraft, minecraf, mc, minecraft but, minecraft funny moments, beating minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft survival, hardest minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, competitive minecraft, upgrade, upgrading, upgraded, flooded the entire planet, and this happened, minecraft tsunami, minecraft disaster, i flooded, entire planet
Id: ECm_Gpo-e3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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