I Upgraded Cannons Until I Broke Reality

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so if I click this little button I spawn in a nice little turret if I click it again I spawn another turret and then I make two turrets into one yay I level that up to level two and now it does 60 damage every time if I slide that over here to this slot because that one didn't matter then the game's like you know what let's go with wave one and these weird little chicken people are going to start attacking my base and it's my job to kill as many of them as I can while leveling up as best as I can so I'm just going to spawn in another one we're going to level up that turret to two and then this one to level three oh this one does 120 damage and that next one looks pretty good so we'll keep rolling with this do nicely get a couple more turrets I think having more higher powered turrets is better than having all of them at low power so we'll do everything I can to kill as many chickens as possible good job little chickens thanks for dying now this is good because we get to take the two into a three and then the three into a four which should double the damage to 240 now do we onot oh we almost one shot hopefully the two of them together yes that does very nice work let's spawn in two more we're going to level them up to two immediately and now we have a boss chicken he's going to make lots of chicken dinners for us all right we'll kill him dead level up to three and chicken bro is gone we cooked him so now Wave 2 is here and I've got $7,000 I'm just going to make all of these go together that was level two level up okay you guys go to three to three and now four very good what do you look like interesting next one looks like a minigun too you guys go to three and then why is there a giant flying drone ooh three times more coins I do like bonuses so that's going to go really well for us get a couple more turrets in here oh boy some of them are actually getting in I don't like that no here make bigger turrets make bigger turrets we're going to do a two to a three and now we have a three four and or five on our front lines also the next turret is 5,000 money and we do have a shop opening up where we can buy the regular turrets plus some damage upgrades and regular upgrades for 500,000 coin my goodness uh-oh not good sign big chicken's here let's level up our gate wall so we heal it and big chicken is going to go away very shortly and now wave three is here perfect cuz we have one of literally everything so I'm going to buy more we're to put a one into a two leveling up to level three for 24,000 three and four four into four and then five into five now we have a level six Cannon oh that was cool why don't you guys come over here for a second we need all the help we can get for a little bit get a few more oh wow I just bought level twos interesting I wasn't expecting level twos right away okay things are progressing very painfully for us so let's quickly level up everything that we can we need to kill all of the chickens get a three in here good we have four four and a five all right get a couple more we buy another two to make a level three okay we get the three into the three a four and then a five and now we're going to make a level seven which hopefully does enough damage to take out this giant chicken it's doing 960 but firing twice we need more oh oh wow that was good this game can get very stupidly hectic and it's crazy all right level twos we'll upgrade you to three we'll put another three now we get the four to four now we have a three four a one I don't know why the one came in here but I might want to organize a little better we're going to put the decreasing order like that and I can build a bunch more and we got thre's coming in hot we'll build a three to there a four up the five and a five four in here we'll do the three and then oh we'll need this one instead and I might as well switch out to three it with four excellent another $140,000 in cash and whatever this is oh four free cannons I just have to look at an ad for a party tent why is somebody advertising a party tent on a flash game I don't know but it gave me a bunch of turrets and I'm happy for it thank you party tent for 5 six oh so satisfying oh wow that thing looks so good it's as long as we can kill this little chicken first all right good news we have level fours and fives happening quickly we'll put the fives up oh man I should probably make these guys the level sixes right away like so oh man there's so many of them okay we got a one two and a three we need the threes let's get the sixes and do a seven I'm liking what's happening right now okay we got a three into a four and wow that chicken just got one shot this is good all right let's level up all of these I don't know why they gave us some threes and fours but now we have threes fours and fives a free upgrade I don't mind if I do so we'll put that six into the seven do a seven and then to a level nine nice kind of crazy how much better these high end guns are than the previous tier we are absolutely dominating every singil chicken that comes through this map die little friend oh wow there's another one but speed I don't know if I want that oh my goodness they are so much faster now why did I go for the speed upgrade you know I thought it would upgrade like me not the chickens let's upgrade our wall it's probably a better idea they have way more hit points now oh my goodness can you is there a pause feature my brain is breaking right now I need oh wow we just upgraded right away to level five to six and then you to seven we'll buy another level five this is working pretty well we need you in there we're going to upgrade you too okay we'll put the fives to the sixes please slow down a little bit okay 5 6 7 8 nice now I've heard that the max level is actually 50 in this game it's going to take me a while and I don't even know if we can get there but I'm going to attempt it I also know that if I get a few more upgrades we can get up to level 10 which should unlock a whole new thing now I need 1.3 million which allow me to get can Cannon damage increase also decrease prices of the next thing the next upgrade is 23 million money which I cannot afford but I start with level sixes now we're to put you in here that's going to give me a three we'll put that up to a four 7 to S ooh what does this button do the lucky wheel which gives me four more guns absolutely cool they're level fours that's fine they'll be level fives in a second and then I'll take those fives and make them six a 7 to a 9 it's looking good let's go ahead and buy this one to increase the profit and just like that I've got $2.2 million hanging out so I'll activate three times coins and if I buy this it's going to be a level four right no that's a level five but the next one's a level six we'll take the six to make a seven s to eight and then we'll do the N9 to 10 and do a number 11 now ooh double turret make sure we get things on the front lines again and we'll start leveling them up more mainly because we just have to kill this giant chicken with sickles on him I don't know why he has sickles but I'm scared of him oh but I get $5 million and I also get another level 10 oh boy all right let's get some more level sevens up here we just need things on that front line to do the damage okay eights nines we'll switch the four for a nine get a couple more we'll have a six we'll combine the five to there beautiful to a seven 5 million more dollars for level 9 I am so scared of them right now look at all of these chickens that one's got an egg on his head and give me quite a bit of cash o 6 million more which also means I have a little downtime to upgrade to level 12 good that one looks awesome all right get in here get in here get in here I need all of you guys in the front lines cuz this is getting nasty now okay eights to nines and then we'll do the ease eights here that eight there we'll have to make sure we don't die oh my word okay we're actually knocking them back now this is great why is it so fast my goodness game I can't keep up with you I'll upgrade that just so I don't die oh cool we'll do a four to five we'll switch that out because we need to put that as an eight we have two nines to make a 10 I leveled up to 10 got 14 million more which allows me to get more turret damage 10 to 11 11 to 12 and we'll do a 12 to a 13 we get a giant chicken I don't even know what that was but I get four more free cannons I better level up my front line again because things are about to get really spicy in here all right maybe maybe I messed it up okay we need more of these front Lin's full of nines cool we bring that nine into the top to make another nine we'll make a nine here excellent okay everything's becoming a level 10 immediately and these things are so expensive now ooh but I can level you up to level eight so if I get 10 to 10 10 to 10 11 so we have a 12 no more money that makes me sad in my heart but every shot I take is almost a million credits so we're going good these poor little creatures have no idea what to expect in their life they don't even have a life anymore much like myself uh-oh that's the biggest chicken we've had yet we just about hit him with three shots and he's out we have a big wave coming in I'm going to buy one more turret which is a nine we'll do a 9 to a 10 uh five to five that's cool a 10 to 11 to a 12 and now a 13 merge those together to create whatever that thing is put the eight seven and six back in here and I guess we'll just level those back up to nine cool we'll buy some tens oh the size of that one now he's dead but that gave me an extra bunch of money so we'll upgrade there next step is the billions huh 11 to 11 12 to 12 we'll bring the 13 to the top we'll get another 10 and another 10 some of these are just kind of hanging out we don't need them anymore I don't feel bad about deleting those oh that was cool the game will be nice and give me four more turrets because I sat through another terrible ad those aren't even good turrets but it does level up my nine to 12 which is cool because I have two more 11s I kind of like having all red tier cannons in here too these are getting one shot things are going so good for us oh this will be fun all right we got a 10 into a 10 to an 11 those will make the 12s I can pull you down that was only a six why did I pull you down but we can put the two 14s together to make out 15 does 5ou 540,000 damage which is just mowing right through these things oh now I get straight to 11s too this is good stuff what are you going to be for me ooh more coins for 30 seconds which is awesome because we have a boss right now and he's going to give us a big stack of cash I always love in games like this where numbers just kind of get absurd like guys you could have slow down the progression slightly we don't have to be doing a billion dollars every hit but it is kind of nice too especially when we kill the big things that are giving me a billion dollars I guess they fallen into their dirty little trap haven't I so we'll just make the 11 to a ooh 220 million that's my point exactly like this is just getting silly on the big numbers it's like here's a free $220 million that you can use to combine these two to make one .08 million damage per hit now I just really need to fill this up again because he's going to do way more damage but I can level up my backline which is cool to 11s I kind of like having the auto merge too it just makes me really lazy we just combine everything on its own now every turet cost literally $68 million I leveled up again now I have $600 million in cash not in real life I wish I did but I'll just buy all of these oh the auto auto Grabber together thing ooh ran out that was was the word I was trying to find it auto ran outer but I'll combine all of these together and things will look very nice for us in a matter of seconds okay so the 15s to make another 16 o that was a speed upgrade I didn't want that what I do want is this oh my goodness the chickens are getting huge all right combine those two we're going to put you in there I really want to combine these to as 17 it's going to be like 2 million damage all right so every time I hit one of these now it costs 50 to $60 million ooh but that leveled me up to 1.4 billion so should I spend my money on increased profit absolutely I should do I have another no I only have 400 million now but I get increase profit so I'm going to becoming rich even faster I just kind of want to let it ride for a second to gain up as much coin as I can but I only gain levels and get free money every time I level up and the only time I level up is if I combine things together okay so we have a 13 to a 13 to a 14 we'll put the 15 to 15 the 16 to 16 and then the 17 into a 17 to do 4 million damage per shot we'll use these to fill in here and then we'll keep upgrading these the best we can I don't like having the level nines and the 10 especially when I'm out of cash but I have a feeling even one more turret could change our entire Destiny right now 12 to 13 13 14 15 we have another 14 popping in look at these weird looking chickens now this guy's wearing like a mask what are they called Skyrim mask dragon born I can't even think right now I kind of hope some Ninja Turtles start rolling by pretty soon too this one's my favorite though little fella just wearing a a shell on his head we just one shot a boss that's incredible we're doing so good okay bring you down here except things are dumb they're just dumb expensive now pretty soon every one of these is going to be 100 million credits this guy's going to die instantly so it doesn't matter too much like I said every one of these is costing 100 million coins 144 million now I really need to level up though please give me enough credits to level up and now now things aren't dying in one shot that's scary okay this will be good a 14 to 14 all right 10 to 10 11 come on the little bar is so close this might do it 15 oh yes $3.4 billion now we're totally going to use that to get the decrease price and I guess Cannon damage increase too the next step is 50 billion do you see that look at the damage I'm doing now I saw one of them was like 12 million points time to do some more upgrades 15 to 16 17 to 18 to 19 9.8 billi million in damage we need to do a billion every hit all right soon we're going to be out of the Reds and into only the good ones we are out of the Reds and into the good ones nice 17 to 18 need to do oh no more money shoot how do I just go through a billion dollars I guess it matters when you spend 330 million on every single Tower you get ooh this is good 12 to 13 to 14 to 15 now we have like King showing up there's one that was goldplated look at that guy's Crown okay this could be good we'll level this one up we'll give me a 15 to another 16 do I want a 16 I feel like having two 16s no this is definitely better oh yes it is 8.7 billion coins hot dang I can't even count that high like literally it would take forever but you want to know what is satisfying if I take this 16 I put it into the 17 we'll take the 17 to the 18 18 to 19 19 to new 20 oh ooh it's a shark fin I like that the other fun thing is now everyone we buy is $200 million and they're all the gold ones this is so satisfying just making the numbers go bigger and bigger and bigger and then even on the back line bigger and bigger and bigger we don't need a level 15 but I'll gladly take it I'll take that back we did need a level 15 now every single turret is $1.5 billion wa okay that boss took four shots with our Mega crew here uh uh that one took three which is slightly better hopefully we can keep this going for a little while longer there's another boss okay he took four as well oo 1.4 billion that allows me to buy literally one turret are you kidding me right me oh my that allows me to buy way more than one turret okay we'll just use that oh we have the Big Chain oh we have the nice chain you ready for this I'm ready for it 16 to 17 to 18 19 20 new turret at 21 what do we have oh I don't even know what that is I'm not sure that I like it but I do need more things in this line right here okay we're good for a little bit we still have 19 billion dollar in storage I'm going to get rid of this cuz we haven't used it in forever I still feel really guilty about spending this much fake money but it'll work out okay right right friends 17 Yep this is looking good we're almost to another giant chain happening o we have a nice chain back here happening oh yeah I'll take that okay as soon as we've made another $500 million we should be able to chain all of this up to a level 21 soon as these guys die yep oh that's so satisfying okay here we go 4.9 billion a level 17 o that was good to 18 19 20 and brand new one at 21 this thing does 78 million damage per hit I need to buy more I'm sorry we need to get everyone in the front lines we're good now I've been building up a little bit of something back here it's not too great that's a level 17 we have an 18 18 and 19 that's a 14 I'm going to buy a couple more of these so we can level this up to 18 19 cool two more we'll have that 19 and then the 18 behind we'll have another big chain oh that one was dumb that one came out at a level 16 and I don't have money now all of these are ready to chain together too okay we have a 14 to a 15 to a 16 oh1 billion 18 and here's the Big Chain yet again it's a level 23 for 15 57 million damage all right I really need to buy these and put them back in I'm getting in my groove now I'm figuring out how to play this game the best all right I'm going to be honest it's not too hard to figure out how to play this game just need 21s 22s not a 15 but that'll make a 16 another 18 come on and I'm out of money again thankfully I just cleared the wave and I had no idea that these next turrets are $25 billion each all right free box this is going to level me up isn't it please please please level me oh there it is okay so that gave me 348 billion let's buy each of these the next one's trillions but it's fine because we'll just upgrade all of these to the next level again beautiful not going to lie I'm a little bit concerned how much damage they would do to my wall I haven't upgraded this since the beginning also I don't know why I would need to upgrade it but I'm just going to do it once twice three times 4 times 29,000 hit points on it I mean we can spend $100 million we've got it we're good for it okay there it is 100,000 hit points we're good on that wall 16 to 17 yep now we're at that stage again where we should have leveled up but the game didn't let us so I don't even know what to do maybe get a new box ah this a 16 of course it's a 16 I need 20 billion dollars more to level up so I'm 18 waves in here and I don't know I've seen a progression bar everything keeps dying oh 10 million that's not even enough I'm just hoping one of these chest gives us something good 16 to 17 a that didn't level us up but I think I think even my level 18 one shot everything with 5.9 million damage oh but the game just gave me four more cannons come on okay we got 17s to 18 almost a trillion cash yes get me all of this I want the big money now all right 18 to 19 19 to 19 good I mean 19 to 20 excellent now we have the 20 to 21 2 3 4 and five brand new level ooh 700 million damage all right I just leveled up again to 2.1 trillion that puts me at 2.45 trillion so close to the decreased price of this level up also the game gave me four free cannons yet again and I'll combine these to level 20 we have that 21 now we have 12 we haven't upgraded these in a long time so we'll get rid of those I kind of want to buy this one just so I can get the 21 to two to three to four and then 26 that's a ton of XP too ooh I like that one hopefully uh-oh we need we need more reinforcements how much damage did that do oh just 1.5 billion casually so my brain is thinking right now that we're at a little bit of a stalemate this money is going up so slowly cuz it's literally billions and billions of dollars now I do have the wheel open and it's ready to go so ooh we get a bonus for an hour and I didn't recognize that I could spin them all three times four more crates and the third wave is 60 seconds of bonus we have have1 trillion I have no idea how that happened but I want to click on this too there you go combine all the things all right shopping time we have money let's decrease the price1 trillion increase the profit increase Canon Cannon damage now I still have 5 trillion left over so let's do some combining hopefully level up and that'll make me even more powerful so this is looking nice we have the 22 to three to 4 five six and what's this one going to be ooh that was cool uh-oh I activated a speed boost this might have been a bad nope that's not a bad plan but now I have $9 trillion everything is costing 100 billion now though so we can do another one yep 21 to two 2 to two three 4 this is a big chain this might level me up nope it won't but that thing looks good all right this is going to be a big chain 21 22 23 ooh that was a level up 24 25 6 7 8 9 n my goodness I cleared my whole board now we got some sort of Terminators thing here this is so hard now every single Cannon is over a trillion thankfully we're saving the Earth from whatever these creatures are who knows how many rabid chickens have been bred for this extermination process but I just made an 83 trillion on it so I'm happy we have another good one 21 2 3 oh stopped at four that's fine cuz we'll make the fives to a six the six to a seven eight to a 9 and then level 30 this could be another o nope I thought it would be another oh wow that's so good we're starting with level 26 is now which is huge we can get rid of the 17 cuz we won't need that so this will be a fun one we'll get up to 31 here there it goes and level 31 this might be bad ooh we got green thing this might be really bad there's actually creatures attacking me I've been kind of sitting back and waiting for them to oh yeah we we managed to beat them all good this is also unique I did didn't recognize it but I can buy things again so so stupid 100 million 100 trillion whatever numbers are just big and Goofy now 28 9 30 good uh-oh I ran out of cash again I'm so close to another level up there it is $520 trillion in my pocket that's what I like to see on a nice whatever Tuesday morning okay this is going to be good too 20 to 30 and 31 that's cool looking I like that uh I need to get more things in the front line though woo all right things get very dangerous unless I hit them with literally $ 68 billion worth of damage it's not even dollars I don't even know anymore it's getting weird H Cannon now is 7 trillion what6 trillion doll dos my goodness game oh this is going to be nice 29 30 31 32 33 what's this one look like oh man are just getting weird weirder and weirder and I love it so this will be another level up oh no that was supposed to be a 28 okay that should level me up thank you 3.25 AA what what's an AA I'm not sure what an AA is but it's going to level me up nicely to a that thing you ready for another one here it comes 30 to one ooh eight eight bajillion monies I don't even know what numbers we're going in but I'll definitely love that turret up that looks like a dragon mouth or something and at this point did really doesn't matter if it's Dragon mouth or not because it's just doing insane amounts of damage over here we're just one-shotting giant bosses and getting $200 million free so we'll do another Cascade and this she level me up another time for 20 bagillion don't even know oh yes this is my favorite part aw we're out of the fun ones we're in the weird ones now actually just reminds me of portal which I really want to play again the game all of a sudden is going unhinged on me and is giving me weird upgrades that are way way below our level I don't even I can't even use some of these anymore like I buy that one and then it goes down to a level 30 why are you going two levels lower than me I don't really understand oh but I'll take that for free okay level 31 in here what is you doing 32 to 32 then you're giving me a 30 again I don't appreciate it when you do stuff like this we really need you know what let's just upgrade to the next tier maybe that'll fix it that's totally a portal gun I can't even keep up with the goofy guns in here anymore but we're going up to another level what this one yep that thing that's totally the one I was knowing was going to be the one we were going to get I think we just hit like this level of progression that is ridiculous with the amount of cash we're getting in except the problem is we have to go back every once in a while and try to figure out what's happening with all of these things and then the game's like yeah you just take one of these for free and it'll be good and stuff and then you can upgrade all your other things for your friends and yeah did we get a 31 and 2 and three and four Al together can I not upgrade any of those all right 30 3 to four four to five six oh 300 AA monies again we still one shot the bosses for literal trillions of damage so four six okay we got the sevens we'll go up to 39 o okay we're actually there's a lot of damage coming in I think we're okay everything looks fine to me we'll make you to 36 perfect 36 again 37 38 nice and now we're finally getting the good turrets I don't know what those levels were but something was weirdly broken with them and I believe this will level us up to 40 yeah we have B dollars now I don't even know what that means I'll just let the game Auto merge now for me why not we got the power actually it reminds me could we do these I mean that's a trillion we don't really need that but increase profit in this one hopefully that doesn't set us back too far but I think we're on a really good path and if we decrease the amount of money it costs us we'll be good to go okay here we go again oh we just just need this one yes 36 to 7 8 9 41 what's this one like oh wow another entirely different thing that I wasn't even expecting so we need anything now 35 to six oh another babil dollars a babilon yeah 39 40 41 and 42 uh-oh uh-oh hold up hold up here we need actually to move these forward there's just too many things happening got them and I've recognized that we don't really need need to wow I don't need I don't need that thing at all the money that we get from gold isn't doing anything the money that we're getting from leveling up is where our actual increas is coming from so now that I level up faster we get more coins 36 37 38 all right this will put me up to another level which will bring me really close to another level after I get through this progress cuz those do so much wow that's cool looking and then we'll level up all of those beautiful all right spam a bunch of these together and then just do this because that's way easier than anything else I will take a 39 all the way up to another level which will get me to a 44 and we're getting very close to the max level cannon thing I mean let's be honest are these even cannons anymore I don't really know I don't have the answer to those questions but one of the questions I haven't answer for is what happens if you get up to level 45 oh you get a level up oh I don't even care about that we don't need an extra trillion monies I just want level 46 here okay I'm a little scared we're not we're good everything's fine this is getting so easy now 41 this will level me up yep and we just have B billions of dollars over and over this will take me to 46 oh okay they're kind of like uh I don't know what would you even call that aesthetic oh we need more in that front line though my goodness things are getting close and we'll hit it again to make a level 47 come on next gun oh that looks like a Tesla gun I like that but I really need things in this front line to start battling back yep we'll delete that one too because we'll we'll never use it again and we should get up to 48 over we're in the CC monies now they just forgot what real numbers are ooh that one looks awesome and we'll do it another time to get up to 49 there's that level up okay 47 8 9 and the next one is the final level in the entire game it should be oh we need these in here though yeah I totally figured out the the formula on this too you don't need money upgrades you just need level up upgrades and I haven't even looked at what the chickens look like in a really long time I've just been too busy buying things merging them together than making huge quantities of money oh would you stop need to put that in the 48 we'll grab the 41 to 2 to three we aren't even using 43s cuz that's going to be a 46 we'll combine these to be another 46 to make a 47 45 with a 46 should be that full Gambit and we'll level these up again another level up and it will be the level 50 hooray a dang now I just need five of those if I can actually do that which I don't know if I can but I'm going to attempt to which also means I can just trash these because we don't need them now some of you people who are smarter than me could actually figure out how many things I've combined together o why did we get a 44 in here go away you just cost 50 B billion dollars but don't worry I just got 18 Killion dollars and a second level 50 Auto merge sure I'll just Spam buttons and hopefully it works yeah it's kind of working thank you Auto merge you're kind of a lifesaver right now for the first time ever in this game give me that 48 we'll put you into a 49 make a third level 50 okay I'm getting concerned though cuz things are getting really expensive again like really expensive I'll just take the four free cannons and hope for the best ah those are all level 43s but I can get a free level up to 46 do the 47 to 8 oh we're getting close okay another 49 do I want to yeah we want to level it up yeah we got 450s oh so many of these little things put together there we go 47 to 8 45 to six we need to make another 7 to 49 just please just give me a level 49 game I just oh I'm out of money we can do it we have technology actually we might not I might not be able to do it I definitely can't level up anymore and that's been my way to make as much cash as possible and these don't even move the ticker no way but I could use this to decrease price that might help yeah that did drop it down slightly but now my money is even lower so let's increase profit a little bit okay it's max level profit Max decrease in price what is this one going to be okay a 42 we don't need that good news is we have a free roll again and it gives me four more cannons that could be good they're decent they're decent kind of what I needed I don't think it's going to be big enough yeah we got a 48 oh we're so close oh this is beautiful gives me a 46 here's another thing I can do I can get a free one of these if I watch an ad and that'll come in right here good good so we only need like one more maybe if it's a good one it's going to be a 45 isn't it uh 42 but that'll give us a 45 and I can afford a 40 how much money do I have I got BB money I can buy a 42 but that's not going to help me at all I mean it kind of would I get 5 trillion it's not even worth it okay giant chest give me something cool a 42 man can I afford a 45 a 45 is 3cc and I have 126 BB so I can afford a 43 let's see if we need one I don't think we will cuz that'll be like a 42 that'll give me a free 43 to a 44 all right I wait I can can buy two 43s right yep I can buy two 43s which make a 44 44 to 5 5 to 6 6 to s 7 to 8 8 to N9 we've done it five level 50 turrets I feel accomplished and I did it before wave 30 which is kind of cool also I'm never going to hit character level 50 because that requires me to level up more things and I literally can't do that anymore so I think I just beat the game so thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd also like to thank all of my members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris trenten Cordo RIT La Warrior Keegan H zarov maxer Ral BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules Fred dton SE cander D Payton plays fussy badge link hillet Kyler J Nitro Nitro YK and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 838,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz
Id: g_RJ2FXi7aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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