I Made $3406983420 Crushing ROCKS

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so here we're going to make tons of money by crushing up rocks a whole lot of rocks and we can crush them Faster by upgrading the speed here and gain some power so the gears actually continue to turn and as we Crush rocks we gain level up points and then once we level up we unlock new rocks which I'm not sure what this is but it's worth 200 monies and there's one right there already we can just crush this up ourselves although it gets very confusing because of the physics so I think we'll just let the crusher do its thing we're also completing objectives for even more money that's 1,000 money right there which we can also use to increase the ore quality and upgrade the tooth size which apparently these teeth are 11 M big how big are these rocks big enough for me to get rich I guess and we have another level up o this one just gave $300 straight up nice and another 300 from buying enough upgrades and I think this more expensive ore is a little tougher wao there's a crystal that's what the ore quality increase did gave it 1% chance for a crystal get that broken up right away because I can do that by hand at least oh that's so much money right there so there's a level up a new ore there which is worth 450 I like it and we get 13,000 from this so let's get more crystals going through here and wo okay you see how much the gears are jamming up going to need a bit more power there like a lot more power and we immediately get $3,000 back and 500 from crushing objects use a boost but I don't have boosts although boosts do mean more money so let's do it so that'll go for for 5 minutes and I'm guessing it's boosting the amount of money that we get look at that we're up to 4,000 already so we get more or quality increase I could probably upgrade some of these other things but more crystals means more immediate money and we should also increase the speed too which it looks like we can adjust I'm not sure I really want to at least we get another level up for more money and this gearbox upgrade is actually locked behind a level requirement so I wonder what this does oh man those gears really jam up need more power there we go crystals give us so much money and level UPS woo this sword is worth a thousand need some of those please hey there's one right there question is how tough are they here they're about to reach the middle okay the small ones are fine oh the big ones are really tough but that's making so much money for us too that could also be because the Boost is going but I'll take it and we can increase the tooth size again I think I saw it increase a little bit it wasn't much but at least the power of the gears is keeping up with the red ores now and we have have another level up for 1 and 12,000 Easy Money the fact that we're already getting thousands a lot of games like this you usually have to wait like 15 minutes to get there but after 5 minutes we get $20,000 I like that what can I do with this I can make a nuclear bomb I mean I kind of have to at that point so every 45 seconds a nuke goes off okay then ooh we got gold things 2,000 right there is the nuke something that I activate or will it do it on its own o that there's a is that the nuke oh that was the nuke look at all those little bits oh that's going to be so much money that is clogging up the screen so much and that Crystal and red ore are just bugging out there this is amazing 3,000 there 16,000 here so we could actually get more teeth on the gears that seems like a good idea and increasing gravity yeah sure and more RPMs a lot more RPMs there we go now we're cruising and we get another 10,000 monies there so we can get some more RPMs now we are really speeding through these crystals and there's another nuke already well that would go off if it gets caught in the gears I don't know the ore is just kind of jungling it around but it's going to go off on his own right now nope I guess it didn't I guess I have to activate myself ooh but at level 10 we get $5,000 of ore it looks like obsidian but I'm not too sure I've seen obsidian that's chocolate colored do not bite obsidian it's bad for you oh we actually have enough money now to upgrade the price per piece so okay so that's increasing the amount per nugget thing that we send down the line cool and here's level 11 so $7,000 and nice dollar there and what was the it was a gearbox that takes 70,000 to upgrade oh wait no no no no ah I missed that nuke I didn't see it so it goes away if you don't detonate it oh that's so annoying well at least we can increase the chance for more crystals and the level UPS just keep on going we have fossils that were grinding up here is that is that really what you're supposed to do with that well it's making me money so I guess so we've already got $130,000 so now we can actually upgrade the gear boox to okay there's a 2:1 coefficient there oh so it's making the grinding a lot easier and here's a nuke so less grinding for right now oh that is so many bits and that counted towards crushing objects very good this is so much money right here I need to activate a boost I need to do that again let's use a mega boost it doesn't last as long but we're getting more money and we're getting a lot more money from the 15,000 that this Quest gave us oh and we can actually upgrade the nuclear bomb so it takes less time to generate good and we'll get some more teeth and bigger teeth those teeth are looking pretty sizable now I like it and we're just making so much money from the tasks I made back all the money I just spent and there's new ores here looks like Amber first the dinosaur footprints and then the Amber going to open a theme park with all this and spare no expense oh the next gearbox upgrade is at level 21 I keep an eye on the upgrades then also even if there was a nuke I would not be able to see it right here this is really getting congested so that means we should probably increase the power here so that the ores Crush easier we're at 1.6 th000 megaw a little bit more we can go back to the future oo almost missed that nuke and there's 58,000 from buying all those upgrades a new Ruby looking thing that's worth 58,000 oh wow even the dinosaur footprints are getting crushed down to Rubble right away that is really good so the only thing that's really congesting it is the crystals and the crystals really like to impede on the other or's business oh and there's another nuke give me this yeah even the nuke leaves some crystals and other things but I guess that's true for everything here so it's it's working pretty well we should get nukes more often oh the next objective is earning all this money but if we use two boost then we get that much money there's also skins that we could get oh so these are Milestone based all right but the other thing that's going to help with crushing things faster is bigger speed so let's get a whole lot of speed going here 27 RP wait rmp revolutions make profit and the Crystal is still getting congested right there at least all the tiny little nuggets can get around it and we can get more gravity too does that mean things are going to clip through each other like these two are doing I should probably click through these because that's an objective to unlock a new skin even though it takes a lot of clicking and clicking the nuke is another thing so oh the nuke is blocking things hey at least if the nuke ends up right down there then I can see it better and we need to keep an eye on this level up because the experience doesn't carry over if we're late ooh it looks like I unlocked a skin was this for clicking on things already no it wasn't what was this one I don't remember but ooh looking fancy here it's like a blue umbrella core and is there another one already there is another one already oh I like this one better it's a lot more simple I'm still not happy with how long it takes to destroy the crystals let's get a bit more power here collecting a whole lot of money still so we can get more power with it and increasing the ore quality because more crystals more money there are so many ores now that are clipping through each other this is getting a little crazy oh there's another nuke give me you just an absolute Splurge of money this is amazing and you do need to keep clicking on things at least the clicking power seems just as powerful on everything else except for the crystals because of course the crystals trying to break down diamonds here oh and now it looks like we're getting space rocks going to buy a whole bunch of moon rocks crush them all together and turn them into a gel makes a great portal conductor and there's another nuk that was in the way of my clicks that's a good place to be this is just a waterfall of resources it is amazing I haven't even been paying attention to how much money I have 500,000 and it's all going to go towards the nuke which now costs a million to upgrade oh my goodness but that's fine by me more power almost 5,000 megaw will that get through the crystals faster I'll find out next time because I found a new oh my goodness look at what's happening there's so many resources down here some of them are being swept up on the side there wow that was way more than there usually is oh here we go I earned this much money and I make 1.7 million off of that that is beautiful and want to know what's going towards the nuke only takes 35 seconds to spawn now this thing is just going to look like an absolute buz saww when we're done here and look at all of those how do they get so like flattened is that from The increased gravity increase it more we started at Earth gravity and now we're up to 12 m/s squared which there's some science nerd out there that can equate that to a planet but now we're getting a lot more power a whole lot more power if this isn't crush a crystal right away I don't know what will it still isn't crushing them right away it's faster but it still isn't instant wow okay and the crazy things are happening up here have another nuke oh gosh that is killing the frame rate I love it and we can get the rmps tooth oh just below 30 but it's only going up by half I need to level up now I can get it to 30 there that extra speed with the power is going through the crystals a lot better so let's just keep getting more power 30,000 megaw and 2 million from upgrades whoa what is happening on the screen there things are really bugging out it's probably because the grinder is going through everything so fast there's a nuke give me you and then and all of that gets squished I can't get over how much that is being swept up on the sides like that there's orb pieces there getting caught inside of the grinder and then bigger teeth ooh we actually maxed out the tooth size to 20 hold up let's slow this thing down so we can actually like look at this there look at the size of those teeth and they are perfectly in line with each other too that is very satisfying but we are trying to make a fortune here so let's get this grinder back up to full speed and it's about time we activated another boost for a times five money increase perfect time for a nuke to show up this is going to be so much money and it really boosts the rate that we level up too just two more levels and we can get another gearbox coefficient but level 20 should give us yeah new ore this is looking like a proper Diamond now oh and another nuke right away just as they showed up nice we are making easy Millions here so let's get as much as we can before this boost Runs Out ooh actually this one's available Can I stack these I can stack them we're making times 10 money for the next 20 seconds oh yes and a nuke is right here perfect timing and we've actually been completing a lot of objectives so that's even more Millions enough to fund the nuke a few times is he maximum going to be 30 seconds I feel like the maximum is going to be 30 seconds and we are leveling up to level 21 with a 443,000 right there so just a little bit longer and collecting all of these and setting off the nuke we can get gearbox for 3 to one which it looks like has a huge effect on increasing the crushing power except when it comes to the crystals because of course ooh but now we have a new skin ooh this one wa this one is crazy looking I should just leave this up here and let y'all be hypnotized you will hit the Subscribe button all right that's starting to get hard to look at even for me we're going back to this and we're actually collecting money often enough that we can almost upgrade the nuke again hopefully all of this going through will will get us that much or you know we just get a new ore here with that much money but then we don't have the 9 million anymore what happened was there an upgrade button hiding behind the level up button I feel like that might have been the case well that's annoying anyway 5 million here now it doesn't matter increase the nuke ooh it can go less than 30 seconds that's exciting now with all these millions let's put it all into speed which looks like it did go down as we increase the coefficient so we'll just get that boosted up again and I regret purchasing the diamond upgrades cuz they'll still take so long to grind down at least we have nukes to make that easy for us and get an easy 4 million from objectives I love this so is 10 teeth the maximum no there can be more teeth and there's way more nukes already I can tell it's like I just saw a nuke and there's another one here already oh that is amazing so the cheapest thing to buy right now is more power so let's put all our money into that right now 374,000 megaw of power here what and of course the crystals still take a second to break down you know for the crystals having a 5% chance to show up there's quite a few of them here and I'm not too keen on it if they're not going to be destroyed right away and maybe it's about time we upgraded the price of these things so they're $100 a piece which immediately jumps to 239 million to upgrade at least there's a lot of them now thanks to nuclear technology it really feels like the gearbox upgrade is like a soft Prestige because it takes 10 levels to get there and it also slows down the gears slightly and really the only way to level up at a decent and paces to activate the nukes but we're here now so we're gain almost a million from that level and we have the power to upgrade our bomb again 27 seconds what I'm wondering though is are the crystals still the most expensive thing because we have unlocked quite a few ores here or they're all just visual things and I should be getting more crystals anyway which I could do there's enough nukes to detonate them all yeah let's put some money in for this so we have roughly a 10% chance and there's a nuke there blow up all these crystals thankfully the crystals aren't nuke proof so how much does the megawatts go up if I upgrade it again I'm going to say that was quite a bit because you know math is taking too long but if I do it again that was roughly like 60,000 increase I can be okay with that let's do it again and again and now we have a million megawatt of power which still is not instag giving the crystals and we're getting really close to this objective to unlock this skin and there it is I don't even know what this is supposed to be I'm not a fan of it oh and I only need to click a few more things and now I have this skin looking really retro there it's like I'm being warped through the bifrost but I still think that this is the best skin and no it's not just because it's a nuclear symbol ooh this is a shiny new ore plus 1.5 million there's so many millions I don't even know what to do with them all except upgrade the nuke you know what I should focus on other things we've given the nuke enough love for a lifetime okay 10% chance on the crystals that looks good more Millions here I'm hoping to get to the point where I can One-Shot the crystals but it's still as not the case they're there for like a solid almost a second can I get a billion megawatts I'm getting hey there's a billion five billion in fact and those crystals still aren't going down right away everything else is just breathing on the spikes and then they explode need more power more power 143 billion what are these crystals made of look at that look at how long they're on there that's like a full second oh and all these objectives take such a long time so we're just going to work on getting a Time 10 boost again we just need to wait for this ad to reload a Time 10 boost for the full 2 minutes even more power that's one and a half quadrillion megawatts I don't even know what the abbreviation is for that anymore or really what to compare that to to be honest but we're getting even more Millions from this so it's about time we put all that into the speed here which is still only costing a 100,000 or that increment 52 rmps that is going ludicrous speed speed here there's barely any ores on the screen it's going through them so fast oh that is amazing this top here used to be full and now it's just dropping down like five ores every second with some Crystals at least the crystals are going down way faster now finally even if it's not instant it's near instant unfortunately this is also making the nuke a little bit worthless because there isn't nearly as much on the screen now as there was unless I wait for the screen to fill up but everything's getting grinded up past the nuke that's filling up a little bit there but yeah the nuke doesn't have the kick get used to anymore I never thought I'd see the day but here we can get another 2 minutes for a Time 10 boost even if we're not anywhere near gain a billion money we're still making a nice amount and then some so if I upgrade the gravity will there be more things faster it really doesn't seem like it it's just pressing everything into the grinder better which is relevant at this point so more speed a whole lot more speed can we get to 100 rmps we're well on our way to that ooh and we got another skin this one looks like Cobblestone okay now that looks like a grinder inside a grinder oh and this one looks fun that actually does look kind of fun so there's really only one skin that we're missing and that requires being at level 30 oh and completing the tasks also increases the levels so that's why I've been getting through that so fast especially since the next gear coefficient requires level 31 and also because of all those tasks we have 290 million now I love this we're getting so close to 100 we're at 84 look at the speed of those things they are blurring together we're like a few steps away from that weird illusion thing where they're turning backwards so we just got to get more speed oh man I can't even imagine some of the other skins looking like this if you're photo sensitive this is the time to look away but I need to see what this looks like oh that one's not so bad what about this one though oh that is crazy it's like those weird hypnosis goggles from the '90s catalog logs or I guess they might have been even as far back as the' 70s something old like that oh yeah the spikes are already doing that thing where they're spinning fast enough it looks like they're in Reverse we're just a few increments away and there it is 100 RPMs which actually makes the illusion balance out that is ridiculous 100 rmps is a great spot for that to stay at I think and then we just get more power because you can always get more power a tool man taught me that and there's even more bits that are getting stuck in the thing too it's like starting to like Fruity Pebbles I feel like I need those boosts back just for the level up rate so we're going to do that oh there's another boost thing nice another level up and new ores surprisingly I thought we were done getting those there now the levels are going up a little faster but we just need to focus on completing objectives so more upgrades more power easily done and earning that much is done crushing objects fills up super fast especially if we nuke everything but now that's really filling up excellent oh look at that we have a billion monies from this grinding up absolutely everything and the crystals are near instant even more so that is really good especially since we have 10 quadrillion megawatts ooh we can get more teeth W that's really starting to make things look weird we have 15 teeth on each shaft now which really breaks the standing still illusion oh well I think I need to get more gravity too so things don't bounce around as much which it's kind of working it's a little hard to tell I feel bad I put all this money into the nuclear bomb and now it's not even worth it any anymore because there's nothing on the screen and what I'm wondering though is do the crystals drop in addition to the ores or as Replacements I think it's has Replacements so let's increase the chance for it all to be replaced even though those are really expensive so we can't really do that that much so we're leveling up a little bit quicker now but it has really slowed down even with the x 10 boost at least the objective is to use more boost and that one's almost a billion dollars to complete it at least this objective we don't have to wait very long increase the money there get enough another boost so now we're gting a billion for this or at least pretty close to it and of course the objective is gain a level which we are close to but it's going to take a while unless we increase the price I totally forgot about this upgrade here so we're getting 1,000 for every one of these pieces I think that's how that works it must be because the experience bar is filling up pretty steadily now even without the times two boost nice and I don't even know what this is like raw uranium or something either way that was the level so we get this objective ooh crushing object these go by so fast so we complete this and then complete this those go to level up splurge on upgrades getting quintilian megawatts but we are already halfway to level 31 so here let's just get more spikes because I can and now the illusion is back where they're going backwards but the arrows are still going forwards is now the question is are we going to get the money first or the level up first and it looks like we're getting the level up first so there we're level 31 25 million from that the last last skin that we were missing which woo all sorts of trippy stuff so the new gear coefficient is not as expensive as I thought it would be only 28 million but now that's at 4 to1 slows the gears down a little bit but that is some power behind there 4 to1 coefficient at 75 rmps let's just quickly scoot this back up to 100 because we have the money to do that and so that means this thing is technically spinning at 100 revolutions right I kind of forget how gear maths work but I think you guys get the idea of this little Crusher thing here so I hope you guys enjoyed the video thank you very much for watching and sub to intern and thanks to the channel members including bread Corby Farm Mr kle one Dakota donam Moto Devon X Lucas Matthew hateful haral Peggy Sue Drupal along TJ seriously sarcastic angel lily Bites The Miner within deg Sans Isaac Miguel and zero Fox
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 303,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz
Id: d2Cn3z_IIc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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