I Upgraded Weapons Until I BROKE Reality

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well this will be exciting I've got this little shooty boy right here and if I go then I start flying the farther I fly the more money I get and that was an absolute terrible start but at least they got 39 and then I can use that 39 money to get any upgrades but I couldn't do that and there's a ton of other weapons in here as well including this rainbow gun that's legendary and I really want it so I guess I do what I do best and that is traveling good distances hey that one actually worked pretty good 64 meters and that'll allow me to buy another bullet so I can go even farther oh yeah this is the way we go okay okay and nice nice a new record I'm I'm liking this and now I can buy even bigger bullet power and more bullet power makes the pew pew go even farther come on oh yeah there's a good spin a little bit of a jump and new record and haunting plus I have one more left that was exciting and 109 meters gives me 109 money and 109 money allows me to buy something else let's get another bullet why not not see this is working very good okay a new record yet again and now I'm starting to get a lot of upgrades so I'm hoping this is the one where we get up to a hundred percent and oh that was actually not a great start but we're gonna do a bounce oh no oh balls that was terrible I didn't even make it 100 did you see that that was an ammo box maybe I'll get the ammo box this time okay ready get set and go this is working very nicely we got some good speed yes new high score almost had the ammo box and another high score yes back to back good ones so I'll get a little more bullet power and everything is going according to plan see what I mean everything is doing gloriously well oh except I hit a dumb little bump there okay okay okay I knew it would work a new gun that one that was actually really nice 551 meters and then I'll torture Myself by watching ads so I got double the money double the money is double the fun and I can buy both of these again also that allows me to get this Outlaw Gun which is kind of strange because it's a six shooter and it can hold 10 bullets something is broken here and it's not gonna be me okay ready get set go oh this is working nicely am I gonna get another oh oh oh no okay Pilot's good a good bounce good good velocity there's a new high score back to back can I get oh we hit an ammo box beautiful okay get up get up get up get up get up get up here yes a back-to-back new guns that was incredible I'm also gonna watch the ad yet again so I can have two thousand money and I don't even know what this is okay can I can I can I skip it just wanna Just Wanna skip it right now get in I just wanted I mean I don't care about the soybean Growers just let me skip the ad and get double the money here thank you Game I appreciate you ooh the alien gun it's basic but let's get some upgrades first let's do I mean I can afford everything how about some first shot power we've been neglecting that in ammo boxes let's do some back-to-back flying ooh okay alien gun shoots laser beams which one might expect from an alien gun except aliens are they real I don't know I'm gonna wear my tinfoil hat so they don't get my brain power if there was any to get [Music] okay we're not We're not gonna get a new high score we might get a new high score new high score it's a good boost okay 65 6 7 66 of the way there what happens if you go out of the screen I'm not exactly sure about that but fly me really high that was a bad shot okay I still have four remaining so I gotta do this properly those are really good plus I got an ammo box nice nice nice nice I'm out out okay new high score oh and a terrible bounce oh that's devastating not as devastating as my brain cells after watching all of these stupid ads but at least I got 2 700 monies from that more bullets more bullet power and everything is good to go in the world alright little alien gun this is the one where we go to orbit you're going back to your alien kind okay things are going well we have Six Bullets oh we had such a bad one there a bad bounce we can't bounce maybe that's the problem we're just gonna try to get as far into the air as possible yeah yeah yeah yeah come on get a good bounce yeah we're going into space hey 69 come on keep going on another terrible bounce but this one my friends this is the one where we go to Spur I just need to get as much speed as humanly possible using alien how am I not getting a single one of those crates oh oh that's good I've got two bullets yet I can't see what's happening right now there's a new high score and Yeet oh come on there we go there we go 99 100 yes a new gun it looks like a bubbler so let's unlock the new pew pew water gun it's basic but I get 15 that and oh it makes fun sounds I like it when things make fun sounds it seems to be so oh you know what I should just end the run I was gonna say it seems to be so good and like efficient and you know it just kind of sucks when you can't figure out how to use it properly but thankfully I have 4 700 money so I can go clickity clickity click click and now my friends this is how we do it around here good nine okay do I just like spam all of the buttons at once and try to get as high and as fast as absolutely humanly possible I think the answer sure to that is yes and the evidence is right here I can't even see the gun and it's 1600 oh there it is oh I didn't oh did you hear that like my Midwestern is slipping today ready and I got two left there's a new high score nice one more one more okay good bounce good bounce and 86 of the way there that's unfortunate that we got stuck on that little clip but I'm feeling confident with this run we are getting some significant speed going so much that the game is lagging out making it very difficult to figure out what's actually happening hot day we went into orbit oh is that a Nintendo zapper totally just unlocked a Nintendo zapper and this is we are still flying so fast right now I have no idea what my old high score was but I just passed 7 000 meters coming to a rest at 76-73 and we get this stupid ad again but at least with an ad I get to double the amount of money I got so I mean we can buy all sorts of fun things here I just want to go shopping my inner middle schooler is excited I did and we get the zapper gun too all right all right little zapper we're gonna test you out just stabilize the frame rate because we're gonna break it again Ready Get Set Fire oh that makes fun sounds too wow this thing's got a lot of power we just have to do it right oh I did it wrong we have to get that speed going we got the speed we have the technology with the old you know CRT TVs oh okay good bounce we got lots of speed we're hitting a couple ammo boxes gotten a good tumble we still have five bullets remaining that was a bad shot but I'll blame it on uh leg Yeah because that's what oh my word turn this stupid gun around dude there it is okay okay that's it that's all I have that was really really really poor but not as poor as 60 because that one up entirely but I'm not gonna mess this one up oh no says I we are not messing this up we are gonna go for the highest score ever we're gonna break through you know what scratch that this one sucks too why would you just treat there we go there we go there we go you're treating me nice this time we're not lagging we're getting so much speed and so much altitude I still have seven bullets remaining and this is gonna be the best run I've Done Yet promise just kidding I don't promise but I feel I'm feeling very confident at her abilities here oh there we go hey we're in green zone I don't know if I've seen that before because we might have just passed over it entirely I still have seven bullets remaining and we made it to the new gun is that a Nerf gun okay you know what I kind of just want to go backwards yeah we made it to 7 000 before because I want the new gun like we gotta get the old the Armstrong why is it called an Armstrong should be called the Nerf gun maybe it's a brand of I don't really know all my Nerf guns why does it make the same laser sound it's Nerf it's supposed to thud and then your cry noise because your brother hits you right in the places where Brothers aren't supposed to hit oh I hit a really bad bump No 3 000 meters was that a Flintlock why is it I guess that is more powerful than a Nerf gun I guess I'll grab another bullet and maybe some more ammo let's get more shot power and we're gonna we're gonna take this one really good ready this is perfect this is exactly what we need beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful look at that speed going we're doing so well I've got good timing down we're getting a couple ammo boxes oh yes this is good I'm just gonna use all of my shots right now to get as much speed as I can and then I don't know what just happened but I unlocked a new gun and I broke the game we just passed 10 000 meters coming close to 20 000. I don't know what happened but I have a new high score a few moments later all right passing 40 000 and I really just don't know what's happening anymore but the good news is I forced the game to quit I didn't get the money but I did unlock the new gun so that's going for us we just have to be a little more careful with Mr Flintlock here why does it sound like a shotgun reloading game what are you doing you're stupid all right I am out of bullets I don't think I'm gonna make it to the next record but I still got pretty good it's nice you know what I mean I'm hoping that we can unlock the next gun with this one 95 96 97 98.99 yes we did it looks like we have uh a wood plated Uzi or something strange is this one automatic it needs to be it's not automatic but that's fine that has serious power to go up in the air okay I'm liking it I'm liking it I'm liking it and I am absolutely flying yet again I'm getting so close so close hidden Apple box hit an ammo come on 99 100. oh yes the Halo gun oh we're in the rainbow world too so the Halo gun looks like a Halo pistol with a red dot sight on it I'm guessing I don't know if I'm gonna have a good run oh it's doing pretty good we're getting some serious speed oh okay I don't want to get too low I don't want to be too high either because I don't pick up the loot boxes but I still do have seven bullets remaining yo that's really really high oh wow I had seven bullets and it just heated itself backwards okay 96 7 8 9 100 good unlocked whatever that thing is and I have two bullets but I don't care oh no I did the thing again I did the thing where the game broke I yielded myself into the planet but I am Soaker on the first attempt and this thing's awesome brings me back to the 90s yes please I'm just trying to do that thing where I break the game again by going way too fast oh I just broke my new high score please keep going please keep going you're not making it too where I need you to be that sucks got a good feeling about this one 84 I've got two bullets passing 8 000 meters we're slowing down a little but there's my new high score minus the broken ones come on come on no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you're not gonna make it no 92 that makes me sad inside of my heart but at least I got this soybean ad again I accidentally did the thing I didn't know I did the thing but I got an old golden AK now I mean I kind of want to continue because the game didn't break this time and I just really want a lot of money because money is good and I can buy more upgrades and more upgrades I buy the more I can buy more upgrades if that makes any sense a beautiful solid oh wow I have one more bullet left 19 000 feet that's pretty cool and that gives me a cool 48 000 money which allows me to buy bullets and all sorts of fun things and getting a new gun which is that wonderful beautiful warlord now I'm hoping I can do this one on the first attempt so I don't have to sit here for the next 30 minutes breaking my brain cells by shooting this gun into the sky because that's what you do in this game and I just eated myself into space again alright so that's a pretty good first run with this gun it's gonna depend on how many ammo boxes I can pick up in this next couple bounces one another two can I have like two or three ammo boxes please I can get there if I get to or never mind you suck AKA I hate you so let's just buy some more ammo boxes and more first shot power because I want to be broke right now I think I did it I think I might do it come on 97 98 99 just the new one is unlocked again what is that it looks terrifying like a T-Rex it's a MIB gun does that is that like Men In Black the 90s movie maybe I don't remember this I don't know what it is you guys will have to tell me in the comments because I'm incompetent and I don't know anything about pop culture and I'm also really bad at shooting this gun so we're just gonna restart Ready Get Set Fire okay this is good this is good we just want to go right we just need right more right is better than left I have 14 bullets left we've already gone into orbit so this is a good sign this is a really good sign or you know we just hit a really bad Rock and stop all progress oh my word is this bad maybe we still got it maybe we still got it I just need to eat myself as hard as possible and then we can make it after I pick up every single loot box in existence there's no way I'm gonna go another 6 000 meters yeah nope that sucked but at least I can buy another bullet but this is the one this is the one the Champions are made out of you better get there to 99 come on come on come on I'm gonna be so mad oh okay okay 100 you made it did I it seriously didn't even unlock it a hundred percent oh my life is so sad right now I just wanted an epic gun hey but I got it this time and I'm still flying through the air for a sweet 13 000 meters for a nice cool forty nine thousand dollars give me more bullet power and give me that sweet epic gun we're going I don't even know what franchise this is from but you know what I'm gonna use it to fly to space we're doing this in a one shot I only have oh oh pizza's gonna be here in like five minutes and I have to make this to the proper location so I can go eat my pizza okay and then yes yes yes oh my goodness yes I did it I broke the game again unfortunately I don't get any of those credits but I did unlock the new game so I can just you know end the app and then reload it to get the beautiful little gun that's an epic shotgun oh Gloria shotgun we're gonna do the same thing we did last time because Han Solo's blasters next and yeet okay it actually sounds like a shotgun unlike most weapons in this game that's not gonna make it to space maybe it is maybe it is maybe it is okay it was so close to Breaking the game again but unfortunately it's like a sub 10 000 meter run which doesn't sound like a bad thing just when we started like going 45 feet but yeah that sucks right now come on yes I did it again I figured out the glitch in The Matrix yay new gun and a solo gun all right Han are you gonna shoot first or are you gonna just let this cheat wow okay we went to space right away I still have 17 bullets left and we're getting a ton of ammo crates this is good this is good looks like the game broke again I'm absolutely destroying reality right now and unlocked a new gun is that from um Gears of War that's totally a Gears of War gun yes only one left oh that thing looks cool let's do this buddy let's do this are you ready we're going to space oh wow that thing is actually gigantic nonetheless okay I shot it straight up into orbit that's not what I wanted to do this is what I want to do yeah yeah yeah faster higher stronger better breaking reality and I only made it halfway there I am Living on a Prayer and that gun's like I'm out of here all right gears you gotta be good to me you gotta be good to me we gotta get the highest score ever oh I know I've already made a 40 000 just with the sheer stupidity of breaking reality but nah I'm gonna make it better this time or not that's totally fine too you suck on your gear nope really well it happened it happened I broke reality again and uh we should be able to unlock the rainbow gun now I don't think that this is the way the game is meant to be played but I'm totally in for it here it is right down here the rainbow gun it's legendary and there's a picture oh sweetness I want that in my life like not just in the game like in real life it's got a heart tag on it like who doesn't want a rainbow gun and it's a laser it shoots lasers oh that's rainbow lasers okay I'm all in it oh look at how fast it goes hot dang is this thing sweet look at that speed we're at ridiculously we just broke reality again okay the game is lagging and moving so fast I don't even know what's happening more speed increase it past the high score I think that's the high score thing I don't really know at this point I'm gonna go for a hundred thousand to see if anything happens thirty thousand fifty thousand sixty four thousand two hundred ninety three seventy five thousand and I just gotta notice that the pizza man is at the door 90 000. we're gonna pass a hundred thousand and I'm the pizza man thank you pizza man and thank you for a hundred thousand so that my friends will do it for gun spin hope you enjoy enjoyed the video if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd like to thank this month's channel members and patreon supporters including autote Ben Dickie Jay titty hippius Destructo man General Harris Trent m Joe B codino sarna maxerrell BC engineer with it good so cars Spencer T whiskey splatter sex Doug rules skunk chest Corian Rob the king bread 8 30. to Kennedy Grayson monkey Kyle V Zane W Mr one Peyton plays dragon gunjam and Jonas DC
Channel: Blitz
Views: 550,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, GUNSPIN, gun spin, gunspinning, gunspin game, gun spin game, gunspin gameplay, gun spin gameplay, gunspin speedrun, gunspin blitz, blitz gunspin
Id: XMyvsyaQnNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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