I Survived 100 Minutes and Unlocked EVERY UPGRADE in Dome Keeper

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oh you know the drill flying down to yet another planet with my hurtling ball of molten domey goodness to crash straight on the head of three little guys making a pyramid oh it was almost like they were a snowman oh yeah so interesting thing here is I decided to go with the sword Dome today because we've been playing a lot of the other one and I've got the huge map so as far as I know there's no endless mode in this game uh but there is like the huge map which is as close to endless as I can figure out there might be able to do something you guys might be smarter than I am and there is an endless mode but I couldn't figure out what so I figured let's go to the deepest darkest dangerousest most amazing tunnel the game has and see if we can get every single upgrade unfortunately I'm not getting any iron to begin with but my kitty cat's excited he's a cat cat Captain he dance dance so let's uh dig these out please give me some iron before the first wave shows up looks like we got some right here neat and it's uh four all right I'll take four I was hoping for six now brain thinking would be like hey you should get the Hostile proximity meter but I'm like no I'm dumb so I'm gonna get the movement speed upgrade there we go there's some more iron nice so three give me give me another three oh sweet deal all right first wave is about to approach I can hear it I got my slicy boy oh I like those those might be my favorite you ready slicey boy you ready for this get stabbed oh it didn't work and you're wrecked and get that again and get double stamped cool that was fun kind of violent but exciting now the good news is I should have six iron so if I do this I can get the Hostile proximity meter plus the uh the drill upgrade and now I can cut through things even faster while moving quicker and if everything's good in the world and get even more iron this is the best day ever that'll allow me to buy the carrying strength upgrade so I can carry even more my goodness at the amount of good luck we've had I don't think I've ever seen a dust storm in this game before that's kind of cool but you guys not do that anymore you're kind of dangerous oh okay the sword needs to cut better can you cut better Mr s word I just need that yeah and yeah yeah I killed it all right usually right at this cut between the two different colors is the first of the relics so if I dig this way I might be able to find one or I'll just find more iron hmm I wonder where that Relic is maybe it's different in a super big map mode oh how do I do this I can all right oh really really game oh my goodness I got a stab yes no oh you stupid shadow creature why are there Flyers get dead nice okay I forgot about that kitty stop scratching on that you're gonna break it oh my I didn't realize I had uh 17 things so I what should I get the slice Improvement that could be good what's this bottom one again reflection increase the size yeah we need that all right slice Improvement and then the long stab or the fast stab I like the fast I believe or maybe I should get let's see which one fast step yeah yeah yeah and then I can buy this one too all right it's a little bit quicker I'm just gonna wait here all right dork die I get wrecked and then I bounced it back too and get wrecked good excellent so much better oh I missed that one but I won't miss this one that was exciting there it is the first Relic my goodness I was looking hard for you what do I want out of this thing that's the real question do I want oh drilbert could be kind of fun auto turret would be nice it doesn't seem like we have many Flyers so the Spire isn't too exciting I mean the uh stun thing is kind of cool or you know a teleporter might be nice too okay resource blast mining these both suck convert resources okay that do I want that these suck though these are bad all right I'll take the resource could couldn't think of my bobber oh balls convert one to three what hold on okay is that does it duplicate iron I think I might like it oh shoot I've been mining I totally forgot another day is coming I was so sorry I'm so sorry please don't hurt my dope please don't worry don't please don't hurt my Dome hey not good not good not good not good good gun good okay yeah yeah yeah a little ball something's happening already oh it gets nice oh I missed and get sliced and get sliced and get shot nah I missed and oh boss get shot oh oh that was fun aha get that get dead get dead get dead yes no no okay two two little bites little sandwich nuggets good okay this wasn't as bad as I thought but it's a lot more chaotic than I was hoping please make more iron for me I need it really bad right now desperately in need of better mining strength because some of these are starting to get very very outsheeted mine through despite her toddler using the word ouchy oh interesting I already found the next layer what is going on over here why is there hard zone back behind good like crunchy soil behind the hard soil I don't like this oh mushroom thank you Mr mushroom we're just gonna fly real quick and then we go it's like taking a Red Bull okay bad bad bad battle good and stab and shoot and kill and stab and shoot and kill nailed it oh there's more here whoops I will shoot all of them with my little laser sword of laser death that was amazing I killed all but that little fella good job team by team I totally mean myself all right we're gonna convert one to three again because that's cheating and we'll go back to the Mario's Mushroom Kingdom because I can mine faster and there's iron down here and it's delicious now the question is does that mushroom regrow I don't remember I think it does bad news super bad news I'm not up there and things are gonna oh balls okay you get stabbed and then you get stabbed and then you get shot and then oh I could block that I could block that haha get wrecked haha get wrecked again yes oh this is actually pretty good uh [Music] yes it's stabbed and get blocked it was fun oh hold up it's candy now the question is I mean I have to take this one that's not even a question and speed two I really still hate that super dense Stone though you know what I'm gonna do just for stupidity Reasons I'm going down here I'm gonna try to find the next Relic I'm gonna skip the purple and come back to it and we're gonna avoid that super hard rock again and Mission confirmed mushrooms do regrowth this is bad why do I always make it up so late no back oh I don't like this stop poop nuggets all right we're okay everything's fine stab it you bad little creature get stabbed oh you missed get stab again oh no no no no okay just gotta take it slow and easier it's coming back here that was fun all right so the question is Cobalt conversion no I just wanna iron duplication I earned a one iron oh Amanda gets two I don't know what that means I'm buying it though oh boy give us one to ten oh no no no no no bad okay so I have 20. I'm gonna buy another s word upgrade here which one do I want heavy blade or Long Blade more Nimble I mean that looks cooler the electrified hey we're going the electric fighter out oh yeah that's satisfying maybe the heavy would have been better not gonna lie but I don't care cutting things oh two of them get stabbed and jumped Get Wrecked hey catch that in your face they don't like getting stabbed in the eyeballs I don't think I would either though actually they kind of had that happen this week and it really does hurt I can confirm sad thing is I wish it was joking look up cornea cross-linking that's what happened to me nine hours of the most excruciating pain of my life but at least I won't go blind in five years so we have that going for me there we go here's the other Relic I've been looking for I'm gonna hope for I don't know maybe drilbert drilbert could be kind of fun Auto Cannon might be okay but I'm feeling like this s word's doing the work up here so what do I get drilbert nope lift stun laser ooh lift lift lift I mean that goes against everything that I know in this game I should not fall balls should not oh a double missed double O balls Get Wrecked okay right kill him kill him up kill yep yep God cut him up get him dead and then uh baseball home run touchdown yeah I'm dead and then you my friend over here you're about to be eliminated stabbed him right in the right in the liver right in the left liver because they have two livers I'm a crypto biologist now crypto crypto something I don't know what I have I should have probably should have bought some more upgrades because let's be honest I don't have many right now also I don't know where I'm going but I'm gonna start mining in the orange area because I want another upgrade and iron down here is more expensive and by more expensive you just get a lot more if you can find iron please keep me iron thank you there's gonna be a lot of them here look at how many irons there are get in the hole Cinderella story that we're gonna upgrade the absolute snot out of this thing oh my sweet deal well that lift is terrible right now there's like no balls to carry things to the surface but I think I found another Relic so yes I did so come on friendos let's go to the Moon we're going crypto mining or something what a kind of an upgrade do I want from this thing I'm not sure oh there's that 10 iron available okay condenser Auto Cannon that'll work for me give me this too oh I can't even collect them all all right buddy I'm so sorry I had to do that to you and to do that to you oh I missed and they do oh okay never mind we're just going defensive mode for a little bit until my auto Cannon can keep things going right way got him oh I missed out I double missed good job Auto Cannon I'm not very proud of you right now but I'm gonna give you encouragement anyway ow okay there's a lot of him Auto Cannon please do something you're embarrassing yourself in front of like a hundred thousand people right now Auto Cannon I hope you know that thank you finally did something all right I've got 21 what do I do with 21 do I invest it all into the lift no I don't I need more mining oh I can buy the entire mine drill strength four terrible idea but now I can crunch through every single Rock in the game without even thinking about it oh we got a screecher and on so many levels all right we got little guys here let's kill them all stab that thing good let's kill all the little guys oh my goodness oh shoot where did you come from I didn't realize there were two over there oh no oh no oh we're almost dead no we're almost dead it's Okay We're Not Gonna Die We're Not Gonna Die Too Young To Die shoot you're dead and okay just you're dead you're dead please don't shoot oh Auto turn for the win hot dang that's scary okay let's get upgrades we gotta get upgrades for the lift oh Auto grid never mind speed up and autonomy that's good should I just uh improve Donald Cannon and machine gun yeah this works that's exactly what I meant to do right I was gonna get to get all the upgrades for the lift so it carries thing faster and I'm like nah that's not as fun as just buying all the upgrades I need so I don't have to do anything and my auto Cannon can do all the fighting for me oh I just found the seed so that's cool I didn't know he was gonna be hiding there I wonder where I should put that okay so what I'm hoping for this time is get up in here is that I can get a couple more of the Dome thingies not the Dome thingies um these things right here more of the orbs that's the word I'm looking for capacity see this one doesn't seem worth it to me really uh but this does like if I just have more orbs why do I need to spend 10 to do that I don't know also the strength increase here would be nice but I already wasted all my stuff so I totally want uh to be able to carry more things neat and then I can grab these oh and convert even more and that ah this one should I get this one or will it be able to get 30 here or you know what I really should do is because things are getting dangerous Long Blade number dose that's Spanish for two if you're wondering oh my goodness that is a nice long blade it's like Hulk smash no fat gets death oh no all right you know what we're just gonna Bam Bam mode oh erased it I got two of them at once that was sick all right little orbs you got to do your thing we also need to find a sort of thing down in here somewhere that I can plant my thing at this didn't really make word sense but whatever you know what I meant I gotta plant the seed do I want a water seed probably not and eat get in there oh didn't eat properly let's see is there three here nope only one wow oh that's kind of fun though oh this could be good I know there's only two things here but I mean we get free Cobalt oh don't do that buddy we get free Cobalt and water and there might be Iron hiding somewhere in here or not to there's no there's no iron anywhere we'll leave that be for just a little bit because I think it could be kind of cool to have a water Cobalt tree no bad monster bad monster okay I don't like you stop hitting me okay ready oh I missed that get hit and then uh oh great how did that stop it get cut nice kill the monster and then come down oh it doesn't come down right shoot it we're good we're good we're still good we're still good yes get wrecked perfect that was cool I kind of like the sword Dome it's been a while since I played with it but look at what I found over here found another load all right here's the deal I'm just gonna drill it this way and I'm gonna take everything with me like a big train it didn't really train properly but I can drop them all off on the conveyor belt and everything will be good because I have to pick up a second load and I can use that which is a rest of the conveyor belt I mean a train we need more Train choo choo coming through okay ready I'm gonna take a couple of these up oh there's water I forgot about too uh oh don't like these sounds No Bad Monkey screen Get Wrecked Get Wrecked Get Wrecked monkey dead monkey dead oh I missed oh and then stab good good job auto turret proud of you out missed okay I'm not sure you're not doing the work you are good work how did I miss that you ready another fire got him yes is the mushroom ready oh it is thank you Mr mushrooms all right and our tree is growing decently well okay I think I figured out why this is a huge map there is so much stuff around here oh the teleporter hello there this is bad I'm not gonna make it back in time I'm scared please don't hurt me game the game's gonna hurt me the game is Gonna Hurt Me Maybe not is the auto turret working I hear it working wait hold on the auto turret do it I mean pretty close no bad oh we got a screamer I cut the screamer nice got him get riggity wrecked those things are scary nope bad bad getting destroyed okay here we go we're gonna play baseball you're wrecked nope missed one that's okay we didn't care about that one anyway ready oh missed two all right we're good to go oh there's still one life hey look I've got 35 points too time for some upgrades is Mike just this mouse on this I'm sorry about that I don't know how long that's been but I get an electrified blade now that's probably a big waste of money but I don't care it sounded fun and dibs on 10 of these that'll let me buy even more upgrades jetpack speed all right Mr Electric blade get him I didn't really do anything and don't don't do that again that is illegal okay I don't like this ah I got it cut yes yes this is amazing ah we bolted off the ground oh poop nuggets couple games nope nailed it oh to our mouth oh no another one yeah everything's dead I killed them all by myself oh what did I find here is this the beginning of the end no I don't have all the upgrades yet but with all of this iron I should be able to get it pretty soon hot diggity dog is there a lot of iron here where was all this iron when I was first starting all right so I can buy a fast dab and then like the javelin I don't know what this does but it sounds fun okay ready and Yeet oh what did it do oh that was fun do it again pretty good set and Fire get wrecked nice nice oh I can't reflect two oh little tiny creature ready and yate oh that's exciting do it again oh my goodness the electrified blade for the win okay that was cool I'm still taking a lot of damage but I'm cutting them faster Get Wrecked oh okay there's still like four of them in here let's uh fire the missiles oh missed I'm gonna lose get ready there's still one I can see its shadow are you ready to die yeah I did [Laughter] how much deeper does this thing go hot dang this is a deep map there's no more light down here did we change color again from like blue to like dark purple or something I feel like we did change color I can't tell though because I had eye surgery like two days ago oh okay founder Relic was not expecting this but I'm I'm welcoming it it's gonna kind of bulldoze my way through I mean what could this be I don't even know I guess we could get a stun laser or something all the teleporter prospecting I don't think that one I don't like that one let's get the teleporter I mean I kind of already have a teleporter I can't accidentally place that one there then I'll just drop this one down in the bottom of this mine shaft yeah right there change colors I knew it did oh we can do one water to three that's kind of cool I just like making iron into iron though oh no usually not pass again Get Wrecked I missed it you also shall not pass Ready Get Set Fire the missiles oh that is so satisfying no add and then fire oh my goodness I just like decapitated every one of them No Bad Monkey thing no Bad Monkey Bad Monkey I said bad ouch I'm dying it's illegal I can't do that no are they dead not you you will be shortly though Get Wrecked all right give me some more fun upgrades I could drill increase I could carry more speeds kind of fun what else could I do over here all right let's get our sword worked on we're going for the reflection tree this time I still have 10 left so we get accelerator reflection and then it will get explosive reflection next time so I should be able to teleport down and keep mining for luscious loot luscious luscious luscious loot oh my sweet Jerkins that's awesome and there's a butt load over here too what kind of the lucky day did I get all right friendos oh no I didn't want to mind that out there's a few iron here it's kind of fun okay we're gonna go down and hopefully I can teleport back up yeah it also might be a wise idea to buy a few more orbs just like I don't know we'll get 10 of them should be good and now we have mega sword up here it's bad that's so much fun oh no fine I'll shoot you no no I'll shoot you instead oh you know what I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna shoot these guys oh my goodness get electrocuted nope bad bad monkey thing all right here we go cut and cut and cut beautiful oh there's one more get out of turret you gotta defend the right flank I got the left nope you're not doing the work right now dude is that not fully upgraded machine gun oh my goodness some got through all right buddy as soon as you poke your ugly face up I'm gonna break it I feel like I might need to repair oh is that just Cobalt I don't really understand what that was maybe I just got free Cobalt and I have a lot of cobalt I mean I got an absolute butt ton of it here why is there so much Cobalt in water okay nope oh shoot all right whatever I don't care got it open flyer bye add flyer oh my goodness all right you know what hold up we need to repair real quick fast in a hurry let's do a little bit of that and a little bit of that and then we'll do a little bit of that and that cool that's better things are kind of getting spicy though oh I missed bad good dead stab that stab takes so long no it's bad all right fly back oh the reflection though and then cut good good good good are they cut nice all right we're good we're good no we're not oh that one got through everything's fine though it didn't do much damage let's get it perfect and then oh no no no no I shot though buddy proud of you all right come on the ground oh there's two of them there that's why there was so much damage from that side nice I'm not gonna lie I really really wanted to buy the uh drill upgrade the 30 pointer but I didn't have enough money to do that hopefully somewhere in here we have another nice stretch of gigantic amounts of iron or more Cobalt oh a new friend has arrived all right I know these guys kind of reflect backwards oh okay shotgun mode oh it's so hard right whatever I don't know what I'm doing right now stab stab stab sleep cut nope oh we gotta move faster we're gonna get that stab 70 snap cut seven bullets this is kind of intense right now I don't know what I'm doing okay would you please kill it already do I have to do everything myself game yes okay oh that was fun like that come back here nice oh this thing's so powerful all right so the rock down here in the Cobalt color is super difficult except when you get into this oh can I find another Relic I did I can't afford to spend the time oh I'm gonna grab these though maybe not okay wow so I'm gonna drop these off right here and then go whoop all the way back to the surface easy peasy lemon squeezy mcsweezy stop it all right I gotta check if our auto turret is fully I knew it wasn't there we go that'll be a little better there you go big fella I knew you were oh balls let's kill this thing that's big in scary land all right there's a one of those things too all right oh yes get destroyed oh bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad everything's bad everything's not right good oh it's dead and fly away nice that was awesome all right we have a lot of good things happening down here I'm hoping I get like four more metal up top that'll take that teleporter back grab the mining upgrade and then I'll come back down here again it could work oh it takes forever to mine through the hot dang this is hard rock oh what is this though oh okay forgot about that also I forgot about this thing that we're just working on about 13 seconds ago Cowboy them YouTuber brains where I can't remember things that I literally just looked at you guys know what I'm talking about I don't though I forgot what I was saying okay what do we get a spire nice buyer I will also take you and I will take you because I can afford you now I can go wee there we go we it worked and we go zoom and then we go okay it's still hard but it's softer than it was before can I get any like basic upgrades for the Spire burst fire what was the thing I wanted to try I totally just caught my foot on my headphone cable that was awkward all right I'd like to make it automated yeah maybe not ground split split projectiles can go off in any direction that sounds fun it's fast split Catalyst strap we've tried that and then there's the monster trap I think I'm gonna go for this tier right here the ground split which means I can do short burst or sustained fire let's do that one and then this one yeah and then we'll go for the ground split if I had more resources it's charging okay you know what I'm gonna trust it it worked it worked again I really don't like these things though I gotta hit it with three huh okay we'll just reflect them oh wow it's reflecting it back into me that spire's terrible right now oh good headshot oh it's reflecting it back at it cool yep yep yep reflected back at it painful we took a lot of damage that time look at this big pile of iron wow it's the amount of iron that we're getting here this is cool all right we're gonna grab up these ones at this end and then I'm just gonna pull everything like leave one behind pull everything like a train it's gonna work it's gonna work choo choo I mean funny drilbert was here he'd be so proud of me right now he's got an achievement called my good mule I think that oh nice we found the end thing I think that might mean that we carried up so many blocks of iron all right so I did the smart thing and I put in the teleporter right at the bottom here that was perfect look how smart I am good job team I'm so good at my this game all right ready get set and I don't want to use that on those things especially when minigun man's like having the work right now we'll use it on this side instead then these three they don't even know what's gonna happen to him I got erased all right ready to get set I'll come down to the side because I feel like they're doing all right just kidding I'll come right here and go I'll do what I do best happen and stab and dead oh my goodness and dead oh yes that was beautiful the stuff still takes eight hits with the most upgraded drill possible it is so hard oh I can buy one for 40. I didn't know that was a thing was this one 30. that's like double well that's kind of cool I'm excited about that I also think it might be a good idea to get some strength in my shield going on so we're gonna do that instead and I can get that fast split or which one I wanted the ground split there we go oh I can get this one too neat can I get this one too yeah oh sweet baby Jerkins I can buy a lot of things all right little Spire you have fun you shall not pass that was good satisfying the sound effects in this game though there's something else our Dome is becoming super overpowered except when these things show up and I have a feeling that thing's gonna get obliterated yeah I knew it yeah nothing's gonna show up beautiful oh there's something here really stop it ow bro cephas why have you done this to me I would have my Dundee oh stop it everyone is so mean to me what have I ever done to your planet and your kind except for this guy right here he deserves it get wrecked thank you also broke again it makes me sad in my heart this is bad news I think I've hit the bottom of the world I did this is the bottom this is the end oh it's not there's more there's Brown down here there's just more iron yes I'm just like an eight-year-old with a ten dollar bills like what kind of Legos can I buy today and then we're gonna go to the grocery store and look at every single Lego and I'm gonna be like why are there Legos at the grocery store also a little bit of a tangent I apologize oh that's cool yes yes give me two of these one two got him we're gonna bring you in here now we can see better we should be able to in just a second or so thank you thank you grab it yes okay I like that one that's a fun upgrade so now I don't have to dig too wide everywhere even though it's at the bottom of the map and it doesn't really matter anymore it just makes it a lot easier to get the treasure yep just like that also makes it even more painful that I have to dig through the super hard rock that was 14. took 14 hits to make that go through wow this rock is insane okay you know what drop the teleporter we're gonna fly back up go into the regular teleporter and go back to the surface that was easy I have just enough time to grab this and then fly it up here and then uh cry because there's bad guys coming nice well done okay we got to take out this thing over here oh screamer another screamer oh the screamer got obliterated that was cool I missed all right I don't like this another screamer awesome all right we got power ups stop firing for a second please all right everything's good if I just sit right here do they just jump into the electrified saw blade and die they do a bunch of morons did I forget about the something over here oh I just couldn't see it nice all right that's one of the other uh controls for the Mega structure neat we'll turn that on oh wow we got another layer down here it's just an onion we're just peeling off onions like Trek would say peeling off layers right I can't Trek right now 17 18 19 20. 20. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 3 to 45 to six to seven twenty twenty seven that's counting with blitz At Your Service hot dang that iron is hard you know what that means we just need to get the uh the ink that wow there's so much of it there though we just have to buy this one right here wait what did that go up to 80 we can keep going stronger that's why oh look at the the drill strength it doubled again I'm so excited to blast something in the face uh screecher all right that's kind of cool just get them buddy that auto Cannon's amazing best upgrade in this game by far you shoot those guys I'll shoot this guy and then I'll hit this thing and I'll shoot that guy again nice that was an easy round I think might have been a hard round oh no my auto turret ran out of gas No it didn't Get Ready Get Set Fire all right let's see how it does now from 28 was it 8 9 10 11 12 okay yeah it have to interesting too there's still a tendril coming down right above my head that means there's another plug-in somewhere we have to unlock It's gotta be down here in this dark blue again there it is I knew I'd find it hoping there's some treasure down here too though that's not really what I like to call treasure but I'll take free water Kitty stop scratching that you're gonna break it and then we're gonna die all right the Dome is fully healed up we gotta get this guy dead easy oh there's two of them easy dad up cut it nice I think I actually killed him awesome all right so the fully upgraded sword is pretty impressive I I say so myself oh Bridge creature did I kill it I think it might have stabbed the Dome took out my full shield oh no I don't like these things yell it out out out out okay everything's good bad Spire you're not doing the work today all right so explosive reflection sounds exciting and I was kind of wanting to level up these two so I mean they're all kind of the same price so Electro blast creates a deadly fight Field Effect around your Dome you don't really need that but the reflection is kind of cool because we are having a lot of issues with things not being reflected properly all right little dummy Dome do your reflecting thing it's these things I'm most concerned about there you go I might be able to oh shoot where did you come from stop that that's annoying you're illegal all right and reflect all right I don't know if it worked or not maybe I have to do it manually I forget what button that is shoot to forget what button that is nope it's definitely an IQ that was weird all right well that was fun oh reflection F there we go you know what totally forgot about something we have our Little Flower somewhere our little tree where did you go little tree where are you um there it is and it was making Cobalt and water but nothing else I think we also oh forgot there's a mushroom up here too hey little little mushroom we're gonna develop you uh yeah so I think that might be all the iron on the map I think I mind everything up everything's gone every one of them even the women iron and that doesn't make sense but it's a Star Wars meme so you have to meme when you can meme right oh there could be some iron over here this is fresh Terrain nope just more water that's what I need only have 22 of them hiding in my reservoir oh there we go hello there General Kenobi again I feel like I've made that oh my sweet baby baby deal this is good a lot of iron here all right whatever this way hello Cobalt two nice of you to drop by I can go so fast in mushrooms wow that's actually a long way down there I should have dropped uh my fake little teleporter oh well oh I found another one in this deep tunnel shaft like thing it's actually a lot over here uh how do I get back to the main area though besides going up and over I don't think this connects over here anyway oh there's another one yeah I don't think it actually connects wow so there's this like secret area over here that's iron rich I gotta fly back this is good can I buy any more upgrades that are fun and exciting I mean the ability to haul things is nice I don't feel like I need the aim line but I mean it's three so I'm gonna buy it anyway I almost have all of the upgrades which is super cool um overcharge over Shield over I don't want that but I have to buy it if I'm gonna get all the upgrades we have all of those upgrades this one just keeps getting bigger and bigger and then we have uh the teleporter and the orbs that doesn't work and I'm not gonna buy that one because I don't need it I also don't need these so I'm very close to having all of the upgrades that we can get I just I guess I need to buy these then overcharge ability Shield strength and then this this I can't afford it all right that is kind of helpful not gonna lie it's so helpful good job dude oh I didn't see you coming over here I'm gonna aim at your face and then shoot you in the face and the name of your face shoot you in the face nice and then aim at your faces and shoot you in the faces and then aim at your face and shoot you in the face too nailed it oh we got a charge creep attack Boop nice and then you guys are gonna die Oh shoot that's a big scary dude big scary fella he's gonna go down before he can fire me good gotta hit gotta hit gotta hit gotta hit gotta hit gotta hit gotta hit nice it's dead oh there we go we're just gonna reflect it back easy peasy lemon squeezy why is there so much iron over here though like for real talk why is there so much as cool I like it because we're gonna buy all the upgrades all right there's an insane amount down here too this is fantastic and even other surprises hello kobold how are you today all right Shield is Max we have the overcharged Billy duration all the way up we have the machine gun fully charged up we have the uh Spire fully and I mean I could do these do I really have enough yet we'll see if there's enough iron to Crunch it all the way up all right we cleaned up everything in here I am pretty sure that's the last iron on the entire map so I'm going to make sure all of these things are turned on there it is I didn't turn this one on I guess okay we have power running down excellent oh is it on now oh it is nice okay so we have all four of them turned on now all right let's see what we can get for upgrades I mean I can buy this but it's just gonna keep getting worse and worse so I'm not gonna do that I want to get all of the upgrades for I guess this thing done so I don't really want to teleport resources we're going to do it anyway I can get all of these yep and that one cool teleporters all the way this continues growing so that doesn't matter at all I can buy that one and that one and that one good we have all of those completed all right so I need like I don't know how many this is 6 10 16 22 and then 22 and we should have all the upgrades I mean I can get the cycle counter actually I can't but my boy the water tree will give us some water and I literally have no idea where else to even look for resources I think I have everything this corner has been mined out bottom corner has been mined out the entire side over here is mined out that's everything my friends we've mined literally every single resource on the huge map so I guess the only thing left to do is to grab the ancient Relic bring it back up to the surface if I can find it again there it is I'm just gonna go around I'm too lazy to dig stop digging I said I'm too lazy fine just you know what grab it I have literally every single upgrade in the game right now actually I don't I have nearly every upgrade in the game but if I wait just a half a second this map was huge too by the way just a giant of a map takes forever to get up to the top all right we're gonna let this thing Just Vibe right here and this thing should be ready by the end of today's cycle if I can do that then I can buy the rest of the upgrades in kitty cat's gonna be proud of me that lives too oh I forgot about that I could overcharge your Shield huh I should have waited there we go that's what I'm looking for though let's go for the remaining upgrades do I don't care about these these aren't really upgrades in my opinion these are just kind of dumb I also don't count these because I don't use those and that one continues going and growing and growing those are good all right so we have Cobalt conversion I mean these we're not going to use these either but you know what for the sake of completions we're gonna complete it and I want to see here what I can do so I can make five to one water oh one Cobalt at 12 over 0.3 Cycles ah dang we're gonna make so much money I just have to fight off another wave oh this was actually bad they're kind of nasty today all right cut cut and then stab stab stab good oh all right uh I thought you were the end game Boss the game doesn't like me right now we're on reflection mode all right gonna kill this thing gotta kill that thing gotta kill that thing gotta get that thing gotta kill this thing all right it's not so bad nice they're dead all right reflect and reflect your dad and uh you're dead nice all right that was excellent please just finish I'm also hoping that our water tree produced water juice for us today overnight during the cycle Come On Come On Water Tree yes where'd that Relic go though okay it's hiding just vibing nice this thing just finished all right um one to twelve over a half a cycle this time all right whatever so I can afford this one which is good those are all those upgrades this one doesn't matter I can never Max that out all of those are good that one doesn't matter because I can never Max it and then we have 12 and the 16 and 50. then we have a couple things in here I mean the auto repair I mean whatever I don't really care exit route I guess we have to because we're gonna buy all of the upgrades we have to buy all the upgrades and it's so fast okay we got 12 more coming up hot we're gonna turn this back over can two to one water interesting I really like this one better this is wave number 42 by the way it's getting kind of dangerous around these parts you know what on second thought this isn't so dangerous they're just a bunch of monkeys that want to stab me all right right you're dead Okay these guys kind of suck though not gonna lie I don't really like them not a huge fan of them but there's not many other flyers so it makes this fire kind of easy mode also we have the reflection which is super good nice somehow that worked flawlessly I don't think I took damage now I just have to go wait for my water tree to give me one water you know the rules just patiently mine everything out on the map until they get one water from it that's Cobalt that's not water okay 12 13 14 15 16. upgrades all right that should be the last upgrade all of these are good to go except for this one we need one water for that and this one just keeps getting stronger and stronger I don't know if going to 50 is gonna stop it but it does have like the recycle button on the side which makes me think it just keeps going like this one does and this one does and that one does there we go water is alive get up in here get that last sneaky upgrade we bought literally every single upgrade I could um does that mean I can I overcharge this that's the real question no it needs another water Ah that's fine I don't care come on up buddy we have science to explore and by science I mean killing literally every single thing on the map yeah I get stabbed in junk all right we gotta be especially careful to kill things quick like you and you and reflection mode immediately on stab it in the face stab in the face good good nope not allowed oh it broke through my shield don't like that kill everything dead kill the little ones nope not allowed ow bro what did I do to you oh shoot yeah we got reflection on I just gotta stab him all right ready nice hit good good good all right bad no Packer what happened there I don't know what that was reflection Mode's on again oh there it is knew you'd be coming I was waiting for you all right everything's good we shouldn't need to re-heel uh my reflection is maxed out not cool not cool all right but if I reflect things does it do extra work that's the real question stop it get everything stabbed oh I didn't realize there was even one over here my auto turret was supposed to be doing the work all right we might need to heal we might need to heal my reflection is not recharging come on kill Good Hits Good Hits okay you know what uh upgrades Let's uh heal everything I don't trust the auto repair to auto repair oh my sweet baby this is not good there are so many bad guys here wow my Dome is getting so wrecked oh I missed that no bad no bad die I killed it I killed it good it's dead all right I mean I can repair again let's do that real quick I think I did it I think everything died thank you wow two and a half hours of awesome right there hopefully that's a long video for you guys 577 resources mind Map size huge and 638 monsters killed that was a ton of fun hope you enjoyed our adventure and don't keep your day if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd like to thank this month's channel members and patreon supporters including autote Ben Dickie J Teddy hippius Destructo man General Harris Trent m Joe B codino sarna Maxwell BC engineer Whip It Goods cars Spencer T whiskey sweater sex Doug rules skunk chess Corian Rob the king bread 8830 Dalton C Aurora to Kennedy Grayson monkey Kyle V Zane W Mr one Peyton plays dragon gunjam and Jonas DC
Channel: Blitz
Views: 690,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits
Id: EX_xw-tnR20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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